Edmund Randolph

Williamsburg, Virginia
Phone 1-800-Virginia
Edmund Randolph
To secure the challenging Office of The President of The United States
Born August 10, 1753 Tazewell Hall, Williamsburg, VA.
Parents- Ariana Jennings, John Randolph
Attended College of William and Mary
Studied law under Father
Married Elizabeth Nicholas 1776
Political Life
Interests and
Attended convention that adopted Virginia’s state constitution – 1776
Mayor of Williamsburg –
Virginia’s Attorney General
Elected to First Continental Congress – 1779
Governor of Virginia- 1786
Delegate to Annapolis Convention- 1786
Constitutional Convention- Presented the Virginia Plan –proposing a
strong central government with three branches
Committee of Detail that produced a draft of the Constitution
Strong advocate of the Amendment Process to the Constitution
Helped ratify the Constitution of The United States of America
Served as Attorney General Under President George Washington
Secretary of State under President George Washington- 1794- 1795
Served as aid to General Washington during Revolution
Practice law
Wrote a History Of Virginia
Enjoy the beautiful countryside of Virginia
References Available upon Request