Lattice simulation of the Gross–Neveu model Diplomarbeit von Markus Limmer aus Kelheim durchgeführt am Institut für Theoretische Physik der Universität Regensburg und am Institut für Physik, Fachbereich Theoretische Physik der Karl–Franzens–Universität Graz unter Anleitung von Prof. Dr. Andreas Schäfer Prof. Dr. Christof Gattringer Dezember 2006 Abstract The lattice formulation of the 2–dimensional Gross–Neveu model with one flavor is investigated, using Monte–Carlo methods. We write the four–Fermi interaction as a Gaussian integral with an auxiliary field and use a reweighting technique, i.e., we calculate the fermion determinant explicitly and include it as a weight factor. This work is related to a second investigation of the same model using a loop representation. In this formulation the fermion sign problem can be eliminated completely. A main part of this work consists of a comparison of the two different approaches, in order to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods. Results for bulk observables, such as condensates or susceptibilities, as well as n–point correlation functions are presented. We analyze the Dirac matrix, in particular the distribution of its determinant and the eigenvalue spectrum. This allows us to come up with an estimate for the critical mass parameter of the theory. Various correlators are used in the variational method to obtain the mass spectrum of the model. Finally, results for the different quantities of the standard approach and the loop representation are compared to each other. iii Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Gross–Neveu–type models in the continuum 2.1 The partition function of the Gross–Neveu model . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Symmetries of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Euclidean correlators in the continuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 7 10 3 The 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 . . . . . 13 13 14 17 18 20 . . . . 23 23 25 26 27 . . . . 29 29 31 32 33 Gross–Neveu model on the lattice Basic definitions for lattice calculations . . . . . . Wilson form of the lattice action . . . . . . . . . . Key formulas of a Grassmann algebra . . . . . . . The partition function on the lattice . . . . . . . A loop representation for the Gross–Neveu model . . . . . 4 Numerical simulation with Monte–Carlo methods 4.1 Fundamental ideas of a Monte Carlo simulation . . 4.2 The algorithm for our system . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Random numbers and Gaussian distributions . . . . 4.4 Error analysis with the Jackknife method . . . . . . 5 Observables 5.1 Wick’s theorem . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Derivatives of the partition function 5.3 n–point correlation functions . . . . 5.4 Numerical aspects . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Contents. 6 Tests for the free case 6.1 Testing the entries of the Dirac matrix and its inverse . . . . . . . 6.2 Tests for the derivative of the partition function . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 The correlator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 35 36 37 7 Analysis of the Dirac matrix M 7.1 The distribution of det(M ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Eigenvalue spectrum of M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 A rough estimate for the critical mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 41 44 46 8 Correlation functions and the mass spectrum 8.1 Short review of correlation functions . . . . . . . 8.2 How to extract masses from correlation functions 8.3 Excited state masses via the variational method . 8.4 Lines of constant physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 51 52 56 62 . . . . . 67 67 69 75 75 82 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A comparison between the standard and the loop approach 9.1 The basic formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Results for bulk observables in the free case . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 Results for bulk observables at nonvanishing coupling . . . . . 9.4 n–point correlators in both formalisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 Standard techniques vs. loop approach – pros and cons . . . . 10 Summary and outlook . . . . . . . . . 85 Appendix A The loop representation of the Gross–Neveu model 89 B Fourier transformation on the lattice 93 C γ5 –hermiticity of the lattice Dirac operator 95 D Discussion of the correlation matrix 97 References 99 Chapter 1 Introduction In the last 20 years lattice QCD has developed into a powerful tool, which started to produce reliable quantitative results. However, many conceptual and technical issues can and should be improved. A technical point of enormous importance is the treatment of fermions. In the usual approach, the fermions are formally integrated out and the fermion determinant is evaluated. This fermion determinant is then taken into account as an additional weight factor in the Monte–Carlo calculation. Even for the case that the fermion determinant is real and positive, i.e., one does not consider the case of a chemical potential, the numerical treatment of this determinant is very costly. The underlying reason is, that in a determinant an equal number of positive and negative terms enter, such that a huge amount of cancellations is necessary to obtain the final number (fermion sign problem). Finding a representation for the fermions where these cancellations can be avoided, would be a tremendous progress for the simulation of lattice QCD. Developing, however, such a new representation for the fermion determinant of QCD is a rather elusive goal at the moment. The idea of studying difficult problems in low dimensional models has a long tradition in theoretical physics. The hope is that one can elaborate on new ideas in a simpler setting, and that those ideas can later be transferred to the “real 1 2 Chapter 1. Introduction world”. In this spirit we here consider the lattice version of the 2–dimensional Gross–Neveu (GN) model [1]. This model is a renormalizable and asymptotically free theory. It has chiral symmetry and dynamical mass generation, as well as a nontrivial mass spectrum. Since it is a theory containing fermions, it is plagued with the fermion sign problem, which increases the needed computer time drastically, compared to bosonic models. For the GN–model with Wilson fermions this difficulty may be overcome by using a fermion loop representation for the model [2]. With such a representation, the fermion sign problem can be eliminated completely. The partition function turns into a sum over closed contours, each having a positive weight, and no cancellations appear. Due to that reason, and due to the reduced memory requirements of the loop formalism, the available lattice volumes can be increased by a factor of roughly 103 . A simulation of the one–flavor GN–model, using a fermion loop representation, was done in [3]. The goal of this work is to perform a benchmark simulation for the loop approach, and to compute different observables on several lattice volumes at various couplings with the standard approach. These data are then compared to the loop approach. The agreement of the two approaches is analyzed and finite size effects are studied. Furthermore an exploratory study of the spectrum of excitations is presented. This work is divided into three main parts. In the first part the theoretical framework is discussed. The GN–model in the continuum and on the lattice is presented (Chaps. 2 and 3). Then Monte–Carlo methods are explained (Chap. 4), with special focus on the algorithm used here. To finish this part, we give a short overview of the considered observables in Chap. 5. The second part contains results for several observables, obtained from calculations with the previously presented standard approach. We start by presenting a couple of tests for the correct implementation of the Dirac matrix and the observables (Chap. 6). Then in Chap. 7 the Dirac matrix is analyzed in great detail, concerning its determinant and the eigenvalue spectrum. Therefrom the critical mass parameter of the system can be estimated. Part two closes with the the analysis of correlation functions in Chap. 8. This chapter also contains the discussion of the preliminary analysis of the excitations. Here interesting lessons for the corresponding problem in QCD are to be learned. 3 The third part, Chap. 9, is devoted to assessing the two different approaches of the Gross–Neveu model. We compare results for bulk observables and scalar correlation functions, obtained from the two approaches, and finish with the discussion of advantages and disadvantages for working with the two representations. In Chap. 10 we conclude with a summary of results and give a brief outlook to possible future directions of research. Chapter 2 Gross–Neveu–type models in the continuum The model we consider here is of the Gross–Neveu–type (GN), i.e., a quantum field theory of 2–dimensional Dirac fermions interacting through a four–fermion term [1]. In this chapter we present the model in the continuum and discuss its symmetries. To set the ground for later discussions, a short introduction of Euclidean correlation functions is also given. 2.1 The partition function of the Gross–Neveu model The model is described by the following action S and Lagrangian density L, S[ψ, ψ, φ] = L[ψ, ψ, φ] = Z d2 x L[ψ, ψ, φ] , Nf X f =1 ψ (f ) (2.1) 1 √ (x) γµ ∂µ + m(f ) + g φ(x) ψ (f ) (x) + φ2 (x) . (2.2) 2 5 6 Chapter 2. Gross–Neveu–type models in the continuum The index f runs over the Nf different flavors. For later use we define the flavor mass matrix m as m = diag m(1) , m(2) , . . . , m(Nf ) . (2.3) g ∈ R+ 0 is the coupling constant. The action is built from the 2–component fermion fields (f ) (f ) (f ) ψ α ≡ ψ 1 (x), ψ2 (x) , (2.4) T (f ) (f ) ψα(f ) ≡ ψ1 (x), ψ2 (x) , (2.5) and the scalar field φ ≡ φ(x) ∈ R . (2.6) The Dirac index α in the fermion fields will be suppressed in the following expressions. The vector x is a space–time vector with one entry for the position in space and one for the Euclidian time. For two dimensions, the γ–matrices are simply the Pauli matrices ! ! ! 0 1 0 −i 1 0 γ1 = , γ2 = , γ5 = iγ1 γ2 = . (2.7) 1 0 i 0 0 −1 The partition function for our system then reads Z ZGN = D[ψ, ψ, φ] e−S[ψ,ψ,φ] , (2.8) with the integration measure formally defined as D[ψ, ψ, φ] = Y x dφ(x) Nf Y dψ (f ) (x)dψ (f ) (x) . (2.9) f =1 We can integrate out the fields φ(x) in Eq. (2.8) (Hubbard–Stratonovich transformation [4, 5]) and obtain an alternative formulation with the effective action Seff [ψ, ψ] = Z 2 dx X Nf f =1 N ψ (f ) f i2 (f ) g hX (f ) (f ) (f ) (x) γµ ∂µ + m ψ (x)− ψ (x)ψ (x) 2 f =1 . (2.10) √ We remark, that replacing g in (2.2) by i g, changes the sign of g in the effective action such that the sign for the four–Fermi interaction is positive. √ 2.2. Symmetries of the model 7 In terms of only the fermion fields the partition function reads ZGN = Z Z Nf X (f ) 2 D[ψ, ψ] exp − d x ψ (x) γµ ∂µ + m(f ) ψ (f ) (x) f =1 + Z Nf i2 g hX (f ) (f ) dx ψ (x)ψ (x) 2 2 f =1 . (2.11) The vacuum expectation value of an observable O is given by 1 hOi = ZGN 2.2 Z D[ψ, ψ, φ] e−S[ψ,ψ,φ] O[ψ, ψ, φ] . (2.12) Symmetries of the model The Z 2 –symmetry The Z2 –symmetry is defined by the following discrete transformation, ψ (f ) → ψ (f )′ = γ5 ψ (f ) , ψ (f ) →ψ (f )′ = −ψ (f ) γ5 . (2.13) Our effective Lagrangian Leff [ψ, ψ] = Nf X f =1 ψ (f ) Nf i2 (f ) g hX (f ) (f ) (x) γµ ∂µ + m ψ (x) − ψ (x)ψ (f ) (x) (2.14) 2 f =1 is invariant under this transformation only for the massless case m = 0. This comes from the fact that the mass term would obtain an extra minus sign, X f ψ (f ) m(f ) ψ (f ) → X f −ψ (f ) γ5 m(f ) γ5 ψ (f ) = − X ψ (f ) m(f ) ψ (f ) , (2.15) f and thus break the symmetry explicitly. Here we used the fact that γ52 = 1. On the other hand, it is obvious that the part with the derivative does not change due to the anti–commutation relation for the γµ –matrices, {γµ , γ5} ≡ γµ γ5 + γ5 γµ = 0 . (2.16) 8 Chapter 2. Gross–Neveu–type models in the continuum The interaction term is invariant under (2.13), hX ψ (f ) ψ (f ) f = hX f = hX f −ψ ψ (f ) (f ) i2 → hX f γ5 γ5 ψ (f ) ψ (f ) i2 i2 ψ (f )′ ψ (f )′ i2 i2 h X (f ) ψ ψ (f ) = − f . (2.17) We remark that since the symmetry (2.13) is discrete, it can also be broken spontaneously in two dimensions. The chiral symmetry Another, more general, continuous symmetry, is defined by the following transformation, ψ (f ) → ψ (f )′ = eiαγ5 ψ (f ) , ψ (f ) →ψ (f )′ =ψ (f ) iαγ5 e . (2.18) This is a continuous chiral rotation of the fermion fields and thus the corresponding symmetry is called chiral symmetry. To get a more usable form of (2.18) for calculations, we expand the exponential in a power series and obtain eiαγ5 = 1 cos α + i γ5 sin α . (2.19) Again the kinetic term is invariant under such a rotation only for m = 0. The first part does not change because of (2.16), but the mass term turns over into ψ (f ) m(f ) ψ (f ) → ψ (f ) i2αγ5 e m(f ) ψ (f ) . (2.20) To construct an invariant expression for the interaction we have to add another four–Fermi term and thus acquire a Nambu–Jona–Lasinio–type model [6, 7]. The kinetic term is the same as in the GN-model, but its interaction reads Nf Nf i2 g hX (f ) i2 g hX (f ) 5 ψ (x)ψ (f ) (x) + ψ (x)γ5 ψ (f ) (x) . − 2 f =1 2 f =1 (2.21) 2.2. Symmetries of the model 9 Let us look now at the transformation behavior of the first part, hX (f ) i2 X (f )′ (g)′ (f ) ψ ψ ψ ψ (f )′ ψ ψ (g)′ → f f,g X = ψ (f ) (g) [cos 2α + i γ5 sin 2α]ψ (f ) ψ [cos 2α + i γ5 sin 2α]ψ (g) f,g Xh (f ) (g) (f ) (g) ψ ψ (f ) ψ ψ (g) cos2 2α − ψ γ5 ψ (f ) ψ γ5 ψ (g) sin2 2α = f,g + 2i cos 2α sin 2α ψ (f ) i (g) γ5 ψ (f ) ψ ψ (g) . In combination with the transformed second part, hX (f ) i2 X (f )′ (g)′ ψ γ5 ψ (f ) → ψ γ5 ψ (f )′ ψ γ5 ψ (g)′ f (2.22) f,g = X ψ (f ) (g) [γ5 cos 2α + i sin 2α]ψ (f ) ψ [γ5 cos 2α + i sin 2α]ψ (g) f,g Xh (f ) (g) (f ) (g) = ψ γ5 ψ (f ) ψ γ5 ψ (g) cos2 2α − ψ ψ (f ) ψ ψ (g) sin2 2α f,g + 2i cos 2α sin 2α ψ (f ) γ5 ψ (f ) (g) ψ ψ (g) i , (2.23) the interaction is evidently invariant for g = g5 . If we consider the case of only one flavor and g = g5 , it is easy to show the equivalence of the Nambu–Jona–Lasinio model and the Gross–Neveu model. For the term (2.21) we obtain i2 i2 g h gh − ψ(x)ψ(x) + ψ(x)γ5 ψ(x) 2 2 i2 g h i2 gh = − ψ 1 (x)ψ1 (x) + ψ 2 (x)ψ2 (x) + ψ 1 (x)ψ1 (x) − ψ 2 (x)ψ2 (x) 2 2 g g = − 2 ψ1 (x)ψ1 (x)ψ 2 (x)ψ2 (x) − 2 ψ1 (x)ψ1 (x)ψ 2 (x)ψ2 (x) 2 2 = −2g ψ 1 (x)ψ1 (x)ψ 2 (x)ψ2 (x) h i2 = −g ψ(x)ψ(x) . (2.24) Because we are dealing with fermions, we applied the rules for Grassmann numbers. In the third line in particular their nilpotency. This rules will be explained later in Sec. 3.3. A third model with a four–Fermi interaction and chiral symmetry, known as the Thirring model [8], also exists. Again we have the same kinetic term, but the 10 Chapter 2. Gross–Neveu–type models in the continuum interaction term is ih i g Xh − ψ(x)γµ ψ(x) ψ(x)γµ ψ(x) . 