Minutes of RSC Meeting: October 18, 2013 Present: Michael Harold, Wynne Chin, Randy Lee, Stuart Long, Gangbing Song, Karl Titz, Maria Solino, Gregory Marinic, Mark Clarke, Mary Ann Ottinger, Ezemenari Obasi, Haluk Ogmen, Rathindra Bose, Robert Palmer, Alan Burns, Gregg Roman, Stuart Dryer, Richard Bond, Luis Torres, Jack Fletcher, Alessandro Carrera, Abdelhak Bensaoula, Christie Peters, Kirstin Rochford, Sandra Arntz, Cris Milligan, Selesta Hodges, Ashley Merwin, Rozlyn Reep, Maribel Salazar Absent: Jacqueline Hawkes, Pradeep Sharma, George Zouridakis, Michael Zvolensky, Allan Jacobson The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:36 pm. Welcome by the Chair: Dr. Harold welcomed everyone to the RSC Meeting and asked for any comments or changes to the minutes from September’s meeting. Review and Approval of September 20, 2013 Meeting Minutes: Dr. Harold asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Dr. Dryer made the motion to accept the minutes, and Dr. Roman seconded the motion. The minutes were approved. Status Report by VC/VP Dr. Bose: Dr. Harold invited Dr. Bose to give a status report. Dr. Bose gave the following information: Dr. Bose discussed the end of the government shutdown and noted that the damage is not over. He expressed his concern about those colleagues who failed to ask for a nocost extension. He stated that researchers, as a result of the shutdown, are encouraged to make sure that their grants have been received and processed and to keep us updated. The NSF Director has issued a letter to University Presidents stating that he will do everything he can to issue new awards and to accelerate the process. The fate of the study section meetings still remains to be seen. There was a new faculty survey that was sent out to the 91 new faculty members and everyone was asked to assist DOR by telling us if their labs have been set up, start-up packages and cost centers set up, and if they have any additional issues. The responses received in large part were positive. Dr. Bose sent the survey to understand what the needs are of the faculty so we can be better prepared for next year. He will send the responses to the RSC. Funding for TRBs (tuition revenue bonds) fell through for the new Biomedical Sciences 2 Building. Therefore, Dr. Short, Dr. Carlucci, and Dr. Bose are working on funding to move forward with this building project and DOR will be committing funds. There was further discussion of funding to support multi-investigator core facilities through grants less than $400K; these included: o NSM received $1.1M, which went to Chemistry, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, and some in Biology. o Engineering received $1.1M, which went to the Nanofabrication Lab, NCALM, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Electrical & Computer Engineering. o CLASS received $250,000 in the music area. o Optometry received $360,000 pending a core facility proposal. o Pharmacy received $290,000. o $7M was committed to the mouse facility; more funding may be needed. Subcommittee Updates: Small Grants/New Faculty: Dr. Torres chairs the subcommittee and they reviewed the guidelines. They recommended changes based on issues that emerged last competition: 1.) Add Research Assistant Professor as an eligible group of faculty. 2.) Add language – faculty applicant should have start up funds less than $50K (does not include renovations). 3.) Faculty can apply for either small grant or new faculty grant, but not both. 4.) Remove Instructor as an ineligible group. A question was raised about research faculty and their ranks. It was decided to table the question of rank for next year’s program, and Dr. Torres will meet with Dr. Ottinger about the issue. In order to address this question, DOR will provide information on the rank, department, and college of previous recipients. The Committee voted and approved all recommended changes to the guidelines. An announcement with updated guidelines will be posted with the announcement of the Small Grants and the New Faculty awards programs. Excellence in Research & Scholarship – Dr. Lee provided an update from his subcommittee. There was a complaint received last year related to a faculty member receiving a Farfel award as well as an Excellence in Research & Scholarship award. The question was raised as to whether or not faculty should be allowed to receive just one or both awards. Some agreed with that proposal while others noted that each of the awards emphasizes different contributions. After discussion in which no policy emerged with any consensus, a decision was made to table the discussion for a future meeting with the possible drafting of a new policy. Dr. Fletcher reported a conversation last May regarding defining Research & Scholarship. How do we define Research as being different from Scholarship? Some RSC members feel that Research & Scholarship both mean the same thing (no difference). One concern is that if the focus is on successful research according to funding and funding level, some excellent faculty may be disadvantaged. Dr. Bose stated that the University has over 1200 faculty members and 8 awards are given each year. We should all be cognizant of the contributions people make to research. Also, the selection committees are chosen from a wide array of colleges