AAPM 2013: Safety Improvement through Incident Learning

AAPM 2013: Safety Improvement through Incident Learning
E. Ford, G. Ezzell, A. Dicker, T. Piotrowski
This handout is intended as supplementary material for the educational session noted above.
Presentation material and slides are available through the AAPM website.
Introduction: Incident learning is a key tool for improving the quality and safety of procedures. At its
most fundamental level, incident learning is method to systematic ally capture information on incidents
and near-misses and learn from them to improve the quality and safety of treatments. This session will
describe basic concepts in incident learning with a practical focus for the clinical medical physicist
working in the radiation oncology setting.
Background: Numerous studies have appeared over the years highlighting the need for incident learning
in radiation oncology (1-11). The value of incident learning has been demonstrated through large
hospital survey databases (12) and also anecdotally through demonstration of safety impact in radiation
oncology (13). Recent interest in incident learning in radiation oncology can be traced back to a
conference in June 2010 in Miami sponsored by AAPM and ASTRO (14). This conference, entitled “Safety
in Radiation Therapy: A Call to Action”, considered numerous issues related to patient safety. One of the
key recommendations from this meeting was that “Error reporting systems should be developed in
radiation therapy” (14). Following the meeting in Miami the AAPM embarked on a study to develop
technical recommendations for incident reporting in radiation oncology. This work was performed by
the AAPM Work Group on Prevention of Errors chaired by one of us (EF) and culminated in the
publication in December 2012 of a study entitled “Consensus recommendations for incident learning
database structures in radiation oncology” (15). The study had numerous contributors from various
societies and the final document was approved by AAPM, the American Society of Therapeutic Radiation
and Oncology (ASTRO), and the Society of Radiation Oncology Administrators (SROA).
Definitions: First some definitions of terms. These appear in the WGPE white paper and are consistent
with the definitions from the National Patient Safety Foundation.
Failure to complete a planned action as intended or the use of an incorrect plan
of action to achieve a given aim
An unwanted or unexpected change from a normal system behavior which
causes or has the potential to cause an adverse effect to persons or equipment
An event or situation that could have resulted in an accident, injury, or illness
but did not either by chance or through timely intervention. Also known as a
close call, good catch or near hit
Here we refer to the process as “incident learning” rather than “incident reporting” to highlight the
entire learning process, i.e. the feedback loop of reporting an incident and then analyzing it for salient
detail and developing interventions to prevent it from happening again. We also avoid the term “error
reporting” or “error learning” since it is often not errors themselves that are reported, but rather the
consequences of those errors.
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Society recommendations: Several documents, approved at the society level, now call for the use of
incident learning to improve safety.
ASTRO “Safety is
No Accident”
paper on safety
paper on safety
White paper on
UK Toward Safer
“Employees should be encouraged to report both errors and
near-misses (errors that almost happen).” A quality assurance
committee “should ensure that a mechanism for reporting and
monitoring errors and near-misses is in place.”
“To improve error prevention and remediation of events (any
unplanned/undocumented deviation from the department’s
standard process or the patient’s expected treatment), the
team should discuss potential and actual sources of errors and
document all events that occur.”
“Establish a reporting mechanism for IGRT-related variances in
the radiation treatment process.”
“Discipline-specific incident learning systems would significantly
improve the practice of radiation oncology.”
“Each radiotherapy center must operate a quality system,
which should ensure best practice is maintained by applying
lessons learnt from radiotherapy incidents and near misses
from other departments as well as in-house.”
(15 -19 )
Harm vs. Near-miss and Reporting Volumes: It must be recognized that most incidents encountered in
the course of daily operations are near-misses, i.e. events or situations that do not result in patient
harm. Incident learning should include these events as well. If near-miss events are included, the volume
of information collected can be quite large even within a single clinic. The study by Mutic et al., for
example, noted an incident report rate of 1 per 1.6 patients treated (3). This would translate into
approximately 26 reports per month for a clinic treating 500 patients per year.
