Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, September 29, 2015 ‐ 7:00 P.M. Board Room, Catholic Education Centre The mission of the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board, in partnership with the family and church, is to provide, in a responsible manner, a Catholic education which develops spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, social, and physical capabilities of each individual to live fully today and to meet the challenges of the future, thus enriching the community. A GE ND A A Routine Matters 1. Call to Order and Attendance 2. Opening Prayer 3. Declaration of Interest 4. Approval of the Agenda i. Approval of Consent of Calendar Items a) Employee Population Report as of August 31, 2015—C. Pitoscia 5. Approval of Minutes, Regular Board Meeting August 25, 2015 i. Business Arising from the Minutes 6. Approval of the Minutes, Special Board Meeting September 14, 2015 i. Business Arising from the Minutes B Awards and Presentation 1. Ontario Association of School Board Officials—Paul McMahon 2. Recognition of Sarah Russell by ShareLife—J. B. Kostoff 3. Recognition of 50 Years of Service of the Felician Sisters—J. B. Kostoff 4. The Impact of ICT and the Golf Committee on Our Students and Families—A Social Work Perspective—G. Carley 5. Presentation of the St. Hildegard of Bingen Stewardship and Sustainable Practices Award to Amy Cipriano and Jennifer MacSween—J. B. Kostoff 6. Proclamation—UNESCO World Teachers’ Day—October 5, 2015—J. B. Kostoff 7. Proclamation—Bus Driver Appreciation Day—October 21, 2015—J. Hrajnik 8. Proclamation—Annual Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day, October 8, 2015—S. McWatters C Pastor’s Remarks D Delegations E Information/Reports From Trustees, For Receipt i) Regular Reports ii) Good News Items Agenda – Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 F G H I J K L M N O Information/Reports From Committees For Receipt 1. Minutes of the Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting, June 10, 2015—S. Hobin 2. Minutes of the Mississauga Public Library Board Meeting, June 17, 2015—T. Thomas Information/Reports From Administration For Receipt 1. Report to the Community ‐ Fall 2015—J. B. Kostoff (to be distributed at the meeting) 2. Pupil Accommodation Review Policy 2015—D. Del Bianco Trustee, Committee, Administration Reports Requiring Action 1. Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting, September 14, 2015—E. O’Toole 2. Minutes of the Administration and Finance Committee Meeting, September 14, 2015—A. da Silva 3. Minutes of the Faith and Program Committee Meeting, September 21, 2015—E. O’Toole 4. Naming of New School – Bram West #2 Catholic Elementary School—J. B. Kostoff 5. Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association Membership Fee—J. Cherepacha 6. New Membership on the Special Education Advisory Committee October 2015‐December 2018— S. Kendrick Notice of Motion Additional Business Questions Asked of, and by, Board Members Declared Interest Items In Camera Session See In Camera Agenda Rise and Report Future Meetings October 27, 2015 November 24, 2015 Organizational Board December 1, 2015 December 8, 2015 P Adjournment Agenda – Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 OPENING PRAYER O ALMIGHTY GOD OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN FROM WHOM ALL GOODNESS AND TRUTH ON EARTH HAVE COME FORTH GRANT TO US – THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY GATHERED AT THIS MEETING THE VISION TO RECOGNIZE AND THE VIGOR TO ESPOUSE SOUND PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATIONAL THEORY AND PRACTICE IN A SPIRIT OF BALANCED JUDGEMENT AND WITH PROPER PERSPECTIVE GIVE US ALSO THE COURAGE TO TURN AT ALL TIMES ONTO THE PATH OF HIGHER GOODNESS IN OUR DELIBERATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS AND COURSES OF ACTION Remembering our Deceased September 2015 Let us remember the students, staff, and family members of staff who have recently passed away, and keep them in our thoughts and prayers. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen Students ► Trish Victor, former student, Holy Name of Mary Secondary School. ► Veronica Youssef, grade 5 student, St. Margaret of Scotland School. Staff/Former Staff ► Anne Marie Brown, retired teacher. ► Fernando Tiburzi, former custodian, Plant Department and St. Mark School. ► Marco Ticconi, retired Lead Hand, St Joseph Secondary School; father of Christian Ticconi, custodian, St Jean-Marie Vianney Catholic School. Family Members of Staff ► Frank Murphy, father of Carmel Murphy, Principal, St. Paul Secondary School; father-in-law of Paul Brogly, teacher, Father Michael Goetz Secondary School. ► Larry Goodwin, father of Steve Goodwin, teacher, Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary School. ► Erika Busch, mother-in-law of Joanna Busch, Designated Early Childhood Educator, St. John Bosco School. ► Kurt Josef Emil Geiser, father of Joseph Geiser, retired Superintendent, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. ► Joseph Charles Daykin, father of Damien Daykin, teacher, St. Augustine Secondary School; grandfather of Shannon Daykin, Long Term Occasional teacher; father-in-law of Theresa Laverty, library technician, St. Augustine Secondary School. ► Carolyn Lue, sister of Craig Lue, Long Term Occasional teacher, St. Edmund Campion Secondary School. ► David Patterson, brother of Jane Gillis, secretary, St. John of the Cross School. ► Marcolino De Medeiros, father of Karen Lowe, teacher, St. Marguerite d’Youville Secondary School. ► Mychajlo Holyk, father-in-law of Ola Holyk, teacher, St. Sofia School; father of Orest Holyk, former Parent Council Chair, St. Sofia School. ► Lorne Roy, father-in-law of Geraldine Roy, Vice Principal, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Secondary School. ► Michael Thomas Davidson, father of Joanne Armstrong, teacher, St. Nicholas School. ► Mertel Killey, mother of Jan Killey, Psychological Associate, DPCDSB. ► Clorinda Tester, grandmother of Clorinda Androulakis, teacher, St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic School. ► Maria Di Giuseppe, grandmother of Rosemary Ayling Educational Resource Worker, St. Marcellinus Secondary School. ► Stella Raco, sister of Giorgio (George) Raco, teacher, Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School. Regular Board Meeting, September 29, 2015 Remembering our Deceased ► Juliette Payette , mother of Late Anne Marie Payette, former teacher, St. Paul Secondary School; mother-in-Law of Aldo Agostini, teacher, St. Joseph Secondary School. ► Giovanni Angaran, father of Vince Angaran, Vice Principal, St. Edmund Campion Secondary School; uncle of Tony Lettieri, teacher, St. Roch Catholic Secondary School; uncle of Sam Lettieri, teacher, Archbishop Romero Catholic Secondary School. ► Francesca Pradolini, mother-in-law