HPER 1110: Healthy Living Instructor: John J. Brusk, MPH Office: 4th Floor SRC Office Hours: by appointment Email: john.brusk@wmich.edu Website : http://homepages.wmich.edu/~jbrusk/ Course Section #: 125 Class Time: Thursday: 6:00-7:40PM Location: SRC 3015 Required Text: Insel, P.M. & Roth, W.T. (2010) Core Concepts in Health, 11th Edition, McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0073380776 WEBSITE: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0073380776/student_view0/index.html Course Description: This course provides students with the information and skills necessary to make positive health decisions. Students will be introduced to key behavior change concepts and basic health skills required for becoming health literate adults. Course Objectives: Each student will identify on a written assessment and/or demonstrate in a practical experience: understanding/application of the steps involved in behavior change as they relate to areas of young adult health: 1. assessing and evaluating health information 2. problem solving and decision-making skills 3. goal setting 4. analyzing influences 5. managing stress 6. self-monitoring communication 7. assessing and evaluating risk Course Activities and Required Assignments: Weekly Assessments – 10 total – 10 points each (100 points) Weekly 10 question assessment quiz to be completed sometime during each class period. All questions will come from the required reading and activities associated with each text chapter assigned. All internet activities and practice quizzes are found on the text website. Field Assignments – 2 total – 10 points each (20 points) Field assignments will be given during the class before the class day the field work is to be completed. Field work will consist of local campus or community based investigations concerning healthy living. Class will not meet on days when field work is schedule. Individual Project – Personal Health Behavior Change Presentation Students will be required to develop a personal health behavior change report. Students must complete this assignment to receive credit for this course. This report should include the following information: Project Topic – DUE by November 11th at 6pm via email – no exceptions (10 points) - Select your project topic and write a one page rationale for your choice. Your topic should be related to a topic covered in the course. Your rationale should describe the background, scope and significance of the problem. Project Summary – DUE by December 16th at 6pm via email (70 points) Synthesize a detailed, typed report about your selected health topic associated with the course content using personal assessments and monitoring notes as well as peer-reviewed journal articles and reliable websites (ex: American Heart Association, CDC, etc.). This report should outline the following information (the basic who, what, where, when, why, and how): *What is the health behavior? *What is the impact of the health behavior? (on you and others) *What are the signs and symptoms of the behavior? *How can the behavior be measured? *What are the interventions that exist to promote healthy behavior change? *What are the social and environmental factors that impact the health behavior? *What novel approaches can you support as potential options for positively impacting the health behavior? Report should follow APA formatting guidelines for citing and documenting references. A minimum of three peer-reviewed references are required. Report should be 5 pages minimum, 10 pages maximum. Attendance and Promptness: Attending class is a personal responsibility. I reserve the right to deduct course points as appropriate due to the inability to follow thru with the personal responsibility of attending class. Course Evaluation: Weekly Assessments (10) Project Topic Project Field Assignments (2) TOTAL Grading Scale: A >=185 pts BA 175-184 pts 100 Points 10 Points 70 Points 20 Points 200 Points B CB 165-174 pts 155-164 pts C DC 145-154 pts 135-144 pts D E 125-134 pts <=124 pts Student Disposition and Behavior: Students are reminded that they are to behave in a courteous and respectful manner to their classmates and instructor. Any disruptive behavior that undermines the educational process will not be tolerated. This includes failure to turn off cell phones and beepers, persistent and inappropriate talking, and leaving the classroom. If these behaviors occur, you will be asked to leave the class for that session. Each student is responsible for being aware of and understanding the policies and procedures in the Undergraduate (pp.271272) Catalog that pertain to Academic Integrity. These policies include cheating, fabrication, falsification and forgery, multiple submission, plagiarism, complicity and computer misuse. If there is reason to believe you have been involved in academic dishonesty, you will be referred to the Office if Judicial Affairs. You will be given the opportunity for a hearing. You should consult with me if you are uncertain about an issue of academic honesty prior to the submission of an assignment or test. In addition, students who have been diagnosed with disabilities that impact their learning will need to provide documentation that will allow the instructor to make appropriate instructional accommodations. Reminder: Students must be in class for the full session of the day the assignment is due or it must be turned in before the due date. Assignments may be turned in until 5p.m. on the due date unless otherwise indicated. Students who are 15 or more minutes late will be considered absent. HPER 1110: Schedule Class Date Class Agenda Thurs, Sept 9 Introduction to Healthy Living Developing skills that impact behavior – Insel Ch 1; Psychosocial Health – Insel Ch 3 Field Assignment #1 - Understanding and Managing Stress – Insel Ch 2 – NO CLASS Healthy Relationships I – Insel Chs 4 &5 Healthy Relationships II – Insel Ch 6 thru 8 Nutrition – Insel Ch 12; Weight Managment – Insel Ch 14 Personal Fitness – Insel Ch 13 Thurs, Sept 16 Thurs, Sept 23 Thurs, Sept 30 Thurs, Oct 7 Thurs, Oct 14 Thurs, Oct 21 Thurs, Oct 28 Thurs, Nov 4 Thurs, Nov 11 Thurs, Nov 18 Thurs, Nov 25 Thurs, Dec 2 Thurs, Dec 9 Dec 13 - Dec 17 Substance Use, Misuse and Abuse I – Insel Chs. 9 & 10 Substance Use, Misuse and Abuse II – Insel Ch. 11 Class Project Review Field Assignment #2 – NO CLASS Class Project Development – NO CLASS Thanksgiving Recess – NO CLASS TBA – Case Study/Special Guest TBA – Case Study/Special Guest EXAM WEEK – NO CLASS Fall 2010 Class Assignment (Date Due) Assessment #1 – Behavior/Psychosocial Health (Chs 1&3) due via email by 6pm Assessment #2 – Stress (Ch. 2); Field Assignment #1 due by 6pm in class Assessment #3 – Healthy Relationships I (Chs. 4 & 5) Assessment #4 – Healthy Relationships II (Chs. 6 - 8) Assessment #5 – Nutrition & Weight Management (Chs. 12 & 14) Assessment #6 – Personal Fitness (Chs. 13) Assessment #7 – Substance Use, Misuse and Abuse I (Chs. 9 & 10) Assessment #8 – Substance Use, Misuse and Abuse II (Ch. 11) Project Topic due via email by 6pm Field Assignment #2 due by 6pm in via email Assessment #9 – TBA – available online Assessment #10 – TBA – available online Final Project Summary due by 6pm on Thursday Dec 16 via email