Faculty Climate Survey Report to the Faculty Welfare Committee November 6, 2013 Statistical Laboratory Table of Contents Introduction Item Responses Demographic Factors Summaries of Individual Items Relationship between Items and Demographic Variables Long Form Response Discussion Appendix 1. Faculty Climate Survey Item Summaries Appendix 2. Rankings of Items by Mean Score Appendix 3. Statistical Tests of Gender Effects and Faculty Rank Effects for Each Item Appendix 4. Two-way Tables and Graphs of Gender by Item for Items with Significant Gender Effects Appendix 5. Two-way Tables and Graphs of Gender by Item for Items with Significant Faculty Rank Effects Appendix 6. Two-way Tables and Graphs of Race/Ethnicity by Item for Minority/Non-minority Items 1 Page 2 2 2 3 6 13 22 32 36 43 56 91 The Faculty Climate Survey was developed by the 2012-2013 Faculty Welfare Committee (Prof. David Mott, Chair) and administered over the Internet by University Technology Services. The Office of the Provost approved the survey and provided email addresses of over 2000 faculty to UTS. Faculty completed the survey from April 2013 through June 2013 with 739 total responses. Summaries for each item, including total responses, category percentages, means, standard deviations, and one-standard deviation bars are provided as the default report from UTS (Appendix 1). The default report also included all long-form responses provided by faculty members to question prompts; these are excluded from this report for confidentiality reasons. This report will include an exploratory analysis of the survey item responses themselves, as well as a qualitative summary of the long form responses. The focus in exploratory analysis will be on presenting the data in different summary formats that could assist the Faculty Welfare Committee and other USC organizations with developing priorities for their agenda. Item Responses Demographic factors We will first discuss some of the numerical summaries taken directly from the UTS report. In talking with various constituencies, there was some interest in reviewing items by demographic categories, particularly gender, race/ethnicity, and faculty rank (Tenured/Tenure Track/Non-tenure Track). Retired faculty (0.3% of respondents) are excluded from the faculty rank category. Since Race/Ethnicity accepted only long-form responses, a numerical summary was not presented in the UTS report; we compiled categories for responses and present them in Figure 1 as a supplement to the other demographic information available in the UTS report. 2 Figure 1. Race/Ethnicity Respondents were almost evenly divided by gender. Of the three faculty ranks, slightly under 50% of respondents identified themselves as tenured faculty. All categories for these two variables are well-represented. In contrast, racial diversity was low, and over 250 respondents did not provide information on race. As a result, some descriptive measures of items by race/ethnicity will be provided, but no testing of race/ethnicity effects will be conducted. Other demographic variables included College/School (38% of respondents were from College of Arts and Sciences), Disability Status, and Years at USC; this report will not analyze items by these variables. Summaries of individual items The UTS report included numerical statistics for each item, though these statistics should be reviewed with caution since they are based upon an underlying numerical scale that assigns values 1 through 6 to categories from, e.g., Strongly Disagree through Strongly Agree. The mean can be useful for a quick perusal of items, but the underlying percentages for each item category should be studied as well. Total responses vary greatly across items, so do pay attention to abstentions (or missing response), which appear in green in the UTS report. Bear in mind that several of the items are reverse-coded, so that a low mean actually corresponds to a favorable response. E.g., for 2.21--Faculty do not often report when they see an instance of discrimination against or harassment of minorities—entries in 3 the lower response categories indicate that faculty report incidences of discrimination and harassment, a favorable outcome. In such a situation, we can reverse the scores 1 through 6 (i.e., subtract each score from 7) so that high categories correspond to favorable outcomes. As an alternative to the item analysis in the UTS report, we have ordered the items within each of the Overall Indicators from highest score to lowest score using the item means; these rankings appear in Appendix 2. We consider that a high score indicates support for current policy or conditions, while a low score indicates a request for change. The reverse coding can cause confusion in this ranked list and others when inspecting the sample mean of the item responses, but the principle has been consistently applied. Table 1 and Table 2 contain items with the least favorable rankings (a call for change) and the most favorable rankings (support for current policy/conditions). Lower-ranked items could be high-priority “action” items for the Faculty Welfare Committee and others. Note that most of the items with the lowest rankings are drawn from Overall Indicator 8—Technology, Infrastructure and Services. Several of these items are readily anticipated (parking, tuition assistance, infrastructure condition, salary, travel funds, per diem), while others would likely not make everyone’s a priori bottom 10 list (Campus accessibility for those with disabilities, faculty involvement in selection of institutional software). 4 Table 1. Items with least favorable ranking Item Prompt 3.6 Mean Rating I would be interested in the university providing tuition assistance for children of faculty to attend the university. USC building conditions need improvement. 8.11 8.1 4.11 8.6 4.12 5.22 5.10 Faculty should be involved in selecting institution-wide software and technology. Graduate student stipends in my department/unit are adequate to attract and retain quality graduate students. Improvements in campus accessibility for persons with disabilities are needed. I receive reduced teaching and/or service responsibilities so that I may build my research program. I am satisfied with parking at USC. 8.4 4.83 2.66 4.29 2.80 2.90 The State of South Carolina’s travel per diem is sufficient for my needs. 8.13 3.02 I am satisfied with my salary. 3.1 3.12 I have sufficient funds for research travel. 4.6 3.40 Most of the favorable items are drawn from Overall Indicator 2—Unit Atmosphere, and suggest at least a veneer of respect between colleagues, the unit chair and students, though a couple of the items have relatively high variation (2.9 and 2.13), which suggests that underlying factors may be important. Table 2. Items with most favorable ranking Item Prompt Mean Rating I am treated with respect by department staff. 2.3 2.20 5 5.28 Discrimination against or harassment of minorities is a problem in my department. 1.79 I respect my colleagues’ research. 2.7 5.18 I am treated with respect by my students. 2.8 5.14 I am treated with respect by my unit chair. 2.9 4.95 Sex discrimination or harassment is a problem in my department. 2.13 2.10 I am treated with respect by my colleagues 2.1 4.88 I have the opportunity to teach in my specialty 5.4 4.85 7.3 Department meetings and/or other required departmental activities frequently occur outside the regular workday. 2.17 2.21 Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of discrimination against or harassment of minorities. 2.21 Relationships between items and demographic variables Gender and Faculty Rank We explored all questions on the survey for gender and faculty rank differences. Rather than an exhaustive presentation of two-way tables, we first screened all items for significant gender and faculty rank effects. Both factors are considered nominal (rather than ordinal) variables for this analysis, while our items are at least ordinal (we prefer to treat them as ordinal rather than scalar). Measures of nominal-ordinal association are relatively few, so we focus instead on results from ordinal logistic regression models. We test a proportional odds model for each item as a function of Gender then Faculty Rank; p-values for the score tests for these items appear in Appendix 3. In Attachment 4 and Attachment 5, we provide two-way tables and graphs for items with a p-value less than .001 for Gender and Faculty Rank, respectively. Such a strict significance criterion is used since so many items (87) are tested simultaneously for each factor. Even with this strict rule, numerous items were significant for each factor. Brief comments summarizing the patterns in these tables are included in Table 3 and Table 4. Gender Many of the patterns across significant items are similar, and item comments are grouped into a standard set of comments (e.g., “Female faculty score lower”). Whenever faculty differed on items by gender, female faculty always had less favorable responses than male faculty. For a few of the significant items, we would see items with two modes for one gender or both, suggesting a division of opinion within gender. Seven of the significant items were related to department climate and three of those 6 were directly related to questions on gender differences (2.12, 2.13, 2.18). Two addressed health care, with others related to research, safety, and family/work balance. Faculty Rank Numerous items were significant for Faculty Rank, generally reflecting a gulf between Non-tenure Track faculty and Tenured/Tenure-track faculty. In almost all cases, this gulf reflected greater dissatisfaction among Non-tenure Track faculty, with only a couple exceptions. On 3.2 (benefits package), 3.4 (health care options for family/household), and equipment and supplies for research (4.1), Non-tenure Track faculty had higher proportions of responses at both extremes. Tenured faculty were more likely to score lower (express dissatisfaction) than either Tenure Track Faculty, Non-tenure Track faculty or both, on 1.3 (college/school academic leadership), 1.4 (university academic leadership), 4.11 (graduate student stipend adequacy), 4.12 (reduced teaching responsibilities for research), 8.3 (campus-wide email), 8.9 (restrooms), 8.11 (building conditions), and 8.14 (UTS). Tenure-track faculty scored lower than Tenured faculty on a range of items, including 3.4 (health care for family/household), 4.1 (equipment/supplies for research), 5.8 (IT for teaching), and 6.2 (understanding of unit criteria for T&P). There were several other items for which the disparities seemed more subtle; these are noted in the table. On the other hand, Tenure-track faculty scored higher on 6.3 (feedback on progress toward T&P), 6.4 (assistance to Tenure-track faculty) and 6.5 (mentoring by senior colleague). Race/Ethnicity For item analysis, Race/Ethnicity was classified into four broad categories: African/American, Caucasian, Other and Missing. We included Missing because so many surveys included no response on this question. Other is a small and eclectic category that includes other minorities (Asian, Hispanic) as well as multi-ethnic categories. Responses for African/American and Other are quite small, and differences discussed below should be interpreted cautiously. In Appendix 6, we included two-way tables of Race/Ethnicity and the seven items (2.19-2.25) directly related to Minority/Nonminority disparities. Some of the items look quite disparate, but this is often only a matter of degree. For item 2.19 (Minority and non-minority faculty are treated equally), Caucasian and Missing faculty have a large percentage of Strongly Disagree responses, but AfricanAmerican and Other faculty have a large percentage of Disagree responses. This same pattern occurs for 2.24 (My department has made an effort to promote minority faculty into leadership positions). 7 African-Americans have a high percentage of Strongly Disagree responses on items addressing equivalent racial outcomes for retention (2.23) and peer-mentoring (2.25). An even more marked difference occurs for the item on informal social networks within the department (2.22); African-Americans feel that non-minority faculty are much more likely to be included in such networks. 8 Table 3 Items with significant Gender effects Item Comments 2.2 I feel like a full and equal participant in the problem-solving and decision-making in my department. 2.10 Faculty meetings allow for all participants to share their views. 2.11 Department/unit assignments are rotated fairly to allow for participation of all faculty. 