St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School
665 Willowbank Trail,
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 3L6
Telephone: (905) 848- 5397
Fax: (905) 848-0738
Head Secretary:
D. Brkic
S. Ferenc
T. Lariviere 905 890-1221
Fr. John Facey 905 270-2301
Trustee: M. Pascucci 905 302-3096
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Fax: 905 890-0888 905 890-0708
May 2016
Loving God,
In Mary You have given
Your church a sign of the glory to come.
May those who honour the Virgin Mother
Look to her as a model of holiness for all Your
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
May is the month we dedicate to Mary, the mother of
our Saviour, Jesus. We celebrate Mary, who humbly and
gladly accepted God’s will when she said “Yes” to our
Lord. As we honour Mary and all mothers, we are
reminded of the many blessings mothers bestow upon
their children each and every day.
In May,
the Virtue of
May 24,
at 2:45 p.m.
May 8, 2016 is Mother's Day. Happy Mother's day to all
mothers in our school community.
May 1 – 6 Catholic Education Week
May 3 6:30 p.m. CSC Meeting
May 8 Mother’s Day
May 13 PA Day – No school for students
May 9 Crowning of Mary Celebration
(9:15 Primary 10:15 Junior/Intermediate)
May 23 Victoria Day
May 24 2:45 p.m. Virtues Assembly
May 25 EQAO starts
May 25 Parent Engagement Evening
(6:00 – 8:00 at St. Pio)
“A Love of Christ and a Love of Learning”
A Person of Acceptance…
 Is friendly and open to all God’s people, regardless
of age, beliefs, gender, culture or ability
 Sees the positive traits in all people even if s/he
disagrees with them
 Avoids judging or stereotyping others
 Understands that there may be more than one way
to do things
 Sticks up for the ‘underdog’
One of the great wonders of the world we live in is that
no two people are exactly alike.
We may share biological families or national identity or
cultural and ethnic identity but we are all very unique
and distinct creations. God breaks the mold every time!
May 1 – May 6, 2016
The virtue of acceptance describes our ability to look at
the attitudes and actions of those around us and
consider each person without judging them. The virtue
of acceptance means that we look beyond what we seea person’s skin colour, ethnic background, religion, age,
gender and see a person created and loved by God.
The theme for Catholic Education Week 2016:
Opening Doors of Mercy
In April, we celebrated the virtue of Love. Congratulations
to all students who received certificates for modelling the
virtue of Love for all of us.
The subthemes for Catholic
Education Week 2016 are as follows:
Monday: Mercy that Welcomes
Tuesday: Mercy that Loves
Wednesday: Mercy that Forgives
Thursday: Mercy that Lives the Gospel
Friday: Mercy that Rejoices
The Rosary Apostolates
will be helping us organize
the Crowning of Mary
liturgies on May 9.
celebration is at 10:15 a.m., while Primary celebration is
at 9:15 a.m. All parents are welcome.
“Blessed are the merciful, for
they will receive mercy.” –
Matthew 5:7
Congratulations to our grade two students who received
their First Holy Communion.
We wish all the best to our Grade 7 students who will
receive the sacrament of Confirmation this week.
Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight
the partnership that remains the foundation of Catholic
education between our Catholic schools and local Catholic
parishes. Throughout Catholic Education Week, we ask you
to reflect on the significance of Catholic education’s
presence and contribution in our Church, and in our
society. We invite all members of our community, to
participate in the celebrations and activities that will mark
the celebration of Catholic Education Week 2016 in our
We are highlighting some of the activities/events that will
take place at St. Vincent de Paul School during the Catholic
Education Week.
Thank you to the parents who joined us on April 6th to
celebrate the Easter mass with us.
Mme. Ciminelli’s Grade 3/4 and 4/5 classes will present
French plays throughout the week. Parents are welcome to
attend. Please refer to the schedule that was sent home.
“A Love of Christ and a Love of Learning”
To celebrate Catholic Education Week , the FDK classes
will be participating in a story activity. Please join them
on Tuesday, May 3rd at 2:00 p.m.
Miss Raposo’s class will be sharing their All About Me
portfolios on Friday, May 6 at 11:15 a.m. and Ms. Dutka
is organizing a Public Speaking Contest at 1:00 p.m. the
same day.
