2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Barren County Will Compton, Principal 4601 New Salem Road Glasgow, KY 42141 Document Generated On December 21, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview 1 Goals Summary 2 Goal 1: Gap Goal--Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the nonduplicated gap group to 58.1% in 2017. 3 Goal 2: Proficiency Goal: Increase the average combined reading and math K-Prep scores for elementary school students to 64% in 2017. 5 Goal 3: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT GOAL: increase the percentage of students who feel safe and a part of Eastern Elementary School as measured on student surveys by 2017 (GALLOP, ADVANC-ED and PBIS data). 6 Goal 4: Next Generation Professionals-Eastern Elementary School will continue to implement PGES according to district CEP. The baseline data from the 14-15 school year will be used to set 2015-16 targets. 8 Goal 5: Program Review Goal-The Program Reviews will show a 10% increase in overall score at Eastern Elementary. 9 Goal 6: Novice Reduction Goal Activity Summary by Funding Source 9 11 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Overview Plan Name 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Plan Description Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 1 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Goals Summary The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Goal Name Gap Goal--Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated gap group to 58.1% in 2017. Proficiency Goal: Increase the average combined reading and math K-Prep scores for elementary school students to 64% in 2017. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT GOAL: increase the percentage of students who feel safe and a part of Eastern Elementary School as measured on student surveys by 2017 (GALLOP, ADVANC-ED and PBIS data). Next Generation Professionals-Eastern Elementary School will continue to implement PGES according to district CEP. The baseline data from the 14-15 school year will be used to set 2015-16 targets. Program Review Goal-The Program Reviews will show a 10% increase in overall score at Eastern Elementary. Novice Reduction Goal Goal Details Objectives:1 Strategies:3 Activities:9 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:3 Objectives:1 Strategies:2 Activities:5 Goal Type Organizational Total Funding $31700 Organizational $500 Organizational $32000 Objectives:2 Strategies:2 Activities:2 Organizational $8500 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:1 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:6 Organizational $500 Organizational $0 Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 2 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Goal 1: Gap Goal--Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated gap group to 58.1% in 2017. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to decrease the overall achievement gap at Eastern Elementary School by increasing the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated gap group to 52.2% by 05/27/2016 as measured by KPREP results. Strategy 1: Professional Development Best Practice - Teachers will attend professional development opportunities that will address our GAP areas as identified in the K-Prep results. Category: Activity - Professional Learning to Address GAP Needs Activity Type Begin Date End Date All teachers will receive training in co-teaching, collaboration and differentiation strategies to address the instructional needs of students in identified GAP areas. Professional Learning 10/12/2015 06/01/2016 Resource Assigned $3000 Source Of Funding School Council Funds Staff Responsible School and District Staff and Administration Strategy 2: Progress Monitoring - Progress monitoring will be utilized to track individual student progress throughout the school year. Students will be assessed two to three times a year using MAP testing in the areas of math, reading and language arts, and a minimum of five times a year with STAR Reading, Math and Early Literacy. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity - STAR and MAP Assessments Activity Type STAR and MAP testing will be used to monitor student growth and will be Academic an indicator for identifying students who need interventions. SNAP Support assessment for K-1 and AVMR for grades 2-3 will be given by our math lab Program teacher to all students in grades K-3rd and will also serve as an indicator for students that should receive math lab services and interventions. Staff will administer the STAR Early Literacy assessment in grades K/1 and the MAP and STAR assessments in grades 2-6. These assessments will be used as indicators for students who should receive literacy lab services in the primary and other targeted interventions for grades 4-6. Teachers will continue utilizing formative assessments at the completion of each lesson taught. Summative assessments will be incorporated to measure student progress and learning in grades K-6. Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Begin Date End Date 08/06/2015 05/31/2017 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding District Funding Staff Responsible Certified and Classified Staff Page 3 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Activity - AIMS Web & STAR Monitoring Activity Type Begin Date End Date Students identified from MAP and STAR data as falling into Tier II interventions will be progress monitored using the STAR assessment in math and reading for grades K-6. Tier III students in grades K-6 will be progress monitored using Aims Web. Academic Support Program 08/06/2015 05/31/2017 Activity - Curriculum Alignment Activity Type Begin Date End Date Continue to work at the school and district level to align our curriculum in order to eliminate any missed instructional opportunities that may exist for students in the GAP group. Academic Support Program 09/25/2015 06/01/2016 Activity - Interventions for GAP Population Activity Type Begin Date End Date The math intervention teacher will service students performing below grade Academic level in grades K-3. Flexible grouping within each grade level occurs Support during math blocks, and will occur at the primary and intermediate level. Program The reading intervention teacher will service students performing below grade level in K-3. Flexible grouping within each grade level occurs during reading blocks in primary and intermediate. 