Mission *

St. Raymond Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
As a Catholic community of St. Raymond, we are called to foster a safe, caring, and inclusive Catholic learning environment. Our faith is
embedded in all we do. In collaboration with the home, school, and parish, we model the Ontario Catholic School Graduate
Expectations allowing our students to live the gospel values. Our goal is to meet the diverse needs of our students through effective
instruction while promoting student achievement and well being.
Catholic Focus
Our Promise
*We promise to provide each child with a distinct Catholic education, illuminated with the spirit of Christ.
*We promise to put children first. Decisions we make will always reflect our care for the students we serve.
*We promise to model the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations.
*We promise to commit to professional growth and development so that we can successfully meet the diverse needs of all students.
*We promise to respect parents/guardians and members of our community and work co-operatively for the best interests of their child/ren.
*We promise, as a staff, to share resources, ideas and will consider every child in the school to be our individual responsibility. We will do this by presenting
programs that motivate children to do their best, by celebrating successes and by supporting areas of learning difficulties.
*We promise, in partnership with our parents and the broader community, to help develop children who are self-motivated and self-directed life-long learners.
Core Principles
How does the school community model, celebrate and nourish gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and
Virtues Education Program
Rosary Apostolate
Grade 7 Community Studies Unit in collaboration with parish
Pastoral Plan in collaboration with student and parent community
School Prayer Room
Faith-based front foyer display
Liturgies, Celebrations and Sacramental Celebrations
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St. Raymond Elementary School
Learning Plan
Student Faith Ambassadors
School Adult Faith Ambassador Program
Sacred spaces in all classrooms and common areas
Gospel readings and reflections over the announcements everyday
Strong relationship between St. Joseph’s Parish and School
Social Justice Projects, ShareLife, Stewardship Activities, Eco Friendly Initiatives, Food Drives, Terry Fox Run, Christmas Family Hampers, Angel Tree,
Operation Christmas Child, Breakfast for Kids, Hats off to Kids,
Diversity Team
Welcoming newcomers and providing assistance to new families to Canada through the school Social Worker
Learning Environment
Summarize the school's most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) and junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance.
Primary Reading: 86%
Primary Writing: 98%
Primary Mathematics: 88%
Junior Reading: 78%
Junior Writing: 80%
Junior Mathematics: 44%
Teachers in our school continue to be lifelong learners, working collaboratively to promote student achievement and well being.
Teachers continue to provide learning opportunities for all learners through a variety of differentiated instructional practices.
Our Special Education model values and promotes inclusion of all students.
Parents volunteer their own time at the school and support our All Star Reading Program
Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all
Teachers participate in collaborative theories of action to assess data and establish learning goals
Learning Goals clearly identified by students throughout a unit of study
Student generated anchor charts - co created and displayed in all classrooms
Differentiated Instruction remains an ongoing practice for student learning
SMART Board technology is used to enhance program delivery
Increasing use of iPads reflects a commitment to 21st century learning
Specialty Assignment Teacher in all classrooms to support 3 part lesson, differentiated instruction and inquiry based learning
EQAO Tutoring Program
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St. Raymond Elementary School
Learning Plan
How does your school community ensure that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community?
Communication between Catholic School Council and St. Joseph’s Parish.
Catholic School Council is active in the school
All parents invited and welcome to attend school events, concerts, and virtues assemblies.
Invitation and Catholic School Council Meeting dates in newsletters, school website, and school sign.
In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaborative?
Peel Safety Village
Peel Officer presentations (RAID Program, Anti-Bullying Program, Student Safety, etc.)
Peel Health Nurse
Dr. Simone Canadian Food For Children
St. Vincent de Paul
Knights of Columbus
Catholic Women's League
Continue to invite guest speakers to address the staff, students, and parent community
Working with Rosary Apostolate throughout the school year and during Catholic Education Week
Ongoing communication and positive relationship between St. Raymond School and Trustee Luz del Rosario
How does the school promote the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success?
Copies of Church bulletin in school foyer
Parents are invited to attend Sacramental Preparation
Parents invited to all school masses
Parents invited in the school during Catholic Education Week
Grade 7 students participate in grade 7 Catholic Community Studies Unit
Parents, Pastor and Associate Pastor invited to monthly virtue assemblies
Pastor and Associate Pastor invited for regular classroom visits and school functions
Pastoral team visits to the school for Confirmation preparation for Grade 7 and 8 students
Physical Environment
What activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources?
Recycling Tuesdays
Boomerang Lunches
ECO Club
Gardening Club - Preservation in Nature
Lights Out Lunches
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St. Raymond Elementary School
Learning Plan
Milk Mats for Haiti
Recycling Batteries
Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility.
Budget priorities are based on Ministry/Board requirements, and aligned with school needs
Continue to follow financial procedures in compliance with past financial audit (money collection, bank signing privileges)
Administrators attend in-service on financial responsibility and report to staff on financial responsibility and procedures
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St. Raymond Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2016, the proportion of students indicating they feel bullied will decrease compared to the CCCC School Climate Survey data of March 2013.
Action Plans
If we as a school team review the CCCC survey results, then we can implement new inclusive initiatives which will result in making our school a safe,
caring, and inclusive environment.
If we recognize and reward students who model the gospel values, then we will see an increase in positive student behaviour.
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase on how teachers apply knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities by a variety of professional
feedback provided from school improvement teams and teacher learning cycles (exit tickets between staff and administration)
Action Plans
If teachers meet regularly to assess data, and discuss best practices, then we will see an increase in student achievement, well-being, and engagement.
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of staff and students who will engage in collaborative practices in order to support the learner and
their learning needs through transitional practices
Action Plans
If teachers work collaboratively on student transitions, then the diverse learning needs and well-being of students will be met.
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in proportion of staff using fair, equitable, and differentiated instructional practices surrounding assessment. Staff
will have an inquiry focus based on differentiated instruction through assessment "for" and "as" learning reflected in the Growing Success document
Action Plans
If administrators support collaborative inquiry with a focus on differentiated instruction, then we will see an increase in the number of teachers using
expected practices more regularly in their classrooms.
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St. Raymond Elementary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support effective instruction.
Action Plans
If all teachers implement the 3 part lesson, then student engagement and understanding will be meaningful and purposeful.
If we plan tasks and assessments which include products, observations and conversations, then students will have more opportunities to articulate their
thinking and learning, and teachers will have more evidence of student learning and be able to identify student needs and plan instruction and/or
intervention accordingly.
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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