2.12 Male and female faculty are treated equally. 2.13 Sex discrimination or harassment is a problem in my department. 2.18 Male faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than female faculty members. 3.3 The university’s available health care options meet my needs. 3.4 The university’s available health care options meet the needs of my family/ household. 4.5 I have colleagues on campus who do similar research. 5.1 I am satisfied with the classroom space available to conduct my teaching. 6.3 I receive feedback on my progress toward tenure/promotion. 7.1 In my department faculty may comfortably raise personal and/or family responsibilities when scheduling departmental obligations. 8.8 USC is a safe campus. 9 Female faculty score lower. Bimodal for both genders. Female faculty score lower. Female faculty score lower. Female faculty score lower. Bimodal for both genders. Female faculty score lower. Greater percentage of female faculty at both extremes. Female faculty score lower. Very few “Strongly Agree”. Female faculty score much lower. Very few “Strongly Agree”. Female faculty score lower. Many “Strongly Disagree” Female faculty score lower. Bimodal for both genders. Many “Strongly Disagree” Female faculty score lower, though their percentage of “Strongly Agree” is higher Very few “Strongly Agree”. Female faculty score lower. Table 4 Items with significant Faculty Rank effects Item Comments (NTT=Non-tenure track, TT=Tenure track, T=Tenured) 1.3 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the academic leadership at the college/school level? 1.4 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the academic leadership at the university level? 2.10 Faculty meetings allow for all participants to share their views. 2.11 Department/unit assignments are rotated fairly to allow for participation of all faculty. 2.13 Sex discrimination or harassment is a problem in my department. 3.2 I am satisfied with the university’s overall benefits package. 3.4 The university’s available health care options meet the needs of my family/ household. 4.1 I have the equipment and supplies that I need to adequately conduct my research. 4.2 I am satisfied with the availability of core facilities for my research. 4.3 I receive sufficient technical support for my research equipment. 4.4 I am satisfied with the laboratory space available to conduct my research. 4.5 I have colleagues on campus who do similar research. 4.6 I have sufficient funds for research travel. T score lower. 4.7 Interdisciplinary research is recognized and rewarded in my department/unit. 4.9 I am satisfied with grant administration provided by Sponsored Awards Management. 4.10 I am satisfied with grant opportunities provided within the university. 4.11 Graduate student stipends in my department/unit are adequate to attract and retain quality graduate students. 4.12 I receive reduced teaching and/or service responsibilities so that I may build my research program. 5.5 I have sufficient teaching support (e.g., TA’s). 5.8 Information technology available for teaching is adequate. 6.1 I am satisfied with the tenure/promotion process overall. 6.2 I understand my unit criteria for achieving tenure/promotion. 10 T score lower. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. T score higher. NTT higher at both extremes. NTT higher at both extremes. TT score much lower than T. NTT higher at both extremes. TT score much lower than T. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. TT score lower than T. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. TT score lower than T. High percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. TT score somewhat lower than T. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. TT score somewhat lower than T. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. NTT, TT and T have high, but decreasing percentages of “Strongly Disagree”. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. T score lower than TT. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. T score lower than TT. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. TT score somewhat lower than T. TT score lower than T and NTT. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. NTT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. TT score lower than T. 6.3 I receive feedback on my progress toward tenure/promotion. 6.4 I am satisfied with assistance available to pre-tenure/promotion faculty (e.g., workshops, mentoring). 6.5 A senior colleague is available and helpful to me as I work towards tenure/promotion. 6.6 I am satisfied with the post-tenure review process overall. 7.4 Faculty without primary care responsibilities are expected to accept more teaching and service responsibilities outside the regular work day. 7.5 Faculty who have primary care responsibilities are considered by the department to be less committed to their careers. 8.3 The campus-wide email system meets my needs. 8.9 The restrooms in the buildings in which I work are clean and well kept. 8.11 USC building conditions need improvement. 8.14 University Technology Services serves the needs of the faculty. 8.18 The Faculty Senate and other Universitywide faculty committees effectively represent the faculty. 8.19 I am satisfied with the quality of support from the Graduate School. 11 NTT and T have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. TT score is high. NTT and T have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. TT score is high. NTT and T have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. TT score is high. NTT and TT have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. T scores higher than NTT and TT. NTT has high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. Differences in percentages of low scores. NTT has high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. Differences in percentages of low scores. T score lower. NTT score higher. T score lower. T score higher than TT; TT score higher than NTT. T score lower than TT; TT score lower than NTT. NTT has high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. TT score higher than T NTT and T have high percentage of “Strongly Disagree”. T score dispersed. Table 5. Race/Ethnicity items (not tested for significance) Item 2.19 Minority and non-minority faculty are treated equally. 2.20 Discrimination against or harassment of minorities is a problem in my department. 2.21 Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of discrimination against or harassment of minorities. 2.22 Non-minority faculty are more likely than minority faculty to be involved in informal social networks within the department. 2.23 My department has more difficulty retaining minority faculty than non-minority faculty. 2.24 My department has made an effort to promote minority faculty into leadership positions. 2.25 Non-minority faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than minority faculty members. 12 Comments Caucasian and Missing faculty have large proportion of Strongly Disagree responses; African/American and Other faculty have a large proportion of Disagree responses. African/American faculty score much higher. African/American faculty have large proportion of Strongly Agree responses. Caucasian and Missing faculty have large proportion of Strongly Disagree responses; African/American faculty have a large proportion of Disagree responses. African/American faculty have large proportion of Strongly Agree responses. Long Form Response Discussion Written comments within each overall indicator were organized by themes. For each overall indicator, we include a summary of the themes, along with a frequency table. Comments for each overall indicator, organized by theme, are available as separate documents. Summary of Unit Atmosphere The most frequently mentioned issues dealt with discrimination and bias. Respondents commented that gender and race discrimination were problems within their departments. Several stated that sexual orientation discrimination and discrimination against those with disabilities are also issues. Diversity concerns were expressed as well, with respondents noting that their departments have few minority or female faculty. A few of the respondents suggested that a wider definition of minority was needed, including Asian Americans in the distinction. Problems with bullying were mentioned by several respondents. These individuals were either victims of the bullying or witnessed others being bullied within their department. The need for better leadership within the department and the graduate school was expressed. A few respondents stated that their deans tend to abuse the power of the position. A few of the respondents mentioned the need for more support from the school or university. A lack of communication between peers was mentioned, along with feelings of division among faculty. The division existed between senior and junior faculty and between minority and non-minority faculty. Several respondents expressed that their working environment is hostile, and some feel a lack of respect from others within their department. Several non-tenure track faculty members stated that they are being marginalized by the department. They expressed a desire for better compensation and more input into departmental decisions. Unit Atmosphere Themes Abuse of Power Bullying Communication Issues Definition of Minority Disability/Sexual Orientation Bias/Discrimination Diversity Issues Division Unity Ethnicity/Gender/Race Bias/Discrimination 13 Frequency 6 10 6 2 3 31 10 41 Hostile Atmosphere Leadership Issues Marginalization of Non-Tenure Track Satisfactory Respect Issues Salary Issues General Support Issues Transparency Issues Other 4 18 5 5 5 5 4 2 25 Other Unit Atmosphere Themes: Age Discrimination, Appreciation Issues, Equal Opportunity Issues, Equal Treatment, Expectations, Family Friendly Workplace, Hiring, Infrastructure, and Unit Size Summary of Compensation The majority of the respondents mentioned issues with salary inequity. A full professor stated that the assistant professors he assisted in hiring were given salaries larger than his salary. A female full professor commented that the salary of the lowest paid male faculty in her department is higher than her salary. More mentioned that their salaries have not changed since arriving at USC, or if their salaries have changed, it has only been by a small percentage. Another main issue discussed was health care benefits. Several respondents mentioned the need for coverage of preventive care services. Others stated that deductibles are too high and expressed a need for better coverage with lower premiums. The desire for tuition assistance for children and spouses was also expressed often. Compensation Themes 12-month Compensation Employee Benefits Gym Membership Health Care Benefits Partner Benefits Raises Retirement Benefits Salary Inequity Tuition Assistance Other 14 Frequency 3 11 2 58 7 27 16 76 41 10 Other Compensation Themes: Department Awareness, Leave System, Parking, Phone Services, and Transparency Summary of Research Respondents expressed that their research productivity could be improved if the following aspects are addressed: more attractive assistantships that will place the department in a better position to recruit top graduate students, a reduction in teaching load, and a need for better equipment, as they feel research capacity is harmed due to the lack of core facilities and powerful computers. Several of the respondents stated the need for a better, more efficient grant management system. Some suggested that there are not enough grant/funding opportunities for the faculty overall. A few respondents stated that there are no/limited grants or funding opportunities available to non-tenure, part time or adjunct faculty. The suspicion of unfairness in grant funding and distribution among faculty was mentioned. Concerns about insufficient travel funding which hinders research exposure among peers and communication with other professors in similar fields were also expressed. Several respondents reported the need for administrative support for grant writing, which they believe will help improve the grant application process and alleviate some of the pressure associated with the process. Research Themes Adjunct Funding Support Database Access Equipment Needs Funding Issues Graduate Student Support Grant Distribution Grant Management Grant Opportunity IT Support Library Resources Opportunities Sabbaticals Issues with SAM Office General Support Issues Teaching Load Teaching Requirements Time Travel Funding 15 