Mission *

St. Aidan Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
The mission of St. Aidan Catholic School is to provide a Catholic Education that develops the unique talents and abilities of each individual and encourages
all to follow in Jesus' footsteps to become models of service in the community.
"Enlightened by Knowledge, Enriched by Faith"
Catholic Focus
St. Aidan Catholic School is an elementary school of approximately 500 students, of diverse social and ethnic backgounds, from Junior Kindergarten to Grade
8. The school, located at 34 Buick Boulevard in northwest Brampton, opened in 2007 and belongs to Guardian Angels Parish. The school's patron, St. Aidan,
was a seventh-century Irish monk who established a monastery off the north coast of England, where he spread the Gospel, educated missionaries and
evangelized the people.
St. Aidan Catholic School is a caring school community that stresses tolerance and acceptance of others, commitment to our Catholic faith and high
academic standards. We provide a safe and comfortable learning environment where models of Gospel values and Catholic doctrines, teachings and beliefs
are an integral part of the daily life of our school. All activities at St. Aidan School help to prepare our students for their lives as Catholics in the community.
Our prayer life, liturgical celebrations, the sacraments, and our faith form the foundation of our school program.
At St. Aidan we believe that:
1. Every child can learn.
2. Effective teaching targets student needs and maximize opportunities for student learning.
3. Educators take responsibility for the success of the students.
We believe that each one of us has the responsibility to enlighten each student with knowledge and enrich each student with faith.
Core Principles
Dufferin-Peel’s Core Principles
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board underwent a 2008-2009 Strategic System Review, commissioned by trustees, to help shape the board’s 5year strategic plan. This review included meetings with a variety of stakeholders, web-based information, and a comprehensive survey of the community. As a
result of this review process, five core principles and their corresponding goals were identified for the board’s 2010-2015 strategic plan and they are as
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St. Aidan Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
The St. Aidan Catholic School community models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and
services by:
Conscious integration of Gospel values in daily teaching and interactions
Celebration of faith through liturgies, prayers, outreach initiatives
Virtues in action - monthly virtues liturgies, student involvement in outreach initiatives - food drives, Terry Fox, Share Life, etc.
Compassion, caring and considering the whole child as well as integrating restorative justice strategies when dealing with discipline issues
Ensuring the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations are addressed
Youth Faith Ambassador Program to promote continual and enriching faith development
Collaborative relationship with Guardian Angels Parish and home in matters of sacramental preparations and liturgical celebrations
Learning Environment:
1. St. Aidan Catholic School’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance:
Reading: 70%
Writing: 66%
Mathematics: 48%
St. Aidan School continues to foster sound literacy and numeracy fundamentals in our Primary division. Our Catholic School Learning Plan focuses on
improving in reading and writing through use of Guided Reading and Guided Writing in the classroom. A further focus on inquiry-based approaches to
teaching and learning will allow for more student voice and engagement in the learning process. Our school is strongly committed to improving our scores in
Numeracy. The school will dedicate many professional development sessions throughout the school year to furthering our understanding of teaching and
learning in Mathematics and to move our students forward in math. Strategies such as the three-part math lesson, access to manipulatives, and collaboration
amongst students will be used to provide a deeper understanding of mathematics for all students.
2. St. Aidan Catholic School’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance:
Reading: 76%
Writing: 55%
Mathematics: 33%
St. Aidan School's students continue to demonstrate progress in the areas of reading and writing in the Junior division. Our Catholic School Learning Plan
continues to emphasize the importance of literacy across the curriculum through an emphasis on Guided Reading and Guided Writing. Our Junior division will
collaborate throughout the school year to share and discuss best practices in the areas of instruction and assessment to move students forward and enhance
the fundamental skills gained in earlier years. Mathematics instruction will be a direct focus in the Junior division this school year. Classroom teachers will be
provided in-service opportunities through various avenues to explore ways to improve teaching and learning in Numeracy. Further a school-wide emphasis on
mathematics instruction will provide opportunities for professional dialogue in this area with an aim to improve student achievement in mathematics across all
grade levels. Teaching and learning will emphasize the mathematical processes to ensure a deeper understanding of mathematics and to improve student
self-efficacy in Numeracy.
