MAT EC Web of Conferences 16, 050 02 (2014) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/ 201 4 16 050 02 C Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014 On nonlinear dynamics and control of a robotic arm with chaos J. L. P. Felix1, E. L. Silva1, J. M. Balthazar2, A. M. Tusset3, A. M. Bueno4, R. M. L. R. F. Brasil2 1 UNIPAMPA, Bagé, RS, Brazil UFABC, Santo Andre, SP, Brazil 3 UTFPR, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil 4 UNESP, Sorocaba, SP, Brazil 2 Abstract. In this paper a robotic arm is modelled by a double pendulum excited in its base by a DC motor of limited power via crank mechanism and elastic connector. In the mathematical model, a chaotic motion was identified, for a wide range of parameters. Controlling of the chaotic behaviour of the system, were implemented using, two control techniques, the nonlinear saturation control (NSC) and the optimal linear feedback control (OLFC). The actuator and sensor of the device are allowed in the pivot and joints of the double pendulum. The nonlinear saturation control (NSC) is based in the order second differential equations and its action in the pivot/joint of the robotic arm is through of quadratic nonlinearities feedback signals. The optimal linear feedback control (OLFC) involves the application of two control signals, a nonlinear feedforward control to maintain the controlled system to a desired periodic orbit, and control a feedback control to bring the trajectory of the system to the desired orbit. Simulation results, including of uncertainties show the feasibility of the both methods, for chaos control of the considered system. 1 Introduction Dynamically systems with pendulums have important applications. An auto parametric non-ideal system with pendulum was studied by [1], and an auto parametric system with two pendulums harmonically excited was studied by [2]. The first detailed study on non-ideal vibrating systems was done by [3]. After that publication, the problem of non-ideal vibrating systems has been investigated by a number of authors. A complete review of different theories on non-ideal vibrating systems is to be found in [4]. Dynamic interactions between a parametric pendulum and an electro-dynamical shaker of limited power was investigated by [5]. In That paper a mathematical model of the electromechanical shaker was described and its parameters were identified. The effectiveness of the nonlinear saturation control in vibration attenuation for a non-ideal portal frame was investigated by [6]. The Optimal Linear Feedback Control was proposed by [7]. In [7] the quadratic nonlinear Lyapunov function was proposed to solve the optimal nonlinear control design problem for a nonlinear system. [8] formulated the linear feedback control strategies for nonlinear systems, asymptotic stability of the closed-loop nonlinear system, guaranteeing both stability and optimality. We organized this paper as follows. In section 2 we obtain the mathematical model and perform the analysis of the dynamic model considering: bifurcation diagrams, time histories, phase portraits, frequency spectrum, and 01 test for chaotic behaviour. In section 3, the nonlinear saturation control (NSC) and the optimal linear feedback control (OLFC) are implemented. In section 4, the efficiency and the robustness to parametric errors of each control technique are verified through computer simulations. Finally, some concluding remarks are given. 