4105 Colonial Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L5L 4E8
Phone: 905. 828.6348
Fax: 905. 828. 1744
School Newsletter
February 2016
Virtue of the Month:
N. Levey
A.J. Hilario
We all deserve to be treated respectfully by others.
However, in order to be respected we also have to respect ourselves. Everyone has
a right to go to school/work free of gossip, name-calling, and putdowns. We should
expect to be treated with respect by everyone we meet – our brothers and sisters in
Our Daily Prayer for February:
Let us pray for the virtue of respect so that everyone we
meet will feel like we are their brother or sister in Christ. AMEN
Head Secretary
R. Caves
D. Amaral
(905) 890.1221
S. Hobin
Bus: (905) 890.1221
(905) 301.1210
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
2300 Burnhamthorpe Rd.
Mississauga, ON L5L 3T6
Phone: (905) 820.1444
Fax: (905) 820.6879
Fr. Timothy Hanley
School Council Co-Chairs:
B. Dei & S. Baird
1 |Dare to Learn! Dare to Dream!
From the perspective of the Catholic Graduate Expectations,
a person with Respect…
Has a confident, positive sense of self and respect for the dignity and welfare
of others
Honours the rights, responsibilities and contributions of self and others
Values and honours the important role of family in society
Values the environment and uses resources wisely
Honours the faith traditions, world religions and life journeys of all people of
Who or what guides my conscience to help
Lent is the season of preparation before Easter. It begins on Ash
and the
ends when
the decision?
Triduum begins on Holy Thursday. Lent is a
time of reconciliation. A time when we make space in our lives to think about
our relationship with our heavenly Father and the ways in which we are
responding or failing to respond to his love and care for us.
Ashes The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. This tangible ritual is
a stark reminder that we do not have a lasting place on this earth. We are
disciples on a journey that ends with death.
Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving Lent is a good time to focus on prayer,
especially the prayer of the church in the liturgy. Fasting should be linked to
concern for the poor who are forced to fast by their poverty. Our baptism
requires us to show Christ’s love to the poor. Almsgiving, too, is linked to our
baptismal commitment. We are called to works of charity and justice. Have
children pray for the grace to live out their baptismal promises more fully.
Children can be encouraged to “fast” from fast food dinners and snacks, TV,
the internet, video games, movies, etc., and spend more time helping the
poor in a variety of ways like donating items to a local thrift shop, food
pantry, or toy drive. Money saved from fasting from movies, and such can be
donated to ShareLife other charitable causes. May this Lenten season
prepare our hearts…Peace.
ALL SAINTS: February Newsletter
Please note these Upcoming Dates
T. Feb. 2
1st Term reports go home
1st Term Conferences(pm)
R. Feb. 5
F. Feb. 6
PA Day- No School
T. Feb 9
School Council Mtg 7pm
W. Feb. 10
Ash Wednesday 1 pm
M. Feb. 15
Family Day Holiday
R. Feb. 17
National Sweater Day
Parents Money Mentors Workshop 7pm
Feb. 23
Feb. 24
Feb. 26
Mar 14-18
F. Mar. 25
M. Mar 28
M. April 11
F. May13
M. May 23
Pink Shirt-Antibullying day
Earth Rangers
March Break
Good Friday
Easter Monday
PA Day **New! Recently added
Victoria Day Holiday
PA DAY and FAMILY DAY: No School for Students!
A reminder to all parents that Friday, February 5, 2016 will be a P.A Day for all
students, as teachers will be engaged in a variety of Term 1 conferences throughout the
day. This is also a reminder to parents that Monday, February 15, 2016 is designated
as Family Day. There will be no school for students on that day. Enjoy your children!
The report card for Term 1 has gone home on Tuesday, February 2, 2016.
Interviews will take place on the evening of Thursday, Feb. 4 and the day of
Friday, Feb. 5. Thank you to all parents and teachers for their invested time
and commitment to our student success.
February 15, 1966 was declared National Flag Day of Canada. It recognized the
day in 1965 when our red and white maple leaf flag was raised over Parliament
Hill in Ottawa, and in communities across Canada. Red and white were
designated as Canada’s official colours in 1921 by His Majesty King George V.
More information can be found at:
National Sweater Day will be observed on Wednesday, February 17,
2016, at ALL SAINTS school providing an opportunity for employees
and students to learn about the importance of saving energy, while at
the same time, reminding us to use less heat throughout the winter.