of Agata Bojarska, teacher, St. Marcellinus Secondary School. ► Raffaele Inglese, father of Erminia (Mindy) Inglese, teacher, St. Christopher School. ► Beatrice Monteiro, mother-in-law of Rudy D’Souza, custodian, Pauline Vanier Catholic School. ► Elvis Medved, brother-in-law to Marijana Likarvic, teacher, St. Gerard School. ► Mario Da Silva, father of Chelsea Da Silva, occasional Designated Early Childhood Educator. ► Helen Isabel Istrati, mother of Susan Gloutnez, teacher, St. Albert of Jerusalem School. ► David Yates, father to Karen Yates, Vice-Principal, St. Gertrude School. ► Paula Canavan, daughter of Maura Canavan, Educational Resource Worker, St. Veronica School; sister of Gail O’Handley, head secretary, St. Stephen School. ► Edwin Thackeray, father-in-law of Sandra Lane, Speech-Language Pathologist. ► Marie Reece, mother of Sean Reece, teacher, St. Francis Xavier Secondary School; grandmother of Michelle Medeiros, teacher, St. Roch Catholic Secondary School. ► Thomas Bricknell, father of Anne Jackson, teacher, St. John Paul II Catholic School. ► Erika Fiore, mother-in-law of Sylvia Fiore, head secretary, Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School; grandmother of Jessica Fiore, Educational Resource Worker Supply. ► Norman Thomas Rees, father-in-law of Janette Rees, Designated Early Childhood Educator, St. Leonard School and St. Angela Merici Catholic School. ► Amedeo Esposito, father of Liz Esposito McLean, teacher, St. Michael Catholic Secondary School. ► Marija Zagar, mother of Lidia Vrhovsek, teacher, St. Joseph Secondary School. And also for those whose passing we have not mentioned, we know that God will not forget. Regular Board Meeting, September 29, 2015 Remembering our Deceased A 4 i a) Pg. 1 Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Employee Population Report as of August 31, 2015 Strategic Goal: Catholic Learning Environment Administration/Operational BACKGROUND Human Resources provide staffing reports to the Board for receipt in September, January and April of each year. As required, the Employee Population Report as of August 31, 2015 is submitted. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT THE EMPLOYEE POPULATION REPORT AS OF AUGUST 31, 2015, BE RECEIVED. Prepared by: Christine Romanick, HRIS Officer Submitted by: Clara Pitoscia, Superintendent of Human Resources & Employee Relations Date: September 14, 2015 Regular Board Meeting-September 29, 2015 Employee Population Report as of August 31, 2015 127.0 2804.7 53.0 127 3210 53 3757 581 307 4645 Total Academic Staff Educational Resource Wrks Designated Early Childhood Educators Sub Staff 2654 2654 238 3 30 2021 64 C. Pitoscia Superintendent, Human Resources & Employee Relations Submitted By: September 1, 2015 CP:cr C. Romanick HRIS Officer, Human Resources 58 12 99 1327 954 204 Prepared By: Continuing Education International Language OPSEU Educational Resource Wrks Supplies 2433.23 2433.23 212.7 3.0 30.0 1830.9 64.0 Secondary Head Count FTE 6 6.0 14 14.0 34 33.3 244 239.3 Certified Occasional Teachers 4194.7 566.4 307.0 3321.3 2.0 260.7 2 290 Co-Ordinators Consultants Def Lvs Secondments Tch Ex Department Heads Letter of Permission Long Term Occasionals Other Academic Principals Teachers Vice Principals Elementary Head Count FTE 4 4.0 26 26.0 45 43.9 TEACHER PERSONNEL Total Staff - FTE Sub Total 2628 45 41 33 91 467 644 62 165 891 Head Count 13 21 155 SUPPORT SERVICES PERSONNEL Trustees Supervisory Officers Non-Union Managers A.P.S.S.P. - Psychology - Social Work - Speech Language Pathology - Child & Youth Work Secretarial & Clerical Staff Maintenance & Custodial Staff Cleaners Contract Employees Student Monitors EMPLOYEE POPULATION REPORT AS OF AUGUST 31st, 2015 9593.2 1638.2 36.4 36.4 27.9 91.0 442.0 642.8 31.2 141.9 FTE 13.0 21.0 154.7 A 4 i Pg. 2 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER A 5 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING, AUGUST 25, 2015 1. THAT MINUTES OF THE IN CAMERA SESSION OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING, AUGUST 25, 2015, BE RECEIVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 A 5 Pg. 1 Mass, Consecration of the Altar and Installation of the Relic of St. John XXIII Celebrated by The Most Reverend John A. Boissonneau Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, August 25, 2015 - 7:00 p.m. Board Room, Catholic Education Centre Chair: Vice Chair: Trustees: M. Pascucci F. Di Cosola D. D’Souza S. Hobin T. Thomas J. Anderson A. da Silva B. Iannicca Student Trustees: A. Hesketh-Pavilons Director of Education: Associate Director of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer: Associate Director of Instructional Services: Superintendents: D. Amaral C. Blanchard T. Cruz D. Del Bianco T. Lariviere M. Mazzorato L. Papaloni C. Pitoscia L. Storey M. Vecchiarino Assistant Superintendents: D. Finegan-Downey General Managers: B. Campbell R. Eberhardt B. Hester R. Moriah Recorder: L. Mackereth Regrets: Trustees A. Abbruscato and S. Xaviour A L. del Rosario E. O’Toole J. B. Kostoff J. Hrajnik S. McWatters J. Cherepacha S. Kendrick D. Oude-Reimerink S. Steer E. Fischer T. Fioravanti Routine Matters 1. Call to Order and Attendance Chair M. Pascucci called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Opening Prayer Chair of the Board M. Pascucci led the Opening Prayer. a) Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance for J. Anderson and A. Hesketh-Pavilons, Student Trustees—J. B. Kostoff Secretary to the Board and Director of Education J. B. Kostoff, administered the Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance to J. Anderson and A. Hesketh-Pavilons, student trustees. The student trustees will represent Dufferin-Peel’s students for the 2015-2016 school year. Chair M. Pascucci welcomed J. Anderson and A. Hesketh-Pavilons to the Board table. Minutes – Regular Board Meeting – August 25, 2015 A 5 Pg. 2 3. Declaration of Interest The following trustees declared an interest in agenda items: A 5 Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, June 16, 2015, Items A5, L1, L2, L3 M1 Minutes of the In Camera Session of the Regular Board Meeting, June 16, 2015 Items M1, M2, L1, L2, L3 Trustee M. Pascucci–family member belongs to OECTA Trustee D. D’Souza–family member is an employee of the board Trustee B. Iannicca—family members belong to CUPE and OECTA Trustee A. da Silva–family member belongs to OECTA Trustee S. Hobin–family members belong to OECTA Motion 193 (15-08-25) by F. Di Cosola Seconded by D. D’Souza THAT THE DECLARED INTEREST ITEMS BE MOVED TO AGENDA ITEM L. CARRIED 4. Approval of the Agenda Addition to the Agenda – M5 In Camera- Organizational Change—J. B. Kostoff/J. Hrajnik Reordering of the Agenda-A4 becomes A3 and A3 becomes A4 Motion 194 (15-08-25) by T. Thomas Seconded by S. Hobin THAT THE AGENDA BE APPROVED, AS AMENDED. CARRIED 5. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, June 16, 2015 excluding items A5 Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 26, 2015 Item L1 Declared Interest Items, L2 Minutes of the Administration and Finance Committee Meeting, June 1, 2015, Item L1 Proposed 2015-2016 Operating Budget and, L3 Minutes of the Organizational Meeting of the Contract and Negotiations Committee, June 2, 2015. Motion 195 (15-08-25) by T. Thomas Seconded by A. da Silva THAT THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING, JUNE 16, 2015 EXCLUDING ITEMS A5 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF MAY 26, 2015 ITEM L1 DECLARED INTEREST ITEMS, L2 MINUTES OF THE ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING, JUNE 1, 2015, ITEM L1 PROPOSED 2015-2016 OPERATING BUDGET AND, L3 MINUTES OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE CONTRACT AND NEGOTIATIONS COMMITTEE, JUNE 2, 2015, BE APPROVED. CARRIED i) Business Arising from the Minutes Nil Minutes – Regular Board Meeting – August 25, 2015 A 5 Pg. 3 B Awards and Presentations Nil C Pastor’s Remarks Nil D Delegations Nil E Information/Reports from Trustees, for Receipt i) Regular Reports Nil ii) Good News Items Trustee S. Hobin thanked all principals, vice principals and committees for their commitment in providing students and families with the many graduations, proms and year end activities. F Reports from Committees, for Receipt 1. Minutes of the Central Committee for Catholic School Councils Meeting, May 14, 2015 —S. Xaviour Motion 196 (15-08-25) by T. Thomas Seconded by L. del Rosario THAT THE MINUTES OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCILS MEETING, MAY 14, 2015, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED 2. Minutes of Mississauga Public Library Board Meeting, May 20, 2015—T. Thomas Motion 197 (15-08-25) by T. Thomas Seconded by L. del Rosario THAT THE MINUTES OF MISSISSAUGA PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING, MAY 20, 2015, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED G Information/Reports from Administration, for Receipt 1. Letter Received from the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada —J. B. Kostoff Motion 198 (15-08-25) by A. da Silva Seconded by S. Hobin THAT THE LETTER RECEIVED FROM THE RIGHT HONOURABLE STEPHEN HARPER, PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED Minutes – Regular Board Meeting – August 25, 2015 A 5 Pg. 4 2. Letter Received from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, June 30, 2015 —J. B. Kostoff Trustee S. Hobin requested the OCSTA Directors bring the letter of response forward to OCSTA. Further to Trustee B. Iannicca’s discussion of the success of the Are You Ticked? campaign, staff indicated the material could be republished. Motion 199 (15-08-25) by B. Iannicca Seconded by L. del Rosario THAT THE LETTER RECEIVED FROM THE MUNICIPAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT CORPORATION, DATED JUNE 30, 2015, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED 3. Director’s Report: Boardwide Activities: Summer 2015—J. B. Kostoff J. B. Kostoff, Director of Education, provided a summary of activities board-wide. Trustees will receive electronic and hard copies of the presentation. Motion 200 (15-08-25) by S. Hobin Seconded by L. del Rosario THAT THE VERBAL REPORT, DIRECTOR’S REPORT: BOARDWIDE ACTIVITIES: SUMMER 2015, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED 4. Tender Opening for Bram West #2, Catholic Elementary School-New School—D. Del Bianco D. Del Bianco, Superintendent of Planning, advised the successful bidder for the Bram West #2 Catholic Elementary School-New School is Remo General Contracting Ltd. Construction is scheduled to begin in September 2015, with a target completion of August 2016 in time for the September 2016 opening. In response to Trustee F. Di Cosola’s inquiry regarding the policy around threshold ratings, staff advised the board’s procurement audit examined the capital plan and found it to be compliant. Trustee S. Hobin inquired about the opening of tenders. Staff confirmed Bill 177 changed the trustees’ role in the tender process. In response to Trustee A. da Silva, staff advised that when a tender is issued there is a stated time deadline. At that time, a group of individuals involved open the bids and present the results. Staff members would have to declare if there was conflict and excuse themselves. Motion 201 (15-08-25) by D. D’Souza Seconded by A. da Silva THAT THE REPORT TENDER OPENING FOR BRAM WEST #2, CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-NEW SCHOOL, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED Minutes – Regular Board Meeting – August 25, 2015 A 5 Pg. 5 H Trustee, Committee, Administration Reports, Requiring Action Nil I Notices of Motion Nil J Additional Business Nil K Questions asked of, and by Board Members L 1. Trustee B. Iannicca requested detailed statistics relating to anaphylactic children in DufferinPeel schools. 2. In response to Trustee F. Di Cosola, staff advised the board follows Policy Governance in accordance with the Education Act. 3. In response to Trustee F. Di Cosola, staff will provide clarification in reference to Broader Public Sector (BPS) expenses. 4. Trustee B. Iannicca, inquired about the participation at the recent STOPR Young Rider Orientation Day. Staff advised the event is historically well attended and will be tabulating the results to share with trustees. Declared Interest Items Trustee F. Di Cosola assumed the Chair. The following trustees left the meeting for the declared interest items. Trustee M. Pascucci–family member belongs to OECTA Trustee S. Hobin–family members belong to OECTA Trustee A. da Silva–family member belongs to OECTA Trustee D. D’Souza–family member is an employee of the board Trustee B. Iannicca—family members belong to CUPE and OECTA 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, June 16, 2015 item A5 Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 28, 2015 Item L1 Declared Interest Items. Motion 202 (15-08-25) by L. del Rosario Seconded by T. Thomas THAT THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF JUNE 16, 2015, ITEM A5 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF MAY 26, 2015 AND L1 DECLARED INTEREST ITEMS, BE APPROVED. CARRIED Minutes – Regular Board Meeting – August 25, 2015 A 5 Pg. 6 M In Camera Session Motion 203 (15-08-25) by T. Thomas Seconded by L. del Rosario THAT THE BOARD RESOLVE INTO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR THE IN CAMERA SESSION. CARRIED N Rise and Report Motion 204 (15-08-25) by S. Hobin Seconded by T. Thomas THAT THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE IN CAMERA BE PRESENTED AND THAT THE COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATIONS BE ADOPTED. CARRIED Motion 205 (15-08-25) by B. Iannicca Seconded by A. da Silva THAT THE