Mission *

St. Anthony Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
St. Anthony Catholic Elementary School
We, the community of St. Anthony School, in partnership with the students, parents, and the Catholic church are dedicated to fostering the development
of each unique child in the image of Christ. Our mandate is to encourage each student to develop individual talents through positive fulfilling learning
experiences in an inclusive, welcoming, and Catholic school environment. Our aim is to be instrumental in supporting parents/guardians and the Church in
the spiritual, intellectual, moral, physical, emotional and social growth formation of our youth. We will model and prepare students to pursue excellence,
demonstrate the skills and attitudes to prepare them for the future. Each day we will empower students to practice our Catholic teachings and live Christian
ideals of mutual trust, equality and respect for all.
A Community of Learning on a Foundation of Faith
Catholic Focus
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St. Anthony Elementary School
Learning Plan
St. Anthony School Profile
St. Anthony is an elementary school of approximately 420 students, of diverse social and ethnic backgrounds, from Full Day Kindergarten to Grade 8. Our
school is located in the north-east area of Brampton and our population reflects the cultural mix of long time residents and families new to Canada. The
surrounding community is made up of single family dwellings and several large townhouse complexes. St. Anthony continues to receive support resources
such as English as a Second Language, Special Education Resource, as well as access to Social Work, Speech and Language, Psychological Services and
a Child and Youth Worker. As well we continue to have community support with Peel Health, The City of Brampton and Peel Police.
St. Anthony School is committed to Catholic Education as outlined in the mission statement of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. St. Anthony
School is a faith based community environment which stresses respect and acceptance of others, commitment to our Catholic faith and high academic
standards. We provide a learning environment which models Gospel Values, dedication to duty, the joy of learning and socializing with peers.
St. Anthony School community enjoys the close proximity and regular contact with St. Anthony of Padua Parish located next door to the school. In addition to
frequent liturgical celebrations at the Church and at our school, the students continue to be involved in the youth group at the Parish and support parish
activities that provide assistance to families in need. The priests visit classes during the year with special attention to those in Sacramental years.
Our students come to us with a variety of strengths and needs, with our Catholic faith as our common bond. Our prayer life, liturgical celebrations, the
sacraments and our faith and value system are intricately linked to the formal academic programme via a Safe, Caring, Healthy, and Inclusive School. In
addition, there is a specific focus on a wide range of extended activities that complement all subject areas and the strengths of our students.
St. Anthony School is proud of the tradition of helping each child recognize and realize their personal strengths and areas of growth needed to reach their
potential. Each child is encouraged to develop all their skills to grow up to be fine, Catholic Canadian citizens.
(Our Journey, Our Tradition, Our Heritage School History).
Core Principles
* Living the school mission statement
* Promote successful partnerships through pastoral planning
* Continued support of the principle strands of faith education (e.g., daily prayer, liturgical & sacramental celebrations, Religious Education and Family Life
programs, Graduation, Confirmation, First Holy Communion Retreats and other school/classroom celebrations).
*Fostering positive home/school/parish relationships (e.g., Pastoral school visits, parent/community invitations to school masses, sacramental and other
*Fostering positive community relations
* Adult & Youth Faith Ambassador Programs
*Visible celebration & presentation of Faith icons in the school
*Creation of ‘Sacred Space’ in the classroom/school
*Continued implementation of the ‘Virtues’ program (e.g., monthly celebrations, newsletter ‘Virtue’ inserts, school display case, virtue recognition for students)
*Continued support for student stewardship and social justice projects (e.g., Share Life, United Way, Knight’s Table, Knights of Columbus, Terry Fox Walk,
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St. Anthony Elementary School
Learning Plan
food drives, candy drive for Dr. Simone).
*Newsletter inserts to support celebrations of Faith
*Implementation of strategies to support inclusivity
*Catholic Education Week
*Newcomer Reception Centres
* BNE Social Work Fund for families in need
*Rosary Apostolate
*Camp for Kids (Camp Medeba – summer residential camp)
The most recent EQAO data can be summarized as follows:
* Primary Reading:51 % at level 3 & 4
* Primary Writing:73 % at level 3 & 4
* Primary Mathematics:24 % at level 3 & 4
* Junior Reading:89 % at level 3 & 4
* Junior Writing:81 % at level 3 & 4
*Junior Mathematics:49 % at level 3 & 4
Staff continue to review and analyze data to determine next steps in supporting student well-being and achievement.
The school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners:
*Students are provided with opportunities to build on in-school experiences and activities to further explore personal interests, strengths and destinations
(e.g., participation in out-of school excursions/retreats, school sports teams, dance, "Scientists in the School" programs), secondary school orientation
programs, student leadership opportunities (e.g., office/classroom helpers, hall monitors, PALS) and support for a range of educational pathways for students
transitioning into elementary school from the home, from grade to grade, from elementary to secondary school, and for those ‘at risk’ and/or identified as
exceptional learners
* Through support for the delivery of enhanced curriculum provided by community partners, Peel Health, Youth Education Officer class
and school wide programs, etc.