A National Incident Learning System: The concepts behind incident learning apply both at the
departmental level (i.e. incident learning within a given clinic) and on the larger level nationally or even
internationally. The international voluntary reporting system ROSIS has existed for years (9, 10). More
recently there has been a call to develop a system for the United States with the goal of facilitating
information flow and learning between departments. Such a system is now being developed by AAPM
and ASTRO under the mechanism of a Patient Safety Organization (PSO). The PSO system was
established by the US Congress as part of the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005
(Public Law 109-41). It provides privilege and confidentiality protection to encourage reporting. PSOs are
widely used in other areas of medicine. The details of the Radiation Oncology PSO system will be
described in more detail in the presentation by an expert in this area.
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Learning Points: The process of incident learning is complex. The presentations will explore the
following topics in more depth.
What is the proven value of incident learning?
What are the key elements of a departmental incident learning system?
What are typical hurdles to implementation and continued use?
How should such a system be structured at the institutional level and what types of incidents
can be expected?
What is the value of participating in a national Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System?
How can my clinic participate in the national Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System?
Donaldson L. Radiotherapy Risk Profile: Technical Manual. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health
Organization, 2008 Contract No.: Report.
Williams MV. Improving patient safety in radiotherapy by learning from near misses, incidents
and errors. British Journal of Radiology. 2007;80(953):297-301.
Mutic S, Brame RS, Oddiraju S, Parikh P, Westfall MA, Hopkins ML, et al. Event (error and nearmiss) reporting and learning system for process improvement in radiation oncology. Medical physics.
Bissonnette JP, Medlam G. Trend analysis of radiation therapy incidents over seven years.
Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2010;96(1):139-44.
Cooke DL, Dunscombe PB, Lee RC. Using a survey of incident reporting and learning practices to
improve organisational learning at a cancer care centre. Quality and Safety in Health Care.
Dunscombe PB, Ekaette EU, Lee RC, Cooke DL. Taxonometric Applications in Radiotherapy
Incident Analysis. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2008;71(1 SUPPL.).
Pawlicki T, Dunscombe PB, Mundt AJ, Scalliet P. Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy: Taylor &
Francis; 2010.
Clark BG, Brown RJ, Ploquin JL, Kind AL, Grimard L. The management of radiation treatment
error through incident learning. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2010;95(3):344-9.
Cunningham J, Coffey M, Knöös T, Holmberg O. Radiation Oncology Safety Information System
(ROSIS) - Profiles of participants and the first 1074 incident reports. Radiotherapy and Oncology.
Holmberg O, Knoos T, Coffey M, Cunningham J, McKenzie K, Scalliet P. Radiation Oncology
Safety Information System (ROSIS). 2010.
Holmberg O, Malone J, Rehani M, McLean D, Czarwinski R. Current issues and actions in
radiation protection of patients. European Journal of Radiology. 2010;76(1):15-9.
Mardon RE, Khanna K, Sorra J, Dyer N, Famolaro T. Exploring relationships between hospital
patient safety culture and adverse events. Journal of patient safety. 2010;6(4):226-32. Epub 2010/11/26.
doi: 10.1097/PTS.0b013e3181fd1a00. PubMed PMID: 21099551.
Ford EC, Smith K, Harris K, Terezakis S. Prevention of a wrong-location misadministration
through the use of an intradepartmental incident learning system. Medical Physics. 2012;39(11):696871. doi: Doi 10.1118/1.4760774. PubMed PMID: ISI:000310726300045.
Hendee WR, Herman MG. Improving patient safety in radiation oncology. Medical physics.
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Ford EC, Fong de Los Santos L, Pawlicki T, Sutlief S, Dunscombe P. Consensus recommendations
for incident learning database structures in radiation oncology. Med Phys. 2012;39(12):7272-90. Epub
2012/12/13. doi: 10.1118/1.4764914. PubMed PMID: 23231278.
