Mission *

St. Elizabeth Seton School
Learning Plan
Mission *
St. Elizabeth Seton is a caring school community, committed to our Catholic faith and high academic standards. We provide a safe and comfortable learning
environment where models of Gospel values and Catholic doctrines, teachings and beliefs are an integral part of the daily life of our school.
At St. Elizabeth Seton, we aim to be like Jesus. We are proud of ourselves and are committed to helping each other grow to be the best we can be. Together
with our families, school, church and the whole community, we will learn skills and values that we will use to make our world a better place in which to live.
At St. Elizabeth Seton, our students participate in daily readings, prayers and reflections. Our prayer life, liturgical celebrations, the sacraments, and our faith
and values system form the foundation of our school program.
Our school community is openly committed to our Catholic faith and Gospel values which are an integral part of the daily life of our school. The St. Elizabeth
Seton School motto is “Let Our Light Shine”, which encourages all to practise the virtues daily.
Each year, our school selects a different liturgical theme, which is woven into our liturgical events, with its message displayed throughout the school. This
tradition helps to create a sense of inclusion and faith throughout the school.
All activities at St. Elizabeth Seton – academic and pastoral work, extra-curricular and intra-curricular, prayer and worship, administration and management –
help to prepare our students for their lives as Catholics in the community. Our focus this year on the promotion of the Catholic Graduate Expectations will
assist school staff and students examine what is distinctive about our school and about each one of us, as followers of Jesus.
Catholic Focus
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St. Elizabeth Seton School
Learning Plan
St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Elementary School is located at 6133 Glen Erin Drive in the northern section of the City of Mississauga. The student population
comes from a wide range of social and ethnic backgrounds reflecting the diversity of cultures found within Mississauga. St. Elizabeth Seton was established
in September, 1978 and was initially housed at St. Richard School. Its doors were opened in February, 1979. The school was used as a holding school for
many schools that now surround it in the Meadowvale community. St. Elizabeth Seton shares a strong partnership with St. John of the Cross Parish. The
school backs on to picturesque Lake Wabukayne; a view that the school community relishes.
Our community is very generous and eagerly supports many of our outreach and social justice programs to help those in need. These include food drives in
cooperation with the St. Vincent de Paul Society and Eden Food For Change Community Food Bank, Share Life and United Way campaigns, humanitarian
relief aid, and the Christmas Food/Gift Basket campaign that provides food and gifts to those less fortunate than ourselves.
The school not only caters to students’ educational needs but we are also very proud to provide other programs including PLASP Before and After School
programs, ESL Program, French Immersion Program (Grades 1-4), and Full-Day Kindergarten Early Learning Program.
Grounded in our Catholic faith, teachers and staff strive to ensure that each child has the opportunity to grow emotionally, socially, academically, physically,
and spiritually.
To assist in supporting students we offer:
PALS Program: Junior students facilitating outdoor activities for primary students with a focus on problem solving and conflict resolution; Peel Public
Health Nurse provides links to Bullying Prevention curriculum materials, for use in classrooms
Online Bullying Prevention Tool - to assist in the reporting of incidents to school administration.
Youth Faith Ambassador Program: a dedicated group of young people who seek to live the Gospel message and live their lives according to the
teachings of Jesus Christ.
Core Principles
The school community models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services
through the following:
Demonstrating genuine, integration of Virtue formation through:
Visual Images: virtues are exhibited in the front foyer, the main office, in all classrooms, and high traffic areas (i.e., gathering places) via posters,
images, and other materials, as appropriate; virtues are included in agendas, brochures, and/or newsletters, etc.
Structures: virtues are included in daily announcements, assemblies, liturgical celebrations such as masses and/or liturgies, classroom/extra-curricular
reflections/prayers; school classrooms share presentations re: the implementation of one virtue (bi-monthly) and the promotion of the Catholic
Graduate Expectations.
Curriculum Links: virtues are included in formative and summative tasks; virtues are role-modeled through narrative experiences; cross-curricular
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St. Elizabeth Seton School
Learning Plan
connections to the virtues are made, as appropriate.