*Support for parent/guardian learners through participation in the school volunteer program, school community meetings, school Council, CCCSC Family of
Schools Meetings
* Neighbourhood Police Unit officer visits
*RAID Program in Grade 6
* Student Technology Program
* Pro Grant opportunities
* Healthy School Recognition
*Breakfast Club
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St. Anthony Elementary School
Learning Plan
* Junior Achievers
* Eye See, I Learn
* Medic Alert
* Differentiated Instruction
* Staff implements the Ontario Curriculum as the basis for teaching and learning
* Welcome to Kindergarten Program
* Special Education TEAM planning and staff in-service
* School wide Bullying Prevention Programs (Peel Public Health)
* Professional Learning Communities are formed to support ‘theory in action’, inquiry based learning opportunities for staff to enhance student
* Reading Buddies
*All-Star Reading
*Integration meetings to plan next steps for students
*Student IEP’s are developed to support ‘at risk’, and exceptional learner needs and, learning opportunities for growth
*Staff participate in School/Family/Board wide professional development opportunities as appropriate to needs
*Transition meetings are organized to support the transition of learners : into Kindergarten, from grade to grade, from elementary into secondary schools, for
students at risk and with exceptional learning needs
*Ongoing Data collection analysis - EQAO, CASI, PM Benchmarks, CCCC Survey
The school team builds and sustains community partnerships and collaboratives:
*School Council Election information is sent home to all parents/guardians
* Opportunities to become involved in Volunteer activities/committees/classroom field trips/special celebrations, foster expanded participation in the school by
way of interest and/or expertise (knowledge/skills)
* The provision of opportunities to support the involvement of all community stakeholders
* Guest speakers/presentations through Catholic School Council
* Participation in professional development opportunities with neighbouring schools (math network)
* ESL Reception Centre
* Participation in curriculum related field trips
* Implementation of co-curricular/intra, and/or inter-school/ board wide competitions (e.g., sports teams, Student Speech competitions- Catholic Women’s
League, Forest of Reading Programs)
* Involvement of our Community Partners; Peel Regional Police, Youth Education Officer (e.g., Children’s Safety Village, Peel Heath, Pals, Brampton Parks &
Recreation, Peel Children’s Centre, Kerry’s Place, A Place for Families (Ontario Early Years Centres) Associated Youth, Archbishop Romero
* Working in collaboration with the PLASP before/after school programs
* Collaboration with the School Settlement Staff assigned to the school
* Encouragement of permits that support and/or enhance student well-being, e.g., Brampton Parks & Recreation, Sports teams.
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St. Anthony Elementary School
Learning Plan
* Through collaboration with various agencies dedicated to support student well-being, e.g., EYE SEE, EYE Learn Program, Region of Peel- Student
Immunization Program.
* Rotary Clubs
* Big Sister/Big Brother of Peel
* Brampton Clean City
* No Child Without – Medical Alert Program
* PCC - Alternatives to Day Treatment Program exclusive to St. Anthony School
St. Anthony School promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success:
* The school works in collaboration with the Pastoral Team to support Sacramental Preparation and faith development with the home
* The school provides support for Parish and Board charitable work initiatives (e.g., Share Life, Helping Hands, The Knight’s Table, Food drives)
* Mass, Sacraments, Virtues and other celebrations support collaboration with, and participation by the home, school and parish
*School wide and class masses at St. Anthony Parish
* The organization of a school wide recycling program
* Implementation of healthy eating programs
* Reinforced via curriculum (e.g., geography, science, religion, family programs that foster ‘respect for life’ and stewardship of resources)
* Purchasing of learning resources that reflect the diversity within the school
* Brampton Clean City ‘Adopt a Park’
* Turn off the Screen’ program
* ECO Club
* Earth Day
* Social Justice Group
* Establish photo-copying plan to reduce copying
* Allocation of funds appropriate to learner needs (e.g., the purchase of texts, learning materials).
* Maintain a balanced budget
* Allocation of a portion of fundraising monies to ‘Charitable’ initiatives
* Allocation of funds to support ‘equitable access’ of students, to resources for learning
* Through ‘reuse’ and/or sharing of texts and/or resources where available with other schools
* Through the encouragement of staff to reduce paper use in the school
* School Fundraisers
* Follow Board guidelines for financial accountability
* Staff budget committee to advise on spending for school needs
* Create reserve fund for unexpected expenses
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St. Anthony Elementary School
Learning Plan
* Budget Tracker / Cash Net
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St. Anthony Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 CREATING CATHOLIC CONDITIONS FOR WELL-BEING, LEARNING AND LEADING:by June 2016, the proportion of students indicating they feel accepted by
the students at school will increase as demonstrated by the CCCC School Climate Survey Results.
Action Plans
1.0 CREATING CATHOLIC CONDITIONS FOR WELL-BEING, LEARNING AND LEADING: Increase the proportion of students feeling accepted in the school
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who intend to apply knowledge gained through professional learning opportunites
Action Plans
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who demonstrate improvement on the learning skills and habit of self-regulation.
Action Plans
3.0 ENHANCING TRANSITIONAL PRACTICES: Develop a set procedure/tool to ensure successful transitions for students
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 KNOWING THE LEARNER THROUGH ASSESSMENT: By the end of June 2016 there will be an increase in the proportion of students able to articulate
strategies supporting their learning.
Action Plans
4.0 KNOWING THE LEARNER THROUGH ASSESSMENT: Increase the proportion of students able to articulate effective strategies to support their learning
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St. Anthony Elementary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 RESPONDING THROUGH EFEECTIVE INSTRUCTION: By the end of three years there will be an increase in successful practices that support effective
Action Plans
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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