Graduate Studies for Future Leadership Positions Master of Science in Pharmacy Leadership and Administration Graduate Student Policies and Procedures Handbook Department of Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research University of Houston College of Pharmacy 2015 M.S. Program in Pharmacy Leadership and Administration Course Requirements for Master of Science Degree The MS program is offered by the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research (PPTR). The student must complete a minimum of 37 Cr. Hrs. for the MS degree with the thesis/project option Please note, students have to take seminar courses each fall and spring semesters enrolled. In accordance with the University of Houston guidelines, the department may approve a maximum of 9 Cr. Hr. of transfer credits from another institution. The distribution of the hours with these options is provided below: Required Credit Hours: The curriculum focuses on Pharmacy Leadership and Administration in Health-system pharmacies. Credit Hours Thesis/Project Option Core Courses Recommended Elective Courses Electives -Area of Emphasis Seminar Thesis or Project Minimum for graduation 9cr 9cr 9cr 4cr 6cr 37cr A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 (A= 4.00) must be maintained in all graduate level courses required for the M.S. degree in order to obtain an advanced degree from the College of Pharmacy. Graduate level courses are defined as all courses required for the M.S. degree as defined either by the department and/or thesis/project committee. 2 Program Course Work Plan for Full-time MS Students with a Thesis/Project: Credit Hours First Year Fall Semester Advanced Hospital and Health System Pharmacy I (Core) Leadership Seminar (Core) Biostatistics and research design Recommended Elective Course 3cr 1cr 3cr 1-3cr First Year Spring Semester Pharmacy Administration and Management II (Core) Leadership Seminar (Core) Research Methods in Pharmacy Administration Pharmacy Innovations 3cr 1cr 3cr 3cr First Year Summer Semester Capstone Course (Core) MS thesis/project proposal development 3cr 3cr Total First year 23cr Second year Fall Semester Leadership Seminar (Core) Recommended Elective Course Masters Thesis/Project 1cr 3cr 3cr Second Year Spring Semester Leadership Seminar (Core) Pharmacy Workforce Competency Masters Thesis/Project 1cr 3cr 3cr Total Second year 14cr Total Credits for the MS program 37cr 3 Course Descriptions Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research Departmental Courses: Core and prescribed electives 6321 Advanced Hospital and Health System Management Cr: 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Overview of management of healthsystems pharmacy including healthcare law, policy, and contemporary topics in hospital and health system management. PHCA 6100, 6101: Leadership Seminar Cr. 1. (1-0). Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. This seminar is intended to develop the student's understanding of and capacity for leadership within the pharmacy profession. Topics will include leadership development, marketing, strategic planning, and community engagement. PHCA 6397 Pharmacy Innovations CR (3-0) Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. An in depth examination of contemporary innovations in the practice of pharmacy. PHCA 6320 Drug Use and System Management (Capstone Course) CR (3-0) Prerequisites PHCA 6321. Overview of drug use in health systems including joint commission, practice management, operations, formulary management, human resources and marketing. PHCA 6397 Pharmacy Workforce Competency CR (3-0) Prerequisites: PHCA 6321 and PHCA 6306. This course is designed to introduce the ideas and processes behind the evaluation/assessment and development of employees’ capabilities (both application and knowledge based) in the pharmacy setting. This course will cover a variety of topics including methods of assessment, validation, training development, as well as the development of ongoing programs within their department that aim at keeping employees up-to-date and engaged. PHCA 6198:6298:6398:6498: Special Problems Cr. 1-4 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. PHCA 6396: Master’s Project Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: consent of instructor. Project proposal approved by Faculty Mentor and two committee members. Project developed in the area of PLA research. PHCA 6399: Master’s Thesis Cr. 3 Students are expected to develop and conduct their thesis. 7396: Master's Project Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: PHCA 6396 or consent of instructor. Preparation of written report about PHOP project and oral defense to Faculty Mentor and two committee members. Bound report submitted to committee. PHCA 7199, 7299, 7399: Master’s Thesis Cr. 1, 2, 3 Students are expected to write and submit a thesis on research conducted as required by University of Houston and as a requirement for partial fulfillment of the MS degree program. 4 Other electives There are a number of special problem courses available for students. These include teaching portfolio, academia rotation, project proposal development. Discuss these options with your Faculty Mentor or graduate academic advisor. All special problems must be discussed with your academic advisor prior to initiating the course. Department of Pharmacy Healthcare Policy and Outcomes Research Core and prescribed electives PHCA 6308: Biostatistics and Experimental Design Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Applications of experimental design techniques and statistical methods in health care and pharmacy, including topics such as hypothesis testing, contingency tables, correlation, regression, and analysis of variance. PHCA 6306: Pharmacy Administration and Management II Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: PHCA 6305or PHCA 6321, graduate standing