Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 Ultrafast dissociation processes in the NO dimer studied with time-resolved photoelectron imaging Masaaki Tsubouchia , Cornelis A. de Langeb , Toshinori Suzukia,∗ b a Chemical Dynamics Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako 351-0198, Japan Laser Centre, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Available online 13 November 2004 Abstract Ultraviolet photodissociation of the NO dimer is studied with femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging (TR-PEI) spectroscopy. Pump pulses in the range 200–235 nm are employed, while probe pulses are kept at 300 nm. The time dependencies of the observed photoelectron kinetic energies and photoelectron angular distributions support a picture in which valence state optically excited in the dimer evolves on a time scale of <1 ps to the dimer 3s Rydberg state. This dimer Rydberg state then undergoes fragmentation on a time scale of a few ps. In this study we focus on dissociation into an NO ground state fragment and an NO fragment in its 3s Rydberg A2 + state. Every stage of this continuous process, viz. the dimer valence state, the dimer 3s Rydberg state, the separating NO(X) + NO(A) fragments, and the isolated NO(A) fragment is interrogated with TR-PEI. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Ultraviolet; TR-PEI spectroscopy; NO; NO dimer 1. Introduction Nitric oxide (X2 ) has an unpaired electron in its ∗2p highest occupied valence orbital. When two NO molecules approach each other, these anti-bonding orbitals on each fragment overlap to form a weak chemical bond. This interaction is largest when the two NO molecules are aligned parallel to each other [1], and in fact the structure of the NO dimer in its ground electronic state has been determined to be cis-planar with C2v symmetry [2]. The strength of the bond is about 700 cm−1 [3], intermediate between a van der Waals bond and a covalent bond. Little is known about excited electronic states of the NO dimer. The far ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectrum is quite diffuse, with a maximum at ∼205 nm, and extends to 240 nm [4,5]. Recent work employing fluorescence excitation spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation resolved some vibrational structure in the absorption spectrum, but the inherent ∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +81 48 467 1403. E-mail address: (T. Suzuki). 0368-2048/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.elspec.2004.09.013 broadness still remained [6]. The multitude of excited electronic states of the dimer that are expected to contribute to these absorption features have not been characterized. Moreover, no detailed electronic structure calculations have been performed so far on the excited states present in this energy region of the NO dimer. From the heat of formation of the NO dimer, and the electronic excitation energy in NO, it is anticipated that the photoexcited NO dimer dissociates into NO(X) + NO(X), NO(A) + NO(X), or NO(B) + NO(X) depending on the excitation wavelength. Since the 1980s Kajimoto et al. have performed extensive studies on the energy partitioning and vector correlation in 193 nm photodissociation of the NO dimer [7–9]. This effort has been more recently extended by Reisler and coworkers to dissociation at longer wavelengths using velocity map imaging [10,11]. In 1986, Kimura and coworkers have applied their one-color laser photoelectron spectroscopy to the NO dimer. They observed clear signatures of photoionization from the NO monomer in its A state [12], produced by photodissociation of the dimer within a laser pulse duration (∼10 ns). The result indicated that dis- 194 M. Tsubouchi et al. / Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 sociation occurs in a time much shorter than a nanosecond. In fact, Naitoh et al. have observed strong angular anisotropy of NO photofragments, from which the lifetime of the photoexcited NO dimer was speculated to be a fraction of its rotational time period [9]. For the detailed study of dissociation in real time, photoelectron spectroscopy combined with ultrafast laser spectroscopy is a very powerful tool. The combination of photoelectron spectroscopy with the pump–probe technique has started in the 1980s with nanosecond time resolution and has been extended to the picosecond and femtosecond regime [13]. The first such experiment on the NO dimer was by Blanchet and Stolow who employed femtosecond timeof-flight (TOF) ion and photoelectron detection, with a pump wavelength of 210 nm and a probe of 287 nm [14]. More recently, we performed time-resolved ion and photoelectron imaging on 200.5 nm photodissociation of the NO dimer [15]. These experiments were interpreted in terms of initial excitation to one or more valence states of the NO dimer. An almost isotropic distribution with a broad energy width changed to a strongly anisotropic angular distribution with a narrow energy width, which indicated formation of the 3s Rydberg state of the dimer and, at later times, monomer fragments. In this paper, experimental results from an extensive femtosecond time-resolved pump–probe photoelectron imaging (TR-PEI) spectroscopic study on the NO dimer are summarized. Various aspects of photoionization of the NO monomer relevant to the dimer experiments are also discussed, to clarify the effects of multiphoton ionization and rotationally coherent excitation that might obscure the experimental observation of ultrafast reaction dynamics. These experiments constitute an excellent example of the detailed information that can be obtained with sophisticated methods of photoelectron spectroscopy for excited states in molecular species. The valence states excited in the dimer evolve on a time scale of <1 ps into the dimer 3s Rydberg state. This dimer Rydberg state then undergoes fragmentation on a ps time scale into an NO ground state fragment