MATEC Web of Conferences 57, 05007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20165705007 ICAET- 2016 The numerical simulation of convection delayed dominated diffusion equation P. Murali Mohan Kumar 1, a , A.S.V. Ravi Kanth 1 Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Haryana – 136119, India 1 Abstract. In this paper, we propose a fitted numerical method for solving convection delayed dominated diffusion equation. A fitting factor is introduced and the model equation is discretized by cubic spline method. The error analysis is analyzed for the consider problem. The numerical examples are solved using the present method and compared the result with the exact solution. 1 Introduction Consider the following convection delayed dominated diffusion equation y ''( x) a( x) y '( x) b( x) y( x ) 0 on [0,1] (1) subject to the interval conditions (2) y( x) ( x) on x 0 , y(1) where 0 1 is a perturbation parameter and is a small shifting parameter of order . It is also assumed that a( x), b( x), ( x) are smooth functions and is a constant. These convection diffusion delayed types with dominated convection term problems play an important role in the mathematical modelling of various practical phenomena in the engineering and environmental sciences, for examples include high Reynold’s number flow in fluid dynamics, heat transport problems with large Pecklet number, modelling the problems in mathematical biology and semi-conductor devices etc. It is challenging to develop efficient numerical methods for solving convection diffusion with dominated convection term due to the existence of boundary layers. Standard discretization methods for solving such kind of problems are unstable and fails to give accurate results when perturbation parameter is small. Therefore, it is challenging to develop suitable numerical methods to these problems, whose accuracy does not depend on the parameter . Lange and Miura[1] initiated the singular perturbation analysis of boundary value problems for differential difference equations with small shifts. The numerical study of second order singularly perturbed delay differential equations has been given in [2-3] and references therein. In this paper, we present an exponentially fitted method on uniform mesh based on cubic spline method for the convection delayed dominated diffusion equation. The layout of the paper is organized as follows: Continuation of the problem is presented in next section and follows a description of the method. In Section 3, the error analysis of the method is discussed. Section 4 ends with the Numerical results. 2 Continuous problem An application of Taylor series in (1) yields y ''( x) (a( x) b( x)) y '( x) b( x) y( x) 0, xi 1 x xi 1 y( x) 0 , y(1) We assume that a( x) b( x) M 0 (3) throughout the interval [0,1] , where M is positive constant, then the problem (3) exhibits boundary layer at x 0 . From the theory of singular perturbations [4], y x y0 x y0 0 e a 0 b 0 x o (4) where y0 x is the solution of the reduced problem given by a x b x y0 x b x y0 x 0 with y0 1 From Eq.(4) as h 0 , we obtain lim y ih y0 0 0 y0 0 e a 0 b 0 ih h 0 Let h , then lim y ih y0 0 0 y0 0 e h0 a 0 b 0 i (5) Now introducing an exponentially fitting factor to the Eq.(3), we get y x a x b x y x b x y x 0 (6) with y(0)=0 , y(1) (7) Corresponding © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 ( MATEC Web of Conferences 57, 05007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20165705007 ICAET- 2016 The fitting factor is to be determined in such a way n Eq.