Zeitman A, Palta J, Steinberg M. Safety is No Accident: A Framework for Quality Radiation
Oncology and Care: ASTRO; 2012.
Moran JM, Dempsey M, Eisbruch A, Fraass BA, Galvin JM, Ibbott GS, et al. Safety considerations
for IMRT: Executive summary. Practical Radiation Oncology. 2011;1(3):190-5.
Jaffray D, Langen KM, Mageras G, Dawson L, Yan D, Adams R, et al. Assuring safety and quality in
image-guided delivery of adiation therapy. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2013;in press.
Donaldson L. Towards safer radiotherapy. London, UK: British Institute of Radiology, Institute of
Physics and Engineering in Medicine, National Patient Safety Agency, Society and College of
Radiographers, The Royal College of Radiologists, 2007 Contract No.: Report.
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Safety Improvement through Incident Learning Educa7on Session WE-­‐F-­‐WAB-­‐1 Wednesday 3:00PM -­‐ 3:50PM Room: Wabash Ballroom AAPM 2013 Annual Mee.ng Educa.on Session August 7, 2013 Outline •  Mistakes and errors are inevitable •  We all have some methods for learning from our own mistakes •  We do a poor job of learning from other departments’ mistakes •  A naGonal system to share that knowledge Outline •  Adam Dicker, MD PhD, Thomas Jefferson University –  Quality/safety and outcomes •  Eric Ford, PhD, University of Washington –  Incident learning within an insGtuGon •  Anna Marie Hajek, President & CEO, Clarity Group Inc. –  PaGent Safety OrganizaGons •  Todd Pawlicki, PhD, University of California, San Diego Gary Ezzell, PhD, Mayo Clinic, Arizona –  The ASTRO/AAPM RadiaGon Oncology-­‐ILS Safety or Quality? UNSAFE UNSAFE Dose Peter Dunscombe Safety or Quality? Dose Quality and Clinical Outcome ImplicaGons of prospecGve clinical trials and credenGaling Adam P. Dicker, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Radia7on Oncology Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA, USA AAPM 2013 Annual Mee.ng Educa.on Session August 7, 2013 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 Nov 1;84(3):590-­‐5 Radiotherapy Protocol Devia7ons are Associated with Inferior Clinical Outcomes: A Meta-­‐analysis of Coopera7ve Group Clinical Trials NiGn Ohri1, Xinglei Shen2, Adam Dicker, Laura Doyle, Amy Harrison, Timothy Showalter3 Thomas Jefferson University 1 – Current affiliaGon: Albert Einstein College of Medicine 2 – Current affiliaGon: University of Kansas Medical Center 3 – Current affiliaGon: University of Virginia J Natl Cancer Inst. 2013 Mar 20;105(6):387-­‐93 Methods – Data Extrac7on •  Primary outcome – overall survival •  Secondary outcomes – local control, event-­‐
free survival, etc. •  Hazard raGos (HRs) for Gme-­‐to-­‐event outcomes were extracted directly from the original studies or were esGmated indirectly by reading off survival curves (Parmar et al, StaGsGcs in Medicine, 1998) J Natl Cancer Inst. 2013 Mar 20;105(6):387-­‐93 Clinical Trials Trial Name Disease Defini7on of RT Devia7on RTOG 73-­‐01 Non-­‐small cell lung cancer “Major” VariaGon: Recalculated dose variaGon > 10%, no margin on primary target, or parGal treatment of elecGve target SWOG 7628 Small cell lung cancer “Major” VariaGon: Incorrect dose, ≥ 5% underdosing of involved target, ≥ 10% underdosing of elecGve target, ≥ 10% overdosing of criGcal normal structure, etc. POG 8346 Ewing’s Sarcoma “Minor” or “Major” DeviaGon: < 2 cm margin or > 5% deviaGon from the recommended dose SFOP.TC 94 Medulloblastoma “Minor” or “Major” DeviaGon: ≤ 5 mm margin (cranial fields) or ≤ 10 mm margin (spinal fields) POG 9031 Medulloblastoma “Major” DeviaGon: ≥ 10% underdosing of brain, posterior fossa, or spine SIOP/UKCC PNET-­‐3 Supratentorial PNET