The SVDP Diversity Club and Mrs. Pileggi attended the
Mississauga East Family Conference-Celebrating
Diversity by Opening Doors of Mercy, on Friday April
15th, at Philip Pocock Secondary School. They had an
opportunity to share all of the wonderful things we have
been doing here at SVDP school! The members were also
able to take a gallery walk through the many ideas being
shared from the other clubs. Hope to see some of them
in action here next year!
Dr. Simone Needs Our Help: Non-Perishable
Food, Toiletries and school Supplies
Our Youth Faith Ambassadors are working hard to help
Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children with their need
to replenish stocks at the warehouse.
There is a current specific need for canned food,
toiletries and school supplies.
If you can help, please send the above mentioned items
to school with your children and we will arrange for
delivery. You can visit Dr. Simone’s Charity website at for additional
Thank you in advance for your generosity and
Last month was a busy month
for our EcoTeam! We hosted an
Earth Week assembly, attended
workshops, led a school-wide
outdoor clean-up, and did our
final lighting and waste audits,
all while continuing with our
Waste-Free Lunch Wednesdays
We are pleased to share
that classes have become more
conservation practices and are doing a better job of turning
off lights and electronics when not required. We were able
to reduce the amount of trees needed to balance our
lighting use from over 120 trees (from our January audit) to
just over 75 trees! We have also seen some improvement
in classes doing a better job of sorting waste into
the appropriate bins, but want to keep this as a goal
for next year as well. Our waste diversion rate is 18%-that's the percentage of waste we have saved from going
into a landfill by recycling!
This month, we will have our final initiative. Our
#EcoAction2016 will be a week long Walk-to-School
Campaign to promote healthy physical activity and to
reduce our environmental impact. From May 16th - 20th,
we encourage students and families to walk, bike,
skateboard, etc. to school. If you can't walk to school, take
public transit or carpool with schoolmates in order to
participate in our EcoAction Challenge.
Keep bringing in reusable containers for your food and
reusable bottles for your drinks as we continue with our
Waste-Free Lunch Wednesday challenge and are only two
months away from determining our winning class in June!
Thank you for supporting the EcoTeam, lead by Miss
Raposo and for making a difference in our environment!
“A Love of Christ and a Love of Learning”
Intermediate B-Boys Undefeated Going into PostSeason!
to our SVDP
Boys Basketball
team for a very
exciting regular
season! The
boys are heading
into post-season play undefeated, with 5 wins, 1 tie and
no losses. Good luck to our boys as they represent our
school at the Mississauga East Family tournament on
May 4th. Go, Vikings, Go!!!
E. Antoniw and M.L. Ricardo
Good luck to our Intermediate Girls’ Basketball Team who
are also going to the Family Tournament on May 4th. They
too have played extremely well. Their coaches, Ms.
Grabowski and Ms. Khoury are very proud of them.
In March, Mrs. Fiorelli’s
Grade 10 religion classes at
School wrote and published a
collection of short stories
based on prayer and Faith.
They generously shared their
stories with our grade 2 and 3
students. Our students loved
the stories and also enjoyed
meeting these high school
authors face to face in our
own classroom.
On April 20th, we had the opportunity to visit Mrs.
Fiorelli’s grade 9 drama class at John Cabot High School
in order to view a series of short performances based on
Haiku poetry that was written by our very own grade 2
and grade 3 students.
The Grade 9 students did an amazing job bringing our
poetry to life on stage and our grade 2/3 students loved
watching these performances. We were privileged to visit
the Cabot Kingdom and to be treated like royalty. We
can’t wait for another opportunity to visit our high school
This year the EQAO assessments for students in grades 3
and 6 will take place between May 25 and June 8.
Therefore, we kindly ask that parents try to avoid
medical or dental appointments during the assessment
periods. Watch for more details closer to the assessment
EQAO Parent Tips:
 Celebrate your child’s successes and hard work
each day.
 Remind your child that the assessment will have
questions asking them things that they have
already learned in class.
 Be sure your child receives enough sleep every
night so that they are rested.CO-CURRICULAR AND
 During test days ensure that your child eats a
healthy full breakfast
 Remember to keep a positive and relaxed attitude
in the home environment.
 Do not force your child to study for these tests.
They are already working hard at school.