or consent of instructor. Critical examination and discussion of medication use with respect to practice, policy, and research in healthcare delivery. PHCA 6307: Research Methods in Pharmacy Administration Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: PHCA 6308, graduate standing or consent of instructor. Principles of research methods and its application to conduct and analyze research topics in PHOP. Included are computer applications, design of survey questionnaires, and proficiency in analyzing programs/policies Other Electives PHCA 6198:6298:6398:6498: Special Problems Cr. 1-4 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. PHCA 6219: Issues in Health Services Cr. 2. (2-0). A survey course for students with an administrative interest, which develops the linkage between structure, manpower, access, and utilization of health services. PHCA 6310: SAS Applications in Statistics Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Practical experiences in conducting statistical analysis using the SAS statistical package to analyze, evaluate, and report data. PHCA 6312: Pharmacoeconomics in Outcomes Research Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. This course focuses on the economic methods used in evaluating drug therapy decisions. The course will cover the tools needed to assess the costs and outcomes of medications and pharmacy services. Emphasis will be on disease-state management issues with examples from pharmaceutical outcomes research. PHCA 6316: Pharmacoepidemiology Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. This course focuses on epidemiological 5 principals with application to pharmacy. The course introduces concepts, methods, and nomenclature in pharmacoepidemiology and its applications to current public health problems. PHCA 6317: Secondary Data Analysis Cr. 3. (3-0) Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Principals and applications of secondary data analysis in PHOP research with focus on methodologies for processing and analyzing national survey and administrative data. PHCA 6396: Master’s Project Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: consent of instructor. Project proposal approved by Faculty Mentor and two committee members. Project developed in the area of PLA research. PHCA 6399: Master’s Thesis Cr. 3 Students are expected to develop and conduct their thesis. 7396: Master's Project Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: PHCA 6396 or consent of instructor. Preparation of written report about PHOP project and oral defense to Faculty Mentor and two committee members. Bound report submitted to committee. PHCA 7199, 7299, 7399: Master’s Thesis Cr. 1, 2, 3 Students are expected to write and submit a thesis on research conducted as required by University of Houston and as a requirement for partial fulfillment of the MS degree program. 6 Concurrent Enrollment Students enrolled in Graduate Studies at the University of Houston College of Pharmacy are able to enroll in coursework at the University of Texas School of Public Health (UTSPH), located in the Texas Medical Center through concurrent enrollment. The process for concurrent enrollment is as follows: 1. Check the UTSPH course listings and identify which course you are interested in taking. Please pay close attention to the campus at which the course is offered. You will need to select the ‘Houston’ campus only. 2. Email the instructor to discover if you are able to, and have their permission to take the course. 3. Complete the Inter-institutional Application for UTSPH ( First time registration only) 4. Complete Concurrent forms for UH and UTSPH a. Concurrent form for UH includes the course name, number, instructor’s signature, your advisors signature, the program director’s signature, (international students require) the signature of the international office, and the UH registrar’s signature. b. If you require assistance in the procurement of signatures, please visit the Graduate Advisor. 5. Once all signatures have been acquired, the paperwork must be taken to the UTSPH registrar’s office for processing. This includes creation of student profile, addition to the course, and the payment of tuition and fees. Fees will be assessed separately for concurrent courses. A course “place holder” will be added to your student profile, in order to reflect your accurate hours of enrollment. The place holder course is non-billable. a. Concurrent enrollment may possibly have an impact on your financial aid, or fellowship. If your billable enrollment is under 7 hours at UH, your financial aid will be adjusted accordingly. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the impact on fellowship or financial aid, please see the Graduate Advisor. 6. Once the registration process at UTSPH is complete, please request a scanned copy of all your paperwork be sent to you with the UTSPH signatures. This will need to be forwarded to the Graduate Advisor’s office for your student file. Students are only permitted to complete 12 hours of concurrent enrollment during their entire course of study with University of Houston. Probation and Dismissal Rules 1) Every graduate student must maintain a 'B' average or 3.00 GPA throughout the MS program curriculum. Failure to do so will automatically place the student on probation for the following semester. Once on probation, the student has one semester (Fall or Spring) to improve their grades. If the student is not able to improve their performance and if their GPA is still below 3.00 the student may have to withdraw from the program. Students who have their GPA below 3.00, but have shown dramatic improvement in course grades, may petition for an extension to the MS Program Advisory Committee. 2) Graduate students are allowed only 2 'C' grades throughout the MS program. Students will be automatically put on probation upon receipt of their second 'C' grade and will be withdrawn from the program upon receipt of their third ‘C’ grade. 