Einstein Rate Equation Model Radiation in a two-level system E2, n2, g2 E2 E1 h Cu A Bu E1, n1, g1 u the incident radiation field (mode density) Cu A 1. Absorption process Bu 3. Stimulated emission process 2. Emission process A, B, C are the Einstein coefficients E2, n2, g2 Rate equation model Cu A Bu E1, n1, g1 Population of states: dn2 Cu n1 An2 Bu n2 dt Impose an equilibrium condition dn2 0 dt Statistical Physics: thermal excitation nT exp E / kT Relative population: n2 exp E2 / kt h exp n1 exp E1 / kt kT In steady state: n1 A Bu n2 Cu Atomic two-level system in equilibrium with radiation field: u A C exp h / kT B Results from the Einstein model E2, n2, g2 Cu A Bu E1, n1, g1 A two-level atom in equilibrium with a radiation field: The B constant related to the Transition dipole moment (the QM radiation strength) CB The A-constant follows from Stimulated emission is equally strong as absorption A 8h 3 B c3 Properties of a two-level system Under all circumstances, i.e. for arbitrary radiation fields u Cu A Bu Emission is stronger than absorption Optical pumping can never result in a population inversion So if we start at n1 (0) N (all population in the ground state) It is not possible to reach: n2 n1 A two-level LASER is impossible Decay of an excited state In the absence of a radiation field: E2, n2, g2 A E1, n1, g1 u 0 Rate equation reduces: dn2 An2 dt With a boundary condition; n2 (0) N numbers in 106 s-1 Solution: n2 (t ) Ne At Net / Note for multiple decay channels Lifetime of an excited state 1 A 1 Ai i Quantum states and kinetics Hydrogen at 20°C. Estimate the average kinetic energy of whole hydrogen atoms (not just the electrons) at room temperature, and use the result to explain why nearly all H atoms are in the ground state at room temperature, and hence emit no light. 3 K k BT 6.2 1021 J 0.04eV 2 Gas at elevated temperature – probability exited state is populated: Pn (T ) e En / kT Energy in gas: E En e n e n En / kT En / kT