Frequency 6 2 14 3 31 2 4 3 3 4 3 2 7 33 21 2 2 5 Other 20 Other Research Themes: Collaboration, Grant Distribution, Improvement, Speed Grant Program, Student Health Coverage and Working Environment Summary of Teaching The biggest concern for teaching dealt with the need for larger/more/better-equipped classrooms. Respondents also mentioned that classroom technology needs to be updated. Additionally, the desire for improvements to Blackboard and faster Wi-Fi speed was expressed. A few respondents mentioned the need for more knowledgeable IT staff and support from the IT department, especially for those who teach evening classes. Many mentioned the desire to have their teaching load reduced. They stated that interaction with students and research productivity suffers due to teaching load. Respondents mentioned the need for more faculty members in their department, while some stated they could use more teaching assistants. Some commenters noted that there are too many temporary faculty members in their department, and they feel as if this compromises teaching quality. Respondents stated that their departments value research and graduate teaching more than undergraduate teaching, and they are concerned that this is detrimental to the university’s reputation. Several respondents mentioned that the current system places too much weight on teaching evaluations. They expressed that there appears to be a correlation between the evaluation score and the easiness of the class. Teaching Themes Add/Reduce Adjuncts Better Buildings Better Classrooms Center for Teaching Excellence Classroom Equipment Evaluation System IT Support More Faculty More Focus on Teaching Teaching Load Teaching Opportunities Teaching Support Other 16 Frequency 7 6 40 4 41 3 21 4 8 37 2 13 12 Other Teaching Themes: Academic Standards, Class Size, Classroom Behavior, Issues with Office of Education Technology, and Student Body Issues Summary of Tenure Process The majority of the comments dealt with the criteria for and subjectivity of the tenure process. Some of the areas on which these respondents focused were the need for a better organized review process, more customized forms, the excessive weight placed on research as opposed to teaching, and the need to weigh service load accordingly. Several respondents insisted that the process needs to be more objective and less biased, suggesting that within the current process, department chairs have too much authority and personal connections are often the basis upon which decisions are made. A few stated that they feel the process should be more transparent and updates on the status of the process should be given at every stage. Some feel that the process is too tedious and imposes extra burdens on their service load. Another major focus was on the need for better mentorship. Commenters stated they received no mentoring from senior faculty or limited assistance from the department chair. Several of the respondents expressed the desire for promotion opportunity for nontenure track faculty, instructors, clinical faculty and research faculty. It was mentioned that when these individuals realize there are no future promotion opportunities, they feel demoralized. Tenure Process Themes Criteria/Subjectivity Issues Departmental Support Less Tedious Process Mentoring Non-Tenure Issues Satisfactory Post-Tenure Review Transparency Other Other Tenure Process Themes: Opportunity for Expectations and Service Requirements 17 Frequency 35 3 7 24 29 5 16 3 10 Summary of Balancing Personal Life and Professional Life Most of the responses centered on the notion that research and teaching responsibilities infringed upon personal and family time. Some mentioned that their research responsibilities are non-ending, requiring them to work evenings, weekends, and holidays. A few respondents, many of whom are in performance-related fields, mentioned that often their teaching obligations require them to work after normal business hours. Some respondents with children mention that they experienced issues related to maternity leave or primary child care. The availability of on-campus childcare with much shorter waiting periods was of great concern. A few respondents mentioned that they are treated unfairly due to the fact that they do not have children. They stated that they take on more responsibilities then those who have children, and they feel that the department gives greater priority and more advantages to employees with children. Several respondents mentioned that they want more flexible schedules, while one commenter mentioned that the faculty members in the department are given too much freedom with some only coming to campus during lecture time. Balancing Personal Life and Professional Life Themes Frequency Satisfactory 6 Childcare 11 Issues for Employees with/without 7 Children Family Friendly Workplace 11 Flexible Schedule 15 Gender Bias 2 Unsatisfactory 3 Obligations after Business Hours 5 Prenatal Issues 2 Professional Demands 7 Other 19 Other Balancing Personal Life and Professional Life Themes: Abuse of Flexibility, Departmental Support, Eldercare, Inter-Departmental Socializing, and Personal Leave 18 Summary of USC’s Technology, Infrastructure and Services The most commonly mentioned theme dealt with issues concerning classroom buildings and office space. Some topics discussed in these comments were the need for building repairs, health concerns due to the age/condition of certain buildings, and the inadequate number of offices for faculty. Issues with information technology and the email system were mentioned often. Several respondents mentioned the lack of IT support for their department, while other stated that the IT staff was not knowledgeable enough to solve certain issues. Many of the responses regarding the email system dealt with the spam filter and space limitations. Parking was another issue mentioned often. Most parking comments focused on the fee for parking garage spaces, the availability of non-garage spaces close to certain buildings, and the fact that several lots are often reserved. Several respondents expressed the need for increases in the travel per diem, with some suggesting that instead of a set rate, the amount should be adjusted for the state to which one travels. USC's Technology, Infrastructure and Services Themes Frequency Blackboard 5 Bookstore 18 Buildings and Classroom/Office Space 32 Data Security 3 Email System 16 Faculty Senate 6 Graduate School 12 IT Issues 25 Library 17 Parking 20 Per Diem 19 Resources/Services 5 Restrooms 9 Safety 9 Staff Support 10 General Support Issues 4 Other 23 19 Other USC’s Technology, Infrastructure and Services Themes: Bullying, Campus Life, Custodial Services, Disability Services, Funding, Instructional Support, Leadership, Software, and Tolerance 20 21 Appendix 1. Faculty Climate Survey Item Summaries Faculty Senate Faculty Wellfare Committee Survey () No. of responses = 739 O Ovveerraalll iinnddiiccaattoorrss 1 2 Global Index - 3 4 1. Overall Satisfaction with USC - 1 2 3 4 2. Unit Atmosphere - 1 2 3 3. Compensation - 1 2 4. Research - 1 5. Teaching - 6. Tenure Process 5 6 + av.=3.84 dev.=1.43 5 6 + av.=4.22 dev.=1.4 4 5 6 + av.=3.66 dev.=1.37 3 4 5 6 + av.=3.84 dev.=1.47 2 3 4 5 6 + av.=3.76 dev.=1.53 1 2 3 4 5 6 + av.=4.02 dev.=1.47 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 + av.=4.29 dev.=1.44 7. Balancing Personal Life and Professional Life - 1 2 3 4 5 6 + av.=2.88 dev.=1.37 8. Technology, Infrastructure and Services - 1 2 3 4 5 6 + av.=4.03 dev.=1.42 SSuurrvveeyy R Reessuullttss Legend Question text Relative Frequencies of answers Std. Dev. 25% Mean 0% 50% 0% 25% Left pole n=No. of responses av.=Mean dev.=Std. Dev. ab.=Abstention Right pole 1 2 3 Scale 4 5 Histogram 11.. O Ovveerraalll SSaattiissffaaccttiioonn w wiitthh U USSC C 1.1) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with your position at USC? 2.7% 1 1.2) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the way your career has progressed at USC? How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the academic leadership at the college/school level? 4.5% 45.9% 19.4% 2 3 4 5 Very Satisfied n=737 av.=4.5 dev.=1.29 Very Satisfied n=734 av.=4.4 dev.=1.34 Very Satisfied n=731 av.=3.85 dev.=1.59 6 6.7% 12.4% 15.9% 42.2% 18.3% 2 3 4 5 6 11.2% 13.5% 12.7% 18.3% 29.7% 14.5% Very Dissatisfied 1 06/20/2013 13% Very Dissatisfied 1 1.3) 7.7% 11.3% Very Dissatisfied Class Climate evaluation 2 3 4 5 6 Page 22 1.4) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the academic leadership at the university level? 5.7% 10.8% 12.6% 21.4% 36.4% 13.1% Very Dissatisfied 1 2 2.2% 4.8% 3 4 5 Very Satisfied n=733 av.=4.11 dev.=1.4 Strongly Agree n=736 av.=4.88 dev.=1.17 ab.=1 Strongly Agree n=711 av.=4.18 dev.=1.61 ab.=23 Strongly Agree n=724 av.=5.28 dev.=1 ab.=4 Strongly Agree n=703 av.=2.91 dev.=1.52 ab.=30 Strongly Agree n=716 av.=4.41 dev.=1.32 ab.=19 Strongly Agree n=724 av.=2.7 dev.=1.55 ab.=12 Strongly Agree n=714 av.=5.18 dev.=0.85 ab.=17 Strongly Agree n=708 av.=5.14 dev.=0.94 ab.=27 Strongly Agree n=697 av.=4.95 dev.=1.38 ab.=35 Strongly Agree n=680 av.=4.49 dev.=1.54 ab.=50 Strongly Agree n=637 av.=3.96 dev.=1.57 ab.=95 6 22.. U Unniitt AAttm moosspphheerree 2.1) I am treated with respect by colleagues. 1 2.2) 2.3) 2.4) 2.5) 2.6) 2.7) 2.8) 2.9) 2.10) I feel like a full and equal participant in the problemsolving and decision-making in my department. I am treated with respect by department staff. I feel excluded from informal networks in my department. Colleagues regularly solicit my opinion about workrelated matters (such as teaching, research, and service). I feel isolated in my department/unit. I respect my colleagues’ research. I am treated with respect by my students. I am treated with respect by my unit chair. Faculty meetings allow for all participants to share their views. Department/unit assignments are rotated fairly to allow for participation of all faculty. 3 9.1% 12.2% 7.9% 1 2 3 4 16% 5 6 31.5% 23.2% 1.7% 1.1% 3.6% 4 5 6 5.9% 36.2% 51.5% Strongly Disagree 1 2 17.4% 36% 3 4 5 6 10.8% 16.6% 12.9% 6.3% Strongly Disagree 1 2 4.1% 7% 3 4 5 6 9.9% 22.1% 37.3% 19.7% Strongly Disagree 1 2 27.6% 30% 3 4 5 6 8.1% 18.4% 10.4% 5.5% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 0.3% 1.3% 2.8% 4 5 6 9.8% 47.8% 38.1% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 1.1% 1.4% 3.2% 4 5 8.6% 47.6% 6 38% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4.9% 4.3% 4.6% 4 5 6 9.3% 31.3% 45.6% Strongly Disagree 1 2 7.1% 7.8% 3 4 5 8.8% 13.1% 32.2% 6 31% Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 6 10.4% 12.6% 10.7% 18.4% 33.6% 14.4% Strongly Disagree 1 06/20/2013 2 Strongly Disagree 1 2.11) 4.1% 13.3% 43.6% 32.1% Strongly Disagree Class Climate evaluation 2 3 4 5 6 Page 23 2.12) Male and female faculty are treated equally. 5.9% 1 2.13) Sex discrimination or harassment is a problem in my department. Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of sex discrimination or harassment. Male faculty members are more likely than female faculty members to be involved in informal social networks within the department. 2.17) My department has more difficulty retaining female faculty than male faculty. My department has made an effort to promote female faculty members into leadership positions. 2.19) 2.20) Male faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than female faculty members. Minority and non-minority faculty are treated equally. Discrimination against or harassment of minorities is a problem in my department. Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of discrimination against or harassment of minorities. Non-minority faculty are more likely than minority faculty to be involved in informal social networks within the department. My department has more difficulty retaining minority faculty than non-minority faculty. 2 3 2 3 2 3 32.3% 39.6% 8.5% 1 2 6 8% 5.6% 3.9% 4 5 4 6% 8% 3 5 6 8.5% 5.1% 5 6 7.8% 7.5% 4.3% 5 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 4.2% 6.2% 5.5% 4 5 Strongly Agree n=626 av.=2.47 dev.=1.46 ab.=93 Strongly Agree n=644 av.=2.32 dev.=1.41 ab.=79 Strongly Agree n=650 av.=4.41 dev.=1.44 ab.=70 Strongly Agree n=597 av.=2.44 dev.=1.48 ab.=122 Strongly Agree n=614 av.=4.72 dev.=1.33 ab.=113 Strongly Agree n=624 av.=1.79 dev.=1.08 ab.=98 Strongly Agree n=442 av.=2.21 dev.=1.34 ab.=270 Strongly Agree n=533 av.=2.46 dev.=1.4 ab.=185 Strongly Agree n=557 av.=2.75 dev.=1.58 ab.=159 6 9.6% 45.8% 28.7% 2 3 4 5 6 49.4% 37% 5.4% 3.8% 2.6% 1.8% Strongly Disagree 3 35.5% 38.9% 7.7% 4 5 6 8.1% 6.8% 2.9% Strongly Disagree 3 4 5 26.6% 39.2% 11.6% 10.3% 8.4% 6 3.8% Strongly Disagree 3 24.1% 35.7% 9.2% 4 9% 5 6 16.9% 5.2% Strongly Disagree Class Climate evaluation n=471 av.