Senior ACT Dates: September Newsletter

Senior Newsletter
ACT Dates:
Test Date
Registration Deadline
(Late Fee Required)
October 24, 2015
September 18, 2015
September 19–October 2, 2015
December 12, 2015
November 6, 2015
November 7–20, 2015
February 6, 2016*
January 8, 2016
January 9–15, 2016
April 9, 2016
March 4, 2016
March 5–18, 2016
June 11, 2016**
May 6, 2016
May 7–20, 2016
*Pay close attention to the registration deadlines. If there are any benchmarks you haven’t met on
your ACT, you need to retake it as soon as possible or you will not be able to take credit-bearing courses
in college. The cost for the ACT with no writing is $39.50. You can also take the Compass test as well to
try to meet benchmarks, but the Compass won’t count for scholarships or admission to a four-year
college. However, if you qualify for free/reduced lunch, you are allowed to take the ACT twice at no
charge during high school. (This is not twice per year but twice total.) You will need to see Mrs. Angel to
pick up a fee waiver. Mrs. Angel does not register you for this….you must register online at
*The school code is 180145; you will need this when you register.
*Please note that the highest ACT score is used for scholarship purposes up through the scholarship
deadline date.
Residual ACT:
The residual ACT is a computer-based ACT given at Murray State on various dates throughout the school
year. The test costs $50, and you get your results back the day after. The score will work for both
admissions AND scholarships at Murray State University only. It cannot be transferred to a different
school. The residual ACT will given on 11/4, 12/16, 1/6, 1/13, 2/3, 3/2, 4/6, 5/18, 6/15. The test on
1/13 is the last one that could be used for scholarship purposes. The number to register is 270-8092999, and there is a registration form and information at the following link:
MSU Housing:
The MSU housing application will be available at the end of the month. The housing application will be
available through your MyGate account. There is no paper application available.
Scholarship Deadlines:
October 2: Wendy’s High School Heisman Scholarship Award
Eligibility: Male or female students who have maintained at least a B (3.0) grade point average,
participated in one of the 43 sports recognized by the Wendy’s High School Heisman, and demonstrated
volunteer service, community involvement, or leadership in the school or community.
**You need to let Mrs. Angel know if you apply for this because your application has to be reviewed.
October 7: AES Engineers
Eligibility: Students are not required to be taking engineering courses to be eligible. Scholarships will be
based on character as evidenced by the written essay.
October 25: Horatio Alger Association Scholarship
Eligibility: Commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor’s degree, demonstrate financial need. Must
have a 2.0 grade point average. Please be sure to let Mrs. Angel know if you are completing this one.
Oct. 31: Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship
Eligibility: Applicants must be Current high school (or home-schooled) seniors attending school in the
United States, be a U.S. Citizen, U.S. National, or U.S. Permanent Residents, anticipate completion of
high school diploma at the time of application, plan to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. postsecondary institution, carry a minimum 3.00 GPA at the end of their junior year of high school.
October 31: Kentucky Ready-Mixed Concrete Association
Eligibility: Open to all high school students ages 16-18 at the beginning of the 2015-2016 year.
Applicants must turn in the entry form (in the scholarship crate in the library) and typed, double-spaced
essay which cannot exceed 600 words. Possible themes for the essay include concrete’s benefits to
society, how concrete affects the environment, and using concrete to build homes, commercial
buildings, bridges, or roads. Essays should demonstrate a student’s awareness of concrete’s role as a
building material in homes, commercial buildings, streets, and highways. Essays will be judged on
content and writing ability (grammar, style, clarity, etc.)
Nov. 3: Prudential Spirit of Community
Eligibility: Students may apply if they have engaged in a volunteer activity that occurred at least in part
after September 1, 2014. Students must complete an application and submit to the principal of head of
an officially designated local organization by Nov. 3, 2015.
December 1: All ‘A’ Classic Scholarship---not sports related
Eligibility: Be a senior in good standing at a Kentucky High School that is a member of the All ‘A’ Classic,
plan to attend a post-secondary institution in the state of Kentucky next year as a full-time student, be
drug free, and submit an accurate and complete application by the designated deadline.
****America’s Farmer’s Grow Ag Leaders Scholarships, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund.
Learn more at and apply at November 15-February 1.
**Please note that local scholarships will not be available until late March of 2016. Also, many places of
employment (both your’s and your parent’s/guardian’s) as well as churches give scholarships, so make
sure to ask!
Scholarships Given by Colleges
Some schools now offer automatic scholarships for certain grade point averages and ACT scores. You
can log on to your prospective college’s website and type “scholarship” in the search box and it should
take you to scholarship page. You might look for “achievement scholarship” or “automatic scholarship”
to see if there is one available.
West Kentucky Community and Technical College Scholarship Information:
Please access the link above to see scholarship opportunities that were available last year.