and an NO fragment in its 3s Rydberg A2 + state. Every stage of this dissociation process, that starts with optical excitation of a valence state in the NO dimer and ends with NO(X) and NO(A) fragments being fully separated, is tracked with TR-PEI. This special journal issue is devoted to Professor Kimura who belongs to the pioneers of photoelectron spectroscopy. It is therefore fitting to focus in this contribution on what novel time-resolved experimental methods in photoelectron imaging [13] can contribute to our understanding of intricate competing excited state decay processes that occur on an ultrafast time scale. The simultaneous time-resolved observation of photoelectron kinetic energy distributions (PKEDs) and photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) in the same experiment is a unique feature of the technique and generally leads to novel information on molecular species of chemical and physical interest such as the NO dimer. 2. Experimental In this paper, we shall describe three experiments: (i) one-color three-photon ionization of the NO monomer; (ii) two-color (1 + 1 ) REMPI via the A state of the NO monomer; and (iii) two-color (1 + 1 ) REMPI of the NO dimer. The first two are relevant for the selection of appropriate probe laser wavelengths in the third experiment. The femtosecond laser system used is the same as in our previous work [15–17]. A schematic diagram of our experimental set up is presented in Fig. 1. The output of a YVO4 -pumped Ti:Sapphire oscillator was amplified by a Nd:YLF pumped regenerative amplifier to generate a 1 kHz pulse train centered at 802 nm. This light was split into two equal intensity beams that pumped two commercial optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) to generate tunable UV light. In experiment (i), the output of one of the OPAs was used for the ionization light. The UV light in the range 320–330 nm was focused by a quartz lens with a focal length of 500 mm, and directed into the molecular beam chamber. An iris inserted into the optical path was used to control the laser power entering the chamber. The typical pulse energy was less than 10 J/pulse. In experiments (ii) and (iii), the tunable pump pulse (200–235 nm) used to excite the NO monomer or dimer from their respective ground states was generated by sum-frequency generation in a thin BBO I crystal (0.5 mm thickness), using the fundamental light from the regenerative amplifier and UV light in the range 265–335 nm from one of the OPAs. The probe pulse was derived from another OPA. The pump and probe pulses were focused by quartz lenses with focal lengths of 450 mm (pump) and 300 mm (probe), respectively. The pump and optically delayed probe pulses were directed into the chamber with a small angle (<1◦ ) between their k vectors and spatially overlapped with the molecular beam. The laser power of the pump and probe beams were adjusted so as to obtain the best contrast ratio for the two-color photoion signal, as monitored by the current from a microchannel plate (MCP) detector. The typical pulse energies were less than 1 J/pulse for the pump pulse and ∼3 J/pulse for the probe pulse. Polarization directions of the pump and probe lasers were parallel to each other and to the face of the charged particle imaging detector. Photoelectrons produced by the probe laser pulse were accelerated up to a kinetic energy of ∼2 keV in an electric field parallel to the molecular beam and projected onto a position-sensitive imaging detector. The electric field formed an immersion lens that focused the electrons spatially such that the image only reflected the electron momentum parallel to the detector face [18]. The field-free region (45 cm) was shielded with a -metal tube to avoid an external magnetic field. The imaging detector consisted of a dual microchannel plate backed by a phosphor screen (40 mm in effective diameter), and a slow-scan charge-coupled device (CCD) camera (512 × 512 pixels). The photoelectron images on M. Tsubouchi et al. / Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 195 Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental set up. In (1 + 1 ) REMPI experiments, the pump pulse was generated by sum-frequency generation ωpump = ω0 + ω1 with a BBO I crystal. the phosphor screen were captured by the camera and integrated for 6 × 105 laser shots. The observed electron images were transformed back to the 3D photoelectron scattering distributions by an inverse Abel transformation. Nitric oxide 16% in He (experiments (i) and (ii)) or 5% in Ar (experiment (iii)) was expanded continuously into a source chamber from a pinhole 50 m in diameter at a stagnation pressure of 1.5 or 2.5 atm, respectively. The jet was skimmed and introduced into the ionization chamber as a supersonic molecular beam 1 mm in diameter. The source and main chamber pressures were 3.0 × 10−4 and <1.0 × 10−7 Torr, respectively. The rotational temperature of NO in the beam was determined to be 7–10 K in He and 3–5 K in Ar by (1 + 1) REMPI spectroscopy of NO via the A state with a nanosecond laser. In experiment (iii), consistent results were obtained with the carrier gases of He and Ar, which ruled out any contribution from NO-rare gas complexes. This is illustrated in Fig. 2 where the time dependence of photoelectron kinetic energy distributions is shown for NO/He and NO/Ar mixtures with a pump wavelength of 200 nm and a probe wavelength of 300 nm. Since formation of the NO dimer is not efficient in the NO/He mixture, the contribution of the non-resonant two-photon ionization of the NO monomer appears around zero time delay. Except for this contribution, both results are identical, indicating that the role played by NO/Ar complexes in our results is negligible. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Wavelength dependence of one-color multiphoton ionization In general, multiphoton ionization can occur efficiently with short laser pulses. In order to perform reliable pump–probe experiments, it is important to choose laser wavelengths that do not induce strong one-color signals. To demonstrate this, we present here the one-color photoionization of NO in the wavelength region of 320–330 nm. Fig. 3(a) shows the ionization scheme used. The images shown in Fig. 4(a) are inverse Abel transforms of the observed photoelectron images, corresponding to slices through the 3D scattering distributions of photoelectrons. The polarization vector of the laser beam is vertical in the plane of the figure. Except for the image obtained with 325 nm light, all images consist of progressions of anisotropic sharp rings. On the other hand, the strong sharp ring that appears in the image taken at 325 nm is quite isotropic, indicative of a coincidental resonance at the two-photon level. The candidate for this resonant state is the ν = 4 level of the C(2 ) state which is located at 7.65 eV above the X(2 1/2 ), ν = 0 state. This state possesses a 1 + core and a Rydberg 3p electron. Fig. 4(b) represents the PKEDs extracted from the images shown in Fig. 4(a). All peaks were easily assigned to the vibrational levels of the NO+ X(1 + ) final state. The vibrational progressions were seen to peak at ν+ = 0 in all PKEDs. This 196 M. Tsubouchi et al. / Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 Fig. 2. Time dependence of the photoelectron kinetic energy distributions obtained from samples of: (a) a NO/He 16% mixture at 3.2 atm; and (b) a NO/Ar 5% mixture at 2.3 atm. The pump and probe laser wavelengths are 200 and 300 nm, respectively. Except for the contribution of non-resonant two-photon ionization of the NO monomer around zero time delay in the NO/He mixture, both results are the same. This implies that the influence of NO/Ar complexes on our results is negligible. intensity distribution differs from the PKED obtained by the single-photon ionization with a He(I) light source [19], where the transition to ν+ = 1 dominates. It is noted that in a zero kinetic energy pulsed field ionization (ZEKE-PFI) study with two-photon non-resonant ionization [20], the ν+ = 0 band of NO+ is also the most intense, in agreement with our PKED obtained with non-resonant three-photon ionization. This result indicates that the PKED observed in non-resonant multiphoton ionization is not governed by the Franck–Condon overlap between the ground neutral and ionic states, but is strongly affected by the virtual states passed through in the ionization process. The coincidental one-color (2 + 1) REMPI process at 325 nm accesses C(2 ), ν = 4. One-photon ionization from this excited Rydberg state is expected to obey ν = 0 propensity. Indeed, the vibrational excitation is predominantly conserved, leading to ionization to the NO+ (1 + ), ν+ = 4 final state. The PADs for the ν+ = 0 and 4 components of the images taken with 320 and 325 nm light are shown in Fig. 4(c). The dots represent our experimental results, and the solid lines show the least-squares fits to I(θk ) ∝ 1 + β2 P2 (cos θk ) + β4 P4 (cos θk ) + β6 P6 (cos θk ), (1) Fig. 3. Experimental scheme of the photoionization of the NO monomer for: (a) one-color three-photon ionization; (b) (1 + 1 ) REMPI via the A state. where I(θ k ) is the observed intensity, Pn (cos θ k ) are Legendre polynomials of degree n, and βn are the anisotropy parameters. The scattering angle θ k is measured from the polarization axis of the laser beam. The PAD for ν+ = 0 is anisotropic in the direction of the polarization vector, while that for ν+ = 4 is quite isotropic. The anisotropy parameters extracted from the fitting are β2 = 2.10 ± 0.06, β4 = 0.74 ± 0.09, and β6 = −0.16 ± 0.10 for ν+ = 0, and β2 = −0.04 ± 0.05, β4 = 0.17 ± 0.05, and β6 = 0.02 ± 0.06 for ν+ = 4. The method used for our error analysis has been described in a previous paper [21]. The isotropic PAD for ν+ = 4 observed with M. Tsubouchi et al. / Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 197 Fig. 4. (a) Photoelectron images of the NO monomer measured in one-color three-photon ionization with 320, 322.5, 325, and 330 nm light. These images are slices through the 3D photoelectron scattering distributions obtained by inverse Abel transformation of the original images. The polarization vector of the laser beam is vertical in the plane of the figure; (b) PKEDs extracted from the images; (c) PADs for the ν+ = 0 and 4 components of the images taken with 320 and 325 nm light, respectively. The dots represent experimental results, and the solid lines are the least-squares fits of the experimental PADs to an expression which includes Legendre polynomials up to sixth order. 325 nm light strongly supports the assignment of the intermediate state to C(2 ), since in an atomic-like picture the interference between the s and d outgoing waves originating from one-photon ionization of the 3p Rydberg electron would tend to reduce the anisotropy in the PAD. In order to suppress one-color multiphoton ionization in our TR-PEI, the probe wavelength was chosen to be off-resonant with the excited state and the laser power was reduced as much as possible not to induce off-resonant three-photon ionization processes. 