Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School River Hawks Soaring to Success

Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School
River Hawks Soaring to Success
Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic
District Secondary School
10 Castle Oaks Crossing
Brampton, On. L6P 3A2
Mr. Lariviere
Ms. Burazin
Mr. Clarkin
Mrs. D’Agostino
Ms. Gillis
Lead Hand:
Mr. Mazzitelli
Trustee: Wards 7-10
Mr. McLauchlan
Parent Council
Chair: Mrs. Aidoo
Superintendent .
Mr. Vecchiarino
Rev. V. Papais
Rev. P. Day
Fall 2012 Newsletter
2 0 1 2
River Hawks Soaring to Success!
Welcome to Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School and a special welcome to those who
are new to our River Hawk Family. Cardinal Ambrozic is a “Culturally Proficient Catholic Professional Learning Community” committed to providing all our students with positive spiritual, academic and social experiences. We are blessed to be part of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board, Brampton North East Family of Schools, St. Patrick's and St. Marguerite
D’Youville Parishes and the dynamic City of Brampton.
Cardinal Ambrozic opened its doors September 8, 2009 and is home to just under 1300
diverse, full time grade 9-12 students and arguably the most innovative teaching faculty and
support staff in the province. We are located in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. Cardinal Ambrozic
is home to three programs: a traditional Academic/Applied/Locally Developed program, an Autism Spectrum Disorder program and a Planning for Independence Special Needs program. We
also offer Secondary High School Major programs in “Non-Profit” (social justice) and “Sports Industry”. We have a dynamic and technologically focused facility which enhances the learning
opportunities and skills for our 21st century learners to thrive.
It is our collective goal to consistently obtain provincial EQAO scores that rate among
the top in the province and the City of Brampton. We refer to our commitment to student success as “River Hawks Soaring to Success”. This initiative is supported by providing our students
with a Pyramid of Interventions that foster the dreams and inspirations of all students. Our
unique timetable also cultivates and allows for student achievement through the use of targeted
At Cardinal Ambrozic we offer a diverse co-curricular program. We believe opportunities
for student engagement lead to improved student achievement levels. Therefore, we encourage
our students to get involved in serious outreach experiences as well as the extracurricular and
pastoral life of the school. Cardinal Ambrozic also encourages and provides opportunities for
domestic and international travel experiences to promote global citizenship and stewardship. We
strongly believe when students become connected to the school and community they become
intrinsically motivated to be successful in school.
Cardinal Ambrozic encourages all of our parents to be involved in their children’s education in some way. We have a strong Parent Council under the leadership of Chair Anna Aidoo,
local pastors Rev.Papais and Rev.Day, trustee Mr. Scott McLauchlan and our Superintendent
Max Vecchiarino who are also sources of essential support and direction. We believe as a Cardinal Ambrozic community, it is a privilege that parents have entrusted us to educate their
children in a Catholic School culture.
We are very excited this year because on June 25, 2013, we will host our first Graduation Ceremony at the Brampton Powerade Centre.
Upcoming Events!
Sept. 21:
Oct 2:
Oct. 12:
Oct. 18:
Nov 13:
Grade 9 Retreat
Parent Council Elections (check website)
Parent Open House
Friday Night Lights Football Games
Parent—Teacher Interviews
Academic Awards Night
Mid-Term Report Cards
Follow us on TWITTER
The link can be found on our
Cardinal Ambrozic ’ s Ontario EcoSchools is an environmental education and
certification program for grades K-12 that helps school communities develop
both ecological literacy and environmental practices to become environmentally
responsible citizens and reduce the ecological footprint of schools.The key areas
Waste Reduction!
of achievement are: Teamwork & Leadership, Energy Conservation, Waste Minimization, School Ground Greening, Curriculum and Environmental Stewardship.
Important notice to parents, guardians regarding insurance for students who participate
in out-of-school excursions and extra-curricular sports activities.
Effective September 2012 the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board requires that
parents, guardians and adult students provide written acknowledgment that they have received information regarding Student Accident Insurance especially for those students participating in out-of-school excursions and/or extra-curricular sports activities.
Attached please find the „insuremykids‟ student accident insurance brochure.
Although the Board takes every precaution to provide a safe learning environment for students, accidents can and do happen. Some accidental injuries result in medical, dental and/
or other expenses that are not covered by the provincial health care or employer group
plans. As the parent, guardian or adult student you become responsible for these expenses.
Some families have private accident insurance which is able to respond to costs arising
from injuries however many families do not.
Under the Education Act, an Ontario school board may “provide, by contract with an insurer under the Insurance Act, accident and life insurance for pupils, the cost of which is to
be paid on a voluntary basis by the parents or guardians. R.S.O. 1990, c.E.2, s.176, par.4.”
As required under the Education Act, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board arranges for the distribution of student accident insurance brochures (i.e., „insuremykids‟).
However, please be advised that the Board assumes no responsibility for the cost of the
plan, applications, premium payments or claims; nor does the Board receive any remuneration from the Reliable Life Insurance Company. Furthermore, the Board does not and cannot insure students.