Murray State Univeristy Scholarship Information: Goes live Oct. 1/Deadline of Jan. 15
***They have changed the academic achievement (automatic) scholarships so you want to make sure
and look at those.
University of Kentucky Scholarship Information:
University of Louisville Scholarship Information:
Western Kentucky University Scholarship Information:
To research scholarships at the schools you are interested in; simply go to the school website and type
“scholarship” in the search box.
Go ahead and apply NOW at all colleges except WKCTC. We have to wait until spring to apply at WKCTC
because of dual credit courses. If students apply now, it can mess those things up.
Even if your ACT goes up, your scholarship amount can go up until the scholarship deadline at MSU. (I
believe most universities will do this.) We just have to e-mail the admissions office to make sure they
are aware of the higher ACT score. Also be sure to apply for housing ASAP!!!! You want to be in the
best dorm you can! The best dorms fill up quickly.
Military Scholarship:
If you are interested in a scholarship through the Army Reserves, please contact Sgt. Robert Young at This scholarship can help fund a 4 year college degree including tuition,
books, and living expenses. However, the college you attend must have the ROTC program, and you
must be eligible to apply. You would be required to participate in activities 1 weekend per month and 2
weeks in the summer.
ILP Scholarship Search:
One of the most useful ways to use your ILP is to search for scholarships. Be sure to use this and apply
for all you can!!!!!
Steps to using the scholarship search:
1. Log in at
2. Select Financial Aid in the top blue portion of the page
3. Select Financial Aid Selector
4. Answer questions and view results
Upcoming College Fairs:
See Blue Preview Night: September 29 @ 7:00 p.m.
This event, where the University of Kentucky hits the road to share a taste of campus life with high
school students across the state, is typically held at the Carson Center in Paducah. The Preview Nights
are open to any and all students. Please register at the link below.
Racer Days
Saturday, September 26 from noon to 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 2 from noon to 5:00 p.m.
Racer Days are open house style visits at Murray State University where students have the opportunity
to meet the Office of Recruitment staff, professors, and student organizations representatives. Students
will also have the opportunity to meet with Financial Aid and Scholarship office staff. Use the following
link to register:
Also, don’t forget you can always schedule an individual appointment to go tour college campuses, and
fall break is a great time to do that. I highly suggested visiting college campuses you are thinking about
attending and trying to meet with a faculty member from the department you are interested in. College
days must be set up with Mrs. Angel AT LEAST 5 school days in advance.
Events at CCHS:
Oct. 14: SIU-E , which is located in Edwardsville, IL, will be sending a rep here to talk to interested
seniors at 1:15 on this date. Sign up on Mrs. Angel’s door if you would like to talk to the representative.
Oct. 20: West Kentucky Community and Technical College Open House
Seniors who signed up to attend will receive more information soon about this field trip.
Nov. 12 @ 6:30 p.m.: Financial Aid/Scholarship workshop
Mark your calendars now…you don’t want to miss this. You will be provided valuable information on
paying for college!
Financial Aid & Financial Aid Workshops
There will be various types of financial aid you can apply for and receive. Your parents need to make
sure to attend financial aid meetings that they can here at Carlisle County High School. All students
must fill out the FAFSA form even if you think your family will not qualify. This is the only way to receive
grants and loans. You can also go to for more information on various types of financial
aid. You will be applying for financial aid at as soon after January 1 as possible.
Money runs out quickly. The form does not open until 12:00 a.m. on January 1.
Nov. 12 @ 6:30 p.m: Financial Aid/Scholarship workshop!!!! Mark your calendars now…you don’t
want to miss this. You will be provided valuable information on paying for college.
You may attend one of the following workshops for help filling out your FAFSA. You do not have to
stay the whole time.
***********Before these dates, you will need to register for a PIN number for both you and your
student at Keep these numbers in a safe place. You will need tax information
including W-2’s from 2015. If not available, bring your 2014 tax documents to the workshop. If you use
your 2014 tax documents you will need to go back in and update your information on the financial aid
form as soon as your 2015 information is available. These sessions are come-and-go sessions. You do
not have to stay the entire time.
Monday, January 4: 3-8 p.m.
FAFSA workshop in the computer lab
Saturday, January 9: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
FAFSA workshop in the computer lab
Tuesday, January 19: 12-3 p.m.
FAFSA workshop in the computer lab.
Reminder: The FAFSA needs to be filled out as soon after January 1 as
possible, and definitely by January 15! I cannot stress enough how
important it is to get this done early. Money runs out fast!!!
*Lots of scholarship money goes unclaimed each year. Here are some websites to find other
scholarships that often go unclaimed.
*The best way to bring up an ACT score is to do practice questions and know test taking tips. Mrs. Angel
has practice ACT tests in her office. In addition, students can use Method Test Prep through the ILP to
review for the ACT. The school has bought this so that each student can have access. It is an AWESOME
Here are some other valuable websites.