3.2. Probe wavelength and the effect of rotationally coherent transients Photoexcitation using polarized broad-band laser light creates an aligned ensemble of molecules through creation of a non-stationary superposition of different J states accessed via the P, Q, and R branch transitions when a single photon is employed [22,23]. The alignment created rapidly diminishes due to dephasing of these J components, known as anisotropy decay. In the gas phase, rotational dynamics processes are periodic, and the diminishing alignment revives at regular intervals due to rephasing of the J components. Any ultrafast pump–probe experiment is subject to such rotational coherence dynamics. On the one hand, this is useful because detection of such periodic modulations of the molecular alignment provides a way of determining rotational con- stants of complex molecules. This technique is known as rotational coherence spectroscopy [22–24]. On the other hand, this effect is problematic in that it potentially complicates the experimental observation of transients from which information on ultrafast reaction dynamics must be extracted. In order to avoid such complications, in one-photon pump and onephoton probe experiments a magic-angle alignment of the pump and probe laser polarizations is sometimes employed. This particular experimental arrangement cannot be utilized in our pump–probe photoelectron imaging experiment. To ensure the cylindrical distribution of photoelectrons around the polarization vector of the light required for performing an inverse Abel transform, pump and probe polarizations must be chosen parallel to each other. In the case of photoionization, the integral cross section is not particularly sensitive to the molecular alignment: as far as we know, only one example has been reported by Riehn et al. for observation of alignment effect in the integral cross section [25]. This is in contrast to the situation with bound-bound transitions where the transition dipole moment direction is well defined in the molecular frame, making the transition sensitive to molecular alignment in the laboratory frame. In photoionization, transition dipole moments with different directions can coexist, since the final state of the transition has continuum character where various outgoing partial waves can fulfil the symmetry, energy, and angular momentum requirements. Therefore, ionization almost al- 198 M. Tsubouchi et al. / Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 ways occurs with similar magnitudes from differently aligned molecules. On the other hand, photoionization differential cross sections show at least some sensitivity to molecular alignment, as these observables reflect the partial wave composition in the outgoing photoelectron wavefunction [26]. Thus, if one attempts to observe only the effect of ultrafast reaction on the time-dependent photoelectron angular distribution, a probing scheme that is insensitive to molecular axis alignment of the product will be useful. Time-dependent molecular axis alignment is generally expressed by an expansion into a series of spherical harmonics: P(θ, t) = AK0 (t)YK0 (θ, φ), (2) K where YK0 (θ, φ) are the Kth order spherical harmonics, and AK0 (t) the time-dependent alignment parameters. The angles (θ, φ) are measured from the polarization axis of the pump laser. When the alignment is created by an n-photon excitation, the expansion terms are limited to those with K = 0, 2, . . ., 2n. In one-color excitation, the axis distribution is cylindrically symmetric and does not depend on the azimuthal angle. When the aligned state is ionized by one-photon of probe light whose polarization is parallel to that of the pump light, the PAD in the laboratory frame (LF-PAD) is described as I(θk , t) ∝ βL (t)PL (cos θk ) L = 1 + β2 (t)P2 (cos θk ) + · · · + βK+2 (t)PK+2 (cos θk ), (3) where the anisotropy parameters βL are related to the alignment parameters AK0 as follows [27,28]: √ 2L + 1 βL (t) = aKL0 AK0 (t). (4) σ(t) K In this expression, σ(t) = K aK00 AK0 (t) is the integral cross section, and aKL0 includes all information on the ionization dynamics. Fig. 5(a) shows the calculated alignment parameters in the A(2 + ) state of NO, created by one-photon excitation from the X(2 1/2 ) state. In this calculation a rotational temperature of 5 K was assumed. The absolute values of the alignment parameters are such √ that A20 /A00 reaches its largest √ (2/ 5) or smallest (−1/ 5) magnitude, when molecules are aligned parallel or perpendicular to the polarization axis of the pump laser, respectively [23,27]. Since the ← transition is perpendicular in character, the molecular axes are aligned perpendicular to the polarization direction immediately following one-photon excitation. Subsequently, the molecular axis alignment evolves periodically with a half revival time of 4.2 ps and a full revival time of 8.4 ps in the A state. The revival time in ns is given by τ revival = 1/2B, with B the rotational constant in GHz. The rotational constant of the NO(A) state is 59.85 GHz [29]. Fig. 5(b) and (c) shows the Fig. 5. (a) The calculated alignment parameter, A20 /A00 , in the A state of the NO monomer created by one-photon excitation from the X(2 1/2 ) state at a rotational temperature of 5 K; (b) time-dependent anisotropy parameters β2 ; (c) β4 , observed in (1 + 1 ) REMPI with 226 nm pump and 323, 305, 285, and 255 nm probe laser wavelengths, are shown. The dots represent experimental results, and the solid lines are the least-squares fits to Eq. (4). time-dependent anisotropy parameters observed in (1 + 1 ) REMPI obtained with different probe laser wavelengths. The features arising from the rotational wave packet motion are clearly identified in the figure at ∼4.2 and 8.4 ps. Note that the sign and depth of the modulation changed gradually as the probe wavelength was changed. This implies that the ionization dynamics of the NO+ (X) ← NO(A) transition depend intricately on the probe laser wavelength, i.e. on the photoelectron kinetic energy. A detailed analysis of the corresponding ionization dynamics is discussed elsewhere [17]. As shown in Fig. 5, the anisotropy parameters exhibit periodic variations reflecting the rotational recurrences of the molecular axis alignment. However, the depth of the observed modulation becomes almost negligible at a pump laser wavelength of 305 nm. As far as the NO(A) fragment is concerned, the use of 305 nm as a probe wavelength minimizes the effect of molecular axis alignment on the anisotropy of the observed PADs. It should be noted that this does not ensure that ionization of the NO dimer at 305 nm is neither sensitive to molecular axis alignment: although the rotational constants of the excited state(s) of the NO dimer are not known, the ground state values of B ∼ 5 GHz lead to a rotational dephasing time of ∼1 ps at a rotational temperature of 30 K. This time scale is comparable to the reaction time. The rotational dephasing of the NO dimer prior to dissociation would reduce the anisotropies of photofragment angular distributions [9,10,15]. On the other hand, the photoelectron angular anisotropy may increase on femtosecond or picosecond time scales despite the rotational dephasing, if electronic dephasing occurs in the dimer. M. Tsubouchi et al. / Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 Fig. 6. Experimental scheme of the (NO)2 photodissociation. 