Mission *

St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
The mission of St. Sebastian Catholic School is: “As soldiers of Christ, the students and staff of St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School, in unity with our
families and church community, are dedicated to fostering Catholic values in all spiritual, intellectual and social learning experiences. Our commitment to
respect and cooperation encourages the development of faithful, caring and responsible citizens. We strive to reach our full potential, while facing the
challenges of life.”
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School motto is:
“Soldiers of Faith, Endurance and Freedom”.
Catholic Focus
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Focus
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School, located at 3460 Aquinas Avenue in northwestern Mississauga, opened in September 2004 and was blessed on
May 3, 2005. The focus of our school community is the successful working relationship of school, home and parish triad. The school actively joins our parish,
Merciful Redeemer, as evidenced by our close relationship with the parish team. Our pastors and other lay church leaders connect to the school through
Masses, St. Vincent de Paul initiatives, Sacramental Preparation and Youth Ministry.
Our school is named after the martyred Roman Praetorian Soldier who was killed for converting people to Christianity. He is patron saint of athletes because
of his physical endurance and his energetic way of spreading and defending the faith. We believe our school motto, “Soldiers of Faith, Endurance, and
Freedom”, encapsulates the essence of the life and example of St. Sebastian and the individuals who are members of our school community. Our academic
achievement, faith and social action initiatives continue in the valiant spirit of St. Sebastian as our school community demonstrates its devotion to Gospel
values. Our charity food drives and fundraisers, Virtues liturgies, Masses, sacraments and liturgical celebrations following the church’s liturgical calendar and,
perhaps most importantly, our daily interactions with one another foster the development of our academic, spiritual, personal skills and achievements to
become Soldiers of Christ.
Core Principles
1. How does the school community model, celebrate and nourish gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Response:
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St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Virtue education assemblies and liturgies
Sacred space in all classrooms and common areas
Gospel readings and reflection on daily announcements
Various Social Justice and charity fundraising initiatives occurring all year long
Environmental focus – renewal and stewardship
Strong relationship with Parish
Catholic, Community, Culture and Caring Safe Schools Team
Welcoming newcomers and providing assistance through school Social Worker
Empowering students to lead and giving students a voice as planners through Youth Faith Ambassador roles
1. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance.
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Response:
Primary Reading: 84% increase of 9% from last year (14% above province)
Primary Writing:88% increase of 6% from last year (10% above province)
Primary Mathematics: 74% increase of 12% from last year (7% above province)
Our 2014-2015 EQAO scores reflect an increase in reading, writing and mathematics. We will continue to develop a balanced literacy program with an
emphasis on the gradual release of responsibility model focusing on the Board's expected practices of modeled, guided, shared and independent reading and
writing practices to ensure school wide consistency across divisions. We will review our need to have balanced assessments reflective of the four categories
of achievement (Knowledge and Understanding, Communication, Thinking and Application) and give students meaningful learning experiences that support
the four categories of achievement. We will also focus on developing learning skills and work habits in all students. This year we will implement two teaching
learning critical pathway cycles, one per term, with a focus on balanced assessments and developing critical thinking skills and application skills in all areas of
the curriculum, but more specifically with Math and literacy. In numeracy, the focus will be problem-solving, with a focus on success criteria and learning goals
for students. Learner profiles will be a school-wide focus to assist with better transitions and identifying learner needs. We also want students to get a better
understanding of success criteria for self-assessment. We are also focusing on the use of technology as a learning tool and teaching tool for students hoping
this increases learning for all students.
2. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance.
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Response:
Junior Reading: 89% increase of 1% from last year (10% above province)
Junior Writing: 89% decrease of 5% from last year (11% above province)
Junior Mathematics: 56% decrease of 4% from last year (2% above province)
Our 2014-2015 EQAO scores reflect a very solid achievement in writing and reading. We had a decline in the area of mathematics, but we are still achieving
higher than the provincial average overall in this area. We will continue to develop a balanced literacy program with an emphasis on the gradual release of
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St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
responsibility teaching model focusing on the Board's expected practices of modeled, guided, shared and independent reading and writing practices to ensure
school-wide consistency across divisions. We will review our need to have balanced assessments reflective of the four categories of achievement (Knowledge
and Understanding, Communication, Thinking and Application) and give students meaningful learning experiences that support the four categories of
achievement. In numeracy we will implement two teaching learning critical pathway cycles, one per term, with a focus on creating balanced assessments
reflective of the four categories of achievement with meaningful learning experiences for students focusing on improving critical thinking and application skills
in problem solving. We will focus on the processes of Math specially the UMCL problem solving model. We will also focus on success criteria and learning
goals for students as a means of improving student self-assessment and understanding as well as an emphasis on creating learner profiles. We are also
focusing on the use of technology as a learning tool and teaching tool for students hoping this increases learning for all students.
