Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Ursula Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By fall of 2015, students indicating they feel bullied at school will decrease compared to
the CCCC School Climate Survey baseline data (Spring 2013).
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: The school is awaiting the set of data from the next School Climate Survey to inform practice and
determine next steps. The school continues to access support of NPU Officers, CYW, Social Worker. As well, we are
developing the students ability to advocate for the rights of themselves and others as youth faith ambassadors
through Ursulights and Girls Club, as well through outside programs such as Go Girls and Game On.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have
demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of self-regulation
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: We will continue to make use of collaborative work (three-part lesson, guided practice/guided reading)
in flexible groupings. Students are given meaningful and relevant opportunities to further communicate their
critical and creative thinking to enhance their learning. Students are given opportunities to research and explore
their own ideas and interests in order to develop a culture of learning that encourages their development as lifelong learners.
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of Grade 8 students who
are prepared for Secondary School transition through a variety of contexts and active
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: There was early and continual communication between St. Roch Secondary School and St. Ursula staff.
Grade 8 students attended a School retreat hosted by St. Roch S.S. to welcome and showcase school programs. We
continued to host transitional meetings for our students entering St. Roch S.S. The Grade 8 students used My
Blueprint to register for secondary school courses. The entire intermediate division will be working with My
Blueprint to develop student created portfolios by June 2016.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Ursula Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students able to
articulate strategies supporting their learning as demonstrated by perceptual data results.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: We are continuing to implement practices that are focused on developing the habits of mind and
conditions for learning that supported student inquiry. This was done through effective lesson design, honouring
student thinking, and co-construction of knowledge. Through our school wide collaborative inquiry we will
continue to integrate accountable talk into all subject areas by including Learning Goals and Success Criteria. Staff
have revisited assessment for, as, and of learning in order to discuss, evaluate, develop, and grow in class practice
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students improving
their EQAO achievement level between assessment years.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: We are continuing to use formative and summative assessment results to guide instruction. Additionally,
through divisional meetings, staff meetings, collaborative teacher planning time, and SAT support successful,
research supported strategies are being implemented across divisions. Also, at risk students are being supported in
Grades 3 and 6 through the After School Tutoring Program. Guided by the school technology team, and in
collaboration with other schools, the use of technology (computer lab, smart boards, BYOD, iPad Lab, etc.) in the
classroom will be guided and developed through the SAMR model to transform student engagement and learning.
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SkoVision™ Report