3.3. Ultraviolet photodissociation of the NO dimer 3.3.1. Time dependence of the integral ionization cross section A schematic diagram of our pump–probe experiments on the NO dimer is depicted in Fig. 6. Experiments are performed with a variable pump wavelength in the range 200–235 nm and a fixed probe wavelength of 300 nm. The far ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectra were observed and found to be diffuse, with a maximum at ∼205 nm [4,5]. To obtain insight into the nature of the excited states, we performed SAC-CI calculations [30] by employing the Gaussian’03 package [31] with a 6–31 + G* basis set. The molecular structure of the NO dimer is fixed to cis-planar with C2v symmetry (located in the yz plane). The N-N axis is defined as the y-axis following the convention. Calculations predict an electronic state with B2 symmetry at a vertical excitation energy of 5.97 eV (208 nm) from the ground state. The calculated transition dipole moment lies along the N N bond, in agreement with what was concluded experimentally [9,10,15]. The character of this excited state is predominantly one-electron promotion from the bonding orbital ∗2p + ∗2p with a1 symmetry to the repulsive valence orbital ∗2p − ∗2p with b2 symmetry (note that 2p is the notation of the p orbital of the NO moiety, with this orbital located in the yz plane). Although the experimentally observed maximum of UV photoabsorption of the NO dimer lies around 205 nm, we do not expect that ab initio calculations at this level are sufficiently accurate to compare with experimental results. However, judging from the oscillator strength that is much greater than those to neighboring electronic states, it is likely that UV excitation of the dimer prepares this valence state. More accurate preliminary ab initio EOM-CCSD calculations were carried out by Levchenko and Krylov with 6-311(2+, 2+)G** and 6–311(2+, 2+)G(2df, 2pd) basis sets which take the interactions between valence and Rydberg states into account (see discussion in [11]). They found two adiabatic states with B2 symmetry with large oscillator strengths of ∼0.45 and ∼0.2 at vertical excitation energies of 6.1 and 6.4 eV above the ground electronic state. These two states result from config- 199 uration interactions between a 3py Rydberg state and valence states, in which the oscillator strengths are carried by valence characters. In the case of the NO dimer the geometry is such that there exist symmetry operations under which the monomers are exchanged. Excitation of the dimer can then be viewed as excitation of either monomer fragment, leading to two excited states of the dimer that are degenerate in first order. However, in such a picture these initially degenerate vibronic states are coupled through the so-called exciton coupling. For the purpose of our discussion two effects are expected. First, excited vibronic energy levels may shift. Secondly, the selection rules associated with transitions from the ground state to these vibronically coupled excited states are relaxed, and intensities are affected. In order to make reliable predictions the strength of the exciton coupling is important [32]. In many ways the situation is reminiscent of the well-known Jahn–Teller effect. The dissociation channel (NO)2 * → NO(X2 ) + NO(A2 + ) is energetically open for pump wavelengths shorter than ∼223 nm. For λpump > 223 nm, the only available ionization channel is from the NO dimer to (NO)2 + . The (NO)2 + photoions, however, can partly dissociate into NO(X2 ) + NO+ (X1 + ) as the combination of pump and probe photons employed provides sufficient internal energy for (NO)2 + . For example, λpump = 223 nm and λprobe = 300 nm provide a maximum (NO)2 + internal energy of 0.95 eV, when the photoelectron kinetic energy is assumed zero. This exceeds the binding energy of (NO)2 + by 0.62 eV. This dissociative ionization channel is open for λpump < 237 nm in combination with λprobe = 300 nm. For λpump < 223 nm, dissociation into NO(X) + NO(A) can take place. The probe photon (300 nm) is sufficiently energetic to ionize the NO(A), but not the NO(X) fragment. The pump–probe experiment via this process leads to the final fragments NO(X) + NO+ (X). Although the NO+ photoion signal produced in this process is identical in ion mass detection to that arising from dissociative ionization, these processes can be disentangled from measurements of the dependence on the pump–probe time delay and photoelectron distributions. It should be noted that in addition to the threshold at 223 nm described above, there is a second threshold (not shown in the figure). For pump photons with wavelengths shorter than 215 nm the accessed excited state of the NO dimer can also dissociate into NO(X2 ) + NO(B2 ). Again, the probe photons used are always energetic enough to photoionize the NO(B) fragment to the ground cation state NO+ (X). However, in view of the valence electronic structure of the NO(B) state one-photon ionization to NO+ (X) would require a two-electron process, making this channel less probable [33]. In Fig. 7 the temporal profiles of the NO+ , (NO)2 + , and photoelectron intensities are shown as a function of the delay time between a pump pulse of 207 nm and a probe pulse of 300 nm. In