DeviaGon: < 3 mm margin (cribriform fossa) or <8 mm margin (skull base) TROG 02.02 Head and neck cancer “Deficiencies predicted to have a major adverse impact on tumor control” RTOG 97-­‐04 PancreaGc adenocarcinoma “Less than per protocol”: numerous criteria regarding field sizes, borders, etc. Trials – RT Devia7ons Trial Name # of PaGents without # of PaGents with RT RT DeviaGon (%) DeviaGon (%) Endpoints Evaluated for AssociaGon with RT DeviaGon RTOG 73-­‐01 277 (92%) 24 (8%) OS SWOG 7628 96 (69%) 44 (31%) OS POG 8346 52 (79%) 14 (21%) Local Control SFOP.TC 94 49 (29%) 120 (71%) Relapse POG 9031 69 (43%) 91 (57%) OS, Event-­‐Free survival SIOP/UKCC PNET-­‐3 28 (67%) 14 (33%) OS, Event-­‐Free survival TROG 02.02 723 (88%) 97 (12%) OS, Locoregional Control RTOG 97-­‐04 216 (52%) 200 (48%) OS, Failure Forest plot of hazard ra7os: the associa7on between radiotherapy protocol devia7ons and overall survival p < 0.001
Ohri N et al. JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst 2013;105:387-393
Radiotherapy and Oncology 105 (2012) 4-­‐8 Defini7on of devia7on not always consistent Radiotherapy and Oncology 105 (2012) 4-­‐8 Devia7ons have a huge impact on clinical outcome Radiotherapy and Oncology 105 (2012) 4-­‐8 RT quality does impact on outcome when RT is combined with drugs 28:2989-­‐2995, 2010 Pre-­‐IMRT Era 28:2996-­‐3001, 2010 Designed to provide 90% power to detect a 10% difference (70% ν 60%) in 2-­‐year overall survival rate Sample Size = 861 Pa7ents Courtesy of David Followill, PhD Impact of Radiotherapy on outcome Primary Endpoint
Planned Secondary Analysis
70% ν 50%
●  “It is sobering to note that the value of good radiotherapy is
substantially greater than the incremental gains that have
been achieved with new drugs and/or biologicals.”
Courtesy of David Followill, PhD Non-­‐Creden7aled Protocols are associated with more protocol viola7ons Study
Number of
GOG 0184
44 (7%)
114 (17%)
GOG 0122
29 (15%)
37 (19%)
135 (9%)
214 (15%)
72 (44%)
RTOG 9001
43 (14%)
76 (24%)
RTOG 9003
75 (7%)
188 (18%)
Courtesy of David Followill, PhD Creden7aling lower devia7ons Study
Number of
43 (5%)
47 (3.6%)
GOG 165
15 (21%)
RTOG 95-17
4 (4%)
RTOG 0019
6 (5%)
3 (0.3%)
121 (10%)
42 (12%)
8 (9%)
Courtesy of David Followill, PhD Ins7tu7on results do not always agree with phantom results plan and delivered dose Comparison between insGtuGon’s Phantom
686 (79%) 162 (82%) 22 (63%) 17(75%)
1135 (83%) 359 (86%) 119 (68%) 535 (81%)
7%/4 mm
7%/4 mm
5%/3 mm 5%/5 mm
Courtesy of David Followill, PhD Summary •  QA data from prospecGve clinical trials demonstrates that non-­‐adherence to protocol-­‐
specified RT requirements are frequent. •  Failure to adhere to protocol RT guidelines is associated with reduced survival, reduced local control and potenGally increased toxicity. Ques7ons and Implica7ons •  How should quality assurance measures be incorporated into clinical pracGce and clinical trials? •  What does this imply for paGents who receive radiotherapy off study ? •  What are the implicaGons for standards of quality assurance and paGent safety? •  What should be the standard of care Safety Improvement through Incident Learning Experience with Incident Learning at the Clinical and InsGtuGonal Level Eric Ford, PhD University of Washington, Seatle AAPM 2013 Annual Mee.ng Educa.on Session August 7, 2013 Zietman et al. 2012
ü “Each department should have a department-­‐wide review commitee which monitors quality problems, near-­‐
misses and errors.” ü “Employees should be encouraged to report both errors and near-­‐misses.” Safety is No Accident, Zietman et al. 2012
The Call for Incident Learning • 