and dollar amounts are normalized by the selection committees. Dr. Lee will send out revised guidelines for the Excellence in Research & Scholarship awards. GEAR Awards: Dr. Ogmen will be reviewing the guidelines for the GEAR awards and will be happy to receive comments and suggestions. Centers & Institutes: The subcommittee will meet before the next meeting and will have a report for next time. Resources & Core Facilities: Dr. Burns said the subcommittee will be meeting with Dr. Ottinger and Cris Milligan to go over recommendations from last year. They will look at core facility guidelines and discuss the revised guidelines drafted by Dr. Burns. Once they’re approved, they will go back to Dr. Ottinger and Cris for review and then to Dr. Bose. Dr. Burns will update the RSC on the subcommittee’s efforts to formulate new guidelines by the next meeting. Conflict of Interest: Dr. Burns attended the first COI meeting. He found the deliberations professional and positive with no issues. Intellectual Property: Dr. Stuart asked Dr. Clarke to give an update. Dr. Clarke did not highlight any particular piece of IP. A mini retreat was held in which the IP committee considered putting forward an iCore program. They are interested in becoming an iCore center and would like to draw from STEM students to serve in entrepreneurial leads. He would like to talk to the committee at some point in regards to moving the agenda forward and developing ways to get students involved in NSF & iCORE. Dr. Clarke also mentioned IPX - a company they have engaged. They are essentially an IP clearing house and work on commission. They are asked to look at certain parts of IP’s and identify possible licensing opportunities. This is a way to get a return on investment and IPX is one of the pathways we are utilizing to identify technologies that can go to market. New Business / Old Business: RCR Presentation: Dr. Bose introduced Kirstin Rochford, Director of Research Compliance. Dr. Bose hired her 2 years ago from MD Anderson. Kirstin has been working with a consultant, Dr. Sandy Arntz who was at the meeting. She made a presentation on the Responsible Conduct of Research; she and Ms. Rochford highlighted several items: Their goal was to provide PI’s with resources. They took a poll and the results were mixed. Some colleges had tracking in place, others did not. They have updated RCR policy to be current and plan on training for tracking. Matrix – is a tool to assist the development of RCR plans. They discovered that quite a few resources are available on campus and that tracking seemed to be the biggest need among colleges. There’s one thing that still needs to be worked out: If UH is a sub-awardee, it’s more difficult to track. Ms. Rochford is going to talk more with Post Award and InfoEd, and Dr. Lee will take up the issue with his subcommittee. InfoEd Update: An update on InfoEd was given by Mr. Muhammad Soonasra. He said the University is implementing InfoEd on November 1, 2013, with the goal to have InfoEd replace RAMP. Spin will be replacing Pivot. All faculty have access to the database and will still have Cayuse as a backup. Resources are available through the website and DOR and colleges are hosting training sessions. There was a discussion about what people are saying about implementation. There are departments that still do not know about it. Committee members were encouraged to schedule InfoEd trainings in their department. Overall, InfoEd has received a positive response and the trainings have been well attended. Charge-Back Mechanisms: Ms. Cris Milligan gave an overview of charge-back mechanisms, which include three options: 1. Specialized Facility – Recharge Center: Provides goods/services to other UH departments, faculty and staff members, and students; may recover costs from a federal grant and provider is a service unit of the University. 2. Non-Service Unit – Expenditure Reallocation & Correction: Provides goods/services to another UH department; costs are not being charged to a federal grant, and provider is a non-service unit of the University. 3. Auxiliary Enterprise – Furnishes goods/services primarily to students, faculty and/or staff; charges a fee that directly relates to the cost of the goods/services delivered which is managed as a self-supporting entity. There will be a continued discussion as Dr. Fletcher’s subcommittee works on guidelines. Reduction in Force Policy: Dr. Dryer gave a report on the Reduction in Force Policy for Post Docs and Research Associates. If Post Docs or RA’s are funded by external sources and someone in the department is let go because funding runs out, HR requires you to offer the job (when hiring reoccurs) to the person who lost the job. The concern is that when it’s time to hire, the needs for the position may have changed. The subcommittee was asked to make a recommendation to HR requesting that Post Docs and RA’s are not treated the same way as others. One idea mentioned was creating an exempt category for employees. Dr. Harold and Dr. Dryer will charge the task force and will give a report at the next meeting. Vacation & Sick Leave Payout: Ms. Selesta Hodge will give an update at the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 3:06 pm. The next meeting will be Friday, November 15, at the same location from 1:30 – 3:00 pm.