EAST CREDIT ARC WORKING GROUP MEETING #4 APPR0VED MINUTES February 11, 2016 ‐ 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Location: Blessed Trinity Catholic Centre for Learning (2nd Floor ‐ Library) Chair: ARC Members: Principals: Resource Staff: Regrets: Call to Order: David Amaral, Superintendent, Mississauga South Leslie Aziz, Our Lady of Good Voyage Ewelina Kostuch, St. Bernadette Sandra Pozzobon, St. Bernadette Julia Belmonte, St. Dunstan Ian Moore, St. Dunstan Shelley Bonello, St. Gertrude Colleen Klein, Our Lady of Good Voyage David Clifford, St. Raymond Linus O’Neill, St. Dunstan Chris Helme, St. Gertrude Erin Ljubanovic, St. Gregory Jennifer Greenman, St. Gregory Natasha De Menna, St. Herbert Zarah von Schober, St. Valentine Janine Krolewicz, St. Gregory Walter Matos, St. Herbert Daniel Del Bianco, Superintendent, Planning & Operations Stephanie Cox, Manager, Planning Department Joanne Rogers, Senior Planner, Planning Department Krystina Koops, Planner, Planning Department Kathy Russell‐Kwan, Researcher, Research Department Lucy Papaloni, Superintendent, Mississauga Brampton Central Bruce Campbell, General Manager, Communications & Community Relations Pat Pierre, Recorder Maria Parker, Principal, St. Bernadette Bidemi Olawale, St. Herbert Brenda LeClair, Principal, St. Valentine Cara Szczepanik, St. Raymond Tina De Vellis‐Carino, Principal, St. Gertrude James Zammit, St. Raymond Terri Lavery, Our Lady of Good Voyage Karen Canlas, St. Valentine D. Amaral, Chair of the East Credit ARC Working Group Committee, called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 1. Prayer The Chair led the group in prayer, followed by a reflection of Lent video. 2. Approval of Agenda for ARC Working Group Meeting #4 Approval of the agenda was moved by: J. Greenman, seconded by: S. Pozzobon. CARRIED 3. Approval of February 3, 2016 Meeting Minutes from ARC Working Group Meeting #3 ARC member requested an amendment to page 6 correspondence item WG3‐66 to clarify that JK‐5 will be bussed across Mavis Road. ARC member requested an amendment to page 6 correspondence item WG3‐67 to include a comment that another ARC member disagreed with the suggestion that a school should be closed based on the school’s utilization and all relevant factors must be considered – we need to consider the long‐term viability of our schools as a whole so that we are not faced with more school closures in five years from now. February 11, 2016 Minutes ‐ East Credit ARC Working Group Meeting #4 ARC member requested an amendment to page 7 correspondence item WG3‐68 to indicate that St. Bernadette was offended by the correspondence, not St. Gertrude. Approval of the amended February 3, 2016 meeting minutes was moved by: E. Kostuch, seconded by: J. Belmonte. CARRIED 4. Survey Results – Research Department Researcher, Kathy Russell‐Kwan provided an overview of the survey results, through a PowerPoint presentation entitled East Credit Pupil Accommodation Review Survey. ARC member asked if the presentation will be made available. Response: Yes, the presentation will be provided on the Board’s website. ARC member asked for the percentage of respondents that indicated ‘no preference’ for the options. Response: 9.4% indicated ‘no preference’. The Chair reinforced earlier comments that staff don’t rely on that data due to the number of people who chose to abandon the survey after that particular question. The Chair clarified to the group that feedback will be needed in order to start developing another survey for the March 30th open house. A discussion on March 2 could allow for a survey to be shared with the group for March 9. ARC member asked if a survey was necessary. ARC member suggested asking what is most important to community and rank the criteria. The Chair thanked Researcher Russell‐Kwan for her presentation. 5. St. Dunstan Presentation #2 – ARC Representatives Refer to St Dunstan Option #5 Presentation‐ Proposed by the Families of the St. Dunstan Community. ARC member asked for clarification on the numbers shown for the Extended French program. Response: When a program is introduced to a new location, we start with 1 class of grade 5 with 27 students. Each year we would add another grade, for a total of 98 students at full program implementation. There would also have to be a minimum of 23 students for a class, and 4 classrooms would be required. ARC member clarified that St. Herbert can also accommodate St. Bernadette. Response: The rationale was to have Catholic representation south of Eglinton Avenue. There would also be a cost to retrofit kindergarten classrooms. ARC member asked who would pay for the kindergarten retrofits. Response: The Board would have to put in a business case to the Ministry or find alternate funding. ARC member asked how the Board determines where French Immersion and Extended French programs are located. Response: The Chair explained that the Program Department will be presenting at the February 24th meeting, however there is a set process that typically involves a survey of the community and takes approximately 3 years. The Chair also reminded the group that the Board does not provide bussing for FI program, however bussing is provided for EF. Decisions regarding bussing are subject to review annually as part of the budget process. ARC member asked how many students are bussed to St. Joseph Streetsville Elementary that live north of Britannia Road as they could be bussed to St. Gregory. P a g e | 2 February 11, 2016 Minutes ‐ East Credit ARC Working Group Meeting #4 Response: Most likely students would still be bussed as they would need to cross the Credit River. This would also reduce enrolment from St. Joseph Streetsville Elementary ARC member asked how boundaries are set to undertake a review. Response: The Ministry requires that Boards look at a grouping of schools. Those schools do not have to correlate to specific maps. The Education Service Area map was shown as well as the City of Mississauga Neighbourhood Character Areas, and the two are not consistent with each other. The grouping of schools could include all school listed in a service area, it could be less or it could even be more and all situations are unique. ARC member asked why St. Joseph Streetsville Elementary was not included as part of the East Credit Review Area. Response: St. Joseph Streetsville underwent a review in 2008. Schools were considered based on enrollment, capacity and proximity to each other. A line had to be drawn. Including St. Joseph would potentially make the situation worse by adding additional capacity that would have to be reduced. ARC member requested capacity and enrolment information for St. Julia. Response: Enrolment reports and the Board’s Long Term Accommodation Plan are available online. ARC member asked if public school locations were considered as St. Herbert is located in close proximity to 3 public schools and parents can send their children from JK‐12 to school in their own neighbourhood. Response: The distribution of public schools in the review area was identified however was not a major factor in the development of the proposed options. Staff’s intent was to try to have a Catholic school presence south of Eglinton and to avoid costs for new kindergarten rooms where possible. ARC member asked clarification for the relocation of the child care at St. Bernadette. Response: St. Bernadette has a child care centre that is separate from the school and there is also an Ontario Early Years Centre currently utilizing a kindergarten room. The child care centre would not be relocated to accommodate additional students from a closing school. There could be the potential to relocate the Ontario Early Years Centre if space was required in the school to accommodate additional students. ARC member asked clarification of costs for new FDK classroom. Response: The costs identified in the initial staff report are for a NEW classroom. A retrofit project could cost upward of approximately $250,000. A onetime cost to retrofit a room would still be less than the Board continuing to operate eight under‐utilized schools. The Chair thanked Ian and Julia for their presentation. 6. Follow‐up Items ARC Requested Information from Working Group Meeting #3 was provided to ARC members either through Planning staff, Research or Finance Departments. Staff informed the committee that kindergarten registration numbers should be taken with caution as people can still register for school up until September. 7. BREAK The Chair called the break at 7:58 p.m. to reconvene at 8:12 p.m. 8. Parking Lot Questions Questions from ARC members ‐What is considered minimal student loss, how many students left Catholic system to public during the last ARC? Response: Following the Central Erin Mills ARC, there was a loss between 5‐10 students from Dufferin‐Peel, but not necessarily to the public system. P a g e | 3 February 11, 2016 Minutes ‐ East Credit ARC Working Group Meeting #4 ARC member commented that sacraments have moved to the church and a bigger loss might be observed this time. – Was St. Gertrude targeted as a result of the FI program being a program of choice that can be moved? If the program was not there, would it still close? Response: Rationale for St. Gertrude being included in the review has already been clarified. It is not possible to confirm whether St. Gertrude would still close if the program was not there, as it would depend on the numbers. 9. Correspondence Items The ARC Members moved receipt on all correspondence items for review at this meeting (WG4‐97 to WG3‐110). Moved by J. Belmonte and seconded by J. Greenman. CARRIED No comments or discussion took place on the following pieces of correspondence: WG4‐99 – St. Dunstan, WG4‐110 – St. Gregory WG4‐97 – St. Gertrude ARC member asked about waitlists, that people can apply to each FI school individually and if there is potential to add another FI class. Resource staff responded that duplicates have been cleaned up and the correct waitlist information can be found with the January 27, 2016 ARC requested information. If another class of FI was added to St. Gertrude, it would require an additional 8 classrooms. Grade 8 FI will be introduced in September 2016 which will require an additional 2 classrooms. WG4‐98 – St Gertrude Resource staff provided the requested Education Service Area map. The City of Mississauga zoning maps, do not match up with their own Character area maps. The Ministry requires that Boards look at a grouping of schools. Those schools do not have to correlate to specific maps. The grouping of schools could include all schools listed in an ESA, it could be less or it could even be more and all situations are unique. The waitlist information can be found with the January 27, 2016 ARC requested information. WG4‐100 – St. Gertrude It was clarified that other schools in the review area also have public schools nearby, St. Herbert has 3, St. Gregory 1, Our Lady of Good Voyage 2, St. Raymond 1 and St. Bernadette 1. The Chair asked that the personal information outlined in the email be redacted prior to publication in the minutes. ACTION: Redact references as indicated above. WG4‐101 – Our Lady of Good Voyage Resource staff noted that there would be no schools represented south of Bristol Rd if St. Dunstan, St. Herbert and St. Bernadette were closed. WG4‐102 – General Resource staff clarified detailed costs can be found on page 8 of the initial staff report and that the report also shows the accurate utilization rates. With respect to the FI locations, St. Gertrude is not the closest Catholic FI school to the southeast area of Mississauga, St. Pio of Pietrelcina is closer to Canadian Martyrs. ARC member expressed concern for another parent leaving the system. WG4‐103 – St. Gertrude Resource staff previously addressed the reasons for option #3 not being the preferred option. ARC member requested clarification on how the group was going to address all alternative options. It was decided that this item will be reviewed in detail at a later date. P a g e | 4 February 11, 2016 Minutes ‐ East Credit ARC Working Group Meeting #4 WG4‐104 – General Resource staff advised that a reply has already been provided. All emails are posted directly to the Board’s website. WG4‐105 – General Resource staff advised once a school is closed the Board has a process for disposition. WG4‐106 – General Resource staff responded that teachers are privy to the same information as the public. The Board will work closely with the teacher’s union to relocate any teachers displaced due to a school closure. WG4‐107 – St. Gregory Resource staff indicated that approximately 2% of Syrians are Catholics and the Board is more likely to have impacts at the Secondary level. WG4‐108 – St. Gregory Resource staff provided a map showing the location and boundary of St. Alphonsa in relation to the East Credit Review area. It is not realistic to bus students such a distance. WG4‐109 – General Resource staff answered the following questions: 1. The information provided in the initial staff report are correct. 2. ARC member clarified yes EQAO was the basis for determining student achievements and that the EQAO scores were based on the information from the School Information Profiles. 3. Not all students who applied for FI for September 2015 received a spot. 40 students did not get spots. 4. There are 33 FI students who attend other schools than St. Gertrude for the program. 5. The Board will work closely with the teacher’s union to relocate any teachers displaced due to a school closure. Senior Planner, J. Rogers concluded by indicating the correspondence for the next meeting would be emails WG5‐111‐132; 22 items for next meeting. 10. Other Business Future meeting dates ARC member asked if we can bring the trustees voting up to an earlier date. Resource staff replied that there are Ministry timelines that the Board needs to follow. There is a minimum of 40 days required between the 1st public meeting and the 2nd public meeting. There is also a set number of days between the staff report and public delegations. ARC member expressed concern with the length of the process as teachers are applying for job postings. Resource staff responded that teachers are aware that schools will remain open for at least another year. The Chair suggested to the group that to have another ARC meeting for next Wednesday will be a tight turnaround for staff. Monday is Family Day and it’s already Thursday. It was suggested that perhaps school tours could be done. The committee took a vote to tour all 8 schools on February 17. CARRIED 11. Adjournment The Motion to adjourn was moved by: E. Kostuch, seconded by: S. Pozzobon. CARRIED P a g e | 5 February 11, 2016 Minutes ‐ East Credit ARC Working Group Meeting #4 The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m. Future meeting dates: February 17, 2016 – Site Visits (ARC Members Only) February 24, 2016 – ARC Working Group Meeting #5 March 2, 2016 – ARC Working Group Meeting #6 Distribution: ARC Members ARC Resource P a g e | 6 Refer to WG4-98 12 Refer to WG4-98 13 Refer to WG4-98 15 Refer to WG4-102 14 Refer to WG4-108 St Alphonsa Catholic Elementary School Location East Credit Review Area 16 WG4-97 Relocating the FI program from St. Gertrude to St. Gregory impacts more to the students and communities. Relocating the FI program from St. Gertrude to St. Gregory impacts more to the students and communities. Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2016 9:41 PM To: PAR - Info Cc: Shelley Bonello [shellrob72@hotmail.com]; chelme@eol.ca Attachments:Page 3 FI table.xls (43 KB) Currently, there are 279 students from 39 school boundaries attending FI program at St. Gertrude. If relocating the FI to St. Gregory, the majority of students (about 172 or 62%) will have to take a longer route than they used to be (see the table below and attached analysis). As we all know that the FI program doesn’t allow for school buses, some students may have to be forced to drop the FI program especially for parents with more than two children attending different programs. The stress to cope with longer commute or to drop the FI program doesn’t serve the well-being of students. Of all the 279 FI students attending the FI program at St. Gertrude, 81 students (or 29%) are within the St. Gertrude school boundary and only 9 students (3%) are from the St. Gregory school boundary. The FI program is carried out 90% in grade one, 70% in grade 2 and 3, and drops to 50% from grade 4 to 8 while the regular courses gradually increase. Over years, regular courses and FI are well integrated at St. Gertrude, thanks to both French and English teachers, and no doubt the operations will be disrupted if the FI program is physically separated out. Instead of relocating the FI program, the School Board should consider add more FI classes at St. Gertrude to improve the utilization rate. FI program is becoming more and more popular as a result of high demands from the society. However, many students are currently kept out of the FI program or put in the waiting list as they not lucky to pass the computer generated random central lottery system. Furthermore, many non-catholic families are considering either the FI or regular program at St. Gertrude. For some reason, the secondary schools allow for the enrollment of non-catholic students but elementary schools do not. Perhaps it is the timing now to lobby for an amendment to the current Education Act to allow for enrolling a proportion of noncatholic students, which will keep up the utilization rate and secondly to welcome kids and parents to get familiar with the Catholic faith and become part of the Catholic families. After all, the building facilities of both St. Gertrude and St. Gregory schools are about the same age with similar facility condition index and renewal costs. Please consider keep the FI open at St. Gertrude for the wellbeing of the majority of students. Feeder school analysis for all French Immersion students currently attending St. Gertrude FI students at St. Gergrude Total GR01 GR02 19 14 GR03 GR04 GR05 GR06 GR07 12 9 8 9 10 FI students from St Gertrude school boundary FI students from St. Gregory school boundary 81 9 2 0 0 2 2 3 0 FI students from East Credit territory Total FI students attending at St. Gertrude Students impacted (longer route) if FI to be relocated to St. Gregory Percentage of St. Gertrude/East Credit Percentage of St. Gregory/East Credit Percentage of St. Gertrude/Total FI students Percentage of St. Gregory/Total FI students Percentage of impacted students/Total FI students 142 279 172 26 46 32 21 43 29 19 43 26 18 41 24 22 36 20 19 39 23 17 31 18 57% 6% 29% 3% 62% 73% 8% 41% 4% 70% 67% 0% 33% 0% 67% 63% 0% 28% 0% 60% 50% 11% 22% 5% 59% 36% 9% 22% 6% 56% 47% 16% 23% 8% 59% 59% 0% 32% 0% 58% Regards, https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...qbQmbjKuShyAAAAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfQAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454347428269_935116073[2/1/2016 12:24:22 PM] Relocating the FI program from St. Gertrude to St. Gregory impacts more to the students and communities. WG4-97 https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...qbQmbjKuShyAAAAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfQAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454347428269_935116073[2/1/2016 12:24:22 PM] WG4-97 Feeder school analysis for all French Immersion students currently attending St. Gertrude FI students at St. Gergrude Total GR01 GR02 FI students from St Gertrude school boundary FI students from St. Gregory school boundary FI students from East Credit territory Total FI students attending at St. Gertrude Students impacted (longer route) if FI to be relocated to St. Gregory Percentage of St. Gertrude/East Credit Percentage of St. Gregory/East Credit Percentage of St. Gertrude/Total FI students Percentage of St. Gregory/Total FI students Percentage of impacted students/Total FI students School St. Gertrude St. Veronica (MV #2) St. Raymond St. Matthew St. Hilary St. Valentine Bishop Scalabrini St. Bernadette St. Gregory St. Dunstan Canadian Martyrs St. Julia Catholic San Lorenzo Ruiz St. Herbert St. Jude Father Daniel Zanon St. Charles Garnier Metropolitan Andrei St. David of Wales St. Joseph, Mississauga St. Thomas More St. Barbara St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic ES Mary Fix Catholic St. Catherine of Siena St. Timothy Un‐GeoCoded Corpus Christi Pauline Vanier Catholic St. Alfred St. Brigid St. Jean‐Marie Vianney St. John of the Cross St. John XXIII St. Kevin St. Mark St. Simon Stock St. Teresa of Avila XXX Bram West 1A Total: GR03 GR04 GR05 GR06 GR07 81 19 14 12 9 8 9 10 9 2 0 0 2 2 3 0 142 279 172 26 46 32 21 43 29 19 43 26 18 41 24 22 36 20 19 39 23 17 31 18 57% 6% 29% 3% 62% 73% 8% 41% 4% 70% 67% 0% 33% 0% 67% 63% 0% 28% 0% 60% 50% 11% 22% 5% 59% 36% 9% 22% 6% 56% 47% 16% 23% 8% 59% 59% 0% 32% 0% 58% GR01 GR02 19 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 46 GR03 14 4 0 1 3 2 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 GR04 12 4 6 1 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 43 GR05 9 4 2 2 2 0 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 GR06 8 2 4 2 1 4 0 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 36 GR07 9 5 2 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2 0 1 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 39 Total 10 4 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 31 279 % of Total 81 29% 28 10% 19 12 10 10 9 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100% 7% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Request for ESA map boundary and FI waiting list info Request for ESA map boundary and FI waiting list info WG4-98 Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2016 9:59 PM To: PAR - Info Cc: Shelley Bonello [shellrob72@hotmail.com]; chelme@eol.ca Attachments:2013LongTermAccomodationPlan.pdf (97 KB) Please provide the Education Service Area Map showing the boundary of East Credit (CE08) and Hurontario (CE09), which appear in the attached 2013 Long Term Accommodation Plan of the Initial Staff Report. From the City zoning map, Mavis is a major road separating the district of “East Credit” and “Hurontario” and I am curious if the ESA boundary is same. If St. Gertrude (east of Mavis) belongs to or plans to be part of Hurontario, the student utilization will keep growing in a long term as St. Gertrude can pick up overflows from other neighbour schools in Hurontario. A few high rises will be built along the Hurontario street and, as a matter of fact, two towers are recently completed at the S/W of Eglinton and Hurontario. Secondly, please disclose the information of how many students applied to or are applying for the FI program in the Mississauga area but kept out or in the waiting list, especially the information related to the St. Gertrude FI program. Thank you very much, https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfRAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454343790032_911146291[2/1/2016 11:23:23 AM] WG4-98 City of Mississauga ‐ Appendix 3A Dufferin ‐ Peel Catholic District School Board 2013 Long Term Accommodation Plan Elementary Schools Education Service Area Recom m endation (ESA) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ 2022/ 2023/ 2024/ 2025/ 2026/ 2027/ 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 CE01: Clarkson‐Lorne Park, Port Credit Significantly Under Capacity CS02: Cooksville/Dixie Overall enrolment is stable: Shorefront will monitor CE03 Erin Mills Significantly Under Capacity CE04: City Centre Boundary Reorganization CE05: Applewood Boundary Reorganization BR BR Significantly Under Capacity CE06: Churchill Meadows Boundary Reorganization CE07: Central Erin Mills Significantly Under Capacity CE08: East Credit Significantly Under Capacity Overall enrolment is stable: will monitor CE09: Hurontario BR CE10: Meadowvale/Lisgar Significantly Under Capacity Overall enrolment is stable: CE11: Meadowvale Village will monitor Overall enrolment is stable: CE12: Malton will monitor Legend Addition BR New School Remove PAC Addition Boundary Review New School Significantly Under Capacity Remove Port‐A‐Pac 8/27/2013 WG4-98 City of Brampton ‐ Appendix 3B Dufferin ‐ Peel Catholic District School Board 2013 Long Term Accommodation Plan Elementary Schools Education Service Area Recom m endation (ESA) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ 2022/ 2023/ 2024/ 2025/ 2026/ 2027/ 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 CE13: Brampton Centre Significantly Under Capacity Overall enrolment is stable: CE14: Brampton Southeast will monitor CE15A: Bram west 2 New Schools Required CE15B: Credit Valley 2 New Schools Required Classroom Addition ‐ St Joachim CE16: Brampton West New School New School 3 New Schools Required 1 New School Required Classroom Addition ‐St Stephen Classroom Addition ‐St Leonard CE20: Sandringham Monitor Enrolments CE21: Wellingdale 1 New School Required CE22: Bram East 2 New Schools Required New School Addition Classroom Addition ‐ St Anne Remove Port‐A‐Pac ‐ St John CE17: Bramalea North Bosco Overall enrolment is stable: CE18A: Fletcher's Meadow will monitor CE18B: Mount Pleasant CE18C: Northwest Brampton CE19: Snelgrove/Mayfield West New School Addition Remove PAC New School New School New School New School Addition Addition New School New School New School Legend Addition BR New School Remove PAC Addition Boundary Review New School Significantly Under Capacity Remove Port‐A‐Pac 8/27/2013 WG4-98 Town of Caledon & Dufferin County‐ Appendix 3C Dufferin ‐ Peel Catholic District School Board 2013 Long Term Accommodation Plan Elementary Schools Education Service Area Recom m endation (ESA) CE23: Bolton, Palgrave Estates Overall enrolment is stable: will monitor CE24: Caledon East 1 New School Required Boundary Reorganization Overall enrolment is stable: will monitor Overall enrolment is stable: will monitor CE25: Caledon Rural CE26: Dufferin County Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ 2022/ 2023/ 2024/ 2025/ 2026/ 2027/ 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 New School BR Legend Addition BR New School Remove PAC Addition Boundary Review New School Significantly Under Capacity Remove Port‐A‐Pac 8/27/2013 WG4-98 Secondary, Boardwide ‐ Appendix 3D Dufferin ‐ Peel Catholic District School Board 2013 Long Term Accommodation Plan Secondary Schools Education Service Area Recom m endation (ESA) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ 2022/ 2023/ 2024/ 2025/ 2026/ 2027/ 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Overall enrolment is stable: CS01 to CS07: Mississauga will monitor CS08: Brampton Centre Overall enrolment is stable: will monitor CS09: Bramalea Holy Name of Mary CS10: Fletcher's Meadow, Snelgrove, Mayfield New School Required CS09: Bramalea, CS11: Sandringham, CS12: Bram East New School Required CS13: Caledon Addition New School New School Overall enrolment is stable: will monitor Legend Addition BR New School Remove PAC Addition Boundary Review New School Significantly Under Capacity Remove Port‐A‐Pac 8/27/2013 St Dunstan St Dunstan WG4-99 Sent:Sunday, January 24, 2016 10:24 PM To: PAR - Info I have no doubt that this inbox has been flooded with letters from concerned parents of children attending St. Dunstan elementary school. The simple reason for this is that we are truly passionate about our school. St. Dunstan is not just a school, it is a community of parents, children and educators who all look forward to seeing each other regularly at school events, church and outside activities. When my husband and I were looking for a new home, we interviewed our potential neighbors about the schools in the area. All of the parents and children we spoke to raved about St. Dunstan. After conducting our own research we found St Dunstan was definitely the school we wanted our child to attend which is the primary reason we moved into the area. Now after living here for several years, we both feel that sending our son to St.Dunstan was one of the best parenting decisions we have made. Schools like St.Dunstan do not come along very often. The principle Mr. O'Neill knows each and every student by name as well as each and every parent. Mr. O'Neill's commitment to high education is clear in the teachers he has chosen for St Dunstan. I have volunteered at the school on several occasions and know many of the teachers. I can see that they are clearly a group of highly committed, enthusiastic educators with a sincere interest in providing the best education possible for each and every student attending the school. St Dunstan is the only school in this area that is walking distance to the Church. The students often go on walking excursions to St Joseph Church. It is so lovely for passers- by to see the entire school of students walking to Church. This again illustrates the community spirit that St. Dunstan inspires in all of us. Does the board not want to encourage strong relations between school and the Church? St. Dunstan is a one of a kind school. It would be nothing short of tragic to close it and divide up our children and their teachers into completely different schools. Please do not take away from our children a community environment where our children feel safe, motivated and at home. Thank you, https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfSAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454343880280_211992389[2/1/2016 11:24:52 AM] St. Gertrude closure St. Gertrude closure WG4-100 Sent:Monday, January 25, 2016 2:30 PM To: PAR - Info I have many concerns with the relocation of St. Gertrude to St. Velentine. In regards to busing I understand that the students will have too be bused. Right now we are a school that does not use busing because of it's area due to the FI. It does not make sense to move a school that does not alread utlizing busing for the facts that one there would be an increased cost of adding buses and two the students and parents