Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan Mission * Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School is proud to be a member of both the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the historic St. Patrick's Parish. Cardinal Ambrozic is a grade 9 to 12 school, of diverse ethno-cultural backgrounds living in single and multiple family dwellings in Brampton's northeast quadrant. The school community continues to expand and develop, and continues to be considered a high density area. Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School's mission is to provide a Catholic Culturally Proficient Learning Community focused on learning and results; providing all students with opportunities to make positive choices; helping students grow in their faith; and making their hopes and dreams a reality. This is all made possible because staff, students and parents are committed to creating a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment rooted in the school's motto, River Hawks Soaring to Success. The Cardinal Ambrozic school community is anchored in its unwavering belief "Jesus est dominus - Jesus is Lord" and by its inclusive motto "We are God's Hands" which is based on the school's official prayer written by St. Teresa of Avilia. Motto Jesus est dominus - Jesus is Lord. We are God's Hands. River Hawks Soaring to Success Catholic Focus Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:26 AM 1/8 Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School opened its doors on September 8, 2009 in order to support families of the community in their responsibility to develop the spiritual, religious, moral, academic and physical needs of their children, in accordance with the teachings of the Church. Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School is committed to the search for excellence, the uniqueness of the individual and the education of the whole person while experiencing a life in a community founded on Gospel values. The school's many student-led leadership activities as well as many outreach opportunities provides all students with the opportunity to be 21st Century Catholic Global citizens of the world. The school adheres to an innovative student success model of timetabling and scheduling that meet the needs of all learners. Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School uses a balanced approach when programming for students. To ensure coherence and wholeness, subjects are taught against the background of the Ontario Secondary School Curriculum. Programming is a balance between religious study; academic core subject areas; the arts; technological studies; and athletics. The staff provides a learning environment celebrating the mind, body, and spirit of all students. A well-rounded and Catholic virtue-centred education helps students make positive choices and live out the Ontario School Catholic School Graduate Expectaions in their everyday life. The instruction provided to students is relevant to the needs and aspirations of our diverse Catholic community and all our students. Student programming includes an appropriate range of subjects and learning experiences to help engage and encourage student success. To ensure that all students develop their skills and talents to the best of their abilities, particularly students in need of more unconventional supports, Cardinal Ambrozic employs a "pyramid of interventions" to increase student learning for all. This unique brand of support encompasses the input and interaction of all staff who share the singular vision that every student can succeed if provided the appropriate learning environment. Core Principles CATHOLICITY • • • • • Cardinal Ambrozic fosters the spiritual development of staff, students, parents and members of the greater community. Christ and our Catholic story is the foundation of all school activities and serves as a beacon to guide our actions as we move forward and develop as a school. This is necessary if we are to achieve our goal of creating an inclusive school community that embodies the gospel values of family, fraternity and common purpose. The school’s Pastoral Plan gives life to our motto “We are God’s Hands”. Inclusion and student spiritual development within the image of Christ drives all pastoral planning activities. From the outset, the Pastoral Plan is inclusive and welcomes the input of all stakeholders. These stakeholders include but are not limited to: Administration; Catholic School Council; Pastoral Team members; student-led-leadership groups; Chaplaincy Team members; Theology Department members; Parents/Guardians; Clergy and Staff. The Pastoral Plan is an active expression of our Catholic story. Our mission as a school is to contextualize the life of Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church by providing goodwill unto others and strengthening our own faith development. It includes a number of strategies and opportunities for students, staff and parents/guardians to practice outreach and to participate in social justice experiences. As our school builds capacity to become recognized as a Specialized High Skill Major in Non-Profit/Social Justice: Hands and Voices for Change, these activities will take on a more international dimension. Following in the footsteps of Jesuit missionaries from an earlier era, we will travel to communities domestically