addition, the cross-correlation signal between the pump and the probe pulses is shown. It is apparent that the decay time of the (NO)2 + ion signal is only slightly longer 200 M. Tsubouchi et al. / Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 Fig. 7. Temporal profiles of NO+ , (NO)2 + , and photoelectron intensities. The pump and probe laser wavelengths are 207 and 300 nm. Diamonds (♦) show the cross-correlation profile between these laser pulses obtained by the (1 + 1 ) non-resonant two-photon ionization of the NO monomer. than the cross correlation time (∼228 ± 29 fs). This ultrafast process is ascribed to the non-radiative decay of the optically prepared valence state to other electronic state(s). As described in a previous paper [16], the time profile of the (NO)2 + ion signal intensity consists of three components: (i) a sharp spike found at time t = 0; (ii) an exponential decay originating from a real population decay of the photoexcited NO dimer; and (iii) a long-lived component described as a step function. The ratio of the first and second components strongly depends on the laser intensity. Therefore, the first component can be assigned as a non-linear response from the sample that reflects the cross correlation between the pump and probe pulses. The fact that this ratio increases for longer pump wavelengths is presumably due to smaller photoabsorption cross sections of the dimer at these wavelengths [5]. However, the existence of ultrafast decay components within 100 fs, a time scale much shorter than our time resolution, cannot be ruled out. The intensity of the third component was very small. This component may originate from a small amount of long-lived NO dimer or the fragmentation of higher clusters. The time profile of the (NO)2 + ion can be expressed as the sum of the following functions: I(t) = C1 f1 (t) + C2 f2 (t) + C3 f3 (t), 2 1 2 t f1 (t) = exp −2 , 100∆ π ∆ 4 f2 (t) = π∆ +∞ −∞ dt1 +∞ t1 t2 − t1 × exp − τ f3 (t) = 4 π∆2 +∞ −∞ dt1 4{t 2 + (t2 − t)2 } dt2 exp − 1 ∆2 , +∞ t1 (5) (5a) (5b) 4{t12 + (t2 − t)2 } , dt2 exp − ∆2 (5c) where t is the pump–probe delay time, τ the time constant associated with a single exponential decay, ∆ the crosscorrelation time, and C1 , C2 , and C3 are fitting constants. f1 (t) is the cross correlation between the pump and probe pulses, and f2 (t) and f3 (t) represent an exponential decay and a step function that are both convoluted with the pump and probe pulse shapes. These equations were derived by assuming equal pulse widths for the pump and probe lasers. These variables and functions were also used in our previous paper [16], although the explicit definitions were not provided. Note that, because of the finite pulse widths of the pump and probe lasers, signal is obtained even for negative time delays, i.e. when the maximum of the probe pulse occurs earlier than the maximum of the pump pulse. Fig. 8(a) and (b) shows the temporal profiles of (NO)2 + observed by pump pulses of 200 and 220 nm, respectively, and a probe pulse of 300 nm. The fitted curves are also shown in the same figures as solid lines. The experimental profiles are well fitted to Eq. (5), and we obtained decay times of 190 ± 60 and 820 ± 120 fs for the pump pulses of 200 and 220 nm, respectively. The dotted, dashed, and dot-dash lines correspond to the first, second and third components mentioned above, respectively. Note that very weak oscillatory structure observed around 0.6 and 1 ps is ignored in the fitting process. To confirm the validity of our analysis, we fitted the observed decay to different functional forms. In Fig. 8(c) and (d), we show a fitting curve obtained under the conditions of C1 = 0 and C3 = 0, respectively. For the decay measured at the 200 nm pump wavelength, even if the first (spike) component was neglected in the analysis (Fig. 8(c)), the fitted curve agreed well with the observed profile, and a decay time of 150 ± 50 fs was obtained. On the other hand, if we neglected the third (step function) component (Fig. 8(d)), the fitting quality became worse than that in Fig. 8(a) and (c). In Fig. 9, which is taken from our previous work [16], this (NO)2 + signal decay time is plotted with an open circle as a function of pump wavelength. The decay time constants are seen to increase for longer pump wavelengths. Also in Fig. 9, independent results of ultrafast photoelectron imaging spectroscopy are presented. These photoelectron results show, as a function of pump wavelength, the time constants associated with the formation of the dimer 3s Rydberg state that evolves from the excited dimer valence state(s). In the range of pump wavelengths where both (NO)2 + and photoelectron results are available, the dephasing time constant of the valence state(s) and the formation time constant of the 3s Rydberg state of the dimer are seen to agree quite well. It is noted that the dephasing time varies smoothly below and above the energetic threshold of λpump ∼ 223 nm for dissociation into NO(A) + NO(X). 3.3.2. Time-dependence of the differential ionization cross section In Fig. 10 typical results of our photoelectron imaging spectroscopic experiments are presented for a pump wavelength of 203 nm and a probe wavelength of 300 nm. On the M. Tsubouchi et al. / Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 201 Fig. 8. Temporal profiles of (NO)2 + observed by pump pulses of (a, c, and d) 200 and (b) 220 nm and a probe pulse of 300 nm. The open circles are experimental values. The solid lines are least-squares fits to Eq. (5), and the dotted, dashed, and dot-dashed lines represent different components of the convoluted function: component 1 (dotted) is the non-linear response of the molecule, components 2 (dashed) and 3 (dot-dashed) correspond to the exponential decay and the step function convoluted with the laser cross correlation, respectively. In figures (a) and (b), the complete form of Eq. (5) was used in the fitting process. In