Mission *

Lester B. Pearson Catholic School
Learning Plan
Mission *
Religious Education, through liturgies, catechism, daily prayer, the sacraments and good works, creates a Christian atmosphere, which permeates our school
community. The mission of Lester B. Pearson Catholic School, in partnership with the family and church, is to provide, in a responsible manner, a Catholic
education which develops spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, social, and physical capabilities of each individual to live fully today and to meet the
challenges of the future, thus enriching the community. Students are provided with opportunities to achieve success in the basic skills, concepts and attitudes.
These opportunities will allow them to be life long learners. The school must be a safe comfortable place that nurtures learning.
Self-esteem is crucial to the healthy development of each child. We believe that all children can learn and that making mistakes is only a starting point for
further learning. Promotion of a friendly interchange among students and adults will lead to mutual understanding and harmony within the school community.
We believe as the child as learner, is the central focus of all our endeavors. We recognize that we all have special gifts and talents to share.
We Can Make A Difference
Catholic Focus
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Lester B. Pearson Catholic School
Learning Plan
As part of its focus on Catholic values and in the spirit of the Good Samaritan, the school started the “I Can Make a Difference” campaign. Students in grade
five to eight are asked to perform ten hours of community service by the end of the school year. In the 2010-2011 school year, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
was taken on as the school patron. Students helped develop the new Lester B. Pearson Catholic School prayer.
Lester B. Pearson Catholic Elementary School Prayer
Dear Jesus,
In the spirit of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta,
Teach us to care for one another as she cared
For the poor, the dying, the sick and the hungry.
Help the students, staff and parents follow in her footsteps
To make a difference in the world.
Guide us to be people who are kind,
Merciful and compassionate.
Jesus, keep watch over Lester B. Pearson Catholic School
So that with your guidance we can be a peaceful community.
Let Blessed Teresa’s words inspire us…
“We cannot all do great things, but
We can do small things with great love.”
Core Principles
Lester B. Pearson CES models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services.
Religious Education is taught through liturgies, catechism, daily prayer, preparation and celebration of sacraments, good works, Ontario
Catholic School Graduate Expectations/ Virtues Assemblies, “I Can Make a Difference” campaign, Food Drives, Rosary Apostolate, Rosary Club,
Gideon Bible Program, Christmas help, PALS, Faith Ambassadors, Youth Faith Ambassadors, social justice activities, Share Life, United Way, Eco
Team, Catholic Education Week activities, other charitable events (Terry Fox, Hats Off to Kidz,, etc.). The Lester B. Pearson CES Pastoral Plan is
posted on the school website and sent to all families in our community.
Learning Environment
Based upon 2014-2015 Results:
EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance
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Lester B. Pearson Catholic School
Learning Plan
Primary Reading: 56% of students at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4)
Primary Writing: 43% of students at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4)
Primary Mathematics: 39% of students at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4)
Observations: Our continued school wide emphasis on Reading and Writing through a Balanced Literacy Language program will continue through this
year. Reading intervention will include guided reading and the Leveled Literacy Intervention Program. We will continue to focus on improving our
Mathematics program though professional inservices for our teachers. This year we will continue to implement the Three Part Math lesson and provide
students with descriptive feedback in an effort to meet Board and Provincial results.
Based upon 2014-2015 Results:
EQAO primary division (Grade 6) assessment performance
Junior Reading: 80% of students at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4)
Junior Writing: 77% of students at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4)
Junior Mathematics: 24% of students at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4)
Observations: Our continued school wide emphasis on Reading and Writing through a Balanced Literacy Language program will continue through this
year. Last year, we focused on improving our Mathematics program though professional inservices for our teachers. This year we will continue to
implement the Three Part Math lesson and provide students with descriptive feedback in an effort to meet Board and Provincial results. A variety of
mathematics interventions will be implemented to support improved achievement.
The LBPCE school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning.
Teachers participate in Professional Learning Communities
Ongoing communication: student, teacher, home to effectively monitor student learning
School Council has a meaningful role in supporting learning and achievement
School and community build partnerships to enhance and support learning opportunities (Region of Peel, Peel Police, Public Health Nurse)
Student leadership (Athletic, Youth Faith Ambassadors, PALS, PeaceMakers, Clubs & Committees)
School Council through fundraising supports school initiatives by helping to purchase Math manipulatives, Literacy Room materials, PALS equipment,
etc. They also assist in the recruitment of Volunteers to work with students.