THAT THE LETTER OF RETIREMENT FROM JOHN B. KOSTOFF, DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED Motion 206 (15-08-25) by B. Iannicca Seconded by A. da Silva THAT THE LETTER OF RETIREMENT FROM THE DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, JOHN B. KOSTOFF, BE PRESENTED IN PUBLIC SESSION. CARRIED Trustee E. O’Toole joined the meeting in process Motion 207 (15-08-25) by B. Iannicca Seconded by A. da Silva THAT THE LETTER OF RETIREMENT DATED JULY 2, 2015, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 15, 2016, FROM JOHN B. KOSTOFF, DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, BE RECEIVED WITH REGRET. CARRIED Trustees recognized Director John B. Kostoff’s contribution to the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and Catholic Education. Chair M. Pascucci thanked the Director Kostoff for his leadership and his service to the Board. He remarked on his faith and how it has made this board what it is; a board that others attempt to emulate. On behalf of himself and his family, he wished Director Kostoff well. Trustee S. Hobin wished Director Kostoff happiness and success in his future role and expressed gratitude for his support. Trustee A. da Silva spoke of her admiration and respect for the Director’s leadership and his ability to bring everyone together from an operational and spiritual respective. Under Director Minutes – Regular Board Meeting – August 25, 2015 A 5 Pg. 7 Kostoff’s leadership, the Catholicity level of Dufferin-Peel schools and students as well as all other staff has greatly increased. She wished him well in his new role. Trustee L. del Rosario thanked Director Kostoff for the message he sent to other boards and thanked him for bringing Dufferin-Peel to be the benchmark of the boards of education. She wished him well. Vice Chair F. Di Cosola thanked the Director Kostoff for his dedication to this board for many years. He spoke of the impact he has had on the board. His foresight, anticipation and commitment that he has given to our board centered on the respect he has for parents and our students. He wished him well in his new role. Trustee T. Thomas thanked Director Kostoff for his support and encouragement. He spoke of a true leader, not only at Dufferin-Peel, but in Catholic school systems. He offered best wishes to the Director and his family. Trustee D. D’Souza expressed his appreciation for the support received and wished Director Kostoff well in his future endeavors. Trustee B. Iannicca congratulated Director Kostoff on his retirement and spoke about his dedication and commitment to the board and to his family. He thanked him for his support and wished him well. Trustee E. O’Toole congratulated and thanked Director Kostoff for all the work he has done and wished him much happiness and blessings. J. B. Kostoff, Director of Education, thanked trustees for enriching his life, giving him opportunities to serve with the best board and best trustees and to work with an outstanding staff. Motion 208 (15-08-25) by E. O’Toole Seconded by A. da Silva THAT THE BOARD MOVE INTO PRIVATE SESSION. CARRIED O Future Meetings September 29, 2015 October 27, 2015 November 24, 2015 December 8, 2015 Organizational Board December 1, 2015 P Adjournment Motion 209 (15-08-25) by A. da Silva Seconded by E. O’Toole THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED Minutes – Regular Board Meeting – August 25, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER A 6 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING, SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 1. THAT THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING, SEPTEMBER 14, 2015, BE RECEIVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 A 6 Pg. 1 Minutes of the Special Board Meeting Monday, September 14, 2015 Following the Administration and Finance Committee Meeting Board Room, Catholic Education Centre Chair: Vice-Chair: Trustees: M. Pascucci F. Di Cosola A. Abbruscato L. del Rosario E. O’Toole D. D’Souza S. Hobin T. Thomas Director of Education: Associate Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer: Associate Director of Instructional Services: Superintendents: D. Amaral C. Blanchard T. Cruz D. Del Bianco T. Lariviere M. Mazzorato L. Papaloni C. Pitoscia L. Storey M. Vecchiarino Assistant Superintendents: D. Finegan-Downey General Manager T. Fioravanti Recorder: L. Mackereth A A. da Silva B. Iannicca S. Xaviour J. B. Kostoff J. Hrajnik S. McWatters J. Cherepacha S. Kendrick D. Oude-Reimerink S. Steer E. Fischer Routine Matters 1. Call to Order and Attendance M. Pascucci, Chair of the Board, called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. 2. Opening Prayer Chair of the Board M. Pascucci led the Opening Prayer. 3. Declaration of Interest The following trustees declared an interest in agenda items: H 1 Minutes of the Contract and Negotiations Committee Meeting, September 14, 2015 M 2 Minutes of the In Camera Session of the Contract and Negotiations Committee Meeting September 14, 2015 Trustee M. Pascucci–daughter-in-law is a member of OECTA Trustee A. Abbruscato—son is a member of OECTA and daughter-in-law is a member of OECTA OT Trustee S. Hobin—son is a member of OECTA and another son is a member of OECTA OT Trustee A. da Silva–has an interest under the Trustee code of conduct - sister is a member OECTA Minutes – Special Board Meeting September 15, 2015 A 6 Pg. 2 Trustee D. D’Souza–wife is a part time employee of the board Trustee B. Iannicca—wife is a member of CUPE 2026 and daughter is a member of OECTA OT Trustees discussed Declaration of Interest and the Trustee Code of Conduct with regards to communication of the items and recording in the minutes. Motion 210 (15-09-14) by D. D’Souza Seconded by B. Iannicca THAT THE DECLARED INTEREST ITEMS BE MOVED TO AGENDA ITEM L. CARRIED 4. Approval of the Agenda Motion 211 (15-09-14) by B. Iannicca Seconded by T. Thomas THAT THE AGENDA BE APPROVED. CARRIED 5. Approval of the Minutes Nil i) Business Arising from the Minutes Nil B Awards and Presentations Nil C Pastor’s Remarks Nil D Delegations Nil E Information/Reports from Trustees, for Receipt i) Regular Reports Nil ii) Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) Update Nil ii) Good News Items Nil F Reports from Committees, for Receipt Nil G Information/Reports from Administration, for Receipt Nil Minutes – Special Board Meeting September 15, 2015 A 6 Pg. 3 H Trustee, Committee, Administration Reports, Requiring Action 1. Minutes of the Contract and Negotiations Committee Meeting, September 14, 2015. This item moved to Agenda Item L. I Notice of Motion Nil J Additional Business Nil K Questions asked of, and by Board Members Nil L Declared Interest Items Trustee F. Di Cosola assumed the Chair. 