not acustomed to using the buses so there causing more of a difficult transition for all involved. Now adding to this my husband and I chose area in which we would be living along with the proximity to the school based on our family needs. I have stayed home for 13 years in order to raise my children, and now that the needs of our family has changed and my children are old enough to get to and from school on their own based on distance and safety they have started to do so. Busing for us was never an option of something we as a family wanted. So now that the school may relocated the distance is too far to walk on a good day and unsafe as crossing Mavis is NOT something we as a family are comfortable with. So the students will be bused. All my children and I have 4 have near perfect attendence they always have. So tell me when the buses are cancelled do to bad weather and are forced to stay home why should they have an absense from school? Right now we live across the street from the school getting to school is not a problem under any condition! I am a caregiver for my mother and I leave very early to get to her hospital appointments at She goes a min. of 20 days per month and we are there for 4 to 7 hours each time for treatment. I have rearranged my life for this and now that my children are older I can count on them to get themselves to school and back on time. I leave by 6:30 am to get to the hospital by 8 am. My husband drops us off before going to work and arranges his lunch to pick us up. So dropping my children off in the morning or picking them up after school is not an option. I do not have someone I can rely on to drop off or pick up my children. So what do I do on the days that the weather is bad and buses are cancelled? My children have always been active in sports and other activities held in the school. Many of the practices are held before or after school. Seeing as I am not able to pick up or drop off my children from school, this means that they will not be able to do all the activities they have always done. They now will have to attend a school they do not want to go to and how do they feel like they can fit in if they are not able to participate in these activities? Part of what it means for a child to flourish is to fit in and be active in their school community, to feel accepted and that is it their home. This will not be the case. Even if the weather was good for them to walk to school, the distance is still too far and they would have to cross Mavis. This is NOT something we as a family are comfrotable with. And even if my children did walk home from school they would not be walking home with friends due to the location of where we live. They will be able to meet up with some friends for part of the distance but they distance they would still have too walk alone is unsafe. Last week one of my children was walking home from high school when a man tried to lure my child into his truck. Reports were made and all is fine but my child wasnt alone and this happened, now I have to come to terms that my youngest will be walking home alone for 2 years without a sibling. I undetstand that changes by all will have to be made, but what happens when these changes are not conducive to my current family's needs? You can not expect us to change because you deemed that we have too. I have planed my life and the raising of my family to take all these factors into consideration. My family and I have our faith and we go to church regularly, what is stopping us from going to the public school next door? It's not my first option but it's one I am forced to consider. I guess that would solve part of your problem less children to bus, but it is that very same case sinerio the loss of students that has put us in this situation. In all of the other schools mentioned none have a public school next door to them that would prompt other parents to do the same thing. This is a very big factor to take into consideration or come this time next year we could be looking at closing St. Valentine that is was suposed to be an option to keep schools open. It seems to me that the best option would be to have the schools that have the majority of students who are already bused to school, bused to a new school. The reason being is that if they are already the majority beeing bused this means they live far enough that they wouldn't walk to school to begin with so therefore sending them to a school that is a little farther out wouldn't affect as much as walking wasn't the original option. I wish for someone to look into these concerns I have and get back to me. thank you a very concerned parent. https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfUAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454343898738_850090744[2/1/2016 11:25:09 AM] School closure School closure WG4-101 Sent:Monday, January 25, 2016 7:42 PM To: PAR - Info As both a parent and an educator I would like to see St. Dunstan, St Herbert and St Bernadette closed before any of the others. My boys are both spec ed students attending OLGV and I do not want to see their school closed. It is an excellent school with excellent staff and would cause major anxieties for our family. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfVAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454343915243_670035976[2/1/2016 11:25:27 AM] Fw: Letter to Board of Trustees Fw: Letter to Board of Trustees WG4-102 Sent:Monday, January 25, 2016 10:40 PM To: PAR - Info From: Board of Trustees, Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board 40 Matheson Boulevard West Mississauga, ON L5R 1C5 Mon. January 18, 2016. Dear Board of Trustees My son attends SK at Canadian Martyrs and hopes to attend St. Gertrude's French Immersion Program in the next intake. As a caring parent, I write this letter to advise you of my extreme disappointment at the potential closure of St. Gertrude’s School in 2017. It does not make sense to close St. Gertrude’s as they recently had a new addition to the building. To spend funds to renovate then suddenly close the building seems fiscally irresponsible. How much funding was spent and will be wasted with this strategy? The school is almost at full capacity (86 %) and is very successful academically with high results in the EQAO. Why eliminate a consistently well-ranked school? Seems like the opposite of rewarding good performance. Also, moving the students would put those schools absorbing St. Gertrude students, over their capacity level and land students in portables. This would affect those schools' productivity levels and add greater levels of stress on their resources and staff. There's also the added cost of transporting children to those other schools and the costs of portables. Has anyone figured those costs yet? I understand the notion to close St. Gertrudes may be based on a faulty calculation that the school is only 44% full -- when in fact the French immersion Program students when added to that figure correctly shows 86% capacity! Is the Board aware of this issue? Is it a faulty calculation of St. Gertrude's capacity level that has put the school at risk? The school is the closest Catholic French Immersion school to the southeast area of Mississauga. St, Gertrude's must not be closed as it will inconvenience hundreds of parents and children who will have to drive for more than 30 minutes to replacement schools. https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfWAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454343934979_536968333[2/1/2016 11:26:00 AM] Fw: Letter to Board of Trustees The Catholic School cannot afford to lose more students to the public school system. There is a public school with French Immersion just 5 minutes away from us. I fear you will lose hundreds of Catholic students to the Public School system, if you lose St Gertrude's valuable location and proximity. WG4-102 Please select a different option. Closing St. Gertrude's doesn't add up. It will cost more in the long run and hurt students, parents, staff and the Board. I'm contacting the media about my concerns and hope to have an answer from you soon before I do so. Sincerely, https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfWAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454343934979_536968333[2/1/2016 11:26:00 AM] PAR Alternative Options PAR Alternative Options WG4-103 Sent: To: Monday, January 25, 2016 11:04 PM PAR - Info; Da Silva, Anna; D'Souza, Darryl; Xaviour, Shawn; Di Cosola, Frank; Pascucci, Mario; Hobin, Sharon; Abbruscato, Anna; Thomas, Thomas; del Rosario, Luz; Iannicca, Bruno; O'Toole, Esther; Papaloni, Lucy; De Vellis-Carino, Tina; Yates, Karen Cc: chelme@eol.ca; shellrob72@hotmail.com Attachments:PAR review and identificat~1.pdf (3 MB) Dear Accommodation Review Committee and Board of Trustees: I attended the first ARC meeting on Wednesday January 13 as an audience member, wanting to gain a better understanding of the work that has been done by the Planning Department, the process that lies ahead of all of us over the next 5 months as part of the PAR for the East Credit review area and to see where I can provide some of my feedback. I am fully aware of the Ministry of Education’s new PAR Guidelines and the DPCDSB’s Long Term Accommodation Plan, which identified the East Credit Education Area as being significantly under-utilized. Accordingly, I understand the need to eliminate the under-utilized spaces as the funding for excess capacity has changed resulting in an anticipate $1.5M reduction. Initially, I did not understand why St. Gertrude was even considered in the list of schools for potential closure since it has the highest utilization rate amongst all the schools in the East Credit area. In fact it is currently over 86% utilized and will only get as low as 82% in the projected numbers. I was advised that St. Gertrude Sep School has been considered under-utilized because the English standard program is treated as separate from the French Immersion program. The reason for this separation, based on what I have been told, is due to the fact that the FI program is not integrated into the English program and so they are considered two. However, that is far from the truth. The FI program is now in its 7th year at St. Gertrude and now the students along with the teachers have fully integrated and can be considered really as one program. The students of the English program and FI program participate together in many events such as: fund raising, concerts, school trips and religious ceremonies. Additionally, if the FI program is to be considered separate from the English program, relocating the FI entirely from St. Gertrude to another school with low utilization will not change the utilization of that new school. They will continue to be faced with the same low utilization issue that they had prior to the relocation and be in the same situation as St. Gertrude. As I sat through the introductions and listened to the presentation that Ms. Cox provided, I was looking forward to understanding the “rationale” behind the Initial Staff Report. The three options were highlight and the preferred option was discussed with some detail. It is clear in the Initial Staff Report, which was repeated again by the presentation that the primary object of this entire process is to reduce the number of excess capacity for the East Credit Education area. However some additional information was shared with the ARC, regarding other factors that were considered in the selection of Option 1 as the preferred option, this included factors such as: Maintaining a Catholic presence in major catchment areas between Hwy 401 and Hwy 403 Walking proximity of students within the school boundaries Minimizing the crossing of major streets Although these factors were considered, it was not clearly explained how they were used. For example, if Option 3 results in the highest utilization rate, then what caused Option 1 to gain greater attraction and ultimately become the preferred option? If the primary objective is to reduce the excess capacity, then Option 3 is the preferred option. If there are other factors that are involved in the equation of the evaluation, then it should be clearly presented and shown how they factor in to the decision. https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfXAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454343966688_974700452[2/1/2016 11:26:24 AM] PAR Alternative Options WG4-103 The attached report outlines an approach that should be considered in evaluating the options. A number of criteria that fall into the Triple Bottom line of impacts have been identified, but may be enhanced based on additional information that can be obtained by the ARC. I also understand, through our St. Gertrude ARC representatives that student grades or school rankings, such as those from the Fraser Institute, should not be used as a factor in the evaluation of options. This point was further emphasized by Mr. David Amaral, the ARC Chair at the first ARC meeting. However, I vehemently disagree with this point. I respect the points that were raised as to why not to use grades as a factor, which included: -the rankings from the Fraser Institute does not tell the entire picture of why the student scores the way that they did in the school -the environment of the school is not factored into the scoring -there are many things, such as the effect of the teachers that are not accounted for -each school may have different programs or means in which the students could get extra help to increase their scores However, as indicated in the Ministry of Education Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline, March 2015, any school board PAR should be designed to align with the Ministry of Education’s vision and guiding principles: Focus on student well being Academic Achievement; and School board financial viability/sustainability Accordingly, any decision arising from the DPCDSB’s PAR process must consider impacts to academic achievement of the students. Although industry scores for schools can be readily available, such as those from the Fraser Institute, the results have to be received with caution. As outlined above, these types of scores do not tell the entire picture and can be skewed. However, test scores such as those from the Education Quality and Accountability Office, which is a crown agency established by the Ontario Government, should be considered. These tests may also only give us 95% of the true picture of aptitude of students and the school itself, but it is the closest true province wide standardized testing available. Some of the variations that can be attributed to the school and teachers at the school, actually furthers the argument that the teaching and learning environment surrounding an individual school should be considered in the evaluation of the options. Do not misinterpret this as a means to point out bad students, or bad teachers or even bad schools. However, the higher scores by some schools should be acknowledged and recognized and equated to positive learning environments that have been developed over a long time at some of the schools through the programs available and the teachers at those school. Similarly, the Ministry’s first principle should not be overlooked. Options that are presented and evaluated must be compared against each other in accordance with meeting all three principles, otherwise the PAR itself would not be in alignment with the PAR Guideline. Thank you for your time, https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfXAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454343966688_974700452[2/1/2016 11:26:24 AM] PAR Alternative Options WG4-103 https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfXAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454343966688_974700452[2/1/2016 11:26:24 AM] WG4-103 PUPIL ACCOMODATION REVIEW EAST CREDIT EDUCATION SERVICE AREA IDENTIFICATION OF ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS DRAFT REPORT Prepared for: Accommodation Review Committee and Board of Trustees Prepared By: John Duong, M.Eng. P.Eng. “This report was prepared by John Duong, M.Eng. P.Eng., as an independent review of the Initial Staff Report submitted by the Planning Department. It evaluates the proposed options as presented in the Initial Staff Report as presented to the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board and its Administration and Finance Committee on December 7, 2015 as well as other options that are based on available information obtained from public documents. This Report reflects the best judgment in light of the available information at the time of preparation. Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties. John Duong M.Eng., P.Eng., does not accept any responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report.” January2016 WG4-103 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Table of Contents 1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................2 1.1 2 Background.......................................................................................................................................3 2.1 3 GuidingPrinciples.................................................................................................................................2 ProblemStatement...............................................................................................................................3 Evaluation..........................................................................................................................................3 3.1 Methodology............................................................................................................................................3 3.2 OptionIdentification............................................................................................................................5 4 EnvironmentalImpact..................................................................................................................5 5 Socio‐EconomicalImpact.............................................................................................................7 5.1 Socio‐economicalCriteria1(SEC1)–Numberofstudentsdisplaced............................7 5.2 sec2–potentialformaintainingandincreasingstudentgrade.......................................7 5.3 sec3–Schoolutilization....................................................................................................................8 5.4 sec4–Overcapacity–studentwellbeing(safety)issuebecauseeitherover capacityincurrentschooloraddingportables.......................................................................................9 6 5.5 Crossingofmajorintersections....................................................................................................10 5.6 Minimizingseparationofstudents.............................................................................................10 5.7 MaintainCatholicSchoolpresenceinmaincatchmentareas..........................................11 Financial..........................................................................................................................................11 6.1 Savingsfromdeferringmajormaintenanceovernext5years.......................................11 6.2 Operating/maintenancecosts–electricityandgascommoditypricing...................12 6.3 Additionalcostsforifportablesarerequired........................................................................15 6.4 CoststoFrenchImmersionparentsforadditionalmileage.............................................15 7 EvaluationSummary..................................................................................................................16 8 Recommendations.......................................................................................................................19 9 Conclusion......................................................................................................................................19 AppendixA–MapstoOptionsIdentified........................................................................................... AppendixB–FraserInstituteRankingCharts................................................................................. AppendixC–EducationQualityandAccountabilityOffice(EQAO).......................................... AppendixD–CurrentandProposedUtilizationRates................................................................. AppendixE–RoadLanes......................................................................................................................... AppendixF–SavingsfromdeferringOutstandingRenewalNeeds......................................... AppendixG–DPCDSB2013‐2014EnergyConsumptionandGreenhouseGas EmissionsReport........................................................................................................................................ AppendixH–SummaryofPotentialNeedofPortables................................................................ AppendixI–FrenchImmersionstudentsresidingindifferentschool boundaries.................................................................................................................................................... Table of Contents i WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga 1 Introduction TheOntarioMinistryofEducationreleasedthenewPupilAccommodationReviewGuideline(PARG) inMarch2015andoutlinedtherequirementsforeachschoolboardtodeveloporrevisetheirPAR policytoaddresstheincreasingnumberofunderutilizedschoolspaces.Thisreviewwouldresultin recommendationsonhowtoaddresstheunderutilizedspaces,whichcouldincludeschoolclosures. Accordingly,theDufferin‐PeelCatholicDistrictSchoolBoard(DPCDSB)approvedtheamended Policy6.5.1PupilAccommodationReviewonOctober27,2015.Togetherwiththeidentificationof theEastCreditEducationServiceareaassignificantlyunderutilized,theBoardofTrusteesapproved thecommencementoftheEastCreditMississaugaPupilAccommodationReviewProcesson November24,2015viatheInitialStaffReport,whichwaspreparedbythePlanningDepartment. TheInitialStaffReportidentifiedthreeOptions,ofwhichOption1wasselectedasthepreferred option.Althoughthethreeoptionswereidentifiedanddiscussedinthereport,inaccordancewith thePAR,thisreportidentifiesotheroptionsandevaluatesthemagainstcriteriathataredeemed importanttotheDPDCSB,thecommunities,theteachersandprincipals,theparentsandmost importantly,thestudents.Thecriteriaidentifiedareonlyexamplesofsomefactorsthatcouldand shouldbeappliedtoeachoption,includingthethreeidentifiedintheInitialStaffReport,andbe evaluatedinaclear,transparentandrepeatableprocess.Thisapproachcanbeappliedtoother optionsthatmayberaisedfromtheAccommodationReviewCommitteeorotherparentsaffectedby thePARprocess. 1.1 GUIDING PRINCIPLES ThepurposeoftheMinistryofEducationPupilAccommodationReviewGuideline,March2015isto providea“frameworkofminimumstandardsforschoolboardstoundertakepupilaccommodation reviewstodeterminethefutureofaschoolorgroupofschools.” ThePARGuidelinefurtherindicatesthatanyschoolboardPARshouldbedesignedtoalignwiththe MinistryofEducation’svisionandguidingprinciples: Focus on student well being Academic Achievement; and School board financial viability/sustainability Any proposed recommendations for school closures, as part the PAR, should take into account and include in its criteria for evaluation, the impacts to student’s well‐being, academic achievement and be financial viability/sustainability for the school board. 2 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga 2 Background 2.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT TheOntarioMinistryofEducationpublishedthePupilAccommodationReviewGuidelineinMarch 2015,whichdirectedeachschoolboardtoreviewandaddressthelong‐termexcessspace.The DPCDSB,asoutlinedinthePARGrecognizesthatpupilaccommodationreviewsinclude: “aschoolorgroupofschoolstofacilitatethedevelopmentofviablesolutionsforpupil accommodationthatsupporttheguidingprinciples”. 3 Evaluation ThegovernmentofOntarioregularlyconductsanalysisandevaluationsthatinvolvethegeneral public.Manyoftheseassessments,suchastheEnvironmentAssessmentsprocess,utilizesa“triple bottomline”approachtoensurethatallkeypublicimpactsareconsideredandevaluatedbeforea decisionorpreferredoptionisselected.Thethreeareasofimpactsinclude: Environmental Socio‐economical Financial Although,thePARisnotanEnvironmentalAssessment,theevaluationofoptionsinthePARshould includeanenvironmentalcomponentasthisisalsoinalignmentwiththeProvinces’emphasiswith theenvironmentandclimatechange.ThisisevidentinthechangeofnamesfromMinistryof EnvironmenttotheMinistryofEnvironmentandClimateChangeandtheirVision: Establish Ontario as a leader in climate change mitigation and science Redesign and build strong carbon neutral economy, communities, infrastructure and energy Protect ecosystems including air land and water Leave a legacy of a healthy world for our children and future generations Thecriteriaunderwhichtheoptionshavebeenevaluatedhavebeenselectedbasedonthespecific impactstoeachoption.TheevaluationcriterialistedinTable3.1.1arerelevanttothestrategic decision‐makingprocess,consideringthatthecriteriamayimpacteachoftheoptionsmore positivelyornegatively,whichwillresultinapreferredoptionthatistransparent,repeatableand rationalizedwiththegreatestvaluetoenvironmental,socio‐economicalandfinancialfactors. 3.1 METHODOLOGY Evaluationcriteriathatconsideredarangeofenvironment,socio‐economicandfinancialconcerns weredeveloped.Thesecriteriarepresentaspectsrelatedtoimpactsontheoptionsthatcouldbe considered.Thesecriteriawereselectedbasedonthefollowing: RequirementsofthePARGuidelines; CommentsobservedatARCtodateandfeedbackfromsomeparents; Theprofessionaljudgmentandresearchofinformationavailablefromonlinepublicdocuments. Usingaconstraintevaluationapproach,a“low”ratingwasassignedtoanoptionwhichthe evaluationcriterionposedlittleornoconstrainttotheproposedoption.Anoptionwitha“low” Background 3 WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga ratingwasonethatwouldbepreferredfortheproposedoption,baseduponthecriterionbeing considered.Aratingof“high”wasassignedtoanoptionwhichitsconditionorcharacterwith respecttotheevaluationcriterionunderconsiderationrepresentedahighdegreeofconcernor potentialdifficultywithrespecttotheproposedoption.Anoptionwitha“high”ratingwasonethat wasleastpreferredfortheproposedoption,baseduponthecriterionbeingconsidered.An intermediaterating,“moderate”,wasappliedinthecasewheresomenegativeconcernsor difficultiesarepresentforagivenoptionwithrespecttothecriterionbeingconsidered.Onerating, i.e.low,moderateorhigh,wasassignedtoeachoptionforeachcriterionunderconsiderationto guidetheevaluationanddeterminetherelativefeasibilityofeachoption. Table 3.1.1: Evaluation Criteria and Rating Definition 4 CRITERIA RATING DEFINITION Environmental Impacts Low: low impact to the environment. No change to the current levels of pollution generated from vehicular use. Moderate: moderate impact to the environment. Some increase in smog could be anticipated but only on an occasional basis. High: high impact to the environment. Potential to increase the negative effect of smog and pollution in the surrounding community. SocialImpacts Low: minimum impact to the community, such as: 1. Fewest students displaced, relative to other options 2. Greatest chances to maintain or increase grades by students 3. Highest utilisation of all school spaces in the East Credit Mississauga review area, relative to other options 4. Minimal safety issues due to introduction of portables 5. Fewest safety issues due to crossing of dangerous roads 6. Minimal separation of students from the same school 7. Maintains Catholic elementary school representation evenly through the major blocks from Hwy 401 to Hwy 403 in the East Credit review area Moderate: some impact to community, such as: 1. Moderate amount of students displaced, relative to other options 2. A fair chance for students to maintain or increase grades 3. Moderate utilisation of all school spaces in the East Credit Mississauga review area, relative to other options 4. Some safety risks due to introducing portables 5. Moderate safety issues from road crossings 6. Some separation of students from the same school 7. Some major areas in the Hwy 401 to Hwy 403 are not represented by the Catholic elementary school system High: high impact to regular community and business activities. 1. Highest amount of students displaced, relative to other options 2. Lowest chance for students to maintain or increase grades 3. Lowest utilisation of all school spaces in the East Credit Mississauga review JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga CRITERIA RATING DEFINITION 4. 5. 6. 7. area, relative to other options Greatest amount of safety risks due to new portables Highest safety issues as a result of increased dangerous road crossings Greatest amount of students separated to attend different schools The greatest amount of areas not represented by the Catholic elementary school system Financial Impacts Low: lowest financial impact to the DPCDSB relative to other options including: 1. Highest savings from deferred major maintenance costs over the next 5 years 2. Highest savings from electricity and gas consumption annually 3. Lowest operating and maintenance costs due to over capacity (portables?) 4. Lowest financial costs for parents of FI for additional travel Moderate: intermediary financial impact to the DPCDSB relative to other options including: 1. Some savings are evident from deferred major maintenance costs over the next 5 years 2. Moderate savings from electricity and gas consumption annually 3. Some additional operating and maintenance costs due to over capacity (portables?) 4. Some additional costs to FI parents for transporting children to new school High: highest financial impact to the DPCDSB relative to other options including: 1. Lowest savings from deferred major maintenance costs over the next 5 years 2. Lowest savings from electricity and gas consumption annually 3. Highest operating and maintenance costs due to over capacity (portables?) 