(10) and using the following three approximations for first order derivatives y yi 1 yi i 1 2h 3 yi 1 4 yi yi 1 yi1 2h yi 1 4 yi 3 yi 1 yi1 2h We get the following difference scheme Ei yi 1 Fi yi Gi yi 1 0,i 11 N 1 that the solution of Eq.(6) converges uniformly to the solution Eq.(3) . Lemma 1. Let u(x) be a smooth function satisfing the and then . Prof We can prove the above lemma by method of contradiction. Let be such that and assume that . and and Now Clearly consider (10) Where " 3" Ei 1 ai 1 bi 1 "2 ai bi 2 ai 1 bi 1 "1hbi 1 2 2 2 Fi 2"1 ai 1 bi 1 2" 2 ai 1 bi 1 2" 2 hbi 3" " Gi 1 ai 1 bi 1 " 2 ai bi 2 ai 1 bi 1 "1hbi 1 2 2 Eq.(11) gives a system of N 1 equations with N 1 unknowns. These N 1 equations together with the Eq.(7) are sufficient to solve the system by using Thomas algorithm. Which is contradiction to our assumption. Hence . Lemma 2. Let u(x) is the solution of the boundary value problem (3), then Proof. Let point be two barrier functions defined by Then, we have and as . Using this inquality in the above inequality, we get 2.2 Determination of fitting factor Taking the limit as h 0 in Eq.(11), we obtain 2 yi 1 lim yi a 0 b 0 "1 " 2 hlim 0 h 0 ! Therefore by the maximum principle[5], we obtain which gives the required estimate. (11) yi 1 0 a 0 b 0 "1 " 2 hlim ! 0 Substituting Eq.(5) in Eq.(12) and then simplifying, we get the variable fitting factor as follows 2.1 Description of the method The spline function Let S ( x, ) S ( x) satisfying in the interval [ xi , xi 1 ] and the differential equation x x S '' ( x) S ( x) S '' ( xi ) S ( xi ) i 1 h ! i a xi b xi "1 " 2 a xi b xi coth 2 2 ! ( 12) x xi S ( xi 1 ) S ( xi 1 ) h ! '' (8) Where S ( xi ) yi and 0 is termed as cubic spline in compression. Following Aziz and Khan [6], we obtain the tridiagonal system h2 "1M i 1 2"2 M i "1M i 1 yi 1 2 yi yi 1 (9) Where " 1 1 "1 2 1 , " 2 2 " cot " 1 , sin " ! " " is a constant fitting factor for left end boundary layer. 3 Error analysis Substituting M j a j b j y 'j b j y j , j i, i # 1 in (10), we obtain M i y xi , i 11 N 1. Substituting a 0 b 0 "1 " 2 a 0 b 0 coth 2 2 ! y x j b x j y x j , i M j a x j b x j j i,i # 1, 2 MATEC Web of Conferences 57, 05007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20165705007 ICAET- 2016 yi 1 2 yi yi 1 h 2 (2) ai ('1 ) 2! h2 ai 1 ai hai' ai(2) ('2 ) 2! 2 h bi 1 bi hbi' bi(2) ('3 ) 2! 2 h bi 1 bi hbi' bi(2) (' 4 ) 2! Where xi 1 '1 ,'2 ,'3 ,'4 xi 1 Using these expansions and Eq.(21), we have ( "1h 2bi 1 )ei 1 (2 2"2 h 2bi )ei ai 1 ai hai' h 2 "1 (ai 1 bi 1 ) yi' 1 bi 1 yi 1 2"2 h 2 (ai bi ) yi' bi yi h 2 "1 (ai 1 bi 1 ) yi' 1 bi 1 yi 1 (13) Putting exact solution in (14), we get y ( xi 1 ) 2 y ( xi ) y ( xi 1 ) h 2 "1 (ai 1 bi 1 ) y ' ( xi 1 ) bi 1 y ( xi 1 ) 2"2 h 2 (ai bi ) y ' ( xi ) bi y ( xi ) h 2 "1 (ai 1 bi 1 ) y ' ( xi 1 ) bi 1 y ( xi 1 ) (21) ( "1h2bi 1 )ei 1 Ti (h) Where h4 h4 Ti (h) (ai bi ) y (3) ( xi ) (1 12"1 ) y (4) ( xi ) 3 12 h6 "1 (ai' bi' ) y (4) ( xi ) O h6 6 (22) Clearly, it can be seen that Ti (h) O h4 for the choice (14) Where h4 h6 (1 12"1 ) y (4) ($ i ) (1 30"1 ) y (6) ($ i ) 12 360 xi 1 $ i xi 1 (15) for any choice of "1 and "2 whose sum is 1 . 2 Subtracting Eq.(14) from Eq.