Z. Phys. D 39, 127—137 (1997) Interference effects in Stark spectra of weakly autoionising 5dnf states of barium G.J. Kuik, W. Vassen, C.T.W. Lahaije, W. Hogervorst Laser Centre Vrije Universiteit, Department of Physics and Astronomy, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Received: 1 October 1996 Abstract. Weakly autoionising 5d nf Rydberg states of 3@2 barium around n"60 have been studied in the presence of a static electric field. The experiment has been carried out in a CW laser-atomic-beam setup. In between the overlapping n"60 and 61 angular momentum manifolds broad 5d63d resonances interact with the manifold states resulting in pronounced interferences. These interferences (anti-crossings) have been analysed by a direct diagonalisation procedure neglecting interactions with the continuum, and by a Multichannel Quantum Defect Theory (MQDT) analysis including continuum interactions. PACS: 32.60.#i; 32.80.Rm; 32.80.Dz 1 Introduction In recent years several studies of Rydberg states of alkali and alkaline-earth atoms in the presence of electric fields have been performed [1—4]. Most of these studies concerned the behaviour of bound Rydberg states in external fields. Recently we reported on electric field effects in autoionising series [5]. In the electric field case both the quadratic and the linear Stark effect have been studied in detail. The quadratic Stark effect manifests itself particularly in excited states of nonhydrogenic atoms with low angular momenta, i.e. in states which exhibit large quantum defects. Rydberg states with a high orbital quantum number l have small quantum defects and are nearly hydrogenlike. In these states the linear Stark effect may be observed, i.e. angular momentum manifolds appear that are fanning out approximately proportional to the strength of the static electric field applied during the excitation. In several recent papers [3—5] results on scaled-energy spectroscopy experiments are reported as well. The presence of a continuum adds interesting features to the investigation of excited atoms in the presence of an electric field. Drastic changes in shapes and widths of autoionising resonances as well as electric-field induced interferences have been observed in experiments with pulsed dye lasers [e.g. 6, 7]. Here we present a study of the autoionising 5d nf 3@2 Rydberg series of barium applying CW laser spectroscopy in an atomic beam. The 5d nf Rydberg series autoionises 3@2 into the 6s continuum through quadrupole coupling. 1@2 As this quadrupole coupling is weak slow autoionisation rates are observed, justifying the use of narrowband CW lasers in the experiment. In the presence of an electric field the 5d nf states are coupled with broad 5d nl states 3@2 3@2 with low l-value and peculiar interference effects are observed. The experimental data are analysed by direct diagonalisation of the energy matrix (neglecting continuum interactions) and also within the framework of multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT). Our paper is organised as follows. In Sect. 2 the theory of the linear Stark effect and the MQDT model are briefly summarised. The experimental setup is presented in Sect. 3. Section 4 contains the results and discussion. Some conclusions are given in Sect. 5. 2 Theory Throughout the discussion in this paper atomic units will be used, i.e. m"+"e"1. The electric field strength F in 0 atomic units is 5.142]109 V/cm. 2.1 Linear Stark effect in hydrogen The Hamiltonian of a hydrogen atom placed in a homogeneous static electric field F directed along the z-axis is [8]: p2 1 H" ! #Fz 2 r (1) From first-order perturbation theory follows that the change in the energy eigenvalues by the electric field is given by: DE(1)"F · St DzDt T n n n (2) 128 Here t are eigenstates of the unperturbed Hamiltonian in n zero electric field. In non-hydrogenic atoms the first-order shift is zero because eigenstates have definite parity and different parity states are nondegenerate. So the matrix element in eq. (2) is zero. In hydrogen states of different parity are degenerate. First order perturbation theory then requires a zero-order basis adjusted to the perturbation: the parabolic basis. In this basis the degeneracy is lifted by the perturbation and a linear Stark splitting is obtained [12]. To describe the linear Stark effect in hydrogen it is therefore convenient to decouple the Schrödinger equation into one-dimensional differential equations using a coordinate transformation to a parabolic basis (m, g, /), where Fig. 1. The potential »(m)t A and »(g) B of (4). The dashed lines are the pure Stark potentials 1Fm and !1Fg 4 4 