Kentucky Association FFA State FFA Officer Application Packet Full Name Preferred Chapter Region Address City, State, Zip Home Phone ( ) Cell ( ) E-mail Address (If you do not currently have an email account it is strongly suggested that you set one up) Advisor(s) Father Mother Briefly Describe Your Supervised Ag. Experience Program Briefly Describe Your Plans For the Future (include specific college, major, etc) Serving as a State FFA Officer is an honor as well as a major responsibility. Throughout the year, officers are asked to give freely of their time and their talents. It is critical that the focus of state officers remains on serving the Kentucky Association and meeting the needs of the chapters and members within their regions. State Officers are expected to serve with purpose, dedication, and integrity and are challenged to remember that they are working for the nearly 15,000 individual members who make up our organization. A complete description of expectations and responsibilities is contained in the following pages. Read this information carefully and direct any questions you may have to: Matt Chaliff, Executive Secretary 500 Mero Street, Room 2023 Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Please attach the following to this form: State Officer Nomination Form (Completed by advisor), State Officer Commitment Form, FFA Record of Participation. OFFICER NOMINATION FORM KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION FFA I hereby submit ______________________________ as candidate for an office of the Kentucky Association of the FFA. This candidate is a member in good standing of the _____________________ Chapter of the _______________________ FFA Region. Qualifications 1. Is the applicant a candidate for or recipient of the Kentucky FFA Degree? ________ 2. High school graduation date ____________________________________________ 3. Describe the Supervised Agricultural Experience Program of the applicant including scope of program, occupational objective, and candidate’s production and/or placement plan. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the candidate plan to do after graduation from high school? (Please list the specific school the candidate will attend and his/her major. If currently in college, please list school and major.____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. What particular office do you feel your candidate is best qualified for, on the basis of personality and experience? ____________________________________________________ 6. Would the candidate, if nominated for an office other than the one preferred, accept the committee recommendation? ___________________________________________________ 7. Will the candidate, if elected, assume the responsibilities which accompany the office? ___________________________________________________ 8. Has the candidate demonstrated the moral and ethical conviction and character to properly represent the Kentucky Association of the FFA? ____________________________________ Signed: _________________________________ (Teacher of Agriculture) Signed __________________________________ (Candidate) Date: ___________________________________ STATE FFA OFFICER COMMITTMENT FORM Expectations of State FFA Officers The following information will be read and signed by all state FFA Officer candidates with the understanding that a state officer may be removed from the office if he/she does not satisfactorily follow these established standards. If elected a state FFA Officer, during my year of service, I pledge that I will: 1. Be dedicated and committed to FFA and the total program of agricultural education. 2. Be willing and able to travel as required in serving the Kentucky Association FFA. 3. Become knowledgeable of agriculture, education in agriculture and agribusiness, and the FFA. 4. Through preparation and practice, develop into an effective public speaker and project a desirable image of FFA at all times. 5. Regularly and on time, write all letters, thank-you notes, reports, and other correspondence that are necessary and desirable. 6. Strive to improve my ability to carry on meaningful and enjoyable conversations with individuals of all ages and from all walks of life. 7. Accept and search out constructive criticism and evaluation of my total performance. 8. Keep up to date on current events. 9. Periodically evaluate my personality and attitudes, making every effort for improvement. 10. Maintain and protect my personal health. 11. Forego alcohol and illegal substances at all times during my year of service to the FFA. 12. Treat all FFA members equally by not favoring one over another. 13. Conduct myself in a manner that commands respect and without any display of superiority. 14. Maintain my dignity while being personable, concerned, and interested in contacts with others. 15. Avoid places or activities that in any way could raise question to one’s moral character or conduct. 16. Use wholesome and appropriate language in all speeches and informal conversations. 17. Maintain proper dress and good grooming for all occasions. 18. Work in harmony with fellow FFA officers and not knowingly engage in conversations detrimental to other FFA members, officers, or adults. 19. Serve as a member of the team, always maintaining a cooperative attitude. 20. Be willing to take and follow instructions as directed by those responsible for state FFA officers and state FFA programs. 21. Attend all state officer training activities both in and out of state. 22. Serve the needs of local FFA chapters and regions, including assisting with training officers. 