Mission *

St. Paul Catholic Secondary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
The mission of the St. Paul Catholic Secondary School community - as facilitators of Catholic Education - is to promote
excellence and integrity in learning in all its forms; to develop strong, creative, self-disciplined, spiritual, contributing
members of God's community; to share our common values and goals in a supportive society; live our credo in all we say
and do:
Catholic Focus
The St. Paul community of faith is committed to challenge and educate the whole person: to advance, build and better our
Catholic community; and inspire each other to become, in knowledge, skills and values, the heartbeat of the future. Our
core focus is on Catholic Social Justice with an emphasis on service.
Core Principles
At St. Paul's, everything we do is rooted in Gospel values to embody the Catholic Board Learning Plan's mandate that :"We believe that each one,
created in the image and likeness of God, is called by name into the Dufferin-Peel Community to realize the Ontario Catholic School Graduate
Expectations to the fullest extent possible as we all journey from early years to vocation".
The St. Paul school community models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs
*St. Paul's Catholic Secondary School is blessed to work in a close relationship with the St. Dominic's Clergy.
*Each school day begins with prayer.
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St. Paul Catholic Secondary School
Learning Plan
*Significant liturgical dates are celebrated with a school mass in Advent and Lent, in community with our feeder schools when possible.
*The importance of the beginning and end of school year are marked with the entire school celebrating mass.
*Sacrament of Reconcilation is offered to students during Advent and Lent.
*Opportunities to celebrate liturgical seasons and share community with elementary feeder schools have been identified.
*Retreat programs
*Celebration of the Virtues Program.
*Catholic Leadership opportunities for students through the Youth Forum at "When Faith Meets Pedagogy", "Salesian Retreats", "Peace
Symposium", "Poverty Symposium", "Youth Faith Ambassador Programs"
*Social Justice initiatives promote participation in partnerships with Dr. Simone's Canadian Food for Children, Vita Centre, Development
and Peace and Share Life agencies.
*Our support of Share Life is fundamental to our commitment to charity. As a school, students are engaged in additional outreach
supporting local charities.
*Opportunities for students to witness their faith as responsible Catholic citizens through the charitable acts led by the Act Now Social
Justice groups - Thanksgiving and Easter Food Drives and Christmas Basket Campaign
*Catholic School Graduate Expectations are embedded within each department's curriculum.
*The Chaplaincy Team works to identify and support faith opportunities for staff, students and the community.
*Catholic leadership and faith formation opportunities are nurtured for staff through faith ambassadors, retreats, and conferences such
as WFMP and Theology Forum. Arch Diocesan events and invitations are promoted.
*All school planning is rooted in the school Pastoral Plan.
Grade 9 Math EQAO:
Summary of the school's most recent EQAO Grade 9 mathematics assessment performance:
*Grade 9 Academic Mathematics: School 91%, Board 88 %, Province: EC
*Grade 9 Applied Mathematics: School 35%, Board 60%, Province: EC
*Observations regarding school progress in Grade 9 EQAO: We exceeded the provincial and board averages in Academic testing and
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St. Paul Catholic Secondary School
Learning Plan
continue to move towards the provincial standard in Applied.
*Preferential placing of Grade 9 math classes in second semester allows support staff to identify and implement enhanced support
networks for at-risk students.
Grade 10 OSSLT:
*OSSLT results, First-Time Eligible Students: School 81%, Board 85%, Province n/a
*Observations regarding school progress on OSSLT: Continued focus on At-Risk students, implement cross-curricular supports using
board supports.
*Building staff's capacity to integrate and incorporate technology in literacy is a focus for staff PD.
Life-Long Learning:
The St. Paul school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning through:
*Staff professional development focusues on Collaborative Inquiry to target an increase in student achievement.
*Create and refine a timetable that engages students in Next Generation learning opportunities, that anticipate and support essential
skills needed for life long learning.
*Continue the use of MyBluePrint as an essential tool in planning for success.
Commitment to Continous Improvement in Student Achievement:
The St. Paul school community is committed to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well
being of all learners through:
*The celebration of and commitment to our faith.
*Continue to support the Catholic School Graduate Expectation as the core of student achievement and well being.
*Student achievement is the focus of all professional development opportunities for teachers in support of the Catholic Board Learning
*The school will continue incorporate a focus on mental health and well being, by participating in Board sponserd opportunities and
community sponsered events.
*At-risk students will be supported through our Student Success Team mobilizing Child Youth Worker, Social Worker, Psychologist,
Chaplaincy and additional agency supports as needed.
*Prioritize the use of CCCC data that will inform decisions to enhance our understanding of student needs.
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St. Paul Catholic Secondary School
Learning Plan
*Continue to build staff capacity of teachers and support staff in working with students who have Individual Education Plans.
*The school's recognition that to honour diversity includes all learners.
*A continued promotion of Student Voice.
The St. Paul school community ensures that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community through:
*Continually inviting and welcoming parents to be actively engaged in our Catholic School Council.
*Catholic School Council meetings
*Strong connection between St. Dominic's and the Catholic School Council.
*Increased focus on visibility with our feeder schools.
*Building relationships with local community partners and agencies. (i.e. Chartwell).
The St. Paul school team builds and sustains community partnerships and collaboratives through:
*Supporting relationships with Peel Regional Police, Peel Health, City of Mississauga, MiWay, local businesses.
St. Paul's promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of
student success through:
*St. Paul Catholic Secondary School is blessed to be engaged in an active relationship with the parish because of the care and grace of
the parish priest.
*Significant liturgical dates are celebrated with a school mass in Advent and Lent, in community with our feeder schools.
*The importance of the beginning and end of school year are marked with the entire school celebrating mass.
*Sacrament of Reconcilation is offered to students during Advent and Lent.
*Opportunities to celebrate liturgical seasons and share community with elementary feeder schools have been identified.
*Our grade nines mark their entry into the spiritual life in their high school by experiencing their first retreat in our parish facility and
four years later culminate their entire high school experience with their graduation inside the parish.
*Monthly celebrations of the Eucharist in the school Chapel.
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St. Paul Catholic Secondary School
Learning Plan
St. Paul models and promotes good stewardship of resources through:
*St. Paul Catholic Secondary School has achieved Bronze Eco-Certification.
*Our Science and Religion Departments will highlight the importance of Environmental Stewardship in all of its curriculum.
St. Paul demonstrates financial responsibility through:
*Full compliance with the Board's financial policies and procedures will be implemented to ensure transparent and accountable
designation of finances.
*Promotion of economical ways to communicate (use of school website, auto-dialer phone system, electronic sign)
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St. Paul Catholic Secondary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
By June 2017, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have experienced leadership opportunities based on Student Voice.
Action Plans
Develop a growth mindset to engage learners in a culture of high expectations.
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who are confident to apply knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities,
as demonstrated by CBLP professional learning feedback.
Action Plans
Develop a growth mindset to engage learners in a culture of high expectations.
Enhancing Transitional Practices
By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students, per applicable cohort, successfully completing their respective secondary program
requirements or transitions into the community.
Action Plans
Ensure that Transitional Practices at St. Paul are in line with Board practices.
Mobilize school resources to increase Graduation Rate.
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of self-regulation
Action Plans
Develop a growth mindset to engage learners in a culture of high expectations.
Improve student learning skills.
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St. Paul Catholic Secondary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who feel more knowledgable about the focus of professional learning opportunities as
demonstrated by CBLP.
Action Plans
Ensure PD opportunities are communicated to specified staff.
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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