Indra J. Das/ Small Fields (Page-1) Misadministration Media Coverage Small-Field Dosimetry: Its Importance In Clinic Indra J. Das, PhD, FAAPM, FACR, FASTRO Department of Radiation Oncology Indiana University School of Medicine & IU Health Proton Therapy Center IJDas (1) Indianapolis, IN, USA AAPM-2013 IJDas (2) AAPM-2013 TG-155: Small Fields and Non-Equilibrium Condition Photon Beam Dosimetry Misadministration Media Coverage Indra J. Das (Chair) Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN 46202 Paolo Francescon (Co-chair) Ospedale Di Vicenza, Viale Rodolfi, Vicenza 36100, Italy Anders Ahnesjö Uppsala University & Nucletron Scandinavia AB, 751 47 Uppsala, Sweden Maria M. Aspradakis Department of Radiation Oncology, Kantonsspital Lucerne, Lucerne Switzerland Chee-Wai Cheng Midwest Proton Radiotherapy Institute, Bloomington, IN, George X. Ding Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232 Geoffrey S. Ibbott Radiological Physics Center, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030 Mark Oldham Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710 M. Saiful Huq University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Chester S. Reft University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 IJDas (4) Otto A Sauer AAPM-2013 University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany IJDas (3) AAPM-2013 What is a Small Field? Treatment Fields Magna-Fields Lack of charged particle Traditional Fields 200x200 cm2 40x40 cm2 Small Field 4x4 cm2 IJDas (5) AAPM-2013 Wrong detector used for BrainLab cone calibration 0.3x0.3 cm2 Dependent on the range of secondary electrons Photon energy 4x4 cm2 Advance Therapy Fields SRS/SRT Gamma Knife Cyber-Knife Tomotherapy IMRT Collimator setting that obstructs the source size Detector is comparable to the field size IJDas (6) AAPM-2013 Indra J. Das/ Small Fields (Page-2) Source Size Calculation of Fluence Map Elements Components Critical for Small Fields Direct beam source size Open beam off axis distribution Fluence modulation Step&shot Dynamic Wedges Head scatter sources flattening filter collimators wedges Monitor back scatter Processes to include Collimator leakage, including MLC interleaf leakage shape of MLC leaf ends MLC positioning Beam spectra Spectral changes Electron contamination 90%, 70%, 50%, 30%, 10% iso-intensity line IJDas (7) AAPM-2013 IJDas (8) AAPM-2013 Jaffray et al, Med Phys 20, 1417-1427 (1993) Definition of Small Fields Courtesy Anders Ahnesjö Calculation of Fluence Map Elements Raytrace to calculate attenuation or use approximate penumbra shape POI-eye-view of the source! IJDas (9) AAPM-2013 Das et al, Med. Phys. 35, 206-215, 2008 For each element, find the contributions from the relevant sources Courtesy Anders Ahnesjö IJDas (10) AAPM-2013 Energy Fluence Penumbra/Output Profile and Leaf Tip Positions & Location Source plane xHVL - xw Energy FluenceSc normalized Source sizes Nyholm IJDas (11) AAPM-2013 1.0 1.0 cm 0.8 0.8 ---- 0.01 ---- 0.35 ---- 0.50 0.6 0.6 0.4 Large field cm x cm 0.4 isocenter plane 2.0x2.0 1.0x1.0cm cm22 0.5x0.5 cm2 0.2 0.2 0.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 x cm 0.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 x cm et al Radiother Oncol 78, 347, 2006 and Phys Med Biol 51,6245, 2006 xHVL xw x Potential inconsistency dose calculations ↔ delivery Delivery: uses of lookup table or parameterized correction TPS: - “ - or direct calculation of 50% transmission IJDas (12) AAPM-2013 Courtesy Anders Ahnesjö Indra J. Das/ Small Fields (Page-3) Dose and Penumbra with Spot Size Dosimetry Absolute Dose Relative Depth Dose o [D(r,d)/D(r,dm)] TMR Profiles Output, Scp (total scatter factor) o IJDas (14) AAPM-2013 Scott et al, Med Phys, 36, 3132, 2009 Dosimetric Variation with Detectors Small Field Dosimetry Problem Total scatter factor from different institutions 1.02 Total scatter factor with various detectors 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.98 Institutional variability in 6 MV Radionics SRS dosimetry 0.94 WEH U-Arizona Temple U U Penn Erlanger Serago et al. Fan et al. Zhu et al. 