and internationally to support and share, as appropriate. It is our belief that we have a responsibility as stewards of this earth, and Catholic Christians, to assist and support those who require assistance. The school hosts liturgical celebrations and student retreats to assist in the faith formation process. These experiences are intended to support each child as they discover how they fit into God's plan. Embedded in all curriculum are the values and traditions we cherish as Catholics. Direct links between the curriculum, Catholic virtues program, and the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations provides our students and staff with a framework for good global citizenship. The underlying Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:26 AM 2/8 Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan • message to students, staff and parents/guardians is the necessity to live out our faith both in all that we do, both inside and outside of the classroom. We focus on these core values in all endeavors. In particular, in the area of athletics, it is an expectation that all our River Hawk community, especially our student athletes, demonstrates this in practice and competition by complying with the DPCDSB Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct Guideline. Daily prayer and reflection further enhances our vision. The Chaplaincy Team takes great care to ensure that daily prayer and reflection is current, relevant and makes direct connections to our school vision. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Summary of the school's most recent EQAO, Grade 9 Mathematics assessment performance and EQAO, OSSLT Literacy assessment. The school continues to use purposeful pedagogical strategies to increase student engagement and build upon recent positive school results resulting in growing positive attitudes within all math students. The school continues to use purposeful literacy strategies to increase student engagement and OSSLT achievement in first-time eligible and previously eligible students. Mathematics Grade 9 Academic Mathematics: 78% Grade 9 Applied Mathematics: 43% Literacy OSSLT results for First-Time Eligible Students: 83% OSSLT results for Previously Eligible Students: 53% Staff continue to review and analyze all available data, including the data provided by EQAO, to inform future planning related to school improvement and student achievement. The Learning Environment • • Cardinal Ambrozic is a culturally proficient Catholic learning community committed to providing all of its stakeholders, both students and adults alike, with authentic learning and faith experiences that enrich their lives and those around them. The school is committed to guiding all students, staff and parents towards their spiritual, social and academic goals in attaining the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations. Instructional Approach • School programming is guided by a differentiated instruction (DI) methodology which respects the diversity and dignity of all learners. The DI and inquiry model utilized in all departments places a strong emphasis on developing student meta-cognition. Meta-cognition, the act of thinking about thinking, helps ensure that our students are able to monitor, regulate, and direct their own learning. Staff efforts ensure that all students acquire the skills and knowledge needed to achieve their spiritual, social and academic goals beyond high school. The school's ultimate goal is to create a love for learning and to explore the gifts God has blessed each student with so they can discover their path, and place, in society. Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:26 AM 3/8 Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan Adult-Learning • • • • • Catholic Professional Learning Teams [CPLT’s] continue to be the primary focus of professional development. Professional development takes place within the school day, in addition to before and after the school day, to support the use of SMART technologies and other emergent technology, and to increase the use of high yield instructional strategies like Differentiated Instruction [DI]. Staff embed Catholicity, literacy and numeracy practices across the curriculum to increase student engagement and improve learning. Faith formation activities help reinforce our common mission of providing good will unto others. Transitional co-learning opportunities are supported between elementary feeder school teachers and Cardinal Ambrozic secondary teachers in the areas of numeracy, literacy, students success and special education. Catholic School Council and staff engage parents/guardians in the life of the school. Activities such as Parent Night Out, Parent Literacy Workshops and Open Houses have served to increase the connection between home and school. At these events parents are provided with guidance on how to support their children in the pursuit of their academic and social goals. The school also provides support for newcomer families to help ease their transition to our community. Social Worker and Family Settlement Worker resources are offered to parents/guardians to help connect them to their new school community. Student-Learning • • • • • • Cardinal Ambrozic has a unique 8-day tumbling timetable. Each school day begins with a 120 minute period of study which is then followed by