m"r#z, with A given by the following 3j-symbol: kl g"r!z, /"/. (3) The decoupled one-dimensional differential equations in m and g become (the equation for / remains unchanged): C C D d2 m2!1 b F E ! # ! m# f (m)"0 , dm2 4m2 m 4 2 (4a) D d2 m2!1 1!b F E ! # # g# g(g)"0 . dg2 4g2 g 4 2 (4b) b is a charge separation constant reflecting the effective Coulomb charge for the two differential equations. E is the energy and m is the conserved quantum number corresponding to the z-component of the angular momentum. The uphill equation (Eq. 4(a)) has bound solutions characterised by the number of nodes of f (m) for m'0 (quantum number n ). The downhill equation (Eq. 1 4(b)) has a potential barrier with a maximum at the saddle-point (the classical field-ionisation limit) allowing an electron to escape to gPR (see Fig. 1). Its eigenstates are characterised by the parabolic quantum number n . 2 The charge separation constant b is obtained through the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantisation rule for m [9, 16]: C D A B 1@2 mb E mb E m2 b F 1@2 dm": ! # ! m dm : !»(m) 2 2 4m2 m 4 ma ma "(n #1/2)n . (5) 1 In Eq. (5) a factor 1/4m2 is omitted. This factor would induce a breakdown of the WKB approximation near m&0 (Langer correction) [9]. The principal quantum number n in the Coulomb field is related to the parabolic quantum numbers (n , n ) by the relation n # 1 2 1 n #DmD#1"n. Parabolic quantum states are usually 2 represented by DnkmT with k"n !n . For a fixed n and 1 2 m, k ranges from n!DmD!1, n!DmD!3, 2 to !n#DmD#1. A parabolic Stark state DnkmT can be expressed as a linear superposition of spherical Coulomb state DnlmT [10, 11]: DnkmT"+ A DnlmT kl l (6) A B (n!1)/2 (n!1)/2 l A "(!1)mJ2l#1 . kl (m#k)/2 (m!k)/2 m (7) The energy eigenvalue of the parabolic Stark state DnkmT up to first order is given by [12]: 1 3nkF E"! # . 2n2 2 (8) The k quantum number physically represents a measure of the projection of the charge distribution on the field axis when Stark states are considered as permanent dipoles. The resulting energy shift is proportional to k. At zero electric field all k states are degenerate. With increasing electric field F and the k states fan out resulting in the so-called angular momentum manifold. 2.2 Linear Stark effect in alkali atoms The eigenstates t of the unperturbed zero-field Hamiln tonian in alkali atoms are no longer degenerate. Therefore, the expectation values of the operator z (Eq. (2)), which has odd parity, are zero and only in second-order perturbation theory a field-dependent energy shift occurs proportional to F2 (quadratic Stark effect). However, when the eigenvalues of the eigenstates t are nearly n degenerate and the differences are small compared to the energy shift contributions of the external electric field (i.e. when 3n2F<d n~3, d is the l-dependent quantum 2 l l defect), linear Stark effects again can be observed. However, a striking difference for angular momentum manifolds of alkali atoms compared to hydrogen exists. In the case of hydrogen angular momentum manifolds belonging to different principal quantum numbers n simply cross with increasing field strength. For alkali atoms, whenever the electric field results in the mixing of opposite parity states into the original wavefunctions, second-order perturbation theory predicts a repulsion between these states and the result will be an anti-crossing. The minimum energy separation observed between anti-crossing states is a measure of the coupling of the states. 129 2.3 Linear Stark effect in barium In the case of barium, a two-electron alkaline-earth atom, linear Stark effects can be observed under the same conditions as in the alkali atoms. The Stark matrix elements for LS-coupled states are given by [13]: Sn l n l ¸SJMDzDn@ l@ n@ l@ ¸@S@J@M@T"d @ $ d @ d @ l2l2 1 M M S S 11 22 11 22 g(g)"C g ·(!)2L`S`J@`J~M~l1`l2 J(2J#1) (2J@#1) gN (g)"C g ·J(2¸#1) (2¸@#1) · A BG J 1 J@ !M 0 M ¸ J@ HG J S ¸@ 1 l ¸ l 2 1 ¸@ l@ 1 2 · (!1)(l2~l2@ `1)@2 Jl · F · Rn@2l@2 . n2l2 2.!9 Here H (9) = (10) Rn2@ l2@ " : R rR @ @ r2dr . n2l2 n2l2 n2l2 0 is R (r) is the radial wave function of the nl-electron. l nl 2.!9 the largest value of l@ and l . In other coupling schemes 2 2 the matrix elements follow from a transformation to LS wavefunctions using standard angular momentum theory [13]. 