2 µ=1 2 (2.25) For the case of only one flavor it can be shown that the Thirring model and the GN–model are equal, ih i gh − ψ(x)γµ ψ(x) ψ(x)γµ ψ(x) 2 i2 g h i2 gh = − ψ 1 (x)ψ2 (x) + ψ 2 (x)ψ1 (x) − − i ψ1 (x)ψ2 (x) + i ψ 2 (x)ψ1 (x) 2 2 i gh = − 2 ψ1 (x)ψ2 (x)ψ 2 (x)ψ1 (x) + 2 ψ1 (x)ψ2 (x)ψ 2 (x)ψ1 (x) 2 = 2g ψ 1 (x)ψ1 (x)ψ 2 (x)ψ2 (x) i2 h (2.26) = g ψ(x)ψ(x) . Here we used again the rules for Grassmann numbers. The interaction term is invariant under chiral rotation because h i2 i2 h ψ(x)γµ ψ(x) → ψ(x)eiαγ5 γµ eiαγ5 ψ(x) i2 h iαγ5 −iαγ5 γµ ψ(x) = ψ(x)e e h i2 = ψ(x)γµ ψ(x) . (2.27) 2.3 Euclidean correlators in the continuum Since we are dealing with a quantum field theory, we want to explain in this section how to extract the energy spectrum of such a theory by using Euclidean correlators. The theoretical background we need for that purpose can, for example, be found in [9, 10]. Let us start with the definition of a correlator. It is defined as h i 1 † −(T −t)H b −tH b Tr e O2 e O1 , (2.28) h O2 (t) O1(0) iT = ZT where the normalization factor ZT is the partition function given by ZT = Tr e−T H . (2.29) 2.3. Euclidean correlators in the continuum 11 b1 and O b2 can be operators that create or annihilate states, operators measuring O observables or combinations of all of these. The self–adjoint operator H is the Hamiltonian of the system which measures the energy in the system and also governs its time evolution. The arguments t and T are real, non–negative numbers denoting Euclidean time distances of propagation. In particular t is the actual distance between the operator insertations, and T is a number which is taken to infinity to project to the vacuum. We now study the partition function ZT in more detail. The trace in Eq. (2.29) can be understood as a sandwich of the exponential, with eigenstates |ni of the Hamiltonian. These eigenstates obey the following eigenvalue equation: H|ni = En |ni . (2.30) Since En ∈ R we can order the eigenvalues in the way that E0 6 E1 6 E2 6 . . . (2.31) What we find for ZT then is1 ZT = ∞ X X hn|e−T H |ni = e−T En . n=0 (2.32) n In the second step we used Eq. (2.30), and the fact that the eigenstates |ni form an orthonormal basis, more precisely we used hn|ni = 1. The Euclidean correlator can be evaluated in the same way. We write the trace as sum over m, insert the identity in the form 1= X n |nihn| (2.33) between the two operators in Eq. (2.28) and obtain 1 X b2 |ni hn|e−tH O b1 |mi hm|e−(T −t)H O ZT m,n 1 X −(T −t)Em b2 |ni e−tEn hn|O b1 |mi . e hm|O = ZT m,n h O2 (t) O1† (0) iT = (2.34) 1 The exponential of the Hamilton operator is defined by its power series expansion e−T H = P∞ k k=0 (−T H) /k!. 12 Chapter 2. Gross–Neveu–type models in the continuum Now one can use (2.32) and pull out a factor of e−T E0 in both the numerator and the denominator, which then cancel out. This results in P −tEn −(T −t)Em b b e m,n hm|O2 |ni hn|O1 |mi e † h O2(t) O1 (0) iT = . (2.35) 1 + e−T E1 + e−T E2 + . . . In the last formula the energies En are now measured relative to the energy E0 of the vacuum, i.e., we have replaced En − E0 → En . (2.36) When we analyze Eq. (2.35) in the limit T → ∞, the denominator is equal to 1. In that limit the numerator is reduced to terms where Em = 0, in other words terms where |mi = 0. What we finally achieve is X b2 |ni hn|O b1|0i e−tEn . h0|O lim h O2 (t) O1† (0) iT = (2.37) T →∞ n What can be done with this expression now? As mentioned before, the energy spectrum of a particle can now be obtained. b1 and O b2 the operators O bp† and O bp , which Therefore we have to insert for O create a particle p from the vacuum and annihilate it again later in time. It means we have to choose operators that create or annihilate a state with the quantum numbers of the particle p that we want to observe. Then the matrix elements in (2.37) are only non–vanishing if the states hn| have an overlap with b † |0i and vice versa. In the end for hn| only the ground state hp| and excited O p b † |0i, survive. We thus states hp′ |, hp′′ |, . . ., which also have an overlap with O p find b † 2 −tEp ′ b † 2 −tEp′ † + ... . (2.38) + hp |Op′ |0i e lim hOp (t) Op (0) iT = hp|Op|0i e T →∞ For sufficiently large t the sub–leading terms are strongly suppressed since Ep′ > Ep and so we are able to observe Ep (and thus by projection to zero momentum also mp ) from the exponential decay of the correlator. Later on in Chap. 8 we use that technique to extract masses of particles for the ground state, as well as for excited states via measuring correlation functions and using them in the variational method. Chapter 3 The Gross–Neveu model on the lattice In this chapter we want to formulate the Lagrangian and the partition function, presented in Chap. 2, using the language of lattice field theory. Lattice field theory provides a mathematically sound definition of the path integral, and allows to go beyond perturbative expansion. Such a framework is obtained by introducing a space–time lattice and discretizing the fields and the action. The lattice cuts off the high frequencies and makes the theory completely finite (on a finite lattice). We are only giving a very compact introduction of the basic concepts. For a more detailed description the reader is referred to [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. 3.1 Basic definitions for lattice calculations The main idea is to replace the (Euclidean) R2 by a discretized space–time lattice. More precisely, we replace the vector x ∈ R2 by an integer valued vector na, n ∈ Λ, with the lattice Λ = {n = (n1 , n2 ) | n1 = 0, 1, . . . , L1 − 1 ; n2 = 0, 1, . . . , L2 − 1} . (3.1) The a denotes the lattice spacing, which has the dimension of length. The fermion fields ψ(na), ψ(na) (the notation here is for one flavor and we drop the flavor 13 14 Chapter 3. The Gross–Neveu model on the lattice index) and the auxiliary field φ(na), now live on the lattice sites. For notational convenience we suppress the factor a in the arguments of ψ, ψ and φ from now on. The total number of lattice points is the volume V = L1 L2 . One has to decide what to do with the boundaries. Either periodic boundary conditions (p.b.c.) or antiperiodic boundary conditions (a.p.b.c.) can be used. This means that we set for an arbitrary function f , defined on the lattice, f (n + µ̂Lµ ) = e2πiϑµ f (n) , (3.2) where ϑµ = 0 for p.b.c. and ϑµ = 1/2 for a.p.b.c. µ̂ denotes the unit vector in µ– direction. In our calculations we use p.b.c. for space (1̂–direction), and a.p.b.c. for time. It is also necessary to discretize the derivatives that occur in Eq. (2.2). To get the correct continuum limit up to an order of O(a2 ) we replace ∂µ ψ(x) → ψ(n + µ̂) − ψ(n − µ̂) . 2a (3.3) The integrals in the continuum are transformed also, namely into sums over all lattice points Z X d2 x . . . → a2 ... . (3.4) n∈Λ The integration measure for the path integrals is now rigorously defined as a product over all lattice points, Y D[ψ, ψ, φ] = dψ(n)dψ(n)dφ(n) . (3.5) n 3.2 Wilson form of the lattice action Naive discretization of the action After applying the rules from Sec. 3.1 the action can be split into a fermionic and a scalar part, X SF [ψ, ψ, φ] = ψ(n)M(n, m)ψ(m) , (3.6) n,m∈Λ SS [φ] = 1X 2 φ (n) , 2 n∈Λ (3.7) 3.2. Wilson form of the lattice action 15 where M is the Dirac matrix given by M(n, m)αβ = [m + √ g φ(n)] δn,m δα,β − 2 X (γµ )αβ µ=1 δn+µ̂,m − δn−µ̂,m . 2a (3.8) To keep the notation simple, we subsequently suppress the Dirac indices α, β and use matrix/vector notation. The doubling problem Let us now Fourier–transform the Dirac matrix M(n, m) for the free case g = 0 (cf. App. B). When transforming the second index m with the complex conjugate phase we find FT M(n, m) = M̃ (p, q) = a4 δ(p − q)M̂ (p) , (3.9) 2 M̂ (p) = m + iX γµ sin pµ a . a µ=1 (3.10) Because M̃(p, q) is diagonal in momentum space, it is easy to invert this expression to derive the inverse Dirac operator, the so–called fermion propagator. First we have to invert M̂ (p), then use inverse Fourier transformation back to position space. The result is 1 X ip(n−m)a −1 e M̂ (p) , V p∈Λ̃ P −1 m − ia µ γµ sin pµ a P . M̂ −1 (p) = m2 + a−2 µ sin2 pµ a M −1 (n, m) = (3.11) (3.12) To get Eq. (3.12) we used the following identity: 1r + i 2 X µ=1 γ µ sµ !−1 = 1r − i r2 + P2 µ=1 γ µ sµ µ=1 s2µ P2 . (3.13) Let us now study the momentum space propagator for the massless case m = 0. The propagator has the correct continuum limit, P P −1 −i −ia γ sin p a µ µ a→0 µ γ µ pµ Pµ 2 . (3.14) −→ = M̂ −1 (p) −2 p·p m=0 a µ sin pµ a 16 Chapter 3. The Gross–Neveu model on the lattice The right–hand side of Eq. (3.14) has a pole at p = (0, 0) . (3.15) We encounter, however, a different situation on the lattice as long as a > 0. The massless propagator (center term in (3.14)) has additional poles at π π π π p= , . (3.16) , 0 , 0, , a a a a These three unphysical poles give rise to unwanted degrees of freedom, the so– called doublers. We now present a way to eliminate them. The Wilson term One way to evade the doubling problem was suggested by K. G. Wilson [11]. He proposed to add an extra term to the momentum space propagator (3.10), attaining 2 2 1X iX γµ sin pµ a + (1 − cos pµ a) . (3.17) M̂ (p) = m + a µ=1 a µ=1 | {z } Wilson term This extra Wilson term fulfills all conditions that we claim. For components with pµ = 0 it vanishes, for components with pµ = π/a it contributes a term 2/a. This term can be understood as an extra mass term, which diverges in the limit a → 0. The doublers then become very heavy and decouple from the theory since they can no longer be excited. Applying inverse Fourier transformation on the last term in (3.17) one obtains for the Wilson term in real space 2 a X δn+µ̂,m − 2δn,m + δn−µ̂,m a→0 a − −→ − ∂µ ∂µ , 2 2 µ=1 a 2 (3.18) and we see that the Wilson term also disappears in the continuum limit. We find for the final form of the kernel of the fermion action ±2 X √ Γµ δn+µ̂,m . (3.19) M(n, m) = [2 + m + g φ(n)] δn,m − µ=±1 The γµ –matrices were replaced by Γµ , defined as 1 Γ±µ = (1 ∓ γµ ) , (3.20) 2 and we obtain an extra contribution of 2 for the on–site term. We remark that this extra term breaks the chiral symmetry (2.18) explicitly, even when m ≡ 0. 3.3. Key formulas of a Grassmann algebra 3.3 17 Key formulas of a Grassmann algebra Since we are dealing with fermions, we have to take into account the Pauli principle. This is done by requiring anti-commutation rules for the fermion fields, turning them into so–called Grassmann variables. The formulas presented below can all be found in [15, 16]. A Grassmann algebra is constructed from a set of generators ηi which obey anticommuting products, {ηi , ηj } = ηi ηj + ηj ηi = 0 ∀ i, j . (3.21) We want to remark that if the number n of generators is finite, they form a 2n – dimensional vector space over R or C. An obvious consequence from Eq. (3.21) is the nilpotency of Grassmann numbers, i.e., ηi2 = 0. Therefore the power series for an arbitrary function P (η1 , . . . , ηn ), only invokes a finite number of terms. Thus we only need to look at polynomials, P = p0 + X pi ηi + i X pij ηi ηj + i<j X pijk ηi ηj ηk + . . . + p12...n η1 η2 . . . ηn . (3.22) i<j<k The coefficients p0 , pi , . . . , p12...n are ordinary complex numbers. The polynomials (3.22) form an algebra, the so–called Grassmann algebra. We often need to differentiate elements of the Grassmann algebra with respect to the generators. To get consistent results the derivatives also have to anticommute with the generators, ∂ ∂ ηj = − ηj ∂ηi ∂ηi ∀ i 6= j . (3.23) In addition to the above relation the following rules hold: ∂ 1 = 0, ∂ηi ∂ ηi = 1, ∂ηi ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ =− ∂ηi ∂ηj ∂ηj ∂ηi ∀ i, j . (3.24) For the path integral we also need to integrate over Grassmann numbers, i.e., solve integrals of the form Z dn ηP (η1 , . . . , ηn ) . (3.25) 18 Chapter 3. The Gross–Neveu model on the lattice Due to the nilpotency these integrals are already specified by the following expressions, Z dηi 1 = 0 , (3.26) Z dηi ηi = 1 , (3.27) dηi dηj = −dηj dηi . (3.28) Last but not least we have to discuss the transformation behavior of the (ordered) product measure dn η = dηn dηn−1 . . . dη1 . Let us apply a linear transformation with a complex n × n matrix L, n X ′ ηi = Lij ηj . (3.29) j=1 For the integral we find Z Z n d η η1 . . . ηn = dn η ′ η1′ . . . ηn′ Z X L1j1 . . . Lnjn ηj1 . . . ηjn = dn η ′ = Z j1 ,...,jn dn η ′ = det(L) X εj1 j2 ...jn L1j1 . . . Lnjn η1 . . . ηn j1 ,...,jn Z dn η ′ η1 . . . ηn . (3.30) The product in the second line vanishes when two of the indices are the same. We reorder the Grassmann numbers and obtain the completely anti–symmetric tensor εj1j2 ...jn . This tensor, together with the summation over the matrix elements, gives rise to the determinant det(L). To summarize, we have the following transformation property of the integration measure, 1 dn η ′ = dn η . (3.31) det(L) 3.4 The partition function on the lattice On the lattice we formally have the same partition function as in Sec. 2.1, using the splitted action from Eqs. (3.6) and (3.7), Z ZGN = D[ψ, ψ, φ] e−SF [ψ,ψ,φ]−SS [φ] . (3.32) 3.4. The partition function on the lattice 19 However, now the action is discretized and the measure of the path integral is rigorously defined as a product. We can now write the partition function in two different ways. One possibility is to integrate out φ(n) in (3.32) to achieve an effective action on the lattice i2 X g Xh Seff [ψ, ψ] = ψ(n)M[φ = 0](n, m)ψ(m) − ψ(n)ψ(n) . (3.33) 2 n,m∈Λ n∈Λ Here ψ, ψ are vectors also in flavor space. M[φ = 0] is the Dirac matrix in flavor space with the nontrivial flavor dependence coming from the masses m(f ) , i.e., we use the mass matrix m (compare Eq. (2.3)). M[φ = 0] indicates that the expression (3.19) is used for φ = 0. The corresponding partition function is Z (3.34) ZGN = D[ψ, ψ] e−Seff [ψ,ψ] . The alternative form for ZGN is obtained when we integrate out the fermion fields in (3.32), this means we evaluate only the fermionic part of (3.32), X Z (F) ψ(n)M(n, m)ψ(m) . (3.35) ZGN = D[ψ, ψ] exp − n,m∈Λ When we understand one of the sums as a linear transformation, more precisely X ψ ′ (n) = M(n, m)ψ(m) , (3.36) m we get for the fermionic partition function Z Y P ′ (F) ′ ZGN = det(M) dψ(n)dψ (n) e− n ψ(n)ψ (n) = det(M) = det(M) n Z Y n Z Y n = det(M) , ′ dψ(n) dψ ′ (n) e−ψ(n)ψ (n) dψ(n) dψ ′ (n) 1 + ψ ′ (n)ψ(n) (3.37) where we used in the third line the nilpotency and Eq. (3.21). The final version of ZGN is Z Y dφ(n) −φ2 (n)/2 √ ZGN = e det M[φ] , (3.38) 2π n∈Λ 20 Chapter 3. The Gross–Neveu model on the lattice √ in which we have normalized the measure by a factor of 1/ 2π. Such a factor will cancel when calculating expectation values of observables. Here it is introduced for reasons that will become clear in Sec. 4.3. The form (3.38) of the partition function is now particularly suitable for a Monte–Carlo simulation (cf. Chap. 4). 3.5 A loop representation for the Gross–Neveu model The evaluation of the fermion determinant in lattice field theories is a rather extensive project. It can be shown [17] that the number of cancellations in the calculation of the partition function grows exponentially with the lattice volume and the inverse temperature. One way to handle this so–called fermion sign– problem is to write the fermion determinant as the exponential of a sum over closed loops. This approach has been explored in several papers, see, e.g., [2, 18, 19, 20, 21]. A main part of this work consists of a comparison between the standard approach to the GN–model and the loop formalism for it [3]. Thus we briefly state the partition function in terms of “loop variables”. It reads ZL = X L1 ,...,L2Nf 1 √ 2 c(L1 )+...