08/06/2015 05/13/2016 Activity - ECE Monitoring Begin Date End Date 09/25/2015 06/01/2016 Activity Type ECE students' progress will be monitored weekly using STAR benchmarks Academic in grades K-6. Progress will be discussed monthly as this is one of our Support identified GAP groups. Program Resource Assigned $700 Source Of Funding Title I School Improvement (ISI) Staff Responsible Guidance Counselor, RTI Manager and Certified Staff Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Administration and Certified Staff Resource Assigned $3000 Source Of Funding School Council Funds Staff Responsible Staff and Administration Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible School Staff involved in progress monitoring. Strategy 3: Identification of Gap Population - Staff members will disaggregate assessment data and identify students in any or all gap groups that are performing below the expected proficiency rating. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity - 21st Century Program Implementation Activity Type Students performing below the proficiency standards will be identified at Academic each grade level and targeted for additional academic support through our Support 21st Century After-School Academic Program. Students receiving free or Program reduced lunch, ECE, or other identified gap populations will be offered the opportunity to participate without charge to the parents. Parents of the identified students will be contacted by the 21st Century Coordinator at Eastern Elementary to explain and encourage student participation in this academic support program. Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Begin Date End Date 10/07/2013 05/31/2017 Resource Assigned $25000 Source Of Funding Grant Funds Staff Responsible Administration , teachers and 21st Century Coordinator Page 4 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Activity - RTI-Like Services for ECE Students Activity Type Begin Date End Date RTI-like services will be provided to all ECE students in areas of identified need. Academic Support Program 09/25/2015 06/01/2016 Activity - Kindergarten Readiness Activity Type Begin Date End Date All incoming kindergarteners will participate in the Brigance K Screener each year. The school will support activities to prepare incoming kindergarteners and inform their parents of kindergarten readiness skills. Other 08/04/2015 06/01/2017 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible School Staff and Administration Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Kindergarten teachers, Guidance Counselor Goal 2: Proficiency Goal: Increase the average combined reading and math K-Prep scores for elementary school students to 64% in 2017. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the average combined reading and math scores to 58.8% at Eastern Elementary School by 05/27/2016 as measured by K-Prep scores. Strategy 1: Posting Objectives - Teachers will post learning objectives in Kindergarten through 6th grade for reading, math, science and social studies. Multiple forms of assessments will be utilized and must be aligned with grade level expectations and designed to assess a diverse population with varying needs. Category: Activity - Formative Assessments Activity Type Begin Date End Date Posted objectives in grades K-6 will be tied to our Kentucky Core Academic Academic Standards (KCAS) and formatively assessed at the end of each Support lesson. Program 08/10/2012 05/31/2017 Activity - Assessment Data Collection Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers will meet quarterly with principal to review and discuss individual Professional student growth based on data collection binders: fluency checks, growth on Learning MAP and STAR assessments, etc. During data review sessions, teachers will bring lessons plans and summative assessment binders for discussion and review. Lesson plans will be reviewed for implementation of differentiation. 01/01/2015 06/01/2017 Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $500 Source Of Funding School Council Funds Staff Responsible All school level staff members and administration Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible All staff members and administration Page 5 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Activity - KPREP-Like Assessments Activity Type Teachers will collaborate to design KRPEP-like assessments that assess Academic our Kentucky Academic Standards. These assessments will be specifically Support designed to provide meaningful feedback on student learning and Program instructional practices. Teachers will collect and analyze student work at PLC meetings in order to monitor student progress towards proficiency and make necessary adjustments to instruction. Begin Date End Date 08/01/2013 06/30/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible All staff members and administration Goal 3: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT GOAL: increase the percentage of students who feel safe and a part of Eastern Elementary School as measured on student surveys by 2017 (GALLOP, ADVANC-ED and PBIS data). Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to have 90% of students feeling a higher level of connectedness and safety by 06/30/2017 as measured by the Gallup student survey results.. Strategy 1: Survey Data - Survey data from students, staff and parents will be used for improvement in communication and discipline procedures. Category: Activity - Increase in Communication Activity Type Begin Date End Date Parent/teacher conferences will be held in the fall of each school year. Parent Teachers will also send notes, postcards, emails or other forms of Involvement communication regarding student progress and informing parents about positive student work and behavior. Eastern Elementary will continue to utilize our One Call Communication system as well as school-wide newsletters. Our Family Resource Coordinator will continue to make home visits when necessary and will send home a newsletter each semester. 