Mission *

St. Alfred Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
The St. Alfred Catholic Elementary School community respects the uniqueness of all persons and enhances their potential. We are committed to promoting a
love of learning and to creating an environment which fosters the lifelong development and spiritual growth of each person.
“Every Child, A Promise”
Catholic Focus
St. Alfred Catholic School is a caring community that emphasizes dignity for all, respect for diversity, acceptance of others, commitment to our Catholic faith
and high academic standards. We provide a safe, caring, healthy and inclusive learning environment that models gospel values, our Catholic virtues,
teachings and beliefs. Our Catholic faith is an integral part of the daily life of our school. Our school motto, “Every child, a promise”, was chosen to emphasize
our school’s commitment to nurture and realize each student’s full potential. It is also reminder to us of our promise and commitment to our students, parents
and community to nurture our students and provide them with the necessary skills, values and attitudes needed to live as caring, responsible and contributing
members of our world. We encourage our students to live in the light of Christ in all that they say and do.
Our students come to St. Alfred Catholic School with their Catholic faith as a common bond. We are committed to the faith life and moral development of our
students. The school works cooperatively with the parents and the parish of Saints Martha and Mary in providing sacramental preparation and liturgical
experiences for our students. The school community supports a number of charitable initiatives. Community service is a valued part of the life and
work of our school. A wide range of subjects and learning experiences are offered to assist students in developing their God given abilities and talents. The
curriculum provided at St. Alfred Catholic School is designed to meet the academic strengths and needs of our students within the context of the gospel
values and our Catholic faith. At St. Alfred Catholic School, all are welcome.
St. Alfred Catholic School opened its doors in 1965. There are over 410 students from Full Day Kindergarten to Grade 8. The school is located in Dixie and
Bloor neighbourhood of Mississauga, Ontario. The area served by St. Alfred is high density and includes both single and multiple family dwellings. The
community is diverse in nature, incorporating a variety of different ethnic backgrounds, cultures, social and economic conditions. Statistics derived from the
Canadian Census show that many of our families are living in situations that put their children at risk academically. There are a number of families who have
been in this community for several generations and they have chosen to remain a part of the St. Alfred community. A significant portion of our student
population move frequently in and out of the neighbourhood, which impacts the school with an ever-changing population. St. Alfred Catholic
School has significant numbers of students who come to us as English Language Learners. A language other than English is spoken in more than fifty
percent of our students’ homes. Approximately one in five of our students has lived in Canada for less than five years. We have a significant number of
students who have special needs and require additional supports within in the school in order to achieve greater success. A significant number of students
require extra assistance with academic programming. Our ESL and Special Education Resource teachers collaborate with classroom teachers so
that students acquire necessary literacy and numeracy skills. Children come to us from all over the world with various learning needs and life experiences.
We celebrate all students who enter our school. Every child is a promise!
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St. Alfred Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Core Principles
1. The school community models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services:
Gospel values are infused in all curriculum areas;
Continual promotion and empowerment of our youth to embrace a Catholic worldview through community, prayer and sacramental life;
Virtues program;
Liturgical and Sacramental celebrations;
Adult Faith Ambassador Program;
Social Justice Projects - Share Life, Food Drives, Terry Fox Run, Hospital for Sick Children, Autism Awareness.
Learning Environment
1. The school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance:
Primary Reading: 61%
Primary Writing: 65%
Primary Mathematics: 48%
Observations regarding school progress in primary EQAO: When compared to Board and Provincial Grade 3 EQAO results for mathematics for 2014-2015,
St. Alfred students results in Mathematics increased by 6% from our 2013-2014 results. The reading scores for St. Alfred decreased by 9% from our 20112012 results. Our student results were below the Board and Provincial average scores. Writing scores for St. Alfred students dropped by 4% and were lower
than the Board and Provincial results.
2. The school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance:
Junior Reading: 71%
Junior Writing: 79%
Junior Mathematics: 55%
Observations regarding school progress for junior EQAO: When compared to Board and Provincial Grade 6 EQAO results for mathematics for 2014-2015, St.
Alfred students results in Mathematics increased by 10% from our 2013-2014 results. The reading scores for St. Alfred decreased by 8% from our 2013-2014
results. Our student results were below the Board and Provincial average score in Reading but above the average score in Mathematics. Writing scores for
St. Alfred students decreased by 3%.
3. The school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning by:
Caring Catholic Student Committee;
Caring Catholic Community Safe Schools Committee
Artists in the School Presentations – to foster the development of arts appreciation beyond the classroom;
Scientist in the School - to provide a greater number of opportunities for students to experience scientific phenomena;
Peel Police through their Youth Education Programs;
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St. Alfred Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Peel Health Programs, support from the Region of Peel Health Nurse;
School Council attends professional development at CCCSC meetings and Mississauga East Family School Council Meetings;
Community resources are integrated into curriculum: Peel Police Education Programs, Peel Health, Peel Safety Village, Philip Pocock Catholic
Secondary School presentations to elementary feeder schools;
School promotes Homework Help Online Program for Grade 7 and 8 students.