=2.64 dev.=1.59 ab.=250 5.4% 1 2 Strongly Agree 6 Strongly Disagree 2 n=698 av.=2.1 dev.=1.39 ab.=28 8.6% 16.5% 37.8% 23.1% 31.5% 34.8% 10.4% 10.2% 7.7% 2 Strongly Agree 6 Strongly Disagree 2 n=707 av.=4.53 dev.=1.5 ab.=20 7% 4 4 Strongly Agree 6 Strongly Disagree 1 06/20/2013 5 Strongly Disagree 1 2.23) 4 28.6% 37.4% 11.2% 9.3% 1 2.22) 29% Strongly Disagree 1 2.21) 3 28.5% 33.1% 8.5% 12.5% 10.4% 1 2.18) 7.1% 39.9% Strongly Disagree 1 2.16) 2 43.3% 33.8% 5.4% 1 2.15) 9.3% Strongly Disagree 1 2.14) 8.8% Strongly Disagree 3 4 5 6 Page 24 2.24) My department has made an effort to promote minority faculty into leadership positions. 6.4% 11.9% 13.2% 18.5% 1 2.25) Non-minority faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than minority faculty members. 35% 15% Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 31.5% 39.5% 12.9% 7.7% 5 6 5.4% 3% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 13% 15.2% 24% 4.6% Strongly Agree n=514 av.=4.09 dev.=1.46 ab.=200 Strongly Agree n=496 av.=2.25 dev.=1.29 ab.=213 Strongly Agree n=736 av.=3.12 dev.=1.61 ab.=1 Strongly Agree n=699 av.=3.45 dev.=1.54 ab.=32 Strongly Agree n=681 av.=3.73 dev.=1.49 ab.=54 Strongly Agree n=600 av.=3.6 dev.=1.55 ab.=134 Strongly Agree n=689 av.=4.06 dev.=1.34 ab.=39 Strongly Agree n=615 av.=5.22 dev.=1.29 ab.=117 Strongly Agree n=603 av.=4.19 dev.=1.44 ab.=128 Strongly Agree n=578 av.=4.06 dev.=1.48 ab.=154 Strongly Agree n=507 av.=3.92 dev.=1.59 ab.=221 33.. C Coom mppeennssaattiioonn 3.1) I am satisfied with my salary. 21.9% 21.2% Strongly Disagree 1 3.2) 3.3) 3.4) I am satisfied with the university’s overall benefits package. The university’s available health care options meet my needs. The university’s available health care options meet the needs of my family/ household. 14% 3.6) I am satisfied with the available retirement options at the university. I would be interested in the university providing tuition assistance for children of faculty to attend the university. 3 4 5 6 18.6% 15.5% 17.9% 28.5% 5.6% Strongly Disagree 1 2 11% 14% 3 4 5 13.4% 20.3% 35.4% 6 6% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 14% 16.2% 11% 4 5 6 19.2% 34.5% 5.2% Strongly Disagree 1 3.5) 2 2 3 4 5 6 5.8% 11.5% 10.9% 20.9% 44.3% 6.7% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 3.4% 4.4% 2.3% 7% 5 6 22.4% 60.5% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 44.. R Reesseeaarrcchh 4.1) I have the equipment and supplies that I need to adequately conduct my research. 6.6% 11.1% 9.3% 15.6% 44.1% 13.3% Strongly Disagree 1 4.2) 4.3) I am satisfied with the availability of core facilities for my research. I receive sufficient technical support for my research equipment. 3 8.1% 11.4% 11.6% 4 17% 5 6 39.3% 12.6% Strongly Disagree 1 2 10.8% 15% 3 4 5 6 8.5% 14.8% 38.7% 12.2% Strongly Disagree 1 06/20/2013 2 Class Climate evaluation 2 3 4 5 6 Page 25 4.4) I am satisfied with the laboratory space available to conduct my research. 15.5% 16.1% 9.5% 14.1% 33.9% 10.9% Strongly Disagree 1 4.5) I have colleagues on campus who do similar research. 4.7) I have sufficient funds for research travel. Interdisciplinary research is recognized and rewarded in my department/unit. I am satisfied with my department/unit’s administrative support to secure and maintain grants. 4.10) I am satisfied with grant administration provided by Sponsored Awards Management. I am satisfied with grant opportunities provided within the university. Graduate student stipends in my department/unit are adequate to attract and retain quality graduate students. I receive reduced teaching and/or service responsibilities so that I may build my research program. 2 1 2 3 4 5 n=584 av.=4.33 dev.=1.34 ab.=146 Strongly Agree n=594 av.=3.4 dev.=1.63 ab.=137 Strongly Agree n=612 av.=4.17 dev.=1.48 ab.=115 Strongly Agree n=590 av.=3.64 dev.=1.62 ab.=136 Strongly Agree n=514 av.=4.11 dev.=1.44 ab.=208 Strongly Agree n=600 av.=4.05 dev.=1.39 ab.=125 Strongly Agree n=589 av.=2.66 dev.=1.56 ab.=140 Strongly Agree n=522 av.=2.8 dev.=1.72 ab.=205 Strongly Agree n=677 av.=3.51 dev.=1.6 ab.=57 Strongly Agree n=545 av.=4.28 dev.=1.31 ab.=174 Strongly Agree n=691 av.=4.57 dev.=1.23 ab.=41 6 7.5% 9% 3 4 5 6 12.1% 18.8% 35.1% 17.5% Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 6 15.3% 12.7% 14.4% 18.3% 28.6% 10.7% Strongly Disagree 2 3 6.6% 11.5% 10.5% 4 20% 5 6 38.1% 13.2% Strongly Disagree 1 2 7% 10% 3 4 5 6 12.2% 21.8% 39.5% 9.5% Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 32.9% 21.6% 13.9% 12.2% 5 6 17% 2.4% Strongly Disagree 1 4.12) Strongly Agree 6 16.3% 20.7% 12.3% 16.2% 26.1% 8.4% 1 4.11) 5 Strongly Disagree 1 4.9) 4 n=304 av.=3.67 dev.=1.68 ab.=424 3.8% 11.3% 7.7% 17.5% 45.2% 14.6% 1 4.8) 3 Strongly Disagree 1 4.6) 2 Strongly Agree 2 3 4 33.3% 21.5% 8.8% 11.5% 5 6 18% 6.9% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 31% 7.2% 55.. TTeeaacchhiinngg 5.1) 5.2) 5.3) I am satisfied with the classroom space available to conduct my teaching. The Center for Teaching Excellence serves the needs of the faculty. I am satisfied with my teaching responsibilities. 14.3% 19.2% 13.1% 15.1% Strongly Disagree 1 2 5.7% 7.5% 4 5 6 7.3% 23.3% 44.4% 11.7% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3.6% 6.2% 3 4 5 6 6.5% 12.4% 55.3% 15.9% Strongly Disagree 1 06/20/2013 3 Class Climate evaluation 2 3 4 5 6 Page 26 5.4) I have the opportunity to teach in my specialty. 3.2% 1 5.5) I have sufficient teaching support (e.g., TA’s). The use of temporary faculty to meet increasing teaching demands is acceptable. The classrooms in which I teach are clean and well kept. 5.9) Information technology available for teaching is adequate. My teaching load is reasonable. 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree n=688 av.=4.85 dev.=1.26 ab.=43 Strongly Agree n=573 av.=3.42 dev.=1.66 ab.=153 Strongly Agree n=649 av.=3.55 dev.=1.7 ab.=81 Strongly Agree n=675 av.=3.65 dev.=1.54 ab.=58 Strongly Agree n=677 av.=3.69 dev.=1.6 ab.=55 Strongly Agree n=679 av.=4.52 dev.=1.32 ab.=51 Strongly Agree n=596 av.=4.19 dev.=1.41 ab.=132 Strongly Agree n=613 av.=4.76 dev.=1.24 ab.=114 Strongly Agree n=501 av.=4.43 dev.=1.41 ab.=227 Strongly Agree n=513 av.=4.18 dev.=1.38 ab.=212 Strongly Agree n=469 av.=4.06 dev.=1.7 ab.=256 Strongly Agree n=356 av.=3.91 dev.=1.51 ab.=367 6 2 3 4 5 6 17.6% 16.2% 10.3% 18.3% 24.5% 13.1% Strongly Disagree 2 12.9% 13.9% 3 4 15% 20% 5 6 30.4% 7.9% Strongly Disagree 1 5.8) 9.2% 46.2% 31.8% 16.6% 20.1% 13.4% 13.4% 27.2% 9.2% 1 5.7) 3.8% Strongly Disagree 1 5.6) 5.8% Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 6 15.1% 11.7% 12.9% 19.4% 31.5% 9.6% Strongly Disagree 1 2 5.3% 5.6% 3 4 5 6 7.1% 14.4% 48.7% 18.9% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 66.. TTeennuurree PPrroocceessss 6.1) 6.2) 6.3) I am satisfied with the tenure/promotion process overall. I understand my unit criteria for achieving tenure/ promotion. I receive feedback on my progress toward tenure/ promotion. 6.9% 10.4% 8.6% 16.3% 47.1% 10.7% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3.3% 5.5% I am satisfied with assistance available to pretenure/promotion faculty (e.g., workshops, mentoring). A senior colleague is available and helpful to me as I work towards tenure/promotion. 2 3 4 I am satisfied with the post-tenure review process overall. 6.2% 7.6% 7.4% 14% 5 6 45.3% 19.6% 2 3 4 5 6 5.8% 10.7% 9.6% 18.3% 44.8% 10.7% Strongly Disagree 13% 2 3 4 5 6 10.4% 9.4% 14.3% 30.7% 22.2% Strongly Disagree 2 9.8% 13.2% 3 11% 4 5 6 16.6% 40.7% 8.7% Strongly Disagree 1 06/20/2013 6 Strongly Disagree 1 6.6) 5 5.1% 10.1% 49.9% 26.1% 1 1 6.5) 4 Strongly Disagree 1 6.4) 3 Class Climate evaluation 2 3 4 5 6 Page 27 77.. BBaallaanncciinngg PPeerrssoonnaall LLiiffee aanndd PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall LLiiffee 7.1) In my department faculty may comfortably raise personal and/or family responsibilities when scheduling departmental obligations. 4.2% 1 7.2) It is difficult for faculty in my department to adjust their work schedules for primary care responsibilities. Department meetings and/or other required departmental activities frequently occur outside the regular workday. Faculty without primary care responsibilities are expected to accept more teaching and service responsibilities outside the regular work day. Faculty who have primary care responsibilities are considered by the department to be less committed to their careers. I often have conflicts between personal activities and professional responsibilities. 2 3 2 3 35.9% 41.2% 7.2% 19.1% 4 5 2 3 25.4% 43.5% 10.2% 2 3 5 6 6.1% 5.3% 4.4% 4 5 6 9% 7.1% 4.9% 5 26.4% 40.3% 11.9% 10.4% 8.1% 3 4 5 Strongly Agree n=623 av.=2.64 dev.=1.32 ab.=101 Strongly Agree n=685 av.=2.17 dev.=1.35 ab.=44 Strongly Agree n=591 av.=2.44 dev.=1.4 ab.=129 Strongly Agree n=606 av.=2.42 dev.=1.35 ab.=116 Strongly Agree n=668 av.=2.95 dev.=1.55 ab.=58 Strongly Agree n=689 av.=4.83 dev.=1.07 ab.=31 Strongly Agree n=722 av.=4.1 dev.=1.47 ab.=9 Strongly Agree n=712 av.=4.16 dev.=1.48 ab.=21 Strongly Agree n=710 av.=2.9 dev.=1.69 ab.=24 Strongly Agree n=315 av.=3.84 dev.=1.63 ab.=404 6 3% Strongly Disagree 2 n=671 av.=4.57 dev.=1.26 ab.=56 3.2% 4 4 Strongly Agree 6 Strongly Disagree 1 7.6) 48% Strongly Disagree 1 7.5) 17.3% 16.7% 41.6% 18.1% 11.1% 9.3% 1 7.4) 6% Strongly Disagree 1 7.3) 5.5% Strongly Disagree 6 18.7% 32.5% 10.2% 19.6% 11.5% 7.5% Strongly Disagree 1 2 0.7% 4.6% 3 4 5 6 44% 27.6% 88.. TTeecchhnnoollooggyy,, IInnffrraassttrruuccttuurree aanndd SSeerrvviicceess 8.1) 8.2) 8.3) Faculty should be involved in selecting institutionwide software and technology. I am satisfied with computer support in my unit. The campus-wide email system meets my needs. 1 2 8.3% 10% I am satisfied with parking at USC. 1 2 Handicapped parking at USC is sufficient. 8.7% 9.6% 5 6 11.1% 18.3% 39.2% 13.2% 3 4 5 6 8.7% 15.6% 44.8% 12.6% 2 3 4 5 6 29.2% 22.3% 9.9% 12.3% 20.8% 5.6% Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 6 12.4% 15.2% 9.2% 14.3% 36.8% 12.1% Strongly Disagree 1 06/20/2013 4 Strongly Disagree 1 8.5) 3 Strongly Disagree 1 8.4) 4.6% 18.4% Strongly Disagree Class Climate evaluation 2 3 4 5 6 Page 28 8.6) Improvements in campus accessibility for persons with disabilities are needed. 5% 1 8.7) I feel safe in my workplace in terms of physical safety and security. 4.3% USC is a safe campus. The restrooms in the buildings in which I work are clean and well kept. 4.5% 8.11) 8.12) My unit has adequate office space. USC building conditions need improvement. The clerical staff in my unit fulfills my support needs. The State of South Carolina’s travel per diem is sufficient for my needs. 8.15) 8.16) 8.17) University Technology Services serves the needs of the faculty. Resources and services at the University Libraries are satisfactory. The electronic holdings at University Libraries are sufficient for my research needs. The Russell House bookstore fulfills my textbook ordering needs. 3 4 Strongly Agree n=727 av.=4.35 dev.=1.3 ab.=5 Strongly Agree n=719 av.=3.99 dev.=1.25 ab.=12 Strongly Agree n=730 av.=3.58 dev.=1.6 ab.=3 Strongly Agree n=718 av.=3.32 dev.=1.61 ab.=12 Strongly Agree n=713 av.=5.1 dev.=1.14 ab.=13 Strongly Agree n=707 av.=4.33 dev.=1.44 ab.=18 Strongly Agree n=633 av.=3.02 dev.=1.7 ab.=94 Strongly Agree n=700 av.=3.77 dev.=1.47 ab.=29 Strongly Agree n=699 av.=4.76 dev.=1.09 ab.=29 Strongly Agree n=656 av.=4.41 dev.=1.32 ab.=73 Strongly Agree n=565 av.=4.16 dev.=1.45 ab.=165 45.9% 13.8% 5 6 9.5% 17.2% 26.3% 36.4% 6.1% 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 17.7% 19.5% 15.3% 14.5% 26.3% 6.7% 1 2 1.8% 2.9% 3 4 5 6 3.8% 13.3% 31.4% 46.7% Strongly Disagree 1 2 5.9% 9.2% 3 4 5 6 8.6% 18.5% 37.3% 20.4% Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 6 28.3% 18.6% 11.8% 10.6% 25.8% 4.9% Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 10.7% 11.6% 15.3% 21.7% 33.7% 6 7% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 2% 4% 5% 4 5 6 14.9% 52.9% 21.2% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4.9% 6.7% 9% 4 5 6 16.8% 46.8% 15.9% Strongly Disagree 1 2 8.3% 9% 3 4 9.2% 17.9% 5 6 43% 12.6% Strongly Disagree 1 06/20/2013 2 n=421 av.=4.29 dev.=1.41 ab.=300 6 Strongly Disagree 1 8.14) 18% 5 Strongly Agree 14.8% 16.2% 12.7% 16.6% 31.9% 7.8% 1 8.13) 7.6% 10.5% 4 Strongly Disagree 1 8.10) 3 Strongly Disagree 1 8.9) 2 Strongly Disagree 1 8.8) 10.2% 8.8% 23.5% 32.3% 20.2% Strongly Disagree Class Climate evaluation 2 3 4 5 6 Page 29 8.18) The Faculty Senate and other University-wide faculty committees effectively represent the faculty. 