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 12% diff 0.84 0.96 Cone Factor (St) Cone Factor (St) 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.88 0.86 14% 0.84 0.82 0.82 0.80 10 15 20 25 30 35 0.80 40 10 Cone Diameter (mm) IJDas (15) AAPM-2013 15 20 25 40 Das et al, J Radiosurgery, 3, 177-186, 2000 Dose profile of a 12.5 mm cone 110 Film Diamond Ion (Pinp oint ) Ion (Parallel Plate) 100 0.8 90 Normalized Dose (%) 0.7 Monte Carlo Diamond Diode LAC+film Film 0.6 0.5 0.4 PTW 31014 (Pinpoint) PTW 31010 (Semiflex) PTW 30006 (Farmer) 0.3 80 Dose profiles for a 40 mm cone with different detectors 70 110 60 100 50 90 40 30 20 10 0 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2 4 6 8 10 Distance (mm) 3.0 12 14 16 18 20 Film Diamomd Ion (Pinp oint) Ion (parallel-plate) Ion (0.125 cc) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Side of Square Field (cm) 0 10 IJDas (17) AAPM-2013 35 Profiles with different detectors 0.9 0.2 0.5 30 Cone Diameter (mm) IJDas (16) AAPM-2013 Das et al, J Radiosurgery, 3, 177-186, 2000 Dose to Water For Small Fields: Volume Averaging Output Factor Diamond CEA (Film) Kodak(Film) TLD Pinpoint (par) Pinpoint (per) 0.125ion(par) 0.125ion(per) M C(1mm) M C(5mm) 0.90 Normalized Dose (%) IJDas (13) AAPM-2013 [D(r)/D(ref)] From Roberto Capote, IAEA IJDas (18) AAPM-2013 Hedrian, Hoban & Beddoe, PMB, 41, 93-110, 1996 Das et al, J Radiosurgery, 3, 177-186, 2000 12 14 16 18 20 Distance (mm) 22 24 26 28 30 Indra J. Das/ Small Fields (Page-4) D en Ratio of Readings? D h m ax 0 Radiation Measurements d (h ) (h ) Eab (h )d (h ) d ( h ) Charged particle equilibrium or electronic equilibrium Range of secondary electrons Medium (tissue, lung, bone) Q W S Dm m e a m D ( r ) Q( r ) W Dref Qref e ref r Photon energy and spectrum S a m Change in spectrum r ref Field size Off axis points like beamlets in IMRT Changes en/ and S/ Detector size Q(E,r) = Qr Pion Prepl Pwall Pcec Ppcf, D (r ) Q( r ) W Dref Qref e ref r IJDas (19) AAPM-2013 r S m a ref Q (r ) Q ref C F1 C F 2 Volume Signal to noise ratio IJDas (20) AAPM-2013 IAEA/AAPM proposed pathway CPE & Electron Range CPE, Charged Particle Equilibrium Electron range= dmax in forward direction Electron range in lateral direction Nearly energy independent Nearly equal to penumbra (8-10 mm) Field size needed for CPE IJDas (21) AAPM-2013 Lateral range 16-20 mm dmax IJDas (22) Alfonso, AAPM-2013 Relative Dosimetry msr msr , f ref Dwf ,msrQmsr M Qf msr N DW , QokQ ,QokQf msr ,Q f msr Qfclin clinQmsr , f msr kQf clin clin , Qmsr D D clin , f msr kQfclin ,Qmsr IJDas (23) AAPM-2013 f clin Dwf clin M Qfclin M Qfclin ,Qclin / M Qclin clin clin clin , f msr kQfclin ,Qmsr f msr f msr f msr M Qmsr Dw ,Q msr / M Qmsr M Qf msr msr f msr w ,Qclin f clin w ,Qmsr / M / M f clin w ,Qclin f clin w ,Qmsr (Output ) (Re ading ) Why So Much of Fuss? Reference (ref) conditions cannot be achieved for most SRS devices (cyberknife, gammaknife, tomotherapy etc) Machine Specific reference (msr) needs to be linked to ref Ratio of reading (PDD, TMR, Output etc) is not the same as ratio of dose D1 M 1 D2 M 2 rel rel D1 M 1 clin , f msr kQf clin ,Qmsr D2 M 2 ( S w,air ) fclin Pfclin ( S w,air ) fmsr Pmsr et al. Med Phys 35, 5179-5186 (2008) IJDas (24) AAPM-2013 Indra J. Das/ Small Fields (Page-5) 6 MV; Central Axis Detectors 1.1 Field Size Limit for Accurate Dose Measurements with Available Detectors 1.0 0.9 Relative dose at d max 0.8 0.7 0.6 Scanditronix-SFD Scanditronix-PFD Exradin-A16 PTW-Pinpoint PTW-0.125cc PTW-0.3cc PTW-0.6cc PTW-Markus 1.1 Wellhofer-IC4 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Detector 15 MV; Central Axis 1.