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St. Aidan Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
3. The St. Aidan Catholic School community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning by:
Using profiles K-6 and My BluePrint (Grades 7-8) to support students in identifying interests that will inform future learning pathways and eventual
career planning
Teaching/learning cycles supported by Admin and SAT using resources from LNS
Resource staff support teachers and students in classrooms as well as in small group tutorials
Data gathering and analysis to monitor student achievement
Engaging parent community with information on how they can assist their child(ren)'s learning
Co-op student placements are utilized
Transition planning for Grade 8 students going into Grade 9
4. St. Aidan Catholic School demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners by:
Monthly staff meetings with a focus on inquiry based learning and planning for effective instruction
Tracking and monitoring of students
At risk students are brought forward and discussed in TEAM for multi-disciplinary problem solving
EQAO After School Tutoring Program for students achieving at levels 1 and 2
Involvement of Special Assignment Teacher in co-teaching and co-learning
Co-teaching and co-learning through the Brampton West Family of Schools PODs and carried over to the rest of the school
Teacher Moderation is encouraged
Common Planning Time structures to promote Grade level Planning – PAR
Community Engagement:
1. The St. Aidan Catholic School community ensures that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community by:
Open invitation to all members of the school community to become a part of the school council through the school newsletter and attempts to recruit
participation at Open House and other school events
School Council supports all school activities that reflect the diversity of our community through subsidizing diversity presentations as well as resources
for our central text rooms and library
Continued partnership with Guardian Angels parish (e.g. support for the Guardian Angels Church Building Fund)
Open invitation to the community to attend School Council meetings through the newsletter and school website
2. The St. Aidan Catholic School team builds and sustains community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By 6 Peel)
Neighbourhood Policing Unit (NPU)
Peel Police Youth Education Officer Presentations
Peel Heath Nurse Presentations
Big Brother/Big Sisters Program in conjunction with St. Edmund Campion Secondary School
Transition Planning Meetings with St. Edmund Campion Secondary School
Junior Achievement
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St. Aidan Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Scientists in the School Program
Brampton Northwest Connects community partnership
Christmas Mingle and Jingle Weekend Community Event
School Access after school hours to various groups through the Permit Program
Communication of community events and activities posted in our newsletter and on school website
Creation of School email list
YMCA programs hosted at St. Aidan
1. St. Aidan Catholic School promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success by:
Initial planning meeting with pastor
Encourage and support Father Jan's school and classroom visits
Invitation to Father Jan to attend Open House and Kindergarten Registration Night
School and Parish meet to plan and discuss the liturgical calendar in order to set dates for school masses and sacramental preparation
Parish information is shared through the monthly school newsletter
Invite parents/guardians to attend our school masses and liturgical celebrations
Continue to support Social Justice Projects
Support for the Guardian Angels Church initiatives
Physical Environment:
1. St. Aidan Catholic School engages in models that promote good stewardship of resources:
Eco Schools Silver Certification
Community partnerships contributed to the creation of a butterfly garden at the front of the school
Recycling Program in all classrooms and throughout the school
Promotion of Litter-less Lunch Program
School encouragement in Earth Day Activities
Encouragement of Walk to School Program
Encouragement of Healthy Eating
Attention to site safety
Promotion of a clean and healthy environment
Prompt attention to acts of vandalism
Conservation of resources - paper, recycling, lighting
2. St. Aidan Catholic School demonstrates financial responsibility and accountability in the following ways:
Accurate and close monitoring of records
Ensuring that funds are collected and expensed by the school in compliance with all Board protocols.
Annual Budgets reviewed monthly
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St. Aidan Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Pre-approval of expenses - prioritizing of needs and requests
Fundraising activities are determined in consultation with the Catholic School Council and are reported upon as per Board protocols
Purposeful spending in support of the Catholic School Learning Plan
Social Justice and Community fundraising
Charitable donations to community and outreach program wherever possible
Prompt attention to health and safety reports and response to acts of vandalism
Students are encouraged to be responsible stewards of all school learning materials
Monitor School Budget by using tracking mechanisms to ensure compliance
Follow GAP policy regarding School Generated Funds
The intent of the strategic plan is to shape school, classroom and corporate decision-making and direction over the next five years. The development of the
Dufferin-Peel Catholic Board Learning Plan (CBLP) and the Catholic Board Corporate Plan (CBCP) has been undertaken within the context of these five core
principles. All five principles are reflected throughout the plan.
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St. Aidan Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support student well-being.
Action Plans
Bullying Prevention Program: If we continue our Virtues / Anti-Bullying Program by having assemblies and partnerships with Peel Health, Peel Regional
Police and other agencies/resources, then students will demonstrate strong and respectful peer and community relationships.
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support collaborative inquiry.
Action Plans
Collaborative Inquiry: If educators engage in Inquiry-Based Learning, then there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who are confident to
apply knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities.
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support transitional practices.
Action Plans
Pathways and Transitions: If we continue to assist Intermediate students in becoming more familiar with high school options, pathways and programs,
and support them in making appropriate choices, then more students will graduate high school.
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support knowing the learner through assessment.
Action Plans
Knowing the Learner through Assessment: If we intentionally provide effective descriptive feedback during assessment for and as opportunities, then
students will be more successful in demonstrating their learning
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St. Aidan Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support effective instruction.
Action Plans
Authentic and Relevant Learning Opportunities: If we offer students authentic and relevant learning opportunities by allowing them to pursue their own
interests and questions within the context of the curriculum, then student learning will be deepened as a result of greater student engagement.
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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