FRENCH IMMERSION INFORMATION SHEET EXTENDED FRENCH INFORMATION SHEET Is Extended French Right forIsMy Child? French Immersion right for my child? Child’s Name: Home School: Student No. Completed by School IS recommended for the program School Principal: Signature IS NOT recommended for the program Date: To Parent(s) / Guardian(s) of SENIOR KINDERGARTEN Children: There are many considerations and factors, listed in the overleaf, which will help you make an informed decision about the suitability of the French Immersion program for your child. Please confer with your child’s classroom teacher and the school principal and, complete the form together. Please sign in the space provided below to indicate that the consultation steps on the reverse side have been completed. I, (Please print Parent / Guardian’s name) have spoken to my son/daughter’s Year 2 Kindergarten teacher and completed the consultation steps. Parent / Guardian’s Signature: Date: Comments: OVER In order to better prepare for and accommodate students planning to register in the French Immersion program, please complete the following checklist which outline factors to be considered by parent(s) / guardian(s), teacher and the principal in recommending admission to the French Immersion program. They are a student’s profile for success in French Immersion. If there is a concern with a particular indicator, please check it and use the space below to comment. Skills and Development 1. 2. 3. 4. Beginning to develop Developed Communication skills: Enjoys and plays with language (rhyming and word games) Listens effectively (i.e. retell or explain a story in sequence) Displays strong communication skills (listening and speaking) in their mother tongue Follows directions and instructions Literacy: Identifies and prints name, the alphabet and some words Demonstrates an awareness of individual sounds and sound patterns Self-regulation: Cooperates with others and works /plays well in groups Perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges Initiative: Looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities Demonstrates a willingness to take risks Demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning Approaches new tasks with a positive attitude Regular attendance (known as a strong indicator for success) CLASSROOM TEACHER Conference Classroom teacher Signature: Date: