Complex Atoms 4 Quantum numbers Several quantum numbers: n, l, ml, s, ms Lifting the l -degeneracy Magnetic effects Spin Otto Stern Pieter Zeeman Hendrik Lorentz The Helium atom; semi-classical approximation a Without repulsion: a/2 a/2 E 2E1 2Z 2 E0 8 13.6eV 108.8eV With repulsion; electrons at fixed distance ~a0, Repulsive energy: e2 4 0a0 Calculated: Experimental: c Etot 81.6eV Etot 79eV mec 2 E0 27.2eV Intermezzo Complex Atoms and the Schrödinger Equation +2e 2 2e 2 2e 2 e2 2 2 H 1 2 2me 4 0 r1 4 0r2 4 0r12 Ekin Two-particle Schrödinger equation: attraction NB: A non-central force repulsion Hr1, r2 Er1, r2 First approximation: unperturbed system (no repulsion) H 0 H1 H 2 2 2 2 2e 2 Z 4 H Each: has solution i i E R R i 2me 4 0 ri n12 n12 r1, r2 nlm r1 nlm r2 1 2 Wave function: H 0 r1, r2 H1 H 2 1 2 H1 1 2 1H 2 2 E1 1 2 E2 1 2 E 1 2 Hence: 1 1 E 4 R 2 2 n1 n2 General rule: complex atoms Product wave functions of hydrogen orbitals Magnetic Dipole Moments; Space quantization Stern-Gerlach experiment -nonuniform magnetic field -classically a continuum of deflection angles is expected Instead, the angles were quantized, corresponding to the quantized values of the magnetic moment. dU dBz Fz z dz dz General for a magnetic dipole: -Force on a dipole in a gradient -Orientation of a dipole in a Homogeneous B-field Otto Stern The Nobel Prize in Physics 1943 "for his contribution to the development of the molecular ray method and his discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton" Magnetic Dipoles Potential Energy of a magnetic dipole U B Choose the magnetic field along z; U z Bz Force = gradient of the potential: dU d z Bz dBz Fz z dz dz dz 1. Only a force if there is a magnetic field gradient 2. In a homogeneous magnetic field Stern-Gerlach space quantisation Zeeman effect Both effects related to quantisation of angular momentum Intermezzo Angular momentum and the unit of the Bohr magneton -e +Ze v L Current (charge passing per time) e ev T 2r Magnetic moment evr 2 IA 2r Angular momentum I L me vr Hence e L 2me Define B e 2me Bohr magneton We find a relation between the angular momentum and the magnetic moment of a classical point charge L B Hydrogen Atom: Schrödinger Equation and Quantum Numbers If no magnetic field: energy does not depend on m ml degeneracy In a magnetic field U B z Bz z B Lz For atomic wave functions; Lz m Hence splitting U B ml B Hydrogen Atom: The Zeeman effect In a magnetic field, the energy levels split depending on m . For an 1P 1D-transition m2 m 1 m0 m 1 m 2 2 1902 U g L B B ml m 1 m0 m 1 1 Dm=1 Dm=-1 Dm=0 9 transitions 3 spectral lines (in hydrogen) Pieter Zeeman Hendrik Lorentz "in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena" Normal Zeeman effect For an 1S 1P-transition Energy splitting for an nl state m m 1 n nm m Energy splitting: Em g B M s sz s Recall selection rules for m and polarization of light Electron spin No classical analogue for this phenomenon s Origin of the spin-concept -Stern-Gerlach experiment; space quantization 1 2 There is an additional “two-valuedness” in the spectra of atoms, behaving like an angular momentum This may be interpreted/represented as an angular momentum For a (relativistic) spin S S g S B -Theory: the periodic system requires an additional two-valuedness gS 2 This is peculiar ! Hydrogen Atom: Schrödinger Equation and Quantum Numbers The spin quantum number, ms, for an electron can take on the values +½ and -½. The need for this quantum number was found by experiment; spin is an intrinsically quantum mechanical quantity, although it mathematically behaves as a form of angular momentum. An additional quantum number ! Hydrogen Atom: Schrödinger Equation and Quantum Numbers