December, 2015 706B Warf Building Madison, Wisconsin 53705

December, 2015
Barbara L. Wolfe
Home Address: 3410 Lake Mendota Drive
Madison, Wisconsin 53705
(608) 238-6444
Business Address: 1225 Observatory Drive &
706B Warf Building
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 263-2029; 262-0030
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 1973
M.A. in Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 1971
B.A. in Economics, Cornell University, 1965
Professional Experience
Richard A. Easterlin Professor of Economics, Public Affairs and Population Health Sciences. 2013Professor, Departments of Economics and Population Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin–Madison
(1987–) Vice-Chair, Population Health Sciences (2001–2004)
Professor, La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin–Madison (1990– ) Director
Director, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin–Madison (1994–2000)
P.I., NIMH sponsored Training Grant in Mental Health Economics, (1990–2007) Co-P.I. (2007–)
Visiting Fellow, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of
Melbourne, (2014- )
Adjunct Professor, Australia National University, Canberra (2002–2013)
Visiting Scholar, Health Economics Program, Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA (2012)
Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Visitor, School of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business,
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, AU (2010)
Visiting Professor, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (April - June, 2001)
Visiting Fellow, Australia National University, Canberra (January - March 2001 and January, 2002)
Fellow-in-Residence, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (1984–1985; 1996–1997) Guest of the
Rector (2007)
Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research (1987– )
Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation (1991–1992)
Associate Professor, Departments of Economics and Preventive Medicine, University of Wisconsin–
Madison (1981–1987)
Senior Staff Associate, Office of the Vice Chancellor for the Health Sciences, University of WisconsinMadison (1982–1991)
Research Affiliate, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1977– )
Associate Member, Wisconsin Clinical Cancer Center (1982–1989)
Assistant Professor, Departments of Economics and Preventive Medicine, University of Wisconsin–
Madison (1977–1981)
Research Associate, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin–Madison (1976–1977)
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Bryn Mawr College (1973–1976)
Economic Consultant, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (1972–1976)
Instructor, University of Pennsylvania (1970–1972)
Other Professional Activities
Member, National Research Council Roundtable on Social and Behavioral Science Research, 2014Member, Committee to Review SSI coverage of Children with Mental Illness, IOM 2014-15.
Member, Standing Committee on Family Planning, Institute of Medicine, 2011-13.
Member, Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Access to Oral Health Care, 2010-2011
Vice Chancellor's Distinguished Visitor, Queensland University of Technology, School of Economics and
Finance, 2010
Organizer, Institute of Medicine Workshop on Strengthening Benefit-Cost Methodology for the
Evaluation of Early Childhood Interventions, March 2009. (Published Report: Benefit-Cost
Analysis for Early Childhood Interventions: Workshop Summary, 2009)
Member, Advisory Committee to the Director, National Institute of Health, 2006–2009
Member, Institute of Medicine, October, 2002–
Vice-Chair and invited member, Board of Children, Youth and Families, National Academy of Sciences
and Institute of Medicine, 2005–2008
Member, Local Organizing Committee, American Society of Health Economists, Madison, 2006
Member, Review Panel on Economics, Cornell University, 2007; Department of Economics, Hunter
College, Department of Economics, University of New Mexico
Chair, Review Panel on Economics and Agriculture and Applied Economics, Iowa State University, June
Member, Panel on Transportation and Health, National Transportation Board, National Research Council,
Member, Policy Council, Association for Public Policy and Management 2001–2004; Member of the
Dissertation Prize Committee, 2001. Member of the Nominations Committee 2002–2004,
Member, Local organizing committee, 2006 meetings
Member, External Advisory Group, Research Institute in Economics and Econometrics (RESam).
University of Amsterdam, 2002–08
Member, Committee on the Consequences of Uninsurance, Subcommittee on Family Impacts, Institute of
Medicine, 2001–2002
Member, Board of Directors, International Health Economics Association 2000–2002. Co-Chair, Local
Organizing Committee for 2003 Meetings, San Francisco.
Vice President, International Institute of Public Finance, 2000–2003
Member, Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Immunization Finance Policies and Practices, 1999–2000
Member, European Society for Population Economics, Council 1999–2001
Member, Children’s Roundtable, Brookings Institution, 1999–2002
Member, Nominations Committee, American Economic Association, 1999
Member, Effective Programs Taskforce, National Campaign Against Teen Pregnancy. 1998–2001.
Member, National Advisory Committee, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Scholars in Health Policy
Research Program, 1997–
Member, Executive Committee, American Economic Association, 1996–1999
Co-Chair, Eighth Biennial Research Conference on the Economics of Mental Health, 1996
Member, National Commission on Childhood Disability, 1995
Member, Board of Management, International Institute of Public Finance, 1994–2000.
Panelist, Technical Advisory Panel, Panel on Assumptions and Methods, Social Security Commission,
Member, Panel of Economists on Educational Reform, 1992–1994
Member, Board of International Health, Institute of Medicine, National Research Council, 1992–1996
Chair, Scientific Committee, Meetings of the International Institute of Public Finance, 1992
Member, National Advisory Board, Institute for Mental Health Services Research, Western Consortium
for Public Health, 1992–1994
Member, National Academy of Social Insurance, 1990– ; Member, NASI Working Group on Pregnant
Women and Children, 1994–1996
Co-PI, National Health Insurance Task Force, Wisconsin Consortium and La Follette Institute, 1989–
Member, Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession, American Economic
Association, 1990–1992
Member, Economics Screening Committee, Committee for International Exchange of Scholars, 1986–
1989 (Fulbright Fellowships)
Member, Expert Group, European Economic Community Project on the Distributive Effects of Cost
Containment in Health Care, 1986–1990
Co-editor, Journal of Human Resources, 1985–1991
Executive Chair, Center for Health Policy and Program Evaluation, University of Wisconsin–Madison,
Facilitator, Wisconsin Consortium for Health Services Research, 1988–1993
Temporary Adviser, World Health Organization, European Office, 1984–1985
Advisory Editor, Social Science and Medicine Journal, 1983–1996.
Associate Editor, Journal of Development Economics, 1982–1985
Site team member, National Institutes of Health
Reviewer, National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health
Richard A. Easterlin Professor (Warf Professorship) 2013-18
2012-2013 UW-Madison Campus-wide Health and Society Research Prize
Guggenheim Fellowship 2008-09
Elected Member, Institute of Medicine, 2002
Elected Member, National Academy of Social Insurance, 1990
Publications: Books
The Relevance of Public Finance for Policy-Making, (with Hans van de Kar, editors), Detroit: Wayne
State University Press, 1987.