2.4 Stark effect of autoionising states near the saddle-point (alkali model) To describe the Stark effect in Rydberg spectra of bound and autoionising series Harmin [14, 15] has developed a quantum defect theory (QDT) model for the electric field case for one-electron systems. This model is identical to conventional QDT at short range. At large distances the Stark effect is taken into account. Short-range effects, limited to the core region (r(r ), 0 may be considered independent of the external electric field as the Coulomb force near the core is of the order of 1 a.u. compared to laboratory strengths of the external field of less than 10~6 a.u. The long-range behaviour is governed by the combined Coulomb and Stark potential (see Eq. (1)). The appropriate wavefunctions in this region are solutions of the decoupled one-dimensional differential equations (4). Within the region r )r;r , where r is 0 S S the radius at the classical field ionisation limit (saddlepoint, Fig. 1B) of the Stark potential, the Schrödinger equation is separable in both spherical and parabolic coordinates. The short-range and long-range solutions of the Schrödinger equation are connected in this region through the corresponding frame transformation. 2.4.1 Long-range and short-range wavefunctions. As the Schrödinger equation in a Coulomb plus electric field is separable in parabolic coordinates the long-range wavefunctions may be expressed as [16]: t(FEbm)"(2nmg)~1@2 f (m)g(g)eim” , tM (FEbm)"(2nmg)~1@2 f (m)gN (g)eim” , where g(g) is the regular and g6 (g) the irregular solution of Eq. (4b) at g"0. As the electron can only escape for gPR (see Fig. 1) we only have to consider the downhill equation (Eq. (4b)) and the long-range wavefunction g in a parabolic basis. Using a WKB approximation, the solutions for g and gN are [9, 16]: (11) AS AS S S B B k 1 sinD · ¼ (g)# cosD · ¼ (g) , b 1 b 2 2 2k k 1 cosD · ¼ (g)! sinD · ¼ (g) . b 1 b 2 2 2k (12) C and k are constants, D is a phase integral given by [17]: g b gb E m2 1!b Fg D ": ! # # dg . (13) b 2 4g2 g 4 ga g and g are the classical turning points (see Fig. 1). ¼ a b 1 and ¼ are parabolic cylinder functions exponentially 2 decreasing and increasing with g respectively [16, 17]. The short-range wavefunctions in a spherical basis are the regular (g) and irregular (g6 ) Coulomb functions [8] in zero-field (denoted by ‘0’): S t0(Elm)"g (r) ½ (h, /), El lm 0(Elm)"g tM 6 (r) ½ (h, /), El lm where ½ are spherical harmonics. lm (14) 2.4.2 Frame transformation. For r;r the parabolic S wavefunctions may still be considered to be nearly independent of the applied electric field. In that case it is appropriate to expand the parabolic wavefunctions in spherical harmonics: t(FEbm)"+ º t0(Elm) , bl l (15) tM 0(FEbm)"+ Ut tM (Elm) . bl l The frame transformation matrix elements º (FEm) can bl be expressed as a product of normalised real ClebschGordan coefficients scaled with the effective quantum number l"n!d , where d again is the quantum defect l l [18]. Ut is the transposed matrix of U. 2.4.3 QDT for quasi-bound Stark states. Standard quantum defect theory (QDT), following the R-matrix formalism [19], may now be applied to calculate the quasibound Stark spectra of alkalis. The long-range electron wavefunction, a linear combination of t(FEbm) and tM (FEbm), in matrix notation is given by: G"w#wN R (r'r ) . (16) 0 To obtain the total wavefunction G is multiplied by the ion-core wavefunction. The R-matrix is determined by connecting G to the solution for r(r at the core 0 boundary. In the intermediate range (r (r(r ) the 0 S wavefunction may also be expressed in spherical Coulomb functions as: G0"w0#wN 0R0 (r (r(r ) . 0 S (17) 130 The R0-matrix is the usual R-matrix from quantum defect theory. The R-matrix now follows from: R"UR0Ut . (18) where U is the matrix defined in eq. (15). For alkali atoms the R0-matrix reduces to [20]: R0 "tan(nk )d . (19) ij l ij k is the reduced quantum defect. The functions G are the l appropriate functions to describe the electron motion. The boundary condition for a quasi-bound state around the saddle-point for one-electron systems requires that for any linear combination of functions G the terms that exponentially grow with g will vanish within the region before the potential barrier is reached. This condition yields [16]: K K det cot D d @ !