Free Enterprise - Profit Project

Free Enterprise - Profit Project
Directions: You will invent a delicious new cookie or dessert. You will use a $50.00
budget to create as much profit as you can.
Due Date: _____________________________________
Your grade will be based on:
1. Your budget (how you spend the $50)
2. The estimated profit (how much profit you plan on making)
3. A list of the ingredients needed to make your cookie (include prices of
4. The advertisement/commercial that you create (Make me want to buy your
5. A picture of your cookie/dessert (Either hand drawn or computer created)
6. Explain the price of your cookie, and the reason you chose that price
7. Overall neatness and presentation of the advertisement that you and your
partner create to sell the cookie
EXTRA POINTS: You can receive 10 points extra credit if you choose to bring
your cookie into school on Friday, October 2. (22 students)
Important Hints & Suggestions:
 Look into ways of saving money to get the most from your budget
 Use advertisements from grocery stores to find good deals on your ingredients
 Being in business is about making a profit. Really think about the price you will
charge for your cookie to produce a profit.
 Charge too much and you may lose customers. They might buy from other
people instead of you. Charge too little and you are giving away profit.
 Consider your customers, as well as supply and demand that you learned about
in Overview Lesson 3.
 Think of a cookie/dessert that will cater to the demands of your target market
(your classmates). Think of them and what they might choose to buy.
This is a chance for you to shine and use your creativity! Have fun
inventing a brand new cookie