Peel Health support through PALS and PeaceMakers
Peel Police community and Youth Education program officers provide various safety programs: Raid Program, Bullying, Drug Education, etc.
Co-Op Students and University Teacher Candidates
Family Literacy evenings through Region of Peel
See and Hear Program
Brampton Community Programs (Swim to Survive, Parks and Recreation)
Speak-Up Grant
Innovation Grant
Pro-Grant Opportunities
Open House to share curriculum overviews
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Lester B. Pearson Catholic School
Learning Plan
LBPCE school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners.
Cyclical analysis of data (EQAO, PM Benchmarks, CASI) to identify strengths and needs
Professional Development for staff (at staff meetings, grade level meetings, network sessions and inservices)
Welcome to Kindergarten Evening in the spring for all Junior Kindergarten parents and students
Staff meetings embedded with Professional Learning
Leveled Literacy Program
Mathematics Intervention Program
Utilize Special Services: Child & Youth Worker, Educational Resource Workers, Social Worker, Psychological Associate, Speech & Language
Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, etc.
Positive School Climate focus - Bullying program monthly focus
60 - 90 minute Literacy and Numeracy blocks, where possible
3 Part Math Lesson
Responsive classroom
Embedding Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations
Community Engagement
LBPCE school community ensures that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community.
All parents are given the opportunity to participate in Council positions and activities
Engage in 5-6 yearly meetings
Encourage diverse guest speakers at meetings
Council attendance at Open House BBQ & Information Night to recruit new membership
Opportunities to become involved in Volunteer activities at the school
Communication through Council page in newsletter and on website
School Council organizes fundraising events such as chocolate sales, Boston Pizza, etc.
The LBPCE school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By 6 Peel).
Harmony Movement to encourage student leadership
Go Girls
Community Police Officers to provide support at the school level (presentations & RAID program)
Coop Students from local secondary schools
Student Teachers
Brampton Parks and Recreation (Adopt A Park, Turn off the screens, etc.)
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Lester B. Pearson Catholic School
Learning Plan
Work with local community centre to advise of programs
School Trips
Peel Family Literacy Night Program
Support Triad partnership (home, school, parish)
Attend St. Anthony Parish meetings to plan Liturgical Plan for the school year
Pastoral Plan
Post weekly Parish bulletin on school website – link to Parish website
Participate in Sacramental Preparation
Work with Parish to offer School Masses throughout the year
Priest visits to the school
Support Parish activities: Share Life, Adopt a Family at Christmas, Food Drives, etc.
Physical Environment
LBPCE school engages in, models and promotes good stewardship of resources.
Eco-School, Green Committee, Recycling, Park Clean Up, Earth Club, Earth Week Activities, Social Justice Group, Photocopy plan to reduce use of
copies, electronic newsletter, litterless yard
LBPCE school demonstrates financial responsibility.
Adherence to Policies and Procedures
Collaborative approach to allocating funds to support school needs
Maintain a balanced and sustainable budget
Review monthly statements
Establish yearly priorities
Use Budget Tracker
Establish photocopy plan to reduce copies made
Provide Library Funds to support school goals
Literacy Room Purchases
Numeracy Resources
Agendas purchased through School Council for communication with parents
Supply time for teachers to plan and moderate
SMART board technology as a component of the school technology plan
Purchase of materials to support extra-curricular programming
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Lester B. Pearson Catholic School
Learning Plan
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Lester B. Pearson Catholic School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.1 By 2016, the proportion of Lester B. Pearson Catholic Elementary School students indicating they feel adults at school care about them will increase
compared to the CCCC School Climate Survey baseline data (Spring 2015).
Action Plans
CCCC Positive School Team to review survey and develop school plan
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvements on the learning skills of work habits and collaboration
through the student inquiry model.
Action Plans
Embrace collaborative inquiry as a process for learning.
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016. there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of selfregulation and the implementation of the Individual Pathway Planning tool.
Action Plans
Engage collaboratively in transitional practices.
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016, there will be a increase in the proportion of students able to articulate strategies supporting their learning as demonstrated by perceptual data
results. Increase of staff understanding of assessment for, as, of learning.
Action Plans
Embrace collaborative inquiry as a process for learning.
Focus on assessment for and as learning.
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Lester B. Pearson Catholic School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students improving their EQAO achievement level between assessment years.
Action Plans
Designing effective lessons and providing students with descriptive feedback and student/ teacher conferences that support the Three Part Math Lesson
and literacy instruction that encourage risk-taking and student voice.
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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