23. Attend local, state, and national activities (including State Fair, State FFA Convention, National FFA Convention, NLCSO, BLAST Off, state officer meetings, and others as needed) required as part of the duties of the office. ________________________________________ (Signature of Candidate) I have read and understand the expectations for State Officers outlined above and will support my son/daughter if he/she is selected to serve as a State FFA Officer. ________________________________________ (Signature of Parent) I have reviewed the expectations for State Officers outlined above. I recommend the above named student as a State FFA Officer and will give him/her my full support if he/she is elected. ________________________________________ (Signature of School Administrator) (A copy of this commitment form is to be signed by each state FFA officer candidate prior to running for state FFA office) State FFA Officers not fulfilling the above commitment shall be reprimanded and may be required to resign from office. The FFA Executive Committee and the FFA Advisory have the authority to remove State Officers who do not fulfill the duties of their office and/or do not represent Kentucky FFA in an appropriate manner. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPECTATIONS OF STATE FFA OFFICER CANDIDATES Well-trained, able officer candidates do not just happen. They come about as a result of participating for several years in chapter programs of activities, which provide opportunities for individual FFA members to develop into outstanding youth leaders. Certainly an FFA member should not be nominated for a state office unless he/she is outstanding. Neither should a member be nominated as a state officer candidate, whose attitude regarding the FFA is poor. State FFA officers should be the top members of the organization. It is the teacher's responsibility to provide leadership training opportunities for all chapter members. These opportunities cannot be provided without a sound, challenging chapter program of activities. It is also a responsibility of the teacher to see that his/her state officer candidate is on hand for his/her interview. Certainly if a member doesn't have time to be present for interviews, he/she doesn't have time to devote to officer duties if nominated. Listed below are some qualifications for officer candidates. If you have a member who meets these qualifications, by all means nominate him/her. If he/she doesn't meet these qualifications, he/she probably should receive additional training before becoming a candidate. A candidate for a state office must: 1. Be a candidate for, or hold, the Kentucky FFA degree. 2. Have held a local chapter office, and in most cases, a regional office. 3. Have had considerable experience as a public speaker. 4. Possess the ability to preside over meetings. 5. Have a working knowledge of the FFA organization. 6. Understand the Kentucky program of activities, contests, sponsors, etc. 7. Be able to meet the public, remember names, and make introductions easily. 8. Be a good conversationalist. 9. Be able to discuss intelligently the following: a. Purpose of the FFA organization b. History and development of the FFA organization c. Qualifications for the Kentucky FFA degree d. American Star Farmer and American Star Agribusinessman award e. The FFA Foundation, Incorporated f. The Kentucky FFA Leadership Training Program (Hardinsburg) g. Organizing local chapters and setting up local programs of activities h. The National FFA Organization, State Association of FFA, and FFA regions in Kentucky. 10. Be neat in appearance. 11. Use good English. 12. Know how to write business letters. 13. Believe whole-heartedly in the FFA organization. 14. Be sincerely interested in agriculture. You can readily understand that meeting qualifications for a state office is not an overnight proposition, but the result of several years in FFA work. State FFA Officer Time Commitment Serving as a State FFA Officer requires a major time commitment on the part of each officer. If an individual does not feel comfortable with this commitment then he or she should probably not be a candidate for State Office. Below is a partial list of activities that all State Officers are expected to take part in. Activity Month # of Days Blast Off NLCSO FFA Camp Kentucky State Fair ROAR National FFA Convention FFA/KAAE Joint Meeting Farm Machinery Show State Convention Planning Mtg. State FFA Convention June/July June/July June/July August September October January February April June 3-4 5-6 5-6 5-8 2-3 6 2 1 2 6 Regional Responsibilities- Officers are expected to attend the following events in their regions: fall delegate meeting, spring delegate meeting, FFA day, paperwork day, regional banquet. Chapter Visits- State Officers are expected to visit each chapter in their region at least once during the year. Officers may be called on to attend events at chapters outside their region on an as needed basis. Called Meetings- All State Officers are expected to attend meetings called by the State Staff in Agricultural Education. The State President and Vice President will be expected to attend the State President’s Conference in Washington, DC in July. The State Vice President will be expected to attend State Alumni Council meetings in October, January, and April. The State President will be expected to attend FFA Foundation meetings in November and February; the State Farm Bureau Convention in December; Leadership Training Center Advisory Meetings in the fall and spring; and other events as assigned by State Staff. State Officers should plan on spending at least 1-2 hours per week returning phone calls and emails, writing thank you letters, preparing speeches and workshops, etc, etc. Being a good student is a critical part of being a good State Officer and a well- rounded person. It is expected that State Officers will attend all classes when they are able, complete all course work in an acceptable fashion, and make necessary arrangements with teachers to be out of class. It is the responsibility of the State Officer to prioritize and manage time effectively.