3) In addition, the student will be automatically put on probation if they receive a grade below a 'C' in any one course. Individuals who receive a grade below 'C' have one semester to improve their grades. Students who are on probation and who show dramatic improvement in course grades may petition for an extension to the MS Program Advisory Committee. 4) Additionally, students receiving a grade below 'C' in any core course is required to repeat the course during its next offering. In addition, a student with a D, F, or I as the most recent grade in a graduate level course for a degree plan will not be eligible for graduation. 7 M.S. Faculty Mentor Selection Following the completion of the first or second semester, the student will be expected to select a permanent Faculty Mentor. This must be a mutually agreeable decision between the student and the faculty member, both of whom must sign the Faculty Mentor Selection Form (see appendix). A mentor should not consider signing the Faculty Mentor Selection Form until the student has an opportunity to meet all faculty members. The mentor is responsible for monitoring all aspects of the student's academic and research progress. Students should consult their Faculty Mentors in selecting courses, selecting field of research, etc.Students are advised to read the thesis or project or coursework requirements before selecting their Faculty Mentor. After selection of the permanent mentor, if the student is unable to work satisfactorily with the mentor, the student may attempt to find another advisor as long as the student in not on academic probation. In all instances, the Graduate Academic Advisor will review the written evaluations of the student by the mentor; review the reports of the student's committee meetings and attempt to assist the student in either resolving the problem or identifying another advisor. However, documentation of repeated notifications to the student to correct deficiencies in performance without evidence of appropriate action by the student to correct these deficiencies may result in the student's dismissal from the graduate program. The student may also select a co-mentor, if they so choose upon the approval of the mentor. Students need to provide this information on the Faculty Mentor Selection Form. Monitoring of Graduate Student Progress The student’s Faculty Mentor will monitor the academic progress of the student. In addition, each graduate student must meet with their mentor and their thesis/project committee at least twice during an academic year, (preferably during September and March) following the establishment of that committee. A summary of the committee's deliberations and recommendations should be prepared by the student's mentor and presented to the student and to each of the committee members. A copy of this report should also be forwarded to the Graduate Advisor for the MS program to be placed in the student's file. Thesis - Project Research Research activities in the masters program encompassed by the mission, may focus on a number of major categories in issues related to Pharmacy Leadership. It is expected that the students will normally utilize the first summer and the second calendar year of their M.S. degree program to conduct sufficient original research to write a quality thesis or project proposal. The quantity of research expected for the thesis or project should be sufficient for publication and should be sufficiently complete as judged by the thesis/project committee chair and the committee to produce an acceptable thesis or a project document. The student is intended to master experimental techniques, learn to critically evaluate the scientific literature, have a grasp of what is involved in a sound, independent research project, and assemble intelligently the research results and present and defend it in a manner suitable for presentation to the scientific community. 8 Thesis - Project Committee Students are required to form a master’s thesis/project committee, composed of at least three members. The faculty mentor must hold a doctoral or professional degree and be a full-time member of the faculty at University of Houston College of Pharmacy. An additional committee member must be from the College of Pharmacy. Full-time students are advised to select a mentor by the end of their second semester. Students will be required to complete and submit a thesis or a project document as per the requirements of the University of Houston. The advisor and student must complete the Thesis/Project Committee Form (see appendix). At the minimum, the master’s thesis/project committee will include: - 1 faculty member from the Department of PPTR or PHOP, usually the faculty mentor (Committee Chair) - 1 additional faculty member from within the department (Committee Member) - 1 faculty representative from within or outside the University or any individual that has adequate qualification and knowledge regarding the student’s thesis/project topic (Committee Student Advocate) - Additional members of the thesis committee can be added with the approval of the faculty mentor. Proposal Defense The student should prepare a written synopsis of his/her research plan and make it available for the committee at least one week prior to an oral presentation.. The thesis or the project proposal defense optimally should take place during the Summer semester between the first and second year of the MS Program. The proposal defense can take place in a private meeting between the student and the committee members. Although there is no set structure or guidelines for this meeting, the student and/or Faculty Mentor can use the following information to guide the meeting. The defense will begin with a brief (approx. 