(15) and substituting e j y( x j ) y j , j i, i # 1 , we get Tio (h) ( "1h 2bi 1 )ei 1 (2 2"2 h 2bi )ei ( "1h 2bi 1 )ei 1 h 2 "1 (ai 1 bi 1 )ei' 1 2"2 (ai bi )ei' "1 (ai 1 bi 1 )ei' 1 Tio (h) h 2 (3) h2 h 4 (5) i y ( xi ) y (4) ( xi ) y ($1 ) 3 12 30 y ' ( xi 1 ) yi' 1 2 4 h (3) h (4) h (5) i y ( xi ) y ( xi ) y ($ 2 ) 3 12 30 ei' y ' ( xi ) yi' 4 h (3) h (5) i y ( xi ) y ($3 ) 6 120 and matrices E e1 , e2 , and , eN 1 t are , S N 11 of A are S1 1 2"2 h b1 "1h b2 2 2 Si h 2 "1bi 1 2"2 bi "1bi 1 h 2 Bi , i 2(1) N 2 (18) S N 1 N 1 "1h 2bN 2 2"2 h 2bN 1 = 2 , bN 1 Clearly, the row sums S1 , S2 , (17) = 2 tridiagonal t ( N 1) component vectors. Eq.(21) can be written in matrix vector form as where A ( J h2 DQ) (23) AE Ti (h) , we have ei' 1 y ' ( xi 1 ) yi' 1 = ( N 1) ( ( N 1) Q b1 , b2 , (16) ei' 1 of "1 and "2 whose sum is 1 . 2 Let J trid % 2 & , D trid %"1 2"2 "1 & are For sufficiently small h , the matrix A is irreducible and monotone which implies A1 exists. Hence from Eq.(24), we have E A1Ti (h) . From the theory of matrices we have, (19) xi 1 $1i , $2i , $3i xi 1 Using Eqs.(18)-(20) in Eq.(17), we get ( "1h 2bi 1 )ei 1 (2 2"2 h 2bi )ei ( "1h 2bi 1 )ei 1 N 1 )p i 1 k ,i Si 1 , k 1(1) N 1 Where pk ,i is the (k , i)th element of the matrix A1 . h4 % "1 (ai 1 bi 1 ) 2"2 (ai bi ) "1 (ai 1 bi 1 ) & y (3) ( xi ) 3 h5 "1 % (ai 1 bi 1 ) (ai 1 bi 1 ) & y (4) ( xi ) 12 h6 "1 (ai 1 bi 1 ) y (5) ($1 ) (ai 1 bi 1 ) y (5) ($ 2 ) 30 h6 "2 (ai bi ) y (5) ($3 ) Ti 0 (h) 60 (20) Therefore N 1 )p i 1 k ,i 1 1 1 min Si h 2 Bi h 2 Bi 1 i N 1 N 1 E ) pk ,iTi (h), k 1(1) N 1 i 1 Therefore E Kh 2 Bi Where K is constant independent of h . E O h Let 3 2 (24) Therefore for the choice of parameters "1 and "2 MATEC Web of Conferences 57, 05007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20165705007 ICAET- 2016 Table 2. Maximum absolute errors for the Example 1. whose sum is 1 . From the Eq.(25), it is observed that 2 the proposed method is uniform convergent since the error is of order of the form E K * h2 , where K * is "1 112 , "2 512 *N independent of perturbation parameter . 1 2 22 23 24 28 212 216 232 4 Numerical Results To demonstrate the applicability of the method, we consider two convective diffusion with dominated convection term exhibiting boundary layer at left end of the interval and one right end of the interval. The exact solution of the boundary value problem (1) with constant coefficients is given by y x em2 e m1 e m2 em1x em1 e m1 e m2 m1 m2 a b 2 4b 2 a b 256 512 1024 3.90E-06 9.76E-07 2.44E-07 6.10E-08 7.65E-06 1.91E-06 4.78E-07 1.19E-07 1.52E-05 3.78E-06 9.46E-07 2.36E-07 3.04E-05 7.55E-06 1.88E-06 4.70E-07 1.33E-04 6.55E-05 2.77E-05 8.29E-06 1.33E-04 6.65E-05 3.32E-05 1.66E-05 1.33E-04 6.65E-05 3.32E-05 1.66E-05 1.33E-04 6.65E-05 3.32E-05 1.66E-05 Example 2. Consider the following variable coefficient of left end layer singularly perturbed problem 1 x y x 1 y x y x 0 on %0,1& 2! 2 subject to the interval conditions y x 0 on x 0, y 1 1 em2 x where a b 128 A valid solution for the above problem is given by a b 2 4b 2 x2 x 4 ! e 1 2 x Figure 2. indicates the numerical solution for different and values, it is observed that the boundary layer behavior is not only on perturbation parameter and also depends on the delay parameter. Example 1. Consider the following left end layer singularly perturbed of convection delayed dominated diffusion y x 5 y x y x 0 on %0,1& u x subject to the interval conditions y x 1 on x 0, y 1 0 4.1 Determination of fitting factor for right end problem In Table 1, represents the comparison between the present method and the method in [7] with fixed and . It is observed