September 2015 Dear Parents,

September 2015
Dear Parents,
It is that time of year when the Montgomery Chorus begins rehearsing. The combined fourth, fifth, and sixth
grade chorus will meet at 8 am on Thursday mornings in the gymnasium for practice. All students in fourth,
fifth, and sixth grade are eligible to participate in chorus. Your permission is needed because this ensemble
meets before the school day begins.
Chorus participation is based on a commitment to attend all weekly rehearsals in addition to attendance at the
spring concert on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at Montgomery Elementary School. In addition, we will be
singing at the Frosty Breakfast on Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 11 am at Montgomery Elementary School.
We will sing in the North Penn School District Showcase on Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 7 pm at North Penn
High School. All chorus members are expected to make a yearlong commitment when joining chorus. Chorus
members are expected to have all homework due on Thursdays completed the night prior to practice. Absence
will be excused for illness or emergency situations only. If a student should be absent from chorus, a note is
required to update the chorus attendance records. Chorus members are also expected to be on their best
behavior at all times to ensure that chorus time is used for singing and not socializing! Should a student need
reminding to correct his or her behavior, the following series of consequences will occur:
1. First Warning-Verbal reminder from Miss Scherzinger
2. Second Warning-conference with student and classroom teacher
3. A note or a phone call home
4. Dismissal from chorus
This is the same procedure that is used during music class so students should be familiar with the behavior
If your child participates in the breakfast program, please plan to have breakfast at home before rehearsal.
Students who participate in the breakfast program will be dismissed to eat breakfast at 9 am after chorus
practice. They will not be excused during practice. Should there be a late start due to bad weather; chorus will
be canceled that day even though school might not be canceled.
To ensure safety and efficiency for student arrival to chorus rehearsals, please drop your child off in the front
lobby and have him or her enter Montgomery from the front lobby entrance.
Please do not use the loading dock area or the bus loop to drop off chorus students. The district is requiring
that we streamline student entrances to maintain security and your cooperation is appreciated in this matter.
If your child decides to join chorus, the attached commitment form needs to be completed and returned no later
than Monday, September 28, 2015. The Montgomery Chorus will have its first practice on Thursday, October
1st at 8 am in the gymnasium. Please be sure to include your email address in the permission slip. I will be
sending out chorus updates and reminders throughout the year via email.
The Montgomery Elementary choral program has achieved a standard of musical excellence that can only be
achieved if we all work together. Your help is greatly appreciated as you arrange carpools. Please do not
hesitate to call me at Montgomery if you have any questions. Thank you for your help in making the
Montgomery Chorus a great experience for the children.
Melite E. Scherzinger
Please return to Miss Scherzinger by Monday, September 28, 2015
The first rehearsal is on Thursday, October 1, 2015
YES!! I am interested in joining the Montgomery Elementary Chorus. I understand that membership in this
ensemble requires the following commitment:
Attendance at all morning rehearsals
Participation in the Frosty Breakfast on Saturday, December 5, 2015 at Montgomery Elementary
School; the North Penn School District Showcase on Thursday, January 14, 2016 at North Penn High
School; and participation in the spring concert on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at Montgomery
Elementary School
Obligation to complete all school work due on Thursday prior to the Thursday morning rehearsal
Obligation to bring in a note if a rehearsal should be missed due to illness or an unforeseen emergency
Obligation to be on best behavior and comply with the appropriate consequences when necessary
My name is____________________________________________
My teacher’s name is____________________________________
Student Signature and Date
I give_____________________________permission to join the Montgomery Chorus. I will see that my child
arrives for chorus at 8 am onThursdays.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Home telephone number_______________
Work telephone number________________
E-mail address________________________
________My child will walk to chorus.
________My child attends the extended care program.
________I will drive my child to chorus.
________My child will be driven to chorus by_____________________________________.
I will prepare the music, chorus rehearsal activities, concert performances, and a few fun surprises to make the
2015-2016 chorus year a great musical experience for all of the students involved.
Melite E. Scherzinger