Mission *

St. Bernadette Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
St. Bernadette Catholic School is a community of teachers, parents, pastoral workers and children
called to work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Together, we believe it is our responsibility
to foster intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and social growth within our "Catholic- Christian" community.
Students will be encouraged to develop their talents to the best of their ability.
Each child will grow in respect for all members of the community and the environment.
Teachers will endeavour to foster a sense of self-worth and personal responsibility in each student.
We are committed to the development of our children into responsible
members of society who follow the teachings of Christ.
Together We Are One
Catholic Focus
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St. Bernadette Elementary School
Learning Plan
The mission of St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School, in partnership with the family and church, is to provide, in a responsible manner, a Catholic
education which develops spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, social, and physical capabilities of each individual to live fully today and to meet the
challenges of the future, thus enriching the community.
St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School believes that the Catholic faith, as expressed through Gospel values, is the driving force in the school’s
community of learners, which includes five key groups: students; the parish, home and community; teachers and support staff; administrators and supervisory
officers; and trustees. The school strives to be a Christ-centred system in which all may work and learn in a supportive, inclusive, meaningful, and respectful
environment. Within the context of an authentic Catholic learning community, St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School strives “…to provide students with
the opportunity to realize their potential and develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute to society.”
The school is further committed to:
- deepening the understanding, appreciation and practice of the Catholic Christian lifestyle, with Jesus as role model;
- aligning a school-wide approach to Catholicity, whereby all educational practices are implemented through a Catholic lens;
- developing Catholic graduates who are fully alive in Christ, “not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but in terms of values, attitudes and actions”;
- encouraging unique approaches to support school priorities and the principle strands of faith education: prayer and liturgy;
sacramentality; morality and justice; and scripture and church.
As a diverse educational community responding to God’s call, St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School fosters and nourishes an inclusive atmosphere
rooted in tradition and scripture. The school continues to commit to the guiding principles of Learning for All: K-12 (draft) and to Dufferin-Peel’s Equity and
Inclusive Education Policy (developed in accordance with the provincial Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy), while striving to meet Catholic Graduate
Expectations through:
- being authentic witnesses to our Catholic faith;
- being responsible stewards of the planet
- fostering and promoting God’s grace in the world;
- respecting human dignity;
- modelling all learners after Jesus, as ministers of compassion and service.
To strengthen its Catholic identity, St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School will continue to develop opportunities for faith formation of students and staff,
together with an educational program which strives to integrate the board’s fundamental beliefs and values into all of its endeavours.
Core Principles
Core Principle St. Bernadette School Response
1. How does the school community model, celebrate and nourish gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services?
- Masses, spirit days, sacramental preparation, celebration and recognition, assemblies with guest speakers (school focus), retreats, virtue posting and
sharing, display cases, front entrance faith tributes, Monthly staff liturgies, monthly class liturgies, active Youth Faith Ambassadors
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St. Bernadette Elementary School
Learning Plan
Learning Environment
1. Summary of the school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance.
- Primary Reading: 57% achieved Provincial Standard. Results indicate students need to read with fluency and make connections.
- Primary Writing: 70% achieved Provincial standard. Results indicate students will benefit from working on topic development and organizing and developing
- Primary Mathematics: 52% achieved Provincial Standard . Students will benefit from the use of the 3 part Math lesson.
- 26% of students did not learn English as a first language. 30% received Special Education support and 26% were supported as English Language Learners.
2. Summary of the school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance.
- Junior Reading: 86%. Results indicate students need to focus on Reading for meaning and Understanding form and style.
- Junior Writing: 82%. Results indicate students will need to focus on building knowledge of Form and Style in writing.
- Junior Mathematics: 50%. Results indicate students need to focus on developing skills in Geometry and Spatial sense.
14% of the students were receiving Special Education support while 9% were supported as English Language Learners. 27% of the students learned a
language other than English as their first language.
- Observations :
Continue to use High yield strategy of 3 part Numeracy lessons, involving students using a variety of methods of problem solving using
manipulatives. Provide a specific focus on varied problem solving consolidation activities (especially patterning, probability and geometry. Focus on reading
fluency and making connections. Focus in Writing to include specific conventions.
3. Describe how the school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning.
- Co-currricular activities: Technology Skills, Math Mania, Athletics, talent show, Youth Faith Ambassadors, Student Council, Parent evenings .
4. Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners.
- Participation in Network sessions, Involvement of Student Achievement Officers, TLPCs with Smart goals, Tutoring, School Focus on Writing
conventions, development of Numeracy Strategies, Christmas Concert, Involvement in Sports. Parental newsletters sent home monthly, ongoing
communication in agendas. Team planning, as grade partners and in divisions as well as focused staff meetings are part of the staff development
plan. involvement in Sports. - Invitation in newsletter to become involved. Newsletter updates from council. Dates shared regularly. Parent Open House:
invitational/informational table. Involvement in Catholic School Council in CCCSC offering evenings for families to join together:, Christmas Fun night, movie
night, career night.
2. In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives:
- Family Day Care in school, Ontario Early Years, volunteer involvement, linkages with Secondary School. Invitations to Parish team, staff and student
attendance at Mass. Ongoing communication with trustee.
1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success.
- “Promotion” of sacraments and Church events in school newsletter. Sharing of school newsletter with parish. School celebrations of sacraments. School
retreats, in class Liturgies. Invitations to Father Joyson and Father Gigo to attend staff and school events. Parish visits to school.
School graduation Mass at the Church.
Physical Environment
1. What activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources?
- Eco School, Healthy Eating initiative, Earth Day, Terry Fox Walk, Peace Garden, Planting and Garden Maintenance, Recycling, Food Drives, recycling
initiatives, Hats Off 2 Kidz.
2. Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility.
- School Improvement Team involvement in budget. Financial Transparency, following board Procedures.
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St. Bernadette Elementary School
Learning Plan
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St. Bernadette Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 At the end of three years there will be an increase in successful practices that embrace new pedagogies (e-learning, blended learning) .
Action Plans
21st Century Literacy
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of three years learners will develop habits of mind that will support inquiry.
Action Plans
Inquiry Based learning
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 In the next 3 years, there will be an increased consistency in practice within teaching and learning in all subject areas and across panels.
Action Plans
Culture of Expectations
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 Over the next 3 years the teachers will include the 6 practices outlined in Growing Success in their daily practice.
Action Plans
Differentiated instruction and assessment
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St. Bernadette Elementary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 In 3 years teachers will routinely use a three part teaching framework.
Action Plans
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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