Mission Statement Mission *

St. Edith Stein Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
Mission Statement
We, the staff of St. Edith Stein Elementary School,
celebrate spirituality and diversity through achieving, believing and community
living in an inclusive Catholic environment.
We, the parents of St. Edith Stein Elementary School,
in participation with staff and students,
are dedicated to our children’s spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and physical development
in a secure environment, at home and in class.
Working together, we attain success by educating students to their full potential.
We, the students of St. Edith Stein Elementary School,
act and learn as a Catholic community.
We demonstrate our love for God by respecting each other
and by trying to meet the expectations of our parents and teachers.
St. Edith Stein School Motto......
“To have a friend, you must be a friend!”
Catholic Focus
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St. Edith Stein Elementary School
Learning Plan
St. Edith Stein Catholic Focus
At St. Edith Stein Elementary School, we are proud of our balanced religion, academic, arts and technology programs, which offer students a well-rounded and value-centred
education to help them make good choices for the future. Our school has a School Learning Team that has prioritized numeracy, early literacy, assessment as learning,
generating Student Voice, the Virtues program, healthy eating, active living and healthy world as the major foci for the 2015 - 2016 school year. Strategies such as: Primary
Benchmark analysis and Junior/Intermediate CASI literacy assessments are implemented to identify student needs at the earliest possible age. Our School Action Plan
encourages teachers to co-plan and co-learn using the collaborative inquiry model, and report together as a division and as a grade. A wide range of subjects and innovative
and interactive learning experiences are offered to develop the skills, abilities and talents of individual students. Accordingly, appropriate assessment as learning procedures
are employed regularly to motivate and encourage student success. To ensure coherence and wholeness, subjects are taught within the background of The Ontario
Curriculum, the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations, the Gospel values of Jesus Christ and sound educational practices. We are very proud of our vibrant Virtues
Program. We highlight specific virtues (i.e., faith, empathy, love, conscience, etc.) on a monthly basis and celebrate the virtue as a community at our monthly Virtues
It is our goal to ensure that for our students, St. Edith Stein School is a safe, welcoming, faith-filled, and productive place to grow and learn.
Core Principles
St. Edith Stein School is a community that models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs in a variety of
By beginning each day with our national anthem, prayers and announcements. We incorporate the Virtues in Action program (announce the names of students that
exemplify virtues) into our daily exercises
Through our continued commitment to charities, (i.e., Eden Food Bank, St. Josephine Bakhita Christmas Basket Drive, Dr. Simone, Share Life, Hats Off for Kids,
United Way, St. Josephine Bakhita Parish Fund, Peel Regional Police Toys for Tots, etc)
Through our commitment to social justice
Through our continued commitment to support worthy causes, (i.e., Terry Fox Cancer research)
We are a community that celebrates our faith with Liturgical celebrations, Masses, monthly Virtue assemblies, sacramental preparation and PALS
We are a community that focuses on praying together, lead by the ladies of the Rosary Apostolate
By providing a Pastoral Plan to staff and community detailing Catholicity goals and initiatives
By presenting visible signs of our faith in the front foyer, showcase, office and every classroom learning environment
By following our 5-step problem solving model, posted on plaques in all classrooms and foyer
A summary of the school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance.
Primary Reading: 86%
Primary Writing: 86%
Primary Mathematics: 82%
A summary of the school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance.
Junior Reading: 80%
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St. Edith Stein Elementary School
Learning Plan
Junior Writing: 89%
Junior Mathematics: 60%
EQAO test results continue to be successful for Dufferin-Peel students. Results of Grades 3, 6, and 9 reading, writing and mathematics assessments, conducted by the
Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) during the Spring of 2015, indicate that Dufferin-Peel students performed well in all areas of the assessment at the
Board level.
Our Grade 3 and Grade 6 students at our school worked diligently to prepare for the EQAO assessments. Generally, our scores continue to be above average in primary and
junior grades. As a school, we made Mathematics and Reading a school focus this year. We will continue to work with the school board consultants as well as the Ministry
Student Achievement Officer to identify individual areas that require our attention, set specific goals and ensure that our students improve in their learning of curriculum
St. Edith Stein supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning by providing opportunities such as:
Positive learning environments that establish student engagement and a sense of belonging
Cooperative learning tasks focusing on improving collaboration and communication skills
Activities that improve leadership skills
Field trips that engage students curiosity, desire to learn, increasing knowledge, skills and experiences
Leadership skills – students taking on active roles on Youth Faith Ambassadors, PALS, and so forth.
Athletics – inter/intramural teams of volleyball, soccer, basketball, cross country, track & field, softball, flag football and so forth.
Guest Speakers that inspire and educate
Parent Engagement / Information nights (i.e., Open House, Secondary School Information Night, Zumba Night, Welcome to Kindergarten evening)
Teachers and administrators are part of the school community to support teacher learning:
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) as well as Divisional Meetings with a common focus on strategies and best practices.
In all divisions, the Numeracy focus will be to continue to include incorporating the Three-Part learning model into Math lessons
Teachers use professional learning communities to focus on specific questions from EQAO (i.e., Algebra and Patterning). Teacher moderation and focused
interventions/strategies will be implemented and tracked for effectiveness. Three-part learning model will be incorporated regularly into lessons.
The Intermediate Division and Special Assignment Teacher participating in co-learning sessions with a numeracy and Social Studies focus.
Individual classrooms have transitioned into Responsive Learning classrooms providing students with opportunities for interactive collaboration, innovative academic
choice, creativity, greater confidence and engagement.