+c(L2N f ) Y n∈Λ G[2Nf − On (L1 , . . . , L2Nf )] . (3.39) The sum runs over configurations of 2Nf sets of self avoiding loops. The function G is defined as Z √ dφ(n) −φ2 (n)/2 √ e [2 + m + g φ(n)]x , x = 1, . . . , 2Nf . (3.40) G[x] = 2π On (L1 , . . . , L2Nf ) denotes the number of loops occupying the lattice point n. Finally, c(Li ) is the number of corners in the configuration of the i–th set of loops. Altogether the partition function is a sum with a weight factor according to the total number of corners multiplied by a simple occupation number function. The integrals (3.40) can be solved in closed form (see e.g. [2]). One can compute some simple observables, like the chiral condensate or the chiral susceptibility, by differentiating ln Z with respect to m. n–point functions of fermions correspond to correlators of occupation numbers in the loop model. 3.5. A loop representation for the Gross–Neveu model 21 A more detailed account of the equivalence between the standard and the loop representation is given in Appendix A. Chapter 4 Numerical simulation with Monte–Carlo methods Monte Carlo methods are a class of algorithms for studying mathematical or physical systems characterized by a probability distribution. They differ from other simulation methods by being stochastic, in other words they use random numbers. Thus, name is derived from the famous casino in Monte Carlo the . These methods are very suitable for high dimensional integrals as they appear in lattice field theory. 4.1 Fundamental ideas of a Monte Carlo simulation To motivate the use of Monte Carlo methods let us start with an example from statistical mechanics, the 2–d Ising model. Consider a spin system on a small lattice, e.g., 100 × 100 lattice points. Each spin can only be up or down. When we want to compute the partition function with brute force we have to sum over all 2100·100 ≈ 103000 possible configurations. Comparing this number to the age of the universe, which is approximately 4 · 1026 nanoseconds, we conclude that no PC can ever complete such a calculation. 23 24 Chapter 4. Numerical simulation with Monte–Carlo methods How can we overcome this problem? The main idea is to replace the sum over all configurations by a small but representative set. These sample configurations can be chosen in two different ways: Simple sampling: When walking through configuration space and picking configurations randomly the procedure is called simple sampling. The disadvantage here is that most of the configurations have a very small weight, i.e., they are heavily suppressed by the exponential factor, and therefore they could normally be neglected. Importance sampling: A better way is to choose the configurations biased. More precisely, we “include” the exponential factor in the choice of the configurations, that means we prefer those with a small action. This approach is called importance sampling. When using importance sampling, the estimate for expectation values is N 1 X hOiN = O(n) . N n=1 (4.1) Here O(n) is the value of some operator O for the n–th configuration and N the total number of configurations. The expectation value hOi is approached as σO (4.2) hOi = hOiN ± √ N where σO is the standard deviation of the observable from its mean value hOiN . The obvious question is how to create configurations with a distribution proportional to exp(−S). One starts with an initial configuration and then stochastically creates a series of configurations in configuration space. This series of configurations is called a Markov chain. The transition from a configuration to a new one is a so–called Monte Carlo step or an update. We denote the configurations in the Markov chain by Cn , n = 1, 2, . . . A Markov chain is characterized by a transition probability, W (Cn+1 = C ′ | Cn = C) = W (C → C ′ ) . (4.3) This probability does not depend on n, but rather on the configurations C and C ′ . To be a probability, it has to obey X W (C → C ′ ) > 0 , W (C → C ′ ) = 1 . (4.4) C′ 4.2. The algorithm for our system 25 When our Markov process is in equilibrium, there are no possibilities for sinks or sources of probability. This is expressed in the balance equation X X ! P (C) · W (C → C ′ ) = P (C ′ ) · W (C ′ → C) . (4.5) C C On the left–hand side we sum over all steps that lead from some configuration C to a configuration C ′ , including the weight factor P (C). The right–hand side describes the situation when hopping out of C ′ . The two probabilities have to equal each other. A sufficient solution of (4.5) is obtained by dropping the sums over C: P (C) · W (C → C ′ ) = P (C ′ ) · W (C ′ → C) . (4.6) This expression is known as the detailed balance condition. A well known algorithm which solves the detailed balance condition is the Metropolis algorithm [22]. It consists of three steps: Step 1: Create a trial configuration C̃ out of C randomly. Step 2: Accept C̃ as the new configuration with the probability ! P (C̃) p = min 1, . P (C) (4.7) Step 3: Go back to step 1. In our case importance sampling is combined with reweighting. We discuss this strategy in the next section. 4.2 The algorithm for our system As soon as the fermions are integrated out, vacuum expectation values are high dimensional integrals over the scalar fields φ(n), R Q dφ(n) −φ2 (n)/2 √ e det(M[φ]) O[M[φ], φ] n 2π . (4.8) hOiφ = R Q dφ(n) −φ2 (n)/2 det(M[φ]) √ e n 2π In our approach we generate configurations according to the weight factor 1 2 P ∝ √ e−φ /2 , 2π (4.9) 26 Chapter 4. Numerical simulation with Monte–Carlo methods and approximate the expectation values by (MCS) hOiφ = PN i=1 det(M[φ])i O[M[φ], φ]i . PN i=1 det(M[φ])i (4.10) In other words we re–weight the Gaussian distributed scalar fields with the determinant. We remark that this strategy is successful only in 2 dimensions [23] or for small lattice volumes, respectively. In 4 dimensions the effect of the determinant on the distribution is too strong due to the bigger lattice volume. In order to study the distribution of the weights in the reweighting step we analyze the effective action defined as det(M[φ]) ≡ e−Seff [φ] , Seff [φ] = − ln det(M[φ]) . (4.11) (4.12) The corresponding numerical results will be presented in Sec. 7.1. 4.3 Random numbers and Gaussian distributions In this section we discuss how to generate the fields φ distributed according to (4.9). We use the Box–Muller method for generating random deviates with a normal distribution [24]. Assume that we have uniformly distributed numbers x with a normalized probability p(x), and a function y(x). From the transformation law of probabilities we get ! |p(y)dy| = |p(x)dx| dx =⇒ p(y) = p(x) . dy (4.13) (4.14) If the transformation is generalized to more than one dimension, one has to calculate the Jacobian |∂(x1 , x2 , . . .)/∂(y1 , y2 , . . .)| instead of the derivative |dx/dy|. Now we choose a Gaussian for p(y), 1 2 p(y)dy = √ e−y /2 dy , 2π (4.15) 4.4. Error analysis with the Jackknife method 27 and consider a transformation between two uniform deviates on (0, 1), x1 , x2 , and two values y1 , y2 , p −2 ln x1 cos 2πx2 , p = −2 ln x1 sin 2πx2 . y1 = (4.16) y2 (4.17) We also can write for x1 , x2 2 2 x1 = e−(y1 +y2 )/2 , y2 1 arctan . x2 = 2π y1 (4.18) (4.19) The Jacobian is then ∂(x1 , x2 ) 1 −y12 /2 1 −y22 /2 =− √ e × √ e . ∂(y1 , y2 ) 2π 2π (4.20) This term is a product of two functions of either y1 only or y2 only. We see that both functions are Gaussians. A useful trick for programming is to pick n1 and n2 as the ordinate and abscissa of a random point inside the unit circle, instead of x1 and x2 in (0, 1). The sum of the squares, r 2 = n21 + n22 , can be used for x1 (because it is also a uniform deviate). The angle between (n1 , n2 ) and the n1 –axis replaces 2πx2 . √ √ Why is it a “trick”? Because now the sine and cosine are n2 / r 2 and n1 / r 2 – and don’t have to be calculated explicitly! For the uniformly distributed numbers we used version 2.1 of Lüscher’s random number generator “ranlux” [25, 26]. A test of our implementation of the Gaussian distribution is shown in Fig. 4.1, where we compare a histogram of our numerical data to an exact Gaussian. 4.4 Error analysis with the Jackknife method Having created data sets for an observable concerning N measurements, the average values of our observables will have statistical errors. We estimate these errors with the Jackknife method [27]. Let us denote the set of N different configurations by Φ, Φ = φ(k) k = 1, . . . , N , (4.21) 28 Chapter 4. Numerical simulation with Monte–Carlo methods exact computed points 1 2 exp(-r /2) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -4 -2 0 r 2 4 Figure 4.1: A Gaussian and the distribution of 107 computed points where φ(k) contains the scalar fields for all lattice points. We also define subsets Φ(j) of N − 1 configurations, so–called Jackknife blocks, Φ(j) = φ(k) k = 1, . . . , N; k 6= j . (4.22) The first step is to compute the expectation value of some observable O for the whole set of measurements, O = O[Φ] . (4.23) To determine the variance we need the observables also on the N different Jackknife blocks, O (j) = O Φ(j) . (4.24) For the variance we get σO2 = (N − 1) N X j=1 O (j) − O and the final result including the statistical error is σO O=O± √ . N 2 , (4.25) (4.26) Chapter 5 Observables In this chapter we derive and discuss the observables that will be studied later on. These observables are bulk observables such as condensates and susceptibilities, as well as n–point functions that have been introduced already in Sec. 2.3. But first of all we begin with deriving Wick’s theorem [28], which will be used later. 5.1 Wick’s theorem The formula for the evaluation of observables in our numerical approach is Eq. (4.8). To get this form we had to integrate out the fermionic part of the partition function, namely Eq. (3.35). Our observables are mostly composed of products of the fermion fields and we want to stress again that these fields are Grassmann variables. Here we discuss how an observable built from fermions is transformed when integrating out the Grassmann variables. We define a functional F of 4N Grassmann numbers ηi , ηi , θi , θi , i = 1, 2, . . . , N. In this so called generating functional for fermions the ηi , ηi will be integrated out and the θi , θi serve as source terms. This generating functional 29 30 Chapter 5. Observables is defined as F [θ, θ] = Z Y N dηk dηk exp N X η i Mij ηj + θ i ηi + i=1 i,j=1 k=1 N X N X ηi θi i=1 ! . (5.1) The next steps are rewriting the argument of the exponent in the following way (we use summation convention): −1 −1 η i + θj Mji−1 Mik ηk + Mkl θm , θl − θn Mnm (5.2) and then to make a transformation of variables, −1 ηk′ = ηk + Mkl θl , η ′i = η i + θj Mji−1 . The integration measure stays the same and we get !Z N N X Y −1 dηk dη k exp θn Mnm θm F [θ, θ] = exp − n,m=1 k=1 = det(M) exp − N X −1 θn Mnm θm n,m=1 ! (5.3) N X η ′i Mij ηj′ i,j=1 . ! (5.4) In the last step (3.37) was used again. Now we are able to compute the above mentioned n–point functions of fermion fields. With Eq. (5.4) we come to the Wick theorem (h. . .iF denotes only the fermionic part of the path integral): ηi1 ηj1 . . . ηin η jn F = 1 det(M) = (−1)n Z Y N k=1 X dηk dη k exp N X l,m=1 ! η l Mlm ηm ηi1 η j1 . . . ηin η jn . . . Mi−1 . Mi−1 sgn(π)Mi−1 n jπn 2 jπ2 1 jπ1 (5.5) π(1,2,...,n) Here the sum runs over all permutations π(1, 2, . . . , n) of the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n and the sign of the permutation is sgn(π). To prove this result we apply several derivatives to F [θ, θ], ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ 1 ηi1 ηj1 . . . ηin η jn = (F) F [θ, θ] ··· . (5.6) ∂θ ∂θ j1 ∂θ i1 jn ∂θ in ZGN θ,θ=0 5.2. Derivatives of the partition function 31 We are now prepared to discuss several observables and calculate their vacuum expectation values with hOiφ = PN i=1 det(M[φ])i O[M[φ], φ]i , PN i=1 det(M[φ])i (5.7) where the index i denotes the field configuration number i. It is stressed again, that these configurations are distributed according to 1X 2 φ (n) P ∝ exp − 2 n∈Λ 5.2 ! . (5.8) Derivatives of the partition function As already stated in Sec. 3.5, we want to compare results for different observables, calculated in the standard formalism, with the results from the loop approach. Therefore we define three more or less simple observables for a first test. We compute derivatives of the partition function Z to obtain so–called bulk observables. The first object we want to look at is the chiral condensate χ, defined as (repeated Dirac indices are summed) 1 ∂ 1 X ψ(n)ψ(n) ln Z = V ∂m V n D E X 1 M −1 (n, n)αα . = − V φ n χ ≡ − (5.9) (5.10) One gets to the second line using Wick’s theorem from Sec. 5.1. The next observable to be looked at is the chiral susceptibility, obtained by another derivative with respect to m, 1 ∂2 1 ∂ X ψ(n)ψ(n) ln Z = 2 V ∂m V ∂m n D E2 2 E 1 DX −1 1 X −1 M (n, n)αα − M (n, n)αα = V n V φ φ n D E 1 X −1 + M (n, m)αβ M −1 (m, n)βα . V n,m φ Cχ ≡ − (5.11) (5.12) 32 Chapter 5. Observables The last observable we consider is the interaction density ρ, obtained by a derivative of ln Z with respect to g. We find 2 2 ∂ 1 X ψ(n)ψ(n) (5.13) ρ ≡ ln Z = V ∂g V n E 1 DX −1 = M (n, n)αα M −1 (n, n)ββ V n φ D E 1 X −1 −1 M (n, n)αβ M (n, n)βα . (5.14) − V n φ The expectation values h. . .iφ are computed with Eq. (5.7). 5.3 n–point correlation functions An important class of observables are n–point correlators. In particular one can use 2–point correlators of fermionic bilinears for computing masses. In two dimensions we can construct four different bilinears, such that one has a total amount of 16 different 2–point functions L2 −1 L1 −1 h † i 1 X 1 X † Cij (t) ≡ qi (x, t + τ )qj (y, τ ) − qi (x, t + τ ) qj (y, τ ) , (5.15) L2 τ =0 L21 x,y=0 where qi (x, t) ≡ ψ α (x, t) (Ωi )αβ ψβ (x, t) . (5.16) The Ωi can be the unit–matrix or one of the γµ –matrices, Ωi = {1, γ1 , γ2, γ5 } . (5.17) The sum over τ is a sliding average to improve the statistics. When we evaluate the expectation values in Eq. (5.15) using Wick’s theorem again, we get expectation values of a connected part Qij and a disconnected part Qi , i 1 X h Qij (x, t + τ, y, τ ) − Qi (x, t + τ ) Qj (y, τ ) , (5.18) Cij (t) = L2 L21 τ,x,y with the two parts Qij (x, tx , y, ty ) = M −1 (x, tx |x, tx ) Ωi M −1 (y, ty |y, ty ) Ωj − M −1 (x, tx |y, ty ) Ωi M −1 (y, ty |x, tx ) Ωj , Qi (x, t) = − M −1 (x, t|x, t) Ωi . (5.19) (5.20) 5.4. Numerical aspects 33 The Dirac indices do not appear explicitly in these expressions, but they are summed as usual. Thus we have to compute in our MC simulation N 1 X 1 X Cij (t) = det(k) Qij (x, t + τ, y, τ )k L2 L21 τ,x,y N k=1 N N X 1 X − 2 det(k) Qi (x, t + τ )k × det(k) Qj (y, τ )k . (5.21) N k=1 k=1 The sums run over all configurations k. The argument/index k means the determinant/observable has to be evaluated for the configuration k. The normalization factor N is defined as the sum over all determinants, more precisely N = 5.4 N X det(k) . (5.22) k=1 Numerical aspects When we want to evaluate the above discussed observables, we need to invert the Dirac operator on the one hand, and to compute the determinant on the other. For this purpose we use Fortran90 routines from the LAPACK package [29]. But let us go through this procedure step by step. The first routine we use is called ZGETRF. It provides a LU factorization of an arbitrary matrix A, that we pass to this routine. This factorization is needed later for inverting the matrix. The routine uses partial pivoting with row interchanges. More precisely, it writes a complex matrix A as A = P LU, where P is a permutation matrix and L, U are lower and upper triangular matrices. L has only unit diagonal elements. The matrix A is overwritten by the factors L and U, but the diagonal elements of L are not stored (they are equal to 1). The Pivot indices are stored in an array called IPIV. Now we are able to compute the determinant of the given matrix. We simply need to multiply the determinant of P , which is either +1 or −1, with the diagonal elements of U, since det(L) = 1. This results from the fact that the determinant of a (lower or upper) triangular matrix is the product of the diagonal elements. Thus we only have to determine det(P ). The implementation is explained in Fig. 5.1. 