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.9 9 10 11 0.8 Relative dose at d max Field Size (cm) 0.7 Scanditronix-SFD Scanditronix-PFD Exradin-A16 PTW-Pinpoint PTW-0.125cc PTW-0.3cc PTW-0.6cc PTW-Markus Wellhofer-IC4 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Das et al, TG-106, Med Phys, 35, 4186, 2008 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Field Size (cm) IJDas (25) AAPM-2013 Manufacturer Type volume SFD Scanditronix Photon diode 1.7x10-5cm3 PFD Scanditronix Photon diode 1.9x10-4cm3 Exradin A-16 Standard Imaging Ion chamber 0.007cm3 Wellhofer-IC4 Scanditronix Ion chamber 0.40 cm3 Pinpoint PTW Ion chamber 0.015cm3 0.125cc PTW Ion chamber 0.125cm3 0.3cc PTW Ion chamber 0.3 cm3 0.6cc PTW Ion chamber 0.6 cm3 Diamond PTW Diamond 0.003cm3 Markus PTW Parallel plate 0.055cm3 Edge Detector Sun Nuclear Diode 10-5cm3 Other 11 IJDas (26) AAPM-2013 Radiation Detectors PTW Choice for small Fields IJDas (27) AAPM-2013 IJDas (28) AAPM-2013 Understand Detector, Connector & Cable Sensitivity vs Volume of Detectors 140 PFD 130 120 Relative sensitivity 110 100 90 0.6 cc 80 70 60 50 40 30 SFD 0.3cc 20 10 A-16 0 1.0E-04 1.0E-03 PinPoint 1.0E-02 Markus Srivastava et al, SU-GG-T-270, 2010 0.125cc IC4 1.0E-01 1.0E+00 3 Volume (cm ) IJDas (29) AAPM-2013 IJDas (30) AAPM-2013 Indra J. Das/ Small Fields (Page-6) 1.E+0 Photon Fluence Ion Chamber Issues in Small Fields Volume averaging Poor signal: signal to noise ratio Pion: Ion recombination AIR, at exit (c) 5 cm Spectra & Effective Energy from SRS Cones (0.5-5 cm) 1.E-1 1.E-2 0.5 cm 300 volts may not be needed May be in proportional counter mode or gas multiplication Two voltage method may not be applicable 1.95 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 E (MeV) 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.E+1 WATER, at dmax (a) Photon Fluence Current Large volume Ion chamber 5 cm, primary 1.E-1 IJDas (31) AAPM-2013 200 300 400 600 Voltage 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.50 0 1.E-3 1 2 3 4 Verhaegen, Das, Palmans, PMB, 43, 2755-2768, 1998 0.0 IJDas (32) AAPM-2013 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 E (MeV) Sanchez-Deblado et al, Phy. Med. Biol., 48, 2081, 2003 IJDas (34) AAPM-2013 Cyber Knife Dosimetry Francescon et al, Med. Phys. 25(4), 503, 1998 0.5% MC MC MC MC MC MC IJDas (35) AAPM-2013 F. Araki, Med. Phys. 33, 2955-2963 (2006). 6 0.5 cm, scatter Radiological Parameters IJDas (33) AAPM-2013 5 Diameter of Cone (cm) 5 cm, scatter 500 1.80 1.55 1.E-2 1.E-5 100 1.85 1.60 0.5 cm, primary 1.E-4 0 Average Energy (MeV) 1.90 1.E-4 1.E+0 Small volume Ion chamber 6 MV 2.00 1.E-3 IJDas (36) AAPM-2013 Indra J. Das/ Small Fields (Page-7) Errors in Measured Reading Correction Factors Correction Factor depends on: Field size Source size (FWHM) Detector type IJDas (37) AAPM-2013 IJDas (38) AAPM-2013 Francescon, et al Med Phys 35, 504, 2008 Kawachi et al, Med Phys, 35, 4591-4598, 2008 Detector Density Effect Published data on 1.16 Siemens; PTW diode 60012 1.14 1.12 Elekta; PTW diode 60012 Siemens; Exradin A16 1.10 Elekta; Exradin A16 Siemens; Sun Nuclear Dedge "Elekta; Sun Nuclear Dedge" Siemens; PTW Pinpoint 31014 Correction factor 1.08 1.06 Elekta; PTW Pinpoint 31014 Siemens; PTW microLion 1.04 Elekta; PTW microLion 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0 IJDas (39) AAPM-2013 5 10 15 20 25 30 Field size (mm) Francescon et al Med Phys,38, 6513, 2011 35 IJDas (40) AAPM-2013 Correction Factor vs Ion Chambers IJDas (41) AAPM-2013 Chung et al , Med Phys, 37, 2404-2413, 2010 Scott et al, Phys Med Biol 57 4461–4476, 2012 of Linear Accelerators (Varian) IJDas (42) AAPM-2013 Med. Phys. 38 (12), 6992, 2011 Indra J. Das/ Small Fields (Page-8) of Linear Accelerators Cyber Knife Med. Phys. 38 (12), 6513-6527, 2011 Radiotherapy and Oncology 100 (2011) 429–435 IJDas (43) AAPM-2013 IJDas (44) AAPM-2013 Pantelis et al, Med Phy. 37, 2369-2379, 2010 kQ is not Constant in Small Field Tomotherapy kmsr Reference Dosimetry Reference: 5x10 cm2, 85 cm SSD, 10 cm IJDas (45) AAPM-2013 