3. Describe how the school community supports and provide opportunities for life-long learning.
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Response
Homework Help (Grades 7-12)
Transition planning Grade 8 to Grade 9
Special Education models, values and promotes inclusion of all
Teachers are lifelong learners, acting as role models, by attending in-services, workshops and courses.
Active partnership with community access
School Council Support e.g. Numeracy Night and Literacy Night.
Tutors in the classroom after school support
Homework Club for Primary Students during lunch
In school presentations to support curriculum expectations and experiences (SAT, SAO, Other staff, program department)
Out-of-school excursions to support curriculum expectations and experiences to create meaningful learning experiences for students
4. Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Response:
All grades are involved in the Teaching Learning Critical Pathways and teacher moderation
Differentiated instruction is occurring in all classrooms
SMART Board technology is used to enhance program delivery / We have purchased 4 more SMART BOARDS for 2015
Common grade level planning time is provided to teachers
Divisional meetings with focus on SMART goals and planning for instruction / use of technology / sharing best practices
Integration meetings to plan next steps for students
Student-generated anchor charts have been a focus
The use of success criteria and learning goals
The creation of learner profiles
Regular TEAM meetings to discuss student progress.
The use of the UMCL problem solving model as a consistent model throughout the school to problem solve
PD sessions for staff for improving the use of technology as a teaching and learning tool
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St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
1. How does your school community ensure that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community?
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Response:
Parents are strongly encouraged to join in the partnership of their children’s education
Parent representatives reflect our diverse Catholic community
Newsletter inserts invite parents to attend CSAC meetings
Parent Literacy and Numeracy Nights supported by Pro-Grants and School Council
The Council supports community building activities like movie night, BBQ's, Shrove Tuesday
2. In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Response:
Peel Police programs for Primary, Junior and Intermediate students
Students visit Peel Safety Village
Peel Health Nurse PALS program training
Fire Department visits
EDGE program
Guest speakers from the community to speak to and support our school and board focus for Safe Caring and Inclusive schools
Use of Social worker to assist parent in need and connect to community programs
Distributes items approved by school board to promote community based organizations, i.e.: Scouts, Soccer, etc.
Principal allows permits for community organizations where possible
1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Response:
Regular school Masses
Provide announcements for the parish over the PA system
Post Parish bulletin in school foyer
School Advisory Council Parish Representative is active liaison between Merciful Redeemer Parish and our school
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St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Encourage and support sacramental preparation through the church
Participation in St. Sebastian Feast Day celebrations
Regular visits by Merciful Redeemer Parish Team (Father Vid Vlasic, Father Scott, Sister Diane DeCarli)
1. What activities does the school engage in that model and promote good stewardship of resources?
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Response:
School “Green Day”
Establishment of the Green Club to promote eco-friendly habits
Celebration of Earth Day
Litter-less lunches are encouraged
Eco-School Focus
Recycling program
Spirit days
Energy Conservation (i.e.: turning off light, goose paper)
Beautify the school with picking up litter or doing some landscaping
2. Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility.
St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Response:
School budget is aligned to school goals and student learning
SGF plan submitted to SO in by November 2015
Finances shared with CSAC and Staff regularly
Provide the staff opportunities to submit proposals to support student needs
Maintain a balanced budget
All guidelines and policies are adhered to using tracking mechanisms to ensure compliance as per GAP 704.02
Remind Staff of accounting procedures
Date of Revision: November 2015
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St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By the end of 2016, we would like to increase our students’ sense of feeling safe and included during academic, social and spiritual experiences, as
demonstrated in the CCCC survey and the number and type of incidents reported in the school incident tracking system.
Action Plans
1 Creating a Positive Inclusive School Environment
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in staff and students participating in collaborative inquiry opportunities, as demonstrated by the number of
students and teachers participating in the inquiry process and the number of staff and students asking for further growth opportunities.
Action Plans
2 Building professional, trusting and respectful relationships
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the creation of learner profiles and portfolios that support all learners as they progress from grade to grade as
demonstrated in the number of successful strategies listed in the student learner profiles.
Action Plans
3.0 Creating Effective Learner Profiles
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in student self-assessment practices that will support an improvement in learning skills, work habits and
student achievement, as demonstrated in the report card data tracking Learning Skills and Work Habits scores.
Action Plans
4.0 Balanced Assessment (for, as and of learning) reflective of the four categories of achievement
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St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in collaborative, co-planning opportunities for teachers that supports the development of best teaching
practices as demonstrated in the number of staff participating in PD co-planning sessions and teachers being able to identify their next steps in their exit ticket
feedback and ALP.
Action Plans
5.0 Creating rich meaningful student learning experiences
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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