34 Chapter 5. Observables ! ! ! ! ! ! ! IPIV(i) gives the exchange of row IPIV(i) with row i e.g.: 2 2 3 implies: row 1 has been exchanged with 2, then no more changes (2 with 2, 3 with 3) for every change a factor of -1 pivfac = 1 do i=1, 2*VOL if( IPIV(i) .ne. end do i ) pivfac = - pivfac det = cmplx(1.0,0.0,kind=dp) * cmplx(real(pivfac),0.0,kind=dp) do i=1, 2*VOL det = det * A(i,i) end do Figure 5.1: The Fortran90 code to compute the determinant of the pivoting matrix P and ultimately det(A). IPIV is the array with the Pivot indices, VOL is the total number of lattice sites. The next step is to invert the matrix A with a routine called ZGETRI. Therefore we have to pass the LU factorized matrix A, together with IPIV, to the subroutine ZGETRI. The inverse of A is computed by forming U −1 and then solving the equation XP L = U −1 for X. In the end A is overwritten by its inverse A−1 . Chapter 6 Tests for the free case It is important to test the computer code in analytically known special cases. For the free case (g = 0) we have a powerful tool to do such tests, the Fourier transformation (FT), see App. B. We use it to test the correct implementation of M, its inversion and the evaluation of the determinant. The observables presented in Chap. 5 also have to pass the tests we apply. 6.1 Testing the entries of the Dirac matrix and its inverse The Dirac operator in the free case is M(n, m) = [2 + m]δn,m − ±2 X Γµ δn+µ̂,m . (6.1) µ=±1 For the sake of simplicity, we introduce the following abbreviations, N(p) = 2 + m − D(p) = N 2 (p) + 2 X 2 X µ=1 35 cos apµ , (6.2) sin2 apµ . (6.3) µ=1 36 Chapter 6. Tests for the free case For notational convenience we suppress the factor a, that would occur together with each momentum, in all expressions from now on. When applying FT, we get 1 X −ipn M̃(p, q) = e M(n, m)eiqm V n,m √ V δ(p − q) M̂(p) , (6.4) = 2 X M̂(p) = N(p) + i γµ sin pµ , (6.5) µ=1 Because Eq. (6.4) is diagonal in momentum space, it is simple to invert M. First we invert M̃ : 1 M̃ −1 (p, q) = √ δ(p − q) M̂ −1 (p) , (6.6) V " # 2 X 1 M̂ −1 (p) = N(p) − i γµ sin pµ . (6.7) D(p) µ=1 When we apply FT back to real space (cf. (B.9)), we obtain 1 X ip(n−m) −1 M −1 (n, m) = e M̂ (p) . V p (6.8) This expression was used to check the implementation of M (using M ·M −1 = 1), and for direct comparison to the result of M −1 computed with the LAPACK routines (see Sec. 5.4). 6.2 Tests for the derivative of the partition function With Eq. (6.8) we have the means to calculate the three observables χ, Cχ and ρ, defined in Sec. 5.2, analytically. Combining (6.8) with (5.10), (5.12) and (5.14) we obtain 2 X N(p) χ(m) = − , (6.9) V p D(p) Cχ (m) = 2 i X 2 X 1 h 2 2 N (p) − sin p µ , V p D 2 (p) µ=1 (6.10) 6.3. The correlator 37 2 4 X N(p) ρ(m) = V 2 p D(p) P2 2 X N(p)N(q) − µ=1 sin pµ sin qµ − 2 . V p,q D(p)D(q) (6.11) The bulk observables are functions of m and we can compare the analytic results with those from the general program, running at g = 0. This was done for two different volumes and the results of this test are documented in Fig. 6.1. It is obvious that the data points fall on the curve for all values of m and the program passes the test for the free case. 6.3 The correlator For the free case it is also possible to calculate the correlator exactly. The general relations for the connected and disconnected parts of our correlator are given in Eqs. (5.19) and (5.20). In the free case the scalar fields in the Dirac matrix M are set to zero. Thus no average over the gauge fields is necessary and so for each value of m only one run of the program is needed to compute the final result. Here the first piece of the connected part and the product of the disconnected parts are canceling each other out. What remains is i 1 X h −1 (free) −1 M (x, t + τ |y, τ ) Ω M (y, τ |x, t + τ ) Ω (6.12) Cij (t) = − i j . L2 L21 τ,x,y To evaluate the expression above we use again Eq. (6.8). As for the bulk observables we tested the 2–point functions against the exact results in the free case and found agreement up to machine precision, see Fig. 6.2. In that figure we also plot the corresponding effective masses, which we can extract from the correlators. Such a fitting procedure will be discussed later in Sec. 8.2. In the limit L → ∞ the effective mass plateaus appear at a value of 2m. On the finite lattice we observe corrections of O(1/L) which also depend on the mass parameter m. 38 Chapter 6. Tests for the free case -0.65 -0.65 free case computed, g=0.0 free case computed, g=0.0 -0.7 χ(m) χ(m) -0.7 -0.75 -0.75 -0.8 -0.8 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 m 0.1 0.2 0.3 -0.3 (a) χ(m), 162 -0.1 0 m 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 (b) χ(m), 322 0.2 0.2 free case computed, g=0.0 free case computed, g=0.0 0 Cχ(m) 0 Cχ(m) -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 -0.8 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 m 0.1 (c) Cχ (m), 16 0.2 0.3 -0.3 2 -0.2 -0.1 0 m 0.1 (d) Cχ (m), 32 0.3 ρ(m) ρ(m) 0.3 2 0.25 0.25 free case computed, g=0.0 0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 m (e) ρ(m), 16 0.1 2 0.2 0.3 free case computed, g=0.0 0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 m (f) ρ(m), 32 0.1 0.2 0.3 2 Figure 6.1: In these figures a comparison between the exact results from FT and the general program (running for g = 0) are shown. The results for 162 – lattices are on the left–hand side, on the right–hand side one finds the results for 322 –lattices. The observables are χ, Cχ and ρ (from top to bottom). 6.3. The correlator 39 -2 10 -3 0.5 -4 0.4 10 10 meff(t) C11(t) 10 -5 -6 m = 0.05 m = 0.20 -7 0.1 -8 10 0 0.3 0.2 10 10 m = 0.05 m = 0.20 fitted value fitted value 10 20 30 t 40 50 0 0 60 10 20 30 t 40 50 60 50 60 (b) meff for C11 (a) C11 (t) -2 10 -3 0.5 -4 0.4 10 10 meff(t) C44(t) 10 -5 -6 m = 0.05 m = 0.20 -7 -8 10 0 0.3 0.2 10 10 m = 0.05 m = 0.20 fitted value fitted value 10 20 30 t (c) C44 (t) 40 50 60 0.1 0 0 10 20 30 t 40 (d) meff for C44 Figure 6.2: On the l.h.s. of this figure the correlators in the free case for the combination γ1 γ1 and γ5 γ5 are shown. The solid lines are exact results from the calculations with FT, the crosses mark the results, computed with the general program for g = 0. On the r.h.s. the corresponding effective masses are plotted. The solid lines in these plots mark the values for meff extracted from a fit of the correlators. The ordinates are cut such that the boundary points can not be seen here. The two different curves on both sides correspond to the two different bare masses m = 0.05 and m = 0.20. These calculations were done on a 24×64 lattice. Chapter 7 Analysis of the Dirac matrix M In this chapter we want to analyze the Dirac operator M itself. First we discuss the properties of the determinant of M and study the distribution of the effective action. Then the eigenvalues of the Dirac matrix are calculated and analyzed. In the last part we discuss properties of the phase diagram extracted from the Dirac spectrum. 7.1 The distribution of det(M ) As already mentioned in Chap. 4, one interesting property of the GN–model is the distribution of det(M). But it is not as easy as it seems to observe that distribution because of the numerical instability for this calculations. When we use the following representation of M, M(n, m) = [2 + m + √ g φ(n)] δn,m − ±2 X Γµ δn+µ̂,m , (7.1) µ=±1 we are getting into trouble. Why? Because the determinant is easily reaching orders of magnitude of 10500 , the fluctuations of the spectra are also dramatically increasing. 41 42 Chapter 7. Analysis of the Dirac matrix M One easy way out is to rescale M and write it as M(n, m) = κ Mκ (n, m) , (7.2) κ = 2+m , √ ±2 X g 1 Mκ (n, m) = 1 + Γµ δn+µ̂,m . φ(n) δn,m − 2+m 2 + m µ=±1 (7.3) where (7.4) Then one finds: det(M) = κ2V det(Mκ ) , (7.5) and the trivial factor κ2V can be removed from the calculation of the determinant. When we calculate observables with Eq. (4.8), this factor also cancels out. Another remarkable property of the determinant is that it is always real. This is not obvious since the matrix M is complex–valued. When we use the γ5 –hermiticity of the Dirac operator (see App. C), γ5 M γ5 = M † , (7.6) this fact can be shown in the following way: det(M) = det(γ5 ) det(M) det(γ5 ) = det(γ5 M γ5 ) | {z } | {z } =1 =1 † = det M = det (M ∗ )T = det(M)∗ , (7.7) where the asterisk denotes complex conjugation. It is clear now that det(M) ∈ R. In Fig. 7.1 we present the histograms for Seff , not calculated as defined in Eq. (4.12), but using Mκ instead of M. This amounts to a trivial shift of the distribution, since Seff can be written in the following way, Seff = − ln [det(M)] = − ln κ2V det(Mκ ) = − ln [det(Mκ )] − 2V ln [2 + m] . (7.8) We then neglect the constant term in the calculation of Seff , because it is only a shift for the distribution of the effective action. In Fig. 7.1 one can clearly see that the smaller the coupling g is, the sharper is the peak of the distribution. 7.1. The distribution of det(M) 43 0.14 1 0.12 0.8 0.1 0.6 0.08 0.06 0.4 0.04 0.2 0.02 0 -52 -51.8 -51.6 Seff -51.4 -51.2 -51 0 -60 -40 (a) g = 0.0 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 -60 -40 -20 0 Seff 20 40 60 0 -60 -40 (c) g = 0.06 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 -60 -40 -20 0 Seff 20 (e) g = 0.3 20 40 60 -20 0 Seff 20 40 60 40 60 (d) g = 0.1 0.14 0 0 Seff (b) g = 0.02 0.14 0 -20 40 60 0 -60 -40 -20 0 Seff 20 (f) g = 0.7 Figure 7.1: In these figures spectra for Seff = − ln[det(Mκ )] are shown. 2000 configurations are calculated for m = 0.0 on a 20 × 40 lattice. On the upper left figure the free case (g = 0) is depicted. For the other figure we used the same axis scaling to emphasize the evolution of the distribution. 44 Chapter 7. Analysis of the Dirac matrix M This implies that our reweighting strategy is most efficient for small values of g, where the scatter of the effective action around its mean value is small. We also calculated the expectation values for the effective action for different couplings g. Therefore we define the first moment, given by Seff = PNbin i=1 (7.9) PNbin (7.10) H(i) Seff (i) , PNbin H(i) i=1 and the second moment 2 Seff = H(i) Seff(i)2 . PNbin i=1 H(i) i=1 Here H(i) is the discrete distribution function for the effective action in bin number i and the sums run over all the bins of the histogram. Now we can define the standard deviation σS2 by 2 2 − Seff . σS2 = Seff (7.11) Thus the effective action is distributed around its mean value Seff with a width of σS . In Fig. 7.2 we plot the dependence of the mean value Seff and the width σ as a function of g for m = 0. 7.2 Eigenvalue spectrum of M A characteristic property of the Dirac operator is the spectrum of its eigenvalues and their distribution. An important fact for this discussion is that the eigenvalues always come in complex conjugate pairs. Let λ be an eigenvalue of M and vλ the corresponding eigenvector, i.e., M vλ = λ vλ . Then the characteristic polynomial P (λ) has to vanish. More precisely, we find P (λ) = det(M − λ1) = det(γ5 ) det(M − λ1) det(γ5 ) = det(γ5 Mγ5 − λ1) = det(M † − λ1) = det( (M − λ∗ 1)∗ ) = det(M − λ∗ 1)∗ = P (λ∗ )∗ = 0 . (7.12) 7.2. Eigenvalue spectrum of M 45 80 60 < Seff > 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0 0.2 0.4 g 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 7.2: The expectation value of Seff for a 20 × 40 lattice for 2000 configurations. The mean value Seff (circles) and the width σS of its distribution (bars) as a function of g for m = 0. In the first line we used det(γ5 ) = −1, in the second the γ5 –hermiticity of M (cf. Eq. (7.6)) and γ52 = 1. Complex conjugation on both sides of the last line of Eq. (7.12) leads to P (λ∗ ) = 0 . (7.13) That means if λ is an eigenvalue of M and thus a zero of the characteristic polynomial, the complex conjugate eigenvalue λ∗ also is a zero and thus an eigenvalue of M, as well. From the γ5 –hermiticity follows another consequence for the γ5 matrix elements of the eigenvectors vλ† γ5 vλ : 1 † 1 vλ γ5 M vλ = vλ† M † γ5 vλ λ λ 1 λ∗ † = (M vλ )† γ5 vλ = v γ5 vλ . λ λ λ vλ† γ5 vλ = (7.14) 46 Chapter 7. Analysis of the Dirac matrix M When we multiply (7.14) with λ we find (λ − λ∗ ) · vλ† γ5 vλ = 0 ⇐⇒ Im(λ) · vλ† γ5 vλ = 0 . (7.15) Consequently for complex eigenvalues with Im(λ) 6= 0 the γ5 –sandwich of the eigenvectors must vanish. For the other case, Im(λ) = 0, it is possible that v † γ5 v 6= 0. In Fig. 7.3 we show a scatter plot of eigenvalues near the origin for 100 configurations of a 20 × 40 lattice for various couplings g. What one can clearly see in this plots is that the edges of the spectra (dotted red lines) are shifted to negative values as the coupling g increases. The theory becomes critical when the Dirac operator has small eigenvalues, since then its inverse, the propagator, diverges. In order to achieve such small eigenvalues, the edge of the spectrum must be shifted to the origin by adding a mass term m. The value necessary to shift the edge for various values of g will be an estimate for the critical mass mcrit . This critical mass is studied in more detail in the next section. We also observe that the scatter of the eigenvalues is increasing with increasing g (at a fixed volume). That again stresses the fact that calculations are sharper at small couplings g. 7.3 A rough estimate for the critical mass In this section we want to analyze the distribution of the eigenvalues in a bit more detail, i.e., we want to figure out where the theory becomes critical. As already seen before (Fig. 7.3), the edge of the distribution of the eigenvalues is shifted in negative Re(λ)–direction. This shift is now evaluated to find which value of m has to be added to the Dirac operator to find criticality. This is done in the following way: We first calculate all the eigenvalues for 1000 configurations of the Dirac matrix for different couplings g and for the same m = 0.0. For every configuration we search for the eigenvalue with the smallest real part and then define the gap r as the distance of its real part to the origin (see Fig. 