figures (c) and (d), the first and the last components were neglected in the analysis, respectively; see the text. left-hand side the raw experimental images projected onto the detector surface are given for pump–probe delay times of 0, 0.3 and 3 ps. On the right-hand side the corresponding slice images of the 3D photoelectron scattering distributions calculated by inverse Abel transformation are shown. The polarization directions of pump and probe lasers are vertical in the plane of the figure. At a first glance, it is obvious that at short delay times a rather isotropic and structureless distribution is obtained which for longer times evolves to a strictly anisotropic and sharp pattern. Clearly, the time dependencies of both the photoelectron kinetic energy (radius) Fig. 9. Excitation wavelength dependence of the decay () and rise (䊉) time constants determined by least-squares fits to the observed time profiles of (NO)2 + photoion signals and the photoelectron peak area of the Rydberg component, respectively. distributions and the angular distributions contain a plethora of information about ultrafast processes in the NO dimer. Fig. 11 presents the time dependencies of the PKEDs obtained with pump wavelengths of 200, 203, 207, 210, and 213 nm and a probe wavelength of 300 nm. First, we note that at all these wavelengths the excited state(s) accessed in the NO dimer possess enough energy for dissociation into NO(X) + NO(A) fragments. The ‘ridge’ that develops in the three-dimensional ‘landscape’ at a kinetic energy between 0.3 and 0.4 eV for time delays > 200 fs is dominant. This ridge corresponds for short time delays, <∼0.2 ps, to electrons resulting from one-photon ionization of the 3s Rydberg state of the dimer, evolves for longer delay times (0.2–1 ps) to the electron signal resulting from ionization of the separating NO(X) and NO(A) fragment pairs, and corresponds for long delay times (>2 ps) to ionization of the isolated NO(A) fragment. At short time delays, <200 fs, ionization signal from the dimer valence state(s) to the dimer lowest ionic state is much stronger than that from the dimer 3s state. At all pump wavelengths employed this process results in a rather continuous distribution of electron kinetic energies with an intensity that increases towards lower kinetic energy. Under careful examination of the time dependence of the photoelectron signal that forms the ‘ridge’ it appears that at short delay times the ridge occurs at slightly higher kinetic energies than at longer delay times. This difference of up to 10–20 meV signifies the evolution from dimer to monomer 3s Rydberg state. For pump wavelengths longer than 223 nm dissociation to NO(X) and NO(A) fragment pairs is no longer possible, 202 M. Tsubouchi et al. / Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 Fig. 10. Raw (two-dimensional projection, left side) and inverse Abel transformed (slice, right side) photoelectron images obtained at delay times of 0, 0.3, and 3 ps between 203 nm pump and 300 nm probe lasers. Raw images were integrated for 6 × 105 laser shots. The polarization directions of pump and probe lasers are vertical in the plane of the figures. but also formation of the dimer 3s Rydberg state is no longer observed (not shown). However, as seen in Fig. 9, there is no abrupt change of the electronic dephasing rate around the energetic threshold for dissociation. This may imply that the major deactivation pathway from the optically excited valence state is not to the 3s Rydberg state of the NO dimer. The optically excited valence state is repulsive along the N N stretching coordinate, while the vibrational structure observed in the UV absorption spectrum of the dimer implies that there is vibrational motion sustained by a quasibound electronic state. What is the origin of this metastability? The EOM-CCSD calculations suggest that the optically bright valence state is strongly mixed with the 3py Rydberg state (see in [11]). Interestingly, this situation is analogous to that in the NO monomer, where strong Rydberg–valence interactions occur (with a coupling strength of 1382.6 cm−1 [34]) between the C(2 ) and B(2 ) states. It is noted, however, that if we assume that the quantum defects of the Rydberg states of (NO)2 are the same as those of the NO monomer (δ = 0.7840 for the C(2 , 3p) state, and δ = 1.1038 for the A(2 + , 3s) state [35]), the electronic origins of the 3p and 3s Rydberg states of the NO dimer are estimated to be T ∼ 48,180 and T ∼ 40,010 cm−1 from the ionization energy (IE = 70,530 ± 5 cm−1 ) of the (NO)2 dimer [36]. This implies that formation of the 3p Rydberg state of the NO dimer is energetically possible at excitation wavelengths shorter than ∼208 nm. For longer wavelengths, it seems uncertain to what extent the 3py Rydberg state plays a role in the photophysics and photochemistry of the NO dimer. In the C2v point group the valence state possesses B2 symmetry and the 3s Rydberg state A1 symmetry. These two potential energy surfaces can cross in C2v symmetry, but avoid each other in a distorted configuration with lower symmetry, i.e. a conical intersection of the potential energy surfaces. Formation of the 3s Rydberg state of the dimer is speculated to be the result of molecular distortion in the valence state, for example along the anti-symmetric N O vibration, the N N O bending, or the torsional motion that lower the symmetry. This seems in accordance with our previous finding that the NO fragments are vibrationally and rotationally excited [15], suggesting that molecular deformation takes place during the dissociation process. As for the torsional motion, it may not M. Tsubouchi et al. / Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 203 Fig. 11. Time dependence of the PKEDs obtained by: (a) 200 nm; (b) 203 nm; (c) 207 nm; (d) 210 nm; (e) 213 nm pump and 300 nm probe lasers. The photoelectron signal generated from the fragment NO(A) appears at 0.35 eV. be