8.9% 1 8.19) I am satisfied with the quality of support from the Graduate School. 8.6% 11.5% 25.4% 38.9% 6.8% Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree n=619 av.=3.97 dev.=1.39 ab.=97 Strongly Agree n=518 av.=3.57 dev.=1.44 ab.=203 24% n=725 av.=3.26 dev.=2.36 6 12.2% 14.5% 13.3% 27.4% 29.2% 3.5% Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 99.. D Deem mooggrraapphhiicc PPrrooffiillee aanndd PPoossiittiioonn IInnffoorrm maattiioonn 9.1) Position: Professor 9.2) Associate Professor 25.9% Assistant Professor 19.7% Instructor/Lecturer 8.3% Adjunct Faculty 6.9% Visiting Faculty 0.3% Library Faculty 4.6% Research Faculty 3.7% Clinical Faculty 6.6% College / School: College of Arts and Sciences College of Engineering and Computing 5.6% College of Education 9.8% College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management 3.6% College of Mass Communication and Information Studies 3.9% College of Nursing 2.7% College of Pharmacy 2.1% College of Social Work 3.8% Moore School of Business 6.3% The Graduate School 0.1% Honors College 0.1% School of Law 8.3% School of Music 3.5% Other n=713 av.=6.05 dev.=5.46 2% School of Medicine Arnold School of Public Health 9.3) 35.5% 8% 4.6% Tenure Track: 06/20/2013 Tenured 49.4% Tenure Track 20.3% Non-Tenure Track 30% Retired 0.3% Class Climate evaluation n=714 av.=1.81 dev.=0.88 Page 30 9.4) 9.5) 9.7) Years at USC: 0-5 32.2% 6-10 27.3% 11-15 14.8% 16-20 9.5% 21-25 6.4% 25+ 9.8% n=715 av.=2.6 dev.=1.62 Gender: Male 49.3% Female 50.7% n=706 av.=1.51 dev.=0.5 Disability Status: 06/20/2013 Yes 2.9% No 97.1% Class Climate evaluation n=700 av.=1.97 dev.=0.17 Page 31 Appendix 2. Rankings of Items by Mean Score Rankings of Item by mean score (standard deviation in parentheses) within overall indicator categories. Reversecoded items should be subtracted from 7 to convert the scale 1. Overall Satisfaction with USC 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.2 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with your position at USC? How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the way your career has progressed at USC? How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the academic leadership at the university level? How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the academic leadership at the college/school level? 4.50 (1.3) 4.40 (1.3) 4.11 (1.4) 3.85 (1.6) 2. Unit Atmosphere 2.3 2.20 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.13 2.1 2.21 2.25 2.19 2.16 2.18 2.22 2.15 2.12 2.10 2.5 2.17 2.14 2.6 I am treated with respect by department staff. Discrimination against or harassment of minorities is a problem in my department. I respect my colleagues’ research. I am treated with respect by my students. I am treated with respect by my unit chair. Sex discrimination or harassment is a problem in my department. I am treated with respect by colleagues. Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of discrimination against or harassment of minorities. Non-minority faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than minority faculty members. Minority and non-minority faculty are treated equally. My department has more difficulty retaining female faculty than male faculty. Male faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than female faculty members. Non-minority faculty are more likely than minority faculty to be involved in informal social networks within the department. Male faculty members are more likely than female. faculty members to be involved in informal social networks within the department. Male and female faculty are treated equally. Faculty meetings allow for all participants to share their views Colleagues regularly solicit my opinion about work related matters (such as teaching, research, and service). My department has made an effort to promote female faculty members into leadership positions. Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of sex discrimination or harassment. I feel isolated in my department/unit. 1.79 (1.1) 1.79 (1.1) 5.18 (0.9) 5.14 (0.9) 5.14 (1.4) 2.10 (1.4) 4.88 (1.2) 2.21 (1.3) 2.25 (1.3) 4.72 (1.3) 2.32 (1.4) 2.44 (1.5) 2.46 (1.4) 2.47 (1.5) 4.53 (1.5) 4.49 (1.5) 4.41 (1.3) 4.41 (1.4) 2.64 (1.6) 2.70 (1.6) 32 2.23 2.4 2.2 2.24 2.11 My department has more difficulty retaining minority faculty than nonminority faculty. I feel like a full and equal participant in the problem solving and decisionmaking in my department. I feel excluded from informal networks in my department. My department has made an effort to promote minority faculty into leadership positions. Department/unit assignments are rotated fairly to allow for participation of all faculty. 2.75 (1.6) 4.18 (1.6) 2.91 (1.5) 4.09 (1.5) 3.96 (1.6) 3. Compensation 3.5 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.6 I am satisfied with the available retirement options at the university. The university’s available health care options meet my needs. The university’s available health care options meet the needs of my family/ household. I am satisfied with the university’s overall benefits package. I am satisfied with my salary. I would be interested in the university providing tuition assistance for children of faculty to attend the university. 4.06 (1.3) 3.73 (1.5) 3.60 (1.6) 3.45 (1.5) 3.12 (1.6) 5.22 (1.3) 4. Research 4.5 4.1 4.7 4.9 4.2 4.10 4.3 4.4 4.8 4.6 4.12 4.11 I have colleagues on campus who do similar research. I have the equipment and supplies that I need to adequately conduct my research. Interdisciplinary research is recognized and rewarded in my department/unit. I am satisfied with grant administration provided by Sponsored Awards Management. I am satisfied with the availability of core facilities for my research. I am satisfied with grant opportunities provided within the university. I receive sufficient technical support for my research equipment. I am satisfied with the laboratory space available to conduct my research. I am satisfied with my department/unit’s administrative support to secure and maintain grants. I have sufficient funds for research travel. I receive reduced teaching and/or service responsibilities so that I may build my research program. Graduate student stipends in my department/unit are adequate to attract and retain quality graduate students. 4.33 (1.3) 4.19 (1.4) 4.17 (1.5) 4.11 (1.4) 4.06 (1.5) 4.05 (1.4) 3.92 (1.6) 3.67 (1.7) 3.64 (1.6) 3.40 (1.6) 2.80 (1.7) 2.66 (1.6) 5. Teaching 5.4 5.3 5.9 5.2 5.8 5.7 I have the opportunity to teach in my specialty. I am satisfied with my teaching responsibilities. My teaching load is reasonable. The Center for Teaching Excellence serves the needs of the faculty. Information technology available for teaching is adequate. The classrooms in which I teach are clean and well kept 4.85 (1.3) 4.57 (1.3) 4.52 (1.3) 4.28 (1.3) 3.69 (1.6) 3.65 (1.5) 33 5.6 5.1 5.5 The use of temporary faculty to meet increasing teaching demands is acceptable. I am satisfied with the classroom space available to conduct my teaching. I have sufficient teaching support (e.g., TA’s). 3.55 (1.7) 3.51 (1.6) 3.42 (1.7) 6. Tenure Process 6.2 6.3 6.1 6.4 6.5 6.6 I understand my unit criteria for achieving tenure/promotion. I receive feedback on my progress toward tenure/promotion. I am satisfied with the tenure/promotion process overall. I am satisfied with assistance available to pretenure/promotion faculty (e.g., workshops,mentoring). A senior colleague is available and helpful to me as I work towards tenure/promotion. I am satisfied with the post-tenure review process overall. 4.76 (1.2) 4.43 (1.4) 4.19 (1.4) 4.18 (1.4) 4.06 (1.7) 3.91 (1.5) 7. Balancing Personal Life and Professional Life 7.3 7.5 7.1 7.4 7.2 7.6 Department meetings and/or other required departmental activities frequently occur outside the regular workday. Faculty who have primary care responsibilities are considered by the department to be less committed to their careers. In my department faculty may comfortably raise personal and/or family responsibilities when scheduling departmental obligations. Faculty without primary care responsibilities are expected to accept more teaching and service responsibilities outside the regular work day. It is difficult for faculty in my department to adjust their work schedules for primary care responsibilities. I often have conflicts between personal activities and professional responsibilities. 2.17 (1.4) 2.42 (1.4) 4.57 (1.3) 2.44 (1.4) 2.64 (1.3) 2.95 (1.6) 8. Technology, Infrastructure and Services 8.15 8.16 8.7 8.12 8.17 8.3 8.2 8.8 8.18 8.5 8.14 8.9 8.19 8.10 8.13 Resources and services at the University Libraries are satisfactory. The electronic holdings at University Libraries are sufficient for my research needs. I feel safe in my workplace in terms of physical safety and security. The clerical staff in my unit fulfills my support needs. The Russell House bookstore fulfills my textbook ordering needs. The campus-wide email system meets my needs. I am satisfied with computer support in my unit. USC is a safe campus. The Faculty Senate and other University-wide faculty committees effectively represent the faculty. Handicapped parking at USC is sufficient. University Technology Services serves the needs of the faculty. The restrooms in the buildings in which I work are clean and well kept. I am satisfied with the quality of support from the Graduate School. My unit has adequate office space. The State of South Carolina’s travel per diem is sufficient for my needs. 4.76 (1.1) 4.41 (1.3) 4.35 (1.3) 4.33 (1.4) 4.16 (1.5) 4.16 (1.5) 4.10 (1.5) 3.99 (1.3) 3.97 (1.4) 3.84 (1.6) 3.77 (1.5) 3.58 (1.6) 3.57 (1.4) 3.32 (1.6) 3.02 (1.7) 34 8.4 8.6 8.1 8.11 I am satisfied with parking at USC. Improvements in campus accessibility for persons with disabilities are needed. Faculty should be involved in selecting institution wide software and technology. USC building conditions need improvement. 2.90 (1.7) 4.29 (1.4) 4.83 (1.1) 5.10 (1.1) 35 Appendix 3. Statistical Tests of Gender Effects and Faculty Rank Effects for Each Item Table A3.1. Gender Effects Item Score p-value 95% Confidence Bounds 1.1 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with your position at USC? 1.2 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the way your career has progressed at USC? 1.3 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the academic leadership at the college/school level? 1.4 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the academic leadership at the university level? 0.9535 2.1 I am treated with respect by colleagues 2.2 I feel like a full and equal participant in the problem-solving and decisionmaking in my department. 2.3 I am treated with respect by department staff. 2.4 I feel excluded from informal networks in my department. 2.5 Colleagues regularly solicit my opinion about work-related matters (such as teaching, research, and service). 2.6 I feel isolated in my department/unit. 2.7 I respect my colleagues’ research. 2.8 I am treated with respect by my students. 2.9 I am treated with respect by my unit chair. 2.10 Faculty meetings allow for all participants to share their views. 2.11 Department/unit assignments are rotated fairly to allow for participation of all faculty. 2.12 Male and female faculty are treated equally. 2.13 Sex discrimination or harassment is a problem in my department. 2.14 Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of sex discrimination or harassment. 2.15 Male faculty members are more likely than female faculty members to be involved in informal social networks within the department. 2.16 My department has more difficulty retaining female faculty than male faculty. 2.17 My department has made an effort to promote female faculty members into leadership positions. 2.18 Male faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than female faculty members. 0.0012 (1.197,2.072) <0.0001 (1.395,2.375) 0.0011 (1.209,2.149) 0.0614 0.0060 (0.530,0.899) 0.0148 0.2358 0.0086 (1.095,1.867) 0.0162 0.2439 0.0095 (1.094,1.912) 0.0147 <0.0001 (1.629,2.792) <0.0001 (1.408,2.391) <0.0001 (2.232,3.916) <0.0001 (0.415,0.721) 0.2136 0.0064 (0.527,0.899) 0.1038 0.0078 (1.100,1.875) <0.0001 (0.415,0.710) 36 2.19 Minority and non-minority faculty are treated equally. 2.20 Discrimination against or harassment of minorities is a problem in my department. 2.21 Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of discrimination against or harassment of minorities. 2.22 Non-minority faculty are more likely than minority faculty to be involved in informal social networks within the department. 