2 System description and governing equations We consider a robotic arm modelled by a double pendulum excited in its base by a DC motor of limited power via a crank mechanism and a spring, displayed in Fig. 1. The supporting elastic substructure of the robotic arm consist of a mass, spring and damper ( m , k , c) whose motion is in the vertical direction. The length and mass of the two parts of the robotic arm are l1, l2 , m1, m2, whose angular deflections are measured from the vertical line ( θ1 , θ2 ). The controlled torque of the unbalanced DC motor is considered as a linear function of its angular velocity, Γ(ϕ) = Vm − Cmϕ . Vm is set as our This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at or MATEC Web of Conferences control parameter and it changes according to the applied voltage, Cm is a constant for each model of motor considered. The coupling between the DC motor and robotic arm is acomplished by a crank mechanism of radius and elastic connector of stiffness kr . r Fig. 1. Robotic arm excited by a non-ideal motor via crankspring mechanism. 2 2 2 −m2l2θ22 2 1 2 1 1 1 (1) cosθ2 = kr r sin ϕ Iϕ = Γ(ϕ) + kr r( y − r sinϕ)cosϕ ( m1 + m2 )l12θ1 + m2 l1l2θ2 cos(θ1 − θ 2 ) − m l l θ2 sin(θ − θ ) + (m + m ) gl sin θ 212 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 (6) ­ ° x5′ = x6 ° 1 1 ° 2 ® x6′ = − x′4 cos( x5 − x3 ) + x2′ sin x5 − Ω2 sin x5 R R ° ° 1 2 °− R x4 sin( x5 − x3 ) − μ3 ( x6 − x4 ) ¯ (7) ­x7′ = x8 ® ¯x8′ = a − bx8 + (η2 x1 −η3 sin x7 ) cos x7 (8) The adopted state variables are: x1 = y0 , x2 = y0 , x3 = θ1 , From the Lagrange’s method, the equations of motion for the system are: (m + m1 + m2 ) y + cy + ky − l1 (m1 + m2 )θ1 sin θ1 −l m θ sin θ − (m + m )l θ2 cosθ ­ x3′ = x4 ° 2 ® x4′ = α3 Rx6′ cos(x5 − x3 ) + x2′ sin x3 − Ω1 sin x3 ° 2 ¯+ Rα 3 x6 sin( x5 − x3 ) − μ1 x4 + μ2 ( x6 − x4 ) x4 = θ1 , x5 =θ2 , x6 = θ2 , x7 = ϕ , x8 = ϕ . For the numerical simulations, we used the following dimensionless parameters: α1 = 0.3 ; α2 = 0.17; α1 = 0.5 μ1 = 0.01; μ2 = 0.01; μ3 = 0.01; a = 1.22 ; b = 1.2 ; Ω1 = 0.9 ; Ω2 = 0.4 ; η1 = 0.05 ; η2 = 0.2 ; η2 = 0.3 . We used the following initial conditions: ; R = 1; (2) 5π ª º «0 0 0 0 180 0 0 0» . ¬ ¼ (3) Figure 2 shows the bifurcation diagram for parameter μ0 . 3 + c1θ1 − c2 (θ2 − θ1 ) = ( m1 + m2 )l1 y sin θ1 + m2l1l2θ1 cos(θ2 −θ1) + m2 gl2 sinθ2 +m2l1l2θ12 sin(θ2 −θ1) + c2 (θ2 −θ1 ) = m2l2 y sinθ2 x1 2 m2l22θ2 (4) 0 -1 0.04 Next, we use the following changes of variables: y k τ =ω0t , mt = m + m1 + m2 , y0 = , ω 02 = , l1 mt Γˆ (ϕ ) = a − bϕ , ω12 = g , l1 ω22 = g , l2 α1 = m1 + m2 , mt m l kr m2 ω α 2 = 2 , R = 2 , η1 = r , α 3 = , Ω1 = 1 , ω0 mt l1 kl1 m1 + m2 Ω2 = ω2 c1 c2 , μ1 = , μ2 = , 2 ω0 ( m1 + m2 )ω0 l1 ( m1 + m2 )ω0 l12 2 k r rl1 η = kr r , 3 . 