In Spanish, La Influencia de la Hacienda Publica en el Quehacer Politico, Madrid: Instituto de Estudios
Fiscales, 1990.
On the Role of Budgetary Policy during Demographic Changes, Editor, Proceedings of the 48th Congress
of the International Institute of Public Finance, Seoul, Korea, 1992, Supplement, Public
Finance/Finances Publiques, Vol.48/1993. (Published in 1994).
Succeeding Generations: On the Effects of Investments in Children, (with Robert Haveman) New York:
Russell Sage Foundation, 1994 (Paperback edition, 1995).
Making Schools Work: Improving Performance and Controlling Costs, coauthor with Eric Hanushek et
al., Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1994.
Out of Wedlock: Causes and Consequences of Nonmarital Fertility, (with Larry Wu, editors), New York:
Russell Sage Foundation, 2001.
The Biological Consequences of Socioeconomic Inequalities (co-edited with William Evans and Teresa
Seeman). New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2012.
Publications: Refereed Articles in Journals
“Intradistrict Distribution of School Inputs to the Disadvantaged: Evidence for the Courts,” (with Anita
A. Summers), Journal of Human Resources, 11(3): 328–342, 1976.
“A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Reductions in School Expenditures: An Application of an Educational
Production Functions,” Journal of Education Finance, 2(Spring): 407–418, 1977.
“Reply to Richard A. Berk’s: A Comment on Summers and Wolfe,” (with Anita A. Summers), Journal of
Human Resources, 12(3): 406–409, 1977.
“Do Schools Make a Difference?” (with Anita A. Summers), American Economic Review, 67(4): 639–
652, September 1977. Reprinted in Sociological Inventory, sample issue, pp. 32–38, with
comments by R. Corwin, D. Entwisle.
“Estimating Household Income from Location,” (with Anita A. Summers), Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 73(362): 288–292, June 1978.
“A Note on Some Evidence on the Easterlin Hypothesis,” (with Michael Olneck), Journal of Political
Economy, 86(5): 953–958, October 1978.
“Intelligence and Family Size: Another Look,” (with Michael Olneck), Review of Economics and
Statistics, pp. 241–247, May 1980.
“Child Bearing and/or Labor Force Participation: The Education Connection,” Research in Population
Economics, Vol. II: 365–386, 1980.
“National Health Insurance: Another Alternative,” Policy Analysis, 6(4): 495–99, Fall 1980.
“Children’s Utilization of Medical Care,” Medical Care, pp. 33–44, December 1980.
“How the Disabled Fare in the Labor Market,” Monthly Labor Review, 103: 48–52, September 1980, and
“The CPS, Work, and Disability: A Reply,” Monthly Labor Review, 104(6): 8, June 1981.
“What Influences Children’s Health?” (with Jacques van der Gaag), Children and Youth Services Review,
4: 77–109, 1982.
“The Impact of Demographic Changes on Income Distribution in a Developing Country,” (with Jere R.
Behrman and David Blau), Journal of Development Economics, 11: 355–377, 1982.
“Child Mortality, Health and Nutrition Determinants in a Developing Country,” (with Jere R. Behrman),
Journal of Development Economics, 11(2): 163–193, October 1982.
“Is Income Overrated in Determining Adequate Nutrition?” (with Jere R. Behrman), Economic
Development and Cultural Change, 31(3): 525–549, April 1983.
“Time Allocation, Market Work, and Changes in Female Health,” (with Robert H. Haveman), American
Economic Review, May 1983.
“Improving the Use of Empirical Research as a Policy Tool: Replication of Educational Production
Functions,” (with Anita A. Summers) in Advances in Applied Micro-Economics, Vol. III, V.
Kerry Smith and Ann Witte, eds. JAI Press, 1984, 199–227.
“The Decline in Male Labor Force Participation: Comment,” (with Robert Haveman), Journal of Political
Economy, 92(3): 532–541, June, 1984.
“The Socioeconomic Impact of Schooling in a Developing Country,” (with Jere Behrman), Review of
Economics and Statistics, 296–303, May, 1984.
“A More General Approach to Fertility Determination in a Developing Country: The Importance of
Biological Supply Considerations, Endogenous Tastes, and Unperceived Jointness,” (with Jere
Behrman), Economica, 51: 319–339, 1984.
“Disability Transfers and Early Retirement: A Causal Relationship?” (with Robert Haveman). Journal of
Public Economics, 24: 47–66, 1984.
“Micro Determinants of Female Migration in a Developing Country,” (with Jere Behrman), Research in
Population Economics, Vol. V, T. Paul Schultz and Ken Wolpin eds., JAI Press, 137–166, 1984.
“Labor Market Participation and Earnings Determinants for Women in the Special Conditions of
Developing Countries,” (with Jere R. Behrman), Journal of Development Economics, 15: 259–
288, 1984.
“Determinants of Women’s Health Status and Health-Care Utilization in a Developing Country: A Latent
Variable Approach,” (with Jere R. Behrman), Review of Economics and Statistics, 66 (4):
696B703, 1984.
“Who is Schooled in Developing Countries? The Roles of Income, Parental Schooling, Sex, Residence
and Family Size,” (with Jere R. Behrman), Economics of Education Review, 3(3): 231–245, 1984.
“Schooling and Economic Well-Being: The Role of Nonmarket Effects,” (with Robert Haveman),
Journal of Human Resources, 19(3): 377–407, 1984.
“The Economics of Surgical Signatures,” (with Don Detmer), The Hospital Medical Staff, 13(10): 2–9,
“Reviewing Reagan’s Economic Program,” (with Sheldon Danziger, Robert Haveman, and Donald
Nichols) Challenge, pp. 42–50, January/February, 1984.
“More Evidence on Nutrition Demand: Still Income Seems Overrated and Women’s Schooling
Underemphasized,” (with Jere R. Behrman), Journal of Development Economics, 14(2): 105–
128, 1984.
“Cutbacks in Disability Transfer Programs: An Evaluation,” Evaluation Review, 9(3): 263–280, June
“Human Capital and Earnings Distribution in a Developing Country: The Case of Prerevolutionary
Nicaragua,” (with Jere Behrman and David Blau), Economic Development and Cultural Change,
34(1): 11–29, October, 1985.