Greetings from Max Vecchiarino
Superintendent – Brampton North-East Family of Schools
September 2012
Welcome, back to another exciting school year! I offer special greetings to those who, like me, are new
to the Brampton North-East Family of Schools. As Superintendent, I am excited to be a part of this
vibrant and diverse community. The Brampton North-East Family consists of twenty-two schools –
four secondary and eighteen elementary – working together with our six parishes to support our students’ faith formation, learning and well-being. Four trustees represent our family: Anna Da Silva,
Frank DiCosola, Scott McLauchlan and Linda Zanella, each a strong advocate for our schools and for
Catholic Education. It is our collective hope that you find your school to be a safe, caring, healthy and
inclusive Catholic learning environment. It is our aim to provide excellence in Catholic education for
your children.
Our Catholic teachers work to ensure that our young people become more and more appreciative of the
gifts of our Faith and realize their distinctive promise as Catholic citizens. As parents and educators,
you are witnesses to the wonder and anticipation that nourishes each child’s faith formation and work
to support these young people in their journey.
Education is a co-operative endeavour. As parents and guardians, you play a foundational and essential role in your children’s success. We ask you to join us in setting high expectations for your children’s academic achievement. A parent’s expectations of success become a driving force to motivate a
child, in terms of grades, study habits and overall participation in the life of their school. You are, as
well, always encouraged to be involved and walk alongside your children as they work to achieve to
their fullest potential. There are many ways to do this: supervising homework, fostering reading at
home, limiting disruptions and talking with your children about the importance of education.
Our faculty have worked hard in preparing for the upcoming school year. The administrative team is
prepared to ensure that programming and safety are paramount. We also welcome your involvement,
support and suggestions, as we strive, together, to form an ever stronger home and school partnership.
I wish all our students a successful school year and all of God’s blessings to the community as a whole.
Spirit Wear Days
These days are designated days where students may wear in place of their regular uniform, approved
Cardinal Ambrozic River Hawk clothing which is available from the school tuck shop. Participation in
Spirit Wear Days is voluntary. Those students not participating are expected to be in full uniform. This
is what participating students may wear...
Upcoming Spirit Wear Days
River Hawk team or club jerseys
River Hawk track pants or team pants
River Hawk baseball caps only
School Golf Shirt
Running shoes
Girls may wear ―appropriate‖ Dark Yoga Pants. Shirts may not be rolled up.
Boys are to wear uniform pants or school track pants
All Students may wear running shoes with uniform or spirit wear
River Hawks Soaring to Success!
10 & 24
1 & 21
5 & 18
The Class 0f 2013: Graduation Update:
The “Prom” is on June 7, 2013, at Le Jardin Conference & Event Centre:
8440 Hwy 27 Woodbridge, On.
The “Graduation Ceremony” is on June 25, 2013, at the Brampton Powerade Sports &
Entertainment Centre.
Graduation Photos are being taken by “Edge Imaging” from January 7 through 18, 2013.
Appointments for these Photos will take place December 17 & 18, 2012.
(There will be costs associated with both events.)
Students who expect to graduate with the class of 2013, are to ensure they
have the proper credits and community service hours to participate in the
Graduation Ceremony. Please check with your Guidance Counselor to ensure
you are on track.
River Hawks Soaring to Success!
Cardinal Ambrozic Professional Learning Teams
Designing relevant learning for students.
A Vibrant
Learning Community!
Ms. Burazin
Mr. Clarkin
to our
Cardinal Ambrozic
Follow DPCDSB on Twitter at DPCDSBSchools
Get Involved!
River H lved in the
Engage k Student
ment lif
e of
The 2012-2013 school year promises to be a very exciting year for the music program at Cardinal
Ambrozic. We will be gearing up all our ensembles, choir, and bands during the first weeks of
September. Any students who wish to sing in this year’s choir are welcome to come out to our
rehearsals. Over the course of the year, we will be preparing for our Annual Christmas Concert
on Thursday December 13th as well as participating in various Music Festivals in the GTA.
Cardinal Ambrozic Dance Team
BRAVE stands for Brampton RiverHawks Anti-Violence
Education Group, it’s a student lead group supported
by our staff at Cardinal Ambrozic. Many of the programs we implement focus on: violence prevention,
victim impact awareness, conflict resolution, mental
health awareness, diversity and equity, community
building, and promotion on health and wellness. Many
of the students who participate in BRAVE, are able to
deal with life situations in a positive manner and coexist in harmony. This group is open to all students and
continues to provide a sense of connection and leadership.
Welcome back dancers! The start of the 20122013 school year also means the countdown to
this year’s dance season has begun. Information about the upcoming dance season can be
found on the dance display case in Cardinal
Avenue. Students can also ask Ms. Arias or
Ms. Ramalho for more information. Tryouts
and open classes will begin the first week of
November. Previous Teams have included: Hip
Hop, Jazz, Tap, Tamil Cultural, Bollywood
Cultural and Bhangra Cultural.