1. Minutes of the Contract and Negotiations Committee Meeting, September 14, 2015. The Minutes were distributed at the meeting. Motion 212 (15-09-14) by T. Thomas Seconded by S. Xaviour THAT MINUTES OF THE CONTRACT AND NEGOTIATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING, SEPTEMBER 14, 2015, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED M In Camera Session Motion 213 (15-09-14) by L. Del Rosario N Seconded by E. O’Toole THAT THE BOARD RESOLVE INTO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR THE IN CAMERA SESSION. CARRIED Rise and Report J. B. Kostoff, Director of Education, clarified that all trustees would receive the Executive Summary of the agreement with the understanding that it will not be communicated. Local ratification of the provincial agreement is to take place this week and then the board will move to local bargaining. Motion 214 (15-09-14) by L. del Rosario Seconded by E. O’Toole THAT THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE IN CAMERA BE PRESENTED AND THAT THE COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATIONS BE ADOPTED. CARRIED Minutes – Special Board Meeting September 15, 2015 A 6 Pg. 4 O Future Meetings Regular Board Meetings September 29, 2015 October 27, 2015 November 24, 2015 December 8, 2015 Inaugural Meeting of the Board December 1, 2015 P Adjournment - 8:03 p.m. Motion 215 (15-09-14) by T. Thomas Seconded by E. O’Toole THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED Minutes – Special Board Meeting September 15, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER B 1 PRESENTATION ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARD OFFICIALS 1. THAT THE PRESENTATION BY THE ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARD OFFICIALS, BE RECEIVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER B 2 PRESENTATION RECOGNITION OF SARAH RUSSELL BY SHARELIFE 1. THAT THE RECOGNITION OF SARAH RUSSELL BY SHARELIFE, BE RECEIVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER B 3 PRESENTATION RECOGNITION OF 50 YEARS OF SERVICE OF THE FELICIAN SISTERS 1. THAT THE PRESENTATION, RECOGNITION OF 50 YEARS OF SERVICE OF THE FELICIAN SISTERS, BE RECEIVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER B 4 PRESENTATION THE IMPACT OF ICT AND THE GOLF COMMITTEE ON OUR STUDENTS AND FAMILIES —A SOCIAL WORK PERSPECTIVE 1. THAT THE PRESENTATION, THE IMPACT OF ICT AND THE GOLF COMMITTEE ON OUR STUDENTS AND FAMILIES—A SOCIAL WORK PERSPECTIVE, BE RECEIVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER B 5 PRESENTATION PRESENTATION OF THE ST. HILDEGARD OF BINGEN STEWARDSHIP AND SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES AWARD TO AMY CIPRIANO AND JENNIFER MACSWEEN 1. THAT THE PRESENTATION, PRESENTATION OF THE ST. HILDEGARD OF BINGEN STEWARDSHIP AND SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES AWARD TO AMY CIPRIANO AND JENNIFER MACSWEEN, BE RECEIVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER B 6 RESOLUTION UNESCO WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY- OCTOBER 5, 2015 1. THAT THE PROCLAMATION WITH RESPECT TO THE UNESCO (UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION) WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY, BE RECEIVED. 2. THAT THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD PROCLAIMS THAT OCTOBER 5, 2015 BE RECOGNIZED AND CELEBRATED AS WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY IN DUFFERIN-PEEL AND FACILITIES AND THAT ALL ARE ENCOURAGED TO THANK TEACHERS FOR THEIR COMMITMENT TO CATHOLIC EDUCATION IN DUFFERIN-PEEL AND FOR THE OUTSTANDING WORK THEY DO WITH STUDENTS EACH AND EVERY DAY. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 B 6 Pg. 1 RESOLUTION UNESCO WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY – OCTOBER 5, 2015 (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) WHEREAS, IN 1994, UNESCO DESIGNATED OCTOBER 5TH AS WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY TO CELEBRATE THE ESSENTIAL ROLE OF TEACHERS IN PROVIDING QUALITY EDUCATION AT ALL LEVELS AND WHEREAS OVER 100 COUNTRIES OBSERVE WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY AND WHEREAS, THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD VALUES THE DEDICATION AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF ITS TEACHERS AND THOSE WHO SUPPORT TEACHERS, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD PROCLAIMS THAT OCTOBER 5, 2015 BE RECOGNIZED AND CELEBRATED AS WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY IN DUFFERIN-PEEL SCHOOLS AND FACILITIES AND THAT ALL ARE ENCOURAGED TO THANK TEACHERS FOR THEIR COMMITMENT TO CATHOLIC EDUCATION IN DUFFERIN-PEEL AND FOR THE OUTSTANDING WORK THEY DO WITH STUDENTS EACH AND EVERY DAY. RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER B 7 RESOLUTION BUS DRIVER APPRECIATION DAY – OCTOBER 21, 2015 1. THAT THE PROCLAMATION WITH RESPECT TO THE BUS DRIVER APPRECIATION DAY, BE RECEIVED. 2. THAT THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD PROCLAIMS THAT OCTOBER 21, 2015 BE RECOGNIZED AND CELEBRATED AS BUS DRIVER APPRECIATION DAY WHEREBY ALL DUFFERIN-PEEL SCHOOLS ARE ENCOURAGED, IN AN APPROPRIATE MANNER, TO CELEBRATE AND THANK THEIR BUS DRIVERS FOR A JOB WELL DONE. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 B 7 Pg. 1 RESOLUTION BUS DRIVER APPRECIATION DAY – OCTOBER 21, 2015 WHEREAS STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF OUR OPERATION AT THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND WHEREAS OUR STUDENT BUS DRIVERS DO AN OUTSTANDING JOB IN TRANSPORTING APPROXIMATELY 18,200 DUFFERIN-PEEL STUDENTS ON A DAILY BASIS BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD PROCLAIMS THAT OCTOBER 21, 2015 BE RECOGNIZED AND CELEBRATED AS BUS DRIVER APPRECIATION DAY WHEREBY ALL DUFFERIN-PEEL SCHOOLS ARE ENCOURAGED, IN AN APPROPRIATE MANNER, TO CELEBRATE AND THANK THEIR BUS DRIVERS FOR A JOB WELL DONE. RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER B 8 RESOLUTION CHILD CARE WORKER & EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR APPRECIATON DAY OCTOBER 8, 2015 1. THAT THE PROCLAMATION WITH RESPECT TO CHILD CARE WORKER & EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR APPRECIATON DAY, BE RECEIVED. 