Mission *

St. Jean Brebeuf Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
We, the St. Jean Brebeuf School community, bear witness and commitment to Jesus’ message of faith, hope and love. Together with our community and
parish partners, we provide a welcoming and safe environment that promotes co-operation, respect for self and others, understanding and friendship as we
strive for academic excellence. Together we strive to prepare our students for the future with a Christian education in the Catholic tradition.
Faith, Community and Excellence
Catholic Focus
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St. Jean Brebeuf Elementary School
Learning Plan
Dufferin Peel’s Catholic Focus
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board believes that the Catholic faith, as expressed through Gospel values, is the driving force in the board’s
community of learners, which includes five key groups: students; the parish, home and community; teachers and support staff; administrators and supervisory
officers; and trustees. The board strives to be a Christ-centred system in which all may work and learn in a supportive, inclusive, meaningful, and respectful
environment. Within the context of an authentic Catholic learning community, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board strives “…to provide students
with the opportunity to realize their potential and develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute to society.” The board is further
committed to:
deepening the understanding, appreciation and practice of the Catholic Christian lifestyle, with Jesus as role model;
aligning a system-wide approach to Catholicity, whereby all educational practices are implemented through a Catholic lens;
developing graduates who are fully alive in Christ, “not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but in terms of values, attitudes and actions”;
encouraging unique approaches to support system priorities and the principal strands of faith education: prayer and liturgy; sacramentality; morality
and justice; and scripture and church.
As a diverse educational community responding to God’s call, Dufferin-Peel fosters and nourishes an inclusive atmosphere rooted in tradition and scripture.
The board continues to commit to the guiding principles of Learning for All: K-12 (draft) and to Dufferin-Peel’s Equity and Inclusive Education Policy
(developed in accordance with the provincial Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy), while:
being authentic witnesses to our Catholic faith;
being responsible stewards of God’s grace in the world;
respecting human dignity;
modelling all learners after Jesus, as ministers of compassion and service.
To strengthen its Catholic identity, Dufferin-Peel will continue to develop opportunities for faith formation of students and staff, together with an educational
program which strives to integrate the board’s fundamental beliefs and values into all of its endeavours.
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Jean Brebeuf Elementary School
The Catholic School Learning Plan (CSLP) has been aligned with the Catholic Board Learning Plan to address the board’s five core principles: Catholicity;
Learning Environment; Community Engagement; Parish-Home-School; and Physical Environment.
Core Principles
The school community models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services by:
Continuing to integrate the Virtues Program with the curriculum
Monthly Virtues Assemblies to recognize students
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St. Jean Brebeuf Elementary School
Learning Plan
Bullying Prevention presentations, announcements, Peel Police Youth Education Programs
Progressive Discipline approaches that align with the gospel values and promote the virtues
Pastoral Plan
Adult Faith Ambassadors
Youth Faith Ambassadors
A strong, positive parish-school-home relationship whereby parents are invited for school masses and liturgies aligned with the liturgical year, parents
are involved in sacramental meetings
Daily prayer, liturgical and sacramental celebrations
Social justice projects e.g., Knight’s Table, sponsoring families at Christmas, Terry Fox Walk, Share Life, food drives to support the local parish,
Canadian Food for Children -warehouse visits and support of programs
Programs that support student well-being e.g. Playground Activity Leaders in Schools, intramural sports, Girls on the Run, Social Skills groups,
SMART Start program, Circle of Friends, Student Parliament, Youth Faith Ambassadors
Grade 7 Yearly trip to Martyr Shrine to learn about and experience the life of St. Jean Brebeuf
Peace Garden, sacred space in foyer and classrooms
Catholic Education Week activities
Continued development of positive school-community relationships e.g. school volunteer program, School Council meetings, co-op students from the
local high school, Peel Police Neighbourhood Policing Units, Peel Health, Newcomer Reception Centres, Welcome To Kindergarten programs
Monthly Rosary Apostolate visits
Newsletter inserts to support celebrations of faith and virtues
Learning Environment
1. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance.
Primary Reading: 75% of students at levels 3 and 4
Primary Writing: 67% of students at levels 3 and 4
Primary Mathematics: 66% of students at levels 3 and 4
Observations regarding school progress in primary EQAO:
Students are at or above provincial norms in Reading. However, they performed 3 and 4 percent below in Writing and Mathematics respectively.
2. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance.
Junior Reading: 82% of students at levels 3 and 4
Junior Writing: 87% of students at levels 3 and 4
Junior Mathematics: 55% of students at levels 3 and 4
Observations regarding school progress in junior EQAO:
Students are at or above provincial norms in Reading and Writing. Although an increase of 8 percent in math scores was achieved, performance is still below
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St. Jean Brebeuf Elementary School
Learning Plan
expectations. We will
continue to focus our efforts on supporting improved well-being and student achievement.
