Interferentie (continued…) Coherentie in tijd in plaats De Michelson interferometer in geval van beperkte coherentie Optical coherence tomography De Fabry-Perot interferometer (etalon) 1 Leerdoelen In dit college behandelen we: • Coherentielengte en coherentietijd • Beperkte zichtbaarheid van interferentie • Optical coherence tomography • Multi-beam interferentie: etalons • Anti-reflectie coatings • Hecht: 4.10; 9.6 2 Coherentie, incoherentie, partiële coherentie Als kijken naar één persoon redelijk goed voorspelt wat iemand anders doet, dan zijn deze mensen gecorreleerd. Coherent Partieel coherent 3 Incoherent Correlatie functies We kunnen de correlatie van een optisch veld wiskundig beschrijven met de covariantie functie waarbij de haken een tijdsgemiddelde voorstellen. Als het veld op r1 en het veld op r2 ongecorreleerd zijn, dan zal dit tijdsgemiddelde nul zijn. Als de velden wél (partieel of volledig) gecorreleerd zijn, dan is de functie ongelijk aan nul. Coherentie theorie, is het onderwerp van Hfd. 12. Wij zullen het hier verder niet behandelen 4 Young’s double slit experiment Interference between light waves! • Light passing through a small aperture produces a coherent light wave • This coherent light illuminates two slits • Because there is a fixed phase relation between the emitted waves, interference will be visible Spatially coherent source 5 Two Slits and Spatial Coherence If the spatial coherence length is less than the slit separation, then the relative phase of the light transmitted through each slit will vary randomly, washing out the fine-scale fringes, and a one-slit pattern will be observed. Max Fraunhofer diffraction patterns Good spatial coherence Poor spatial coherence 6 The Spatial Coherence Length A plane wave is also considered perfectly spatially coherent. The spatial coherence length is the transverse distance over which the wave-fronts remain flat: Wave-fronts Spatial Coherence Length, xc xc x Since there are two transverse dimensions, we should also define the spatial coherence area, Ac = xc yc. Spatial coherence can be limited if there are multiple waves of the same frequency but with different directions, that is, vectors. 7 The spatial coherence depends on the emitter size and its distance away. Light source q d A distance D from a source of diameter d: Dk ≈ k sinq ≈ (2p/l) d/D D So the spatial coherence area Ac is: æ 2π ö D 2 l 2 l 2 Ac » ç ÷ » 2 = W d è Dk ø 2 where W = d2/D2 is the solid angle subtended by the source. Starlight is spatially very coherent because stars are very far away. So even an uncorrelated source like a star, made up of atoms that 8 emit independently, can produce sharp fringes here on Earth. How quickly will a broadband light wave deviate from a perfect sine wave in time? Suppose the light wave has two frequencies: Etot (z,t) = E0 expi(k1z - w1t) + E0 expi(k2 z - w2t) The two frequencies will become significantly out of phase with each other in a time, tc: E w1t c - w 2t c = 2π Þ t c = 2π / (w1 - w 2 ) t So the phase will drift on a time scale of: ~ 2p/Dw = 1/Dn where: Dw = w1 - w2 = 2πDn 9 Shorter light pulses have broader spectra Duration of a light pulse: 1 Dt » a Width of the spectrum: Dw » a So: F(w) f(t) t w t w t w 1 Dw » Dt The shorter the pulse, the broader the spectrum! This also has implications for the coherence time of a light source: a broader spectrum leads to a reduced coherence time. 10 The Temporal Coherence Time A harmonic plane wave is considered perfectly temporally coherent. The temporal coherence time is how long the beam remains sinusoidal in time at a single wavelength (and amplitude): Wave-fronts Temporal Coherence Time, tc tc x Temporal coherence asks what if we add many waves with different w’s for a given beam