2. THAT THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD PROCLAIMS OCTOBER 8, 2015 BE DESIGNATED AS THE 15TH ANNUAL ‘CHILD CARE WORKER & EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR APPRECIATION DAY’ IN RECOGNITION OF THE EDUCATION, DEDICATION AND COMMITMENT OF CHILD CARE WORKERS TO CHILDREN, THEIR FAMILIES AND QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 B 8 Pg. 1 RESOLUTION CHILD CARE WORKER & EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR APPRECIATON DAY OCTOBER 8, 2015 WHEREAS YEARS OF RESEARCH CONFIRM THE BENEFITS OF HIGH QUALITY CHILD CARE FOR CHILDREN’S INTELLECTUAL, EMOTIONAL, SOCIAL AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT AND LATER LIFE OUTCOMES; AND WHEREAS CHILD CARE PROMOTES THE WELL-BEING OF CHILDREN AND RESPONDS TO THE NEEDS OF PARENTS, CHILD CARE WORKERS AND THE BROADER COMMUNITY BY SUPPORTING QUALITY OF LIFE SO THAT CITIZENS CAN FULLY PARTICIPATE IN AND CONTRIBUTE TO THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL LIFE OF THEIR COMMUNITY; AND WHEREAS MANY STUDIES SHOW TRAINED AND KNOWLEDGEABLE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATORS AND CHILD CARE STAFF ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT IN QUALITY CHILD CARE, AND THAT GOOD WAGES AND WORKING CONDITIONS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH HIGHER JOB SATISFACTION, MORALE, AND LOWER STAFF TURNOVER, WHICH LEADS TO HIGH QUALITY EDUCATION AND CARE; BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD PROCLAIMS OCTOBER 8, 2015 BE DESIGNATED AS THE 15TH ANNUAL ‘CHILD CARE WORKER & EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR APPRECIATION DAY’ IN RECOGNITION OF THE EDUCATION, DEDICATION AND COMMITMENT OF CHILD CARE WORKERS TO CHILDREN, THEIR FAMILIES AND QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY. RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER F 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING, JUNE 10, 2015 1. THAT THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING, JUNE 10, 2015, BE RECEIVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 F 1 Pg. 1 Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Board Room, Catholic Education Centre The mission of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, in partnership with the family and Church, is to provide, in a responsible manner, a Catholic education which develops spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, social, and physical capabilities of each individual to live fully today and to meet the challenges of the future, thus enriching the community. Committee Members: S. Hobin, Chair, Trustee, Mississauga Wards 2 & 8 C. Koczmara, (Vice-Chair) Community Living Mississauga L. del Rosario, Trustee, Mississauga Wards 6 & 11 D. D’Souza, Trustee, (Alternate) Brampton Wards 2, 5 & 6 T. Thomas, Trustee, (Alternate) Mississauga Ward 5 L. Donworth, ABC Association for Bright Children L. Gaylie, Easter Seals Ontario D. Logan, Epilepsy Halton Peel Hamilton C. Munroe, Autism Ontario, Peel Chapter J. Hatton, Autism Ontario, Peel Chapter (Alternate) D. Farrace, Brampton Caledon Community Living E. Reid, Canadian Mental Health Association/Peel L. Silvestri, Learning Disabilities Association of Peel Children V. Okrugic, VOICE/Peel Parents for Hearing Impaired Children M. Demata, VOICE/Peel Parents for Hearing Impaired Children (Alternate) G. Viteri, Peel Caring Network for Challenged Children L. Silvestri, Learning Disabilities Association of Peel Children K. Longley, Peel Caring Network for Challenged Children (Alternate) A. Pawlak, Member at Large P. Olivieri, Member at Large Staff: S. McWatters S. Kendrick E. Fischer D. Amaral G. Carley C. Kyte D. Lean S. Sweet G. Brown C. Bova R. Ariganello M. Williams A. Paquin P. Boniferro L. Eschli K. Page R. Baechler C. Rahkola M. Minnick L. Hutchison P. Atkinson J. Toste W. Brunton R. Della-Spina, Recorder Regrets: L. del Rosario, E. Reid, G. Viteri, P. Olivieri, L. Silvestri UNAPPROVED MINUTES A Routine Matters 1. Call to Order and Attendance Meeting was called to order by Chair, Trustee S. Hobin at 7:12 p.m. Trustee Hobin welcomed all members, staff and guest Barb DesLauriers from the Association for Bright Children (ABC). Attendance was taken. Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 Unapproved Minutes – Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting – June 10, 2015 F 1 Pg. 2 2. Opening Prayer – Prayer for the End of the School Year Chair Hobin led SEAC in prayer. 3. Approval of Agenda Moved by D. Logan THAT THE AGENDA BE APPROVED. CARRIED 4. Approval of Minutes, SEAC Meeting, May 20, 2015 Moved by C. Koczmara THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 20, 2015 MEETING BE APPROVED. CARRIED 5. Previous Business - Follow-up to Minister L. Sandals Letter to Dufferin-Peel SEAC Superintendent Kendrick invited additional items arising from Minister Sandals’ letter. No additional feedback was brought forward. B Presentations and Staff Reports 1. Well-Being and Mental Health Strategy: Update, S. Kendrick, E. Fischer, S. Sweet Dr. S. Sweet provided SEAC with an update with regard to Dufferin-Peel’s Mental Health and WellBeing Guiding Framework (2014-2017), and the related initiatives during the 2014-2015 school year. The Guiding Framework is a written expression of Dufferin-Peel’s shared priorities and beliefs in the area of mental health, and related initiatives designed to enhance student mental well-being. The framework aligns with our Catholic Board Learning Plan and offers a way forward, nurturing a Catholic culture of mental well-being, in support of all. Chair Hobin thanked Dr. Sweet on behalf of the Board of Trustees for the efforts in support of student well-being and mental health. 2. Dufferin-Peel’s Catholic Community: Celebrating Family Engagement, S. Kendrick, E. Fischer Assistant Superintendent Fischer spoke of a recent presentation at Faith and Program on family and parent engagement. The voice of SEAC was present in this presentation, shared within a broader context of parent engagement across Dufferin-Peel, engaging the parent community and supporting students. Family engagement is deeply rooted in Catholic Education and is supported through the Ministry, Strategic System Plan, the Catholic Board Learning Plan and the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations. Superintendent Kendrick shared, with over $60,000 in Parent Reaching Out Grants over the past five years, SEAC’s family engagement initiatives have supported families with interactive workshops led by parents, community collaborators and supported by staff. 3. The Catholic Board Learning Plan: Witness to Faith and Learning – Voices of Graduates from the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, Transition to Graduation and Vocation, S. Kendrick, E. Fischer Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 Unapproved Minutes – Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting – June 10, 2015 F 1 Pg. 3 Superintendent Kendrick introduced a video on the voices of students and their journey through Dufferin-Peel schools. Students, including students with differing abilities, from the early years to vocation, spoke on what they have learned and how their faith has helped them to become students who will graduate / have graduated with rich Catholic faith traditions, rooted in the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations. C Budget It is anticipated that final approval of 2015-2016 budget will occur at the June Board meeting. The Board of Trustees continues to be highly supportive and sensitive to the needs of students, including students with differing abilities and special education needs. The finance department will provide an update to SEAC in the fall re: the 2015-2016 budget, as appropriate. D Information/Reports from Trustees 1. Chair Hobin shared that at Faith & Program the board budget of $977M was announced. The board faces 1–2% reduction. The board continues to balance the budget and allocate funds so as to minimize the impact on special education. 