4. St. Alfred School demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners by:
Participation in school learning networks focus on Literacy
School Improvement Team members participate in professional development at Superintendent meetings
Involvement of and collaboration with Special Assignment Teacher
School wide literacy block
School wide numeracy block
Expected use of resources housed in Central Text Room
Participation in Teaching-Learning-Cycles
Common planning time for same grade teachers
Cyclical analysis of Data (EQAO, KAP, PM, CASI), use of assessment data to identify strengths and needs
On going professional development for all faculty
Continue to develop classroom profiles for all students
Continue professional learning as part of staff meetings
Community Engagement
1. The school community ensures that Catholic School Council reflects the diverse Catholic community by:
Financial support/subsidizing of cultural events (various artists in the school, drama presentations) as well as additions to library resources
Continued partnership with Sts. Martha and Mary Parish
Invitations to attend St. Alfred Catholic School Council meetings, workshops/symposiums
St. Alfred Catholic School Council welcomes all parents/guardians, faculty and staff
2. The school team builds and sustains community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships) by:
Community and collaborative involvement with: Sts. Martha and Mary Parish, Burnhamthorpe Community Centre, Youth Education Officer,
Neighbouring Policing Unit Officers, Reduce Abuse In Drugs (RAID) Program, Region of Peel Public Health Nurse, PALS program, Swim to Survive
Program and Learn to Skate programs, Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre
Collaboration and transition planning with Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary School
School access to various community groups through permit use (i.e. Beavers, Polish Boy Scouts)
Communication of community events and activities posted in our newsletter/information bulletin board and the school website
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St. Alfred Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success.
Maintain good relationship with Fr. Darrin Corkum, pastor of Sts. Martha and Mary Parish, sharing Sts. Martha and Mary Parish news with our school
community and inviting our school community to participate and support Sts. Martha and Mary Parish events
Participate in school-parish symposium
Support of Sacramental preparation with Sts. Martha and Mary Parish team
Continue to support Social Justice Projects and various needs within our own school/parish community (i.e. food drives for Mississauga Food Banks,
Terry Fox Foundation, Share Life)
Invite parents/guardians to attend our school masses and liturgical celebrations
Regular communication with home
Physical Environment
1. What activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources?
Litter less lunches and snacks, use of reusable containers;
Monitoring of waste in classrooms;
Recycling of paper in all classrooms and throughout the school;
Continued use of G.O.O.Se (Good On One Side) paper in all classrooms and offices;
Continue to encourage maintenance of community grounds – free of litter;
Yard clean up during Earth Day and promotion of Earth Day activities;
Eco Club;
Work on Platinum level of Green Schools Certification;
Acknowledgement of and encouragement of participation in ‘Earth Hour’ and Earth Day;
Encourage bicycle riding and walking to school;
Promote respect and care for all resources and equipment ;
Reduce paper use and photocopying;
New playground areas in the Kindergarten and school yard have improved the aesthetics of the play area and contributed to students being more
active during recess breaks.
2. Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility.
Prioritize budget needs and planned spending based on the following: school needs, divisional needs and grade needs;
Maintain a balanced and sustainable budget;
Support fundraising efforts initiated by St. Alfred Catholic School Council, staff and faculty;
Continue to monitor staff absences and photocopying.
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St. Alfred Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students that feel safe, included and supported as evidenced by the results of the CCCC School
Climate Survey results.
Action Plans
Bullying Prevention
Catholic Learning Environment
Creating a Trauma Sensitive School.
1.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students that feel safe, included and supported as evidenced by the results of the CCCC School
Climate Survey results.
Action Plans
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June 2016, through the continued use of collaborative inquiry as a process for learning, all learners will be engaged in building and sharing knowledge as
evidenced by collaborative conversations and exit tickets.
Action Plans
Co-Learning/Collaborative Inquiry Process
Collaborative Inquiry
Sacredness of Our Environment
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016 there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of selfregulation as evidenced by report card data.
Action Plans
Administrative Professional Learning Network - Mississauga East Family of Schools
Creating a Trauma Sensitive School.
Enhancing Transitional Practices
Practices that Support and Enhance Transitional Practices
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St. Alfred Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016 there will be an increase in the proportion of students who communicate and represent strategies which support their learning as evidenced by
EQAO Questionnaire, formative and summative assessments.
Action Plans
Guided Reading
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016 there will be an increase in the proportion of students achieving level 3 or 4 on the EQAO assessments.
Action Plans
Creating a Trauma Sensitive School.
Effective Instruction
Guided Reading
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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