7.4). The next step is to set up a histogram H(r) for the distances r and then appoint (heuristically!) the distance dpeak of the peak of these histograms to zero as the negative critical mass, dpeak ≡ −mcrit (g) . (7.16) 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 Im(λ) Im(λ) 7.3. A rough estimate for the critical mass 0 0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 Re(λ) 0.2 0.4 -0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 0 Re(λ) (c) g = 0.2 0 Re(λ) 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 (b) g = 0.05 Im(λ) Im(λ) (a) g = 0.0 -0.4 47 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 Re(λ) (d) g = 0.7 Figure 7.3: Here eigenvalue spectra of the Dirac operator near the origin are plotted for four different values of the coupling. In the free case g = 0 (Fig. 7.3(a)) we only used one configuration, whereas 100 different configurations were taken into account where g 6= 0. These spectra have been calculated on a 20 × 40 lattice with m = 0. To have a better overview we inserted the imaginary–axis (solid black line), as well as a dotted red line, which indicates the edge of the spectrum in each plot. One has to add these critical masses to the Dirac operator as the bare mass parameter m, on the one hand to compensate for this unwanted shift, on the other hand to be able to do calculations with “massless fermions”. One example for such a histogram is depicted in Fig. 7.5. There it can be easily seen that the statistical spread of the eigenvalues around their mean value 48 Chapter 7. Analysis of the Dirac matrix M Im(λ) r Re(λ) Figure 7.4: In this plot the gray dots represent the eigenvalues of our Dirac operator. The distance of the eigenvalue with the smallest real part to the origin is defined as r. is increasing with decreasing lattice volumes and thus calculations are getting more expensive with smaller lattice volumes. We estimate the statistical spread in the same way as it was done in Sec. 7.1 for the effective action. We define the first moment r as Prmax H(r) r min , (7.17) r = Pr=r rmax r=rmin H(r) and the second moment r 2 as Prmax 2 r=rmin H(r) r 2 P . r = rmax r=rmin H(r) (7.18) Then the deviation σr around the fixed mean value −mcrit (g) is given as p (7.19) σr = r 2 − r 2 . These calculations are done for g running from 0 to 0.1 in steps of 0.02. In Fig. 7.6 these mean values r are plotted, together with the corresponding standard deviations σr . The critical lines in the g–m–plane correspond to those 7.3. A rough estimate for the critical mass 49 L=8 L = 16 L = 32 0.2 H(r) 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.02 0 0.02 r 0.04 0.06 Figure 7.5: Histograms H(r) for the distribution of the smallest eigenvalue. Three different lattice extensions L are taken into account. The corresponding lattice volume is V = L2 . The coupling is g = 0.06 and the bare mass parameter m was set to zero. values where the model shows massless excitations. It is obvious from this picture that the spread is getting less with smaller couplings g. This confirms again the fact that our strategy of doing the calculations with the reweighting procedure, is more efficient for small couplings. 50 Chapter 7. Analysis of the Dirac matrix M 0.02 L=8 L = 16 L = 32 0.01 mcrit 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 0 0.02 0.04 g 0.06 0.08 0.1 Figure 7.6: The critical mass mcrit as a function of the coupling g for various lattice extensions L. The mean values of the histograms (squares) and the corresponding deviations (bars) are plotted (the symbols are connected by a thin line to guide the eye). We sketched the endings of the bars as horizontal lines to see their length, because of the overlap of several bars. Chapter 8 Correlation functions and the mass spectrum In this chapter we investigate the correlators that were introduced in Chap. 5. As discussed earlier, correlators are a powerful tool for spectroscopy, i.e., for extracting masses. After a short overview of the operators used in the correlators, we present the basic analysis–techniques to extract the masses for ground states. Then a description of the variational method is given, which allows to compute also excited state energies. In the last section we discuss the connection between the mass spectrum and the eigenvalues of the Dirac matrix. 8.1 Short review of correlation functions To set the ground we shortly review the basic formula that is needed for the discussion of correlation functions, Eq. (5.15) from Sec. 5.3: † i 1 X h † q (x, t + τ )q (y, τ ) − q (x, t + τ ) q (y, τ ) . (8.1) Cij (t) = i i j j L2 L21 τ,x,y In that definition we used qi (x, t) = ψ α (x, t) (Ωi )αβ ψβ (x, t) . 51 (8.2) 52 Chapter 8. Correlation functions and the mass spectrum In Fig. 6.2 we only plotted the correlators where either γ1 or γ5 is sandwiched between the fermion fields. The reason is that only these two correlation functions show an exponential decay as discussed in the second chapter, Sec. 2.3. The other operators Ωi = 1 or γ2 give rise to condensates. So from now on we concentrate on the correlators with the matrices γ1 or γ5 between the fermion fields. In the next section we present techniques to extract masses from correlation functions. For the variational method we need a set of operators, which have all the same quantum numbers but are linearly independent. They should span a sub–manifold in the space of interpolators. To set up such a basis we generalize the qi in the following way: qi (x, t) −→ qi′ (x, t) = ψ α (x + n, t) (Ωi )αβ ψβ (x − n, t) , (8.3) where Ωi now is either γ1 or γ5 and n = 0, 1, . . . , Nneib − 1. For further notational convenience we suppress the prime and the Dirac indices. Altogether a total amount of 2Nneib operators now form the basis. An important characteristic of these qi , or combinations of them, is their behavior under time evolution. To point out clearly if either the connected or disconnected part of the correlator (cf. Eqs. (5.19), (5.20)) shows an exponential decay, we present some tables in App. D where we collect properties of these operators. 8.2 How to extract masses from correlation functions For computing the mass spectrum of the model we need to fit the correlators according to the exponential decay (compare Eq. (2.38) from Sec. 2.3) C(t) = c1 e−taE1 1 + O e−ta∆E , (8.4) where c1 is a constant, E1 the ground–state energy and ∆E the energy difference to the first excited state. The lattice spacing a, shown explicitly here, will be neglected again from now on. All energies and masses are measured in units of the inverse lattice spacing then. By having a closer look at the expression for the correlator given in Eq. (8.1), one notices two sums over the spatial lattice components x, y. These sums, to- 8.2. How to extract masses from correlation functions 53 gether with the factor 1/L21 , are a projection to momentum zero. We have to apply this Fourier transformation (only for spatial components!) to filter out the masses. From the dispersion relation p E = E(p) = m2 + p2 , (8.5) it follows that for p = 0 the energy reduces to the rest mass (because in natural units the speed of light, as well as Planck’s constant, are equal to one). An important tool for determining the fit ranges in (8.4) are effective mass plots, discussed next. Effective mass plots The general case for the form of a correlator, including the excited states, is given by C(t) = c1 e−tE1 + c2 e−tE2 + c3 e−tE3 + . . . , (8.6) where E1 < E2 < E3 < . . . As a consequence only for large t the ground state dominates, while for small t contributions from excited states are also mixing in and veiling the relevant information we are interested in – the lowest energy. So for a start let us ignore the excited states and only incorporate the term with E1 to extract the ground state mass. As one can see in Figs. 8.1(a), 8.1(c), the correlator has not just a decreasing part, but again increases from L2 /2 on. The reason is that the states propagate in positive, as well as in negative time–direction. Thus the correlator is characterized by a cosh behavior: C(t) = c1 e−tm1 + c1 e−(L2 −t)m1 L2 −L2 m1 /2 − t m1 . = 2 c1 e cosh 2 (8.7) In order to decide which range of t is suitable to fit C(t), we calculate effective masses. The “quick–and–dirty” way is defining them as C(t) 1 ≡ ln . (8.8) meff t + 2 C(t + 1) As soon as the correlator is governed by the ground state, the effective mass forms a plateau at meff = m1 . If we want to take into account the time–periodicity, we 54 Chapter 8. Correlation functions and the mass spectrum have to solve the following equation for m1 at each t, cosh L22 − t m1 C(t) , = C(t + 1) cosh L22 − t − 1 m1 (8.9) and thus get meff (t + 1/2). This more efficient procedure was applied to the correlators C11 and C44 and the results can be seen in Figs. 8.1(b) and 8.1(d). One can clearly see the formation of effective mass plateaus here. We must now decide in what region they are “flat enough”, such that we can fit the correlator. If, for example, one decides that meff (t = 8.5) is already on the plateau, then the lower boundary for the fitting–region is t = 8, because meff (t = 8.5) is built from C(t = 8) and C(t = 9) and one wants to have the largest possible interval for t. Another important criteria is to choose a symmetric fit range relative to L2 /2. For the correlators in Fig. 8.1 we choose 9 < t < 55 for the γ1 correlator C11 and for C44 we take the interval 13 < t < 51 for t. We now have a first approximation for our ground state mass m1 , namely the plateau height. In addition to that we also gained the more important result, the region of t where we can apply a fit to the correlator. The two–parameter fit of the correlator We are still interested only in the ground state energy, that means we fit the C(t) to a cosh, L2 − t m1 . (8.10) C(t) = A1 cosh 2 Therefore we minimize a χ2 –functional and thus find out the best parameters (opt) (opt) A1 and m1 . This functional is defined as 2 tmax X L2 (opt) (opt) (opt) (opt) 2 − t m1 . (8.11) C(t) − A1 cosh = χ A1 , m1 2 t=t min For tmin and tmax in (8.11) we use the intervals previously obtained from the effective mass plateaus. Minimizing means the two following equations have to be fulfilled: ∂ χ2 ∂ (opt) A1 2 ∂χ ∂ (opt) m1 ! (8.12) ! (8.13) = 0, = 0. 8.2. How to extract masses from correlation functions 10 -3 0.8 m = -0.05 m = 0.05 m = 0.10 m = 0.20 -4 0.6 10 meff(t) C11(t) 10 -5 55 0.4 -6 10 10 m = -0.05 m = 0.05 m = 0.10 m = 0.20 -7 0.2 -8 10 0 10 20 30 t 40 50 0 0 60 10 (a) C11 10 0.8 -3 -4 40 50 60 50 60 m = -0.05 m = 0.05 m = 0.10 m = 0.20 0.6 meff(t) C44(t) 30 t (b) meff for C11 10 10 20 -5 0.4 -6 10 10 m = -0.05 m = 0.05 m = 0.10 m = 0.20 -7 -8 10 0 10 20 30 t 40 50 60 0.2 0 0 10 (c) C44 20 30 t 40 (d) meff for C44 Figure 8.1: The two exponential decreasing correlators C11 and C44 for different masses m (l.h.s. of the plot). The corresponding effective masses are shown on the r.h.s. The results are from a MC simulation on a 24 × 64 lattice with coupling g = 0.1. (opt) Eq. (8.12) is easy to solve analytically for the amplitude A1 (opt) A1 (opt) m1 = Ptmax t=tmin C(t) cosh h Ptmax 2 t=tmin cosh h L2 2 and one obtains (opt) i − t m1 (opt) i . − t m1 L2 2 (8.14) This expression can be inserted in (8.13), which is then solved numerically for (opt) m1 . 56 8.3 Chapter 8. Correlation functions and the mass spectrum Excited state masses via the variational method Theoretical framework With the method from the last section we can only extract masses for the lowest energy state, the ground state. But what about higher excited state masses? For that enterprise we use the variational technique [30, 31]. The procedure is as follows: A matrix K(t) is defined, the so–called cross correlation matrix, as: with 1 X Qi (t + τ ) Q†j (τ ) , Kij (t) ≡ Qij (t) − L2 τ 1 X qi (x, t + τ ) qj† (y, τ ) , L21 L2 x,y,τ 1 X Qi (t) = qi (x, t) . L1 x Qij (t) = (8.15) (8.16) (8.17) The indices i, j = 1, 2, . . . , 2Nneib are now labeling both, the n steps of the relative shift of ψ and ψ and the index µ, determining which γµ is sandwiched between the fermion fields (for the qi see Eq. (8.3)). In other words i and j are multi–indices, i = (n, µ) , (8.18) j = (m, ν) . (8.19) The next step is to diagonalize this matrix K(t) thus extracting its eigenvalues. It has been shown, that diagonalization of the cross correlation matrix permits us to untangle the physical states to some amount. When one solves the generalized eigenvalue problem K(t) vi = λi (t, t0 ) · K(t0 ) vi , (8.20) the t–behavior of the eigenvalues is given by λi (t, t0 ) = c e−(t−t0 )mi 1 + O e−(t−t0 )∆Ei , i = 1, . . . , 2Nneib . (8.21) c is some constant, t0 6 t a fixed timeslice and ∆Ei the energy difference to the nearest energy level. So for the calculations that means we have to order 8.3. Excited state masses via the variational method 57 the eigenvalues in every timeslice t from big to small. The eigenvalues can then be fitted according to (8.21). The ground state mass is now given through the time–dependence of the largest eigenvalue, the first excited mass through the time–dependence of the second largest, etc. In our calculations we set Nneib = 8, t0 = 1 and thus included 16 different operators. However, since it is an a priori choice of operators, it is not clear whether the resulting eigenvalues are reasonable or not. One first has to analyze the different entries of the matrix in detail. Also the symmetry properties of K, in particular its hermiticity within error bars, has to be checked. Our results pass these checks, indicating that the correlation matrix was implemented correctly. The set of operators An important assumption is that the operators couple differently to the excited states. In other words, the operators used, should be as orthogonal to each other as possible. Unfortunately it turned out that the relative shift n of ψ and ψ does not give rise to operators which differ strongly in their overlap with the excited states. This is demonstrated in Fig. 8.2, where we show the quenched correlators for different values of n for the γ1 case (l.h.s.) and the γ5 case (r.h.s.). It is obvious that the correlators behave almost identically in the small–t–range, where the excited states dominate. However, comparing γ1 and γ5 shows that changing the γ–matrix indeed changes the coupling to the excitations. Altogether we are unfortunately reduced to a 2 × 2 sub matrix with entries constructed from the two following operators: q1 (x, t) = ψ(x, t) γ1 ψ(x, t) , (8.22) q2 (x, t) = ψ(x, t) γ5 ψ(x, t) . (8.23) A possible other class of operators could be obtained by additionally inserting a discretized version of γ1 ∂1 into (8.22) and (8.23), respectively, so–called p– waves. This may give rise to operators which are more orthogonal as the simple bilinears. Combination of cosh– and sinh–type correlators A second problem appears due to the different decay properties of the diagonal and the off–diagonal correlators. On the diagonal we find a cosh behavior, while 58 10 -2 10 n=0 n=3 n=6 γ1 10 10 Chapter 8. Correlation functions and the mass spectrum -3 -2 10 -4 10 0 5 10 20 15 t -3 -4 30 25 n=0 n=3 n=6 γ5 0 5 10 15 t 20 25 30 Figure 8.2: Correlators with three different shifts n. On the l.h.s. the correlators with γ1 , on the r.h.s. these with γ5 sandwiched between the fermion fields, are plotted. We included 9000 quenched configurations on a 32×64 lattice for g = 0.1 and m = 0.1. 