Heating accounts for 80% of residential energy use in Canada, and is
a significant source of emissions. If all Canadians lowered their
thermostats by just 2 degrees Celsius this winter, it would reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by about 4 megatons – equivalent to shutting down a 600 mega watt coalfired power station. It will be great to see you all bundled up in your favourite warm sweater! Let’s join
together in protecting the gift of creation by wearing a sweater on Wednesday, February 17th to show
we respect and care for this precious world.
| Dare to Learn! Dare to Dream!
ALL SAINTS: February Newsletter
The pretzel has a deep spiritual meaning for Lent going back 1500 years. Children
in those times ate pretzels during Lent because they were made only of flour, salt
and water. Fat, eggs and milk were forbidden during Lent. The pretzel was shaped
into the form of two arms crossed in prayer to remind children that Lent was a
season of penance.
As part of our All Saints celebration of the Lenten and Easter season, we will be selling pretzels to the
students. Please participate in this historical and spiritual season of prayer and hope by purchasing a
fresh bread pretzel for only $2.00. Orders forms are attached to end of this newsletter. No late
orders will be accepted. Pretzel Day will be on Holy Thursday, MARCH 24TH, 2016.
SHARELIFE: ShareLife raises funds for a variety of local and global outreach
programs though Catholic agencies. More information will be coming soon on
Spirit Days and the Sharelife Valentines Dance. We would suggest that you
consider having your children donate from their own savings by earning money
though chores or giving up a treat. Lenten preparation suggestions that have come
from our students could be to limit Facebook time, internet access, gaming devices and texting. Junk
food and chocolate have always been a favourite but you may also want to place a focus on positive
actions rather than giving up something. Donating time at our local food bank, raising funds for a charity
(ShareLife) or doing their siblings chores are all good examples of positive actions. Teaching our
children about those who are less fortunate both locally and internationally helps to develop
compassion and empathy. It also helps us all to appreciate the blessings we have in life.
During the winter season, the school receives calls from concerned parents
as to how we determine when children will or will not be allowed outside for
recess. Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Policy uses a Wind Chill factor as the
determining temperature. Students will not be sent outside for recess if the
wind chill dictates.
Snow season is here. Please ensure that your child is properly dressed for
outdoor play in a Canadian winter. It is a school expectation that all students go outside for
recess for exercise and fresh air. Students should come dressed appropriately for weather (hats,
mitts, warm jackets, boots, etc.)
In the colder weather, we receive numerous requests to allow children to remain indoors when
students have a cold, flu, etc. Please note that we cannot comply, as we neither have the facilities
nor the staff to supervise these students. If your child is not feeling well we encourage you
to keep them home to avoid the spread of illness. A child who is coughing, wheezing, etc.
is not in a state to learn and will only infect others. The expectation at
our school is that all children will go outdoors for recess and the lunch
We would also appreciate your support in reinforcing the school rule that all snow
stays on the ground. For everyone’s safety we do not allow snowballs, kicking
snow, or any other snow\ice activity that could lead to potential harm or injury.
Dare to Learn! Dare to Dream!
ALL SAINTS: February Newsletter
As the wintery season gives way to slush and snow, all students are reminded to
bring an extra pair of shoes to wear indoors during the winter months. Fire
regulations dictate that all students must have footwear on at all times. In anticipation
of a cold and snowy winter, we would also like to advise parents to send an extra set
of clothes (track pants, sweatshirts, socks) to school in the winter. These clothes can
be kept at the school to be used when the child is wet from playing in the snow.
We have had an increase in the number of students who arrive late to school in
the mornings. Especially as more wintery weather approaches, it is very important
that students arrive to school on time and ready to work, as late arrivals disrupt
instructional activities and classroom routines. School starts at 8:45 am and
student supervision begins at 8:30 am. Students should be at school with enough
time to line up and enter with their classes. Please note that if they do not arrive
on time to make it to their line as the bell rings, they need to enter through the
front doors and check into the office to pick up an admit slip before going to class.
STUDENT INFORMATION: It is vitally important that we have up-to-date
records of your address, phone numbers and emergency contacts (and email
addresses if you prefer) in the event that the school must contact you regarding
your child. If there have been any changes, or updates, please ensure that you
send in a note with the information to the classroom teacher and the office.
The student agenda is also a place where you can add information for your child to have.
As part of our Safe Arrival Program we ask that you notify the school if
your child will arrive late or will be absent from school for any reason.
We ask that you inform us by calling the school at 905-828-6348 and
leaving details regarding the absence. The answering machine is on 24
hours daily so your information may be relayed at any time.
This practice will greatly assist us to track and verify student attendance at school.
EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) testing of our grades
3 and 6 students will take place from May 30th to June 10th. Please try to avoid
scheduling any appointments or anything else that will take your child out of school
during these dates. A letter to grades 3 and 6 parents will be sent home closer to the
testing dates.
All Saints is required to practice fire drills and lockdown procedures throughout the
school year. We hold 6 fire drills each year as well as 2 lock down drills.
During fire drills, students are asked to move safely and quickly to the nearest exit,
and proceed to their designated class area outside the building. If an exit were to be
blocked, students are to leave the building via an alternate exit. This is what we
practice during the drills. In a lockdown, students are alerted over the PA that the school is “initiating a
lockdown.” Students are directed to move away from all windows and doors. Classroom doors and
windows are secured. Students remain this way until the alert is cancelled. Discussing these
procedures with your child will help highlight and support the importance of these safety measures.
| Dare to Learn! Dare to Dream!
ALL SAINTS: February Newsletter
The bin is full! All of this stuff has an owner somewhere in our school… it was
brought here by the students, so it belongs to someone. We have displayed all the
items that have found their way in to our lost and found bins. If you are looking for
that lost hat, winter coat, pair of running shoes, or lunch box you can probably find
it here. All classes will have an opportunity to walk past the lost and found but you
are welcome to come in and check as well. Unclaimed items will be bagged up and
donated to a local charity. Please ensure that your child’s items are labelled with
their name so that if they do get lost, they can be returned.
St. Ignatius Loyola Church will be having distribution of the ashes this
Wednesday February 10 at 9AM and 7PM. If you cannot attend the ashes ceremony at
the school, this your opportunity to start your 2016 Lenten Journey.
We appreciate that some students may want to support and cheer on their
classmates as they participate in extra-curricular (after school) games against other
schools, but our teachers are there to coach and cannot supervise these spectators.
Therefore, we ask that only those spectators who are accompanied by their
parent(s) will be permitted to stay and watch. Thank you.
WILDCAT HOCKEY All Saints' hosted their 9th Annual Intermediate Ice
Hockey Tournament at Iceland in late January.
The tournament consisted of three tiers of skill level and a total of 32
teams. Our intermediate team earned a silver in the tier 2
division. Congratulations to: Bryce; Jack; Patrick; Sean; Nicholas,
Maddison; Emma S; Andrew; Sefa; Sarah; Erick; Ethan; Diego; Victor;
Christopher; Emma B.; Alex; Owen; Tyler, and Coaches Chinappi and
All Saints will be continuing their season in late February and early March. The Junior tournament is
scheduled for Feb. 24 and 25th of February. Way to go Wildcats!
Dare to Learn! Dare to Dream!
ALL SAINTS: February Newsletter
Primary Intramurals
Primary Intramurals started this month for all the grade 1, 2 and 3
students! Our PALS leaders are doing a great job organizing
games and physical activities for students during the lunch period. Intramurals provide a great way to
get active indoors during this cold and long winter season! Intramurals run until March Break. If your
child is interested in joining, please contact your teacher for a permission form.
Many thanks to Mrs. Cicerone, Ms. Parker, Mrs. Rab, Ms. Vogel and Mrs. Yuzwin for supervising and
organizing Intramurals!
The latest copy of the OUT & ABOUT JANUARY 2016
newsletter is available on the school website: Under the
ABOUT tab and then click School Council. Lunch forms
can also be found on this site.
February 9, 2016 at 7pm
With our Trustee Mrs. Sharon Hobin
All parents/guardians are
encouraged to come out to
meetings and participate.
Little Caesar’s Pizza Fundraiser: Thanks for Julie Saville, our Fundraising Chair who organized the
just before the holidays. The program raised $1300 for the school.
Money Mentor$ – Workshop for Parents – Tues. February 23rd at 7 p.m.
Last year, we applied for a PRO (Parents Reaching Out) Grant to have
Tricia Barry of Money School Canada come out and give a workshop. The
workshop is for parents who are interested in teaching their kids about
money, its value and how to manage it well. Space is limited to 40 parents; please register with
Mrs. Caves ASAP** please see attachment to this newsletter.
| Dare to Learn! Dare to Dream!
ALL SAINTS: February Newsletter
During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus
transportation and regular school operations. Notification:
Parents/guardians, students and school staff are asked to monitor the
following radio/television stations after 6:00 a.m. to receive bus
cancellation/school closure information. Should the announcement refer to
cancellation only in the COUNTY OF DUFFERIN, this does NOT affect
our school.