 For additional information on grades 3 and 6
testing visit the EQAO website at
and click on “Parent Resources”.
“A Love of Christ and a Love of Learning”
activities to help with their transition to the school setting.
Each child will bring home a bag of useful supplies to
practice these preschool skills, such as, reading readiness,
number and letter awareness and the like.
This initiative is supported by The Learning Partnership, a
national not-for-profit organization dedicated to
championing a strong education system in Canada.
Dufferin-Peel is offering the Full-Day Kindergarten program
in all 123 Catholic elementary schools in Mississauga,
Brampton, Caledon, Bolton and Orangeville. Registration
materials are available for pick-up at the schools.
Parents/guardians are to register their child in person at
their designated Catholic school. To find out which Catholic
school is in your area, please contact our Planning
Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24440.
Parents/Guardians should bring the following documents
when registering their child:
· Proof of age of the child (birth certificate or passport)
· Original Catholic Baptismal Certificate of the Roman,
Greek or Ukrainian Rite, for parent (one) and child (if
the child has not been baptized, a letter of counseling
with the parish priest, to complete the process will be
· Updated immunization records
· Proof of home address (2 pieces: utility bill, bank or
credit card statement, rental agreement)
· Proof of English Separate School support (may be done
at the time of registration by completing an Application
For the Direction of School Support and/or Separate
School Lease Agreement available at the school.
All parents who have registered their child for Full Day
Kindergarten for September 2015 are invited to attend
(with their child) a ‘Welcome to Kindergarten’
information evening at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic
School on May 12th, 2016 @ 6:00 p.m. The children will
have an opportunity to experience some worthwhile
We will be meeting soon to work on class placements for
September 2016. When determining placement, we
consider many factors. Although we are limited in our
placement options due to the school size, we make every
effort to create balanced classes.
Please do not make specific requests for a teacher as
current and tentative assignments may change between
now and September.
Supervision begins at 8:45 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m.
Please do not bring/send your children to school earlier
than this time. Given safety concerns, it is not a good idea
to leave your children outside unattended as student
supervision in the yard begins at 8:45 and not before.
Please make other arrangements for the care of your
children prior to 8:45 a.m. Please meet your child at the
back of the school at 3:30p.m. for dismissal. Students
should not be leaving the building through the front door.
We appreciate continued parental help and support in
minimizing disruptions to classes, whenever possible.
If you wish to discuss something with your child’s teacher,
we ask that you set up an appointment with the teacher.
Approaching the teacher, before, during and/or after
school makes it difficult for the teacher to focus on her/his
students. This also becomes a safety issue. Please leave a
message with the office and the teacher will call you back.
If your child is late, please have him/her report to the
Please send a note in advance, to your child’s teacher when
your child needs to be picked up early, then meet them in
the office and sign them out.
If delivering lunches to your child at school, please write
your child’s and teacher’s names on lunch bags and leave
“A Love of Christ and a Love of Learning”
them on the lunch table in the front foyer. This would be
greatly appreciated.
Students are expected to dress in an appropriate manner
and wear attire that is suitable for the school
environment. Boys must wear t-shirts with sleeves. Girls
are not to wear anything strapless or have bare midriffs.
Tank tops and crop tops are not acceptable nor are very
short shorts. Shirts with offensive language or pictures
are not allowed. If students do not adhere to these
guidelines, parents will be called and/or alternative attire
will be provided. We trust you will assist us in maintaining
a sense of dignity and modesty within our Catholic
learning environment.
If your child has a severe reaction to peanuts, peanut byproducts, bee/wasp stings or any other allergies or
medical conditions, please let the school know as soon as
possible. It is essential that the information you provide
to us is accurate and up-to-date.
There are various forms which need to be completed by
you and your family doctor if it is necessary to store an
epipen/medication at school. We continue to have
students with severe, life threatening allergies to nuts
and peanuts. Although this may or may not affect your
child’s class directly, we require your continue
cooperation in sending foods to school that are free of
peanuts, nuts, or their by-products. We cannot guarantee
that any classroom is nut free, but we are attempting to
minimize the exposure and keep everyone as safe and
healthy as possible.
A reminder that students who regularly stay for lunch are
NOT permitted to leave school property without a signed
and dated note from parents each time they leave school
grounds. Students either go home for lunch or stay in
school for lunch. Thank you for supporting this important
safety routine.