4. Highest financial costs to FI parents for transporting children to new schools 3.2 OPTION IDENTIFICATION BasedontheBackgroundandGuidingPrinciples,anumberofoptionshavebeenidentifiedin additiontothethreethatwereidentifiedintheInitialStaffReport.Alloftheoptions,however,were evaluateagainsteachofthecriteriaidentifiedinTable3.1.1includingOptions1–3asproposedin theInitialStaffReport.AlloptionsareshowninthemapsasoutlinedinAppendixA. 4 Environmental Impact Thiscriterionisusedtoevaluatetheenvironmentalimpact;specificallythestressputupontheair qualityduetoadditionaldrivingthatwillberequiredfromeachoption.Schoolbuseswillbe availabletoregularEnglishprogramstudentswhoqualifybasedonthedistancefromtheirhometo theschool.However,sincetheexactnumberofbusingrequirementsforeachoftheoptionsisnot available,theimpactofbuseswasconsideredneutralfortheanalysisofthisreport.Anassumption wasmadethatthenumberofstudentsrequiringindividualridestotheirnewschoollocationsare relativelythesameforthevariousoptions.However,iftheARCisabletoobtainspecificbusing Environmental Impact 5 WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga requirementsforeachoption,thentheimpactsfromadditionalbusingneedsmaybeusedinthe evaluation,ifdesired.Additionally,thedistancesarerelativelysimilarsothattheimpactfor additionalkilometersofdrivingbyparentsfortheregularEnglishprogramswillbalanceandhavea neutralaffect. However,thestudentsintheFrenchImmersion(FI)programarenoteligibleforschoolbuses. Therefore,anyFIstudentswhohavetochangeschoolswillrequirealltheparentsoftheFIstudents todrivetheadditionaldistancetothenewschool.Assuch,onlyoptionsthatincludetherelocationof theFIstudentswillresultinanimpacttotheenvironment.Onaverage,eachdaywillrequiretwo trips:adropoffandpickup,totalinganadditional18kmoftravelforeachfamily(distancefromSt. GertrudetoSt.Gregory). Impactsofautomobilesonairpollutionarewellknownanddocumented.Numerousstudieshave linkedparticulatematter(PM)generatedfromthecombustionofgasolinetoaggravatedcardiacand respiratorydiseasessuchasasthma,bronchitisandemphysemaandtovariousformsofheart disease.Particulatemattercanalsohaveadverseeffectsonvegetationandstructures,and contributestovisibilitydeteriorationandregionalhaze.Table4.1.1belowprovidesaquickglimpse ofsomeharmfulpollutantsthatareemittedbypassengervehicles. Table 4.1.1: Average Emissions and Fuel Consumption for passenger cars (source: EPA, Emission Facts, October 2008). Pollutant / Fuel Emission (per mile driven) grams (g) ug / m3 grams (g) grams (g) kilogram (kg) 2,370.82 2.37 459,939.63 459.94 2,469.42 2.47 479,066.71 479.07 THC 1.077 (1.034 g/mi) x (1 mi/1.60934 km) x distance (km/ day or yr) (1.077 g/mi) x (1 mi/1.60934 km) x distance (km/ day or yr) 9.4 (9.400 g/mi) x (1 mi/1.60934 km) x distance (km/ day or yr) 21,552.93 21.55 4,181,269.34 4,181.27 15700 (13 ppm ‐ 8 hr) 36200 (30 ppm ‐ 1 hr) (0.693 g/mi) x (1 mi/1.60934 km) x distance (km/ day or yr) 1,588.96 1.59 308,257.41 308.26 200 (0.10 ppm ‐ 24 hr) 400 (0.20 ppm ‐ 1 hr) 10.09 0.01 1,957.19 1.96 9.40 0.01 1,823.75 1.82 844,692 845 163,870,173 163,870 NOx 0.693 PM10 0.0044 PM2.5 0.0041 CO2 AAQC kilogram (kg) 1.034 6 Annual Emission and Fuel Consumption VOC CO Daily Emission and Fuel Consumption Calculation 368.4 (0.0044 g/mi) x (1 mi/1.60934 km) x distance (km/ day or yr) (0.0041 g/mi) x (1 mi/1.60934 km) x distance (km/ day or yr) (368.4 g/mi) x (1 mi/1.60934 km) x distance (km/ day or yr) 50 30 Green house gases / climate change JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga 5 Socio‐Economical Impact 5.1 SOCIO‐ECONOMICAL CRITERIA 1 (SEC 1) – NUMBER OF STUDENTS DISPLACED Thiscriterionisusedtoevaluatethenumberofstudentsdisplaced,orhavingtochangeschools,asa resultoftheoption.Studentswhohavetochangeschoolswillbenegativelyimpactedbythe experienceofchangingschools,meetingnewstudents,teachersandnewschoolingenvironment.It willbeparticularlyhardforthoseolderstudentsingrades5and6astheywillhavetochange schoolsintheirfinalyearortwoyearsofelementaryschool.Theexperienceisfurthernegatively impactedasnotallstudentswillgotothesameschoolandthusrelationshipsandclosefriendships willbebrokenupjustbeforetheyentertheimportantyearsofhighschool. The“Numberofstudentsdisplaced”iscalculatedfromthesumof2015‐2016studentsattendingthe schoolsproposedtobeclosedineachoption.AratingofLow,ModerateandHighhavebeen identifiedbelowforthenumberofstudentsdisplaced: Number. of students displaced Rating 0‐500 501‐1000 1001+ Low Moderate High 5.2 SEC 2 – POTENTIAL FOR MAINTAINING AND INCREASING STUDENT GRADE Thiscriterionisusedtoevaluatethepotentialforstudentstomaintaincurrentschoolgradesor increaseschoolgrades.Variousstudieshavebeenpublishedillustratingthepositiveandnegative impactstogradesasaresultofstudentsbeingdisplacedtootherschools.Althoughtherehavebeen nolocalexamples,astudyinChicagofollowedthestudentsof18schoolsthatwereclosed,to examinetheimpactsofgradesfrombeingdisplaced.TheConsortiumonChicagoSchoolResearchat theUniversityofChicagoUrbanEducationInstitutepublished“WhenSchoolsClose,Effectson DisplacedStudentsinChicagoPublicSchools”in2009andfoundthat: “thesuccessofaschoolclosingpolicyhingesonthequalityofthereceivingschoolsthatacceptthe displacedstudents.Oneyearafterschoolclosings,displacedstudentswhore‐enrolledintheweakest receivingschools(thosewithtestscoresinthebottomquartileofallsystemschools)experiencedan achievementlossofmorethanamonthinreadingandhalf‐a‐monthinmath.Meanwhile,studentswho re‐enrolledinthestrongestreceivingschools(thoseinthetopquartile)experiencedanachievement gainofnearlyonemonthinreadingandmorethantwomonthsinmath.” AsindicatedintheMinistryofEducationPupilAccommodationReviewGuideline,March2015,any schoolboardPARshouldbedesignedtoalignwiththeMinistryofEducation’svisionandguiding principles: Industryscoresforschoolsarereadilyavailable,suchasthosefromtheFraserInstitute.However, thesescoresneedtobeusedwithcautionasthescoresdonotprovidedetailsintothereasonforthe Socio‐Economical Impact 7 WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga scores.AnanalysiswascompletedusingtheFraserInstituteRankingfromthe2014scoresandis showninAppendixB.Asonly7schoolscouldbecomparedinonegraphfromtheFraserInstitute webpage,twochartshavebeenplottedtoshowalltheschoolsintheEastCreditReviewarea. AnothersourceofstandardizedscoringcouldbeobtainedfromtheEducationQualityand AccountabilityOffice(EQAO),whichisacrownagencyestablishedbytheOntarioGovernment. Thesetestsmayalsoonlygiveus95%ofthetruepictureofaptitudeofstudentsandtheschool itself,butitistheclosesttrueprovincewidestandardizedtestingavailable.Someofthevariations thatcanbeattributedtotheschoolandteachersactuallyfurthertheargumentthattheteachingand learningenvironmentsurroundinganindividualschoolshouldbeconsideredintheevaluationof theoptions.EQAOscoreresultsfortheschoolsintheEastCreditReviewareaareshownin AppendixC. Fortheevaluation,boththeFraserInstituteandEQAOscoresareusedandshownseparately.The gradeisbasedonthenumberofschoolsmovingfromeitherhigherrankingtolowerrankingor lowerrankingtohigherranking.BelowistheproposedratingofLow,ModerateandHigh: TheEQAOscoresusedaretheaveragesforReading,WritingandMathematicsforGrades3and6 takenforthelatestyear,2014‐2015.TheaveragesfortheEQAOscorescanbeseeninAppendixC. Itshouldbenotedthatthesearethebestavailabledataformeasuringaveragegradesineachofthe schools.Ifthereareotherscoresthatarenotavailabletothepublic,butavailabletotheARCthen theycouldbesubstitutedusingasimilarapproach.Themainpurposeofthiscriterionagain,isnot toseewhichschoolsarebetterthanothers.Instead,itissimplytoseewhichoptionprovidesthe greatestopportunityforthestudentstomaintaintheircurrentgradesorincreasethem. Potential to maintain or increase school grades More lower ranking schools going to higher ranking schools Neutral ‐ similar More higher ranking schools going to lower ranking schools Rating Low Moderate High 5.3 SEC 3 – SCHOOL UTILIZATION Thiscriterionisusedtoevaluatetheutilizationrateofeachoption,whichisanannualaverageofall schoolswithintheEastCreditarea.Inordertocompletetheevaluation,theannualaverageis furtheraveragedovertheperiodof2017to2025.Ifshouldbenotedthattheannualaveragedoes notprovidetheutilizationofeachschool.Eachschoolmaybewellunderorwellovertheschool’s capacity.Theovercapacityissueisconsideredinthenextsection. ItshouldbenotedthatastherewerenonumbersforthebreakoutofOurLadyofGoodVoyage (OLGV)northandsouthofBritanniaRdwest,anassumptionwasmade.Itwasassumedthat30%of 8 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga thetotalschoolpopulationisnorthofBritanniaRdwest,while70%issouthofBritanniaRdwest. ThisassumptionwasestimatedpurelyonapproximatingtheareaofOLGV. TheInitialStaffReportindicatedthat20%istheminimumincreaseinoverallutilizationthatan optionmustachievetobeconsideredforthePAR.However,itisnotclearwhy20%wasselectedas thebenchmark.Anoverall20%increasedoesnotclearlyreflecttheimpacttoanindividualschoolas the20%couldbeatthecostofaschoolbeingseverelyovercapacity.Thereforeoptionsthatdonot necessarilyachievea20%increaseinoverallutilizationhavebeenconsideredinthisreport.An addedbenefitofthisapproachistheabilitytomaintainsomebufferineachschoolintheeventthat theprojectionsareoff,whichwaswhathappenedwiththelastCensusdataprojections. ThecurrentschoolutilizationisshowninAppendixD.ThesenumberswereobtainedfromtheInitial StaffReport,exceptfortheOLGVnorthandsouth,whichisdescribeabove.Theresultingutilization ofeachschool,currentorcombined,foralloptionsarealsoshowninAppendixD. Theratingusedforthiscriterionisbasedontheaverageutilizationfrom2017‐2025foreachofthe optionsandshownbelow. Utilization 0‐50% 51‐80% 81‐100% Rating High Moderate Low 5.4 SEC 4 –OVER CAPACITY – STUDENT WELL BEING (SAFETY) ISSUE BECAUSE EITHER OVER CAPACITY IN CURRENT SCHOOL OR ADDING PORTABLES Thiscriterionisusedtoevaluatetheovercapacityissuethatiscreatedatsomeschoolsasaresultof studentsmovingfromoneschooltoanother.Thiscouldresultintheneedtoinstallportablesto accommodatetheadditionalstudents.Thereissomeflexibilitywithrespecttotheabilityofaschool tooperatenormallyatorslightlyoverfullcapacityasaresultofclassroomsizeandrangesforthe earlierschoolageclasses.Thereforeexactimpactoftheovercapacitywillnotberealizeduntilthe studentsarepermanentlymovedover.However,evenifportablesarenotrequiredimmediately,the factthattheschoolwillbeatorovercapacitymaybeasafetyconcernduetothesheernumberof studentsandstaffattheschool. Schoolportables,ifrequired,presentsanothersafetyconcernforthestudentswhoneedtogoinand outoftheschoolforvariousactivitiessuchaswashroom,lunchandgymclass.Althoughnotareal concernduringthemildersummer,springandfallseasons,whenthecolderweatherarrives,this willresultinconditionsthatcouldbearemorehazardousforslipsandtripsandsicknesses. Socio‐Economical Impact 9 WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Theratingusedforthiscriterionisbasedonwhethertheoptionwillintroduceapotentialfor hazard,whichiscreatedwhentheschoolisovercapacity. Hazard from over‐ capacity 0 1 2+ Rating Low Moderate High 5.5 CROSSING OF MAJOR INTERSECTIONS Thiscriterionisusedtoevaluatethesafetyconcernsasaresultofhavingtocrossadditionalmajor streetsbystudentswhowalktoschool.Majorstreetstraveledbystudentshavebeencategorized into2‐lane,4‐laneand6‐lanes.Somesectionsof2‐lanestreets,suchasTerryFoxWayfromBristol RdtoEglintonAve,alsocontainadditionalparkinglanes.Forthesesituationsandinthisreport,the parkinglaneswouldbeconsideredlanewaysandbeincreasedfroma2‐laneto4‐lanestreets.For thisreport,thekeymeasureisthewidthofthestreetsasitcouldbeassociatedwiththevolumeof vehiculartravelaswellaswalkingdistancesacrossthestreet,whichisdirectlyrelatedtoadditional safetyconcerns.ThenumberoflanesfordifferentpossiblestreetcrossingsisshowninAppendixE. Theratingusedforthiscriterionisdirectlytiedtothesizeofthestreetsthatmustbecrossedby studentswalkingtoschool. Safety issue from crossing major streets 2‐Lane Crossing 4‐Lane Crossing 6‐Lane Crossing Rating Low Moderate High 5.6 MINIMIZING SEPARATION OF STUDENTS Thiscriterionisusedtomeasuretheimpactsofseparatingthestudentsfromoneschooltotwoor moreschools.Inadditiontobeingforceoutofaschoolthatthestudentshavebeenattendingsince kindergarten,someoptionswillrequiresomestudentstogotooneschoolwhiletheirfriendsand classmateswillhavetogotoanotherschool.Thesesituations,asseeninAppendixA,havebeen identifiedandhavebeenbasedpurelyongeography. Theratingusedforthiscriterionisrelatedtothenumberofschoolsthatwillrequiretheirstudents tobeseparated. Number of schools resulting in separation of students 1 2 3+ Rating Low Moderate High 10 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga 5.7 MAINTAIN CATHOLIC SCHOOL PRESENCE IN MAIN CATCHMENT AREAS ThiscriterionisusedtomeasurethepresenceofaCatholicschoolinthemainareasoftheEast Creditarea,fromHighway301toHighway403,whichcouldbeseenintheOptionsmapsin AppendixA.Ideally,therewouldbeanelementaryCatholicschoolineachofthequadrantsnorth, south,eastandwest. Theratingusedforthiscriterionmeasurestheabilitytomaintainaschoolineachofthequadrants. Catholic school presence Both North‐South and East‐West One of: North‐South or East‐West Uneven distribution in the North‐South direction Rating Low Moderate High 6 Financial 6.1 SAVINGS FROM DEFERRING MAJOR MAINTENANCE OVER NEXT 5 YEARS ThiscriterionisbasedonthecostsoutlinedintheInitialStaffReporttooperatetheschools.There areexistingOutstandingRenewalNeedsforeachschool,whichisitemizedintheStudent InformationProfile.Although,therearesomeconnectionsbetweentheageoftheschoolandthe costsrequiredoverthenextfiveyears,thecapitalmaintenancecostswillnotnecessarilybeavoided iftheschoolisclosedin2017.Iftherepairsarerequiredinthenearfuture,itwouldbecertainthat therepairsbecompletedinordertokeepthebuildinginastateofgoodrepair,whetheritremains unoccupiedorifitissoldtoacommunitypartner.However,themaintenancecostslistedmaybe representativeofarelativeamounttowhatmaybedeferredandnotberequiredtoberepaired. Theratingusedforthiscriterionisrelatedtothemaintenancecoststhathavebeenidentifiedfor eachschoolandassumedtobedeferrable,andisshownbelow.Asummaryofthepotentialsavings basedonthedeferralofmaintenancecostscanbeseeninAppendixF. Number of schools resulting in separation of students Rating 1 2 3+ Low Moderate High Financial 11 WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga 6.2 OPERATING / MAINTENANCE COSTS – ELECTRICITY AND GAS COMMODITY PRICING This criterion is used to represent and provide a comparison of the annual operating costs. The Initial Staff Report listed the Expenditures for School Utility & Snowplowing/Salting Costs for each school. After further investigation, it has been discovered that the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board also produces an Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report for all the schools within their district, as required under the Ministry of Energy’s Green Energy Act and can be seen in Appendix G. A summary of the report showing only DPCDSB elementary schools is shown in Table 6.2.1 below. The Energy Intensity criterion illustrates the amount of energy used by each school divided by the square footage