Check with these Radio or Television Stations:
CHFI FM 98.1
FM Z 103.5
FM Q107
CJBC (FR) AM 860
EZ ROCK 97.3
CFNY FM 102.1
FM 93.1
CHUM AM 1050
CFRB AM 1010
CHIN FM 100.7
CBC 99.1
AM 640
A bus cancellation and/or school closure message will also be available online at or by calling 905- 890-1221.
Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations and the Ministry of Education
included the provision of an additional Professional Activity Day for the 20152016 school year for both elementary and secondary schools. Recently, boards
were directed to schedule this additional Professional Development Day on or
before April 15, 2016. In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board,
the designated additional Professional Activity Day has been scheduled
for Monday, April 11, 2016.
Therefore, there will be no classes for either elementary or secondary students on Monday, April
11, 2016. Thank you for your attention to this addition to the 2015-16 School Year Calendar.
EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) testing of our grades
3 and 6 students will take place from May 30th to June 10th. Please try to avoid
scheduling any appointments or anything else that will take your child out of school
during these dates. A letter to grades 3 and 6 parents will be sent home closer to the
testing dates.
Dare to Learn! Dare to Dream!
ALL SAINTS: February Newsletter
4105 Colonial Drive, Mississauga, L5L 4E8, (905) 828-6348
February 2016
◄ January 2016
2 Groundhog Day
March 2016 ►
Report cards go home
Interview night
Lunch Moms
14 Valentine's Day
No school for students.
Parent & Teacher
Shrove Tuesday
Join us at 1PM
Lunch Moms
School Council 7pm
15 FAMILY Day Holiday
Pizza & Yogurt
Sweater Day at All Saints
Pizza & Yogurt
Pink Shirt Antibullying Day
Money Mentor$ 7pm
Lunch Moms
Lunch Moms
Pizza & Yogurt
Earth Rangers K-6
Notes: SCHOOL NEWSLETTER available at:
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Dear Parents,
All Saints Separate School is excited to introduce a new program that will be taking flight this month
with Lunchbox Orders.
Lunchbox Orders is a convenient, online ordering platform featuring local restaurants. An ordering
calendar has been coordinated for the All Saints community and may be found at All orders are submitted on the website and payment is processed on-line
by Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Visa Debit. Visa and MasterCard gift cards are also accepted on the
Mr. Sub is scheduled for delivery on select WEDNESDAYS starting
February 10.
The ordering calendar will be OPEN for ordering Tuesday,
February 2.
How to Order:
1. Go online at and click on “ORDER LUNCH”.
2. Click on the green “sign up” button to register your family account.
3. Add your child to your account by clicking on “add a student”.
4. Click “Order Now” (beside your child’s name) to access the school’s ordering calendar.
5. Proceed with ordering your child’s lunch by clicking on the blue order date.
The Benefits:
1. With every item purchased, a contribution will be made to the school’s fundraising program.
2. All menu items featured are compliant with the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Food and
Beverage Policy, PPM 150.
3. Lunchbox Orders is paperless and cashless. Ordering online is fast and easy!
4. Orders may be placed weekly or in advance, for the full length of the program.
Dates to Remember:
 The online calendar will be open for ordering Tuesday, February 2.
 The first sub delivery is scheduled for Wednesday, February 10.
 Sunday, February 7 at NOON (12pm) is the ordering deadline for the first scheduled delivery.
 All orders, updates and cancellations must be submitted by Sunday at NOON for the following
If you have any questions, please contact the Lunchbox Orders customer service team at
1.877.426.6860 or by e-mail at
Thank you!
February 2, 2016
The pretzel has a deep spiritual meaning for Lent going back 1500 years. Children in
those times ate pretzels during Lent because they were made only of flour, salt and
water. Fat, eggs and milk were forbidden during Lent. The pretzel was shaped into the
form of two arms crossed in prayer to remind children that Lent was a season of
As part of our All Saints celebration of the Lenten and Easter season, we will be selling
pretzels to the students. Please participate in this historical and spiritual season of
prayer and hope by purchasing a fresh bread pretzel for only $2.00.
(large, soft dough: a list of ingredients is at the bottom of the page).
Please indicate how many pretzels you will be ordering and return the form and money by
Wednesday, February 24, 2016. No late orders will be accepted.
Pretzel Day will be on Holy Thursday, MARCH 24TH, 2016.
Thank you for your support!
N. Levey
Student Name: ____________________________________
Teacher: __________________________________
Room: _____________
Number of pretzels @ $2.00 each: _____________
Total: $ ___________
Ingredients: enriched white flour, spring water, vegetable shortening, cotton seed oil or canola
oil, salt, yeast, liquid malt, sodium hydroxide.