direction. A monochromatic plane wave has an infinite coherence time. 11 The coherence time is the reciprocal of the spectral width (bandwidth). The largest frequency difference in the light wave will yield the shortest phase-drift time, which we call the coherence time: t c = 1/ Dv where Dn is the light bandwidth (the width of the spectrum). Sunlight and light bulbs are temporally incoherent—and have very small coherences times (a few femtoseconds)—because their bandwidths are very large (the entire visible spectrum). Lasers can have much longer coherence times—as long as about a second; that's >1014 cycles of the electric field! 12 Spatial and Temporal Coherence Beams can be coherent, partially coherent or incoherent in both space and time. Only a plane wave is perfectly temporally and spatially coherent. Wave-fronts Spatial and Temporal Coherence xc tc Temporal Coherence; Spatial Incoherence xc tc Spatial Coherence; Temporal Incoherence xc tc Spatial and Temporal x Incoherence xc t, z tc 13 Spatial and Temporal Coherence: Another Picture Spatial and Temporal Coherence Temporal Coherence; Spatial Incoherence Spatial Coherence; Temporal Incoherence Spatial and Temporal Incoherence E,x t, z 14 Many Different Ray Angles Interfering in Space We considered focusing rays in pairs with symmetrically propagating directions and added up all the fields at the focus, each yielding fringes with a spacing of l/2sin(q), where q is the ray angle relative to the axis. In addition, we required all such fringes to be perfectly in phase at the focus. 15 Spatial Coherence: Interference in Space of Many Beams from a Perfect Lens We added up all the spatial fringes from crossing beams at the focus of an infinitely large perfect lens and found that we could focus a beam to a diameter of ~l/2 (= 2p/Dk): E Irradiance x The interference is coherent and constructive at x = 0, yielding a maximally intense small beam there. But it is coherent and destructive elsewhere. Interference of Beams in Space from a Lousy Lens Now, what if the lens is very badly made, and all the spatial fringes are randomly out of phase with each other? The fringes now shift by random amounts: E Irradiance x Analogous to the temporal case, the fluctuations are on a length scale similar to the perfect in-phase case, but are much less intense and there are many more spikes. Dk = Dk/2p Also analogously, the coherence length is: Lc ~ 2p/Dk = 1/Dk, where Dk is the range of off-axis k’s (for this beam and also the perfect focus). Does a broad spectrum always produce a short pulse? No! Only if all the waves arrive in phase, do they add up to a short pulse. Otherwise, there will only be rapid fluctuations on the timescale of the coherence time. Flat spectral phase Frequency Intensity vs. time Locked phases Short pulse Time Complex spectral phase Frequency Intensity vs. time Random phases Light bulb Time How to Make Spatially and Temporally Coherent Light from a Light Bulb A light bulb is neither spatially nor temporally coherent. temporally 19 Michelson interferometer with a low-coherence source Interference will only be visible if the arm lengths are within a distance ½ c τc of each other. Light source Low-Coherence Source Detector Detector Coherent Source l/2 Mirror Displacement ½ c τc Mirror Displacement 20 Optical Coherence Tomography Michelson interferometer with a low coherence source and a biological sample as one of the end mirrors. Different reflecting layers in a sample can be distinguished B-Scan if they are spaced by more than ½ c τc. A-line 21 Optical coherence tomography of a human fovea 6 x 6 mm 6 x 1.1 mm 3.1 x 0.6 mm B. Cense et al. Opt. Express 12, 2435-2447 (2004) 22 Interference of more than two waves: the FabryPerot interferometer (Fabry-Perot