September 2015
(P) 519-942-5980
(F) 519-942-3849
Prayer for a New School
Serving our
L. Quick
A. Wasyliw
Superintendent BECDM
L. Storey
F. DiCosola
St. Timothy Catholic Church
Fr. S Lee Lung
Dear Lord,
We step into this new year of growing and learning with
You. May our faith be rooted like a tall tree. May all we say
and do help our friendship with You grow deeper so others
will know that we are Your Disciples. Help us to be open to
all the surprises You hold in store for us. Let us celebrate
our faith, hope and joy for this new school year. Amen.
Catholic School Advisory
Chair – L. Bozon
Principal’s Message
What a wonderful summer we have had! The
beginning of a new school year has always had a
special place in my heart – the beauty of new
crayons, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils
and new erasers – always meant that the new
school year held a promise of new beginnings.
New friends to be made, new teachers to meet –
and in this case for myself, a new school
community to greet and welcome! As always,
this school year will be filled with excitement,
wonder and challenges.
September 2015
Principal’s Message Con’t
As a school community, our
staff, parents and parish team
will work together to continue
to create a safe, caring,
inclusive Catholic learning
environment for all students
at St. Benedict.
On behalf of our school
community, I would like to
thank our custodial team,
Mrs. Ferreira and Mr. Little
for working so diligently over
the summer months to
prepare our school for the
new year. It looks fabulous!
Together with all staff, I
extend a sincere wish that
your summer was safe and
enjoyable, and welcome you
to a new school year. We
welcome new families and
students who have moved to
our school community over
the summer months.
Key partners of our school
team include our Trustee, Mr.
Superintendent of Schools,
Mr. L. Storey, and our Pastor,
Fr. S. Lee Lung. We are
grateful for their guidance
and direction.
Our entire staff is excited to
begin this new school year. I
am looking forward to
meeting all of you very soon!
Staff Changes
We would like to welcome
community Mrs. Gareau to
our Full Day Kindergarten
team and Mrs. Marini as
one of our Planning Time
School Hours
Our school hours remain the same as previous
years. We applaud students who are on time for
class and ready to learn! Punctuality is a
valuable life skill and we must do our part to
help children learn the value of punctuality.
Being punctual also demonstrates the Virtue of
Respect to others in the class. School begins at
8:55 a.m., therefore, it is important for students
to be at school before the school bell rings.
8:55 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
3:25 p.m.
School starts
Afternoon classes begin
September 2015
Lunch Time Routines
This year we will provide writing instruments
and notepaper just inside the office door for
parents who are dropping their child’s lunch off
at the school. Please ensure that your child is
aware that his/her lunch is being dropped off at
the school. In the event that your child is
unaware, all students have been instructed to
check the office if they do not have a lunch or
snack. We kindly request your understanding
that we will not interrupt classes to notify
students that their lunch has arrived. If we learn
that there is no lunch for a student, the office will
contact parents.
Once again we remind everyone that in
providing care for one another, we recognize
that in many of our classes there are students
with specific allergies. We are committed to
providing a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy
school community, therefore your cooperation is
appreciated in selecting carefully the lunch
products that are safe for all students in the
classroom. Students are not to share lunch or
snacks and we remind you that we are not able
to have food products brought into the class,
even for special occasions (such as Birthdays,
Halloween, etc.), to be shared amongst the
students in the classroom.
Reorganization Possible
Each year we begin the school year with classes
based on projected numbers of students
provided to the school by the Planning
Department. Despite best efforts to predict,
inevitably, there will need to be adjustments to
meet Ministry class size guidelines. We have had
a number of registrations and enrolments over
the summer. The September 18th PD Day will
allow time for reorganization. Please be assured
that we do our best to keep changes to a
minimum and to support students during any
Professional Development Day
A reminder that Friday September 18th is a PD
Day – there is no school for students on this
day. The day will be devoted to reorganization
if necessary and staff faith and curriculum
Each student in grades 3 - 8 will receive a school
agenda to assist them with the development of
organizational and time management skills and
to facilitate communication between home and
school. An important feature in the student
agenda is the faith dimension and reference to
the liturgical calendar as well as reference to the
Catholic Code of Conduct, progressive
discipline, our Virtue’s Program and homework
policy. In addition, the first few pages outline
school expectations. Parents are encouraged to
read and review these expectations with their
Allergy Aware
As we begin a new school year we would like to
inform you that St. Benedict is an “allergen
aware school”. There are pupils in attendance
who suffer from severe and life threatening
allergies to certain foods, such as peanut and nut
products. Exposure to the smallest quantities can
cause severe life threatening reactions. We at St.
cooperation of the entire school community by
NOT sending any lunches or snacks that could
potentially harm a pupil. Please make sure that
all of your children’s caregivers are aware of the
food restrictions. Students should be reminded
not to share food items. No food treats are to be
sent to the school for birthdays or special
occasions. There are many alternatives such as
stickers and pencils. All food treats sent for
sharing will be returned for home use. At St.
Benedict, we pride ourselves on providing a safe
and inclusive environment for all.
September 2015
Terry Fox Run
At St. Benedict, we are very excited to be planning a Terry Fox
Run again this year. All students are invited to participate. We
hope that every student in the school will contribute a
“Twoonie for Terry”. Students will be running and walking
around the school yard. More information will be following
Dress Code
Students and parents are reminded of our school dress code. A
certain level of modesty is to be maintained at all times. Shortshorts are not allowed and generally shorts should come to
within a person’s fingers. Pants are to be worn at the waist.