20-30 min) presentation by the student that summarizes the research study. The committee may examine the student to understand the student’s knowledge regarding the research topic at this time. This examination will focus on the research project proposed by the student but will not be restricted to the project. The committee may also examine the student on relevant information related to the research project such as the literature in the area of the research project and any relevant information from prior course work that the student has completed. At the conclusion of the defense the committee will make their recommendation. This will be: 1) Acceptance of the proposal without modification. In this case the student will proceed with the proposed study as outlined in the proposal. 2) Acceptance of the proposal with modification. In this case the committee will make specific recommendations for modification of the proposal that must be incorporated into a revised draft of the proposal. 3) Rejection of the Proposal. Rejection of the proposal may result from a judgment of the committee that the proposal is inadequately developed and needs more work. In this case the student will be instructed to re-submit the proposal to the committee. The students would be instructed as to what areas require improvement and another defense would be scheduled no later than three months after the initial defense. The proposal is then submitted for placement in the student's file along with a signed memo summarizing the proposal defense and the committee recommendations. The student’s advisor prepares the memo and a copy 9 is provided to the student and each committee member. Each student will have 2 opportunities to successfully defend his/her proposal. Passage with modification constitutes one attempt. If a student fails to successfully defend their proposal on the second attempt, the student will be dismissed from the program. It is advised that students meet with their advisors and committee members regularly to ensure adequate understanding of the requirements for the research proposal. Graduation Process The Thesis/Project Defense Students must successfully defend their thesis/projects before the committee. This oral examination emphasizes the student’s ability and includes a comprehensive oral examination covering general knowledge in the field of specialty. The student must submit a reasonably well-polished and well-proofed copy of the thesis or project document to the committee at least 14 days prior to scheduling a defense. The manuscript should be in the format acceptable for submission to a peer reviewed journal. The committee will have 14 days to preview the document. If the committee members agree that the quality of the work is sufficiently complete and polished, then the student may schedule the defense. Thesis or project defense must be scheduled at least one month prior to the end of the semester in which the student graduates. Thesis/Project Defense Announcement The student is expected to post an announcement of the thesis/project defense at least 7 days prior to the date of the defense on both campuses of the College of Pharmacy. A copy of the defense announcement also should be sent to the Chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research and the Dean of the College of Pharmacy. The announcement should contain the students name, thesis/project title, advisor's name, location, date, time of the defense, and indicate that it is a thesis/project defense. All graduate students are required to attend each departmental thesis/project defense, unless excused by the Director of graduate studies. The defense must have an open public session and a closed session with the committee. The public portion should be presented as a seminar with ample time provided for discussion of the findings by the attendees (usually 30-45 minutes +15 minutes for questions). The Faculty Mentor is responsible of informing the Graduate Academic Advisor if the student has defended the thesis/project successfully. A student may be given a second opportunity if necessary for an unsuccessful defense. Students that fail the MS Thesis/Project defense the second time have an option to register for additional courses, revise their coursework/program plan and consider the non-thesis course-based option. Such students should be in good academic standing and will be required to register for a minimum of one course the following semester. 10 PROJECT DEFENSE Department of Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON COLLEGE OF PHARMACY ALL FACULTY AND STUDENTS ARE INVITED PROJECT TITLE Presenter Student’s name MS in Pharmacy Leadership and Administration Candidate College of Pharmacy University of Houston Advisor: Faculty Mentor’s Full Name When: Month, Day, Year Where: College of Pharmacy Building at TMC, Room XXX Time: 11 Submission of Thesis/Project Document The University of Houston and the College of Pharmacy use an electronic thesis/dissertation submission process. See the following link for detailed instructions: The student must follow all dates published by the University of Houston in the Academic Calendar for applying for graduation, and for submitting the approved thesis signed by the student, advisor, committee, and Dean. The student must apply for graduation at the University of Houston Graduation Office in E. Cullen and pay a graduation-processing fee. Typically, this deadline is at the beginning of the semester that the student wishes to graduate. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the advisor and apply accordingly. The department’s Graduate Advisor will assist the student in electronic submission. The students may submit as many personal copies of the dissertation document for binding as they desire. Academic Honesty Please visit the University Graduate Catalog for the policy regarding academic honesty. Guidelines for Preparing the M.S. Thesis/Project document in PPTR A. Departmental Requirements for Submission Note that it is the responsibility of the graduate student to submit the required thesis/ project document. The department administrators will only assist students as and when required Thesis documents are required by the University to be submitted via electronic submission through the Texas State Library on the date required by the Graduate Academic Advisor. For more information on electronic submission, please visit To achieve this in an efficient manner the following process should be followed. Students are recommended that they schedule their final proposal defense at least a month before the semester ends. Along with this form, students have to also submit an updated copy of the MS Coursework/Program Plan form. The Faculty Mentor has the primary responsibility to complete the MS Coursework/Program plan and based on the option selected by the student, evaluate the thesis/project document for compliance with the thesis/project requirement guidelines, including but not limited to content and formatting. The Director will only evaluate the thesis/project for formatting and sign the thesis/project approval form. The final digital copy should be approved by the thesis committee. The copy to be uploaded should be final, and converted to pdf format. B. Title of Thesis/ Project Your thesis/project will be a valuable resource for others only if it can be located easily. Modern retrieval systems use the words in the title and sometimes a few other descriptive words to locate your thesis/project document. Avoid oblique references, and be sure to use word substitutes for formulas, symbols, superscripts, subscripts, Greek letters, and so on. A good rule is to use a maximum of thirteen words for a title. C. Preparing the Abstract The abstract is expected to give a succinct account of the thesis/project so that a reader can decide if he/she wants to read the complete work. The maximum length is 350 words. Mathematical formulas, diagrams, and other illustrative materials are not recommended for the abstract. The abstract should contain the following sections: 1. Introduction or Statement of the problem; 2. Procedure or methods; 3. Results or findings; and 4. Conclusions. The abstract must be typed double-spaced on one side of the page only. D. Page Numbers Each page in the thesis/project document, except the title page, should be assigned a number. The following plan of page numbering is required: 1. For the preliminaries, use small Roman numerals (i,ii,iii,iv, etc.). The Roman numerals should be placed at the bottom center. 2. For the remainder of the work - including text, illustrations, appendices, and bibliography--use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). Each page must be numbered. Use of letter suffixes such as 10a, 10b should be avoided. The numbering begins with 1 and runs consecutively to the end of 13 the document. All page numbers should be centered at the bottom. If the description of an illustration is too long to be placed on the same page, it should be placed on the previous page-not on an unnumbered page. 3. If there are more volumes than one, each volume should contain a title page duplicating the title page of the first volume. If the volumes are separate entities, it would be well to identify them further as Volume I, II, etc. The numbering may follow consecutively from one volume to another, or begin with Arabic 1 at each new title page. A maximum of 500 pages can fit in one volume. E. Margins 1. Left - 1 1/2" 2. Right - 1" 3. Top - 1" 4. Bottom - 1" F. Order The original and copies of the thesis/project document must include the following items in the order listed: 1. Blank sheet of paper at the beginning of each copy submitted 2. Copy Authorization Page –All bound copies should have original signature of the student. This document will not be included in the digital copy. Will be turned into the Academic Advisor and retained in the student file. 3. Title Page - Must show the month and year of graduation 4. Signature Page – All copies must have the original signatures of the committee and the dean of the college. This page will not be included in the digital copy. Once completed, the signature page will be turned in to the Academic Advisor, and retained in the student file. 5. Acknowledgments - (Preface or Forward); Optional 6. Dedications – Optional 7. Abstract Page – Include the thesis/project title on this page 8. Copy of the project in the format required for submission to preferred peer-reviewed journal 14 Graduate Student Grievance Procedures* See attached link for current University of Houston and College of Pharmacy grievance policy: University of Houston Graduate Catalog APPENDIX CONTENTS Faculty Mentor Selection Form Thesis/Project Committee Selection Form MS Thesis/Project Approval Form MS Thesis/Project Coursework Plan Form Example of the first three Page of the MS thesis/project 15 Master of Science in Pharmacy Leadership and Administration Faculty Mentor Selection Form Date: ____________ This letter is to indicate that I ____________________ have selected Dr. ___________________ as my Faculty Mentor for my master program. I have met with the respective faculty member and we have mutually agreed on this decision. In addition, with approval from my Faculty Mentor I have also selected a co-advisor, who is Dr. _________________________. (Complete only if applicable, if not state “Not Applicable”) ___________________________ Student Name and Signature ___________________________________________________ Faculty Mentor Name and Signature (Both student and faculty signatures are required.) Received by: ______________________________ Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research University of Houston, College of Pharmacy A copy of this document will be provided to both, the student and the faculty advisor. 