ACT Practice Questions
ACT Test Taking Tips
Applying to Colleges
You need to be applying to college NOW!!!! Each one has a deadline you have to meet for acceptance
in addition to the deadline to meet for scholarships. You cannot get a scholarship if you aren’t
admitted to the college. If you need me to help you find deadlines let me know! If you qualify for
free/reduced lunch, it is a possibility that your application fee can be waived. Check with Mrs. Angel
when applying. There is no application fee at WKCTC; but please wait until I tell you it is okay to apply
so we don’t run into issues with dual credit courses. Remember that you can use your ILP to find your
college, or just go through Google to find your college’s website. You also need to apply early early
early for housing if you plan to live on campus.
Completing Applications
Tips for Completing College/Technical School Applications and Scholarship Applications:
2. It is a good idea to make a copy of the application that way you can fill out a draft copy if possible.
Then transfer your information to the original. However, many applications are online now.
3. Type your application or print neatly in black or blue ink if it is a paper copy.
4. Make a photocopy of your form if possible.
5. Keep yourself a folder for all of this information.
6. Follow up on your application.
Transcript Requests
You will need to request transcripts at various times throughout the year. You need to request
transcripts at least one week in advance. There is a senior clipboard with a sign-up sheet on Mrs.
Angel’s desk for you to request the transcript. Do not e-mail me or tell me in the hall. The request must
be on the clipboard!
Letters of Recommendation
1. Choose a responsible person who will get the letter done for you.
2. When you ask for the letter, give a resume of your activities, employment, community service, etc.
You can do your resume through the ILP website or you can go to for examples of more resumes.
3. Ask for the letter at least two weeks in advance. Everyone stays busy and needs plenty of notice.
4. Be sure to give the person all the information that should be included in the letter (ex. name of
scholarship, to whom the letter should be addressed, special qualities the program wants in its
letter) and any specific instructions (should they give this letter back to you, type it on
letterhead, mail it somewhere, etc.)
5. Don’t forget to tell them when the recommendation is due.
6. It’s always nice to give people a thank you card that do things like this for you!
7. If you need a letter from Mrs. Angel, please sign up on the clipboard where you sign up for transcripts
and place a copy of your resume on the clipboard.
NCAA Clearinghouse
If you plan to play Division 1 or Division 2 sports, see Mrs. Angel you will need to register on the NCAA
Clearinghouse website.
This is a very important reminder that information on ALL scholarships will be available students either
on Mrs. Angel’s website or in the crate in the library. You should check the scholarship website AT LEAST
twice a week. ( > Online Classroom > Thompson, Angel > Scholarships). You
will see a list. You can also click on Links to Scholarships to go to the direct links. It is VERY important
that you participate in community service. There are scholarships that are based mostly on community
service activities.
College Days
Each senior gets 1 college day per semester. Here are the rules:
1. Appointments must be made through my office by me. If a school wants you to contact them
individually, I will let you know.
2. Mrs. Angel must be given AT LEAST 5 school days’ notice before the date you want to go visit a
3. Student must pick up the college visit form from Mrs. Tanya and bring it back completed.
4. Student is liable for his/her conduct.
5. Missed work or tests are the responsibility of the student. You must get all make up work
BEFORE your college day.
Checking KEES Money
You can keep up with how much KEES money you have at Most of you have
registered before, so if you do not remember your password, you will have to call KHEAA to reset it. You
will not have to do anything at the end of the year to receive your KEES money. Your school will request
it from the state and it will be sent.
College Checklist
______1. Complete the admission application and send in early in the senior year. Most colleges
require you to send in money with the application. If you qualify for free/reduced lunch and cannot pay
the application fee, see Mrs. Angel.
______2. Request from Mrs. Angel all documents that the college needs. (Transcript, senior year
schedule, etc.) Sign up on the senior clipboard in Mrs. Angel’s office.
______3. Make sure you ACT scores have been submitted to that school from ACT.
______4. Complete the housing form for your school ASAP.
______5. Complete scholarship application for the college(s) of your choice.
______6. Register for a pin number for both you and your student at These pin
numbers are necessary for completing step #7. Do not lose these PIN numbers. Store them in a safe
place. They will be used year after year.
______7. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at
after January 1 (and by January 15 if at all possible). Make sure this is complete well before the financial
aid deadline for your school and well before the state deadline. You will need your W-2 forms from the
previous year to fill this out.
______8. Be sure to sign and return any paperwork the college sends you. (Admissions, Scholarships,
Financial Aid)
______9. Make appointment to register for classes or sign up for Summer Orientation, depending on
where you are going to college.
______10. Make sure you pay tuition by the dates listed on the website.
______11. Purchase textbooks for the upcoming year.
Pre-Admit Conferences
If you are attending WKCTC and going into an Allied Health field (nursing, dental hygiene, radiology,
etc.), you MUST attend a pre-admit conference. Call the WKCTC at 554-9200 or look online for dates.
Selective Service
All 18-year-old males must register with the selective service. This can be done at