2 Iω02 m2ω0 l2 I ω02 to render the equations dimensionless, in state variables: , η2 = ­ x1′ = x2 ° 2 ® x′2 = α1x′4 sin x3 + Rα 2 sin x5 + α1x4 cos x3 ° 2 ¯+ Rα2 x6 cos x5 − μ0 x2 − x1 +η1 sin x7 0.06 0.07 μ0 0.08 0.09 0.1 In Fig. 2, we can see that for some values of parameter μ0 the system (9-11) has chaotic behaviour. To determine these values of parameter μ0 we applied the 01 test to verify chaotic behaviour of the system, as detailed in [9]. The 0-1 test for chaos takes as input a time series of measurements and returns a single scalar value of either 0 for periodic attractors or 1 for chaotic attractors [9]. X: 0.076 Y: 0.994 0.994 0.992 c c2 0.05 Fig. 2. Bifurcation diagram for μ0 . K μ3 = 1 0.99 0.988 (5) 0.986 0.04 0.06 μ0 0.08 0.1 Fig. 3. Asymptotic growth rate ( Kc ) from 0-1 test as a function of parameter μ0 . 05002-p.2 CSNDD 2014 According to [9] the value of Kc is given by: Kc = Figures (4-6) show the chaotic behaviour of the system (5)-(8). cov( X , M ( c )) (9) var( X ) var( M ( c )) 3 PROPOSED CONTROL where vectors X=[1,2,…,nmax], and M(c)= [M(1,c),…, ( ) M(1, nmax)], c ∈ 0, π chosen, and : is a fixed frequency arbitrarily 2 1 N ª( p( j + n) − p( j )) + º « » ¦ 2 N →∞ N «+ (q( j + n) − q( j )) ¼» j =1 ¬ M (n, c) = lim i p (i ) = ¦ (x j=0 j −x ) σx i cos( jc ); q (i ) = ¦ (x j −x σx j =0 (10) ) sin( jc ) With the objective of eliminate the chaotic behaviour of the system (9)-(12), we considered the introduction of a control signal U to the system (9), as shown in Fig. 7Ç ­ x1′ = x2 ° 2 ® x′2 = α1 x′4 sin x3 + Rα2 sin x5 + α1x4 cos x3 ° 2 ¯+ Rα2 x6 cos x5 − μ0 x2 − x1 + η1 sin x7 + U (12) (11) where x and σx are the mean value and square deviation of the examined xi series, and N is the length of the sampled points in the displacement time series. Kc ≅ 0 indicates a non-chaotic data set while a value of Kc ≅ 1 indicates a chaotic data set. As we can see in Fig. 3, for μ0 = 0.076 system (5)-(8) has chaotic A value of behaviour. In Figs. (4-6) one can observe the behaviour of the system (5)-(8) for μ0 = 0.076. 3.1. Formulation of nonlinear saturation control (NSC) 1 0.5 0.1 In this section, we implement the nonlinear saturation control: |x (f)| 1 x 1 0 0.05 -0.5 -1 0 Fig. 7. Control applied in pivot and joint of the robotic arm asymptotic growth rate 500 1000 τ 1500 0 0 2000 5 (a) Fig. 4. Behaviour 10 15 Frequency (Hz) U = γ1u 2 20 (b) x1 . (a) Vertical movement. (b) Frequency Spectrum 2 (13) u is obtained from the following equation: u + μcu + ωc2u = γ 2 y0u (14) 0.1 0.08 x 3 3 |x (f)| 1 0 where 0.06 0.04 γ2 -1 0.02 -2 0 500 1000 τ 1500 0 0 2000 5 (a) Fig. 5. Behaviour 10 15 Frequency (Hz) 20 . (a) Angular movement. (b) Frequency Spectrum |x (f)| 5 5 x -50 0 20 500 1000 τ 1500 (a) Fig. 6. Behaviour 2000 0 0 2ωc ≈1 and external resonance by ϕ ≈ 1. In Fig. 8 we can observe the behaviour of the system (5)(8) with the proposed control (13) considering the 0.5 1 1.5 Frequency (Hz) 2 (b) x5 . and parameters: γ1 = 0.01; γ 2 = 0.07 ; μc = 0.01 ; ωc = 0.01 and initial conditions: u ( 0 ) = 0 .1 and u(0) = 0 , excluding the transient behavior. 