+ º @ tan(nk )ºt "0 . bl l lb b bb l (20) 2.5 Stark effect in autoionising states of barium In the case of barium, a two-electron system, a closed (quasi-) bound channel and an open (continuum) channel has to be taken into account. Sakimoto [16, 17] extended Harmin’s single-channel QDT model [9, 14, 15] to a multi-channel QDT model including ion cores of any state and to incorporate autoionisation. In the case of autoionisation (energies above the first ionisation threshold) open as well as closed channels are available. The motion of the free electron in an open channel may be considered independent of the applied electric field, and is described by Eq. (14) as well. In the description of closed channels the electric field has to be included. To describe dielectronic recombination and autoionisation Sakimoto used the S-matrix formalism introducing incoming and outgoing waves [17, 19]: 1 w " (wN #iw) , ` 2 1 w " (wN !iw) . ~ 2 (21) In the multichannel case the electronic part of the wavefunction G has to be multiplied with all possible ion-core state wavefunctions ½ to obtain the total c wavefunction t (E); it can be written as (using Eq. 16, 21): j G"w !w v (22) ~ ` with the matrix v related to R by: v"(1#iR) (1!iR)~1 . (23) To describe Stark effects on autoionising states between the first (6s)- and second (5d )- ionisation limit the 3@2 matrix v is divided into submatrices representing openopen (v )-, open-closed (v )- and closed-closed (v ) chan00 0# ## nel parts, where the open channels are labelled with (c, l, m) and the closed channels with (c, b, m). Introducing the matrix D (diagonal with respect to (c, b, m), with matrix b elements deduced from Eq. (13)) a scattering matrix S can be derived imposing boundary conditions in the region g ;g;g : b c S"v !v [v #exp(!2iD )]~1v . (24) 00 0# ## b #0 The absorption spectrum in the autoionisation region between the first and second ionisation limit is calculated from the cross sections for the bound(a)Pfree( j) transitions as a function of energy [8]: d 2 f (E)" (E!E )DSt (E)DdD t TD2 . ja a j a dE 3 (25) t is in our case the 5d2 1G wavefunction; t and t are a 4 a j normalized functions. In the case of t , the wavefunction j may be expanded in terms of the ion-core wavefunction and a wavefunction describing the electron motion. The electron wavefunction satisfies the boundary condition that for large electron-core separation it is a linear combination of spherical Coulomb functions independent of the electric field. The dipole matrix element of Eq. (25) may be separated into a resonance and a non-resonance part, i.e. a part where the electron motion is still quasi-bound and depending on the electric field, and a part where there is a free motion. Only the resonance part contributes to the oscillator strength distribution and needs to be considered. This resonance part is given by [17, 21]: St (E)DdDt T"! + + + (v ) j a 0# c0lm, c@c b@m@ cc@ b@m@ ccbm l@ ](v #exp(!2iD ))~1 ## b c@cb{m@ccbm ]exp(!iD ) (sin D · Y @ · A @ #cosD · Y~1@ · B @ ) ccl m b b bl ccl m b bl (26) with Y the eigenfunctions of the core. The dipole c transition moments A @ and B @ are defined by: ccl m ccl m A @ "SY t0(El@m)DdD t T , cc ccl m a (27) B @ "SY tM 0(El@m)DdD t T , cc a ccl m The matrix elements A @ and B @ (Eq. (27)) can be ccl m ccl m deduced from zero-field data. The only other data required to calculate the oscillator strength distribution (Eq. (25)) are the R-matrix elements. These elements are obtained from the R0-matrix elements using Eq. (18). For the two-channel case with one open and one closed channel R0-matrix elements are obtained from zero-field experimental data [20]: R0 "0, 11 JnCl3 R0 " , 12 cos nk (28) R0 "tan nk . 22 The index 1 refers to the continuum channel and index 2 to the discrete channel; k is the reduced quantum defect and Cl3 the reduced half width of the autoionising Rydberg series (in a.u.). 131 3 Experimental setup 5d nf series of barium were excited from the metastable 3@2 5d2 1G level using a frequency-stabilized Stilbene 3 ring 4 dye laser (Spectra Physics 380D). The laser light perpendicularly intersected a collimated atomic beam, resulting in a residual Doppler linewidth in the absence of an electric field of about 10 MHz. The beam of metastable atoms was produced by radiatively heating a tantalum oven filled with barium and running a low-voltage DC discharge between the tungsten heating filament and the oven. The interaction region consisted of a well-shielded chamber with two capacitor plates separated by 6 mm. The lower capacitor plate was set to a negative potential to apply a static electric field. The upper capacitor plate contained a grounded fine wire mesh. Electrons produced in the autoionisation process were accelerated towards the mesh and counted by a channeltron electron multiplier mounted behind this mesh. The electron signal and the transmission peaks of a 750 MHz confocal etalon for calibration purposes were simultaneously stored on a computer which also controlled the frequency scan of the ring dye laser. More detailed information on the experimental setup can be found in [5]. Spectra were taken for n+60. The polarisation of the laser light was perpendicular to the electric field axis (p-excitation). Stark spectra originating from the n"60 and n"61 states could be recorded simultaneously in one scan using the ring laser’s maximum scan range of 30 GHz. The discussion which follows focuses on these n"60, 61 spectra. 