of the school. Based on 2013‐2014 numbers, St. Gertrude is the highest ranking, using the least amount of energy per square footage, for that school year. 12 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Table 6.2.1: Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for DPCDSB elementary schools Energy Type and Amount Purchased and Consumed in Natural units Electricity Natural Gas Number of Portables Estimated Energy Costs Natrual Gas** Energy Electricity* Energy Intensity Intensity GHG $ 0.1500 $ 0.1475 Rank Emissions (Kg) (eKWh/sqft) Total (calculated in webform) Operation Name Avg Hrs / Swimming Pool Total Floor Are Wk (Y/N) Our Lady of Good Voyage Sep S St. Bernadette E S 51,526.84 57,995.95 80 No 80 No 0 385,117.65 51,445.46 126,537.75 0 356,478.03 71,196.84 161,703.28 18.09 19.19 3 5 $ 57,767.65 $ 7,588.21 $ 65,355.85 $ 53,471.70 $ 10,501.53 $ 63,973.24 St. Dunstan ES St. Gertrude Sep S St. Gregory 46,155.65 69,502.57 56,397.00 80 No 80 No 80 No 0 249,737.93 51,354.81 116,075.86 0 347,577.15 55,250.74 130,878.58 0 553,793.75 126,550.80 281,355.34 17.24 13.45 33.67 2 1 8 $ 37,460.69 $ 7,574.83 $ 45,035.52 $ 52,136.57 $ 8,149.48 $ 60,286.06 $ 83,069.06 $ 18,666.24 $ 101,735.31 St. Herbert St. Raymond St. Valentive ES 60,428.59 54,486.91 54,260.87 80 No 80 No 80 No 0 557,254.28 102,821.05 236,754.27 0 480,041.38 53,133.14 136,943.86 0 480,818.29 117,345.14 258,403.85 27.31 19.17 31.84 6 4 7 $ 83,588.14 $ 15,166.10 $ 98,754.25 $ 72,006.21 $ 7,837.14 $ 79,843.35 $ 72,122.74 $ 17,308.41 $ 89,431.15 Quantity (kWh) Quantity (m3) * Electricity Price effective November 1, 2015 and is an average of Mid‐Peak and Peak prices ** Natural Gas Price effective July 2015 and is inclusive of Commodity Price and Gas Cost Adjustment Financial 13 Total Annual Energy Costs WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga As evident in the Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report the exact amounts of gas and electricity consumed by each school is listed, which is important to understand in order to move towards decreased dependency of increasing commodity prices as well as reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Figure 6.2.1 below illustrates the rising trend of electricity over the last number of years Figure 6.2.1: Electricity Price Trending (2006‐2015) Theratingusedforthiscriterionistoreflectthedifferencebetweenthehighestsavingsoptionto theoptionthatisbeingmeasured. Difference between the highest savings option Rating 0 ‐ $10,000 $10,001 ‐ $50,000 $50,001 + Low Moderate High 14 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga 6.3 ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR IF PORTABLES ARE REQUIRED As outlined in Section 5‐4, some options may introduce the need for additional portables to accommodate the overcapacity at some schools. If a portable is required, there will be additional costs associated with constructing the portable as well as the operation and maintenance costs that were not identified in the Initial Staff Report. Since the capital construction or maintenance costs could be not obtained in time for this analysis, a “relative” approach to evaluating the impacts of portables was taken. Portables were assumed to be required after 100% of the school capacity and each portable can accommodate 25 students, which can be seen in Appendix H. The costs to maintain and operate these portables will be directly related to the number of portables required. Therefore, in the absence of these costs, the evaluation will be based on the number of portables required and is shown below. Number of portables required 0 1 2+ Rating Low Moderate High 6.4 COSTS TO FRENCH IMMERSION PARENTS FOR ADDITIONAL MILEAGE The impact of costs may not only be attached to the DPCDSB for each option. Costs that will be incurred by parents as a result of the options should also be considered. As outlined in Section 4, Option 1 will require the French Immersion program be moved from St. Gertrude to St. Gregory, which is approximately 4.5 km away. Most of the parents who have their children in the FI program at St. Gertrude actually live south, much further south than St. Gertrude. Of the 279 students who currently attend the FI program at St. Gertrude, 205 of those students come from districts that will be required to travel an additional 4.5 km to get to St. Gregory. Appendix I shows the number of students in the FI program who are located in other school boundaries, which was based on data extracted from the PAR UPDATE – Supplementary Information and Update – East Credit, Mississauga, December, 7, 2015. Table 6.4.1 below illustrate that each parent will be required to spend an extra $291 per year for the additional driving, which is another burden to parents and results in a negative impact. Table 6.4.1: Costs of additional Driving Gasoline Consumption Fuel Consumption Rates* (per mile driven) 0.04149 Calculation L/d L/year (4.5*2*2 km/d) / (12 km/L) 1.50 291 Annual cost @ $1.0/L 291 Total $ that will be spent by FI parents $59,655 *Source of Fuel Consumption Rate: EPA Average Annual Emissions and Fuel Consumption for Gasoline‐Fueled Passengers Cars and Light Trucks Financial 15 WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga The rating used for this criterion is a measure of additional costs to parents to transport their children to school. Additional cost to parents for travel per year Rating $0 $1‐50 $51+ Low Moderate High 7 Evaluation Summary EachoftheoptionsisevaluatedbasedonthedefinitionsestablishedinSection3forHigh,Moderate andLowratings.ResultsoftheevaluationcanbeseeninTable7.1.1. ToprovideasimplervisualrepresentationoftheHigh,ModerateandLowratings,eachlevelrating canbeassociatedwithasymbolasshowninTable7.1.2.Thefullevaluationofeachoptionisfurther showninTable7.1.3usingthesymbols,whichprovideaneasyandquickglimpsetoidentifyingthe preferredoptions. Table Evaluation Legend Table ‐ Degree of Concern / Difficulty SYMBOL RATING Low Moderate High 16 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Table 7‐1: Evaluation of Options Environmental Criteria 1 Total increase in annual kilometers from FI move (increased air pollution) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6 Option 7 715,860 0 0 0 0 0 0 High Social Criteria 1 Number of students displaced as due to school closure Low Low Low Low Low Low 1,150 881 1,222 456 833 784 881 High Moderate High Low Higher to lower: 3 schools Neutral: 1 school Higher to lower: 2 schools Lower to Higher: 2 schools Higher to lower: 2 schools Lower to Higher: 2 school High Moderate Higher to lower: 3 schools Lower to higher: 1 school Higher to lower: 3 schools Lower to Higher: 1 schools High High 90% Low 6 High Moderate Rating Definition 0 Low 1‐1000 km 1001 km + Moderate High 0‐500 Low 501‐1000 1001+ Moderate High More lower ranking schools going to higher ranking schools Low neutral ‐ similar Moderate Moderate Moderate High Moderate Higher to lower: 2 schools Lower to Higher: 1 school Neutral: 1 school High Higher to lower: 3 schools Lower to Higher: 1 school Neutral: 1 school High Higher to lower: 2 schools Lower to Higher: 2 school Neutral: 1 school High Higher to lower: 1 schools Lower to Higher: 1 school Neutral: 2 school Moderate Higher to lower: 0 schools Lower to Higher: 3 school Neutral: 1 school Low 87% Low 92% Low 72% Moderate 75% Moderate 87% Low 87% Low 0‐50% 51‐80% 81‐100% 4 High 6 High 0 Low 0 Low 5 High 19 High 0 Low 1 Moderate 2+ High 2 lane crossing: 0 4 lane crossing: 4 6 lane crossing: 1 High 2 lane crossing: 1 4 lane crossing: 2 6 lane crossing: 2 High 2 lane crossing: 0 4 lane crossing: 4 6 lane crossing: 0 Moderate 2 lane crossing: 2 4 lane crossing: 3 6 lane crossing: 0 Moderate 2 lane crossing: 2 4 lane crossing: 2 6 lane crossing: 1 High St. Dunstan and St. Valentine St. Herbert and St. Dunstan OLGV and St. Dunstan OLGV, St. Dunstan and St. Valentine OLGV and St. Valentine Moderate Moderate Moderate High Moderate North‐South: Y East‐West: Y Low North‐South: N East‐West: Y Moderate North‐South: Y East‐West: Y Low North‐South: Y East‐West: Y Low North‐South: Y East‐West: Y Low Social Criteria 2 Potential for higher education acheivement A. Changes based on 2014 Fraser Institute scores Higher to lower: 4 schools Neutral: 1 school High B. EQAO scores Social Criteria 3 Average Utilization (2017‐2025) Social Criteria 4 Number of portables required (based on max capacity of 25) Higher to lower: 5 schools Higher to lower: 4 schools High Higher to lower: 3 schools Lower to Higher1 school more higher ranking schools going to High lower ranking schools High High Moderate Low Social Criteria 5 Increased Road Crossings Social Criteria 6 Separation of students from same school Social Criteria 7 Maintain Catholic school presence in majar quadrants of East Credit area 2 lane crossing: 0 4 lane crossing: 3 6 lane crossing: 1 High St. Gertrude and St. Dunstan separating Moderate North‐South: Y East‐West: N Moderate 2 lane crossing: 1 4 lane crossing: 5 6 lane crossing: 0 Moderate 2 Lane crossing Low 4 Lane crossing 6 Lane crossing Moderate High OLGV, St. Dunstan and St. Valentine 1 Low High 2 3+ Moderate High North‐South: Y East‐West: Y Presence in only 1 direction North‐South: N East‐West: N Moderate North‐South: Y East‐West: Y Low Low High Financial Criteria 1 Savings in School Operating and Outstanding Renewal needs is Difference from best option $ 6,634,403 $ 6,045,394 $ 5,291,967 $ 3,861,442 $ 4,864,158 $ 6,133,286 0‐$500k Low $501k‐$1.5M +$1.5M Moderate High 170,677.43 $ 199,822.53 $ 245,525.08 $ 164,110.10 253,541.25 218,760.24 199,822.53 0‐$10k Low 82,863.82 53,718.72 8,016.18 89,431.15 ‐ High High Low High Low $10k‐$50k +$50k Moderate High $ ‐ Low $ 6,050,225 $ 589,009.0 $ 1,342,436.0 $ 2,772,961.0 $ 1,770,245.0 $ 501,117.0 $ 584,178.0 Moderate Moderate High High Moderate Moderate Financial Criteria 2 Savings Annual Energy and Gas Consumption Difference from best option 34,781.01 Moderate 53,718.72 High Financial Criteria 3 Additional Costs for Portables 6 High 4 High 6 High 0 Low 0 Low 5 High 19 High 0 1 2+ Low Moderate High $ 291 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Low Low Low Low $1‐$50 + $51 Moderate High Financial Criteria 4 Additional costs annually to FI parents High Low Evaluation Summary 17 WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Table 7.1.3: Evaluation Criteria and Rating CRITERIA OPTION 2 OPTION 3 OPTION 4 OPTION 5 OPTION 6 OPTION 7 CLOSE OLGV, ST. DUNSTAN, ST. GERTRUDE CLOSE OLGV, ST. DUNSTAN, ST. VALENTINE CLOSE ST. DUNSTAN, ST. HERBERT, ST. GREGORY CLOSE OLGV, ST. HERBERT CLOSE OLGV, ST. HERBERT, ST. VALENTINE CLOSE OLGV, ST. BERNADETTE, ST. VALENTINE CLOSE OLGV, ST. DUNSTAN, ST. VALENTINE Environmental AirQuality Social1 No.ofStudentsDisplaced Social2 PotentialforAcademic Achievement(Frazer) Social2 PotentialforAcademic Achievement(EQAO) Social3 SchoolUtilization 90% 87% 92% 72% 75% 87% 87% Social4 Overcapacity(Safety issue) Social5 IncreasedRoadCrossings (Safetyissue) Social6 Separationofstudents fromthesameschool Social7 Maintaindistributed Catholicpresenceinarea Financial1 Savingsinschool5‐Y maintenanceandO&M Costs Financial2 O&M–ElectricityandGas Consumption(Energy Intensity) Financial3 Additionalcostsfor portables Financial4 AdditionalcoststoFI Parentsforincreased travels 18 OPTION 1 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga 8 Recommendations BasedonacomparativeevaluationofthealternativesshowninTables7.1.1and7.1.3,beloware somerecommendations: ‐Option4and6providetheleastnegativeimpactoverall.Bothoftheseoptionshavebeenshownto generatetheleastEnvironmental,Socio‐EconomicalandFinancialimpactandeitheroptioncanbe justifiablyselectedasthepreferredOption. ‐Whendrillingdowntothecriterionandtherankingsthemselves,Option4shouldbethe preferredoption.ThereasonforthisissimplythatOption6rankspoorlywithtwocriteriathat measurestheimpacttosafetyforthestudents:overcapacityandhavingtocrossmajorstreets.This isfurtheremphasizedbytheGuidingPrincipleofachieving“studentwell‐being”inthePAR Guideline. ‐Option5hasonlyoneadditionalnegativeimpact.AcasecanbemadeforOption5dependingon whatprioritiestheremaybeforsomecriteria. ‐Options4,5and6couldbefurtheranalyzedtoconsiderprioritiesorweightingfactorstothatwill raisetheimportanceofonecriterionoveranothercriterion ‐Options1,2,3and7poseanumberofdisadvantagesrelatingtoEnvironmental,Socio‐Economical andFinancialimpactthatmakeitleastfavourableandthereforeshouldbescreenedoutifamore detailedanalysisistobecompleted 9 Conclusion OnOctober27,2015,theBoardofTrusteesfortheDufferin‐PeelCatholicDistrictSchoolBoard approvedtheinitiatedofthePupilAccommodationReview.Accordingly,thePlanningDepartment preparedtheInitialStaffReport,whichwasalsoacceptedonOctober272015bytheBoardof Trustees.InaccordancewiththePARGuideline,thisReporthasbeenproducedtoidentify alternativeoptionstothethreeoptionsidentifiedintheInitialStaffReport. Basedonestablishingcriteriathatmayaffecttheoveralldecision,includingEnvironmental,Socio‐ EconomicalandFinancialimpacts,anumberofoptionsinadditiontothethreepresentedinthe InitialStaffReportwereidentified,reviewed,scrutinizedandevaluated.Theevaluationapproach usedissimilartomanyothersthattheProvincialGovernmentofOntarioministriesuseandresulted inOption4asthepreferredoption. Ifadditionalscrutinyisrequired,aweightingfactorapproachcanbeappliedtotheanalysis completedinthisreporttocomplimenttheworkdone. Recommendations 19 WG4-103 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Appendix A – Maps to Options Identified WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Appendix B – Fraser Institute Ranking Charts WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Appendix C– Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 IIdentification of Allternatives Options: P PAR Review 2015 – – East Credit Mississauga WG4-103 |Identiffication of Alternattives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Creditt Mississauga JANUARYY 2016 WG4-103 IIdentification of Allternatives Options: P PAR Review 2015 – – East Credit Mississauga WG4-103 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Appendix D – Current and Proposed Utilization Rates WG4-103 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Current Utilization Rates of Schools in East Credit Review Area and Fraser Institute Ranking for 2014 Fraser Ranking 7.2 4.3 8.5 7.9 6.7 5.8 7.3 7.3 O.L. Good Voyage N. OLGV S. OLGV Utilization St. Bernadette Utilization St. Dunstan N. Dunstan S. Dunstan Utilization St. Gertrude FI Utilization St. Gregory Utilization St. Herbert Utilization St. Raymond Utilization St. Valentine N. St. Valentine S. St. Valentine Utilization OTG 280 487 484 752 556 533 651 651 2015 192 58 134 69% 215 44% 312 160 152 64% 367 279 86% 323 58% 264 50% 447 69% 377 243 134 58% 2016 178 53 125 64% 205 42% 316 161 155 65% 361 309 89% 309 56% 247 46% 388 60% 388 250 138 60% 2017 174 52 122 62% 201 41% 334 171 160 69% 347 309 87% 285 51% 237 44% 368 57% 394 250 144 61% 2018 175 53 123 63% 196 40% 350 180 170 72% 336 303 85% 283 51% 230 43% 348 53% 403 258 145 62% 2019 171 