ASTRO report 2012 Safety is No Accident: A Framework for Quality RadiaGon Oncology and Care. Zeitman A, Palta J, Steinberg M. ASTRO; 2012 AAPM white-­‐paper 2012 Consensus recommendaGons for incident learning database structures in radiaGon oncology. Ford EC, Fong de Los Santos L, Pawlicki T, Sutlief S, Dunscombe P. Med Phys. 2012;39(12):7272-­‐90. ASTRO safety white-­‐papers Safety consideraGons for IMRT: ExecuGve summary. Moran JM, Dempsey M, Eisbruch A, Fraass BA, Galvin JM, Ibbot GS, et al. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2011;1(3):190-­‐5. Assuring safety and quality in image-­‐guided delivery of radiaGon therapy. Jaffray D, Langen KM, Mageras G, Dawson L, Yan D, Adams R, et al. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2013;in press. ASRT safety white-­‐paper RadiaGon Therapy Safety: The CriGcal Role of the RadiaGon Therapist. Odle, T, Rosier, N. ASRT EducaGon and Research Fnd. 2012. Example event – wrong site near-­‐miss •  PaGent with sarcoma of ley calf •  CT sim feet first for treatment feet first; MD not present; temporary marks on ley leg •  On treatment planning computer, MD sets isocenter and draws fields on wrong leg, not realizing the ley/
right reversal on the screen Example event – wrong site near-­‐miss R Example event – wrong site near-­‐miss •  PaGent with sarcoma of ley calf •  CT sim feet first for treatment feet first; MD not present; temporary marks on ley leg •  On treatment planning computer, MD sets isocenter and draws fields on wrong leg, not realizing the ley/
right reversal on the screen •  Plan is done, approved, and passes physics check •  Error caught by therapists at first treatment day – saw that Rx was for ley leg but fields on right leg Resul7ng Quality Improvement •  Radioopaque marker to prevent R/L reversal •  Improving safety barriers –  E.g. physicist and therapist checklists •  Training and educaGon –  EducaGon module for incoming residents Ins7tu7onal Studies of Incident Learning • 
Clark et al., PaGent safety improvement in radiaGon treatment through five years of incident learning, Prac Rad Onc (2012) Terezakis et al., An evaluaGon of departmental radiaGon oncology incident reports: AnGcipaGng a naGonal reporGng system, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 85, 919-­‐923 (2013) Santanam et al., EliminaGng inconsistencies in simulaGon and treatment planning orders in radiaGon therapy, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 85, 484-­‐491, (2013) Ford et al., PrevenGon of a wrong-­‐locaGon misadministraGon through the use of an intradepartmental incident learning system, Med Phys, 39, 6968-­‐ (2012) MuGc et al. Event (error and near-­‐miss) reporGng and learning systemfor process improvement in radiaGon oncology, Med Phys 37, 5027–5036 (2010) Bissonnete and Medlam, Trend analysis of radiaGon therapy incidents over seven years, Radiother Oncol,96, 139–144 (2010) Clark et al., The management of radiaGon treatment error through incident learning, Radiother Oncol, 95, 344–349 (2010) Arnold et al., The Use of Categorized Time-­‐Trend ReporGng of RadiaGon Oncology Incidents: a ProacGve AnalyGcal Approach to Improving Quality and Safety Over Time, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 78(5), 1548-­‐1554 (2010) Yeung et al., Quality assurance in radiotherapy: EvaluaGon of errors and incidents recorded over a 10 year period, Radiother Oncol, 74, 283–291 (2005) Huang et al., Error in the delivery of radiaGon therapy: Results of a quality assurance review, Int J. Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 61, 1590-­‐1595 (2005) Major Accident
Minor Injury
Near Miss
Vast majority of incidents Bad Practices
Heinrich’s Triangle
Heinrich, HW. Industrial accident prevention: a
scientific approach, 1st Ed., 1931
Incidents / pa7ent Incident Repor7ng: Usage 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Incident Learning CLINIC A Only reportable events Hospital PSN < 1 / year CLINIC B Encouraged to submit everything Paper forms 10 / year CLINIC C Almost all staff par7cipate Electronic 10 / week More reports = Safer Mardon et al. AHRQ, J Pa.ent Saf, 6, 226-­‐232, 2010 NUMBER OF REPORTS vs. NUMER of pa7ent safety incidents R2 = -­‐0.33 p<0.001 # Reports / Month Incident Repor7ng: Usage 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Month since Feb 2012 Kusano et al. 2013 Incident PRroving epor7ng: Usage Remedia7on: Impact Mean Severity Score 3 2 p < 0.01 1 0 0 5 10 15 Month since Feb 2012 Kusano et al. 2013 Summary: Incident Learning at the Ins7tu7onal Level • 
Called for by numerous authoritaGve bodies Valuable source of informaGon for QI Volume (experience) is crucial Value of a naGonal system will depend on good incident learning conducted at the insGtuGonal level Safety Improvement through Incident Learning The ASTRO/AAPM RadiaGon Oncology – Incident Learning System Anna Marie Hajek President & CEO Clarity Group, Inc. AAPM 2013 Annual Mee.ng Educa.on Session August 7, 2013 Safety Improvement and The Medical Physicist Community Medical Physicists can
create a reporting culture
to sustain continuous
safety improvement …
Pa7ent Safety & Quality Improvement Act Interven7on and Monitoring for Improvement Data Analysis Interpreta7on Report of Unsafe Condi7on or Adverse Event …Within
a protected
space created by the
The Basis of the RadiaGon Oncology – Incident Learning System (RO-­‐ILS) The PaGent Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005 •  PaGent Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005 (PSQIA) –  Signed into law July 29, 2005 –  Allowed for the creaGon of PaGent Safety OrganizaGons (PSOs) •  Impetus for the Act –  Healthcare providers fear discoverability and liability –  VariaGon in State-­‐to-­‐State protecGons •  Limited in scope •  Not necessarily the same for all healthcare providers –  No exisGng federal protec7ons –  Data reported within an organizaGon is insufficient, viewed in isola7on and not in a standard format What is a PSO ? •  A PSO is an enGty (listed by AHRQ) that allows providers to: –  ParGcipate in paGent safety acGviGes and share sensiGve informaGon relaGng to paGent safety events without fear of liability •  The work done by/with providers within the confines of a PSO: –  Fosters a culture of safety in a safe environment –  Provides a beter way to share and learn about quality and safety of healthcare delivery PSOs are the learning labs for healthcare providers where event analysis and recommendaGons for posiGve and sustainable change can be made and shared broadly to improve overall healthcare delivery. How are adverse event data protected now? •  Medical Studies Acts –  State specific acts to protect informaGon collected for quality assurance purposes –  Largely writen to protect hospitals and the peer review process –  Differ from state to state and generally do not cover the work of physicians in private pracGce or clinics not owned by a hospital •  Atorney – client privilege (work product) –  Tied to a specific case or claim where the physician, clinic or hospital may be/are named defendants in a lawsuit New ProtecGon Afforded by PSQIA •  PaGent Safety Work Product –  Any data, reports, records, memoranda, analyses (such as Root Cause Analyses), or writen or oral statements (or copies of any of this material) which could improve paGent safety, health care quality, or health care outcomes; And that:
–  Are ‘assembled or developed’ by a provider for reporGng to a PSO and are reported to a PSO, which includes informaGon that is documented as within a PSES for reporGng to a PSO, and such documentaGon includes the date the informaGon entered the PSES; or –  Are developed by a PSO for the conduct of paGent safety acGviGes; or –  Which idenGfy or consGtute the deliberaGons or analysis of, or idenGfy the fact of reporGng pursuant to, a PSES PSES: PaGent Safety EvaluaGon System (Provider & PSO Specific Process) What protecGons are afforded by working with a PSO? •  Privileged and not subject •  ConfidenGal and not to: disclosed…except in: –  Subpoena or order –  Discovery –  Freedom of InformaGon Act –  Legal or administraGve proceedings including those against a provider –  Disciplinary proceeding of a professional disciplinary body Criminal proceedings Provider authorizaGon
Non-­‐idenGfiable data
Law enforcement FDA reporGng
PaGent safety acGviGes Business operaGons Equitable relief Research sancGoned by Secretary –  Voluntary disclosure to an accrediGng body – 
Federal Pre-­‐empGon of State Laws to Level the Playing Field in Terms of ReporGng of Near misses and Events in a Protected Space RadiaGon Oncology-­‐ Incident Learning System (RO-­‐ILS) •  Designed by ASTRO-­‐AAPM to address the need expressed by the RadiaGon Oncology community for a naGonal database to support healthcare quality and paGent safety of paGents served •  Comprised of: –  An electronic web-­‐based reporGng system to report events within the pracGce or department –  ContracGng with a PSO that receives that informaGon in a protected space and provides reports and resources back to the RadiaGon Oncology community to achieve the goal of enhanced safety Goal: NaGonal standardized data collecGon specific to the needs of the RadiaGon Oncology community sent to a protected space for learning without fear of liGgaGon The Development Chronology of RO-­‐ILS •  2010: Early discussions led to: –  Safety is No Accident: A Framework for Quality RadiaGon Oncology and Care. Zeitman A, Palta J, Steinberg M. ASTRO; 2012 –  Consensus recommendaGons for incident learning database structures in radiaGon oncology. Ford EC, Fong de Los Santos L, Pawlicki T, Sutlief S, Dunscombe P. Med Phys. 2012;39(12):7272-­‐90. •  2011: ASTRO Membership Survey: 85% of RadiaGon Oncologists and 94% of Medical Physicists would use an ASTRO sponsored confidenGal reporGng system for medical errors and near misses •  April 2012: ASTRO RFP for partners to help create the RO-­‐ILS … Data CollecGon Tool and PSO (AAPM joined the effort in Summer 2012) •  February 2013: Current work –  ASTRO/AAPM Steering Commitee –Clarity / Clarity PSO create reporGng templates •  Electronic web-­‐based tool – accessible in the pracGce se|ng •  Templates based on the work of the Ford, et. al. in the Consensus paper –  Beta tesGng of RO-­‐ILS to begin in Summer 2013 –  PreparaGon for Launch of RO-­‐ILS First Quarter 2014 The Basics of how the RadiaGon Oncology Community can parGcipate in the RO-­‐ILS RadiaGon Oncology Department / Clinic joins RO-­‐ILS Training on ReporGng Templates provided; Procedures for Data CollecGon Determined PracGce Review of Data; Decision on what events will be sent to the PSO made by clinicians RadiaGon Oncology Department / Clinic determine who may enter event data Clarity PSO working with the Radia7on Oncology -­‐Healthcare Advisory Council analyzes naGonal data submited as PSWP and returns recommendaGons & learnings to the RadiaGon Oncology Community RadiaGon Oncology – Incident Learning System (RO-­‐ILS) •  Voluntary parGcipaGon •  Currently will be offered to the RadiaGon Oncology Community at no cost