2.23 My department has more difficulty retaining minority faculty than nonminority faculty. 2.24 My department has made an effort to promote minority faculty into leadership positions. 2.25 Non-minority faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than minority faculty members. 0.0086 (1.098,1.881) 0.0013 (0.482,0.837) 3.1 I am satisfied with my salary. 3.2 I am satisfied with the university’s overall benefits package. 3.3 The university’s available health care options meet my needs. 3.4 The university’s available health care options meet the needs of my family/ household. 3.5 I am satisfied with the available retirement options at the university. 3.6 I would be interested in the university providing tuition assistance for children of faculty to attend the university. 0.1457 0.2876 4.1 I have the equipment and supplies that I need to adequately conduct my research. 4.2 I am satisfied with the availability of core facilities for my research. 4.3 I receive sufficient technical support for my research equipment. 4.4 I am satisfied with the laboratory space available to conduct my research. 4.5 I have colleagues on campus who do similar research. 4.6 I have sufficient funds for research travel 4.7 Interdisciplinary research is recognized and rewarded in my department/unit. 4.8 I am satisfied with my department/unit’s administrative support to secure and maintain grants. 4.9 I am satisfied with grant administration provided by Sponsored Awards Management. 4.10 I am satisfied with grant opportunities provided within the university. 0.6281 0.2531 0.0499 0.8061 0.0739 0.0003 (1.252,2.123) <0.0001 (1.505,2.554) 0.9106 0.6466 0.2903 0.0019 (1.167,1.987) 0.0011 (1.191,2.019) 0.0017 (1.172,1.994) <0.0001 (1.457,2.610) 0.0892 0.0995 0.3573 0.0902 0.0515 37 4.11 Graduate student stipends in my department/unit are adequate to attract and retain quality graduate students. 4.12 I receive reduced teaching and/or service responsibilities so that I may build my research program. 0.2481 5.1 I am satisfied with the classroom space available to conduct my teaching. 5.2 The Center for Teaching Excellence serves the needs of the faculty. 5.3 I am satisfied with my teaching responsibilities. 5.4 I have the opportunity to teach in my specialty. 5.5 I have sufficient teaching support (e.g., TA’s). 5.6 The use of temporary faculty to meet increasing teaching demands is acceptable. 5.7 The classrooms in which I teach are clean and well kept. 5.8 Information technology available for teaching is adequate. 5.9 My teaching load is reasonable. 0.0008 6.1 I am satisfied with the tenure/promotion process overall. 6.2 I understand my unit criteria for achieving tenure/promotion. 6.3 I receive feedback on my progress toward tenure/promotion. 6.4 I am satisfied with assistance available to pre-tenure/promotion faculty (e.g., workshops, mentoring). 6.5 A senior colleague is available and helpful to me as I work towards tenure/promotion. 6.6 I am satisfied with the post-tenure review process overall. 0.1693 7.1 In my department faculty may comfortably raise personal and/or family responsibilities when scheduling departmental obligations. 7.2 It is difficult for faculty in my department to adjust their work schedules for primary care responsibilities. 7.3 Department meetings and/or other required departmental activities frequently occur outside the regular workday. 7.4 Faculty without primary care responsibilities are expected to accept more teaching and service responsibilities outside the regular work day. 7.5 Faculty who have primary care responsibilities are considered by the department to be less committed to their <0.0001 0.0185 (1.207,2.050) 0.2128 0.0032 (0.510,0.873) 0.0209 0.1505 0.0248 0.4734 0.2934 0.2164 0.0013 (1.185,2.026) 0.0005 (1.234,2.125) 0.0241 0.0433 0.9668 (1.763,3.122) 0.1405 0.6154 0.2003 0.0763 38 careers. 7.6 I often have conflicts between personal activities and professional responsibilities. 8.1 Faculty should be involved in selecting institution-wide software and technology. 8.2 I am satisfied with computer support in my unit. 8.3 The campus-wide email system meets my needs. 8.4 I am satisfied with parking at USC. 8.5 Handicapped parking at USC is sufficient. 8.6 Improvements in campus accessibility for persons with disabilities are needed. 8.7 I feel safe in my workplace in terms of physical safety and security. 8.8 USC is a safe campus. 8.9 The restrooms in the buildings in which I work are clean and well kept. 8.10 My unit has adequate office space. 8.11 USC building conditions need improvement. 8.12 The clerical staff in my unit fulfills my support needs. 8.13 The State of South Carolina’s travel per diem is sufficient for my needs. 8.14 University Technology Services serves the needs of the faculty. 8.15 Resources and services at the University Libraries are satisfactory. 8.16 The electronic holdings at University Libraries are sufficient for my research needs. 8.17 The Russell House bookstore fulfills my textbook ordering needs. 8.18 The Faculty Senate and other University-wide faculty committees effectively represent the faculty. 8.19 I am satisfied with the quality of support from the Graduate School. 0.5124 0.5918 0.0673 0.4530 0.0165 0.0239 0.0525 0.0117 <0.0001 0.0014 (1.384,2.402) (1.184,2.025) 0.8512 0.5720 0.4650 0.3950 0.2754 0.0684 0.0035 (0.498,0.872) 0.0353 0.8515 0.7530 39 Table A3.2. Faculty Rank Effects Item 1.1 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with your position at USC? 1.2 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the way your career has progressed at USC? 1.3 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the academic leadership at the college/school level? 1.4 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, in general, with the academic leadership at the university level? 2.1 I am treated with respect by colleagues 2.2 I feel like a full and equal participant in the problem-solving and decision-making in my department. 2.3 I am treated with respect by department staff. 2.4 I feel excluded from informal networks in my department. 2.5 Colleagues regularly solicit my opinion about work-related matters (such as teaching, research, and service). 2.6 I feel isolated in my department/unit. 2.7 I respect my colleagues’ research. 2.8 I am treated with respect by my students. 2.9 I am treated with respect by my unit chair. 2.10 Faculty meetings allow for all participants to share their views. 2.11 Department/unit assignments are rotated fairly to allow for participation of all faculty. 2.12 Male and female faculty are treated equally. 2.13 Sex discrimination or harassment is a problem in my department. 2.14 Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of sex discrimination or harassment. 2.15 Male faculty members are more likely than female faculty members to be involved in informal social networks within the department. 2.16 My department has more difficulty retaining female faculty than male faculty. 2.17 My department has made an effort to promote female faculty members into leadership positions. 2.18 Male faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than female faculty members. 2.19 Minority and non-minority faculty are treated equally. 2.20 Discrimination against or harassment of minorities is a problem in my department. 2.21 Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of discrimination against or harassment of minorities. 2.22 Non-minority faculty are more likely than minority faculty to be involved in informal social networks within the department. 2.23 My department has more difficulty retaining minority faculty than non-minority faculty. 2.24 My department has made an effort to promote minority faculty into leadership positions. Score p-value 0.1569 0.5513 0.0002 <0.0001 0.0511 0.0011 0.9745 0.4225 0.0103 0.9057 0.7217 0.0015 0.2013 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.4399 0.0001 0.0013 0.0479 0.0017 0.0315 0.0034 0.1557 0.3824 0.0172 0.7148 0.0164 0.8269 40 2.25 Non-minority faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than minority faculty members. 0.2006 3.1 I am satisfied with my salary. 3.2 I am satisfied with the university’s overall benefits package. 3.3 The university’s available health care options meet my needs. 3.4 The university’s available health care options meet the needs of my family/ household. 3.5 I am satisfied with the available retirement options at the university. 3.6 I would be interested in the university providing tuition assistance for children of faculty to attend the university. 0.0063 <0.0001 4.1 I have the equipment and supplies that I need to adequately conduct my research. 4.2 I am satisfied with the availability of core facilities for my research. 4.3 I receive sufficient technical support for my research equipment. 4.4 I am satisfied with the laboratory space available to conduct my research. 4.5 I have colleagues on campus who do similar research. 4.6 I have sufficient funds for research travel 4.7 Interdisciplinary research is recognized and rewarded in my department/unit. 4.8 I am satisfied with my department/unit’s administrative support to secure and maintain grants. 4.9 I am satisfied with grant administration provided by Sponsored Awards Management. 4.10 I am satisfied with grant opportunities provided within the university. 4.11 Graduate student stipends in my department/unit are adequate to attract and retain quality graduate students. 4.12 I receive reduced teaching and/or service responsibilities so that I may build my research program. <0.0001 5.1 I am satisfied with the classroom space available to conduct my teaching. 5.2 The Center for Teaching Excellence serves the needs of the faculty. 5.3 I am satisfied with my teaching responsibilities. 5.4 I have the opportunity to teach in my specialty. 5.5 I have sufficient teaching support (e.g., TA’s). 5.6 The use of temporary faculty to meet increasing teaching demands is acceptable. 5.7 The classrooms in which I teach are clean and well kept. 5.8 Information technology available for teaching is adequate. 5.9 My teaching load is reasonable. 0.3143 6.1 I am satisfied with the tenure/promotion process overall. <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0904 0.9885 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0004 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0072 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0831 0.7563 0.1526 <0.0001 0.1384 0.1195 <0.0001 0.3421 <0.0001 41 6.2 I understand my unit criteria for achieving tenure/promotion. 6.3 I receive feedback on my progress toward tenure/promotion. 6.4 I am satisfied with assistance available to pretenure/promotion faculty (e.g., workshops, mentoring). 6.5 A senior colleague is available and helpful to me as I work towards tenure/promotion. 6.6 I am satisfied with the post-tenure review process overall. <0.0001 7.1 In my department faculty may comfortably raise personal and/or family responsibilities when scheduling departmental obligations. 7.2 It is difficult for faculty in my department to adjust their work schedules for primary care responsibilities. 7.3 Department meetings and/or other required departmental activities frequently occur outside the regular workday. 7.4 Faculty without primary care responsibilities are expected to accept more teaching and service responsibilities outside the regular work day. 7.5 Faculty who have primary care responsibilities are considered by the department to be less committed to their careers. 7.6 I often have conflicts between personal activities and professional responsibilities. 0.0659 8.1 Faculty should be involved in selecting institution-wide software and technology. 8.2 I am satisfied with computer support in my unit. 8.3 The campus-wide email system meets my needs. 8.4 I am satisfied with parking at USC. 8.5 Handicapped parking at USC is sufficient. 8.6 Improvements in campus accessibility for persons with disabilities are needed. 8.7 I feel safe in my workplace in terms of physical safety and security. 8.8 USC is a safe campus. 8.9 The restrooms in the buildings in which I work are clean and well kept. 8.10 My unit has adequate office space. 8.11 USC building conditions need improvement. 8.12 The clerical staff in my unit fulfills my support needs. 8.13 The State of South Carolina’s travel per diem is sufficient for my needs. 8.14 University Technology Services serves the needs of the faculty. 8.15 Resources and services at the University Libraries are satisfactory. 8.16 The electronic holdings at University Libraries are sufficient for my research needs. 8.17 The Russell House bookstore fulfills my textbook ordering needs. 