4 Results and discussion 4.1 Low-field experiments From the metastable 5d2 1G state in zero electric field 4 one 5d nf series with J"5 (strongly) and two with J"4 3@2 (weakly) are excited. In low electric fields first the quadratic Stark effect for the J"5 series is observed. For various n-values the six different DMD components could easily be resolved. As the quantum defect of the 5d nf 3@2 J"5 series is as low as 0.074 the f-electron can be considered to be nearly hydrogenic and decoupled from the 5d-electron. In Fig. 2 the recorded spectra for n"60 for low fields are shown. At low field strengths the appropriate quantum number is M, the z-component of the total angular momentum J. At a field strength F&0.4 V/cm the Stark splitting is of the same order of magnitude as the fine structure splitting causing mixing between equal Mstates. At high field strengths the fine structure of 5dnf can be neglected and the appropriate quantum number is m, the magnetic quantum number of the Rydberg electron (at most three in excitation from 5d). The spectra are a superposition of DmD"0, 1, 2 and 3 contributions. Apart from the J"4 components at field of F"0.42 V/cm the J"5 DMD"0 and 1 components are still resolved. The DMD"2 and 3 components already merged into a linear Stark manifold on the high energy wing of the J"5 DMD"1 component. Two interesting features can be observed for F"0.42 V/cm. Firstly, the onset of the n"60 manifold, superposed on a broad autoionising resonance. The broad Fig. 2. Low field autoionising n"60 Stark manifolds in barium originating from the zero-field transition 5d2 1G P5d 60 f 4 3@2 resonance may be attributed to the 5d64s J"2 state with a quantum defect of 4.154 [22] and which has a high autoionisation rate. Secondly, on the high frequency wing of the manifold an interference pattern is observed, composed of a series of Fano profiles related to the excitation of discrete manifold Stark states interacting with the continuum. This effect is less clearly observed for the spectra recorded at higher field strengths. For F"0.83 V/cm only the lowest M component of the J"4 state has not yet merged into the manifold. The manifold now consists of a superposition of different M components. Decomposed into one-electron wavefunctions and taking into account the excitation probabilities of the f-electron with DmD"0, 1, 2, 3 results in a manifold as observed for the higher field strengths. What can clearly be seen in the spectrum for F"1.23 V/cm is that the central manifold resonances are narrower than those at the low and high frequency wings. The resonances at the low frequency wing are broadened due to the fact that different m components are not degenerate but too close in energy to be resolved individually. All resonances in the manifold are broadened compared to the zero field resonances as the Stark states are more sensitive to field inhomogeneities (experimentally determined to be of the order of 10 mV/cm). The additional broadening at the high frequency wing is mainly due to these field inhomogeneities as the high-k Stark states have the largest induced dipole moments and are therefore most sensitive to field variations. A second cause for broadening is the coupling of the Stark states with the underlying 6s continuum. However, it may be concluded that this latter effect is relatively unimportant given the narrow Stark resonances observed. This is not surprising given the fact that for the 5d 60f state a Doppler limited 3@2 linewidth of 10 MHz is observed. Therefore l-values larger 132 than 3 will even have smaller linewidths. Only the low-l values give rise to high autoionisation rates. At the field strengths used these are not yet mixed into the manifold. 4.2 High-field experiments 4.2.1 Experimental observations. When the field is increased to about 2 V/cm fully resolved linear Stark manifolds at n"60, 61 are observed. In Fig. 3 the n"60 and n"61 manifolds are shown at a field of 2 V/cm. Again clearly resolved is the broadening of the manifold resonances at the low frequency wing for n"61. For n"60 the high frequency wing is not so clearly visible due to the low oscillator strengths within the range of 4 to 10 GHz (frequencies are relative to the zero-field 5d 60f state). How3@2 ever, also in this region the broadening of the Stark resonances can still be observed. This relatively strong decrease in oscillator strength at the high frequency wing of the n"60 manifold is due to mixing with the 5d64p