Many thanks to parents / guardians who have been using
the correct and safe procedure for dropping their children
off in the morning in our Kiss and Ride program. Our
driveway is made safer when everyone cooperates. Please
ensure you have pulled up to the front of the drop line to
let children in or out of your car. If you need to park your
vehicle for a few minutes, please use the parking lot in
order to ensure everyone’s safety. The driveway gets very
congested as 9:00 a.m. approaches, and many students are
arriving after the bell rings. Please be aware that it is our
expectation that children arrive at school on time and
prepared to work.
All students from FDK to Grade 8, should start school on
time. This prevents interruption of classes and loss of
information for the students. A student is considered late
if the school bell has rung and they are not in line and
entering the school with their classmates. Being
consistently and continuously late interrupts the classroom
during lessons, creates delays in the office and sets a poor
example for those who do arrive on time. Please encourage
and assist your child(ren) to recognize that punctuality is a
responsibility which all students should be developing.
On rare occasions, we are faced with difficult situations in
which non-custodial parents arrive at our school asking to
visit with their child or take their child home after school.
We are best able to serve and protect the child when we
are made aware of legal custody arrangements, visitation
rights and special instructions. If legal custody matters
affect your family, please ensure that our office and
classroom teachers are aware of custodial agreements
between parents. We require that a copy of all legal
documentation be kept in your child’s school records.
“A Love of Christ and a Love of Learning”
St. Vincent de Paul School is required to conduct
three fire drills in the fall and three in the spring. We
will also be conducting two lockdown drills
throughout the year. These drills are standard
practice across the Board and ensure that in the
event of a real emergency our students and staff can
respond quickly and appropriately. If you have any
questions or concerns regarding these drills please
speak to your child’s teacher or the main office.
Father Michael Goetz St. Joseph Secondary
St. Marcellinus
St. Edmund Campion St. Marguerite d’Youville
St. Joan of Arc
St. Thomas Aquinas
Contact Adult and Continuing Education for more
details: 905-891-9263
In rare circumstances, our students and staff may
need to evacuate the building as a result of an
emergency in the building or in the nearby
community. Our evacuation site is John Cabot
Secondary School. Board regulations and safety
precautions require this contingency plan. Should
an evacuation be necessary, you will be notified as
soon as possible and your child will be held at John
Cabot School until we make direct contact with a
Grades SK to 6
Remedial Literacy Program
July 11 - July 29, 2016
3 week program Fee-for-service
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Students recommended by the Principal
No transportation provided.
Deadline for applications: May 27, 2016
ESL Non-Credit
Open to ESL DPCDSB High School Students only
Grades 9 to 12
Contact Brunella Trinca for additional information
905-891-9263 ext. 37988
St. Nicholas
Secondary Summer School
Grades 9 to 12
July 4 - July 29, 2016
Walk-in Registration 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
 July 4
Full Courses and Credit Recovery Alternative
Summer Program
Bussing provided from pick-up points in Bolton and
Deadline for applications: May 30, 2016
8 Locations
Father Daniel Zanon
St. Bernard Clairvaux
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Gregory
St. John of the Cross
St. Louis
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
Lester B. Pearson
St. Angela Merici
St. Jean-Marie Vianney
Venerable Michael J. McGivney
Contact Adult and Continuing Education for more
details: 905-891-9263
“A Love of Christ and a Love of Learning”
Grade 7 and 8 students
Remedial literacy and numeracy
July 4 – July 22, 2016
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Students recommended by the Principal
Busing provided at home school pick up points
Deadline for applications: May 27, 2016
PLASP currently has spaces available at St. Vincent
de Paul School. Children are involved in fun-filled
recreational activities and are provided nutritious
snacks in a warm and caring environment.