Volume 3
Numbers are used to describe
quantities, to count, and to add,
subtract, multiply, and divide. It is
important to recognize when each
operation is appropriate to use and
which tool and/or strategy is most
helpful when solving problems.
Web Resources:
Developing Mindsets that Promote Growth
What do we mean by “growth mindset”?
Growth mindset is a belief system that suggests that one’s
intelligence can be grown or developed with persistence,
effort and a focus on learning.
- Mary Cay Ricci
Tips for Fostering a Growth Mindset:
Tip # 5. Praise Effort, Practice and Process – Not Outcome
 When your child succeeds, talk about the work that went
Nelson Math has a home connect for grades 3-8
into the success (e.g., “You worked hard on the project
and I’m so happy you did well.”)
 Praise persistence and perseverance (e.g., “I’m so proud
of you for not quitting.”)
Family Math Activities K-3
Big Bi
There are many situations to
which an operation is applied,
and there are many
procedures, (algorithms) for
each operation.
 Three people shared some grapes. They all had
the same number of grapes. How many might
there have been? How many do you think there
might not have been? Discuss with your child.
Measurement from 4-6
Big Idea: There are many situations to which an
operation is applied, and there are many
procedures, (algorithms) for each operation.
 There are two types of bread (white and
brown) and 3 types of cheese (cheddar, swiss
and mozzarella). How many ways can you
combine them to make different sandwiches?
Discuss the operations used with your child.
Grades 7 & 8: Continuing the
Conversation about Financial
Let’s discuss how “Advertising” affects our
money decisions…
Discuss with your child which of the following
advertising techniques do you think is the most
effective at influencing your opinion about a
product or service?
1. Repetition – repeating their message over
and over again in an ad or a series of ads
over time. (eg: “I’m lovin’ it”, “Just do it!”)
2. Conformity – aims to have you “get on
board”, be “in” and “get with it”.
3. Imitation – using a celebrity associated
with the goods or service. The advertiser
hopes that those who like and respect the
celebrity will imitate the behaviour by
using the product.
“Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.” Luke 6: 29-30
Department of Psychology, Dufferin-Peel CDSB
It seems that every day, something tragic happens
somewhere in the world, such as school shootings, fatal car collisions,
extreme weather conditions and terrorist attacks. Children's lives are
touched by trauma on a regular basis, no matter how much parents or
teachers try to keep the "bad things" away. Instead of shielding
children from the dangers, violence or tragedies around us, adults
should talk to kids about what is happening.
The conversation may not seem easy, but taking a proactive
stance, discussing difficult events in age-appropriate language can
help children feel safer and more secure.
As much as adults may try to avoid difficult topics, children
often learn or know when something sad or scary happens, because of
their exposure to media, such as TV, Facebook, or Twitter. If adults
don’t talk to them about it, a child may overestimate what is wrong or
misunderstand adults’ silence. Be aware because difficult news and
tragedies are happening regularly. So, be the first to bring up a
difficult topic. When parents tackle difficult conversations, they let
their children know that they are available and supportive.
Guiding the Conversation
Find a quiet moment. For parents, this could be after dinner or while making the next day’s lunch. For teacher’s, it could be
after recess or lunch if a student seems troubled. This is time and place where your children can be the center of your
Find out what they know. For example, there was a shooting at a school or a bomb set off in another country. Ask them
"What have you heard about this?" And then listen. Listen. Listen. And listen more.
Think about what you want to say or how you want to respond. Some advanced planning may need to take place to make
the discussion easier. If you do need to think about it, acknowledge the child’s concerns and get back to them soon. You
don’t always have to respond off the top of your head.
Share your feelings with the child. It is OK to acknowledge your feelings with children. They see you are human. They also
get a chance to see that even though upset, you can pull yourself together and continue on. Parents and teachers hear it
often: Be a role model. This applies to emotions, too.
Tell the truth. Lay out the facts at a level they can understand. You do not need to give graphic details. For example, young
children may not fully understand what death means and you may have to explain it in a way they can understand, such as
no longer feeling anything, not hungry, thirsty, scared, or hurting; we will never see them again, but can hold their
memories in our hearts and heads). Remember, it is OK to say, "I don’t know." Sometimes the answer to the question is "I
don’t know." "Why did the bad people do this?" "I don’t know" fits.
Above all, reassure. At the end of the conversation, reassure the child that you will do everything you know how to do to
keep them safe and to watch out for them. Reassure them that you will be available to answer any questions or talk about
this topic again in the future. Reassure them that they are cared for.
Source: American Psychological Association, Psychology Help Center