January 18, 2013 Position

January 18, 2013
Sustainability Office Energy Project Student Technician (Student Tech 1)
The OSU Sustainability Office seeks a student employee to scope and implement energy
conservation projects and execute related programmatic tasks. The Sustainability Office
is part of Campus Operations, the department responsible for development, construction
and maintenance of OSU’s physical infrastructure.
Work schedule can be somewhat flexible depending on the student’s needs, but must
remain responsive to workload. The successful candidate will work 10-20 hours per
week during the academic year and 20-40 hours per week during summer, depending on
workload, performing the following:
Become familiar with construction processes in Campus Operations in order to
plan and help manage energy and water conservation projects. This includes:
o Retrieve and review construction documents from the OSU Plan Center
o Inspect projects, attend construction progress meetings, review submittals
Read OSU utility meters monthly, requiring extensive movement throughout
campus and access to mechanical rooms, roofs and other restricted areas
Perform field work like pipe insulation, CFL installation, small equipment
installation/modification, etc.
Survey buildings for conservation opportunities
Suggest process improvements for existing resource conservation programs
Construction-related experience – please indicate type and duration
Excellent technical writing skills and interpersonal communication
Commitment to and general knowledge of basic sustainability principles
Excellent precision and attention to detail
Experience with Microsoft Office, particularly Excel
Project management experience, including reading construction documents
Familiarity with energy saving technologies
Coursework or experience with green building technologies
Hourly pay is $10.00 with periodic wage reevaluation. Employment begins winter 2013.
Preference will be given to applicants with availability through at least spring 2014.
To apply
For full consideration, send a concise cover letter and resume to
brandon.trelstad@oregonstate.edu by midnight, Thursday, Feb.7. In your cover letter, list
why you are interested in the position and your skills and experience related to the
bulleted items in this position announcement. Satisfactory driving record and
background check are required for this position.