For information, please contact Ms. Tracey
regarding kindergarten or Mrs. White for school age
You may also access for more
St. Cornelius
St. John the Baptist
St. Peter
Holy Cross
St. Faustina
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Philip
St. Gertrude
Father C.W. Sullivan
Good Shepherd
St. Ursula
Contact Adult and Continuing Education for more
details: 905-891-9263
Various ESL Sites (July ONLY)
St. Gabriel Adult Learning Centre
Brian J. Fleming Adult Learning Centre
Contact Adult and Continuing Education for more
details: 905-891-9263
“A Love of Christ and a Love of Learning”
2016 - 2017 Modified School Year Calendar
First day of classes Elementary and Secondary Schools
First Day of classes Semester 2 Secondary
School Year ends Elementary and Secondary Schools
Number of school days for the 2016 – 2017 school year
Number of Instructional Days in Elementary Schools
Number of Instructional Days in Secondary Schools
Number of Professional Activity Days in Elementary Schools
Number of Professional Activity Days in Secondary Schools
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Friday, February 3, 2017
Friday, June 30, 2017
School Holidays for the 2016-2017 School Year
Every Saturday and Sunday
Labour Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Break (inclusive)
Family Day
Mid-Winter Break
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day
Monday, September 5, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
Monday, December 26, 2016 to Friday, January 6, 2017
Monday, February 20, 2017
Monday, March 13, 2017 to Friday, March 17, 2017 (inclusive)
Friday, April 14, 2017
Monday, April 17, 2017
Monday, May 22, 2017
Elementary Schools – Professional Activity Days
Friday, September 16, 2016
Principal’s Day: Re-organization/Faith Development
Friday, November 18, 2016
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Monday, January 23, 2017
Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
Friday, February 10, 2017
Reporting to Parents
Friday, May 12, 2017
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Monday, June 12, 2017
Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
Friday, June 30, 2017
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
St. Sofia Only – Professional Activity Days
Friday, September 16, 2016
Principal’s Day: Re-organization/Faith Development
Friday, November 18, 2016
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Monday, January 23, 2017
Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
Friday, February 10, 2017
Reporting to Parents
Friday, May 12, 2017
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Monday, June 12, 2017
Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
Friday, June 30, 2017
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Secondary Schools – Professional Activity Days
Friday, September 16, 2016
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Friday, November 18, 2016
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Principal’s Day: Semester Turnaround
Friday, May 12, 2017
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
*Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities
Thursday, June 29, 2017
*Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities
Friday, June 30, 2017
*Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities
*Semester and year end evaluations and school wide promotion meetings; contact parents with summer school
recommendations, OSR and report card preparation; inventory management of books, equipment, learning materials;
curriculum development for new course outlines; goal setting for the upcoming school year.
 Secondary Schools – Examination Days
Semester 1: January 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 2017
Semester 2: June 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 2017
February 1, 2017 – Instructional Day – Examination Review
June 27, 2017
– Instructional Day – Examination Review
Summer Literacy Camp 2016
Community Information
A Literacy Reinforcement and Enhancement Program for Students
SK through Grade Six
Oral Language:
Listening and Speaking
Fluency, Motivation, Comprehension
Text Forms and the Traits of Writing
Writing Process
(Retelling and Proficient Reader
Foundational Skills:
Phonemic Awareness, Letter Sound
Identification, Concepts about Print,
Hearing and Recording Sounds in Words,
High Frequency Words
Friday Fun Days!
Spelling/ Phonics/ Working with Words/
Grammar / Vocabulary Development
Reader’s Theatre
Literacy experiences
Literacy Camp provides a fun and innovative environment for learners!
Small group and individual attention for students
Balanced literacy curriculum with lessons planned for your child’s individual learning needs
Registration is available only through teacher referral.
Dates: Monday July 11th – Friday July 29th
Days: Weekdays
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
$300 for full 3-week session
Father Daniel Zanon
450 Hillcrest Ave.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
3345 Escada Dr.
St. Catherine of Siena
2350 Hurontario St. S.
St. Gregory
1075 Swinbourne Dr.
St. John of the Cross
3180 Aquitaine Ave.
St. Louis
1450 Lewisham Dr.
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
4765 Huron Heights Dr
Lester B. Pearson
140 Howden Blvd.
St. Angela Merici
83 Edenbrook Hill Dr.
St. Jean-Marie Vianney
75 Jordensen Dr.
Ven. Michael J. McGivney
450 Fernforest Dr.
St. Nicholas
120 Harvest Moon Drive
Registration forms are available at
all Dufferin-Peel Elementary Schools after March Break.
For registration information please call 905-891-9263 ext. 0
Offered by the Department of Adult and Continuing Education
Registration Forms to be submitted to school by May 27, 2016.