Holy Family Elementary School Learning Plan Mission * We believe that each individual is a unique gift of life from God, and we believe in the innate spiritual goodness of people. Each individual has a uniqueness to nurture and build on like a seed planted in a garden. Let us look for, and see the good in everyone. Let us use our feelings and emotions so that we may better listen and hear with our hearts every day. Let us teach our children as they grow in a safe and secure environment to be sensitive to the sun and the rain. Let us teach by example, the relationship of Christ's actions and ourselves and let us nurture in our students the belief that each individual can contribute to others like a tree passes on its seeds, so that a new leaf may grow and thrive to be its best. Once deeply rooted in Faith, Love and Knowledge, we can allow our children the wings of freedom to pursue their dreams. The Seed of our Belief is that all individuals are valued and cared for. Motto “Everyone is Special. Every day is Special” is central to everything that we do at Holy Family School. Catholic Focus Holy Family School. A Catholic Focus Holy Family School is located at 61 Allan Drive in Bolton, Ontario. The original school was opened in 1966. His Grace Archbishop Philip F. Pocock blessed it in September of 1966. Lack of financial resources and debt made the early years difficult. Because it did not have the requisite numbers of students to receive full funding, the fledgling school board added a kindergarten class that it opened to non-Catholic students. Within a few months, the Holy Family board amalgamated with the St. Patrick’s board to help Holy Family survive. The board for St. John the Evangelist School in Albion had also been asked to amalgamate with the other boards and declined. Holy Family and St. Patrick merged after St. Patrick’s parishioners voted in January 1967 in support of merger, in spite of their concerns about Holy Family’s debt. In September of 1969 Sister Consolata, a Loretto sister at St. Patrick’s, Wildfield, was assigned to Holy Family School, where she served as principal and librarian. Holy Family School was credited with increasing the Catholic population in Bolton because it attracted Catholic families. In 2000 the board decided to rebuild the school. St. Nicholas Elementary provided them with a temporary home until Holy Family re-opened for the 2004–2005 school year. The School is served by Holy Family Parish providing us with the opportunity for staff, students and parents to come together to celebrate as a community of faith. Our Gospel values are central to all that we do. Our faith is put into action through our Youth Faith Ambassador program, monthly Virtues assemblies, Rosary Apostolate program and our Outreach programs helping us to nurture the seed of our belief, that all individuals are valued and cared for. Our motto: “Everyone is Special. Every day is Special” is central to everything that we do at Holy Family School. Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:59 AM 1/7 Holy Family Elementary School Learning Plan Core Principles Catholicity 1. How does the school community model, celebrate and nourish gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centered programs and services? Holy Family School models, nourishes and celebrates gospel values throughout the teaching and learning of our Christ- centered programs and services in the following ways: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Participation in daily mass throughout the year Student Retreats (Confirmation and 1st Holy Communion) Youth Faith Ambassadors program Adult Faith Ambassadors - weekly prayer service during Lent and Advent, prayer service at staff meetings School wide retreats Youth Faith Ambassadors (YFA) participating in Family of Schools Faith Formation Day Virtues Assemblies each month Evidence of a prayer/reflection area in each classroom and in the front foyer. Rosary Program with visits to each class once a month Daily Announcements School Masses School community Advent mass Participation and support of EDGE programs at Holy Family parish. Participation in after school faith sharing sessions. Celebration of the Sacraments Social Justice Projects –, United Way/ Share Life, Chalice, Caledon Community Living, Canadian Cancer Society Service – YFA visits to Davis Centre –Grand friends program Learning Environment Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance. • • • Primary Reading: 61% Primary Writing: 71% Primary Mathematics: 64% Observations regarding school progress in primary EQAO • Reading and Writing will continue to be the areas of foci for this division with a strong focus on numeracy and reading, in order to increase the overall numeracy and reading scores. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance. Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:59 AM 2/7 Holy Family Elementary School Learning Plan • • • Junior Reading: 80% Junior Writing: 80% Junior Mathematics: 40% Observations regarding school progress in primary EQAO • Reading and Writing will continue to be the areas of foci for this division with a strong focus on numeracy, in order to increase the overall numeracy score. Describe how the school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning. • • • • • • • • • • Participation in Summer Institutes, PD sessions offered throughout the year Participate in Mentoring program Participation in the Positive School Climate initiative Working alongside the Peel Public Health Nurse Transition Planning with secondary school for grade 8 students Special Education model values and promotes Learning for All Professional learning materials to support school priorities All Star Reading Program Class profiles support differentiated approach to teaching and learning Staff/Divisional and Collaborative Inquiry meetings used to introduce, discuss and share information and high yield strategies pertaining to the Ontario curriculum and the 3-part math lesson. Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners. • • • • • • • • • • • • Use of Class Profiles throughout the year Use Growth Mind-Set Surveys Continue with Balanced Literacy for the purpose of consolidating Guided Reading and Guided Practice. Use of “Accountable Talk”, "Success Criteria" ,"Anchor Charts" and "Descriptive Feedback" within the balanced literacy program Continue to implement Growing Success Continue to engage staff in discussion, participation in the 3-part math lesson Junior and Intermediate to work collaboratively in planning and teaching the 3-part math Framework Curriculum meetings with the support from SAT Incorporate “coaching/modeling” philosophy Use of curriculum planner in each division with a focus on the “Big Idea” planning Focus on Differentiated Instructions strategies in all divisions Deepen our understanding of effective mathematical instruction. 3 part lesson, exit tickets, use of manipulatives Engage staff in the collaborative inquiry model and to use data regularly to guide our discussion, to improve instruction Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:59 AM 3/7 Holy Family Elementary School Learning Plan • • • Continue with team and integration meetings to plan next steps for our diverse learners Engage in positive school climate initiatives Community engagement initiatives How does your school community ensure that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community? • • • • School Council meetings occur regularly and are open to all parents and guardians within the community Volunteers are encouraged to participate in the life of the school Opportunities for parents to participate in various activities organized through the School Council. Events are planned that encourage parent participation. In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By 6 Peel)? • • • • • Actively involved with many of the community partners: O.P.P. Police programs -OPP Kids Ongoing work with the Peel Health Nurse working collaboratively to provide programs to our students and staff Caledon Community Living. Partnership with the Davis Center – Grandfriend Program with Youth Faith Ambassadors. Parish-Home-School 1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success. • • • • • • • Community Evening Advent mass Invitation to all parents to participate in all school masses throughout the year. Sharing of parish information with the parents through our school newsletter Support Rooted, Edge and Life Teen Program Invite Parish team to participate in various events held throughout the school year Classroom visits by Parish including clergy and youth coordinator Promote a parish representative on the school council Financial support to Share Life 2. What activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources? • • • • • • • Gardening, Eco friendly club (walk to school, neighborhood/yard cleanup, Caledon crunch) Established recycling program run by students Promote Green initiative by reducing the use of paper Promote use of online website to access school information e.g. newsletters. Participation in the ECO school program Participation in Earth Week and Day activities Participation in the Healthy Schools Initiative Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:59 AM 4/7 Holy Family Elementary School Learning Plan 3. Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility. • • • Maintain a balanced budget Adhere to Board "guidelines ", policies and practices ensuring financial transparency and accuracy Align budget to school goals. Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:59 AM 5/7 Holy Family Elementary School Learning Plan Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading Outcomes 1.0 We will provide a safe learning environment that encourages risk-taking needed for learning, where the voice of each learner is valued and heard, within a supportive community. Action Plans CCCCAT Plan for Positive School Climate Activities CCCCAT to meet regularly throughout the year to discuss, coordinate and implement a variety of programs. Continue to implement Virtue program Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry Outcomes 2.0 We will cultivate a co-learning stance within an inquiry based approach to learning, which will deepen understanding for all learning. Action Plans Develop a co-learning stance. Enhancing Transitional Practices Outcomes 3.0 We will support the diverse learning needs of all learners, ensuring successful transitions along the journey of learning from Early Years to Secondary School Action Plans Supporting all learners in seamless transitions between the grades. Knowing the Learner through Assessment Outcomes 4.0 We will implement assessment practices that will make thinking and learning visible (to teachers, students, and parents) in order to inform instruction that enables all students to learn. Action Plans Implement Growing Success Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:59 AM 6/7 Holy Family Elementary School Learning Plan Responding through Effective Instruction Outcomes 5.0 We will implement effective teaching practices that are responsive to the needs of all learners, through the use of activating, developing and consolidated learning that will incorporate 21st century global perspectives. Action Plans Effective Instruction Implement Growing Success Outcome Timeframe Action Plan Priority Long-term High Medium-term Medium Short-term Low Not Assigned Not Assigned Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:59 AM 7/7