“Income Transfers and Work Effort: The United States and the Netherlands in the 1970s,” (with Philip de
Jong, Robert Haveman, Kees Goudswaard, and Victor Halberstadt), Kyklos, 37(4): 609–637.
“The Influence of Health on School Outcomes: A Multivariate Approach,” Medical Care, 23(10): 1127–
1138, October 1985.
“Child Quantity and Quality in a Developing Country: Family Background, Endogenous Tastes and
Biological Supply Factors,” (with Jere R. Behrman), Economic Development and Cultural
Change, 34(4): 703–720, July, 1986.
“Health Status and Medical Expenditures: Is there a Link?” Social Science and Medicine, 22(10): 993–
1000, 1986.
“Investments in Schooling in Two Generations in pre Revolutionary Nicaragua: The Roles of Family
Background and School Supply,” (with Jere Behrman), Journal of Development Economics,
“How Does Mother’s Schooling Affect Family Health, Nutrition, Medical Care Usage and Household
Sanitation?” (with Jere Behrman), Journal of Econometrics, 36: 185–204, 1987.
“Health Status and Medical Expenditures: More Evidence of a Link,” (with Mary Gabay), Social Science
and Medicine, 25(8): 883–888, 1987.
“Women’s Schooling and Children’s Health: Are the Effects Robust With Adult Sibling Control for the
Women’s Childhood Background?” (with Jere Behrman), Journal of Health Economics, 6(3):
239–254, 1987.
“The Distribution of Health Care Financing in the Overall Population and Among the Elderly,” (with
Peter Gottschalk), Social Justice Research, 1(3): 315–328, 1987.
“Schooling and Earnings Distributions with Endogenous Labour Force Participation, Marital Status and
Family Size,” (with David Blau and Jere Behrman), Economica, 55: 297–316, 1988.
“Labor Market Behavior of Older Men: Estimates from a Trichotomous Choice Model,” (with Robert
Haveman and Jennifer Warlick), Journal of Public Economics, 36: 153–175, 1988.
“Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs): Efficiency and/or Quality Producing? Some Evidence from Surgical
Patients,” (with Don Detmer), Health Services Management Research, March, 19–28, 1988.
“Nutrients: Impacts and Determinants,” (with Jere Behrman and Anil Deolalikar), The World Bank
Economic Review, 2(3): 299–320, 1988.
“Rejoinder: Some Further Comments and Corrections,” (with Bruce Zellner) Health Services Research,
24(3): 426–429, August 1989 (reply to “HMO Growth and Hospital Expenses: A Correction,”
Health Services Research, 24 (3): 409–413, August 1989).
“Does More Schooling Make Women Better Nourished and Healthier?” (with Jere Behrman), Journal of
Human Resources, 24(4): 644–663, Fall 1989.
“The Economic Well-Being of the Disabled—1962–1984,” (with Robert Haveman), Journal of Human
Resources, 25(1): 32–54, Winter, 1990.
“Trends in the Prevalence of Disability, 1962–1984,” (with Robert Haveman), The Milbank Quarterly,
68(1): 53–80, 1990.
“Disability Transfers and the Work Decision of Older Men,” (with Philip de Jong and Robert Haveman),
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 939–949. August, 1991.
“Childhood Events and Circumstances Influencing High School Completion,” (with Robert Haveman and
James Spaulding,” Demography, 29(1): 133–157, 1991.
“A New Index to Value In-Kind Benefits,” (with Robert Moffitt), The Review of Income and Wealth,
37(4), 1991. Winner of the John W. Kendrick Prize for the Best Paper published in The Review of
Income and Wealth in 1991.
“On Treating Children Fairly,” Society, 23–28. September/October, 1991.
“The Synthesis Economic Fertility Model: A Latent Variable Investigation of Some Critical Attributes,”
(with Jere Behrman), Journal of Population Economics, 5(1): 1–16, 1992.
“The Effect of the Medicaid Program on Welfare Participation and Labor Supply,” (with Robert Moffitt),
Review of Economics and Statistics, pp. 615–626, November 1992.
“Physician Responses to Fee-For Service and Capitation Payment,” (with Sally Stearns and David
Kindig), Inquiry, 29(4): 416–424, Winter 1992.
“Teen Out-of-Wedlock Births and Welfare Receipt: The Role of Childhood Events and Economic
Circumstances,” (with Chong Bum An and Robert Haveman), Review of Economics and
Statistics, 75(2): 195–208, 1993.
“How People with Disabilities Fare When Public Policies Change—Past, Present and Future,” (with
Richard Burkhauser and Robert Haveman), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 12(2):
251–269, 1993.
“Is Dumping Socially Inefficient? An Analysis of the Effect of Medicare’s Prospective Payment System
on the Utilization of Veterans Affairs Inpatient Service,” (with Pius Eze), Journal of Public
Economics, 52: 329–344, 1993.
“Children’s Prospects and Children’s Policy,” (with Robert Haveman), Journal of Economic
Perspectives, 7(4): 153–174, 1993.
“Why Changing the U.S. Health Care System is So Difficult,” Editorial, Social Science and Medicine,
36(3): iii–vi, 1993.
“Medicaid, Welfare Dependency and Work: Is There a Causal Link?” (with Robert Moffitt), Health Care
Financing Review, 1993, Fall.
“Market Work, Wages, and Men’s Health,” (with Robert Haveman, Brent Kreider, and Mark Stone),
Journal of Health Economics, 13: 163–182, 1994.
“The Effect of Health on the Work Effort of Single Mothers,” (with Steven Hill), Journal of Human
Resources, 30(1): 42–62, 1995.
“The Loss of Earnings Capability from Disability/Health Limitations: Toward a New Social Indicator,”
(with Robert Haveman, Lawrence Buron, and Steven Hill), Review of Income and Wealth, 41(3):
289–308, September 1995.
“The Determinants of Children’s Attainments: A Review of Methods and Findings,” (with Robert
Haveman), Journal of Economic Literature, 33: 1829–1878, December 1995.
“The ‘Window Problem’ in Studies of Children’s Attainments: A Methodological Exploration,” (with
Robert Haveman, Donna Ginther, and Chong Bum An), Journal of the American Statistical
Association, September, 1996.
“Testing the HMO Competitive Strategy: An Analysis of Impact on Medical Care Resources,”(with
Steven Hill), Journal of Health Economics, 16: 261–286, June 1997.