51 120 61% 198 41% 346 179 167 71% 334 304 85% 277 50% 227 43% 321 49% 416 268 148 64% 2020 170 51 119 61% 200 41% 358 185 173 74% 326 303 84% 270 49% 230 43% 297 46% 419 269 150 64% 2021 165 50 116 59% 201 41% 368 187 178 76% 312 301 82% 266 48% 232 44% 275 42% 429 276 153 66% 2022 165 50 116 59% 203 42% 373 192 181 77% 314 302 82% 271 49% 237 44% 252 39% 432 277 155 66% 2023 170 51 119 61% 206 42% 370 192 178 76% 315 302 82% 275 49% 239 45% 241 37% 443 285 158 68% 2024 167 50 117 60% 215 44% 373 192 181 77% 322 302 83% 280 50% 239 45% 231 35% 454 293 161 70% 2025 171 51 120 61% 217 45% 369 192 179 76% 322 302 83% 280 50% 242 45% 232 36% 449 290 159 69% WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga New Utilization based on Option 1: Close St. Dunstan, St. Gertrude and OLGV OTG 2015 2016 205 2019 198 2020 200 2021 201 2022 203 2023 206 2024 215 2025 217 S. Dunstan New St. Bernadette Utilization St. Gregory 152 155 160 170 167 173 178 181 178 181 179 367 360 361 366 365 373 379 384 384 396 396 75% 74% 74% 75% 75% 77% 78% 79% 79% 81% 81% 556 323 309 285 283 277 270 266 271 275 280 280 279 602 309 618 108% 264 160 424 80% 447 58 134 639 98% 377 243 134 367 744 111% 247 161 408 77% 388 53 125 566 87% 388 250 138 361 749 114% 115% 2776 2701 63% 61% Over capacity Utilization St. Herbert 533 N. Dunstan New St. Herbert Utilization St. Raymond N. OLGV S. OLGV New St. Raymond Utilization St. Valentine N. St. Valentine S. St. Valentine St. Gertrude New St. Valentine 651 651 752 Over capacity Utilization 2018 196 487 FI New St. Gregory 215 2017 201 St. Bernadette Total Space Used Surplus Spaces Existing Utilization Proposed Utilization Increased Utilization 2878 309 594 38 107% 237 171 408 77% 368 52 122 542 83% 394 250 144 347 741 90 114% 303 586 30 105% 230 180 410 77% 348 53 123 523 80% 403 258 145 336 739 88 114% 304 581 25 104% 227 179 406 76% 321 51 120 492 76% 416 268 148 334 750 99 115% 303 573 17 103% 230 185 415 78% 297 51 119 467 72% 419 269 150 326 745 94 114% 301 567 11 102% 232 187 419 79% 275 50 116 440 68% 429 276 153 312 741 90 114% 302 573 17 103% 237 192 429 80% 252 50 116 417 64% 432 277 155 314 746 95 115% 302 577 21 104% 239 192 431 81% 241 51 119 411 63% 443 285 158 315 758 107 116% 302 582 26 105% 239 192 431 81% 231 50 117 398 61% 454 293 161 322 776 125 119% 302 582 26 105% 242 192 434 81% 232 51 120 403 62% 449 290 159 322 771 120 118% 2646 232 60% 92% 32% 2624 254 60% 91% 31% 2594 284 59% 90% 31% 2573 305 59% 89% 30% 2546 332 58% 88% 30% 2549 329 58% 89% 31% 2561 317 58% 89% 31% 2583 295 59% 90% 31% 2586 292 59% 90% 31% JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga New Utilization based on Option 2: Close St. Dunstan, St. Valentive and OLGV St. Bernadette S. Dunstan New St. Bernadette Utilization St. Gregory OTG 487 556 N. St. Valentine New St. Gregory 2015 215 152 367 75% 323 2016 205 155 360 74% 309 2017 201 160 361 74% 285 2018 196 170 366 75% 283 2019 198 167 365 75% 277 2020 200 173 373 77% 270 2021 201 178 379 78% 266 2022 203 181 384 79% 271 2023 206 178 384 79% 275 2024 215 181 396 81% 280 2025 217 179 396 81% 280 243 566 250 559 102% 264 160 134 558 101% 247 161 138 546 105% 447 58 134 639 98% 367 279 86% 102% 388 53 125 566 87% 361 309 89% 250 535 ‐21 96% 237 171 144 552 19 104% 368 52 122 542 83% 347 309 87% 258 541 ‐15 97% 230 180 145 555 22 104% 348 53 123 523 80% 336 303 85% 268 545 ‐11 98% 227 179 148 554 21 104% 321 51 120 492 76% 334 304 85% 269 539 ‐17 97% 230 185 150 565 32 106% 297 51 119 467 72% 326 303 84% 276 542 ‐14 97% 232 187 153 572 39 107% 275 50 116 440 68% 312 301 82% 277 548 ‐8 99% 237 192 155 584 51 110% 252 50 116 417 64% 314 302 82% 285 560 4 101% 239 192 158 589 56 111% 241 51 119 411 63% 315 302 82% 293 573 17 103% 239 192 161 592 59 111% 231 50 117 398 61% 322 302 83% 290 570 14 103% 242 192 159 593 60 111% 232 51 120 403 62% 322 302 83% 2776 2701 63% 61% 2646 333 60% 89% 29% 2624 355 60% 88% 28% 2594 385 59% 87% 28% 2573 406 59% 86% 27% 2546 433 58% 85% 27% 2549 430 58% 86% 28% 2561 418 58% 86% 28% 2583 396 59% 87% 28% 2586 393 59% 87% 28% Over capacity Utilization St. Herbert N. Dunstan S. St. Valentine New St. Herbert 533 Over capacity Utilization St. Raymond N. OLGV S. OLGV New St. Raymond Utilization St. Gertrude FI Utilization Total Space Used Surplus Spaces Existing Utilization Proposed Utilization Increased Utilization 651 752 2979 WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga New Utilization based on Option 3: Close St. Dunstan, St. Herbert and St. Valentine O.L. Good Voyage OTG 280 2015 192 2016 178 2017 174 2018 175 2019 171 2020 170 2021 165 2022 165 2023 170 2024 167 2025 171 58 134 160 352 53 125 161 339 52 122 171 345 65 53 123 180 355 75 51 120 179 350 70 51 119 185 355 75 50 116 187 352 72 50 116 192 357 77 51 119 192 362 82 50 117 192 359 79 51 120 192 363 83 126% 215 152 153 520 121% 205 155 142 502 107% 447 323 770 118% 377 243 134 111 488 75% 367 279 86% 103% 388 309 697 107% 388 250 138 105 493 76% 361 309 89% 123% 201 160 141 502 15 103% 368 285 653 100% 394 250 144 96 490 75% 347 309 87% 127% 196 170 133 499 12 102% 348 283 631 97% 403 258 145 97 500 77% 336 303 85% 125% 198 167 134 499 12 102% 321 277 598 92% 416 268 148 93 509 78% 334 304 85% 127% 200 173 134 507 20 104% 297 270 567 87% 419 269 150 96 515 79% 326 303 84% 126% 201 178 134 513 26 105% 275 266 541 83% 429 276 153 98 527 81% 312 301 82% 128% 203 181 138 522 35 107% 252 271 523 80% 432 277 155 99 531 82% 314 302 82% 129% 206 178 139 523 36 107% 241 275 516 79% 443 285 158 100 543 83% 315 302 82% 128% 215 181 138 534 47 110% 231 280 511 78% 454 293 161 101 555 85% 322 302 83% 130% 217 179 140 536 49 110% 232 280 512 79% 449 290 159 102 551 85% 322 302 83% 2776 2701 63% 61% 2646 175 60% 94% 34% 2624 197 60% 93% 33% 2594 227 59% 92% 33% 2573 248 59% 91% 32% 2546 275 58% 90% 32% 2549 272 58% 90% 32% 2561 260 58% 91% 33% 2583 238 59% 92% 33% 2586 235 59% 92% 33% N. OLGV S. OLGV N. Dunstan New OLGV Over capacity Utilization St. Bernadette S. Dunstan W. St. Herbert New St. Bernadette 487 Over capacity Utilization St. Raymond St. Gregory New St. Raymond Utilization St. Valentine N. St. Valentine S. St. Valentine E. St. Herbert New St. Valentine Utilization St. Gertrude FI Utilization Total Space Used Surplus Spaces Existing Utilization Proposed Utilization Increased Utilization 651 651 752 2821 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga New Utilization based on Option 4: Close St. OLGV and St. Herbert OTG St. Bernadette S. Dunstan New St. Bernadette Utilization St. Dunstan N. Dunstan St. Herbert New St. Dunstan Utilization St. Gregory N. OLGV New St. Gregory Utilization St. Raymond S. OLGV New St. Raymond Utilization St. Gertrude FI Utilization St. Valentine N. St. Valentine S. St. Valentine Utilization Total Space Used Surplus Spaces Existing Utilization Proposed Utilization Increased Utilization 2015 205 155 360 2017 201 160 361 74% 2018 196 170 366 75% 2019 198 167 365 75% 2020 200 173 373 77% 2021 201 178 379 78% 2022 203 181 384 79% 2023 206 178 384 79% 2024 215 181 396 81% 2025 217 179 396 81% 160 264 424 88% 323 58 381 68% 447 134 581 89% 161 247 408 84% 309 53 362 65% 388 125 513 79% 171 237 408 84% 285 52 337 61% 368 122 490 75% 180 230 410 85% 283 53 336 60% 348 123 471 72% 179 227 406 84% 277 51 328 59% 321 120 441 68% 185 230 415 86% 270 51 321 58% 297 119 416 64% 187 232 419 87% 266 50 316 57% 275 116 391 60% 192 237 429 89% 271 50 321 58% 252 116 368 56% 192 239 431 89% 275 51 326 59% 241 119 360 55% 192 239 431 89% 280 50 330 59% 231 117 348 53% 192 242 434 90% 280 51 331 60% 232 120 352 54% 651 367 279 86% 377 243 134 58% 361 309 89% 388 250 138 60% 347 309 87% 394 250 144 61% 336 303 85% 403 258 145 62% 334 304 85% 416 268 148 64% 326 303 84% 419 269 150 64% 312 301 82% 429 276 153 66% 314 302 82% 432 277 155 66% 315 302 82% 443 285 158 68% 322 302 83% 454 293 161 70% 322 302 83% 449 290 159 69% 3581 2776 2701 63% 61% 2646 935 60% 74% 14% 2624 957 60% 73% 13% 2594 987 59% 72% 13% 2573 1008 59% 72% 13% 2546 1035 58% 71% 13% 2549 1032 58% 71% 13% 2561 1020 58% 72% 14% 2583 998 59% 72% 13% 2586 995 59% 72% 13% 487 2016 215 152 367 75% 74% 484 556 651 752 WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga New Utilization based on Option 5: Close OLGV and St. Valentine OTG St. Bernadette S. Dunstan New St. Bernadette Utilization St. Dunstan N. Dunstan S. OLGV New St. Dunstan Utilization St. Gregory N. OLGV New St. Gregory Utilization St. Herbert S. St. Valentine New St. Herbert Utilization St. Raymond N. St. Valentine New St. Raymond Utilization St. Gertrude 2015 215 152 367 75% 205 155 360 74% 2017 201 160 361 74% 2018 196 170 366 75% 2019 198 167 365 75% 2020 200 173 373 77% 2021 201 178 379 78% 2022 203 181 384 79% 2023 206 178 384 79% 2024 215 181 396 81% 2025 217 179 396 81% 160 134 294.4 61% 323 58 381 68% 264 134 398 75% 447 243 690 106% 161 125 285.6 59% 309 53 362 65% 247 138 385 72% 388 250 638 98% 171 122 292.8 60% 285 52 337 61% 237 144 381 71% 368 250 618 95% 180 123 302.5 63% 283 53 336 60% 230 145 375 70% 348 258 606 93% 179 120 298.7 62% 277 51 328 59% 227 148 375 70% 321 268 589 90% 185 119 304 63% 270 51 321 58% 230 150 380 71% 297 269 566 87% 187 116 302.5 63% 266 50 316 57% 232 153 385 72% 275 276 551 85% 192 116 307.5 64% 271 50 321 58% 237 155 392 74% 252 277 529 81% 192 119 311 64% 275 51 326 59% 239 158 397 74% 241 285 526 81% 192 117 308.9 64% 280 50 330 59% 239 161 400 75% 231 293 524 80% 192 120 311.7 64% 280 51 331 60% 242 159 401 75% 232 290 522 80% 752 367 279 86% 361 309 89% 347 309 87% 336 303 85% 334 304 85% 326 303 84% 312 301 82% 314 302 82% 315 302 82% 322 302 83% 322 302 83% 3463 2776 2701 63% 61% 2646 817 60% 76% 16% 2624 839 60% 76% 16% 2594 869 59% 75% 16% 2573 890 59% 74% 15% 2546 917 58% 74% 16% 2549 914 58% 74% 16% 2561 902 58% 74% 16% 2583 880 59% 75% 16% 2586 877 59% 75% 16% 487 484 556 533 651 FI Utilization Total Space Used Surplus Spaces Existing Utilization Proposed Utilization Increased Utilization 2016 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga New Utilization based on Option 6: Close OLGV, St. Bernadette and St. Valentine OTG St. Dunstan N. Dunstan S. Dunstan S. OLGV New St. Dunstan 2015 312 160 152 134 446 316 161 155 125 441 92% 323 58 381 68% 264 215 134 613 91% 309 53 362 65% 247 205 138 590 115% 447 243 690 106% 111% 388 250 638 98% 2017 334 171 160 122 453 ‐31 94% 285 52 337 61% 237 201 144 582 49 109% 368 250 618 95% 752 367 279 86% 361 309 89% 347 309 87% 336 303 85% 334 304 85% 326 303 84% 312 301 82% 314 302 82% 315 302 82% 322 302 83% 322 302 83% 2976 2776 2701 63% 61% 2646 330 60% 89% 29% 2624 352 60% 88% 28% 2594 382 59% 87% 28% 2573 403 59% 86% 27% 2546 430 58% 86% 28% 2549 427 58% 86% 28% 2561 415 58% 86% 28% 2583 393 59% 87% 28% 2586 390 59% 87% 28% 484 2016 Over capacity Utilization St. Gregory N. OLGV New St. Gregory Utilization St. Herbert St. Bernadette S. St. Valentine New St. Herbert 556 533 Over capacity Utilization St. Raymond N. St. Valentine New St. Raymond Utilization St. Gertrude 651 FI Utilization Total Space Used Surplus Spaces Existing Utilization Proposed Utilization Increased Utilization 2018 350 180 170 123 473 ‐12 98% 283 53 336 60% 230 196 145 571 38 107% 348 258 606 93% 2019 346 179 167 120 466 ‐18 96% 277 51 328 59% 227 198 148 573 40 108% 321 268 589 90% 2020 358 185 173 119 477 ‐7 99% 270 51 321 58% 230 200 150 580 47 109% 297 269 566 87% 2021 368 187 178 116 481 ‐4 99% 266 50 316 57% 232 201 153 586 53 110% 275 276 551 85% 2022 373 192 181 116 489 5 101% 271 50 321 58% 237 203 155 595 62 112% 252 277 529 81% 2023 370 192 178 119 489 5 101% 275 51 326 59% 239 206 158 603 70 113% 241 285 526 81% 2024 373 192 181 117 490 6 101% 280 50 330 59% 239 215 161 615 82 115% 231 293 524 80% 2025 369 192 179 120 491 7 101% 280 51 331 60% 242 217 159 618 85 116% 232 290 522 80% WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga New Utilization based on Option 7: Close St. OLGV, St. Dunstan and St. Valentine OTG St. Bernadette S. Dunstan New St. Bernadette Utilization St. Herbert N. Dunstan S. St. Valentine New St. Herbert 2015 487 2016 215 205 152 367 155 360 2020 200 2021 201 2022 203 2023 206 2024 215 2025 217 170 366 75% 230 180 145 555 ‐22 104% 283 53 336 60% 348 123 258 729 ‐282 112% 167 365 75% 227 179 148 554 ‐21 104% 277 51 328 59% 321 120 268 709 ‐321 109% 173 373 77% 230 185 150 565 ‐32 106% 270 51 321 58% 297 119 269 685 ‐317 105% 178 379 78% 232 187 153 572 ‐39 107% 266 50 316 57% 275 116 276 667 ‐319 102% 181 384 79% 237 192 155 584 ‐51 110% 271 50 321 58% 252 116 277 645 ‐324 99% 178 384 79% 239 192 158 589 ‐56 111% 275 51 326 59% 241 119 285 645 ‐348 99% 181 396 81% 239 192 161 592 ‐59 111% 280 50 330 59% 231 117 293 641 ‐366 98% 179 396 81% 242 192 159 593 ‐60 111% 280 51 331 60% 232 120 290 642 ‐390 99% 247 161 138 546 105% 323 58 381 68% 447 134 243 824 102% 309 53 362 65% 388 125 250 763 127% 117% 752 367 279 86% 361 309 89% 347 309 87% 336 303 85% 334 304 85% 326 303 84% 312 301 82% 314 302 82% 315 302 82% 322 302 83% 322 302 83% 2979 2776 2701 63% 61% 2646 333 60% 89% 29% 2624 355 60% 88% 28% 2594 385 59% 87% 28% 2573 406 59% 86% 27% 2546 433 58% 85% 27% 2549 430 58% 86% 28% 2561 418 58% 86% 28% 2583 396 59% 87% 28% 2586 393 59% 87% 28% 533 74% 556 651 Over capacity FI Utilization Total Space Used Surplus Spaces Existing Utilization Proposed Utilization Increased Utilization 2019 198 264 160 134 558 75% Utilization St. Gertrude 2018 196 160 361 74% 237 171 144 552 ‐19 104% 285 52 337 61% 368 122 250 740 ‐89 114% Over capacity Utilization St. Gregory N. OLGV New St. Gregory Utilization St. Raymond S. OLGV N. St. Valentine New St. Raymond 2017 201 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Appendix E – Road Lanes WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Appendix F – Savings from deferring Outstanding Renewal Needs WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Summary of Deferred Maintenance Costs Status Quo New Costs Impact Option 1: Savings from closing the schools (St. Dunstan, OLGV, St. Gertrude) Expenditure for School Utility and Snowplowing/Salting Costs ($) $ 831,845 $ 559,808 $ 272,037 Outstanding Renewal Needs $ 11,844,206 $ 5,481,840 $ 6,362,366 Transportation Costs $ 167,755 $ 73,862 Savings in School Operating and Outstanding Renewal needs is $ 6,634,403 Option 2: Savings from closing the schools (OLGV, St. Dunstan, St. Valentine) Expenditure for School Utility and Snowplowing/Salting Costs ($) $ 831,845 $ 545,971 $ 285,874 Outstanding Renewal Needs $ 11,844,206 $ 6,084,686 $ 5,759,520 Transportation Costs $ 167,755 $ 73,862 Savings in School Operating and Outstanding Renewal needs is $ 6,045,394 Option 3: Savings from closing the schools (St. Dunstan, St. Herbert, St. Gregory) Expenditure for School Utility and Snowplowing/Salting Costs ($) $ 831,845 $ 501,718 $ 330,127 Outstanding Renewal Needs $ 11,844,206 $ 6,882,366 $ 4,961,840 Transportation Costs $ 167,755 $ 124,250 Savings in School Operating and Outstanding Renewal needs is $ 5,291,967 Option 4: Savings from closing