8.18 The Faculty Senate and other University-wide faculty committees effectively represent the faculty. 8.19 I am satisfied with the quality of support from the Graduate School. 0.0777 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0435 0.1045 0.0001 0.0002 0.0211 0.0050 <0.0001 0.4527 0.0015 0.3472 0.1619 0.1916 <0.0001 0.6665 <0.0001 0.0033 0.0918 <0.0001 0.8467 0.0151 0.3042 <0.0001 0.0002 42 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 43 Appendix 4. Two-way tables and graphs of Gender by Item for Items with Significant Gender Effects I feel like a full and equal participant in the problem-solving and decision-making in my department. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Male 6 1.74 20 5.81 39 11.34 18 5.23 53 15.41 110 31.98 98 28.49 344 Female 17 4.76 40 11.20 41 11.48 34 9.52 57 15.97 106 29.69 62 17.37 357 Total 23 60 80 52 110 216 160 701 Total 43 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 44 Faculty meetings allow for all participants to share their views. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Male 8 2.32 13 3.77 25 7.25 20 5.80 39 11.30 121 35.07 119 34.49 345 Female 40 11.30 30 8.47 25 7.06 37 10.45 46 12.99 91 25.71 85 24.01 354 Total 48 43 50 57 85 212 204 699 44 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 45 Department/unit assignments are rotated fairly to allow for participation of all faculty. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Male 26 7.56 29 8.43 33 9.59 25 7.27 66 19.19 111 32.27 54 15.70 344 Female 65 18.26 32 8.99 44 12.36 38 10.67 46 12.92 96 26.97 35 9.83 356 Total 91 61 77 63 112 207 89 700 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 46 Male and female faculty are treated equally. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Male 7 2.03 4 1.16 19 5.51 21 6.09 18 5.22 143 41.45 133 38.55 345 Female 11 3.13 33 9.38 41 11.65 41 11.65 30 8.52 129 36.65 67 19.03 352 Total 18 37 60 62 48 272 200 697 Total 46 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 47 Sex discrimination or harassment is a problem in my department. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Male 12 3.47 174 50.29 104 30.06 14 4.05 20 5.78 15 4.34 7 2.02 346 Female 13 3.70 120 34.19 124 35.33 22 6.27 34 9.69 22 6.27 16 4.56 351 Total 25 294 228 36 54 37 23 697 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 48 Male faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than female faculty members . Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Male 52 15.12 119 34.59 117 34.01 24 6.98 15 4.36 14 4.07 3 0.87 344 Female 68 19.65 62 17.92 81 23.41 35 10.12 45 13.01 29 8.38 26 7.51 346 Total 120 181 198 59 60 43 29 690 Total 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 49 The university’s available health care options meet my needs. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Male 15 4.31 28 8.05 43 12.36 47 13.51 63 18.10 135 38.79 17 4.89 348 Female 39 10.96 43 12.08 50 14.04 40 11.24 69 19.38 94 26.40 21 5.90 356 Total 54 71 93 87 132 229 38 704 Total 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 50 The university’s available health care options meet the needs of my family/ household . Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Male 37 10.66 34 9.80 46 13.26 40 11.53 56 16.14 121 34.87 13 3.75 347 Female 89 25.00 47 13.20 49 13.76 23 6.46 56 15.73 75 21.07 17 4.78 356 Total 126 81 95 63 112 196 30 703 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 51 I have colleagues on campus who do similar research. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Male 52 15.03 14 4.05 33 9.54 24 6.94 48 13.87 134 38.73 41 11.85 346 Female 87 24.58 6 1.69 28 7.91 21 5.93 49 13.84 122 34.46 41 11.58 354 Total 139 20 61 45 97 256 82 700 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 52 I am satisfied with the classroom space available to conduct my teaching. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Male 22 6.36 38 10.98 68 19.65 41 11.85 46 13.29 113 32.66 18 5.20 346 Female 35 9.80 51 14.29 55 15.41 44 12.32 55 15.41 87 24.37 30 8.40 357 Total 57 89 123 85 101 200 48 703 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 53 I receive feedback on my progress toward tenure/promotion. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Male 112 32.37 14 4.05 15 4.34 21 6.07 30 8.67 108 31.21 46 13.29 346 Female 110 31.16 17 4.82 20 5.67 12 3.40 38 10.76 108 30.59 48 13.60 353 Total 222 31 35 33 68 216 94 699 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 54 In my department faculty may comfortably raise personal and/or family responsibilities when scheduling departmental obligations. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Male 23 6.71 9 2.62 12 3.50 18 5.25 50 14.58 Female 31 8.76 17 4.80 23 6.50 17 4.80 62 17.51 Total 54 26 35 35 112 In my department faculty may comfortably raise personal and/or family responsibilities when scheduling departmental obligations. Agree Strongly Agree Male 176 51.31 55 16.03 343 Female 133 37.57 71 20.06 354 Total 309 126 697 Total 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 55 USC is a safe campus. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Agree Total Male 6 1.74 11 3.19 30 8.70 50 14.49 80 23.19 142 41.16 26 7.54 345 Female 4 1.13 19 5.35 37 10.42 69 19.44 97 27.32 113 31.83 16 4.51 355 Total 10 30 67 119 177 255 42 700 Appendix 5. Two-way tables and graphs of Faculty Rank by Item for Items with Significant Gender Effects How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the academic leadership at the college/school level? Disatisfied Somewhat Disatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Tenured 57 16.29 52 14.86 43 12.29 62 17.71 94 26.86 42 12.00 350 Tenure Track 8 5.52 16 11.03 27 18.62 27 18.62 44 30.34 23 15.86 145 Non-Tenure Track 14 6.70 26 12.44 18 8.61 43 20.57 71 33.97 37 17.70 209 Total 79 94 88 132 209 102 704 Total 56 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the academic leadership at the university level? Somewhat Disatisfied Disatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Total Tenured 29 8.26 47 13.39 47 13.39 81 23.08 111 31.62 36 10.26 351 Tenure Track 3 2.11 13 9.15 19 13.38 26 18.31 57 40.14 24 16.90 142 Non-Tenure Track 9 4.23 16 7.51 21 9.86 47 22.07 87 40.85 33 15.49 213 Total 41 76 87 154 255 93 706 Faculty meetings allow for all participants to share their views. Tenured Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree 3 26 28 23 43 0.86 7.45 8.02 6.59 12.32 Agree 126 36.10 Strongly Agree 100 28.65 Total 349 Tenure Track 0 0.00 8 5.56 9 6.25 12 8.33 20 13.89 47 32.64 48 33.33 144 Non-Tenure Track 42 19.91 11 5.21 15 7.11 22 10.43 23 10.90 41 19.43 57 27.01 211 Total 45 45 52 57 86 214 205 704 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 59 Department/unit assignments are rotated fairly to allow for participation of all faculty. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Tenured 9 2.57 42 12.00 44 12.57 34 9.71 60 17.14 114 32.57 47 13.43 350 Tenure Track 15 10.56 8 5.63 15 10.56 12 8.45 27 19.01 47 33.10 18 12.68 142 Non-Tenure Track 65 30.52 14 6.57 19 8.92 18 8.45 29 13.62 44 20.66 24 11.27 213 Total 89 64 78 64 116 205 89 705 Total 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 60 Sex discrimination or harassment is a problem in my department. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 9 2.59 126 36.31 121 34.87 18 5.19 34 9.80 21 6.05 18 5.19 347 Tenure Track 4 2.76 63 43.45 48 33.10 9 6.21 13 8.97 6 4.14 2 1.38 145 Non-Tenure Track 11 5.24 105 50.00 61 29.05 9 4.29 8 3.81 11 5.24 5 2.38 210 Total 24 294 230 36 55 38 25 702 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 61 I am satisfied with the university’s overall benefits package. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 0 0.00 51 14.57 74 21.14 64 18.29 59 16.86 88 25.14 14 4.00 350 Tenure Track 0 0.00 32 22.22 30 20.83 25 17.36 26 18.06 29 20.14 2 1.39 144 Non-Tenure Track 28 13.21 13 6.13 20 9.43 17 8.02 37 17.45 77 36.32 20 9.43 212 Total 28 96 124 106 122 194 36 706 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 62 The university’s available health care options meet my needs. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 5 1.42 32 9.09 49 13.92 55 15.63 63 17.90 134 38.07 14 3.98 352 Tenure Track 1 0.69 31 21.38 29 20.00 23 15.86 28 19.31 32 22.07 1 0.69 145 Non-Tenure Track 40 18.78 11 5.16 13 6.10 13 6.10 42 19.72 71 33.33 23 10.80 213 Total 46 74 91 91 133 237 38 710 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 63 The university’s available health care options meet the needs of my family/ household. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 39 11.11 37 10.54 49 13.96 42 11.97 58 16.52 114 32.48 12 3.42 351 Tenure Track 28 19.31 32 22.07 28 19.31 14 9.66 21 14.48 21 14.48 1 0.69 145 Non-Tenure Track 57 26.76 13 6.10 17 7.98 10 4.69 34 15.96 66 30.99 16 7.51 213 Total 124 82 94 66 113 201 29 709 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 64 I have the equipment and supplies that I need to adequately conduct my research. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 19 5.44 24 6.88 37 10.60 30 8.60 45 12.89 149 42.69 45 12.89 349 Tenure Track 10 6.90 6 4.14 16 11.03 8 5.52 27 18.62 59 40.69 19 13.10 145 Non-Tenure Track 88 41.12 10 4.67 12 5.61 14 6.54 18 8.41 56 26.17 16 7.48 214 Total 117 40 65 52 90 264 80 708 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 65 I am satisfied with the availability of core facilities for my research. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 26 7.41 27 7.69 31 8.83 40 11.40 52 14.81 131 37.32 44 12.54 351 Tenure Track 15 10.34 12 8.28 18 12.41 16 11.03 24 16.55 49 33.79 11 7.59 145 Non-Tenure Track 101 47.20 6 2.80 15 7.01 9 4.21 21 9.81 44 20.56 18 8.41 214 Total 142 45 64 65 97 224 73 710 65 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 66 I receive sufficient technical support for my research equipment. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 57 16.33 40 11.46 42 12.03 24 6.88 36 10.32 115 32.95 35 10.03 349 Tenure Track 32 22.22 8 5.56 17 11.81 13 9.03 25 17.36 38 26.39 11 7.64 144 Non-Tenure Track 120 56.07 6 2.80 15 7.01 3 1.40 14 6.54 40 18.69 16 7.48 214 Total 209 54 74 40 75 193 62 707 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 67 I am satisfied with the laboratory space available to conduct my research. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 179 51.14 26 7.43 24 6.86 20 5.71 19 5.43 65 18.57 17 4.86 350 Tenure Track 79 55.63 11 7.75 8 5.63 8 5.63 13 9.15 17 11.97 6 4.23 142 Non-Tenure Track 150 70.09 9 4.21 14 6.54 1 0.47 10 4.67 20 9.35 10 4.67 214 Total 408 46 46 29 42 102 33 706 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 68 I have colleagues on campus who do similar research. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Tenured 21 5.98 14 3.99 32 9.12 26 7.41 53 15.10 159 45.30 46 13.11 351 Tenure Track 14 9.79 3 2.10 21 14.69 12 8.39 29 20.28 43 30.07 21 14.69 143 Non-Tenure Track 100 46.73 4 1.87 10 4.67 7 3.27 19 8.88 58 27.10 16 7.48 214 Total 135 21 63 45 101 260 83 708 Total 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 69 I have sufficient funds for research travel. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Agree Total Tenured 19 5.41 56 15.95 65 18.52 37 10.54 49 13.96 99 28.21 26 7.41 351 Tenure Track 7 4.83 21 14.48 35 24.14 18 12.41 25 17.24 23 15.86 16 11.03 145 Non-Tenure Track 100 47.17 18 8.49 18 8.49 17 8.02 21 9.91 31 14.62 7 3.30 212 Total 126 95 118 72 95 153 49 708 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 70 Interdisciplinary research is recognized and rewarded in my department/unit. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 20 5.73 31 8.88 33 9.46 38 10.89 61 17.48 112 32.09 54 15.47 349 Tenure Track 12 8.39 5 3.50 9 6.29 22 15.38 25 17.48 44 30.77 26 18.18 143 Non-Tenure Track 73 34.43 9 4.25 10 4.72 14 6.60 25 11.79 56 26.42 25 11.79 212 Total 105 45 52 74 111 212 105 704 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 71 I am satisfied with grant administration provided by Sponsored Awards Management. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 46 13.26 27 7.78 40 11.53 29 8.36 62 17.87 104 29.97 39 11.24 347 Tenure Track 37 26.06 4 2.82 12 8.45 9 6.34 20 14.08 44 30.99 16 11.27 142 Non-Tenure Track 111 52.61 3 1.42 5 2.37 15 7.11 20 9.48 45 21.33 12 5.69 211 Total 194 34 57 53 102 193 67 700 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 72 I am satisfied with grant opportunities provided within the university. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 24 6.90 29 8.33 40 11.49 34 9.77 66 18.97 126 36.21 29 8.33 348 Tenure Track 9 6.34 4 2.82 8 5.63 17 11.97 34 23.94 53 37.32 17 11.97 142 Non-Tenure Track 83 39.15 8 3.77 8 3.77 19 8.96 29 13.68 54 25.47 11 5.19 212 Total 116 41 56 70 129 233 57 702 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 73 Graduate student stipends in my department/unit are adequate to attract and retain quality graduate students. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Tenured 24 6.86 115 32.86 81 23.14 48 13.71 Tenure Track 18 12.68 42 29.58 21 14.79 16 11.27 Non-Tenure Track 93 43.66 33 15.49 16 7.51 16 7.51 Total 135 190 118 80 Graduate student stipends in my department/unit are adequate to attract and retain quality graduate students. Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Tenured 36 10.29 41 11.71 5 1.43 350 Tenure Track 19 13.38 20 14.08 6 4.23 142 Non-Tenure Track 15 7.04 37 17.37 3 1.41 213 Total 70 98 14 705 Total 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 74 I receive reduced teaching and/or service responsibilities so that I may build my research program. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Tenured 41 11.75 109 31.23 76 21.78 24 6.88 34 9.74 45 12.89 20 5.73 349 Tenure Track 20 14.08 37 26.06 16 11.27 9 6.34 17 11.97 31 21.83 12 8.45 142 Non-Tenure Track 132 62.26 24 11.32 16 7.55 10 4.72 9 4.25 17 8.02 4 1.89 212 Total 193 170 108 43 60 93 36 703 Total 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 75 I have sufficient teaching support (e.g., TA). Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Agree Total Tenured 43 12.43 52 15.03 57 16.47 40 11.56 43 12.43 79 22.83 32 9.25 346 Tenure Track 28 19.58 19 13.29 24 16.78 18 12.59 21 14.69 27 18.88 6 4.20 143 Non-Tenure Track 80 37.74 22 10.38 23 10.85 18 8.49 12 5.66 43 20.28 14 6.60 212 Total 151 93 104 76 76 149 52 701 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 76 Information technology available for teaching is adequate. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 19 5.44 61 17.48 45 12.89 43 12.32 66 18.91 95 27.22 20 5.73 349 Tenure Track 14 9.72 22 15.28 17 11.81 21 14.58 30 20.83 26 18.06 14 9.72 144 Non-Tenure Track 21 9.81 17 7.94 14 6.54 18 8.41 30 14.02 86 40.19 28 13.08 214 Total 54 100 76 82 126 207 62 707 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 77 I am satisfied with the tenure/promotion process overall. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Tenured 4 1.14 18 5.13 29 8.26 19 5.41 54 15.38 180 51.28 47 13.39 351 Tenure Track 6 4.20 7 4.90 7 4.90 14 9.79 24 16.78 70 48.95 15 10.49 143 Non-Tenure Track 114 53.77 14 6.60 21 9.91 16 7.55 17 8.02 29 13.68 1 0.47 212 Total 124 39 57 49 95 279 63 706 Total 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 78 I understand my unit criteria for achieving tenure/promotion. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 4 1.15 5 1.43 6 1.72 7 2.01 23 6.59 188 53.87 116 33.24 349 Tenure Track 0 0.00 4 2.78 7 4.86 14 9.72 21 14.58 70 48.61 28 19.44 144 Non-Tenure Track 100 47.17 10 4.72 18 8.49 8 3.77 17 8.02 45 21.23 14 6.60 212 Total 104 19 31 29 61 303 158 705 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 79 I receive feedback on my progress toward tenure/promotion. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 92 26.21 14 3.99 10 2.85 15 4.27 30 8.55 133 37.89 57 16.24 351 Tenure Track 1 0.69 3 2.08 5 3.47 8 5.56 29 20.14 65 45.14 33 22.92 144 Non-Tenure Track 124 58.49 14 6.60 19 8.96 11 5.19 11 5.19 26 12.26 7 3.30 212 Total 217 31 34 34 70 224 97 707 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 80 I am satisfied with assistance available to pretenure/promotion faculty (e.g., workshops,mentoring). Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Tenured 71 20.34 12 3.44 18 5.16 21 6.02 52 14.90 145 41.55 30 8.60 349 Tenure Track 1 0.69 10 6.94 17 11.81 11 7.64 27 18.75 56 38.89 22 15.28 144 Non-Tenure Track 130 61.61 8 3.79 17 8.06 16 7.58 13 6.16 26 12.32 1 0.47 211 Total 202 30 52 48 92 227 53 704 Total 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 81 A senior colleague is available and helpful to me as I work towards tenure/promotion. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 116 33.33 29 8.33 24 6.90 20 5.75 25 7.18 79 22.70 55 15.80 348 Tenure Track 0 0.00 13 9.03 10 6.94 15 10.42 23 15.97 42 29.17 41 28.47 144 Non-Tenure Track 129 60.85 17 8.02 12 5.66 8 3.77 19 8.96 20 9.43 7 3.30 212 Total 245 59 46 43 67 141 103 704 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 82 I am satisfied with the post-tenure review process overall. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 49 14.08 26 7.47 36 10.34 33 9.48 53 15.23 124 35.63 27 7.76 348 Tenure Track 121 84.03 2 1.39 4 2.78 1 0.69 2 1.39 12 8.33 2 1.39 144 Non-Tenure Track 185 88.10 6 2.86 3 1.43 5 2.38 3 1.43 7 3.33 1 0.48 210 Total 355 34 43 39 58 143 30 702 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 83 Faculty without primary care responsibilities are expected to accept more teaching and service responsibilities outside the regular work day. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Tenured 32 9.22 82 23.63 131 37.75 35 10.09 Tenure Track 24 17.14 37 26.43 49 35.00 6 4.29 Non-Tenure Track 66 31.43 28 13.33 68 32.38 18 8.57 Total 122 147 248 59 Faculty without primary care responsibilities are expected to accept more teaching and service responsibilities outside the regular work day. Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 31 8.93 22 6.34 14 4.03 347 Tenure Track 9 6.43 8 5.71 7 5.00 140 Non-Tenure Track 10 4.76 12 5.71 8 3.81 210 Total 50 42 29 697 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 84 Faculty who have primary care responsibilities are considered by the department to be less committed to their careers. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Tenured 32 9.22 82 23.63 129 37.18 42 12.10 Tenure Track 16 11.35 41 29.08 43 30.50 16 11.35 Non-Tenure Track 62 29.38 34 16.11 69 32.70 11 5.21 Total 110 157 241 69 Faculty who have primary care responsibilities are considered by the department to be less committed to their careers. Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Tenured 28 8.07 27 7.78 7 2.02 347 Tenure Track 14 9.93 7 4.96 4 2.84 141 Non-Tenure Track 17 8.06 14 6.64 4 1.90 211 Total 59 48 15 699 Total 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 85 The campus-wide email system meets my needs. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Agree Total Tenured 9 2.56 48 13.64 35 9.94 37 10.51 53 15.06 134 38.07 36 10.23 352 Tenure Track 3 2.10 6 4.20 15 10.49 14 9.79 31 21.68 56 39.16 18 12.59 143 Non-Tenure Track 8 3.74 6 2.80 14 6.54 9 4.21 25 11.68 123 57.48 29 13.55 214 Total 20 60 64 60 109 313 83 709 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 86 The restrooms in the buildings in which I work are clean and well kept. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 0 0.00 62 17.66 64 18.23 51 14.53 65 18.52 92 26.21 17 4.84 351 Tenure Track 0 0.00 14 9.72 25 17.36 16 11.11 24 16.67 55 38.19 10 6.94 144 Non-Tenure Track 2 0.93 26 12.15 27 12.62 22 10.28 31 14.49 77 35.98 29 13.55 214 Total 2 102 116 89 120 224 56 709 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 87 USC building conditions need improvement. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Agree Total Tenured 1 0.29 4 1.15 4 1.15 12 3.45 34 9.77 118 33.91 175 50.29 348 Tenure Track 1 0.71 3 2.13 3 2.13 3 2.13 22 15.60 40 28.37 69 48.94 141 Non-Tenure Track 11 5.19 5 2.36 13 6.13 12 5.66 36 16.98 57 26.89 78 36.79 212 Total 13 12 20 27 92 215 322 701 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 88 University Technology Services serves the needs of the faculty. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 8 2.29 54 15.47 47 13.47 59 16.91 82 23.50 86 24.64 13 3.72 349 Tenure Track 4 2.80 14 9.79 17 11.89 23 16.08 23 16.08 46 32.17 16 11.19 143 Non-Tenure Track 17 7.98 5 2.35 13 6.10 21 9.86 41 19.25 99 46.48 17 7.98 213 Total 29 73 77 103 146 231 46 705 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 89 The Faculty Senate and other University-wide faculty committees effectively represent the faculty. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Tenured 14 4.02 39 11.21 31 8.91 40 11.49 81 23.28 124 35.63 19 5.46 348 Tenure Track 12 8.51 3 2.13 7 4.96 16 11.35 33 23.40 58 41.13 12 8.51 141 Non-Tenure Track 63 30.73 11 5.37 10 4.88 15 7.32 39 19.02 59 28.78 8 3.90 205 Total 89 53 48 71 153 241 39 694 Total 09:56 Wednesday, March 05, 2014 90 I am satisfied with the quality of support from the Graduate School. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total Tenured 51 14.70 46 13.26 50 14.41 44 12.68 78 22.48 70 20.17 8 2.31 347 Tenure Track 47 33.33 6 4.26 10 7.09 13 9.22 32 22.70 31 21.99 2 1.42 141 Non-Tenure Track 100 47.39 8 3.79 12 5.69 11 5.21 26 12.32 47 22.27 7 3.32 211 Total 198 60 72 68 136 148 17 699 Appendix 6. Two-way tables and graphs of Race/Ethnicty by Item for Minority/Non-minority Items Minority and non-minority faculty are treated equally. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree African-American 1 5.26 3 15.79 1 5.26 3 15.79 2 10.53 6 31.58 3 15.79 19 Caucasian 68 15.81 8 1.86 19 4.42 18 4.19 31 7.21 172 40.00 114 26.51 430 Missing 43 17.77 10 4.13 15 6.20 12 4.96 25 10.33 87 35.95 50 20.66 242 Other 1 2.78 5 13.89 3 8.33 1 2.78 1 2.78 16 44.44 9 25.00 36 Total 113 26 38 34 59 281 176 727 Total 91 Discrimination against or harassment of minorities is a problem in my department. Strongly Somewhat Disagree Disagree Disagree African- Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Total 4 21.05 5 26.32 5 26.32 2 10.53 1 5.26 2 10.53 0 0.00 19 Caucasian 59 13.92 189 44.58 135 31.84 19 4.48 13 3.07 5 1.18 4 0.94 424 Missing 35 14.34 98 40.16 78 31.97 12 4.92 7 2.87 7 2.87 7 2.87 244 Other 0 0.00 16 45.71 13 37.14 1 2.86 3 8.57 2 5.71 0 0.00 35 Total 98 308 231 34 24 16 11 722 American 92 Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of discrimination against or harassment of minorities. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree 8 42.11 2 10.53 4 21.05 1 5.26 2 10.53 Caucasian 165 39.19 94 22.33 102 24.23 25 5.94 16 3.80 Missing 91 38.56 50 21.19 57 24.15 8 3.39 15 6.36 Other 6 16.67 11 30.56 9 25.00 0 0.00 3 8.33 Total 270 157 172 34 36 AfricanAmerican Faculty often do not report when they see an instance of discrimination against or harassment of minorities. Agree Strongly Agree AfricanAmerican 2 10.53 0 0.00 19 Caucasian 14 3.33 5 1.19 421 Missing 8 3.39 7 2.97 236 Other 6 16.67 1 2.78 36 Total 30 13 712 Total 93 Non-minority faculty are more likely than minority faculty to be involved in informal social networks within the department. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree AfricanAmerican 3 15.79 2 10.53 4 21.05 1 5.26 1 5.26 Caucasian 109 25.59 86 20.19 140 32.86 37 8.69 31 7.28 Missing 71 29.71 46 19.25 54 22.59 20 8.37 19 7.95 Other 2 5.88 8 23.53 11 32.35 4 11.76 4 11.76 Total 185 142 209 62 55 Non-minority faculty are more likely than minority faculty to be involved in informal social networks within the department. Agree Strongly Agree AfricanAmerican 5 26.32 3 15.79 19 Caucasian 17 3.99 6 1.41 426 Missing 20 8.37 9 3.77 239 Other 3 8.82 2 5.88 34 Total 45 20 718 Total 94 95 My department has more difficulty retaining minority faculty than non-minority faculty. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree 3 15.79 3 15.79 5 26.32 0 0.00 1 5.26 3 15.79 4 21.05 19 Caucasian 96 22.48 79 18.50 125 29.27 32 7.49 30 7.03 57 13.35 8 1.87 427 Missing 58 24.68 43 18.30 57 24.26 16 6.81 16 6.81 28 11.91 17 7.23 235 Other 2 5.71 9 25.71 12 34.29 3 8.57 3 8.57 6 17.14 0 0.00 35 Total 159 134 199 51 50 94 29 716 AfricanAmerican Total 96 My department has made an effort to promote minority faculty into leadership positions. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree 1 5.26 5 26.32 2 10.53 1 5.26 1 5.26 7 36.84 2 10.53 19 Caucasian 124 29.18 11 2.59 39 9.18 36 8.47 63 14.82 108 25.41 44 10.35 425 Missing 73 30.93 14 5.93 16 6.78 26 11.02 28 11.86 52 22.03 27 11.44 236 Other 2 5.88 3 8.82 4 11.76 5 14.71 3 8.82 13 38.24 4 11.76 34 Total 200 33 61 68 95 180 77 714 AfricanAmerican Total 97 Non-minority faculty members receive more effective peer mentoring than minority faculty members. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree 4 21.05 5 26.32 5 26.32 0 0.00 1 5.26 1 5.26 3 15.79 19 Caucasian 129 30.57 97 22.99 125 29.62 37 8.77 18 4.27 12 2.84 4 0.95 422 Missing 76 32.48 46 19.66 55 23.50 24 10.26 15 6.41 12 5.13 6 2.56 234 Other 4 11.76 8 23.53 11 32.35 3 8.82 4 11.76 2 5.88 2 5.88 34 Total 213 156 196 64 38 27 15 709 AfricanAmerican Total 98