“Nonmarket Outcomes of Schooling,” (with Samuel Zuvekas), International Journal of Educational
Research, 27(6), 491–502, 1997.
“Special Education and School Achievement: an Exploratory Analysis with a Central-City Sample,” (with
Arthur Reynolds), Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 21(3), 1999.
“The Changing Economic Status of Younger and Older Disabled Men: Trends and Their Determinants,
1982–1991” (with Robert Haveman, Karen Holden, Kathy Wilson and Paul Smith), Empirical
Economics, 24(4): 571–598, November 1999. Reprinted in R. Boadway and B. Raj, eds.,
Advances in Public Economics (New York: Physica-Verlag), 2000.
“Welfare to Work in the U.S.: A Model for Other Developed Nations?” (with Robert Haveman),
International Tax and Public Finance, 7(1): 95–114, February 2000.
“Attrition in the National Beneficiary Survey and Follow-up and Its Correlates,” (with Robert Haveman,
Karen Holden, and Kate Antonovics), Social Security Bulletin, 40–49, January 2000.
“Neighborhood Attributes as Determinants of Children’s Outcomes: How Robust are the Relationships?”
(with Donna Ginther and Robert Haveman), Journal of Human Resources, 35(4): 603–642, 2000.
“The Role of Economic Incentives in Teenage Nonmarital Childbearing Choices,” (with K. Wilson and
R. Haveman), Journal of Public Economics, 81, 473–511, 2001.
“Government Mandates and Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: Who Is Still Not Covered?” (with
David Vanness), International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 2(2): 99–135,
June 2002.
“Incentives and Challenges of TANF Design: A Case Study,” Journal of Policy Analysis and
Management, 1(4): 577–586, Fall 2002.
“Welfare Reform in the U. S.: Early Evidence of Impacts,” Australian Journal of Labour Economics,
5(4): 457–470, December, 2002.
“Before and After TANF: The Economic Well-Being of Women Leaving Welfare,” (with Maria Cancian,
Robert Haveman, and Dan Meyer), Social Service Review, 76(4): 603–641, December 2002.
“Social Security, Age-of-Retirement, and Economic Wellbeing: Intertemporal and Demographic Patterns
among Retired-Worker Beneficiaries,” (with Robert Haveman, Karen Holden, and Kathyrn
Wilson), Demography, 40(2): 369–394. May 2003.
“Mandating Insurance Offers for Low-Wage Workers: An Evaluation of Labor Market Effects,” (with
Amy Wolaver and Timothy McBride), Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 28(5): 883–
926, October 2003.
“Child Care Use and Parental Desire to Switch Care Type Among a Low-Income Population,” (with Scott
Scrivner), Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 25(2, Summer): 139, 2004.
“The Role of Expectations in Adolescent Schooling Choices: Do Youths Respond to Economic
Incentives?” (with Kathryn Wilson and Robert Haveman), Economic Inquiry, 43(3): 467–492,
“The Devil May be in the Details: How the Characteristics of SCHIP Programs Affect Take-Up,” (with
Scott Scrivner), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 24(3): 499–522, 2005.
“Do Newly Retired Workers in the U.S. Have Sufficient Resources to Maintain Well-Being?” (With
Robert Haveman, Karen Holden and Shane Sherlund.) Economic Inquiry. Vol. 44, Number 2:
“SCHIP Expansion and Parental Coverage: An Evaluation of Wisconsin’s BadgerCare,” (with Robert
Haveman, Thomas Kaplan, and Yoon Young Cho), Journal of Health Economics, 25: 1170–
1192, 2006.
“Assessing the Maintenance of Savings Sufficiency Over the First Decade of Retirement,” (with Robert
Haveman, Karen Holden, and Andrei Romanov), International Tax and Public Finance, 14: 481–
502, 2007.
“Do Youth Nonmarital Childbearing Choices Reflect Income And Relationship Expectations?” (with
Robert Haveman, Karen Pence, and Jonathan Schwabish), Journal of Population Economics,
20(1): 73–100, February 2007.
“Health Economics,” in The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition, Eds. Steven N.
Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. The New Palgrave Dictionary of
Economics Online. Palgrave Macmillan. 07 August 2008
“Child Mental Health and Human Capital Accumulation: The Case of ADHD Revisited,” (with Jason
Fletcher), Journal of Health Economics, 27(3) pp. 794-800, 2008, --NBER Version ----SSRN
Version --NIMH Story
“Education and labor market consequences of teenage childbearing: Evidence using the timing of
pregnancy outcomes and community fixed effects.’ (with Jason Fletcher), Journal of Human
Resources. 44(2) Spring, 2009
“Long term Consequences of Childhood ADHD on Criminal Activities” (with Jason Fletcher) The Journal
of Mental Health Policy and Economics. 12(3) pp 119-138. 2009. Reprinted in: "Neuroscience
and Criminal Law" (L. Padmavathi, ed), Icfai University Press 2010, --SSRN Version
--AJC--New Haven Register--Yale Daily News
“The Benefits and Costs of the Section 8 Housing Subsidy Program: A Framework and Estimates of
First-Year Effects.” Journal of Public Policy and Management. (with Deven Carlson, Robert
Haveman, and Tom Kaplan). 30(2): 233-255. Spring 2011.
“The Effect of Patient Reminders and Gas Station Gift Cards on Patient Adherence to Testing Guidelines
for Diabetes” (with Sam Austin). Wisconsin Medical Journal. June 2011. 132-37.
“ Association between Income and the Hippocampus”. (With Jamie Hanson, Amitabh Chandra A, and
Seth Pollak) PLoS ONE 2011 6(5): e18712. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018712
"The Effects of Teenage Fatherhood on Young Adult Outcomes"(with Jason Fletcher) Economic Inquiry.
Published Online: March 24, 2011 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2011.00372.x) Wiley Press
Release, Yale Daily News, Yale
“ The Income and Health Effects of Tribal Casino Gaming on American Indians”. (With Robert
Haveman, Jessica Jakubowski and Marissa Courey). Demography. 2012. 10.1007/s13524-0120098-8
“Long-term Earnings and Employment Effects of Housing Voucher Receipt”(with Deven Carlson, Robert
Haveman, and Tom Kaplan) Journal of Urban Economics. 71 (2012) 128–150
“Long-Term Effects of Public Low-Income Housing Vouchers on Neighborhood Quality and Household
Composition” (with Deven Carlson, Robert Haveman and Thomas Kaplan) Journal of Housing
Economics.2012. June 21:2. 101-120
"A Sibling Death in the Family: Common and Consequential." (with Marsha Seltzer, Jieun Song,
and Jason Fletcher) Demography.2013. 50:3 June. 803-826.