three 60 minute periods of study and a 40 minute lunch. Each of the 4 instructional periods rotate daily to ensure each course profits from the 120 minutes of focused instruction at the beginning of the school day. A full-year program in Grade 9 math and science assists students in their transition from Grade 8 to Grade 9. This full-year program ensures that all students receive the support, intervention and remedial attention necessary to acquire basic mathematical and scientific skills. Numeracy support and literacy support is provided throughout the school year. Together, these two critical areas are the school’s focus for improvement. During school and after school support is offered to all students. Cardinal Ambrozic is equipped with current technology to support student learning and achievement. Each classroom is equipped with interactive SMART Boards which help give life and relevancy to the curriculum, in addition to supporting a culture of collaboration. A supportive community of teaching and non-teaching staff provides on-going support and monitoring of students who are struggling academically, socially, and emotionally. This group consists of Administrators, Guidance Counselors, the School Chaplain, Child Youth Workers [CYW], Social Worker, School Psychologist, Student Success Teacher [SST], and Special Education teachers. Student learning is also supported by a Student Leadership matrix. The Student Leadership matrix consists of six individual branches: Student Council; The Brampton River Hawks Anti-Violence Committee (BRAVE Team); The Peer Leadership and Mentoring Committee (The A Team); The Chaplaincy Team; The Physical Education Leadership Team and The Diversity and Equity Team. These groups meet regularly to coordinate and support the myriad of student-led events and initiatives that support student engagement and achievement. Community Engagement • • Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic School Council encourages the input and involvement of all community stakeholders. The Council's Executive are elected as per the council's established By-Laws, in accordance of both Board and Ministry guidelines and policies. It is the intent that school council represents the diversity in the school community. All parents are actively invited to participate in council to the extent they are able. School Council provides an opportunity for parent groups, community groups and student groups to present community, academic, and youth engagement activities to council. As a group, council support activities in the Cardinal Ambrozic school community which promote our core values as Catholics. School Council and staff support community engagement activities like Parent Night Out and Parent Literacy Night and provide support to new Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:26 AM 4/8 Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan immigrant families that have moved into our area. Community Partnerships • • • • Cardinal Ambrozic continues to grow its network of community partners. Community groups wishing to form partnerships with the school must demonstrate that partnership will enhance the school’s vision and further the academic goals of students. School partnerships to date have included Future Aces, Harmony Movement, SHARELIFE and One Voice One Team. Activities supported and facilitated by out partners have included Boy’s Night Out, Girl’s Night Out, Parent Night Out and the SHARELIFE Tent City Sleep Over. The school has, and will continue to nurture a strong relationship with the Peel Regional Police Service, in particular, the Neighbourhood Policing Unit. The activities facilitated and coordinated by the student-led leadership groups continue to lay the foundation for future partnerships. PARISH-HOME-SCHOOL • • • Cardinal Ambrozic takes the wider lens view that it “takes a whole school community and Parish to raise a child”. An important Catholic school goal is to create a sense of shared ownership and shared stewardship within our community and its children. Cardinal Ambrozic believes that opening its doors and heart to both the parish community and parent community will strengthen the bonds between parish-home-school and this will have a profound effect on the social, emotional and academic development of all our students. A number of purposeful faith activities and liturgical celebrations in collaboration with St. Patrick's Parish strengthen the bonds between parish-homeschool. Weekly morning community Mass in the school Chapel and frequent formal and informal classroom visits by the Pastor, strengthens the evangelization of our all our students in an Universal Church context. In-School • • • Cardinal Ambrozic supports social justice groups who are affiliates and non-affiliates of the school community. This strengthens our sense of common mission stewardship and community.The school provides community groups including "new comer" families with a space to meet and organize. The school hosts Parish masses and other activities in order to increase connectivity between parish, home and school. The school also hosts a number of in-school activities to engage the greater community. Events like Cara-Cardinal Multi-Cultural Night, Parent Literacy Workshops, Girls Night Out, Boys Night Out, Open Houses, Feeder School Parent Night, Share Life Tent City and Parent Night Out all serve to engage the greater school community. Outside of School • • Cardinal Ambrozic is committed to taking its evangelization message to the greater community. A number of out of school activities model the ethos of shared ownership, solidarity, multi-faith and community. Our student leadership teams are involved in a number of social justice outreach activities in the greater community. Food and clothing drives for the needy, Dr. Simone's Feed the Children, River Hawk Beds & Mattress Project, Street Patrol, soup kitchen assistance, and Share Life Fundraising help students and staff grow and nurture deep roots in the community. The School Mission Room provides a local opportunity and meets the needs of struggling families within our community. Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:26 AM 5/8 Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan • • • The school's Chaplaincy Team has strengthened the bonds between parish-home-school by utilizing St. Patrick’s Parish for staff and student faith formation retreats, and relationship building activities. The School is always searching for new ways to connect parish-home-school because it knows how important it is to build a solid foundation based on the teachings of the Catholic Church. The School has embraced the work of Church groups in spreading goodwill unto others and spreading the Word. Like the early Jesuits, the School will increase its sphere of influence in places which are very far from home. The School’s Specialized High Skill Major [SHSM] in Non-Profit/Social Justice and Sports will help students, staff and the Parish support and share with those less fortunate regions of the world,our love and compassion. Social Justice projects internationally, and domestically are a source of focus. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT • • • • • • • Cardinal Ambrozic actively promotes green citizenship and continues to strive for Platinum recertification as an Ontario ECOschool. The school has been recognized by provincial energy regulators as a High Performance New Construction (HPNC) facility. Design elements of the school promote the use of natural light in high traffic areas which results in lowering energy costs and increases energy efficiency. Staff and students take advantage of school and municipal recycling programs and promote paperless instruction using school generated intranet resources. The River Hawk Hedge Fund is used to promote green spaces in and around the school. This includes outdoor beautification projects that involve the various departments in adopting a school garden by planting of trees and shrubbery in the areas immediately within and around the school. The school Peace Garden acts as a space for community reflection and also as a alternative learning space for individual and class learning. Cardinal Ambrozic adheres to procedures and regulations that ensure fiscal responsibility. Board Funds, School Generated Funds and Catholic School Council Funds are aligned to the Catholic School Learning Plan and DPCDSB Financial Accountability Guidelines. Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:26 AM 6/8 Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading Outcomes 1.0 By the end of 2016 there will be a decrease in the proportion of students reporting that they have felt not accepted at school, as demonstrated by the CCC School Climate Survey results Action Plans 1.0 River Hawk Pyramid of Interventions Mental Health and Transitions Strategy: Mental Health initiatives to reduce anxiety levels in our students through purposeful counselling groups, Alternative Education/Blended learning program, BRAVE anti-bullying program, Link Crew, Math L'Arche program, Girls-Boys-Parent Night Out, Get Ready program. Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry Outcomes 2.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who intend to continue to develop knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities in collaboration with others, as demonstrated by CBLP professional learning feedback. Action Plans 2.0 River Hawk Soaring to Success Inquiry Theory of Action: Engaging the Learner through our innovative professional learning team approach while increasing effective collaborative instructional and classroom practices resulting in improved collaborative critical thinking skills with a technology focus. Enhancing Transitional Practices Outcomes 3.0 By the end of 2016 there will be an increase in the proportion of students, per applicable cohort, successfully completing their respective secondary program requirements (i.e. OSSD, OSSC CoA) or transitions into the community. Action Plans 3.0 River Hawk Soaring to Success Transitions Strategy: Purposeful Link Crew activities for grade 8 - 9 transition, Implementation of DPCDSB Transitions Guideline i.e myBlueprint, Career for grades 10 -11, University/College Fairs, SHSM Sports and Non-Profit for grades 11-12. Knowing the Learner through Assessment Outcomes 4.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skills and work habits of self-regulation Action Plans 4.0 River Hawk Soaring to Success Cultural Proficiency Strategy: Cross-curricular Digital Citizenship Literacy and Numeracy effective instructional practices focusing on Growing Success, assessment for and as learning in the classroom. 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