Mission *

San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
San Lorenzo Ruiz is a caring community that welcomes diversity, stresses tolerance and acceptance of others, commitment to our Catholic faith and high
academic standards. We provide a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment where models of Beatitude values and Catholic living are an integral part
of the daily life of our school.
The school motto, "A Community Growing in Faith," was chosen through the process of community consultation and reflects a holistic philosophy where
religion and daily life are intertwined. All activities at the school — academic and pastoral, curricular and extracurricular, prayer and worship, administration
and management — help to prepare our students for their lives as Catholics in the community. Our motto also reflects our openness to innovation and
improvement in instructional practice, that will lead our learners to greater success in the 21st century.
Our students come to us with a diversity of strengths and needs, with their Catholic faith as their common bond. Our prayer life, liturgical celebrations, the
sacraments, and our faith and values system form the foundation of our school programs.
A Community Growing in Faith
Catholic Focus
San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School, which is located at 100 Barondale Drive, was founded in 1999. In January 2000, the new school opened and was
blessed on September 28, 2000. At the time of the blessing, the San Lorenzo Ruiz Prayer Group donated a statue of San Lorenzo Ruiz created by the
sculptor Omel Masalunga. The school population is approximately 469 students. Our Parish is St. Francis Xavier.
With his background, San Lorenzo Ruiz is a good mentor for students in the multi-cultural and multi-ethnic mosaic of Mississauga. Ruiz, whose father was
Chinese and mother Filipina, was born in Manila between 1600 and 1610. He became very active in the Church. After fleeing to Japan with Dominican
missionaries to escape possible injustice, he faced further danger when ordered to renounce his faith as a Christian. Lorenzo chose torture and death.
Our community is dedicated to helping others. Students participate in many outreach programs and various other social justice projects throughout the year.
As a Catholic Community we understand our call and duty to care for the less fortunate.
Core Principles
The school community models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services
through the following:
Demonstrating genuine, integration of Virtue formation through:
Monthly Virtues assemblies introducing the virtues and celebrating outstanding student exemplars of each virtue.
Visual Images: virtues are exhibited in the front foyer, the main office, in all classrooms, and high traffic areas (i.e., gathering places) via posters,
images, mirrors, photographs, library displays, and other materials, as appropriate; virtues are included in agendas, brochures, and/or newsletters, etc.
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San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School
Learning Plan
Structures: virtues are included in daily announcements, assemblies, liturgical celebrations such as masses and/or liturgies, classroom/extra-curricular
reflections/prayers; school classrooms share the implementation of one virtue per month.
Curriculum Links: virtues are included in formative and summative tasks; virtues are role-modeled through narrative experiences; cross-curricular
connections to the virtues are made as appropriate.
Lived Experience: staff, students, and visitors demonstrate a personal belief system rooted in Beatitude values and reflected through natural
conversations, daily interactions, and practices.
Classrooms show proficiency in high yield strategies and are able to:
Apply virtues and Beatitude values in response to difficult situations and student behaviours;
Implement Board expected practices v.a.v. Guided Practice, Three-Part Lesson, Staff and Student Inquiry;
Identify incidents and/or “triggers” of student behaviours; positive classroom management skills;
Apply confidentiality and privacy measures, where appropriate, to mitigate and/or prevent frustration and aggression with all stakeholders;
Honour diversity of thought, feelings, and learning styles;
Complete Catholic Community, Culture, and Care School Climate surveys every two years;
Share survey results with the Catholic School Council;
Use survey data to identify collaboratively any safety and equity concerns;
Honour Teacher voice through School Catholic Community, Culture, and Caring Action Team - Comprised of one or more teachers, one support staff
member, and the principal; we meet at least three times per year
Work collaboratively to understand and apply the various school-related policies and procedures that include but are not limited to: Safe Schools
Legislation, the Catholic Code of Conduct, Bullying Prevention Intervention Policy, Progressive Discipline policy; Equity and Diversity Policy;
Workplace Harassment Policy;
Ensure a safe and consistent process for reporting bullying and harassment, as well as follow-up protocol;
Continue to develop school wide Eco-goals, such as the recycling program, copy reduction, litter-less lunch program.