“Family Poverty Affects the Rate of Human Infant Brain Growth’ (with Hanson JL, Hair N, Shen DG,
Shi F, Gilmore JH, et al. (2013). PLoS ONE 8(12): e80954.
“Increasing Our Understanding Of The Health-Income Gradient In Children” (with Jason Fletcher)
Health Economics. April 2014 23:4, 473-486.
“Ripple Effects of Developmental Disabilities and Mental Illness on Nondisabled Adult Siblings (with
Jan Greenberg, Marsha Mailick and Jieun Song) Social Science & Medicine. 01/2014; 108C:1-9.
DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.01.021
“Association of Child Poverty, Brain Development, and Academic Achievement” (with Nicole Hair,
Jamie Hanson and Seth Pollak) JAMA Pediatricts. 2015;169(9):822-829.
“Association Between Child Poverty and Academic Achievement: In Reply” ((with Nicole Hair, Jamie
Hanson and Seth Pollak) JAMA Pediatricts February 2016 Volume 170, Number 2 : 180.
“Income and Access to Higher Education: Are High Quality Universities Becoming More or Less Elite?
A Longitudinal Case Study of Admissions at UW-Madison” (with Sara Dahill-Brown and John
Witte) in Higher Education Effectiveness Issue of RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of
the Social Sciences. Forthcoming 2016.
“The Effects of the Affordable Care Act Adult Dependent Coverage Expansion on Mental Health” (with
Marguerite Burns). The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. Forthcoming. 2016.
“The Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Insurance Coverage.
(with T. Buchmueller, H. Levy and Z. Levinson). American Journal of Public Health
Forthcoming. 2016.
Publications-Papers in Books or Conference Proceedings
“A New Health Status Index for Children,” (with Jacques van der Gaag), in Health, Health Care and
Economics, Mark Perlman and J. van der Gaag, eds., North Holland, 1981.
“Public Policies and Child Health Care Utilization: Has Equality Been Achieved?” in Economics of
Health Care, J. van der Gaag, W. Neenan, and T. Tsukahorn, eds., Praeger, 1982.
“Disability, Income Transfers, and Work Effort: A Reduced Form Probabilistic Choice Approach,” (with
Robert Haveman), International Statistical Institute Proceedings, Buenos Aires I.P., 283, pp. 1–
18, 1982.
“Is Schooling Productivity in Developing Countries Often Misunderstood?” (with Jere R. Behrman), in
Productivity Assessment in Education, Anita A. Summers, ed., Jossey-Bass, pp. 61–77, 1982.
“Disability and Work Effort: A Probabilistic Choice Analysis of the Labor Supply Decisions of Older
Men,” (with Robert Haveman), in Social Insurance. Contributions to Economic Analysis Series,
Lars Soderstrom, ed., North-Holland, 1983, 187–206.
“The Economics of Disability Policy in Selected European Community Countries,” (with Victor
Halberstadt, Robert Haveman, and Kees Goudswaard), in Economie en arbeidsongeschiktheid, F.
A. J. van der Bosch and C. Petersen, eds., Kluwer, Deventer, 1983.
“Inefficiencies in Public Transfer Policies in Western Industrialized Democracies,” (with Victor
Halberstadt, Robert Haveman, and Kees Goudswaard), in Ombuigingen in de sociale zekerheid,
G. M. J. Veldkamp, ed., Kluwer, Deventer, 1983.
“Women’s Labor Force Participation and Earnings Determinants in a Developing Country,” (with Jere R.
Behrman), in Human Resources, Employment and Development (Recurses humanos, empleo y
desarrollo en ia America latina), Victor Urquidi and Saul Trejo Reyes eds., London: MacMillan,
1984, 266–276.
“Disability Transfers, Early Retirement, and Retrenchment,” (with Robert H. Haveman and Jennifer L.
Warlick), in Retirement and Economic Behavior, H. Aaron and G. Burtless, eds., Brookings
Institution, 65–62, 1984.
“Education, Productivity, and Well-Being: On Defining and Measuring the Economic Characteristics of
Schooling,” (with Robert H. Haveman), in Education and Economic Productivity, Ed Dean, ed.,
Ballinger, 19–55, 1984.
“Inefficiencies in Public Transfer Policies in Western Industrialized Democracies,” (with Victor
Halberstadt, Robert Haveman, and Kees Goudswaard), in Public Finance and the Quest for
Efficiency, H. Hanusch, ed., Wayne State University Press, 189–208, 1984.
“The Contribution of Income Transfers to Lagging Economic Performance: The United States and the
Netherlands in the 1970’s,” (with Philip de Jong, Robert Haveman, Victor Halberstadt, and Kees
P. Goudswaard), in Public Finance and Social Policy, G. Terny and A. Culyer eds., Detroit:
Wayne State University Press, 109–122, 1985.
“Income, Inequality and Uncertainty: Differences between the Disabled and Non-Disabled,” (with Robert
Haveman), in Horizontal Equity, Uncertainty, and Economic Well-Being, M. David and T.
Smeeding eds., NBER: University of Chicago Press, 293–321, 1985.
“Disability Transfers, Health Status and Economic Behavior,” (with Robert Haveman), in Proceedings of
the International Population Conference, International Union for the Scientific Study of
Populations, Florence, 515–526, June 1985.
“The Effect of Disability Transfers on Work Effort: Research Results and Their Use in Policy Decisions,”
(with Robert Haveman), in Public Sector and Political Economy Today, H. Hanusch, K.
Roskamp, and J. Wiseman eds., Stuttgart, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 261–278, 1985.
“The European Welfare State in Transition,” (with Robert Haveman and Victor Halberstadt), in
Perspectives on the Reagan Years, J. Palmer ed. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, 147–
174, 1986.
“Income Transfers and Work Effort: The United States and the Netherlands in the 1970’s,” (with Philip
de Jong, Robert Haveman, Victor Halberstadt, and Kees Goudswaard), in Social and Secure, F.
A. J. van den Bosch and A. M. Dancot-Devriendt eds., The Netherlands: Kluwer and Deventer,
375–398, 1986.
“Behavioral Responses to Social Security Retrenchment: Estimates from a Trichotomous Choice Model,”
(with Robert Haveman and Jennifer Warlick), in Conference on Economic Development and
Social Welfare in Taiwan, Academic Sinica, Taipei: Taiwan, 343–368, 1987.
