St. Andrew School March 2007 SACSC Parish News 2007 Father Paul’s Lenten Message Sunday Eucharist Saturday Vigil Mass: 5pm Sunday Masses: 9am & 11am (Children’s Liturgy of the Word) st Life Teen Mass: 6pm rd th (1 , 3 & 5 Sundays of the month – Children’s Liturgy of the World) St. Timothy Parish 42 Dawson Rd. Orangeville Father Paul Dobson 519.941.2424 Ext: 223 Lent, a season of the Church lasting forty days and forty nights helps us to identify with Jesus who spend forty days of fasting and prayer in the wilderness before beginning his public ministry at the age of thirty. We too prepare for the most important feast of the Church, Easter, by prayer, fasting (giving up food) and being generous towards others. If you were going to a great party, you wouldn’t have a full meal beforehand as you would leave no room for the feast awaiting you. So also with Easter: we prepare for it in our souls by prayer and in our bodies by fasting so that we can experience the “full flavor” of Easter, the feast of Jesus’ resurrection. This Lent, I invite you to the many events of the parish, most especially the Way of the Cross for the children on Friday March 30th at 6:30pm at the church. Whatever you to do or give up this Lent, do it with joy. Eucharistic Adoration & Stations of the Cross First Communion We shall have Eucharistic Adoration on the first Friday of March from 7:308:30pm to pray to the Lord as well we will have Stations of the Cross each Friday evening starting February 23rd through to March 30th at 7pm St. Andrew School Parish Representative The First Communion Retreats will be held March 3rd at 9-11am/1-3pm and March 4th at 1-3pm. First Communion Celebration Sign-up sheets will be posted at all masses March 10th & 11th, 17th & 18th and 24th & 25th. Way of the Cross for Children Come to St. Timothy’s with your families on March 30th at 6:30pm. Parish Reconciliation Service The parish reconciliation service will be held March 22nd at 7pm. There will be five confessors available. Get ready to make a good sacramental confession in order to receive the new life of Easter with open hearts. The Edge Ginette Atkinson God bless you in the days ahead. Calling all grade 6, 7 and 8’s! Come to St. Timothy Church Feb.23rd – Peer Pressure, March 9th Social – “Survivor” Games Night and March 23rd – Jesus & Prayer. Come join us for fun, friendship and faith. St. Andrew Catholic School Parish Summer Bible Camp St. Timothy Parish Summer Bible Camp will be held the week of July 9-13th 2007. This year’s theme is “Win the World for Jesus with focus on the Church. We need YOU…adult volunteers and teens to be leaders (starting grade 7 as of Sept. ’07). Register by paper no later than Friday June 1st. Registration forms for adults and leaders will be in the Bible Camp folder (wall pocket). Contact Lisa Patterson at 519-940-9142 or if you have any questions regarding bible camp or registration. 50 Meadow Dr., Orangeville Ont. L9W 4C8 SACSC St. Andrew School – Parish News Con’t Karol: The Pope, The Man Stations of the Cross Karol: The Pope, The Man is the second of a two-part mini-series that aired on CBC Television in Canada. The film has been screened by Poland and Mexico and made a powerful impression on the audiences in those countries. It is a remarkable portrait of the life of one of the greatest Popes the world has known. In paying tribute to the late Holy Father John Paul the II on the second anniversary of his death, the Catholic Youth Studio-KSM Inc. is organizing the first ever Canadian theatrical screening of the movie Karol: The Pope, The Man. The screening will take place at the Ontario Place IMAX Cinesphere in Toronto on Saturday March 31st 2007. Actor Piotr Adamczky who played Pope John Paul II in the film will attend the screening. For tickets and information please call Catholic Youth Studio-KSM inc. at 416-588-0555 or visit Visit And Play This is a play group for parents and tots with Jesus in mind. It is held Wednesday mornings from 9:30 – 11:00am at the Church. Join us for coffee, play and friendship. Page two MARCH Newsletter St. Andrew Catholic School 50 Meadow Dr., Orangeville Ont. L9W 4C8