3. Describe how the school community supports and provide opportunities for life-long learning.
A variety of programs/activities are offered to encourage students to explore personal interest and strengths e.g., dance teams, Playground Activity
Leaders in Schools, athletic teams, Intramural clubs, chess club, Art club, French club, LEGO club, ECO-club, Youth Faith Ambassadors, Student
Parliament, Boys/Girls Night In
Opportunities for parents to be involved e.g., School Council, parent volunteers, All Star Reading, Pro Grant opportunities,
Speak Up grants
Teacher candidate placements
Secondary School Co-Op students are hosted
Innovation Grant
Lunch & Learn Professional Development sessions are offered on topics of interest to staff
Staff are encouraged and supported to attend various PD sessions offered by the Catholic School Learning Team, School Board and Ministry
4. Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all
Staff implement the Ontario Curriculum as the basis for teaching and learning
Welcome To Kindergarten Program/FDK
All Star Reading
After School EQAO program
Swim to Survive program
RAID program
Forest of Reading clubs
April Reading Month Celebrations
Catholic Education Week Celebrations
Use of SMART Board technology to support instruction
School wide Positive School Climate/Bullying Prevention Program
Book Buddies
Teaching Learning Cycles at grade levels for Literacy and Numeracy
Student IEPs are collaboratively developed by the classroom teacher and SERT to support the needs of our exceptional students
Assistive technology available to students as needed
Transition meetings support the transition of learners from grade to grade, entry into Kindergarten, from elementary to secondary and for our
ASD/special needs students
Various sources of data are used to inform instruction e.g. PM/CASI, PRIME, classroom assessments, CCAT, observations
Community Engagement
1. How does your school community ensure that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community?
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St. Jean Brebeuf Elementary School
Learning Plan
School Council Election information is sent home to all parents/guardians
Various opportunities to become involved as a volunteer are promoted to all e.g., field trips, special celebrations, All Star Reading, Student Monitors
School administration and staff provide a welcoming, inclusive school climate
Invited to participate in celebrations, masses and liturgies at the school, community mass during Catholic Education Week
2. In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboration (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By 6
Newcomer Reception Centre
Children's Aid Society
Welcome To Kindergarten
Catholic Women's League Public Speaking Contest
Peel Police Neighbourhood Policing Units
Peel Police Youth Education Officer presentations
Peel Police RAID Program for grade 6 students
Peel Health provides training for P.A.L.S. as well as supports our Open House, Welcome To Kindergarten evenings, School Council initiatives
A collaborative relationship exists with PLASP
No Child Without Medical Alert Program
Peel Children’s Centre, Kerry’s Place, Associated Youth
Rising Stars
Life Saving Institute - Swimming & Swim To Survive Programs
Encouragement of permits that support and/or enhance student well-being
Eye See Eye Learn Program
See & Hear Screening
Brampton Parks & Recreation programs
St. John Fisher Neighbourhood Learning Place
A Place for Families, Ontario Early Years Centres
Archbishop Romero alternative education programs
1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student
The school works in collaboration with St. Anthony’s Parish to support Sacramental Preparation, school masses and Pastoral visits
The school supports local families in need at Christmas, food drives throughout the year, Knight’s Table donations, Share Life, Christmas Baskets
Parish priests are invited to all school events
Promotion of parish programs such as EDGE and summer camps
Physical Environment
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St. Jean Brebeuf Elementary School
Learning Plan
1. What activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources?
Student Parliament
ECO School - Gold designation
School wide recycling program
Implementation of healthy eating programs by providing healthy choices for lunch days
Litter-less lunch
Earth Club
Brampton Clean City ‘Adopt A Park’
Speak-Up Grants/PRO Grants to support initiatives
Participate in the “Big Crunch” challenge
Reduce photocopying/use of paper by relying more on electronic communication by the staff , electronic newsletters to parents and community
Earth Day, school yard clean up by whole student body
Turn Off the Screen’ program
2. Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility.
Through the allocation and alignment of funds appropriate to school goals and learner needs
Maintain a balanced budget
Comply with new fundraising policy
Allocation of a portion of fundraising monies to charitable initiatives
Allocation of funds to support equitable access of students to resources for learning
Promoting and modeling for students how to respect school property and materials
Follow Board guidelines for financial accountability through Budget Tracker/Cash Net
Follow Board guidelines for financial accountability through the approved policies and procedures.
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St. Jean Brebeuf Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By the end of three years, there will be an increase in successful practices that support student well-being.
Action Plans
Learning and Leading in a Positive Climate
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of three years, there will be an increase in successful practices that support collaborative inquiry.
Action Plans
Collaborative Inquiry as a Process for Learning
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of three years, there will be an increase in successful practices that support transitional practices.
Action Plans
Enhancing Transitional Practices
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of three years, there will be an increase in successful practices that support knowing the learner through assessment.
Action Plans
Assessment For and As Learning
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St. Jean Brebeuf Elementary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end of three years, there will be an increase in successful practices that support effective instruction.
Action Plans
Making Use of Collaborative Work
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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