Learning Environment
The school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance are as follows:
Primary Reading: 76%
Primary Writing: 73%
Primary Mathematics: 69%
Observations regarding school progress in primary EQAO:
At San Lorenzo Ruiz, we continue to be very proud of our EQAO results. Our continued implementation of research -supported and Board Expected Practices
have enabled continued high levels of achievement across all three assessment areas in the Primary division. Our Grade 3 results in reading, writing and
mathematics are consistently in line with Board averages.
The school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance are as follows:
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San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School
Learning Plan
Junior Reading: 86%
Junior Writing: 84%
Junior Mathematics: 66%
Observations regarding school progress in junior EQAO:
We continue to be very proud of our EQAO results in the Junior division. Our Grade 6 reading, writing and mathematics assessments indicate that the school
learning focus on Mathematics instruction has been effective. Continued implementation of research-supported Literacy and Board Expected Practices have
allowed our school to continue to make gains in Reading and Writing assessments. Our Grade 6 results in reading, writing and mathematics continue to
exceed the results from the Board. Provincial Scores were not disclosed this year and are unavailable for comparison. Our mathematics results are an
impressive 13% higher than the Board average. We continue to focus on key concepts and using manipulatives, three part lesson and problem-solving in the
junior division to consolidate students’ conceptual understanding and Problem Solving in mathematics.
The school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning through:
Financial support for field trips, sacraments, Artists in the School, Literacy Room, Classroom resources, Classroom and assistive technology,
commitment to outdoor education spaces, and 21st century classroom design;
Volunteer Programs, All Star Reading Program, PALS, Big Brother/Sister Program, Junior/Intermediate Achievement, Math Help Hotline, Homework
Help website, Literacy & Numeracy After School Program, Secondary School student volunteers and community service projects, Big Brothers Big
Sisters programs;
Differentiated lesson design which embraces inquiry and generates higher levels of student engagement;
Teachers participating in board and school level, in-services, courses, and Professional Learning opportunities through Collaborative Inquiry.
The school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners through:
On-going assessment and collection of data to inform classroom instruction;
Use the 'Gradual Release of Responsibility' model and 'Universal Design for Learning';
Use of co-planning and co-teaching model to support effective Three-part Mathematics practices;
Monthly meetings to develop and or monitor Theories of Action based on the collection of student data (PM, CASI, classroom assessments, SKOPUS,
Transitions and Pathways meetings, which are an integral part of the journey for every student as they move from Kindergarten to Grade 8 and on to
Grade 9;
Cross curricular and authentic learning experiences and experiential learning are built into all subject areas;
Classroom Technology;
Assistive Technology;
Opportunities for students to build on in-school and out-of-school experiences and activities to explore further their personal interests, strengths
(sports, intra/extra murals, etc.);
Monthly TEAM meetings to support student needs;
A process is in place for identifying transitions for students (e.g., students ‘at risk’, students with diverse learning needs);
Schoolwide implementation of MyBluePrint / All About Me resource to assist with course / career selection.
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San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School
Learning Plan
Community Engagement
The school community ensures that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community as follows:
Catholic School Council is reflective of the needs/interests and diversity of school community;
Catholic School Council encourages all parents to be involved by recruiting parents to participate in Catholic School Council;
Invitation to School Council meetings are posted through web-site, published in school newsletter, and sent by letter, as required;
Welcome to Kindergarten Program, Open House, “Getting To Know You Conferences”, Newsletters sent home monthly and posted school website;
Support for the purchase of Literacy and other resources that are reflective of the diversity within the San Lorenzo Ruiz and larger community;
Promote staff involvement in Diversity Workshop initiatives;
Classroom and Library resources that reflect diversity of school, cultural, gender, variation in needs/interests are purchased;
Arts in school programs are varied in content, e.g., focus on developing Self-esteem, Black History Month Presentations, Bullying Prevention
Programs, S.O.S. musical presentation;
Ensure Arts in the School Programs, are reflective of the needs/interests and diversity of school community;
Community Building events – Masses & Liturgies, Virtues Assemblies, PRO Grant event, Community Multi-Cultural Sale, Talent Show/Musical, etc.