Last season, Cardinal Ambrozic’s eight dance
teams participated in two dance competitions.
The teams achieved personal bests at both competitions with the special distinction of earning
a second place overall finish at the Dancers for
Cancer Competition. Way to go Riverhawks!
B .R
t Gov
Home Work Club
River Hawks Soaring to Success!
Welcome to all students and staff of Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School especially those joining
our wonderful community for the first time. This is a very exciting time in the Moderns & Social Sciences
Department, as the staff in our department continues to grow so does the number of programs we are offering
to our students. In addition to offering the grade 12 follow up courses in French, Italian and Spanish we have
also expanded our repertoire with Anthropology, History: the West and the World, History of Africa and
Peoples of African Descent, Canadian and International Law, Economics, Challenge and Change in Society,
Canadian and World Issues...there is something for everyone!
We have been working diligently over the summer to provide you with the best learning opportunities that we
can offer. Students can look forward to participating in various field trips, Bail and Mock Trial Teams and
international travel opportunities to Paris, Provence and Barcelona. We anticipate a fantastic year and wish
everyone the best of luck at Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School!
Need travel plans for March Break 2013? The Moderns and Social Sciences Department has organized the
trip of a lifetime…10 days in Paris, Provence and Barcelona. Departing Thursday, March 7, 2013, students
will have the opportunity to see and marvel at some of Europe’s most exquisite art and architecture all while
experiencing the language, culture and history of these exciting cities. Students will also have the opportunity
to enrich their personal and spiritual development as we will visit some of the most beautiful cathedrals in the
world. If interested in participating on this trip, please see Ms. Pallotta in room 111 for further details. Space
is limited so don’t delay…the last day to enroll on the trip is Wednesday, September 26, 2012.
Greetings from the English Department!
Another great year has begun and the English teachers at Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary
School have already begun their tireless efforts in bringing their love for literature and drama to
their classrooms.
With a new year comes some exciting changes. Returning teachers Ms. Andreopoulos, Ms. Arcos, Ms. Arias, Ms. Dornford, Ms. Grossi, Ms. Petrone and Ms. Singh are pleased to have Mr.
Chambers, Ms. Kadja, Ms. Rizzo and Ms. Roman join the English Department this year. Staff
and students will be delighted to have such passionate and dedicated professionals join the already dynamic and enthusiastic team of teachers.
Also in the library and under the expert direction of our Teacher-Librarian, Ms. Crescenzi, the
English Department will foster regular reading by incorporating the practice into their daily lives
as well as in their Culminating Performance Tasks.
Throughout the semester, English teachers will be diligently working with their Grade 9 and 10
classes in preparation for the upcoming Literacy Test this spring. Parents are encouraged to keep
their son or daughter reading everyday to help cultivate their reading and writing skills and encourage them to become lovers of learning for life.
The English Department wishes all Cardinal Ambrozic students and the community a great first
River Hawks Soaring to Success!
Religious Holy Days Calendar 2012 – 2013
The dates listed below are the faith days of particular significance to members of the faith communities in our
District as identified through consultation with local community organizations and the Ontario Multifaith
Council. Every effort should be made to ensure that school and board examinations/tests are not scheduled on
these dates. The Board will refrain from holding events involving parents on religious holy days .
Student absences on days of religious observance will be marked as “G” (grant) days, regardless of whether
or not the day(s) of observance is noted in the procedure.
Holy Day(s)
National Aboriginal Day (First Nations Solidarity Day)
Ridvan (12 day festival)
Lunar New Year
June 21, 2013
Christmas – Feast of the Nativity
Holy Friday(Orthodox)
Good Friday (Ukrainian)
Easter Sunday
The Solemnity of Mary Mother of
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Diwali Festival
January 7, 2013
May 3, 2013
May 3, 2013
May 5, 2013
December 25, 2012
January 1, 2013
August 19, 2012
October 26, 2012
Rosh Hashanah (2days)*
Yom Kippur *
Pesach (Passover) *
September 17, 2012
September 26, 2012
March 26, 2013
April 14, 2013
(Eastern- Julian calendar)
(Western-Gregorian calendar)
Islam **
All Islamic holy days commence
on the preceding evening at sunset.
All Jewish holy days commence
on the preceding evening at sunset.
April 21, 2013
February 10, 2013
March 29, 2013
March 31, 2013
November 13, 2012
Religious Holy Days
* Means that Holy days begin at sundown the day before this date
** Regional customs, group preference or moon sightings may cause a variation of this date
*** This is not an exhaustive list of all religious faiths. The Board accepts that other religious faiths can also
be accommodated and is willing to do so based on the provisions stated above. For consideration of additional
religious accommodations please contact the school principal or the Principal of Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Education at (905)890-0708 ext. 24405.
Check our Website and Twitter Link for all the latest information
Please visit our school website to keep updated on all the exciting things that occur on a daily basis here at the school. Students and parents can also check out the teacher website for upcoming and missed work. To cut costly newsletters most information and future newsletters will be posted on the website. If you do not have access to a computer please contact the
main office and request a hard copy of future newsletters .