Lived Experience: staff, students, and visitors demonstrate a personal belief system rooted in Gospel values and reflected through natural
conversations, daily interactions, and practices
Classrooms show proficiency in high-yield instructional strategies, and are able to:
Apply Gospel virtues in response to difficult situations and student behaviours
Identify incidents and/or “triggers” of student behaviours
Apply positive classroom management skills
Apply confidentiality and privacy measures, where appropriate
Apply acceptance and understanding of different thoughts, feelings, and learning styles (students and teachers)
Reflect on Catholic Community, Culture, and Care School Climate (CCCCSC) surveys every two years; as per Board initiative
Share survey results with the community, via the Catholic School Council
Use survey data to collaboratively identify any safety or equity concerns
Meet with the school Catholic Community, Culture, and Caring Action Team (CCCCAT) comprised of one or more teachers, one support staff member,
and the Principal, to discuss and review the well-being and safety of our students
Work collaboratively to understand and apply the various school-related policies and procedures that include but are not limited to: the Catholic Code
of Conduct, Bullying Prevention Intervention Policy, Progressive Discipline policy, Equity and Inclusive Education Policy
Ensure a safe and consistent bullying and harassment reporting process, and follow-up protocol
Participate in PALs Program, Student and Adult Faith Ambassadors, Student Council, Restorative Justice, Progressive Discipline, St. Vincent de Paul,
Social Justice Programs, and OPHEA Healthy Schools Initiative.
Continue to develop school wide recycling program, and promote the Region of Peel Litter-less Lunch and Healthy Eating programs. Most recently, St.
Elizabeth Seton received GOLD status in the Ontario ECOschools initiative.
Learning Environment
The school’s most recent EQAO Primary Assessment performance (2014-2015) are as follows:
Mathematics: 80%
Observations regarding school progress in Primary EQAO:
The school made the most significant gains in students' Primary Reading performance over last year's results. We experienced a slight decline over
last year for results in Primary Writing and Mathematics, yet we remain at or above 80% in each of these measures. Our Primary Assessment
results indicate that the school-wide emphasis on literacy and numeracy continues to manifest itself in our students’ strong academic skills. Once again
this year, our school results in Primary Reading, Writing and Mathematics all exceeded the Board's average results.
The school’s most recent EQAO Junior Assessment performance (2014-2015) are as follows:
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St. Elizabeth Seton School
Learning Plan
Mathematics: 58%
Observations regarding school progress in Junior EQAO:
The school made the most significant gains in students' Junior Writing performance over last year's results. We also experienced slightly higher results in
Junior Reading and Mathematics as well. Our Junior Assessment results indicate that the school-wide emphasis on literacy and numeracy continues to
manifest itself in our students’ strong academic skills. This year, our results in Junior Reading and Writing are both above 90%, and our Junior Mathematics
scores exceeded the results from the Board.
The school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning through:
Financial support for field trips, sacraments, Artists in the School, Literacy Room, Classroom resources, assistive technology
Volunteer Program, Big Brother/Sister Program, PALS, Math Help Hotline, Secondary School students volunteer and community service
Welcome to Kindergarten and Welcome to French Immersion nights – home/school connection
Teachers participate in Board-sponsored professional learning network sessions, in-services, courses, Student Intervention discussions, as well as
other ongoing professional discussions and planning initiatives
Active participation of teaching and non-teaching staff in Catholic School Council meetings Student leadership opportunities through social justice
activities and academic competitions
Communication through newsletters, updated website information and various school and classroom Twitter feeds.
The infusion of interactive SMARTBoards and new technology into classroom instruction (e.g. DELL laptop computers).
The school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners through:
Teacher moderation in all divisions to align assessment practices
On-going assessment and collection of data to inform classroom instruction
Use of the Gradual Release of Responsibility model to support student learning and development
Professional Learning Team meetings to develop and/or monitor Shared Priorities, based on the collection of student data (PM, CASI, classroom
assessments, SKOPUS)
Transitions and Pathways meetings are an integral part of the journey for every student as they move from FDK to Grade 8
Cross curricular and authentic learning experiences and experiential learning are built into all subject areas
Assistive Technology is available to support student learning
Students have opportunities to build on in-school and out-of-school experiences and activities to explore further their personal interests, strengths
(sports, intra/extra murals, etc)
Monthly TEAM meetings with Special Education Support Services personnel, to support student needs
A process is in place for identifying and supporting transitions for students (e.g., students ‘at risk’, students with diverse learning needs).