40 0 γ1 are positive constants. Internal resonance conditions following 60 100 50 is the controller’s natural frequency, are considered by letting (b) x3 ωc (a) Angular movement. (b) Frequency Spectrum 05002-p.3 MATEC Web of Conferences 1 0.3 0.2 x 10-3 1 ºª z1 º ª0º ª z1′ º ª 0 « ′ » = «−1 − μ »« » + « »u fb 0 ¼¬ z2 ¼ ¬1¼ ¬z2 ¼ ¬ 0.5 x x 1 3 0.1 0 (18) 0 -0.5 -0.1 -0.2 2800 2850 2900 τ 2950 Control u fb can be found solving the following equation: -1 2800 3000 2850 (a) 2900 τ 2950 3000 (b) u fb = − R −1BT P z 12.8 x 5 12.7 (19) P is a symmetric matrix symmetrically and may be found solving the Algebraic Riccati Equation: 12.6 12.5 12.4 2800 2850 2900 τ 2950 PA + AT P − PBR−1BT P + Q = 0 3000 (20) (c) Fig. 8. (a) Vertical motion x1 . (b) Angular motion x3 . (c) Angular motion x5 3.2. Control using optimal linear feedback control (OLFC) Next, we present the optimal linear control strategy for nonlinear systems [10]. It is important to observe that this approach is analytical, without dropping any nonlinear term [11]. The U vector control in equation (12) consists of two parts: U = u ff + u fb , where u ff is the feed-forward control and u fb is the linear feedback control. We define [ ] [ ] T is the solution of (12), without the control U , then u fb = 0 . In this way, the desired regime is obtained by the following equation: ­ *′ * ° x1 = x2 ° *′ 2 ® x2 = α1 x4′ sin x3 + Rα 2 sin x5 + α1 x4 cos x3 ° 2 * * °+ Rα 2 x6 cos x5 − μ0 x2 − x1 + η1 sin x7 + u ff ¯ (15) − Rα2 x62 cos x5 + μ0 x2* + x1* −η1 sin x7 Matrices A and B are: 1 º ª0 ª0 º A=« », B = « » ¬ − 1 − 0.076 ¼ ¬1 ¼ (22) Defining: ª104 0 º Q=« », ¬ 0 10¼ R = [10 ] (23) and solving the Algebraic Riccati Equation (20), we obtain: ª1442 .2713 99 .005 º P=« » 14 .3467 ¼ ¬ 99 .005 (24) u fb = −99.005z1 −14.3467z2 = − 99.005( x1 − x1* ) −14.3467( x2 − x2* ) (16) Substituting (16) into (12) and defining the deviation of the desired trajectory as: ª x − x1* º z=« 1 *» ¬ x2 − x 2 ¼ (21) Substituting it into (20), we define the control: The feed-forward control u ff is given by: ′ u ff = x2* − α1x4′ sin x3 − Rα 2 sin x5 − α1 x42 cos x3 2π ­ * °° x1 = 0 .0393 + 0 .1749 sin( 7 τ ) ® ° x * = 0 .3498 π cos( 2π τ ) 2 7 7 ¯° T the period orbit as a function of x1* (τ ) x2* (τ ) . If the function x1* (τ ) x2* (τ ) where: Q symmetrical, positive definite, and R positive definite, ensuring that the control (19) is optimal [12]. We define the desired periodic orbits obtained with the nonlinear saturation control Fig. 8a through the use of Fourier series, calculated numerically as: (25) Considering (25) and (16) we obtain U: U = −99.005( x1 − x1* ) − 14.3467( x2 − x2* ) ′ + x2* − α1 x′4 sin x3 − Rα 2 sin x5 − α1 x42 cos x3 (26) − Rα x cos x5 + μ x + x − η1 sin x7 2 2 6 (17) * 0 2 * 1 In Fig. 9, one observes the controlled system (5)-(8) in the orbit (21), with: x1 − x1 < 10 , excluding the transient * the system can be represented, in matrix form z ′ = Az + Bu : behavior. 05002-p.4 6 CSNDD 2014 0.3 similar for both controls we do not get the same behavior for other states. 