“Health Care Expenditures for the Elderly: Are Perspective Payment Systems and Community Care the
Paths to Cost Reduction?” in Assistance to the Elderly Population: A Cross-National Perspective,
C. Hanua ed., Maggioli Editore: Milan, Italy, 201–232, 1987.
“Rate-Setting in the United States: An Evaluation,” (with John Goddeeris), in Govenare La Spesa
Sanitaria, E. Hanua and G. Muraro, eds. CIRIEC, Milan, Italy, 250–268, 1987.
“Health Policy Implementation and Performance,” in Ausildung und Fortbildung in
Gesundheitsokonomie, GSF: Munich, Germany, 21–30, 1987.
“The Demand for Disability Transfers: Recent Research and Research Needs,” in Disability Benefits:
Factors Determining Application and Awards, H. Emanuel, E. de Gier and P. Kalker Konijn,
eds., Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 223–248, 1987.
“Disparities in Well-Being Among U.S. Children over Two Decades: 1962–1983,” (with Robert
Haveman, Ross Finnie, and Ed Wolff), in The Vulnerable, J. Palmer, T. Smeeding, and B. Torrey
eds., Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, 149–170, 1988.
“Hospital Rate Setting: National Evidence and Issues for Wisconsin,” (with John Goddeeris, David
Reimer, and Nancy Cross Dunham), in State Policy Choices: The Wisconsin Experience, S.
Danziger and J. Witte eds., Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 299–320, 1988.
“Equity Consequences of Health Care Financing in the U.S., U.K. and Netherlands: Distributional
Consequences,” (with Peter Gottschalk and Robert Haveman), in Changes in Revenue Structure,
A. Chiancone and K. Messere eds., Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 351–373, 1989.
“Public Policy and Human Capital Development,” in Public Finance, Trade and Development, V. Tanzi
ed., Wayne State University Press, 307–320, 1990.
“Methodological Issues in International Comparisons of Poverty: An Analysis of the United States,”
(with Pamela Smith), in Analyzing Poverty in the European Community, R. Teekens and B. M.S.
van Praag eds., Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 45–
94, 1990.
“Earnings and Labor Force Participation Functions in a Developing Country: Are There Gender
Differentials?” (with Jere Behrman), in Unfair Advantage: Labor Market Discrimination in
Developing Countries, N. Birdsall and R. Sabot eds., The World Bank, 87–114, 1991.
“The Deteriorating Economic Circumstances of Children,” in Essays on the Economics of Discrimination,
Emily Hoffman ed., Upjohn Institute, 43–66, 1991.
“Equity in the Finance and Delivery of Health Care in the United States,” (with Peter Gottschalk), in
Equity in the Finance and Delivery of Health Care: An International Perspective, A. Wagstaff, E.
van Doorslaer, and F. Rutten eds., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 262–284, 1993.
“Well-Being, Entitlements, and Investments in Children: An Economic Perspective,” (with Robert
Haveman), in Visions of Entitlement: The Care and Education of America’s Children. M. Jensen
and S. Goffin, eds., SUNY Press, pp. 59–84, 1993.
“The Health, Earnings Capacity, and Poverty of Single-Mother Families,” (with Steven Hill), in Poverty
and Prosperity in the Twentieth Century, E. Wolff and D. Papadimitriou eds., MacMillan Press,
pp. 89–120, 1993.
“External Benefits of Education,” in The International Encyclopedia of Education, Torsten Husen and T.
Neville Postlethwaite, eds., Second Edition, Volume 4, Pergamon Press, 1994.
“Reform of Health Care for the Nonelderly Poor,” in Confronting Poverty: Prescriptions for Change,
Sheldon Danziger, Gary Sandefur, and David Weinberg, eds., Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1994.
“The Implications of Demographic Changes for Public Finance: An Overview,” in On the Role of
Budgetary Policy during Demographic Changes, Barbara L. Wolfe, ed., Proceedings of the 48th
Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, 1992, Public Finance/Finances
Publiques, Supplement, Vol. 48, 1993. (Published in 1994.)
“Health, Welfare and Work,” (with Steven Hill), in Third Women’s Policy Research Conference:
Proceedings, 1992, Roberta Spalter-Roth, Melinda Gish, and Susan Markhan, eds. Washington,
DC: Institute for Women’s Policy Research, pp. 228–235, 1994.
“Health Policy for Children of AFDC Families: Economic Issues,” in Escape from Poverty: What Makes
a Difference for Poor Children? P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, eds., New
York, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 170–185, 1995.
“Health Status and Medical Care Utilization,” (with Maria Perozek) in Kids Having Kids, Rebecca
Maynard, ed. New York: Robin Hood Foundation, 61–69, 1996.
“Outcomes for Teens and Young Adults of Adolescent Parents,” (with Robert Haveman and Elaine
Peterson), in Kids Having Kids: Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy,
Rebecca Maynard, ed. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute Press, pp. 257–284, 1997. (Book is
the 1998 winner of the Society for Research on Adolescent Social Policy Best Book Award.)
Reprinted in Kids Having Kids, 2nd edition, Saul Hoffman and Rebecca Maynard eds., Urban
Institute Press, 2008
“Teen Children’s Health and Health Care Use,” (with Maria Perozek), in Kids Having Kids: Economic
Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy, Rebecca Maynard, ed., Washington, DC: The
Urban Institute Press, pp. 181–204, 1997. (Book is the 1998 winner of the Society for Research
on Adolescent Social Policy Best Book Award.)
“Childhood Poverty and Adolescent Schooling & Fertility Outcomes: Reduced Form and Structural
Estimates,” (with Robert Haveman and Kathryn Wilson), in Consequences of Growing Up Poor,
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Greg J. Duncan, eds., New York: Russell Sage Foundation, pp. 419–
460, 1997.
“Health Indicators for Preschool Children,” (with James Sears), in Indicators of Children’s Well-Being,
Brett Brown, William Prosser, and Robert Hauser eds., New York: Russell Sage Foundation, pp.
76–94, 1997.
“A Structural Model of the Determinants of Educational Success,” (with Robert Haveman and Kathyrn
Wilson), in The Distribution of Welfare and Household Production: International Perspectives,
Stephen Jenkins, Arie Kapteyn, and Bernard van Praag eds., Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, pp. 346–363, 1998.
