Social Studies Ch. 5, Lesson 4 Outline

Social Studies
Ch. 5, Lesson 4 Outline
IV. The 13 English Colonies
A. Geography of the 13 Colonies
1. The 13 English Colonies were located in the________________
region of the present-day ________________
2. All 13 Colonies lay between the________________
________________in the east and the________________
________________in the west.
3. The colonies can be divided into three regions-the________________ ________________Colonies,
the________________Colonies, and the________________
4. The New England Colonies had________________and
________________soil, making them a difficult place
to_______________. The region was rich in other
________________resources, such as________________ for
homes and ships and waters rich in________________
5. The Middle Colonies had a________________climate and more
________________soil. Because they could grow so
much________________, the region was called “the
________________of the colonies”. The________________and
________________rivers made it easier for colonists to
6. The Southern Colonies had the warmest________________ and
the________________growing season. The soil produced
valuable________________such as________________and
________________. Many rivers connected inland farms
with________________along the region’s coast.
B. New England Colonies
1. Many Puritan settlements were built in________________.
Leaders made________________laws, such as all citizens had to
attend________________. Not everyone________________with
all of the Puritan laws.
2. ________________ ________________believed that
government should not________________citizens for what they
believe. He was known as a________________, a person whose
views differ from those held by most people in the community.
3. Williams was forced to________________. He traveled south and
founded a settlement he named________________. This was the
start of a new colony that would be called________________
________________, which became the first English colony in
North America to offer complete________________
________________to its settlers.
4. ________________ ________________was another dissenter.
She believed a person’s own________________in God was more
important than the church’s _______________and
________________. She________________to Rhode Island.
5. In 1639, ________________ ________________left
Massachusetts with about 100 followers. They founded the colony
of________________. He and his followers came to this new land
in search of greater religious and________________freedom.
They wanted to build________________.
6. English settlers were also moving to________________
________________during this time. The earliest settlements in
this colony were small________________villages.
C. The Middle Colonies
1. ________________freedom, rich________________, and the
________________trade attracted people from many nations to
this region.
2. King________________II decided to________________the
English colonies by taking over________________
________________. He gave his brother James, the Duke
of________________, the task of capturing the colony.
3. In 1664 the English________________New Netherland without
firing a________________.
4. In honor of the Duke of York, New Netherland was renamed
________________ ________________.
5. New Amersterdam became New York________________.
6. The Duke gave part of New York to his friends
George________________and John________________. This
new English colony was named________________
7. In 1681, King Charles II gave a section of land to
________________ ________________ as repayment.
8. Penn wanted to build a colony based on his religious
________________. He was a________________who
opposed________________and believed that people could
worship God without going to________________or following
9. The English king named Penn’s new colony________________,
meaning “________________ ________________” in honor of
William Penn’s________________.
10. William Penn said that this new colony would be a
“________________experiment” where people could live together
in________________. He also promised to________________the
Native Americans a fair price for________________.
11. For the site of Pennsylvania’s main settlement, Penn chose land
between the________________and________________Rivers.
He named the town________________, which means “city
12. A section of Pennsylvania to the south of Pennsylvania later
became a separate colony called________________.
D. The Southern Colonies
1. ________________faced persecution in England.
2. In 1632, King________________I gave a large section of land
north of________________to ________________
________________. He named his colony________________,
which became a refuge, or________________place, both for
3. Maryland was a________________colony, meaning a colony
where the land was controlled by an________________or a group
of________________, or owners.
4. The next southern colony to be formed was________________in
1663. King Charles II gave eight proprietors a________________
of land between________________and________________. In
1729, Carolina became two separate colonies-________________
Carolina and ________________Carolina.
________________ ________________helped found the last of
the English colonies in North America. He saw that English jails
were crowded with________________, or people who owned
money. He came up with a________________to help them. He
would start a new colony where debtors could go to start
new________________on their own________________.
In 1732, King________________II gave Oglethorpe a charter to
land south of the________________. He named the new
Georgia’s________________helped other colonies. It lay between
the________________and ________________Florida. Because
of this location, it helped________________the other English
colonies from possible ________________attacks.
James Oglethorpe wanted his colony to have ________________
relations with the Native Americans. He met with
________________, chief of the________________tribe. The
Yamacraw agreed to give________________to Oglethorpe and his
He founded his first settlement in________________, which he
E. Growing Colonies
1. From 1650 to 1700, the________________of the colonies
________________from 50,000 to over________________.
2. Fifty years later, the population had topped
3. People moved to the colonies’ three largest cities-________________, ________________, and ________________
4. They also moved from the cities and towns, clearing
________________and building________________.