that the present method gives more accurate results than the method in [7]. Table 2 indicates the maximum absolute error for different N and , it is observed from the results, the method is uniform convergent. Figure 1 displays the numerical solution for different values, the solution of the problem exhibits the boundary layer behavior to the left side while the perturbation parameter tends to zero. 2 Table 1. Numerical solution for Example 1. with 2 and We assume that a( x) b( x) M 0 , M is a constant then, the Eq.(3) exhibits boundary layer at x 1 . y x y0 x y0 1 e a1 b1 ( 1 x ) o (25) As h 0 , Eq.(26) becomes lim y ih y0 x y0 1 e 1 a 1 b1 i ! h 0 =0.1, "1 112 , "2 512 x Exact Proposed Method in [7] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.14379381821116 0.02067665891105 0.00297317208765 0.00042752012899 0.00006147117862 0.00000883567395 0.00000126708504 0.00000017883874 0.00000002242424 0.14380334377735 0.02067939843477 0.00297376299483 0.00042763342218 0.00006149154060 0.00000883918533 0.00000126767192 0.00000017893301 0.00000002243736 0.14085841827929 0.01984109173050 0.00279478220875 0.00039366596699 0.00005544852472 0.00000780774988 0.00000109714556 0.00000015190043 0.00000001875470 Introducing ( ) in Eq.(3) and by applying the same procedure as in Section(2) and simplifying, we get i a xi b xi "1 " 2 a xi b xi coth 2 2 ! a 1 b 1 "1 " 2 a 1 b 1 coth 2 2 ! is a constant fitting factor for right end boundary value problem. 4 MATEC Web of Conferences 57, 05007 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20165705007 ICAET- 2016 Example 3. Finally we consider the right end layer singularly perturbed of convection diffusion problem y x 5 y x 2 y x 0 on %0,1& subject to the interval conditions y x 0 on x 0, y 1 2 Table 3 gives the comparison between present method and the method in [7] for fixed and . It is observed that the method yields results better than the existing method in [7]. Figure 2 indicates the numerical solution for different and values. The perturbation parameter tends to zero the solution of the problem exhibits boundary layer behavior to the right side of the interval. Figure 2. Numerical solution of the Example 2 Acknowledgements Authors would like to thank National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), Government of India for providing financial support under the grant number 2/48(12)/2013/NBHM(R.P.)/R&D II/1084. Table 3. Numerical solution for Example 2. with 22 and =0.1 "1 112 , "2 512 x Exact Proposed Method in [7] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.00000001824795 0.00000015942757 0.00000124681219 0.00000961694147 0.00007404065246 0.00056989545628 0.00438637260011 0.03376088858255 0.25984953872717 0.00000001827085 0.00000015960776 0.00000124804968 0.00000962512936 0.00007409319019 0.00057021895408 0.00438823990526 0.03377046939265 0.25988640673333 0.00000001297418 0.00000011682562 0.00000094810121 0.00000760202085 0.00006086311380 0.00048718987663 0.00389970919703 0.03121511401660 0.24986042277630 Figure3. Numerical solution of the Example 3 for References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Figure 1. Numerical solution of the Example 1 for 0.1 0.1 5 C G. Lange , R M. Miura. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 54(1) 249-272 (1994) M. K. Kadalbajoo, K. K. Sharma. Applied Mathematics and Computation 157(1), 11-28 (2004) M. K .Kadalbajoo, K. K. Sharma. 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