Boys should wear shirts or t-shirts with a sleeve – muscle shirts
or basketball jerseys are not appropriate. Clothing with
inappropriate sayings or logos are not allowed. We remind girls
that a long top should be worn over leggings to maintain the
conservative and respectful dress code. We hope for the
cooperation of all within our community to maintain these
standards, even if the weather conditions are warm.
Student Accident Insurance
As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of
Education, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
annually provides parents with information about cost-effective
student accident insurance coverage. Although enrolment is
voluntary, the board encourages parents to take advantage of
the inexpensive insurance coverage, especially if their
child/children participate in sports, excursions/field trips or if
parents do not have dental insurance coverage. Enrolment is
required in writing - there are two options for enrolment:
1) Complete the traditional form and mail it in
2) Apply On-line at
Volunteers are important in the life of any school community.
At the school level, they help enhance the learning
opportunities available to students and can make a difference in
the academic life of a student. Anyone who wishes to volunteer
or work in our school or at a school function, such as a field
trip, must have a criminal reference check completed by the
local police service. Please contact the school office if you will
be interested in volunteering for any school activities during
this school year.
All doors of the school are
locked throughout the school
day. Any visitors to the
school must buzz to get in
through the front doors. We
ask for your patience as it is
sometimes difficult to
manage the many demands
of the office and respond to
the front door buzzer
All visitors are reminded
that they must report to
and sign in at the office
when first arriving.
Adults in the building
who are not staff must
wear identification
stickers for safety
September 2015
Catholic School Council Elections
According to Ontario Regulation 612, elections
must take place within the first 30 days of each
school year. Nomination forms are available at
the office. All parent nominations must be
submitted no later than Friday September 25th
at 4 p.m. All Parents/Guardians are welcome
and encouraged to participate on the Catholic
School Council to become more informed of
school activities and provide input on planned
activities. The first Catholic School Council
meeting is planned for Wednesday October 7th,
2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Storage of Medication
Some of our students require medications
during the school day. Medication is to be
stored in the office except where directed by a
physician. Board Policy requires that we have
signed request/authorization forms from the
parents and the supervising physician in the
office. These forms are available at the office.
We have sent information home to each parent
in this situation for whom we are aware and we
encourage you to follow up. If you have not
received these forms, especially for anaphylaxis
medication and puffers, please contact the
When medication is approved for storage, it
must be labeled with the student name, name of
medication, prescription information and
dosage. The medication is to be brought to
school in the bottle that was provided by the
Please do not have students
deliver medication to the office; it should be
brought by an adult. Medication that is sent to
school without the proper documentation will
not be stored here. This also applies to overthe-counter medications such as Tylenol,
aspirin, ibuprofen, cough medicine, Benadryl
and allergy medications. Please be reminded
that Epi-Pens have a shelf-life of one year.
Excursions/Field Trips
Educational field trips are one way in which to
extend learning opportunities in curriculum
areas. Teachers follow Board procedures and
policies when planning such events.
By law, the school must have on hand
permission forms that have been signed by the
parent/guardian in order for a student to
participate. If on the day of the trip, a child is
without a signed permission form, and a
parent/guardian is unable to come to the
school to sign the permission form(s), the
student will remain at school.
telephone permission will not be accepted.
Personal Electronic Devices
At this time, the Board is looking to implement
a “Bring Your Own Device” program in
Dufferin-Peel. We are very excited about the
educational possibilities that this new policy
will allow for.
This program will be
implemented in stages, and more information
will be forthcoming. Therefore, until our school
has been approved, we ask that all students and
parents follow the current policy that does not
allow students to bring a PED to school.
Student Transportation of Wellington-Dufferin
continues to coordinate the bussing routes for
our students. Parents may contact STSWDTS
either by phone 519-824-4119 or online at
Helpful Hints:
• Be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes ahead of
pick up
• Follow all directions from the driver,
especially when getting on/getting off the
• Stay seated at all times until let off the bus
• Sit quietly at all times – no yelling or
• No eating or drinking on the bus – this is
especially important as we have students
with life threatening allergies riding the bus
September 2015
Safe Schools
Emergency Drills
In accordance with Ministry and
Board Regulations, 3 fire drills
and 2 lockdown procedures are
conducted at school each term.
During a lockdown procedure,
the bells will constantly ring
inside the school. Please note, at
this time, only Emergency
Personnel are permitted to enter
the school.
Practicing these
drills is important for student
safety in case a real emergency
We will continue to
prepare students in a judicious
and conscientious manner. For
safety reasons, we ask that
students wear proper footwear
at all times.
Kiss and Ride
Our Kiss and Ride ensures a safe
arrival for your child at school while
providing the convenience of dropoff. It is open at 8:40 every morning.
Students should exit from the
passenger side of the vehicle.
Drivers should remain in their
vehicles in order to keep the line
moving smoothly through the Kiss
and Ride. Please adhere to the
posted sign and do not park in the
drive thru lane nor double park in
the parking lot. Also, please do not
have your child walk by themselves through the parking lot as this is a safety concern. “Now Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Heb 11:1)
Virtue of the Month: Faith
A Catholic school community is rooted in set of common beliefs about God’s will for all people.
September’s Virtue is “Faith”.
A Faithful person....
o Prays whenever they can
o Learns from Scripture stories
o Assumes that there is good in everyone
o Knows that we are all loved by God
A Faithful person believes that we are created, guided by and destined to be reunited with God.
They believe that God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe, especially at school. All students
are encouraged to behave in an inclusive and caring manner towards others.
FAITH is the great virtue of believing in God and trusting that God is with us.