Sterpin et al, Med Phys, 39, 4066, 2012 IJDas (46) AAPM-2013 Depth Dose & Source Size IJDas (47) AAPM-2013 Sham et al, Med Phys, 35, 3317-3330, 2008 Kawachi et al, Med Phys, 35, 4591-4598, 2008 Profile & Source Size IJDas (48) AAPM-2013 Sham et al, Med Phys, 35, 3317-3330, 2008 Indra J. Das/ Small Fields (Page-9) Effect of Inhomogeneity Electron range & inhomogeneity Range of secondary electrons Simple scaling based on density M. K. Woo, and J. R. Cunningham, "The valididty of density scaling method in primary electron transport for photon and electron beams," Med. Phys. 17, 187-194 (1990). Perturbations of the detector T. Mauceri, and K. R. Kase, "Effects of ionization chamber construction on dose measurements in heterogeneity," Medical Physics 14, 653-656 (1987). R. K. Rice, J. L. Hansen, L. M. Chin, B. J. Mijnheer, and B. E. Bjarngard, "The influence of ionization chamber and phantom design on the measurement of lung dose in photon beam," Medical Physics 15, 884-890 (1988). IJDas (49) AAPM-2013 IJDas (50) AAPM-2013 Inhomogeneity Corrections 1.1 0.5 cm, 0.25 cm3 lung 1.0 Homogen eou s Mon te Carlo EPL TMR Rati o Power Law TMR Convolut ion CCC Water 0.9 0.8 Relative Dose TG-155 Recommendation 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Depth (cm) IJDas (51) AAPM-2013 Jones & Das, Med. Phys. 30, 296, 2003 Jones & Das, Med. Phys. 32, 766, 2005 IJDas (52) AAPM-2013 Summary Small volume detector should be used that has minimum energy, dose and dose rate dependence. Micro-ion chambers are best suited for small field dosimetry; however, signal to noise should be evaluated. Stereotactic diode are ideally suited for radiosurgery beams. If field size is small compared to detector measurements should be performed at a greater source to surface distance with proper correction. IJDas (53) AAPM-2013 Dosimetric measurements should be carried out with more than one detector system. Small volume detector should be used that has minimum energy, dose and dose rate dependence as discussed in TG-120 and Report No103 should be used. Stereotactic diodes or electron diodes are recommended for field sizes < 1x1cm2 Micro chambers are best suited for dosimetric measurements for field sizes > 1x1 cm2 however, signal to noise as well as polarity effect should be evaluated. The quality of electrometer and triaxial cable as well as any connector and cables need to be of high quality. Stereotactic diode with micron size sensitive volume should be the detector of choice for measurements in beams in radiosurgery. The energy spectrum does vary in small fields such as SRS, and IMRT but these changes result in insignificant variations in stopping power ratios when compared to those of the reference field used in dosimetry codes of practice. The treatment planning system performance should be carefully validated when used for the treatment planning incorporating small fields. Although pencil beam and convolution/superposition dose engines are expected to perform well in small field treatment geometries and in almost homogeneous media, dose engines based on the Monte Carlo method are the most accurate method for modelling dose from small fields in heterogeneous media. The calculation grid size should be significantly smaller (~1/10) compared to the field size. Small field dosimetry should have an independent audit by a different physicist either internal or external like Radiological Physics Center verification. -Summary Energy spectrum does vary in small fields such as SRS, and IMRT, however, its impact is not significant. Stopping power ratio in small fields for most ion chambers is relatively same as the reference field. Spot check and verification of smaller fields should be carried out with at least another independent method (TLD, film, MC, etc). Stay tuned to newer data and IAEA and AAPM TG guidelines. IJDas (54) AAPM-2013 Indra J. Das/ Small Fields (Page-10) Thanks IJDas (55) AAPM-2013