Community Engagement
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St. Elizabeth Seton School
Learning Plan
The school community ensures that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community as follows:
Catholic School Council is reflective of the needs/interests and diversity of school community
Catholic School Council encourages all parents to be involved by recruiting parents to participate in Catholic School Council
Invitation to school council meetings are posted through web-site and published in school newsletters
Open and transparent school council election process
Welcome to Kindergarten and Welcome to French Immersion Programs, Open House, Newsletters sent home (electronically) each month and posted
on school website. The school has one main and many other (classroom) Twitter feeds.
Community Building events – Family Movie Night, Dance-A-Thon fundraiser, Parent Engagement evenings (guest speakers) etc.
The school team builds and sustains community partnerships and collaboration through the following:
Catholic School Council actively in place
Peel Police Youth & Educational and NPU Officers, R.A.I.D., PALS, Community Centre connection – Swim to Survive Program; public library; Peel
Health; Fire Department educational visits; Outreach programs - Eden Food For Change! Community Food Bank, St. Vincent DePaul.
Authors in the school
Parish-Home-School connection publication (family resource) included with each newsletter
Support for the purchase of Literacy, Numeracy and other resources that are reflective of the diversity within St. Elizabeth Seton and the larger
Promote staff involvement in DPCDSB Diversity Workshop initiatives
Classroom and Library resources are purchased that reflect diversity of school, culture, gender, variation in needs/interests
Arts in school programs are varied in content and reflect the needs/interests and diversity of school community, e.g., focus on developing self-esteem,
Black History Month Presentations, Bullying Prevention Programs, Arts Education Canada, etc.
The school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success through
the following:
Our school has established positive school-parish relationships as follows:
School-parish visits (St. John of the Cross Parish)
Liturgical celebrations
School and community masses, including Family Advent Mass (December) and St. Elizabeth Feast Day Mass (January)
Invite members of the parish community to social events, liturgical celebrations, award ceremonies and other school-related activities
Teachers involved in sacramental parish meetings
Sacramental preparation
Staff faith development
Involvement of Social Justice activities through Student Council and Student Faith Ambassadors such as Eden Food for Change! Community Food
Bank., St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Religious Education resources/materials are purchased to support faith formation of staff, students, Catholic School Council members
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St. Elizabeth Seton School
Learning Plan
Identify the positive impact that social justice engagement has for our school community and the communities served (i.e., socio-economic, social,
political, spiritual, etc. and sharing that impact through the use of visual images, curriculum links)
Encourage and support the participation of all students in social justice projects
Physical Environment
The school engages in various activities that model and promote good stewardship of resources through the following:
Enrolment in the Eco-Schools Certification Program and OPHEA Healthy Schools Initiative
Paper Reduction Program - reduce, and recycle paper being used.
GOOS bins (Good On One Side) to reuse paper before recycling
Recycling Program (student-led)
Peace Garden
Celebrating Earth Day and Earth Hour
Electronic Newsletters, e-mail blasts, school\class Twitter feeds.
Building student awareness through guest speakers
Promoting litterless lunches, idle-free zones, and conservation of energy (i.e., lights off)
The school demonstrates financial responsibility through the following:
Percentage of budget is allocated to purchase resources for school goals, faith formation and faith resources
Work as a school team, e.g., LSSAC, School Budget Team, to monitor and establish budgetary goals in alignment with Board Policy
Catholic School Council funds support school goals
Reconciliation of School/ School Council Accounts
Transparency in School / School Council Bank Account
Monitor School Budget on a bi-weekly basis
Use of the "Financial Support Tool for Schools" provided through the Board Finance Department
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St. Elizabeth Seton School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2016, the proportion of St. Elizabeth Seton students in grade 4 and 5 indicating that they feel excluded will decrease by 5% compared to the CCCC
School Climate Survey baseline data (Spring 2014).
Action Plans
Bullying Prevention
Creating conditions for well-being in a positive climate.
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of
Action Plans
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of selfregulation.
Action Plans
Enhancing Transitional Practices
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students able to articulate strategies supporting their learning, as demonstrated by perceptual
data survey results, e.g. EQAO Questionnaire.
Action Plans
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
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St. Elizabeth Seton School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students improving their EQAO achievement level between assessment years.
Action Plans
Responding Through Effective Instruction
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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