4. The school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners.
Providing opportunities for teachers to collaborate (i.e., professional learning communities to facilitate grade planning and moderate marking).
Using Benchmark & CASI data - review, analyze data and determine next steps. Group students for focused interventions, track and monitor progress
Providing students with authentic, innovative and relevant performance tasks to demonstrate, communicate and refine their learning
Using documented student learning as a means to inform next steps for teachers and students
Providing varied opportunities for Student Voice and Choice as students navigate in a challenging learning environment
Providing timely, explicit and constructive feedback related to student generated Success Criteria
Professional Learning Communities meet at least 3 times a year to plan for particular areas of overall weakness and determine focus strategies to improve student
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St. Edith Stein Elementary School
Learning Plan
Literacy Numeracy Secretariat videoclips on current high yield strategies and best practices used to support student achievement
Facilitating staff meetings will incorporate Professional Development (i.e., focus on assessment strategies including promoting Success Criteria, Learning Goals,
Descriptive Feedback, and Eliciting Information from students, as well as Growth Mind Set in the Mathematics classroom)
Scheduling Special Education Team meetings and triads to discuss needs of particular students and determine types of additional/alternative supports
Community Engagement
1. Our school community ensures that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community:
Catholic School Council welcomes all parents to attend meetings – Dates are published in the newsletter and on the school web-site.
Open and transparent process to elections
Catholic School Council is visible and participates at Open House, Welcome to Kindergarten, invites guest speakers, Christmas Concert and other events to promote
community engagement
Trusting relationships built amongst parent community and school staff
2. The school team builds and sustains community partnerships and collaborates (e.g., collaborative relationships, Peel Health):
We have strong community partnerships with the following community members: St. Josephine Bakhita Parish, Eden Food Bank, St. Vincent de Paul, Peel Regional
Police, Peel Health, ECO School, and many other community partners.
Visiting Authors, Red Cross (Babysitting Course, First Aid, Safe at Home), Peel Got Skates Skating program, and Peel Swim to Survive program (gr.3)
1. The school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success:
Communication through newsletters, web-site, invitations to Open House, Welcome to Kindergarten Program, Masses, Catholic Education Week flyer listing
itinerary of events, activities during the week, all special occasions that occur during the school year.
Attending and supporting Parish meetings for sacramental preparation, and parish events (i.e., Thanksgiving Food Drive, Parish Building Fund Walk-a-thon)
Building on the relationship with the new parish of St. Josephine Bakhita. Inviting Father Mark and parish staff to school events, socials, retreats, servant leadership
retreat (Confirmation) in addition to Masses and liturgies
Monthly classroom visits by Rosary Apostolate
Physical Environment
1. Activities the school engages in that models and promote good stewardship of resources:
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St. Edith Stein Elementary School
Learning Plan
An active Recycling Program including a Recycling Team and an ECO School Team who model and promote good stewardship of resources on a continual basis
Promoting litterless lunches, etc.
Limits on photocopying and paper waste
Energy Hog Program
Garbage and Recycling audits
Printer Cartridge / Cell Phone Recycling
Walk to School Days
Student gardening programs to improve school beautification
Daily announcements made to promote the 3 Rs
Recycle My Cell Program
Obtaining a Gold Rating by the Ontario ECO Schools program
2. The school demonstrates financial responsibility.
Ensure that school budget is aligned to system/school goals for improved student achievement (i.e., allocating budget monies to meet school goals).
Ensure that Catholic School Council funds support presentations and activities (i.e., Gym Scoreboard, Audio System, Choir Risers, Pavement Game Painting,
Sacraments, Graduation, Play Day), purchase of resources/materials (i.e., Literacy and Numeracy Room) to promote same school goals.
Demonstrate accountability, transparency and compliance in areas of fiscal responsibility to staff, Catholic School Council, Supervisory Officer and Board.
Maintain a balanced and sustainable budget to balance student achievement with fiscal prudence within the Catholic stewardship context.
Monthly reporting and balancing budgets as per Board policies and procedures.
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St. Edith Stein Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By the end of June, 2016, the proportion of St. Edith Stein students indicating they feel bullied at school will decrease compared to the CCCC School Climate
Survey data (Spring 2015)
Action Plans
Catholic Graduate Expectations
CCCC Virtues Formation
Community Engagement Evenings
PALS program
Positive School, Community and Parish Partnerships
Sacred Prayer Space
School Bullying Prevention Initiatives
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of June 2016, teams of learners will embrace the power of "co" through the collaborative inquiry process to improve well-being, learning, and
achievement as demonstrated through co-planning, co-teaching and co-learning.
Action Plans
Catholic School Learning Team
Divisional Learning Teams
Establish a Collaborative Learning Culture
Students as partners to inform classroom and school needs
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support transitional practices for all students.
Action Plans
Implementation of Ministry Document Creating Pathways to Success (i.e. My Blue Print / IPP)
Networking with Secondary School
Pathways and Transitions - Supporting Student Transitions
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St. Edith Stein Elementary School
Learning Plan
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of June 2016, with the implementation of the six assessment practices, the proportion of students able to articulate strategies supporting their
own learning will increase.
Action Plans
Assessment Data
Assessments 'For' and 'As' Learning are planned and implemented throughout learning
Descriptive Feedback
Learning Goals and Success Criteria
UMCL model
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end 2016, with an increase in successful practices that support effective instruction and by creating conditions that encourage student learning, there
will be an increase in the proportion of students improving in EQAO achievement.
Action Plans
Creating a Growth Mindset in a Culture of High Expectations
Differentiating Instruction
Responsive Learning Classroom
Student Voice
Three Part Learning Model
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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