0.1 0.2 0.05 3 0 x x 1 0.1 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.2 0 50 100 τ 150 -0.1 800 200 850 900 τ (a) 950 1000 (b) To consider the effect of parameter uncertainties on the performance of the controller, the parameters used in the control will be considered having a random error of ± 20 % [13-14]. A sensitivity analysis will be carried 1.5 1 5 0.5 x 4 Control in the presence of parametric errors 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 800 ~ 850 900 τ 950 out considering the error: ei = xi − xi for i = 1 : 6 . xi is the state of the system with control without parametric 1000 (c) ~ error, and xi for the control with parametric error. x1 . (b) Angular motion x3 . (c) Angular motion x5 Fig. 9. (a) Vertical motion As it can be seen, the proposed control (26), took the system to the desired orbit (21), with transient less than 2τ . 4.1. Nonlinear saturation control (NSC) with parametric error In Fig. 11 we can observe the periodic behavior for the system (5)-(8) with the following control (13): 3.3. Comparison between NSC control and OLFC Control γ1 = 0.008+ 0.004r(t) ; μc = 0.008+ 0.004r(t) In Fig. 10 we can observe the behavior of the system (5)(8) using NSC control and OLFC control. excluding the transient behavior. distributed random function. 0.2 0.05 OLFC ; 0.4 NSC OLFC NSC 0.1 γ 2 = 0.056+ 0.028r(t) ; ωc = 0.008+ 0.004r(t) , e e 1 2 e 3 e 4 1 e 0 e 4 0 x 2 x x 10-3 2 0.2 0 r(t) is a normally 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 0 0.2 -0.05 -0.1 0.4 -0.05 0 x 0.05 x 1 (a) 0.1 -1 -0.4 2800 3 2850 (b) 2900 τ 2950 -2 2800 3000 2850 2900 τ (a) 0.5 2950 3000 (b) 0.2 NSC OLFC e 5 e 6 0 e x 6 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.5 -5 0 5 x 10 15 -0.2 2800 5 (c) Fig. 10. Phase diagram. (a) Motion x5 In Fig. 11 we can see the variation of the control signal used to control NSC and OLFC control. 0.1 OLFC α2 = 0.136+ 0.068r(t) ; μ0 = 0.0608+ 0.0304r(t) ; -50 0.02 x 10-7 3000 -100 0 200 400 τ 600 800 x 10-3 1 (a) (b) Fig. 11. Control signal U. (a) signal used in NSC control. (b) signal used in OLFC As can be seen in Fig. 11, to eliminate the transient and maintain the system in a defined orbit, the OLFC control used a signal more intense than that used by NSC control. We can also observe in Fig. 10 that even with 5 1000 x1 being 05002-p.5 2 τ 2000 e 1000 1 0 0 0 3000 U 0.04 e NSC U 0.06 α1 = 0.24+ 0.12r(t) ; R = 0 .8 + 0 .4 r (t ) 50 2950 In Fig. 12 we can observe the periodic behavior for the system (5)-(8) with the following control (26): ; η1 = 0.04+ 0.02r(t) . 100 0.08 2900 τ (c) Fig. 11. Sensitivity of NSC control to parametric errors x1 . (b) Angular motion x3 . (c) Angular motion 2850 0 0 -1 0 200 400 τ (a) 600 800 1000 -5 0 200 400 τ (b) 600 800 1000 MATEC Web of Conferences x 10-6 2 1 0 0 4 1 e e 3 2 -1 x 10-4 -1 -2 0 200 400 τ 600 800 -2 0 1000 200 (c) 1 4 600 800 1000 600 800 1000 x 10-3 2 6 0 e 5 τ (d) x 10-5 0.5 e 400 -0.5 0 -2 -1 0 200 400 τ 600 800 1000 -4 0 200 400 τ (e) (f) Fig. 12. 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