states, located at 3 GHz in zero-field. Because of their large quantum defects 5d64p states (d"3.71 for J"3) hardly shift in a field of 2 V/cm. The mixing of the discrete manifold states and broad 5d64p states, which are strongly couple to the 6s continuum, results in a Fano-type 1@2 interference profile in the envelope of the manifold. Interesting features are observed within the frequency range of 10 to 17 GHz. In fact, within this range several anti-crossings are observed between Stark manifold states and the 5d63d states for small field changes. The 5d63d states are located halfway between the n"60 and 61 manifold (d"2.543 for J"4). In Fig. 4 and 5 several observed anti-crossings are shown in more detail. Experimental data are collected in Table 1. All broad resonances are due to 5d63d states with different J and M values. The narrow Stark manifold states interact with broad 5d63d states. As a result, the manifold states gain intensity and a clear narrowing of the 5d63d state involved in the anti-crossing is observed. From Fig. 5 at F"2.13 V/cm it can be seen that Stark manifold states in fact anti-cross with at least two different 5d63d M states. The spectrum recorded at F"2.08 V/cm in Fig. 5 shows three distinct peaks where the manifold anti-crosses with one or more 5d63d M states. Fig. 3. Spectrum of the frequency region between n"60 and 61 for F"2 V/cm. The frequency is relative to 5d 60 f J"5 in zero-field. 3@2 The 5d 61 f J"5 state is located at 29.6 GHz in zero-field 3@2 Fig. 4. Anti-crossing between Stark manifold states and 5d 63d 3@2 states Fig. 5. Stark manifold states anti-crossing with 5d 63d states. 3@2 The upper part shows three resonances at the anti-crossing, the lower part Stark manifold states anti-crossing with two 5d 63d 3@2 states 133 Table 1. Measured splitting of level crossing between 5d 63d state and Stark 3@2 manifold states with m"2 and experimental widths (FWHM) of the states that anti-cross F (V/cm) DE%91 (MHz) 1 2.08 2.13 2.15 2.16 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.22 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.30 2.32 2.34 2.35 2.37 2.39 103 (5) 87 (5) 126 (5) 135 (5) 120 (5) 141 (5) 130 (5) 137 (5) 139 (5) 176 (5) 174 (5) 174 (5) 172 (5) 184 (5) 198 (5) 208 (5) 210 (5) 214 (5) 4.2.2 Diagonalisation of the energy matrix. To understand the features observed between 10 and 17 GHz in Figs. 3—5 we first consider a model neglecting continuum interactions. The total energy matrix in the 5d nl LSJ basis 3@2 (n"59—62) is a symmetric band matrix with on the diagonal zero-field energies of 5dns, 5dnp up to 5dnl("n!1) fine structure states and off-diagonal terms proportional to F for l@"l$1 (Eq. (9)). It is a good starting point for the analysis as it could, in principle, provide correct energy positions for the anti-crossings. However, this requires (as does MQDT) zero-field input parameters which unfortunately are not fully available in the present case. For example, the fine structure multiplet of the 5d63d state is not completely known. The quantum defects for low-n 5d nd states for all J-values are known [23—26]. How3@2 ever, around n"60 the 5d nd-series is perturbed due to 3@2 interactions with the 5d nd-series [25], so scaling laws 5@2 can not be applied. For the 5d np states data are only 3@2 available for J"1 and 3 [27, 28]. For the 5d ns-series 3@2 quantum defects are available for J"0—3 [23, 24, 26]. For the 5d nf-series quantum defects are available for 3@2 J"1, 3—5 [27—31], and for the 5d ng-series for J"2—4 3@2 [26]. It is therefore not possible to completely diagonalise the matrix. This also hampers identification of the broad 5dnd resonances shown in Fig. 3 and in particular does not allow an M-assignment. To analyse the experimental data we will consider an alkali-like problem, i.e. we neglect the fine structure of 5dnl for all l-values. On the diagonal we use a single 5dnl state, i.e. the ones expected to be most intense in the electric field (5dnf J"5, 5dnd J"4, 5dnp J"3, and 5dns J"2). For l'3 quantum defects can be set to zero. The relevant reduced quantum defects are then given by k "0.074, k "!0.457, k "!0.290 and 3 2 1 k "0.154. The Stark matrix elements (Eq. (9)) simplify to 0 [12]: SnlDzD n@l@T"d @ $ d @ d @ · ll 1 MM SS S (l#1)2!m2 · F · Rnl@ @. nl (2l#3) (2l#1) (29) DE%91 (MHz) 2 66 (5) 82 (5) 109 (5) 133 (5) C (MHz) 1 C (MHz) 2 C (MHz) 3 47 (3) 43 (3) — 63 (3) 86 (3) 73 (3) 74 (3) 80 (3) 76 (3) 112(3) 107 (3) 94 (3) 103 (3) 93 (3) 107 (3) 107 (3) 115 (3) 97 (3) 53 (3) 42 (3) 50 (3) 95 (3) 68 (3) 66 (3) 72 (3) 76 (3) 66 (3) 90(3) 93 (3) 85 (3) 95 (3) 91 (3) 92 (3) 119 (3) 106 (3) 114 (3) 33 (3) — 73 (3) 