etalon) • A Fabry-Perot interferometer consists of two parallel reflecting surfaces. • An etalon is a Fabry-Perot interferometer consisting of a piece of glass with parallel reflecting surfaces. • The reflected and transmitted waves are an infinite series of multiply reflected and spatially overlapping waves. r, t = reflection, transmission coefficients from air to glass r′,t′ = reflection, transmission coefficients from glass to air. L Transmitted wave: E0t Incident wave: E0 Reflected wave: E0r nair = 1 n nair = 1 d = round-trip phase difference in medium = 2kL (normal incidence) tt E0 2 id tt r e E0 tt (r 2 eid ) 2 E0 tt (r 2 eid )3 E0 23 Transmitted wave through an FP-interferometer E0t = tt ¢E0 + tt ¢ r 2e -id E0 + tt ¢ (r 2e -id ) 2 E0 + tt ¢ (r 2e -id )3 E0 +... = tt¢ E0 éë1+ (r 2e -id ) + (r 2e -id )2 +...ùû ( E0t = tt¢E0 / 1- r 2e -id ( ) 1 1- x lim 1+ x + x 2 + x 3 +......+ x n = n®¥ ) 2 Sec. 4.10: Set r = -r′ and tt′ = 1 – r2 = 1 – R 2 E0t tt¢ (1- R) 2 The transmission is: T º = = 2 -id E0 1- r e (1- Re -id )(1- Re +id ) é ù é ù é ù (1- R)2 (1- R)2 (1- R)2 =ê ú=ê ú=ê ú 2 2 2 2 2 1+ R 2Rcos( d ) 1+ R 2R[12sin ( d / 2)] 12R + R + 4Rsin ( d / 2)] ë û ë û ë û Divide above and below the line by: (1 R) 2 1 T= 1+ F sin 2 d / 2 ( ) with : F= 4R (1- R) 2 24 Etalon Transmittance vs. Thickness, Wavelength, or Angle 1 T= 1+ F sin 2 d / 2 ( Transmittance 1 0.5 0 -2p -p Transmission maxima occur when d / 2 = mp: R = 18% F=1 R = 5% F = 0.2 R = 87% F = 200 0 p ) 2pL/l = mp ; m×l/2=L 2p 3p 4p d = nk0 L = 2πnL / l0 or: l = 2L / m The transmittance varies significantly with thickness, angle, and wavelength. As the reflectance of each surface (R) approaches 1 (F increases), the widths of the high-transmission regions become very narrow. 25 Etalon ‘Free Spectral Range’ (FSR) The Free Spectral Range is the frequency or wavelength range between transmission maxima. Transmittance 1 lFSR = Free Spectral Range 0.5 fFSR=c/2L 0 -2p 4p L 4p L = 2p l l lFSR 4p L l 4p L[1 lFSR / l ] l lFSR = 2p -p 0 p 2p d = kL = 2π L / l 3p 4p 4p L 4p L = 2p l l[1 lFSR / l ] 1 1 lFSR / l 1 l2 = lFSR = l l 2L 2L 26 The line width lLW is an etalon transmittance peak's full-width-halfmax (FWHM). Pick a peak (it’s easiest to use the one centered at d = 0), and find the value of d that yields T = ½. Then set this value of d equal to dLW/2. Assume that the reflectivity is close to one and that d << 1. The line width is: lLW = l2 1 R πL R Transmittance Etalon Line Width 1 T= 1 F sin 2 d / 2 4R F= (1 R) 2 lLW l d = 2π L / l The line width is the accuracy with which an etalon can measure wavelength. 27 The Interferometer or Etalon Finesse The Finesse, F , is the ratio of the free spectral range and the line width: l2 R L F » 2 = π æ ö 1- R l 1- R ç ÷ πL è R ø Taking R »1 F » π / (1- R) The Finesse is the number of wavelengths the interferometer can resolve. 28 Anti-Reflection Coatings Notice that the center of the round glass plate looks like it’s missing. It’s not! There’s an anti-reflection coating there (on both the front and back of the glass). Such coatings have been common on photography lenses and are now common on eyeglasses. Multilayer Coatings Air An AR coating usually consists of many layers with thickness l/4, usually with alternating high and low refractive indices. n0 nL nH nL The phase shifts at each interface depend on the refractive index change. Using many layers allows precise control over the reflection coefficient R. nH nL nH Glass substrate ns Bewijs van de stelling op slide 24 31 Tot slot Wat hebben we gezien: • Coherentielengte en coherentietijd • Beperkte zichtbaarheid van interferentie • Optical coherence tomography (oogheelkunde) • Multi-beam interferentie: etalons, toepassing in de spectroscopie • Anti-reflectie coatings 32