extensive: Kajimoto et al., from their analysis of the rotational state distribution of NO(A) fragments using phase space theory, have suggested that the dimer mostly dissociates from its planar configuration [8,9]. The adiabatic potential energy surface of the valence state is correlated with the NO(X) + NO(X) product channel. However, no experimental study on the NO(X) + NO(X) channel has been reported so far, and its examination seems quite important for elucidating the dynamics. In Fig. 12 an example of the time evolution of the PAD of the ‘ridge’ component with photoelectron kinetic energy between 0.3 and 0.4 eV is presented for a pump wavelength of 200 nm and a probe wavelength of 300 nm, at pulse delay times of 0 and 3 ps. For a (1 + 1 ) REMPI process the PADs are generally given by I(θ k ) ∼ 1 + β2 P2 (cos θ k ) + β4 P4 (cos θ k ). However, the obtained distribution could be nicely fitted to the contracted form, I(θ k ) ∼ 1 + βP2 (cos θ k ), as shown in the Fig. 12. PADs in the photoelectron kinetic energy range 0.3–0.4 eV. The pump and probe laser wavelengths are 200 and 300 nm, respectively. The delay times between both lasers are 0 ps (䊉) and 3 ps (). The solid lines are least-squares fits to the functional form of I(θ k ) ∝ 1 + βP2 (cos θ k ). 204 M. Tsubouchi et al. / Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142 (2005) 193–205 Fig. 13. Time dependencies of the anisotropy parameter β of the photoelectron angular distributions in the photoelectron kinetic energy range 0.3–0.4 eV. The probe laser wavelength is 300 nm. The asterisk shows the β value determined in the 226 nm pump and 305 nm probe (1 + 1 ) resonanceenhanced two-photon ionization of the NO monomer via the A state at a delay time of 2.8 ps. solid lines in the same figure. Clearly, at short time delays the angular distribution is quite isotropic, with β = 0.68 ± 0.10. This situation is typical for ionization from a valence state. For time delays longer than ∼2 ps the angular distribution is quite anisotropic, with β = 1.35 ± 0.06. This is typical for ionization from an isolated NO(A) fragment in which removal of the 3s Rydberg electron of the monomer in its A2 + state is expected to possess a rather high β value. The anisotropy parameter for a free NO(A), ν = 0, molecule was experimentally determined to be β ∼ 1.55 by using probe light of ∼300 nm, as shown in Fig. 5(b). In Fig. 13 the time dependencies of β obtained for a series of pump–probe experiments performed at pump wavelengths of 200, 203, 207, 210, and 216.5 nm and with a probe wavelength of 300 nm are presented. At all excitation wavelengths the typical evolution from rather isotropic to quite anisotropic PADs is apparent. This evolution takes place on the same time scale as that of the formation of Rydberg states obtained from the time-resolved PKEDs (Figs. 9 and 11). The asterisk shows the β value determined in an independent 226 nm pump and 305 nm probe (1 + 1 ) REMPI experiment on the NO monomer via the A2 + ν = 0 state at a delay time of 2.8 ps. This result again strongly supports the notion that at very long time delays the photoelectron signal obtained in photoionization of the NO dimer is predominantly due to ionization of the isolated NO(A) fragment. The change of the β parameter becomes faster at shorter pump wavelengths in agreement with Fig. 9. 4. Conclusions Femtosecond time-resolved pump–probe photoelectron imaging (TR-PEI) spectroscopy is shown to be a powerful tool for the elucidation of ultrafast processes arising from optically excited states of molecular species. The observed time dependencies of photoelectron kinetic energies and photoelectron angular distributions contain much information about such decay processes. In this paper the NO dimer is discussed as an illustrative example. For the range of pump wavelengths employed (between 200 and 235 nm) many excited states can be accessed whose details are essentially unknown. Experimentally we observe approximately continuous behavior for the time constants of the relevant decay processes obtained as a function of pump excitation energy. Another observation is that for a pump wavelength below 223 nm, at an energy which corresponds to the dissociation threshold at which NO(X) + NO(A) fragments can be formed, the formation of the 3s Rydberg state of the dimer seems prohibited. For a detailed interpretation of these observations results of advanced ab initio electronic structure calculations on excited states of the NO dimer in this energy region would be very valuable. The picture of the UV photodissociation of the NO dimer can be summarized as follows. After the initial optical excitation of one or more valence states in the dimer an evolution on a time scale of <1 ps takes place to the dimer 3s Rydberg state. This dimer Rydberg state then undergoes fragmentation on a time scale of a few ps into an NO ground state fragment and an NO fragment in its 3s Rydberg A2 + state. At every stage of this continuous process photoionization of the dimer valence state, the dimer 3s Rydberg state, the separating NO(X) + NO(A) fragments, and the isolated NO(A) fragment provide competing channels. With modern photoelectron imaging methods all these channels can be tracked and compared in the same experiment. Acknowledgements We thank Professor Hanna Reisler for kindly providing us with their preprints. This work was financially supported by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan under contract numbers 13127204, 14204063, and 15002011 and the Japan Science and Technology Agency. MT acknowledges the Special Postdoctoral Researchers Program of RIKEN. References [1] A.L.L. East, J. Chem. Phys. 109 (1998) 2185; R. Sayós, R. Valero, J.M. Anglada, M. González, J. Chem. Phys. 112 (2000) 6608. [2] L. Krim, J. Mol. Struct. 471 (1998) 267; L. Krim, N. Lacome, J. Phys. Chem. A 102 (1998) 2289. [3] J.R. Hetzler, M.P. 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