ST. NICHOLAS SCHOOL THINK GREEN HELP REDUCE OUR CARBON IMPRINT If not now … then when? / If not us … then who? RECEIVING SCHOOL INFORMATION ELECTRONICALLY Over two thirds of our families are receiving newsletters and school updates electronically. We encourage all families, if you are able, to join our efforts to reduce paper use. In an effort to think green and go green St. Nicholas School provides information electronically to parents/guardians through our school website and through direct email to families. Families are given the choice to receive newsletters electronically and regular school updates electronically. We will continue with our efforts to communicate electronically to families that express an interest. Families that have already signed on will continue to receive information electronically in 2012-2013. This invitation will be renewed annually. On-going communication is essential to maintaining healthy school / home relationships. We welcome your input as we continue to grow our on-line presence. SOME BENEFITS TO MOVING COMMUNICATION ON-LINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Long term reduction of cost to the school and the environment with a reduction in paper copies Quicker and more timely delivery of information Removing the middle person (the student) to ensure information is being received Promotion of St. Nicholas School beyond our immediate community Greater potential of integration of information May allow for another form of communication in the event of an emergency (i.e. school evacuation) If you would like to receive the school newsletter and school updates electronically, please complete the attached form and return to your child’s teacher. If you have already signed on, you do not need to complete this form. FAMILY / GUARDIAN NAME: _________________________________________________ CHILD’S NAME: _________________________________________________ CHILD’S TEACHER: _________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: (Parent / guardian) _________________________________________________ Please print clearly paying attention to upper and lower case.