10 -5 6.1×10 10 0 1st EV, GEVP 2nd EV, GEVP 1st EV, SEVP 2nd EV, SEVP -5 4.7×10 -3 -5 3.6×10 10 -1 -5 2.8×10 -4 10 10 -5 18 19 t 20 21 -2 10 K11(t) K12(t), K21(t)* K22(t) -3 0 5 10 15 t 20 (a) Matrix elements 25 30 10 0 5 10 15 t 20 25 30 (b) Eigenvalues Figure 8.3: On the l.h.s. the three different matrix elements of the correlation matrix are plotted, while on the r.h.s. two sets of eigenvalues are shown. On the one hand the eigenvalues for the generalized eigenvalue problem (GEVP) are plotted in black, on the other hand one sees the eigenvalues for the standard eigenvalue problem (SEVP) as red lines/symbols. These results are extracted from 9000 configurations on a 32 × 64 lattice for g = 0.1 and m = 0.1. 8.3. Excited state masses via the variational method 59 for the two off–diagonal entries a sinh behavior is seen. We illustrate this in Fig. 8.3. Although we do not use quenched data, the precision is very high and thus allows us to see the subtle effect from the different symmetries of cosh and sinh, which in usual QCD calculations [32, 33] is hidden under statistical noise. In the left–hand side plot of Fig. 8.3 we show the two diagonal elements and the off–diagonal element γ1 γ5 . Near t = L2 /2 the diagonal entries bend up again, while the sinh–type off–diagonal entries go through zero. Consequently the curves have to cross. This crossing takes place around tcross = 19.5 in the plot (see the insert in the upper right corner of Fig. 8.3(a)). When analyzing the eigenvalues of the generalized eigenvalue problem (see r.h.s. plot of Fig. 8.3), we find that slightly below this critical value tcross = 19.5 the eigenvalues start to show irregular behavior. We conclude that for an analysis only values t < tcross should be taken into account, where the different behavior of sinh– and cosh–type correlators can be neglected. This restriction is also strengthened by a comparison of the eigenvalues for the generalized eigenvalue problem (GEVP) with those for the standard eigenvalue problem (SEVP), which can be found in Fig. 8.3(b). The different sets of eigenvalues match again for t = L2 /2 because for that point in time the off–diagonal sinh–type correlator goes through zero, that means it vanishes. Reweighting compared to pruned and quenched results When studying which operators are best for the calculation of the eigenvalues we also experimented with the weight factor det(M). Two alternative approaches are studied qualitatively. On the one hand we omit the contributions with the largest determinants (pruning) to suppress the strong fluctuations of the observables. On the other hand we present a quenched calculation, i.e., we set det(M) = 1 for every configuration. In Fig. 8.4 we show the largest eigenvalue (corresponding to the ground state) for these different processes. It can be clearly seen that by pruning, as well as quenching, the curves of the eigenvalues are shifted upwards, i.e., the mass goes down (in comparison to the full theory). The factor by which the mass decreases is not studied here, this observation should just be seen as a qualitative aspect of the used calculation techniques. 60 Chapter 8. Correlation functions and the mass spectrum 0 10 full theory 1% omitted 2% omitted 5% omitted 10% omitted quenched -1 10 -2 10 0 5 10 15 t 20 25 30 Figure 8.4: The first eigenvalue (corresponding to the ground state mass) for the full theory, omitting x% of the largest determinants and a quenched calculation. 9000 configurations on a 32 × 64 lattice are used, the coupling is g = 0.1 and the bare mass parameter is m = 0.1. Eigenvalues and the mass spectrum Analytic calculations concerning the mass spectrum of the GN–model were done in [34, 35] in the large Nf limit. When one expands the given formula in a power series in 1/Nf the result is mj = j m1 1 + O 1/Nf2 , j = 2, 3, . . . (8.24) In other words, in leading order the mass of the excited states is a multiple of the ground state mass m1 . For our case, however, this statement has to be taken with a grain of salt because we analyze the GN–model only for Nf = 1! The eigenvalues of some 2 × 2 matrices are plotted in Fig. 8.5 for different couplings g and masses m. Therefrom we extracted the ground state masses and the masses for the first excited states. These results can be found in Fig. 8.6. As one can see from these plots, Eq. (8.24) can not be confirmed. Of course, these calculations are “a shot in the dark” due to the included number of flavors. 8.3. Excited state masses via the variational method 10 10 0 10 ground state 1st excited -1 10 -2 ground state 1st excited -1 10 -3 10 -4 10 0 0 -2 10 10 -3 -4 5 10 15 t 20 25 30 10 0 5 (a) g = 0.02, m = 0.1 10 10 15 t 20 10 ground state 1st excited -2 -2 10 10 -4 -4 10 10 -6 -6 5 10 15 t 20 25 30 10 0 5 (c) g = 0.02, m = 0.2 10 ground state 1st excited -2 10 10 15 t 20 25 30 (d) g = 0.1, m = 0.2 0 0 ground state 1st excited -2 10 -4 -4 10 10 -6 -6 10 10 -8 10 0 30 0 ground state 1st excited 10 25 (b) g = 0.1, m = 0.1 0 10 0 61 -8 5 10 15 t 20 (e) g = 0.02, m = 0.3 25 30 10 0 5 10 15 t 20 25 30 (f) g = 0.1, m = 0.3 Figure 8.5: Eigenvalues of different 2 × 2 correlation matrices. From top to bottom the mass rises from m = 0.1 to m = 0.3, where the coupling is g = 0.02 on the l.h.s. plots and g = 0.1 on the r.h.s. plots. We used 9000 configurations on a 32 × 64 lattice for each of the parameter sets. 62 Chapter 8. Correlation functions and the mass spectrum 0.8 0.8 ground state 1st excited ground state 1st excited 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 m 0.3 0.0 0.1 (a) g = 0.02 0.2 m 0.3 (b) g = 0.1 Figure 8.6: Masses from a fit of the eigenvalues from Fig. 8.5. On the l.h.s. the results for g = 0.02 for the bare mass parameters m = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 can be found. On the r.h.s. we show results for the same set of masses m, but for coupling g = 0.1. However, one could most likely improve this method by including the mentioned p–wave sources in the used set of operators, and take into account several flavors, since the only change is that det(M) is raised to the power Nf in the calculations. Thus this model can serve as a “toy–model”, which maybe useful to obtain deeper insight into 4–dimensional QCD calculations. 8.4 Lines of constant physics In this section we want to pick up the topic from 7.3 again. There we found lines in the g–m–plane, which correspond to a “massless theory”. Now these calculations are expanded to a bigger range of the coupling g and the mass m. We systematically compute the correlators C11 and C44 in the g–m–plane. Afterwards the fitting procedure (as explained before in Sec. 8.2) is applied. Thus for several points (g, m) we get a physical mass mphys (g, m), which is plotted as a surface in Fig. 8.7 for C11 . The masses for C44 are so similar to those from C11 that another plot of the type of Fig. 8.7 would not differ enough to see any difference. Now we are able to find the “lines of constant physics”, i.e., that combination of the parameters g and m where the physical mass stays the same within errors. 8.4. Lines of constant physics 63 To see things clearly, we also plotted the contour of the surface in Fig. 8.8. We can compare the evolution of these lines with the coupling g with those from Fig. 7.6. Although the lattice extension is not the same in both calculations, all the lines behave similar with increasing coupling g. That confirms again the consistency of our calculations, because we obtained these (similar) results with completely different methods. Chapter 8. Correlation functions and the mass spectrum m -0.2 -0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 mphys (g, m) -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 g 0 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 64 Figure 8.7: The physical mass of the correlator C11 for a wide range of the coupling g and mass m. For each point in the g–m–plane we used 1000 configurations on a 24 × 64 lattice. 0.2 0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 65 g 0.2 0.25 8.4. Lines of constant physics -0.1 m 0 Figure 8.8: The contour plot to Fig. 8.7. The lines indicate where the value of the physical mass is constant. 0.3 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.01 Chapter 9 A comparison between the standard and the loop approach In this chapter we systematically compare the results and techniques for the two representations of the GN–model, the standard formalism as presented in Chaps. 2–4 on the one hand, and the model in terms of loop variables, discussed in Sec. 3.5 and App. A of this work and also in more detail in [3], on the other hand. Even though the free case (g = 0) is trivially solved in the standard approach by Fourier transformation, it has the same significance for this comparison as g 6= 0, because in the loop representation one has to run a complete Monte–Carlo simulation also for g = 0. First we want to give a review of the formulas needed. The expressions in loop variables are presented only and will not be derived. Then results will be compared and discussed. 9.1 The basic formulas Let us first collect the basic formulas for the observables that we will compare. The partition function in terms of loop variables (cf. Sec. 3.5) for the one–flavor 67 68 Chapter 9. A comparison between the standard and the loop approach model (the two sets of loops are characterized by the colors red (r) and blue (b)) reads X 1 c n1 n0 √ ZL = 2+m (2 + m)2 + g . (9.1) 2 r,b The sum is over the species r, b of self avoiding loops. c denotes the total number of corners and n0 , n1 are the numbers of empty and singly occupied sites. When we define the factors f1 and f2 as f1 = f1 (g, m) ≡ 2+m , (2 + m)2 + g f2 = f2 (g, m) ≡ 1 , (2 + m)2 + g the partition function can be written as V X c 1 1 √ ZL = f1n1 f2n2 , f2 2 r,b (9.2) (9.3) where n2 now is the number of double occupied sites. The observables we address are mainly bulk observables, they are obtained from derivatives of the logarithm of the partition function with respect to one of the bare parameters m or g. The chiral condensate The chiral condensate is defined as the derivative of the partition function with respect to the mass parameter m. The expression, suitable for a MC simulation in the standard formalism, is given in Eq. (5.10). For the loop approach it is 1 f2 1 ∂ (L) ln ZL = − hn1 i + 2f2 hn0 i . (9.4) χ =− V ∂m V f1 The chiral susceptibility The chiral susceptibility is obtained by another derivative of the chiral condensate with respect to m. For the standard approach see Eq. (5.12), in loop variables the susceptibility is Cχ(L) 1 ∂2 ln ZL = − V ∂m2 h 1 = [4f12 − 2f2 ] (n0 − hn0 i)2 + (f2 /f1 )2 − 2f2 (n1 − hn1 i)2 V i + 2f2 (n0 + n1 − hn0 + n1 i)2 − [4f12 − 2f2 ]hn0 i − (f2 /f1 )2 hn1 i . (9.5) 9.2. Results for bulk observables in the free case 69 The interaction density We consider another observable, the interaction density, which is given by the derivative of the partition function with respect to the coupling g. Eq. (5.14) is the formula for the standard approach, while for the loop approach one has ρ(L) = 2 ∂ 2f2 ln ZL = hn0 i . V ∂g V (9.6) Having collected all the formulas we compare the results from the two formalisms now, we start the comparison with the free case and then look at the case with g 6= 0. 9.2 Results for bulk observables in the free case In this section we present results for both approaches to the GN–model for the special case of a vanishing coupling constant g = 0. The way to calculate results for this case is completely different in the two representations, concerning time and effort, as well as the way of the implementation. The standard approach at g = 0 can be solved analytically using Fourier transformation. We can compute the inverse of the Dirac matrix in a few lines of algebra (compare Eqs. (6.7), (6.8)) and thus obtain formulas for the bulk observables as analytical exact expressions. Although already mentioned in Sec. 6.3, we want to point out again the following fact: In the free case g = 0 the scalar fields, φ(n), do not couple to the fermion fields ψ(n) and ψ(n). As a consequence for each value of m only one run of our program is needed to get the final result and no statistical errors appear. Furthermore we can do calculations for much bigger lattices and less computer time is needed. One encounters a completely different situation in the simulation with loops. Although the factors f1 , f2 from (9.2) simplify to f1 = 1 , 2+m f2 = 1 , (2 + m)2 (9.7) a complete Monte–Carlo simulation has to be run in the loop representation at g = 0. This implies that also in the free case the results from the loop calculations have statistical errors. 70 Chapter 9. A comparison between the standard and the loop approach In Figs. 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 we plot the three bulk observables discussed in Sec. 9.1. For these plots four different lattices sizes were always taken into account, from 162 up to 1282 . In the plots for the chiral condensate (Fig. 9.1) and the interaction density (Fig. 9.3) one sees that the different data sets agree very well for the lattice sizes 322 and larger. The biggest gap between our data from the standard approach (solid lines), and the data sets from loop calculations (symbols), is found for the smallest lattice volume of 162 . For the chiral susceptibility the discrepancy is becoming acceptable from a lattice size of 642 on, but one has to bear in mind the big difference in the available data points for this region of m. The reason for this discrepancy in the two approaches are finite size effects from different types of boundary conditions, which we briefly analyze now. The finite volume effects of the loop approach are discussed in detail in [3], based on mean field arguments. This approach has (for quadratic lattices) three distinct sectors, corresponding to even/odd numbers of windings for red and blue loops. It was shown that these sectors differ by corrections proportional to 1/L. For the loop representation of the Ising model, it is expected (see [36]) that the standard approach with periodic boundary conditions, can be written as a linear combination of the three sectors in the loop approach. A similar picture is expected to hold for the loop approach in the Gross–Neveu model. Since we here compare to a single fixed sector (only even windings), we expect to find O(1/L)–effects when comparing standard and loop approach. Such a finite size effect is evident in Figs. 9.1 to 9.3. In order to test whether the effect is of order O(1/L), we compare the chiral condensate in the free case g = 0 for m = 0 and study this as a function of L. In Fig. 9.4 we plot the difference of the loop and the standard results as a function of ln(L). It can be clearly seen in this plot, that the data points fall nicely on a straight line for all three sectors of the loop approach. We fit these lines using the data points for lattice extensions of L = 128 and below. For the “empty” sector in the loop representation data for L = 256 and L = 512 are also available. But these two data points do not fall on the straight line. The reason is most likely that for such big lattices the local update algorithm used in [3] would have to run longer to compensate for critical slowing down. A way out would be the implementation of cluster algorithms to update the system in the loop representation. 9.2. Results for bulk observables in the free case 71 2 -0.65 standard, 16 2 loop, 16 2 standard, 32 2 loop, 32 χ(m) -0.7 -0.75 -0.8 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 m 0.1 0.2 0.3 (a) χ for lattice sizes 162 and 322 2 -0.65 standard, 64 2 loop, 64 2 standard, 128 2 loop, 128 χ(m) -0.7 -0.75 -0.8 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 m 0.1 0.2 0.3 (b) χ for lattice sizes 642 and 1282 Figure 9.1: The chiral condensate χ for the free case g = 0 as a function of m. At top we show the lattice sizes 162 and 322 , below 642 and 1282 . The solid lines correspond to results from the standard approach and the symbols represent points, calculated with the loop approach, respectively. 72 Chapter 9. A comparison between the standard and the loop approach 0.2 0 Cχ(m) -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 2 standard, 16 2 loop, 16 2 standard, 32 2 loop, 32 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 m 0.1 0.2 0.3 (a) Cχ for lattice sizes 162 and 322 0.2 0 Cχ(m) -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 2 standard, 64 2 loop, 64 2 standard, 128 2 loop,128 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 m 0.1 0.2 0.3 (b) Cχ for lattice sizes 642 and 1282 Figure 9.2: Same as Fig. 9.1, now for the chiral susceptibility Cχ . 9.2. Results for bulk observables in the free case 0.35 ρ(m) 0.3 2 standard, 16 2 loop, 16 2 standard, 32 2 loop, 32 0.25 0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 m 0.1 0.2 0.3 (a) ρ for lattice sizes 162 and 322 0.35 ρ(m) 0.3 2 standard, 64 2 loop, 64 2 standard, 128 2 loop, 128 0.25 0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 m 0.1 0.2 0.3 (b) ρ for lattice sizes 642 and 1282 Figure 9.3: Same as Fig. 9.1, now for the interaction density ρ. 73 74 Chapter 9. A comparison between the standard and the loop approach -1 10 10 empty single double -2 ~ 0.80717 / L ~ 0.30358 / L ~ 0.25125 / L -3 10 10 100 L Figure 9.4: The modulus of the difference between results for χ from the standard and the loop approach, as a function of the linear lattice extension L, which varies from 8 up to 512. These numbers are calculated for g = 0.0 and m = 0.0. The curves correspond to the three distinct sectors for quadratic lattices in the loop approach, whereas for the calculations with standard methods mixed boundary conditions are always used. The solid lines are fits to those data points where L 6 128. The investigated comparison for the free case is quite meaningful because for the standard method exact analytic results are known. In that case large lattice volumes can be analyzed, what has as a consequence that finite size effects can be studied in great detail. Since for the free case the presented results from the two different approaches match up to finite size effects, it is expected that in the coupled case g 6= 0 the mapping from [2] is also correct. This case will be analyzed and discussed now. 9.3. Results for bulk observables at nonvanishing coupling 9.3 75 Results for bulk observables at nonvanishing coupling In this section we compare the same observables as before, but now for the situation where the coupling has a finite value of g = 0.1. Due to large computer costs for the standard approach in that case, we are unfortunately reduced to lattices 322 and smaller. In Fig. 9.5 the chiral condensate is shown for the two different lattices 162 and 322 . The chiral susceptibility Cχ is plotted in Fig. 9.6 for the same lattices and the interaction density can be found in Fig. 9.7. Comparing these data to that from the free case the results do not match so well and the finite size effect has a larger amplitude. The physical mechanism for this observation can be understood as follows: Here, we only compare data from the empty sector of the loop representation with that from the standard approach. As afore mentioned, it is expected that the standard approach with antiperiodic boundary conditions can be written as a linear combination of the three sectors in the loop approach. That means we simply neglect contributions from other sectors than the empty one in the comparison. Since the weight factors f1 , f2 decrease with increasing coupling g, the occupation density of loops goes down and finite size effects dominate more because of the missing sectors. However, for a more detailed analysis using mean field techniques and numerical data see [3]. We conclude with a couple of comments. The overall behavior of the observables is qualitatively the same for both approaches: The curves for χ become steeper and the peak in Cχ gets sharper and is shifted towards zero mass for bigger lattices. Also the slope of ρ increases with larger lattice volumes. Although a comparison for large lattices (say > 642 ) is not possible here, there is no doubt that results from the fermion loop representation of the Gross–Neveu model match those from the standard approach for infinite volumes. 9.4 n–point correlators in both formalisms Not only bulk quantities but also n–point correlators have to match in the two approaches. Thus, again data for the correlators from the free case and for non– vanishing coupling are compared. 76 Chapter 9. A comparison between the standard and the loop approach 2 -0.65 standard, 16 2 loop, 16 χ(m) -0.7 -0.75 -0.8 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 m (a) χ for lattice size 162 0.2 0.3 2 -0.65 standard, 32 2 loop, 32 χ(m) -0.7 -0.75 -0.8 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 m (b) χ for lattice size 322 0.2 0.3 Figure 9.5: The chiral condensate χ for g = 0.1 as a function of m. On the top plot we show the lattice size 162 , below 322 . The solid lines correspond to results from the standard approach and the symbols represent points, calculated with the loop approach, respectively. 9.4. n–point correlators in both formalisms 0.2 2 standard, 16 2 loop, 16 Cχ(m) 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.3 0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 m (a) Cχ for lattice size 162 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 2 standard, 32 2 loop, 32 0 Cχ(m) -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 m (b) Cχ for lattice size 322 Figure 9.6: Same as Fig. 9.5, but now for the chiral susceptibility Cχ . 77 78 Chapter 9. A comparison between the standard and the loop approach 0.35 ρ(m) 0.3 2 standard, 16 2 loop, 16 0.25 0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 m (a) ρ for lattice size 162 0.2 0.3 0.35 ρ(m) 0.3 2 standard, 32 2 loop, 32 0.25 0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 m (b) ρ for lattice size 322 0.2 0.3 Figure 9.7: Same as Fig. 9.5, but now for the interaction density ρ. 9.4. n–point correlators in both formalisms 79 -2 10 12x64 16x64 20x64 24x64 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 0 10 20 30 t 40 50 60 Figure 9.8: The scalar correlator (i.e., the unit matrix is sandwiched between the fermion fields) for the free case g = 0 and m = 0.1 as a function of t. Four different lattice sizes are included. The solid lines are results from the standard approach, the triangles represent data points, calculated with the loop approach (no error bars are depicted for that points!). In Fig. 9.8 2–point correlators are shown for different lattice volumes. There it is obvious that by going to larger lattices the corresponding curves approximate each other more and more. In addition to that, two other qualitative arguments hold, namely the bottom values decline in the same way for both curves and the plateaus are shrinking in their extension. The coupled case with g = 0.1 is found in Fig. 9.9. In those plots we are no longer able to use a logarithmic scale on the y–axis, because the fluctuations of the data from the standard approach is so high that negative values appear in the correlator. Hence, no error bars are inserted so that the picture is not additionally blurred. However, we stress that the errors are at the one percent level. Anyway, the agreement (within the precision of the measurement) of the data sets and thus also the correctness of the mapping is seen in that plots. The remaining discrepancy is again, of course, concerned with different boundary conditions of the approaches and the finite site effect. 80 Chapter 9. A comparison between the standard and the loop approach -4 2×10 -4 1×10 0 -4 -1×10 0 10 20 30 t 40 50 60 50 60 (a) 12 × 64 lattice -4 2×10 -4 1×10 0 -4 -1×10 0 10 20 30 t 40 (b) 16 × 64 lattice Figure 9.9: Here the scalar correlator is plotted for the coupling g = 0.1 and the mass m = 0.1. In these four plots the lattice extension L1 increases from 12 up to 24, the lattice extension in time–direction always is L2 = 64. The black squares 9.4. n–point correlators in both formalisms 81 -4 2×10 -4 1×10 0 -4 -1×10 0 10 20 30 40 t 50 60 (c) 20 × 64 lattice -4 2×10 -4 1×10 0 -4 -1×10 0 10 20 30 t 40 50 60 (d) 24 × 64 lattice are results from the standard approach, the red triangles are from the loop approach (the symbols are connected to guide the eye). No error bars are plotted here to emphasize the shape of the curves. 82 Chapter 9. A comparison between the standard and the loop approach The mapping presented in [2] is exact for infinite volume. We have convinced ourselves that the numerical approach, based on the two representations, gives the same results up to corrections of order O(1/L). What remains is a discussion of advantages and disadvantages for working with the different representations. This is done in the next section. 9.5 Standard techniques vs. loop approach – pros and cons In the previous sections we could convince ourselves by a comparison of results, that the numerical treatment of the GN–model in the two representations produces the same results up to boundary terms of order O(1/L). However, a final important question is: Is it lucrative to use this loop approach? This issue will be discussed now. The main advantage of the standard approach is that it is “standard”. This means that the techniques are well known, the used algorithm and the implementation is straight forward (routines like LAPACK can be used, etc.). Also the formalism itself is less complicated than the loop approach, where a lot of work is built into finding the representation and expressions for observables. Once having such a mapping one has to develop algorithms to update the system. Depending on the chosen algorithm the ergodicity has to be checked, whereas it is obvious in the standard approach. Actually the Gross–Neveu model is a model with Nf flavors. To do a simulation with Nf > 1, the determinant just has to be raised to the power Nf in the standard approach. This enterprise is much harder for the loop representation, since the model is a 72Nf vertex model. In other words, already for Nf = 2 the system would consist of 2401 vertices, instead of 49 in the one flavor case. A simulation would have to update 4 sets of self–avoiding loops. Of course the standard approach does not win every competition one can think of. Two advantages of the loop model carry really much weight for lattice calculations. These are on the one hand drastically reduced numerical costs and on the other hand the manageable lattice volumes. Observables in the loop approach only consist of simple quantities like occupation numbers of loops or number of corners. Since these numbers are even integers, one can imagine that 9.5. Standard techniques vs. loop approach – pros and cons 83 hardware requirements are very low and thus the analysis can also be done with a desktop PC. The other great advantage is that really huge lattice volumes from the order of O(106 ) lattice points are feasible with the loop approach. Due to the enormous computer costs only about O(103 ) lattice points are realistic with standard methods (on a small PC cluster). To summarize the facts above one can say that loop models in lattice field theories maybe of advantage if one accepts the (mostly) hard preparative work. But always the standard approach (especially analytical known cases) have to be used to check the mappings. Chapter 10 Summary and outlook We shortly summarize the calculations and present conclusions. To finish, an outlook is given regarding further analysis of this model, and questions of interest to be addressed in future studies of loop representations for fermionic models. Summary In this diploma thesis we analyzed the 2–dimensional Gross–Neveu model on the lattice, using Monte–Carlo methods. The aim of this work was on the one hand to obtain deeper insight into the GN–model and on the other to check the applicability of a fermion loop representation through a comparison of results. The loop representation avoids the awkward fermion sign problem one faces in the standard approach. Our simulation used a partial reweighting strategy for the importance sampling in the Monte–Carlo simulation. Observables were computed for configurations of the scalar field, generated according to a Gaussian distribution, and the explicitly calculated fermion determinant was multiplied as weight factor. In the end the averaged observables were normalized with the sum of all determinants. The results are divided into two main parts, namely the computation of observables with the standard approach, and their comparison to the data from the loop representation. 85 86 Chapter 10. Summary and outlook For an assessment of the reweighting strategy we studied the Dirac matrix M in great detail. First the distribution of the values of det(M) was analyzed. We found that the distribution of the determinant is peaked sharply for small couplings and that the peak is getting less pronounced as the coupling increases and fluctuations become more important. Subsequently the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator were studied. These results showed that the scatter of the eigenvalues is less for smaller couplings, confirming the picture obtained from the analysis of the distribution of det(M). The edge of the eigenvalue distribution was used to compute the critical mass parameter of the system. The conclusion from this analysis is that results from reweighting are much more precise for small couplings and thus this strategy is more reliable in the weak coupling regime. An important quantity, also studied with standard methods, were 2–point correlators. Such correlation functions are the key ingredient in mass spectroscopy, and using them we presented results for ground state masses. To extract the masses of excitations we performed a first exploratory study with the variational method. It turned out that only two operators of our initial set were suitable for calculations, and thus just one excited mass could be computed. We believe that the use of p–wave sources could improve this simulation. However, already with this small set of basis operators interesting properties of the variational method could be seen from the toy–model. Since it is a 2–dimensional model which we are investigating, the statistics are much better than in a 4–dimensional model, due to reduced computational costs. We found effects from different correlator symmetries that are normally hidden under statistical noise in 4–dimensional QCD calculations. In particular it was the difference between the sinh– and cosh–type elements in the correlation matrix. The extracted eigenvalues started to show an irregular behavior, as soon as the two different parts began to cross each other. Such an unwanted effect can be avoided by using larger lattice extensions in time direction, to shift this crossing to higher t. We argue that there the numerical effort is a better investment than in a naive enhancement of the statistics. With these correlation functions we also computed the physical mass in a wide range of the couplings, confirming the results for the critical mass parameter of the system. That in the end demonstrates the consistency of our calculations. 