“Government Mandates, Health Insurance, and the Deterioration of the Low-Wage Labor Market: Are
They Connected?” (with Amy Wolaver and Timothy McBride), in The State of Social Welfare,
1997, Peter Flore, Philip De Jong, Julian LeGrand, and Jun-Young Kim eds., Aldershot, England:
Ashgate Publishing Ltd., pp.143–190, 1998.
“Inequality in Health Care Access and Utilization and the Potential Role for the Public Sector,” (with
David Vanness), in Fighting Poverty: Care for Children, Parents, the Elderly and Health, Stein
Ringen and Philip de Jong eds., Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., pp. 251–286, 1999.
“Work, Earnings and Well-Being After Welfare,” (with M Cancian, R. Haveman, T, Kaplan, and D.
Meyer), in Economic Conditions and Welfare Reform, S. Danziger ed., Upjohn Institute, pp. 161–
186, 1999.
“Poverty, Children’s Health, and Health Care Utilization,” Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic
Policy Review, September, pp. 1–13, 1999.
“The Changing Economic Status of Disabled Women, 1982–1991: Trends and Their Determinants.” (with
R. Haveman, K. Holden, P. Smith, and K. Wilson), in Essays in the Economics of Disability, D.
Salkever and A. Sorkin eds., Stamford CT: JAI Press, pp. 51–80, 2000.
“Outcomes of Interest, Evaluation Constituencies, and the Necessary Trade-Offs,” (with Maria Cancian),
in Evaluating Comprehensive State Welfare Reform: The Wisconsin Works Program, B. Barnow,
T. Kaplan, and R. Moffitt eds., Albany, NY: The Rockefeller Institute Press, pp. 55–76, 2000.
“The Economics of Disability and Disability Policy,” (with Robert Haveman), in Handbook of Health
Economics, Joseph Newhouse and Anthony Culyer eds., Amsterdam: North Holland. Volume 1B,
Chapter 18, pp. 995–1051, 2000.
“Intergenerational Effects of Nonmarital and Early Childbearing,” (with Robert Haveman and Karen
Pence), in Out of Wedlock: Causes and Consequences of Nonmarital Fertility, Larry Wu and
Barbara Wolfe eds., New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 287–316, 2001.
“Accounting for the Social and Non-Market Benefits of Education,” (with Robert Haveman), in The
Contribution of Human and Social Capital to Sustained Economic Growth and Well-Being, John
Helliwell, editor, OECD/Human Resources Development Canada. Vancouver: University of
British Columbia Press, 2001.
“Public Programs Create Private Incentives and Disincentives Toward Work,” in Ethics and Social
Security Reform, Erik Schokkaert ed., Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 203–241,
July 2001.
“Health Policies for the Nonelderly Poor,” (with John Mullahy), in Understanding Poverty, S. Danziger
and R. Haveman eds., Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 278–313, 2002.
“The 1996 U.S. Welfare Reform: Objectives, Effects and Lessons,” (with Robert Haveman), in Labour
Markets, Gender and Institutional Change, Hugh Mosely, Jacqueline O”Reilly, and Klaus
Schömann eds., Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 166–184. 2002.
“Resources Devoted to Child Development by Families and Society,” (with Rebecca Kilburn), in Child
Rearing in America. Neal Haflon, Kathryn Taaffe McLearn, and Mark Schuster eds., Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press, 21–49, 2002.
“Universal Preschool for Four-Year Olds: The Time Has Come,” (with Scott Scrivner), in One Percent
for the Kids: New Policies, Brighter Futures for America’s Children, Isabel V. Sawhill ed.,
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2003.
“Social and Nonmarket Benefits from Education in an Advanced Economy,” (with Robert Haveman), in
Education in the 21st Century: Meeting the Challenges of a Changing World, Yolanda
Kodrzycki, ed., Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 2003.
“Health, Income and Inequality: Review and Redirection,”(with John Mullahy and Stephanie Robert), in
Social Inequality, Kathryn Neckerman, ed., New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 523–544, 2004
and reprinted in Social Stratification. David Grusky ed. New York: Westview Press, 904-915,
“Trends in Children’s Attainments and their Determinants as Family Income Inequality has Increased,”
(with Robert Haveman, Gary Sandefur, and Andrea Voyer), in Social Inequality, Kathryn
Neckerman, ed., New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 149–188, 2004.
“Public Policy and Health Care Expenditures,” (With Sean Nicholson), in A New Paradigm for Social
Welfare in the New Millennium, Lee-Jay Cho, Hyungpyo Moon, Yoon Hyung Kim and SangHyop Lee eds., Seoul Korea: Korean Development Institute, 265–290, 2006.
Review of “Putting Children First: How Low-Wage Working Mothers Manage Child Care, by Ajay
Chaudry,” Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLIV(March): 165–168, 2006.
“Retiree Health Benefit Coverage and Retirement,” comments in Government Spending on the Elderly,
Dimitri Papadimitri ed., New York: Palgrave Mac Millan, 243–246, 2007.
“The Sufficiency of Retirement Savings: Comparing Cohorts at the Time of Retirement,” (with Robert
Haveman, Karen Holden, and Andrea Romanov), in Redefining Retirement, Bridget Madrian,
Olivia Mitchell, and Beth Soldo eds., New York: Oxford University Press, 36–69, 2007.
“Children’s Health and Health Care,” (with Emilie McHugh Rivers), Chapter 6 in Kids Having Kids, 2nd
edition, Saul Hoffman and Rebecca Maynard eds., Urban Institute Press, 2008
“It Takes More than Income: Income Inequality and Racial Gaps in Test Scores” (with M. Campbell, R.
Haveman and T. Wildhagen) chapter 3, In Steady Gains and Stalled Progress: Inequality and the
Black-White Test Score Gap. K. Magnuson and J. Waldfogel eds. New York: Russell Sage
Foundation. 110- 135. 2008
“Early Childhood Interventions and Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analyses,” (with Nathan Tefft),
Chapter 2 in Investing in the Disadvantaged: What We Know, and What We Need to Know, about
the Benefits of Social Policies, David Weimer and A. Vining eds., Washington, D.C.:
Georgetown University Press, 17-29, 2009.
“US Health Care Reform: A Primer and an Assessment” (with Robert Haveman) CESifo DICE Report.
Journal for Institutional Comparisons. 8:3 53-60. Autumn 2010.
