Vacuum Ultraviolet Generation via Wave-Mixing Nonlinear medium - crystals - metal vapors - noble gases Again Maxwell’s framework: coupled wave equations 2 q 2 NL d Eq i Pq dz ckq PqNL Eq and Fourier components of fields at frequency q Fields: General issues in four wave mixing or third harmonic generation: Susceptibility of the medium : involves transition dipoles in atoms and resonances Transparency : problems at short wavelengths Phase-matching : including the effects of focused laser beams Practical limitation: optical breakdown Eq Êq z , t exp ik q z Nonlinear polarization has several terms: P3NL N 4 3 33 E E E 33 E E 2 3 ,3 E E 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 S S T THG Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Phase-matching and focusing Three processes of four-wave mixing: I 1 2 3 4 II 1 2 3 4 III 1 2 3 4 Electric fields: Er , t ReE1r exp i1t E2 r exp i2t E3 r exp i3t Define optical beams as lowest order Gaussians for each frequency Gaussian beam TM00 ( higher order modes give differing results !) k x2 y 2 expikn z exp n En r En0 r 1 i b1 i Confocal parameter b b 2w02 2w02n 20 kw02 2 0 n Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs w0 beam waist radius n index of refraction far-field diffraction angle 2 z f b normalized coordinate along z Nonlinear Polarization Newly generated field via processes I, II, III P4 r 3 N 3 4 ;1, 2 , 3 E1r E2 r E3 r 2 P4 r 3 N 3 4 ;1, 2 ,3 E1r E2 r E3 r 2 P4 r 3 N 3 4 ;1,2 ,3 E1r E2 r E3 r 2 the polarizability (per atom) and N density of medium Note degeneracy factors (field amplitudes); those may differ for degenerate fields. Insert fields with their mode structure: k ' x2 y 2 3 expik ' z 3 P4 r N 4 ;1, 2 , 3 E10 E20 E30 exp 2 1 i 3 b 1 i 2 k ' k1 k2 k3 k " k "ik ' x 2 y 2 3 expik ' z 3 P4 r N 4 ;1, 2 ,3 E10 E20 E30 exp 2 2 1 i 2 1 i b 1 k "ik ' x 2 y 2 3 expik ' z 3 P4 r N 4 ;1,2 ,3 E10 E20 E30 exp 2 1 i 1 i 2 b 1 2 Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Process I k ' k1 k2 k3 Process II k ' k1 k2 k3 Process III Further steps; Maxwell’s equations Derive amplitudes in a Fourier decomposition; amplitude with wave vector K Field E4 r to be calculated, integration over x and y, and z to z=L. P4 K 2 3 dx" dy" dz"P4 r"exp iK r" 2R E4 R 2 dR R x2 y 2 0 Insert in Maxwell’s equation: E4K r k42 E4K r 4k02 P4 K expiK r medium vacuum Result, generally: - Modes cylindrically symmetric around z-axis -Only for Process I the generated beam has lowest order Gaussian For: k k4 k ' Solutions, process I (similar equations for II and III) E4 r i 3 N 2 3 expik ' z k0 b 4 ;1, 2 , 3 E10 E20 E30 2k 4 1 i k ' x 2 y 2 exp ib / 2 k ' exp d ' 1 i '2 b1 i With integration boundaries: 2 z f 2 f /b b Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs The phase-matching can be quantified: Phase-matching in (3) Processes Define the phase-matching integrals: b f k " 8 k42k ' 1 2 F j b k , , , 2R E4 R dR L L k ' 9 3k04 b3 2 E E E 2 0 10 20 30 This integral can be evaluated for various conditions, for example in the “tight-focusing limit”, b<<L and integrating For all three processes, j=I,II,III Dimensionless parameters, defining geometry and phases. Then generated Power at P4 is P4 k04k1k2k3 k42k ' b f k" N 2 2P1P2P3 F j bk , , , L L k' Define: Tight-focus b Degeneracy factor L Phase-matching integral for Process I b f k" exp ib / 2 k ' FI bk , , , d ' L L k ' 1 i '2 Plane wave limit b L Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Phase-matching integrals Fj for processes and geometries For “tight-focus” “half-way” the cell b L 1 f L 0.5 General conclusion: THG (Process I) only possible, in the tight-focusing limit if Process I: FI bk ,0,0.5,1 2 bk 2 ebk / 2 0 k 0 k 0 k 0 So: only if the medium has NEGATIVE DISPERSION !! This also holds for sum-frequency mixing Similarly for Process II and III (if k ' k " assumed; lowest order mode) Difference frequency mixing for any k FII bk ,0,0.5,1 2e b k 0 FIII bk ,0,0.5,1 2 bk 2 ebk / 2 Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs k 0 k 0 Numerical approach evaluating Fj ; all near tight focus Phase-matching integral including 1) Dispersion 2) Phase evolution through focal region b f k" F j bk , , , L L k' FII FIII FI versus bk for b/L < 0.1 and f/L=0.5 Varying the tightness of focus b/L and the mode function k”/k’ Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Results in the “plane-wave” limit b L b k " 4 L2 ÄkL FI bk , ,0.5, sinc2 b / L L k ' b2 2 lim Note the similarity with analysis of frequency-doubling in crystal; This was done for plane parallel fields ! At b/L ~3 the peak has shifted to the real plane-wave limit already, peaking at k=0. Note also the decrease in intensity for the plane-wave limit case. Tight-focusing is more efficient ! Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Shifting the focus; playing with the phase build-up b f k" F j bk , , , L L k' For near-tight-focusing of b/L=0.1 Focal positions f/L=0.5 toward f/L=1.5 In latter case focus shifts outside the cell And effectively plane-wave limit is reached. Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Near the true plane-wave limit at b/L=10 Only small changes to F-integral as long as focus is inside the cell. At f/L=20 the focus is twice the distance of the confocal parameter b/L=10. Physical interpretation of phase-matching integrals 1) Non-linear polarization peaks at the region of the beam WAIST intensity is highest in focus 2) Phase-matching relates to phase-overlap of all beams involved For a Gaussian beam: k x2 y 2 expikn z exp n En r En0 r 1 i b 1 i 1 1 i 1 2 e i arctan 1 For tight-focusing: 2 z f b 2 z f b Boundaries of focus at windows. Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Lowest order Gaussian beam undergoes phase shift arctan when propagating through the focus (Gouy phase), adding up to for , Driving polarization undergoes 3 arctan Process I arctan Process II arctan Process III Optimum conversion if generated field is in phase with driving fields. Generated beam undergoes phase slip: arctan In-phase for Process II, destructive for I and III Phase-slips compensated by DISPERSION 2.2 / b kopt 0 2.2 / b I II III Optimizing density – dispersion and phase-matching Nonlinear generation: b f k" P4 P1P2P3 N 2 2 F j bk , , , L L k' N 2F j can be optimized by varying N, bk, b/L, f/L if N varies – macroscopic effect on medium - index of refraction changes - k varies Phase-mismatch is a dispersion effect and k N One can define a dimensionless quantity: b f k" b f k" G j bk , , , bk 2 F j bk , , , L L k' L L k' Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs GI vs. bk for tight-focusing; always OK as long as focus inside the cell. THG production and dispersion in the noble gases Third harmonic produced: PTHG In region of bound states; index of refraction (with fi the oscillator strength of transitions) 2 b N 2 3 P13 F j bk , ,0.5,1 L 3 4 n 1lines Nre fi 2 i i 2 In the continuum ( ionization cross section) In tight-focusing limit (b<<L): n 1continuum 2 bk 2 ebk / 2 FI bk ,0,0.5,1 0 k 0 k 0 In plane-wave limit (b>>L): FI bk , ,0.5,1 4 L2 N d i 2 i2 2 Cross sections and oscillator strength relate to atomic structure, with C the phase mismatch per atom; k CN 2 n1 n3 ÄkL sinc2 2 b2 We have seen : tight focus is more efficient, but then negative dispersion required Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Calculation of regions of positive and negative dispersion Negative and positive dispersion in the Kr and Xe Shaded areas – “anomalous dispersion in the medium” first resonance line Regions of efficient THG Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs THG in Xe; experiment Experiment THG production Calculation of Phase-matchingintegral Conclusion: 1) theory of phase-matching works 2) THG effective at blue side of ns and nd resonances Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Experimental density effect on phase matching in Xe Tight focusing at = 118 nm in Xe (negative dispersion); b/L = 0.025 f/L =0.5 – centre of cell Effect of G-integral and interplay between N and k. Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Defeating the negative dispersion problem All calculations performed for integral from –L to +L. Cut-off the medium at f; stop the destructive interference. Can be done in “forbidden region”. Efficiency remains low; but not zero. Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Resonance enhanced VUV production Non-linear susceptibility: 3 gri ir j jrk k r g 2 3 gi gj gk Again level structure of the noble gases is favorable: gijk terms Resonances possible at the - One photon - Two-photon - Three photon levels Advantage at two-photon-level g ri ir J' J'r k k r g 3 2 i 3 gj gk ik terms gi = 212.5 nm resonance in Kr “strongest two-photon resonance in nature” Process I Process II Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Non-colinear Phase-matching for sum-frequency generation Phase-vectors Energy levels 1 k XUV 2k1 k2 k1 kVUV 2k1 k 2 k1 XUV 21 2 k2 k2 1 VUV 21 2 1 Experimental realization Volume considerations Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Opt. Lett. 20 (2005) 1494 Polarization properties Tensor nature of susceptibility 3 Ei E j Ek P r ;i , j , k Dependent on matrix dipole moments 3 gri ir j jrk k r g 2 3 gj gk gijk terms gi Note: a COHERENT sum should be taken (as in multi-photon transitions) Parametric and non-parametric processes; relate to energy exchange Use atomic physics framework: evaluate Transition dipole moments with Wigner-Eckhart theorem: Ji 1 J g J g r 1 J i g r i J g M g rq1 J i M i J i M i Mi q M g J i 1 J g J j 1 J i J k 1 J j J g 1 J k 3 M q M M q M M q M M q M i 1 g j 2 i k 3 j g 4 k The coherent sum requires M=0 over four-photon cycle; q=0, q=-1, q=1 projections of dipole moment on angular basis (polarizations) Evaluate the four-product of Wigner-3j symbols Results: 1) all polarizations linear is possible q1 q2 q3 q4 0 2) THG with circular light is NOT possible: Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs q1 q2 q3 1 Polarization in sum-frequency mixing; quantum levels Well defined quantum level; Real intermediate level J2 = 0 or 2 Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Pulsed jets and differential pumping – the road to the windowless regime A.H. Kung, Opt. Lett. 8, 24 (1983). Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Some considerations 1) Bandwidth effects 2) Lasers and synchrotrons 3) The perturbative regime and the non-perturbative -> recollision model 4) Spectroscopy in VUV and XUV feasible Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs XUV-laser setup with PDA; bandwidth ~250 MHz 90 – 110 nm Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs Measurement of 11S – 21P resonance line of Helium 5 130 495 083 (45) MHz 1 1 S - 2 1 P at 58.4 nm Intensity (arb.) Results on Lamb shift in He ground state 41224 (45) MHz experiment (1997) 41233 (35-100) MHz; Drake (1993) 41223 (42) MHz theory; Korobow/Yelkovsky (2001) 6 00 M H z 2-electron QED effects in He (1s2 1S0) e ta lon * self-energy I2 sa tu ra tion 5 84 n m -40 0 0 -2 00 0 vacuum polarisation e+ e- e0 20 0 0 XUV fre qu e ncy (M Hz) * P88(15-1) o component in I2 at 513049427.1(1.7) MHz 4 00 0 ep n Lecture Notes Non Linear Optics; W. Ubachs