2. As a result of the retirement of Superintendent N. Milanetti, the Employee Relations department and the Human Resources department will be merged over the summer months. Superintendent Milanetti moves on to Executive Director of Ontario Catholic School Trustees Association (OCSTA). 3. A capital budget of $54.1M for capital projects, e.g. school additions, renovations, and so on, is moving forward. 4. A new school will be opening in Brampton in September 2016. Two schools in the past year, undergoing major renovations, St. Domenic and St. Sofia, will be moved back to their renovated buildings in September, 2015. 5. Trustees will be attending several graduations and special year end events in their schools over the remaining few weeks. A busy time of year! 6. This summer, with the help of the Ontario Bishops and the Institute of Catholic Education, a provincial writing team will review the Health and Physical Education Curriculum through a Catholic lens. 7. Trustee Hobin shared that Dufferin-Peel continues to be recognized for the supportive, integrated team approach to supporting student mental well-being and mental health. E Reports from Community Associations - NIL F Work Groups – NIL G Information and Correspondence 1. Special Education Plan Update, S. Kendrick, E. Fischer, M. Minnick M. Minnick provided a summary of the feedback received to date on the Special Education Plan. Feedback forms are due by June 19, 2015. Trustee Hobin thanked Ann Paquin for her hard work in the gifted program over the years and for being part of SEAC as she begins her retirement. Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 Unapproved Minutes – Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting – June 10, 2015 F 1 Pg. 4 2. Special Needs Strategy, Dr. C. Kyte The Coordinated Services Planning Committee has submitted its proposal to improve the coordination of services for children and youth with multiple and complex needs. The committee awaits approval prior to implementation in 2016. The Integrated Rehabilitation Services Committee continues to explore possible models for delivery of speech and language services, occupational therapy and physical therapy. Parents will be invited to participate in the planning process again in the early fall. Dr. Kyte thanked SEAC for their on-going participation with the Special Needs Strategy. 3. Superintendent Kendrick noted that Erwin Reid from Canadian Mental Health Association/Peel sent his regrets and will not be returning to SEAC. He thanked the committee for their commitment and dedication to students. Superintendent Kendrick thanked E. Reid for his commitment to SEAC and his work with the PRO Grants. Staff are in communication with Canadian Mental Health Association/Peel for representation moving forward. H Communications – NIL I Questions asked of, and by Committee Members – NIL J Public Questions – NIL K Future Meetings 1. Tentative SEAC Dates for 2015-2016 L Adjournment Trustee Hobin thanked Superintendent Kendrick and Assistant Superintendent Fischer and all of the staff in the system for the supports provided for students with differing abilities, and their families, and wished everyone a great summer. Moved by L. Donworth THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED AT 9:12 P.M. CARRIED Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 Unapproved Minutes – Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting – June 10, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER F 2 MINUTES OF THE MISSISSAUGA PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING, JUNE 17, 2015 1. THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MISSISSAUGA PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING, JUNE 17, 2015, BE RECEIVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 F 2 Pg. 1 Agenda 2.1 MISSISSAUGA PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Regular Meeting Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 5:30 p.m., Mississauga Central Library, 301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. West, Mississauga, ON L5B 3Y3 PRESENT: Margot Almond Raj Chopra Nokha Dakroub Brad Hutchinson (Chair) Councillor John Kovac Councillor Matt Mahoney Priscilla Mak Val Ohori (Vice-Chair) Thomas Thomas ABSENT: Harry Hastilow Antonio Maraschiello STAFF PRESENT: Rose Vespa, Director Anne Murphy, Area Manager One Betty Mansfield, Area Manager Two Sue Coles, Area Manager Three Debbie MacDonald, Manager, Shared Services MINUTES RECORDED: Anne Marie Solleza 1.0 CALL TO ORDER/APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm. 33:15 Resolved that the agenda be approved as presented. Moved by T. Thomas Seconded by N. Dakroub Carried F 2 Pg. 2 Mississauga Public Library Board Meeting Wednesday, June 17, 2015 -2- 1.1 DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST There were no conflicts of interests declared. 1.2 DELEGATION Ted Sharp – Manager of Collections T. Sharp provided the Board with an overview of the procurement process for library materials, starting with how books are chosen, how the budget is divided into packages and how suppliers are selected. He mentioned the increasing popularity of ebooks among customers and how the library continues to serve those needs. He mentioned the library’s subscription to Collection HQ, a suite of highly-integrated modules, providing a full set of powerful tools that support the collection management and development process in public libraries. The Chair thanked T. Sharp for his informative session with the Board. 2.0 CONSENT AGENDA 34:15 Resolved that the consent agenda be approved as presented and the CEO of the Library is hereby authorized and directed to take such action that may be necessary to give effect to the recommendations as therein contained. Moved by V. Ohori Seconded by P. Mak CARRIED 3.0 CEO’s HIGHLIGHTS The Director informed the Board of several funding announcements from the provincial government. Mississauga Library will be receiving $76,000 for Phase 2 of the Technology Grant. However, $185,000 funding support for databases will end next year. F 2 Pg. 3 -3Mississauga Public Library Board Meeting Wednesday, June 17, 2015 She thanked Councillors M. Mahoney and J. Kovac, P. Mak and N. Dakroub for attending the Staff Appreciation Day on June 10, 2015 which was once again a big success. She also thanked the Library Leadership Team for spearheading the event. Other updates mentioned were the library’s official membership to FOPL and the RFID Self Check-Out project at Central Library which is going well and on schedule. 