76 (3) Fig. 6. Calculated sublevel energies as a function of electric field strength for m"0 by diagonalisation of the energy matrix. The energy is scaled to the 5d 60f J"5 state in zero electric field 3@2 Even with this simplification the problem remains complex as we have to consider all allowed m-values (l*0 for m"0, l*1 for m"1, l*2 for m"2 and l*3 for m"3). For the diagonalisation of the energy matrix four nvalues (n"59—62) have been taken into account. The diagonalisation is carried out for all allowed m-values separately. In Fig. 6 part of the angular momentum manifold fanout for m"0 is shown, calculated for field strengths ranging from 0 to 2.4 V/cm. The upper part of the n"60 manifold and the lower part of the n"61 manifold are shown. The frequency is again scaled relative to n"60. At a field of about 1 V/cm the 64p state starts to anti-cross with the n"60 manifold. The 63d state starts to anti-cross with the n"60 manifold at about 2 V/cm. At slightly higher field strengths the n"60 and 61 manifolds 134 begin to merge as well. The 65s state anti-crosses with the n"61 manifold at about 0.7 V/cm (only for m"0). The 61f state at about 28 GHz in zero field is merging with the linear Stark manifold of n"61 at about 0.6 V/cm. Figure 7 shows a detailed enlargement of the angular momentum manifold for field strengths between 1.7 and 2.4 V/cm for m"2. Interestingly, both from the diagonalisation and from the MQDT analysis (see following section) it follows that the m"2 components are excited most strongly. The discussion may therefore concentrate on m"2, simplyfiing the analysis considerably. The spectra for the first and second anti-crossing, derived from this diagonalisation procedure, are shown in Fig. 8. From Fig. 7 we conclude that the anti-crossing is most pronounced and narrowest for the first (n"60, k"57) manifold level. As the intensity of the anti-crossing levels primarily comes from the 63d state, manifold peaks are only observed due to their admixture with the 63d state as is clearly visible in Fig. 8 and in the experiment. Close to the minimum distance the two levels are mixed strongly resulting in two equally strong lines. The first anti-crossing in this model occurs at 2.03 V/cm with an energy splitting of 100 MHz. The second occurs at 2.10 V/cm (183 MHz). The merging of the 63d level into the manifold nicely manifests itself in the distribution of oscillator strength over more manifold states at increasing field strength. Comparison with experimental results, shown in Figs. 4 and 5 and Table 1, shows clearly the limitations of the model. Firstly, the anti-crossings do not occur exactly at the calculated field strengths but at slightly higher values. Secondly, the width of the anti-crossing is much narrower than calculated although the intensities behave as expected. Thirdly, additional anti-crossings occur in the experiment (Fig. 5) that can not be reproduced within our model as their positions and widths do not fit separations of neighbouring mani- Fig. 7. A detailed enlargement of the calculated sublevel energies as a function of field strength for m"2 showing the first anti-crossing of the Stark angular momentum manifold states with 5d 63d. At 3@2 higher field strengths the anti-crossings due to n-mixing between n"60 and 61 are visible. The energy is scaled to the 5d 60f J"5 3@2 state in zero electric field fold states. Especially the doublet observed at 2.13 V/cm in Fig. 5 is intriguing. It may be explained assuming that they are induced by two different 5d 63d states (but with 3@2 the same m"2). 4.2.3 MQDT analysis. The references quoted in Sect. 4.2.2 regarding quantum defects include only information on autoionisation widths of a limited number of states. However, the widths of all states involved in the electric field case are necessary input parameters for an MQDT analysis. With the same approximations as used for the diagonalisation of the energy matrix, an MQDT analysis was nevertheless performed. The missing input parameter was the scaled autoionisation width of the 5dnp states. However, as confirmed by the diagonalisation procedure as well as by the MQDT analysis, m"2 states give the dominant contribution to the overall spectra. Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 6, the 5d64p state which anticrosses with the n"60 manifold states at a field strength of about 1 V/cm does not have a significant influence on manifold states within the region of interest at a field of about 2 V/cm. The scaled autoionisation width (HWHM) for the 5dnp states was tentatively fixed at 2.34]10~2 a.u. The other non-zero scaled autoionisation widths (HWHM) are 6.78]10~5 (5dnf), 6.04]10~3 (5dnd) and 2.51]10~2 (5dns). In Fig. 9 the result of the m"2 MQDT analysis for the first and second anti-crossing between the manifold states and the 5d 63d state is shown, allowing 3@2 for a comparison with the diagonalisation method of Fig. 8. The outcome of these calculations for the energy positions are identical to those obtained from the diagonalisation procedure. However, in the MQDT analysis also the interaction with the underlying 6s continuum is taken 1@2 into account, which in particular shows in the widths of the resonances. An interesting feature is the change in the Fano profile, corresponding to an inversion of the Fano q-parameter, for manifold states before and after the anticrossing (compare e.g. the spectra with field strengths of 1.99 V/cm and 2.06 V/cm). Noteworthy is also the intensity maximum and linewidth minimum behind the anticrossing at F"2.09 V/cm. These features have not been observed experimentally due to field inhomogeneities that tend to smear out narrow resonances as was discussed in Sect. 4.1. One feature of Fig. 5 for F"2.08 V/cm could not be explained in both models: the occurrence of three resonances at an anti-crossing. Two explanations are possible. The first would be to assume that a third resonance relates to a manifold state with mO2. In this case a narrow manifold state, not interacting with the other states would accidentally shift in. However, we reject this explanation as the intensity of such a resonance would be nearly zero, unless it also anti-crosses with a 5d63d state with the same m-value. Such an anti-crossing would then also occur at the other field strengths, which is not the case. The other explanation is to assume that a second 5d63d state shifts the energy of two particular manifold states at the field strength of 2.08 V/cm such that two manifold states anti-cross with one of the 5d63d states at the same time. The assignment of other broad resonances observed in the region between 10 and 17 GHz is not clear (Figs. 3—5). 135 Fig. 8. Calculated spectra for m"2 showing the first anti-crossing between Stark angular momentum states (labeled by Dn, kT) and the 63d state using a diagonalisation procedure neglecting continuum interaction. The energy is scaled to the 5d 60f J"5 state in zero electric field 3@2 They do not seem to interact with the manifolds. Probably they are due to excitations of 5d63d states not containing a large m"2 fraction. Manifold states with m-values matching those of 5d63d should also anti-cross. However, due to their low oscillator strengths these anti-crossings are not observed experimentally. The low oscillator strengths for m-values other than m"2 were confirmed in our MQDT analysis. 5 Conclusions We have demonstrated that the linear Stark effect can be observed for autoionising states in a carefully selected system such as the 5d nf series of barium. It requires that 3@2 the interaction with the underlying continua must be small. A qualitative analysis of such Stark manifold is feasible neglecting the influence of the continuum. It involves a direct diagonalisation of the energy matrix to determine the position of the manifold states. This procedure does not result in an oscillator strength distribution to be compared with experiment. Using an MQDT model which incorporates the Stark potential for bound states to describe the long-range effects, oscillator strength distributions can be calculated as well. This procedure provides extra information on the widths of resonances. New features such as q-reversal and unexpected line narrowing of manifold states are calculated. However, in the present study a complete MQDT analysis is hampered by lack of zero-field experimental data on relevant autoionising states. Still, with the simplifications made, reducing the problem basically to that of an autoionising alkali atom, the observed anti-crossings qualitatively can be understood. 136 Fig. 9. Calculated spectra for m"2 showing the first anti-crossing between Stark angular momentum states (labeled by Dn, kT) and the 63d state using the MQDT model incorporating continuum interactions. The energy is scaled to the 5d 60f J"5 state in zero electric field 3@2 The authors are indebted to Jacques Bouma for his technical assistance. We would like to thank Dr. K. Sakimoto for valuable suggestions and making available the compute code for the MQDT treatment. Financial support from the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) and the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Research (NWO) is gratefully acknowledged. References 1. 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