06/01/2012 06/01/2016 Activity - School-wide Discipline Procedures Begin Date End Date Activity Type Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $1000 Source Of Funding School Council Funds Staff Responsible All staff members and Administration Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Page 6 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Our school-wide discipline program will continue to be utilized. Our Target Behavioral Behavior Team will continue to look for effective ways to teach classroom Support and school-wide procedures. The Target Behavior Team will meet Program regularly to discuss any problematic behaviors that are reoccurring. Office referrals will continue to be tracked in the SWISS program. The Target Behavior Team will review office referrals and make recommendations for students with an inordinate number of office visits due to misbehaviors that occur at school or while on the school bus. After students are identified for a high number of office referrals, the Check & Connect model will be implemented on a daily basis to set behavior goals and award points for meeting those goals. Designated teachers will be assigned to meet with students qualifying for the Check & Connect Program. If students are observed being a bully, there is a box outside the counselor's office for the anonymous observer to report the offense to the administration who will take action to provide any necessary consequences. 12/01/2014 06/01/2016 $1000 School Council Funds All staff and Administration Activity - Increase Student Support and Recognition Offerings Begin Date End Date 08/01/2014 06/01/2017 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible All staff members and Administration at Eastern Elementary Activity Type Faculty and staff will offer a variety of ways to recognize students on a Behavioral daily, weekly and monthly basis that are exceeding expectations Support academically and in regard to behavior. Programs utilized consistently to Program recognize positive student behavior include: Honor Roll Assemblies, Top Cat, Wild-Mart, CATS Cash, Effort Student Award, Bully Box, Leaders of the Month, etc. One student per classroom is identified weekly for the Top Cat Award based on positive behavior. Students earn CATS cash for following procedures and can use the funds to purchase items from the Wild Mart store at Eastern. One student per class each week is recognized for their effort and receives the Effort Award. Leaders of the Month serve as student Ambassadors for the school. Strategy 2: Differentiated Learning Opportunities - Through differentiated learning opportunities offered during our 21st Century After School Program, students at all ability levels and with various learning styles will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge. Category: Activity - Intermediate Magnet Program Activity Type Begin Date End Date As part of our district's expansion of the magnet concept, our 21st Century Academic After School Program will offer enrichment opportunities for an identifed Support population of "Magnet" students. Our program will focus around the four Program pillars outlined in our district program which include Leadership, Academics, Community Involvement and The Arts. 10/07/2013 06/01/2016 Activity - Leader in Me Begin Date End Date Activity Type Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $5000 Source Of Funding Grant Funds Staff Responsible 21st Century School and District Coordinator and other staff members Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Page 7 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School The Leader in Me is an innovative, school-wide model that enables Other educators to unleash each child's full potential by developing leaders with 21st century skills. Within the next two years, Eastern Elementary faculty and staff will develop a new mission statement for the school as well as classroom mission statements. Teachers will also create their own professional mission statement. In order to apply the Leader in Me philosophy, students will be given the opportunity to apply for classroom and school level jobs and also serve in various leadership roles throughout our school and community. In the spring of 2016, four teachers from Eastern will be trained on how to teach the 7 Habits to other teachers. This will enable Eastern to sustain the 7 Habits focus as new staff are hired in the future. 08/12/2013 06/01/2016 $25000 Grant Funds All staff and administration Goal 4: Next Generation Professionals-Eastern Elementary School will continue to implement PGES according to district CEP. The baseline data from the 14-15 school year will be used to set 2015-16 targets. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the overall effectiveness of our teachers by 06/30/2017 as measured by as measured by the new statewide Professional Growth and Evaluation System (PGES). Strategy 1: PGG and SGG - Awareness training for all staff on setting Professional Growth Goals and Student Growth Goals. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity - Professional Development Activity Type Begin Date End Date Additional training for teachers based on PGES and our District CEP will be conducted as needed. Professional Learning 07/01/2013 06/01/2016 Resource Assigned $500 Source Of Funding Other Staff Responsible District CRTs, Instructional Supervisor, GRREC PGES Consultants Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to increase the overall effectiveness of our principals by 06/01/2017 as measured by as measured by the new statewide Principal's Professional Growth and Evaluation System (PPGES). Strategy 1: EDS Module - Principals will increase their professional practice by completing the EDS module Category: Continuous Improvement Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 8 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Activity - EDS Module Activity Type Begin Date End Date Principals and district administration will form a PLC to fully study and Professional implement the EDS modules as part of the new PGES, PPGES and District Learning CEP. 03/15/2013 06/01/2017 Resource Assigned $8000 Source Of Funding Other Staff Responsible Assistant Supt. and Principals Goal 5: Program Review Goal-The Program Reviews will show a 10% increase in overall score at Eastern Elementary. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the Program Review score by 10% by 06/01/2016 as measured by Program Review Unbridled Learning. Strategy 1: Program Review Initiative - Program Review work continues yearly as PLC teams review the results of previous years and make corrections/adjustments as needed. Category: Professional Learning & Support Activity - Program Review Curriculum Alignment Activity Type Each year as a part of KPREP data disaggregation, grade level teachers Academic worked to identify gaps in practical living/vocational studies within each Support grade level curriculum. Arts & Humanities and PE teachers work together Program across the district to align curriculum to meet standards and also identified areas of grade level integration in order to infuse these content areas into all areas of the curriculum. Students will be exposed to cultural enrichment and diversity through a variety of activities. BC Health/Wellness will be expanded to include instruction on the "We Can" program to promote healthy living through announcements, PE classes, and rewards. Begin Date End Date 08/12/2013 05/31/2016 Resource Assigned $500 Source Of Funding School Council Funds Staff Responsible All staff and administration Goal 6: Novice Reduction Goal Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to use data to expose gaps to identify processes for continuous improvement and reduce the number of novice performing students by 50% (10% annually) by 11/30/2020 as measured by Spring KPREP data. Strategy 1: School Data Leadership Team - Following the district trainings, our school will begin collaborative work to understand relevant state and local data points and how this data applies to novice reduction goal. Category: Management Systems Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 9 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Activity - School Data Leadership Team Activity Type Begin Date End Date Administrator will work with District Data Liaison to create a School Data Leadership Team to participate in district supported trainings. Policy and Process 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 Activity - Team Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date The School Data Leadership Team will participate in data analysis protocol Professional teacher level training specific to novice reduction. Learning 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 Activity - PLCs Activity Type Begin Date End Date Within school level teams (PLC teams), teachers will use the Data Analysis Professional Protocol to analyze the student level data related to delivery goals in the Learning School Report Card. 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 Activity - Data Walls/Charts Activity Type Begin Date End Date Our school will have data visualizations posted communicating goals and progress towards novice reduction in a secure place that teachers can access easily. Policy and Process 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 Activity - Student Ownership of Data Activity Type Begin Date End Date Our school will schedule student-led conferences. Other Student Ownership 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 Activity - Data Dives Activity Type Begin Date End Date The School Data Leadership Team will provide all school staff with a yearly Other - Data Data Dive including data review, research questioning, root cause analysis Analysis and CSIP training. 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal, Guidance Counselor Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible School Data Leadership Team, District trainer Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible PLC Chairpersons, Teachers Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal, Guidance Counselor, Teachers Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal, Guidance Counselor, Teachers, Students Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible School Data Leadership Team Page 10 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Activity Summary by Funding Source Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source Title I School Improvement (ISI) Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type AIMS Web & STAR Monitoring Students identified from MAP and STAR data as falling into Academic Tier II interventions will be progress monitored using the Support STAR assessment in math and reading for grades K-6. Tier Program III students in grades K-6 will be progress monitored using Aims Web. Begin Date End Date 08/06/2015 05/31/2017 Resource Assigned $700 Staff Responsible Guidance Counselor, RTI Manager and Certified Staff Total $700 Staff Responsible All staff members and Administration Staff and Administration School Council Funds Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Increase in Communication Parent/teacher conferences will be held in the fall of each school year. Teachers will also send notes, postcards, emails or other forms of communication regarding student progress and informing parents about positive student work and behavior. Eastern Elementary will continue to utilize our One Call Communication system as well as school-wide newsletters. Our Family Resource Coordinator will continue to make home visits when necessary and will send home a newsletter each semester. The math intervention teacher will service students performing below grade level in grades K-3. Flexible