to the parGcipants •  EducaGonal materials are being prepared to help the RadiaGon Oncology Community make the decision on parGcipaGon What other healthcare providers have gained from working with a PSO: Awareness in repor7ng Distribu7on of Medica7on Error Types Outlier: IdenGficaGon and hand-­‐off process issue What other healthcare providers have gained from working with a PSO? Improvements from Repor7ng Safety Improvement through Incident Learning Progress on the AAPM/ASTRO System Gary Ezzell, PhD Mayo Clinic Arizona Todd Pawlicki, PhD University of California, San Diego AAPM 2013 Annual Mee.ng Educa.on Session August 7, 2013 Chronology – Commitments •  NaGonal Incident Learning System is part of AAPM and ASTRO strategic plans –  Subsequent to the 2010 meeGng on safety in radiaGon therapy •  Partnership proposed at meeGng of ASTRO and AAPM leadership in March, 2012 •  Approved in principle by both governing boards during summer, 2012 Rela7onship between organiza7ons •  ASTRO has the contract with the PaGent Safety OrganizaGon •  AAPM has Memorandum of Understanding with ASTRO (under development) •  Program is jointly sponsored (AAPM/ASTRO) –  Web links through ASTRO and AAPM websites Basic data flow •  Each facility will enter local events –  Can analyze and report locally –  Decide which events to upload to naGonal •  NaGonal group will analyze and report to community Local facility
Local analysis
and reports
Local database
Send to
analysis and
Basic flow – Local •  First report is brief, could be done by “anyone” •  Follow-­‐up informaGon will then be added by facility’s designees –  Uses AAPM taxonomy Local facility
Local analysis
and reports
Initial report
Local database
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3 types of events to be reported •  Incident that reached the paGent with or without harm •  Near-­‐miss event that did not reach the paGent •  Unsafe condiGon that increases the probability of an event Example event – wrong site near-­‐miss •  PaGent with sarcoma of ley calf •  CT sim feet first for treatment feet first; MD not present; temporary marks on ley leg •  On treatment planning computer, MD sets isocenter and draws fields on wrong leg, not realizing the ley/
right reversal on the screen •  Plan is done, approved, and passes physics check •  Error caught by therapists at first treatment day – saw that Rx was for ley leg but fields on right leg Ini7al report Ini7al report Follow-­‐up to be added later •  Add informaGon •  Classify event •  IdenGfy contribuGng causes •  Record correcGve acGons Op7on: add contribu7ng factors What to report to the na7onal ILS? Events of possible general interest •  Events for which there was no safety barrier –  i.e. “Here is a failure mode we never thought of” •  Events which passed through at least one barrier – indicaGng need for beter systems –  i.e. “This got through the plan check and made it to the machine” •  Events involving equipment performance or communicaGon between equipment What will happen to the data in the na7onal system? •  Protected from legal discovery •  Analyzed by… –  PaGent Safety OrganizaGon (PSO) staff –  Subject mater experts: RadiaGon Oncology Health Advisory Council •  Summarized for reports back to parGcipants and community at large What will be the outcome? •  Reports –  Anonymized descripGons of interesGng events –  Aggregated informaGon about common types of events •  Vendor–specific •  Frequent factors •  Improved pracGces •  Improved equipment •  Improved safety Ques7ons? Primary contact people: Angela Keyser AAPM ExecuGve Director akeyser@aapm.org Cindy Tomlinson ASTRO, Senior Manager for Security and Safety ROILS@astro.org 