“Economic Inequality and Children’s Educational Attainment” (with Mary Campbell, Robert Haveman)
Chapter 7 144- 167 in Investing in Children A. Kalil and R Haskins Eds., Washington, D.C.:
Brookings Institution, 2012.
“Conceptual Framework for Measuring the Medical Care Economic Risk” (with Sarah Meier) in
National Research Council and Institute of Medicine 2012. Medical Care Economic Risk.:
Measuring Financial Vulnerability from Spending on Medical Care. Committee on National
Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education and Board on health Care
Services. Institute of Medicine. Washington: D.C.: The National Academies Press.
“The SES and Health Gradient: a Brief Review of the Literature” (with William Evans and Nancy Adler).
In The Biological Consequences of Socioeconomic Inequalities , Barbara Wolfe, William Evans
and Teresa Seeman eds. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 2012. Chapter 1, 1-37.
“Brain Development and Poverty: a First Look. (with Jamie hanson, Nicole Hair, Amitabh Chandra, Ed
Moss, Jay Bhattacharya and Seth Pollak) in The Biological Consequences of Socioeconomic
Inequalities , Barbara Wolfe, William Evans and Teresa Seeman eds. New York: Russell Sage
Foundation. 2012. Chapter 7, 187-214.
Conclusions, (with William Evans and Teresa Seeman). In The Biological Consequences of
Socioeconomic Inequalities , Barbara Wolfe, William Evans and Teresa Seeman eds. New York:
Russell Sage Foundation. 2012. Chapter 9. 248-262.
“Health Programs for Non-Elderly Adults and Children” in Legacies of the War on Poverty. Martha
Bailey and Sheldon Danziger eds. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 2013. Chapter 9. 237-68.
“Health and Wealth in Early Retirement.” (with Geoffrey Wallace, Robert Haveman, and Karen Holden)
In Kenneth Couch, Mary Daly, and Julie Zissimopoulos (eds.). Life Cycle Events and Their
Consequences: Job Loss, Family Change, and Declines in Health. Stanford CA: Stanford
University Press, 2013.
Publications: Reviews, Edited Works, etc.
Review, Benjamin Bloom, School Learning and Human Characteristics, in Journal of Human Resources,
13(3): 432–434, Summer 1978.
Review, Robert J. Blendon and Thomas W. Moloney, eds. New Approaches to the Medicaid Crisis,
Proceedings of the 1981 Commonwealth Fund Forum in Health Services Research, 1984.
Editorial, “Editorial: Measuring Disability and Health,” Journal of Health Economics, 3: 187–193, 1984.
Co-editor, Special Issue on Equity Issues in Health Care, Social Justice Research, I, 3, 1987.
Review, Daniel C. Levy, ed., Private Education: Studies in Choice and Public Policy, in Journal of
Policy Analysis and Management, 72: 384–387, 1988.
Co-Editor, Winter Issue, 1992, Newsletter of the American Economic Association Committee on the
Status of Women in the Economics Profession.
Review, Marianne A. Ferber and Julie A. Nelson, eds., Beyond Economic Man: Feminist Theory and
Economics, in Population and Development Review, 20(4): 903–905, December 1994.
Comment, Lewis C. Solmon and Alec R. Levenson, eds., Labor Markets, Employment Policy & Job
Creation, The Milken Institute Series in Economics and Education, pp.377–386, 1994.
Review, Daniel M. Fox, Power and Illness: The Failure and Future of American Health Policy, in
Journal of Economic Literature, 33 (March): 240–242, 1995.
“Covering the 1996 Welfare Reform Law-Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)-and Its
Objectives,” (with Robert Haveman), Quill, July/August: 35–38, 1999.
“The 1996 Welfare Reform Law-Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)-Will it Ultimately
Succeed?” (with Robert Haveman) Quill, September: 71–74, 1999.
Child Care Quality: Does It Need to be Improved? (with Deborah Vandell), Institute for Research on
Poverty Special Report, 78. Madison, WI, and published as Child Care Quality: Does It Matter
and Does It Need to be Improved? Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Washington, DC, May, 2000.
“Commentary,” in Ensuring Health and Income Security for an Aging Workforce, Peter Budetti. Richard
Burkhauser, Janice Gregory, and H. Allan Hunt eds., Kalamazoo, MI: UpJohn Institute, 363–372,
“Welfare Reform Depends on Good Quality Child Care,” (with Deborah Vandell), The American
Prospect, Summer: A19–A21, 2002.
“Universal Preschool: Much to Gain but Who Will Pay?” (with Scott Scrivner), Foundation of Child
Development Working Paper, New York., October 2002.
“Fertility, Nonmarital,” in The Encyclopedia of Population, Farmington Hills, MI: MacMillan March,
“In Defense of Higher Education: More Last Words,” (with Robert Haveman), The Milken Review, 5(2):
84–90, 2003.
“Increasing and Equalizing Coverage: Views from the Symposium’s Organizer and Presidential
Candidates,” LaFollette Policy Report, 14(2, Winter): 20–24, 2003–2004.
“Child Interventions that May Lead to Increased Economic Growth: A Report to The Pew Charitable
Trusts,” (with Nathan Tefft), Philadelphia, PA., 2005. Available on the Invest in Kids
“Childhood Interventions that May Lead to Increased Economic Growth.” (with Nathan Tefft), La
Follette Policy Report, 16(2), 2006.
“BadgerCare Increases Public Health-Care Coverage for Families Leaving Welfare.” La Follette Policy
Report. 25th Anniversary Issue. 18(1), 2008
“Reducing Health Disparities by Targeting Mothers and Children” Pathways. Winter 22-25, 2009.
“Is the University of Wisconsin-Madison Becoming more Elite? A Partial Answer.” (With John Witte),
La Follette Policy Report, 18(2), 2009
“The Income and Health Effects of Tribal Casino Gaming on American Indians”. (With Jessica
Jakubowski, Robert Haveman, and Marissa Courey.) La Follette Policy Report, 19, (2), Spring
“Health Shocks in Retirement: Incidence and Implications”, (with Geoffrey Wallace, Robert Haveman,
and Karen Holden) La Follette Policy Report 21(1) Fall 2011.
“Uncertainty Marks Medicare Voucher Proposal: comments on proposal to create replace Medicare with
vouchers. La Follette Policy Report 22(1) Fall 2012.
“Using Brain Scans to Understand Links between Economic Status and Cognition” La Follette Policy
Report 22(2) Spring-Summer 2013.
IRP Webinar and Seminar on Brain and poverty research, November, 2014