grouping within each grade level occurs during math blocks, and will occur at the primary and intermediate level. The reading intervention teacher will service students performing below grade level in K-3. Flexible grouping within each grade level occurs during reading blocks in primary and intermediate. Parent Involvement 06/01/2012 06/01/2016 Resource Assigned $1000 Academic Support Program 08/06/2015 05/13/2016 $3000 Interventions for GAP Population Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 11 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School School-wide Discipline Procedures Formative Assessments Our school-wide discipline program will continue to be utilized. Our Target Behavior Team will continue to look for effective ways to teach classroom and school-wide procedures. The Target Behavior Team will meet regularly to discuss any problematic behaviors that are reoccurring. Office referrals will continue to be tracked in the SWISS program. The Target Behavior Team will review office referrals and make recommendations for students with an inordinate number of office visits due to misbehaviors that occur at school or while on the school bus. After students are identified for a high number of office referrals, the Check & Connect model will be implemented on a daily basis to set behavior goals and award points for meeting those goals. Designated teachers will be assigned to meet with students qualifying for the Check & Connect Program. If students are observed being a bully, there is a box outside the counselor's office for the anonymous observer to report the offense to the administration who will take action to provide any necessary consequences. Posted objectives in grades K-6 will be tied to our Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS) and formatively assessed at the end of each lesson. Program Review Curriculum Each year as a part of KPREP data disaggregation, grade Alignment level teachers worked to identify gaps in practical living/vocational studies within each grade level curriculum. Arts & Humanities and PE teachers work together across the district to align curriculum to meet standards and also identified areas of grade level integration in order to infuse these content areas into all areas of the curriculum. Students will be exposed to cultural enrichment and diversity through a variety of activities. BC Health/Wellness will be expanded to include instruction on the "We Can" program to promote healthy living through announcements, PE classes, and rewards. Professional Learning to All teachers will receive training in co-teaching, Address GAP Needs collaboration and differentiation strategies to address the instructional needs of students in identified GAP areas. Behavioral Support Program 12/01/2014 06/01/2016 $1000 All staff and Administration Academic Support Program 08/10/2012 05/31/2017 $500 Academic Support Program 08/12/2013 05/31/2016 $500 All school level staff members and administration All staff and administration Professional Learning 10/12/2015 06/01/2016 $3000 Total $9000 End Date Resource Assigned School and District Staff and Administration Other Activity Name Activity Description Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Activity Type Begin Date Staff Responsible Page 12 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Professional Development Additional training for teachers based on PGES and our District CEP will be conducted as needed. Professional Learning 07/01/2013 06/01/2016 $500 EDS Module Principals and district administration will form a PLC to fully Professional study and implement the EDS modules as part of the new Learning PGES, PPGES and District CEP. 03/15/2013 06/01/2017 $8000 Total $8500 Begin Date End Date 08/06/2015 05/31/2017 Resource Assigned $0 Total $0 Begin Date End Date 10/07/2013 05/31/2017 Resource Assigned $25000 District CRTs, Instructional Supervisor, GRREC PGES Consultants Assistant Supt. and Principals District Funding Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type STAR and MAP Assessments STAR and MAP testing will be used to monitor student Academic growth and will be an indicator for identifying students who Support need interventions. SNAP assessment for K-1 and AVMR Program for grades 2-3 will be given by our math lab teacher to all students in grades K-3rd and will also serve as an indicator for students that should receive math lab services and interventions. Staff will administer the STAR Early Literacy assessment in grades K/1 and the MAP and STAR assessments in grades 2-6. These assessments will be used as indicators for students who should receive literacy lab services in the primary and other targeted interventions for grades 4-6. Teachers will continue utilizing formative assessments at the completion of each lesson taught. Summative assessments will be incorporated to measure student progress and learning in grades K-6. Staff Responsible Certified and Classified Staff Grant Funds Activity Name Activity Description 21st Century Program Implementation Students performing below the proficiency standards will be Academic identified at each grade level and targeted for additional Support academic support through our 21st Century After-School Program Academic Program. Students receiving free or reduced lunch, ECE, or other identified gap populations will be offered the opportunity to participate without charge to the parents. Parents of the identified students will be contacted by the 21st Century Coordinator at Eastern Elementary to explain and encourage student participation in this academic support program. Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Activity Type Staff Responsible Administration , teachers and 21st Century Coordinator Page 13 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Leader in Me Intermediate Magnet Program The Leader in Me is an innovative, school-wide model that enables educators to unleash each child's full potential by developing leaders with 21st century skills. Within the next two years, Eastern Elementary faculty and staff will develop a new mission statement for the school as well as classroom mission statements. Teachers will also create their own professional mission statement. In order to apply the Leader in Me philosophy, students will be given the opportunity to apply for classroom and school level jobs and also serve in various leadership roles throughout our school and community. In the spring of 2016, four teachers from Eastern will be trained on how to teach the 7 Habits to other teachers. This will enable Eastern to sustain the 7 Habits focus as new staff are hired in the future. As part of our district's expansion of the magnet concept, our 21st Century After School Program will offer enrichment opportunities for an identifed population of "Magnet" students. Our program will focus around the four pillars outlined in our district program which include Leadership, Academics, Community Involvement and The Arts. Other 08/12/2013 06/01/2016 $25000 All staff and administration Academic Support Program 10/07/2013 06/01/2016 $5000 21st Century School and District Coordinator and other staff members Total $55000 No Funding Required Activity Name Activity Description PLCs Within school level teams (PLC teams), teachers will use the Data Analysis Protocol to analyze the student level data related to delivery goals in the School Report Card. Assessment Data Collection Teachers will meet quarterly with principal to review and discuss individual student growth based on data collection binders: fluency checks, growth on MAP and STAR assessments, etc. During data review sessions, teachers will bring lessons plans and summative assessment binders for discussion and review. Lesson plans will be reviewed for implementation of differentiation. Curriculum Alignment Continue to work at the school and district level to align our curriculum in order to eliminate any missed instructional opportunities that may exist for students in the GAP group. Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Professional Learning 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 Resource Assigned $0 Professional Learning 01/01/2015 06/01/2017 $0 Academic Support Program 09/25/2015 06/01/2016 $0 Staff Responsible PLC Chairpersons, Teachers All staff members and administration Administration and Certified Staff Page 14 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Increase Student Support and Recognition Offerings Faculty and staff will offer a variety of ways to recognize students on a daily, weekly and monthly basis that are exceeding expectations academically and in regard to behavior. Programs utilized consistently to recognize positive student behavior include: Honor Roll Assemblies, Top Cat, Wild-Mart, CATS Cash, Effort Student Award, Bully Box, Leaders of the Month, etc. One student per classroom is identified weekly for the Top Cat Award based on positive behavior. Students earn CATS cash for following procedures and can use the funds to purchase items from the Wild Mart store at Eastern. One student per class each week is recognized for their effort and receives the Effort Award. Leaders of the Month serve as student Ambassadors for the school. Administrator will work with District Data Liaison to create a School Data Leadership Team to participate in district supported trainings. Our school will have data visualizations posted communicating goals and progress towards novice reduction in a secure place that teachers can access easily. Behavioral Support Program 08/01/2014 06/01/2017 $0 All staff members and Administration at Eastern Elementary Policy and Process 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 $0 Policy and Process 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 $0 RTI-Like Services for ECE Students RTI-like services will be provided to all ECE students in areas of identified need. 09/25/2015 06/01/2016 $0 ECE Monitoring ECE students' progress will be monitored weekly using STAR benchmarks in grades K-6. Progress will be discussed monthly as this is one of our identified GAP groups. Teachers will collaborate to design KRPEP-like assessments that assess our Kentucky Academic Standards. These assessments will be specifically designed to provide meaningful feedback on student learning and instructional practices. Teachers will collect and analyze student work at PLC meetings in order to monitor student progress towards proficiency and make necessary adjustments to instruction. The School Data Leadership Team will participate in data analysis protocol teacher level training specific to novice reduction. Academic Support Program Academic Support Program 09/25/2015 06/01/2016 $0 Academic Support Program 08/01/2013 06/30/2016 $0 Principal, Guidance Counselor Principal, Guidance Counselor, Teachers School Staff and Administration School Staff involved in progress monitoring. All staff members and administration Professional Learning 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 $0 08/04/2015 06/01/2017 $0 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 $0 School Data Leadership Team Data Walls/Charts KPREP-Like Assessments Team Training Kindergarten Readiness Student Ownership of Data All incoming kindergarteners will participate in the Brigance Other K Screener each year. The school will support activities to prepare incoming kindergarteners and inform their parents of kindergarten readiness skills. Our school will schedule student-led conferences. Other Student Ownership Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. School Data Leadership Team, District trainer Kindergarten teachers, Guidance Counselor Principal, Guidance Counselor, Teachers, Students Page 15 2015-16 Plan for KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Eastern Elementary School Data Dives The School Data Leadership Team will provide all school Other - Data staff with a yearly Data Dive including data review, research Analysis questioning, root cause analysis and CSIP training. Eastern Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. 01/04/2016 11/30/2020 $0 Total $0 School Data Leadership Team Page 16