87 A third important part is the comparison of results for the two different representations of the Gross–Neveu model, the standard approach and the loop representation. First bulk observables were compared to each other in the free and in the coupled case. In the free case analytically exact results are available for the standard approach from Fourier transformation, while in the loop formulation a complete simulation is necessary. Thus the comparison is rather meaningful even in the free case. Indeed results for the condensates were found to match already for small lattice volumes, whereas the susceptibility was found to be more influenced by finite size effects. In the coupled case we were reduced to smaller lattices due to the large computational costs in the standard approach. Nevertheless, results for the two representations were found to match also here, but a comparison on larger lattices would be helpful. The discrepancies can be explained with finite size effects, which are more important in the coupled case. In the second part of the comparison we investigated correlators. Again the two cases, free and coupled, were taken into account. We found agreement of the two approaches, but since the fluctuations are higher in these quantities, a comparison is harder than for the bulk observables. To summarize this comparison, one can say that results for the two approaches do match up to finite size effects. Since each representation has its advantages, it depends on the problem under consideration, which formulation should be used. Outlook Of course a lot more work can be done on the 2–dimensional Gross–Neveu model. But since it is a 2d model, one should ask what can really be learned from that. However, we want to mention two interesting questions, which could be important for further QCD calculations. One of these tasks is a simulations with more than only one flavor. Especially for the standard approach this is rather easy, because one only has to rise the fermion determinant to the power of the number of flavors. In the loop approach one would have to update 4 sets of self avoiding loops. Another property of the model should be investigated more, namely its spectrum of excitations. These excitations are known exactly in the large Nf limit. Reproducing those in a dedicated lattice simulation would certainly improve our techniques for computing excitations with the variational method. Appendix A The loop representation of the Gross–Neveu model Here we want to summarize the loop representation for the Gross–Neveu model. It can be shown [2], that the fermion determinant for Wilson fermions, coupled to an external field, is equivalent to self–avoiding loops interacting with this external field. More precisely, we write the fermion determinant as an exponential of a sum over closed loops. The auxiliary fields along such loops are collected as factors for this loop. In principle the loops can have arbitrary length and may iterate themselves several times. Thus we would expect any desired power of the fields, but on a finite lattice we have a finite polynomial in the fields for the determinant. This means an infinitely number of contributions cancel each other out in the expansion of the exponential. Now we want to perform this expansion with the so–called hopping expansion. The first step is writing the Dirac matrix as M(n, m) = h(n) [1 − H(n, m)] , (A.1) with the hopping matrix H(n, m) = ±2 X 1 Γµ δn+µ̂,m , h(n) µ=±1 (A.2) and the (locally varying) hopping parameter h(n) = 2 + m + 89 √ g φ(n) . (A.3) 90 Appendix A. The loop representation of the Gross–Neveu model When we use the well–known trace–logarithm formula, det(1 − H) = exp Tr [ln(1 − H)] , we obtain the following form for the determinant, Y det(M) = h2 (n) det(1 − H) n = Y n ∞ X 1 2 h (n) exp − Tr [H n ] n n=1 (A.4) ! . (A.5) In the second step we wrote the logarithm as a power series. Because of the Kronecker delta in Eq. (A.2) we only get contributions to Tr [H n ] for even n = 2k. More precisely, we only have to take into account closed loops, and thus loops of even length. For even n we get Y X X Y 1 Tr Γµ . (A.6) Tr H 2k = h(m) (2k) n µ∈L L∈Ln m∈P (L) (2k) Here Ln is the set of loops of length 2k and starting point n, and P (L) the amount of visited lattice points. The last product is a ordered product of the Γµ as they appear along the loop L. We also want to remark that Γ±µ Γ∓µ ∝ (1 ∓ γµ )(1 ± γµ ) = 0 . (A.7) As a consequence back–tracking loops are excluded, that are loops which turn by 180 degrees on a lattice point. One more step is needed, namely computing the trace of the product of the matrices Γµ . The result is [37, 38, 39] c(L) Y 1 s(L) √ , (A.8) Tr Γµ = −(−1) 2 µ∈L with s(L), c(L) as the number of self intersections of the loop and the number of corners, respectively. The final result for the determinant, using (A.6) and (A.8), is c(L) Y ∞ Y X X X 1 1 1 det(M) = h2 (n) exp (−1)s(L) √ . 2k m h(l) 2 (2k) n k=1 L∈Lm l∈P (L) (A.9) 91 Now we are prepared to compare this result to the hopping expansion of a generalized 8–vertex model [20]. In such a model one has a local varying field ϕ(n) coupled to every vertex. The eight vertices are represented by eight quadratic tiles with different weight factors. To build up allowed configurations, one has to arrange the tiles in a way such that only closed loops are created. The partition function then is a sum over all possible tilings and the Boltzmann weight is given by a product of the weights wi for all the tiles used to get the specific tiling. In addition to that we acquire a product of the external fields for the tiling. The result is 8 XY Y n (T ) Z8V = wi i ϕ(n) . (A.10) T ∈T i=1 n∈P (T ) Here P (T ) is the set of all tiles occupied by the special tiling T and ni (T ) is the number how often tile number i is present. Now we can again apply the hopping expansion to Eq. (A.10). What we get is ∞ 8 X X X Y Y 1 1 1 n (L) (−1)s(L) |L| Z8V = (−1)V w1V exp wi i ϕ(n) . 2 2k m L∈L w1 i=3 k=1 n∈P (L) m (A.11) The sum runs over all closed loops of arbitrary length, which is denoted by |L|, but one has to count only one of the possible directions. The expression above does not contain w2 because it is related to the other weights via the free fermion condition [40] w1 w2 + w3 w4 = w5 w6 + w7 w8 . (A.12) When we compare Eqs. (A.9) and (A.11), we find that the sums in the exponent become identical when we set w1 = w3 = w4 = 1, 1 w5 = w6 = w7 = w8 = √ , 2 ϕ(n) = 1 . h(n) (A.13) w2 vanishes because of the free fermion condition. An important observation is that the arguments of the exponents still differ by a factor of 2. This comes from the fact that the action for the Wilson fermions is a bilinear form, and thus gives rise to a determinant. The Grassmann action for (A.10) on the other hand is quadratic and gives a Pfaffian when integrating out the Grassmann variables. 92 Appendix A. The loop representation of the Gross–Neveu model The final form for the determinant, including all the facts mentioned above, is 2 c(L) Y Y X 1 1 √ 2 . √ det(M) = 2+m+ g φ(n) √ 2 + m + g φ(m) 2 n L∈Lsa m∈P (L) (A.14) Here Lsa is the set of self avoiding loops. Now we can bring the GN–model into play. We integrate [det(M)]N (for N flavors) over the auxiliary field using a Gaussian weight factor. Then we obtain the following partition function, X 1 c(L1 )+...+c(L2N ) Y √ G[2N − On (L1 , . . . , L2N )] . (A.15) ZL = 2 n L1 ,...,L2N The new function On (L1 , . . . , L2N ) gives us the number how many of the 2N independent loops occupy the lattice point n. The function G is defined as Z x dφ(n) −φ2 (n)/2 √ √ e 2 + m + g φ(n) , x = 1, . . . , 2N . (A.16) G[x] = 2π To summarize the calculations above, we see that the Gross–Neveu model is equivalent to a model of 2N independent and self avoiding loops. Thus we created a mapping from the GN–model to a 72N vertex model (because w2 = 0) with 2N different line colors. For only one flavor, the case studied with the loop representation in [3], the integrals from Eq. (A.16) are resulting in G[1] = 2 + m , G[2] = (2 + m)2 + g . (A.17) In the sum in (A.15) two loop species then have to be taken into account. For graphic purposes let us give the self avoiding loops two colors, namely red (r) and blue (b). The partition function for the one–flavor Gross–Neveu model in the fermion loop representation is given by X 1 c(r)+c(b) n1 n0 √ 2+m (2 + m)2 + g , (A.18) ZL = 2 r,b where n1 and n0 denote the number of single occupied or empty lattice sites, respectively. Appendix B Fourier transformation on the lattice In this appendix, we collect the main formulas for Fourier transformation on the lattice. We consider a function f (n), defined on the lattice Λ = {n = (n1 , n2 ) | nµ = 0, . . . , Lµ − 1} , (B.1) with the volume V = L1 L2 . For our lattice we use toroidal boundary conditions in both directions µ, f (n + µ̂Lµ ) = e2πiϑµ f (n) . (B.2) µ̂ is the unit-vector in µ-direction and ϑµ = 0 for periodic boundary conditions, or ϑµ = 1/2 for anti–periodic boundary conditions. e corresponding to Λ with the boundary conditions The momentum space Λ, (3.2) is e = {p = (p1 , p2 ) | pµ = 2π (kµ + ϑµ ), kµ = 0, . . . , Lµ − 1} . Λ aLµ (B.3) The key formula for Fourier transformation on the lattice is (l integer, 0 ≤ l ≤ N − 1) N −1 1 X 2π (B.4) exp i l · k = δl,k . N N k=0 The proof of this identity is trivial for l = 0 and otherwise follows from the 93 94 Appendix B. Fourier transformation on the lattice geometric sum N −1 X qk = k=0 1 − qN , 1−q for q = e2πiN/l . (B.5) From (B.4) we derive the following expressions: 1 X exp ip[n − m]a = δ(n − m) = δn1 ,m1 δn2 ,m2 , V (B.6) e p∈Λ 1 X exp i[p − q]na = δ(p − q) . V n∈Λ We define the Fourier transform fe(p) of f (n) as 1 X f (n) exp(−ipna) . fe(p) = a2 √ V n∈Λ (B.7) (B.8) The inverse transformation then is f (n) = 1 √ a2 V X e p∈Λ fe(p) exp(ipna) . The last equation follows from inserting (B.8) in (B.9) and using (B.6). (B.9) Appendix C γ5–hermiticity of the lattice Dirac operator Our Dirac operator on the lattice is given by ±2 X √ M(n, m) = 2 + m + g φ(n) δn,m − Γµ δn+µ̂,m . (C.1) µ=±1 When we expand the sum and use that Γ±µ = (1 ∓ γµ )/2, we end up with the following equation, 2 X 1 − γµ √ δn+µ̂,m M(n, m) = 2 + m + g φ(n) δn,m − 2 µ=1 − 2 X 1 + γµ µ=1 2 δn−µ̂,m . (C.2) To be γ5 –hermitian, the matrix M has to obey the identity γ5 M γ5 = M † . 95 (C.3) 96 Appendix C. γ5 –hermiticity of the lattice Dirac operator To proof that the Dirac operator is in fact γ5 –hermitian, we calculate both sides of Eq. (C.3). For the l.h.s. we get 2 X 1 − γ5 γµ γ5 √ γ5 M(n, m) γ5 = γ5 2 + m + g φ(n) γ5 δn,m − δn+µ̂,m 2 µ=1 − = 2+m+ √ 2 X 1 + γ5 γµ γ5 2 µ=1 g φ(n) δn,m − − 2 X 1 + γµ µ=1 2 2 X 1 − γµ µ=1 2 δn−µ̂,m (C.4) δn+µ̂,m δn−µ̂,m , (C.5) where we used that γ52 = 1 and the anti–commutation relation for the γµ – matrices: γ5 γµ = −γµ γ5 . Now we compute the hermitian conjugate of M, M(n, m) † 2 X √ 1 − γµ = 2 + m + g φ(m) δm,n − δm+µ̂,n 2 µ=1 − 2 X 1 + γµ µ=1 2 δm−µ̂,n (C.6) 2 X 1 − γµ √ δn−µ̂,m = 2 + m + g φ(n) δn,m − 2 µ=1 − 2 X 1 + γµ µ=1 2 δn+µ̂,m . (C.7) When one compares Eq. (C.5) with (C.7), it is obvious that our Dirac operator fulfills Eq. (C.3) and thus is γ5 –hermitian. Appendix D Discussion of the correlation matrix In Tab. D.1 we summarize the functional form of the disconnected pieces in the correlation matrix, i.e., the expectation value Qi (t) . In Tab. D.2 we summarize the functional form of the connected piece in the correlation matrix, i.e., the expectation value Qij (t) . In Tab. D.3 we summarize the functional form of the complete correlation matrix Kij (t). The indices i, j are used according to the definitions from Eqs. (8.18) and (8.19). i (0, 1) (0, 5) (1, 1) (1, 5) (2, 1) (2, 5) (3, 1) (3, 5) Qi (t) i 0 0 ∈R ∈ iR ∈ R ∈ iR ∈ R ∈ iR (4, 1) (4, 5) (5, 1) (5, 5) (6, 1) (6, 5) (7, 1) (7, 5) Qi (t) ∈ R ∈ iR ∈ R ∈ iR ∈ R ∈ iR ∈ R ∈ iR Table D.1: Functional form of the disconnected part Qi (t) of the correlation matrix. 97 98 i|j (0, 1) (0, 5) (1, 1) (1, 5) (2, 1) (2, 5) (3, 1) (3, 5) (4, 1) (4, 5) Appendix D. Discussion of the correlation matrix (0, 1) (0, 5) (1, 1) (1, 5) (2, 1) (2, 5) (3, 1) (3, 5) (4, 1) (4, 5) r c r c r c r c r c c r c r c r c r c r r c r c r c r c r c c r c r c r c r c r r c r c r c r c r c c r c r c r c r c r r c r c r c r c r c c r c r c r c r c r r c r c r c r c r c c r c r c r c r c r Table D.2: Functional form of the disconnected part Qij (t) of the correlation matrix. The symbol r denotes a real number ∈ R, which is proportional to a hyperbolic cosine. c stands for a imaginary number ∈ iR, proportional to a hyperbolic sine. i|j (0, 1) (0, 5) (1, 1) (1, 5) (2, 1) (2, 5) (3, 1) (3, 5) (4, 1) (4, 5) (0, 1) (0, 5) (1, 1) (1, 5) (2, 1) (2, 5) (3, 1) (3, 5) (4, 1) (4, 5) r c r c r c r c r c c r c r c r c r c r r c r c r c r c r c c r c r c r c r c r r c r c r c r c r c c r c r c r c r c r r c r c r c r c r c c r c r c r c r c r r c r c r c r c r c c r c r c r c r c r Table D.3: Same as Tab. D.2, but now for the complete correlation matrix Kij (t). References [1] D. J. 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Bei Prof. Dr. Christian Lang und der ganzen Gittergruppe der Karl–Franzens– Universität Graz möchte ich mich für die wertvollen Diskussionen und Vorträge bedanken. Für die zahlreichen Hilfestellungen und das angenehme Arbeitsklima möchte ich allen Kollegen in Regensburg und Graz danken, besonders Erek Bilgici, Rafael Frigori, Markus Kloker, Dominik Nickel, Philipp Huber, Dr. Bernd–Jochen Schaefer und Martin Volk. Speziell bei Verena Hermann bedanke ich mich für alle Diskussionen jenseits“ der Physik. ” Allen Korrekturleserinnen und –lesern sei an dieser Stelle für die hilfreichen Verbesserungsvorschläge gedankt. Der meiste Dank jedoch gebührt meinen Eltern, dabei ganz besonders meiner Mutter. Ohne Sie wäre diese Arbeit und mein ganzes Studium nicht möglich gewesen. Sie waren mir eine konstante Stütze in jeder Situation, und nicht zuletzt große Vorbilder. Ich möchte mit einem Zitat meines Betreuers Christof Gattringer schließen. Es beschreibt kurz und prägnant das Verhätnis von Programmierer zu Computer. Der Depp sitzt immer davor.“ ” Christof Gattringer Graz, im Dezember 2006. Erklärung Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich die Diplomarbeit selbständig angefertigt und keine Hilfsmittel außer den in der Arbeit angegebenen benutzt habe. Regensburg, 6. Dezember 2006 .................................... (Markus Limmer)