Instructor Dominique Gagnon, Ph.D. Lecture time MWF 16-17:50

PHY 1408-003
Principles of Physics I. Physics 1408-003 (Fall 2011)
Lecture time
Lecture Location
Office hours
Dominique Gagnon, Ph.D.
MWF 16-17:50
SC 007
Rm 03 Science
MWF 14-15:30
(806) 742-3971. Please no text messages.
1. Physics for scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Pearson 4th edition by Giancoli
2. Mastering Physics website ( Course ID: MPGAGNON05584
Course topics
This course is a calculus based course covering i) kinematics, ii) Newton’s laws, iii) energy, iv)
momentum, v) rotation, vi) waves, and additional selected topics. We will cover chapters 1-12, and selected
topics of chapters 13-20.
Learning Outcomes
The student will learn the basics laws and principles of classical mechanics and problem solving
strategies used in sciences and engineering. The student will develop a general understanding of physical
science, in preparation for upper division science and engineering classes or any other field.
The instructor will assign weekly homework and quizzes, as well as 2 in-class tests, a mid-term test and
a final exam. Each in-class test will contribute to 10% of the final score, the mid-term test to 20% and the final
exam will contribute to 30%. The mid-term test recapitulates notions covered until then, and the final exam
covers all topics and is comprehensive. The homework will contribute the 10% of the total. Finally, lab sessions
will be taught by a teaching assistant (TA). The instructor assigns 20% of the course grade for the lab grade,
provided by the TA. No book or note is accepted during any exam, you will be provided with a reminder sheet.
The instructor will evaluate in percentage and convert it to the institutional Grading scale (points 1-4; 4 and 1
being excellent and inferior, respectively). A (85-100%), B (75-85%), C (65-75%), D (55-65%).
Calendar (subject to change)
Test 1
Mid-term Test
Test 3
Final Exam
Monday Sept. 26
Monday Oct. 31
Monday Nov. 21
Monday Dec 12
Ch. 1-4
Ch. 5-7
Ch. 8-12
Ch. 1-20
Core Competency Statement
Students graduating from Texas Tech University should be able to explain some of the major concepts
in the Natural Sciences and should be able to demonstrate an understanding of scientific approaches to
problem solving and ethics.
Academic Integrity
It is the aim of the faculty of Texas Tech University to foster a spirit of complete honesty and a high standard of
integrity. Plagiarism is not tolerated. As stipulated in Texas Tech Academic Regulations «“Plagiarism” includes,
but is not limited to, the appropriation of, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means material that is
PHY 1408-003
attributable in whole or in part to another source, including words, ideas, illustrations, structure, computer code,
other expression and media, and presenting that material as one’s own academic work being offered for credit.
Any student who fails to give credit for quotations or for an essentially identical expression of material taken
from books, encyclopedias, magazines, Internet documents, reference works or from the themes, reports, or
other writings of a fellow student is guilty of plagiarism.» For more details on Texas Tech University Academic
Regulation, visit
Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require special arrangements in order to meet the
course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make any necessary arrangements.
Student should present appropriate verification from Student Disability Services during the instructor’s office
hours. Please, note instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until
appropriate verification from Student Disability Services has been provided. For additional information, you
may contact the Student Disability Services office at 335 West Hall or 806-742-2405.
Responsibility for class attendance is the student’s responsibility. Please, make arrangement with the instructor
if, for a serious reason (medical, death of a relative or others), you cannot attend the exam(s).
The instructor reserves the right to amend exam dates, topics or other planed activity of the course. If any, the
changes will be announced in class. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up-to-date with the calendar and
adjust consequently.