The school team builds and sustains community partnerships and collaboration through the following:
Catholic School Council actively in place;
Peel Police- Youth Education Officers, RAID Program, Neighbourhood Policing Partners, PALS, community centre connection – Swim To Survive
Program; public library; Peel Health; Fire Department educational visits; Outreach programs - Food Bank, St. Vincent de Paul, Knights Table, Angel
Tree Christmas Program for needy families;
Authors in the school; Support from local businesses to raise funds through our “Spook-a-thon” Fundraiser run by Catholic School Council;
Welcome to Kindergarten Night – home/school connection;
Junior / Intermediate Achievement.
'Parent Reaching Out' presentation series featuring talks on Cyber-safety and Mental Health and anxiety.
The school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success through
the following:
Continue to maintain strong relationships with the Parish pastor, Associate Pastor and Youth Ministry team through liturgies, school visits, sacraments,
sacramental preparation and planning meetings;
Promote Parish programs within the school through announcements and newsletters, especially as they pertain to youth ministry and sacramental
preparation activities;
Continue to work with Parish Representative on School Council to bring Parish concerns to the community and to keep parish informed of school
Religious Education resources/materials are purchased to support faith formation of: staff, students, school council members;
Involvement of Social Justice activities through student council and student faith ambassadors such as Food Drives and support for Food Banks St.
Vincent de Paul, Angel Tree Christmas Program to support needy families boardwide, Cram the Cruiser, Syrian Refugee relief concert;
Encourage and support the participation of all students in social justice projects;
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San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School
Learning Plan
Share the positive impact of engaging in social justice projects with the school community through the use of visual images, curriculum links;
Consistently partake in opportunities to become involved in and support parish-community activities.
Physical Environment
The school engages in various activities that models and promotes good stewardship of resources through the following:
Building and ongoing use of Eco-classroom / Butterfly garden
Purchase of outdoor bike racks to encourage cycling to school
Commitment to refresh / repaint outdoor play spaces
Celebrate Earth Day Activities, Walk to School Activities
Integration of environmental responsibilities with Beatitude Values
Continued certification as an Ontario Eco-School
Promote litter-less lunch
Classroom composting program
Support grounds clean-up twice yearly
School wide Garden Project
Commitment to lower paper use
The school demonstrates financial responsibility through the following:
Maintain Budget Committee to monitor and establish budgetary goals in alignment with Board Policy
School Council funds support school goals;
Adoption of internal auditing mechanisms (ie. Budget Tracker);
Transparency in School / School Council Bank Account;
Monitoring of School Budget on a bi-monthly basis;
Staff training on correct procedures for collecting, submitting and accounting for School-generated funds;
Working with School Council Treasurer to monitor collection and dispersal of School Council funds in accordance with DP policy;
Ensuring that a percentage of budget is allocated to purchase resources for school goals, professional development; faith formation and faith
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San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By the end of June 2016, the number of students reporting that they have experienced bullying at San Lorenzo Ruiz School will decrease as measured by the
School Climate Survey results.
Action Plans
San Lorenzo Ruiz will continue to celebrate and promote diversity.
San Lorenzo Ruiz will strive to Increase staff and student awareness of bullying behavior and the virtues in action, in order to promote healthy
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in practices that support collaborative inquiry indicated by the school's ongoing commitment to schoolwide differentiated professional development.
Action Plans
San Lorenzo Ruiz will engage in active collaborative Inquiry.
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support student transitions, as indicated by San Lorenzo's ongoing
collaboration with all transition stakeholders.
Action Plans
San Lorenzo Ruiz will continue to enhance transitional practices for the benefit of all students.
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful assessment practices that support diverse learning needs, as indicated by the increased
intentional use of wide range of data sources.
Action Plans
San Lorenzo Ruiz will continue to increase awareness of elements of effective assessment and evaluation practices.
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San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support effective instruction, as indicated by widespread and routine use of
board expected practices by all teachers at the school.
Action Plans
San Lorenzo Ruiz will continue to emphasize an instructional culture that responds to the needs of students and supports 21st century learning.
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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