16 Master of Science in Pharmacy Leadership and Administration MS Thesis/Project Committee Selection Form Date: ____________ Student’s Full Name _____________________________________________ Anticipated Field of Research ____________________________________________________________ The names and affiliation of the Committee Members should be indicated below. By signing next to their information they have agreed to serve as committee members. Committee Members Affiliation of Member Accepted (Signature) 1. Faculty Mentor 2. 3. 4. Received and approved by: ______________________________ Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research University of Houston, College of Pharmacy A copy of this document will be provided to both, the student and the faculty advisor. 17 Master of Science in Pharmacy Leadership and Administration MS Thesis/Project Proposal Approval Form Date: ____________ Student’s Full Name _____________________________________________ Thesis/Project Title ____________________________________________________________ This form is to indicate that the above mentioned student has successfully defended his/her thesis/project proposal and is approved to move forward with their research. The committee agrees that the expected semester of graduation will be____________________________________. In keeping with the departmental policy, the student must schedule final defense by ____________________ in order to qualify for graduation in their projected timeframe. Approved by Committee Chair: ____________________________ Committee member: _____________________________________ (Co advisor) Committee member:______________________________________ Committee Member:______________________________________ Received and approved by: ______________________________ Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research University of Houston, College of Pharmacy A copy of this document will be provided to the student and the faculty advisor. 18 Master of Science in Pharmacy Leadership and Administration MS Thesis/Project Approval Form Date: ____________ Student’s Full Name _____________________________________________ Thesis/Project Title ____________________________________________________________ This form is to indicate that the above mentioned student has completed all requirements of the thesis/project and has received approval to proceed with copying and binding. Approved by Committee Chair: ____________________________ Received and approved by: ______________________________ Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research University of Houston, College of Pharmacy A copy of this document will be provided to the student and the faculty advisor. 19 Master of Science in Pharmacy Leadership and Administration MS Coursework/Program Plan Form Date: ____________ Student’s Full Name _____________________________________________ MS Program Type (Circle one): 1) Thesis option 2) Project-Option This form is to indicate that the above mentioned student has completed/will complete the minimum requirements of the MS program. Indicate courses to be taken and grade obtained. Thesis/Project Option Core courses Adv Health and Hospital Management I ___ ___ Pharmacy Administration and Management II ___ ___ Research Methods in Pharmacy Administration ___ ___ Seminar, 6100, 6101, 6100, 6101 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Electives ________________________________________ ___ ___ ________________________________________ ___ ___ ________________________________________ ___ ___ ________________________________________ ___ ___ ________________________________________ ___ ___ Area of Emphasis Electives ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Masters Thesis – 6399 and 7399 ________________ ___ NA ___ NA OR Masters Project – 6396 and 7396 ________________ Approved by Faculty Mentor: ______________________ Received and approved by: Student Signature: ____________________ ______________________ Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research University of Houston, College of Pharmacy A copy of this document will be provided to the student and the faculty advisor. 20 Example of the first three pages for the MS thesis/project (Note: Where necessary the thesis or project (non-thesis) option should be indicated. Do not use both terms. Use only the information that may apply to your specific situation, either thesis or project.) Copy Authorization In presenting this thesis (or project) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for an advanced degree at University of Houston, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further state that permission for extensive copying of my thesis (or project) for scholarly purpose may be granted by my Faculty Mentor, the Dean of Graduate studies, Dean of my academic division, or by the University Librarian. It is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis (or project) for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signed: _________________________ (Students Full Name) Dated: ___________________________ 21 THESIS (or PROJECT) TITLE by NAME OF STUDENT A thesis (or project) submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Pharmacy Leadership and Administration Thesis (or Non-Thesis Project) Option University of Houston College of Pharmacy Month 20XX 22 Thesis (or Project) Title To the Faculty of the University of Houston, College of Pharmacy: The members of the committee appointed to examine the thesis (or project) of _______________________ find it satisfactory and recommend that it be accepted on _______________. ______________________________________ Committee Chair, (Full Name) ______________________________________ Committee Member, (Full Name) _______________________________________ Committee Member, (Full Name) _______________________________________ Dean, (Full name) 23