the schools (OLGV, St. Herbert) Expenditure for School Utility and Snowplowing/Salting Costs ($) $ 831,845 $ 614,563 $ 217,282 Outstanding Renewal Needs $ 11,844,206 $ 8,200,046 $ 3,644,160 Transportation Costs $ 167,755 $ 140,579 Savings in School Operating and Outstanding Renewal needs is $ 3,861,442 Option 5: Savings from closing the schools (OLGV, St. Herbert, St. Valentine) Expenditure for School Utility and Snowplowing/Salting Costs ($) $ 831,845 $ 496,887 $ 334,958 Outstanding Renewal Needs $ 11,844,206 $ 7,315,006 $ 4,529,200 Transportation Costs $ 167,755 $ 124,250 Savings in School Operating and Outstanding Renewal needs is $ 4,864,158 Option 6: Savings from closing the schools (OLGV, St. Bernadette, St. Valentine) Expenditure for School Utility and Snowplowing/Salting Costs ($) $ 831,845 $ 527,759 $ 304,086 Outstanding Renewal Needs $ 11,844,206 $ 6,015,006 $ 5,829,200 Transportation Costs $ 167,755 $ 126,511 Savings in School Operating and Outstanding Renewal needs is $ 6,133,286 Option 7: Savings from closing the schools (OLGV, St. Dunstan and St. Valentine) Expenditure for School Utility and Snowplowing/Salting Costs ($) $ 831,845 $ 541,140 $ 290,705 Outstanding Renewal Needs $ 11,844,206 $ 6,084,686 $ 5,759,520 Transportation Costs $ 167,755 $ 73,862 Savings in School Operating and Outstanding Renewal needs is $ 6,050,225 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Appendix G – DPCDSB 2013‐2014 Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report WG4-103 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga WG4-103 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Appendix H – Summary of Potential Need of Portables WG4-103 |Identification of Alternatives Options PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Summary of Potential Need of Portables Assumed Maximum students per portable = 25 Option 1: Savings from closing the schools (St. Dunstan, OLGV, St. Gertrude) # of portables needed St. Gregory 2 St. Valentine 4 Total 6 Option 2: Savings from closing the schools (OLGV, St. Dunstan, St. Valentine) # of portables needed St. Gregory 1 St. Herbert 3 Total 4 Option 3: Savings from closing the schools (St. Dunstan, St. Herbert, St. Gregory) # of portables needed OLGV 4 St. Bernadette 2 Total 6 Option 4: Savings from closing the schools (OLGV, St. Herbert) # of portables needed 0 Total 0 Option 5: Savings from closing the schools (OLGV, St. Herbert, St. Valentine) # of portables needed 0 Total 0 Option 6: Savings from closing the schools (OLGV, St. Bernadette, St. Valentine) # of portables needed St. Dunstan 1 St. Herbert 4 Total 5 Option 7: Savings from closing the schools (OLGV, St. Dunstan and St. Valentine) # of portables needed St. Raymond 16 St. Herbert 3 Total 19 JANUARY 2016 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga Appendix I – French Immersion students residing in different school boundaries WG4-103 WG4-103 Identification of Alternatives Options: PAR Review 2015 – East Credit Mississauga RE: Automatic reply: Board Email Postings RE: Automatic reply: Board Email Postings WG4-104 Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2016 8:33 AM To: PAR - Info Can you direct me specifically where on the Board website that the emails are posted? As I can't find it. Regards, From: PARinfo@dpcdsb.org To: Subject: Automatic reply: ECMPAR-Options for Schools to Stay Open Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 14:22:42 +0000 Thank you for your email which will be shared with the Accommodation Review Committee in its entirety for consideration as part of this review. A copy shall also be posted on the board website; however to respect personal privacy, any personal information (i.e. name, email address, contact information, personal story) shall be (blacked out) redacted prior to posting. E-mails received at PARInfo@dpcdsb.org will also be posted to the Board website with personal information redacted. Should you wish to become further engaged in the process, please contact your principal for more information. Please note that all information pertaining to the Pupil Accommodation Review for the East Credit Review Area including meeting dates, agendas, minutes and all information shared with the ARC is available on the Board’s website. The first Public Open House will be on January 20, 2015 at St Joseph Secondary School, located at 5555 Creditview Road, from 6pm - 9pm. http://www.dpcdsb.org/CEC/News/Pupil+Accommodation+Review.htm https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfYAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454344513544_103161714[2/1/2016 11:35:27 AM] Pupil Accommodation Review 2016 St. Gregory Pupil Accommodation Review 2016 St. Gregory WG4-105 Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:31 AM To: PAR - Info For a moment let’s look beyond my direct personal family impact of the situation. Let’s say the school is closed, what will be done with the building? Presently as a functioning school we work hard to protect the property and keep it clear of graffiti and unwanted visitors but if it’s closed will it turn into a “hang out” for trouble makers? Impacting not just the Public school next door and their children but the street it’s on and our community? Will it make our community less safe? And lower our property values? These are all serious things we need to consider. Regards This email message is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee. If you received this message in error or are not the intended recipient, you should destroy the email message and any attachments or copies, and you are prohibited from retaining, distributing, disclosing or using any information contained. Please inform us of the delivery error by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. Le présent message électronique est confidentiel et peut être couvert par le secret professionnel. Il est à l’usage exclusif du destinataire. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou si vous n’en êtes pas le destinataire prévu, vous devez détruire le message et toute pièce jointe ou copie et vous êtes tenu de ne pas conserver, distribuer, divulguer ni utiliser tout renseignement qu’il contient. Veuillez nous informer de toute erreur d’envoi en répondant à ce message. Merci de votre collaboration. https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfZAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454344537384_569604050[2/1/2016 11:35:47 AM] teacher education teacher education WG4-106 Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:48 AM To: PAR - Info Hello! I'm hearing from many parents in the community that both children and teachers at my school think it is a fact that the school will be closing. What information and resources are you providing teachers will to ensure they are informed about the PAR process and what guidance are you providing them with to address the concerns of our students? Thank you https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfaAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454344553136_596557830[2/1/2016 11:36:07 AM] Pupil Accommodation Review 2016 St. Gregory Pupil Accommodation Review 2016 St. Gregory WG4-107 Sent:Wednesday, January 27, 2016 9:33 AM To: PAR - Info With all the Syrians we are bringing into the country is it not possible that enrollment as a result will increase in the next couple of years as people start to find their own residences outside the city core and move into outlying areas? Are we being premature making these changes now prior to knowing what the full impact will be to the school system with all these new immigrant children arriving? Perhaps this should be postponed and revisited when we have a clearer picture of the impact otherwise we could be spending more money than we are saving when we come to the realization that we may have to reopen schools or move things around yet again. Regards This email message is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee. If you received this message in error or are not the intended recipient, you should destroy the email message and any attachments or copies, and you are prohibited from retaining, distributing, disclosing or using any information contained. Please inform us of the delivery error by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. Le présent message électronique est confidentiel et peut être couvert par le secret professionnel. Il est à l’usage exclusif du destinataire. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou si vous n’en êtes pas le destinataire prévu, vous devez détruire le message et toute pièce jointe ou copie et vous êtes tenu de ne pas conserver, distribuer, divulguer ni utiliser tout renseignement qu’il contient. Veuillez nous informer de toute erreur d’envoi en répondant à ce message. Merci de votre collaboration. https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfbAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454344572389_895824837[2/1/2016 11:36:24 AM] Pupil Accommodation Review 2016 St. Gregory Pupil Accommodation Review 2016 St. Gregory WG4-108 Sent:Thursday, January 28, 2016 9:30 AM To: PAR - Info I’m am curious as to why if we are trying to be efficient and conscientious of the money that is being spent, why would the board be spending millions of dollars building a brand new catholic school at Mississauga road and Steeles when for a fraction of the cost the board could bus the kids to St Gregory in 15 minutes? The same time by the way it would take my child to be bussed to St. Raymond. This does not sound like a fiscally responsible thing to be doing with our tax dollars. Especially when those tax dollars are coming from parents belonging to schools that are being threatened with closure in the general area. Regards This email message is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee. If you received this message in error or are not the intended recipient, you should destroy the email message and any attachments or copies, and you are prohibited from retaining, distributing, disclosing or using any information contained. Please inform us of the delivery error by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. Le présent message électronique est confidentiel et peut être couvert par le secret professionnel. Il est à l’usage exclusif du destinataire. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou si vous n’en êtes pas le destinataire prévu, vous devez détruire le message et toute pièce jointe ou copie et vous êtes tenu de ne pas conserver, distribuer, divulguer ni utiliser tout renseignement qu’il contient. Veuillez nous informer de toute erreur d’envoi en répondant à ce message. Merci de votre collaboration. https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfcAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454344589821_565714422[2/1/2016 11:36:50 AM] Questions for the ARC Working Group Questions for the ARC Working Group WG4-109 Sent:Thursday, January 28, 2016 4:53 PM To: PAR - Info Dear Sir/Madam, Can you please answer the following questions: 1. Will staff be reviewing and verifying the data provided in the options proposed by the individual schools? First, to ensure that the data is correct (I understand that there will be some corrections to the initial data provided to the public) and secondly, to ensure that any calculations and/or statistical analysis provided are correct. Anyone can make a mistake and given the importance of this endeavor, we should ensure that the data is correct. 2. In St. Dunstan's presentation, they noted that students from closed schools were moved to similar or higher performing schools. How did they determine the student achievement or performance level for the purpose of their proposed option - was it solely based on EQAO scores? If not, what other factors were considered in determining each school's achievement level? 3. What is the acceptance rate for French Immersion students? Do all students in this School Board who register for FI get a spot? If not, how many students were denied entry to the FI program last year as well as previous years? This question is to evaluate the viability of FI at a second school in the East Credit area in order to increase utilization. 4. Related to question 3, can you please tell me how many FI students live in the East Credit area but attend a French Immersion school outside of East Credit (i.e. do not attend St. Gertrude)? 5. If a school closes, where do the teachers from that school relocate to, in general terms? Do teachers from the closed schools have to stay in East Credit or can they choose to relocate to another area? If a teacher wants to stay in this area, can they "bump" another teacher at one of the other schools in the area? I am trying to determine if I am correct in predicting that even if my children's school remains open, we will have some new teachers and some current teachers might be forced to leave. 6. The same question as in #5 except as it relates to principals. If a school remains open, will the principal remain at the school or can they be displaced by another principal? I look forward to a response to the above questions. Thank you. https://webmail.dpcdsb.org/...AAyBPdAADi8A9SWLxQRqbQmbjKuShyAAAAyMfdAAAJ&a=Print&pspid=_1454344654358_494482481[2/1/2016 11:38:00 AM] Pupil Accommodation Review 2016-St. Gregory WG4-110 Sent:Friday, January 29, 2016 9:22 AM To: PAR - Info I think we have to remember that schools are not just were we send our kids for the day, it’s where they learn academically, intellectually, physically, by example and from role models, so what kind of a message or lesson are we teaching our kids in this case? That the dollar is the most important thing and that their needs are irrelevant and unimportant and that no one really cares about how they feel? Yes in their teens and later years they will learn the hard truth about life but personally I don’t believe that at the age of 11, 12 or younger is the time. And I would rather they didn’t learn it from the people we have told them they can trust and that are looking after their best interest, the school board….. Regards This email message is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee. If you received this message in error or are not the intended recipient, you should destroy the email message and any attachments or copies, and you are prohibited from retaining, distributing, disclosing or using any information contained. Please inform us of the delivery error by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. Le présent message électronique est confidentiel et peut être couvert par le secret professionnel. Il est à l’usage exclusif du destinataire. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou si vous n’en êtes pas le destinataire prévu, vous devez détruire le message et toute pièce jointe ou copie et vous êtes tenu de ne pas conserver, distribuer, divulguer ni utiliser tout renseignement qu’il contient. Veuillez nous informer de toute erreur d’envoi en répondant à ce message. Merci de votre collaboration.