4.0 POLICY REVIEW 4.1 Review of Collection Statement and Intellectual Statement A minor change to include Ontario Library Association in the Policy Overview was suggested. A clarification with regard to stakeholders was also discussed. 35:15 Resolved that the draft Collection Policy revised as of June 10, 2015 be approved with amendments. Moved by M. Almond Seconded by Councillor J. Kovac CARRIED 5.0 INTERNAL MONITORING REPORTS 5.1 Report on Business Plan 36:15 Resolved that the report on the Library 2016-2018 Business Plan and Budget be received. Moved by T. Thomas Seconded by Councillor M. Mahoney CARRIED F 2 Pg. 4 Mississauga Public Library Board Meeting Wednesday, June 17, 2015 -5- 5.2 Approve Audited Financial Statements M. Almond requested more information on “expected average remaining service life” an item under Employee Benefits on page 8 of the financial statement. The Director assured definition will be provided at the next meeting. 37:15 Resolved that the 2014 Year-End Financial statements as approved by City Council be approved as presented. Moved by N. Dakroub Seconded by P. Mak Carried 6.0 ENDS 6.1 Planning Process for Community Open House The Director presented the plan for the Community Open House which has been scheduled for October 21st, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm immediately after the Board meeting. Messaging will go out to the major stakeholders as well as members of the general public through the many media channels the library uses. The Director has also asked a member of City staff to facilitate a planning session for the Board at the September meeting. 38:15 Resolved that the report Planning for Community Open House dated June 8, 2015 be approved as presented. Moved by Councillor J. Kovac Seconded by V. Ohori Carried 7.0 GOVERNANCE 8.0 OWNERSHIP LINKAGE 9.0 BOARD ADVOCACY 10.0 EDUCATION 10.1 Area Highlights F 2 Pg. 5 Mississauga Public Library Board Meeting Wednesday, June 17, 2015 -6- 10.2 Policy Governance Training The Director provided a brief recap of the Policy Governance training last June 3rd. The members who attended were very complimentary of Catherine Raso, the trainer who conducted the workshop and commended the Director for her excellent choice. Board members also requested the Director follow up with Ms. Raso regarding next steps for the Board’s review of governance policies. M. Almond brought forward a board education opportunity from the Chartered Accountant’s Association (CPA). 11.0 Incidental Information 12.0 Other Business 13.0 Board Self-Evaluation N. Dakroub led the self-evaluation. She noted that there was good exchange of ideas with members arriving on time and coming well prepared for the meeting. Everyone adhered to the rules of order and there was plenty of discussion about the future. 14.0 In Camera Agenda 39:18 Resolved that the Board move into closed session at 6:45pm pursuant to Ontario Public Library Act Sections (4) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual (4) (d) labour relations or employee negotiations 15.0 Adjournment There being no other matters to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Library Board will on September 16, 2015 at Central Library. ________________________ Secretary/Treasurer ________________________ Chair RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER G 1 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY- FALL 2015 (The report will be distributed at the meeting.) 1. THAT THE REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY- FALL 2015, BE RECEIVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER G 2 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION POLICY REVIEW—2015 1. THAT THE REPORT, PUPIL ACCOMMODATION POLICY REVIEW—2015, BE RECEIVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 G 2 Pg. 1 Regular Board Meeting September 29, 2015 Pupil Accommodation Policy Review - 2015 Strategic Goal: Catholic Learning Environment, Stewardship of Our Physical Environment, Community Engagement Policy/Governance PURPOSE This report provides the background information and describes the purpose of the Pupil Accommodation Review Policy which requires public consultation prior to approval by the Board of Trustees and the commencement of a Pupil Accommodation Review. BACKGROUND On March 26, 2015, the Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG). This guideline is a minimum standard for school boards to meet in developing a Pupil Accommodation Review Policy which will be essential to boards when planning to address underutilized school space and for the greater coordination and sharing of planning related information between school boards and other community partners. It is stated in the Guideline that it has been established “to align with the Ministry of Education’s vision and as such, focuses on student well-being; academic achievement; and the school board financial viability/sustainability.” The new PARG is a result of a significant amount of feedback from parents, guardians, and other community members with respect to the contentious nature of the school closure process for the members of an Accommodation Review Committee (ARC), the inflexibility and length of the process, the role of other government agencies, and decisions that did not always reflect the ARCs’ reports. To address these concerns, the Ministry’s Capital Advisory Committee (CAC), which was made up of a number of school board representatives from across the province, undertook a comprehensive review of the existing PARG. In addition, the Ministry consulted on the CAC’s recommendations with a wide range of stakeholders, including trustee associations, senior school board officials, parent groups, student associations, teacher federations, education worker unions, municipal sector representatives, and administrative review facilitators. COMMENTARY As a result of recommendations and feedback from the above noted consultations, the PARG has undergone a significant transformation. School boards are now required to amend their pupil accommodation review policies to reflect the new PARG. Upon revising their pupil accommodation Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 Pupil Accommodation Policy Review - 2015 G 2 Pg. 2 review policies all school boards are required to consult Board-wide and with internal and external stakeholders to solicit feedback on the amended policy prior to final approval of the Policy. Highlights of the PARG Revision: Board staff must identify a number of scenarios, including a preferred option, in the Initial Staff Report which recommends the initiation of an Accommodation Review. These scenarios will identify the individual schools that are being proposed for closure. The Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) will host a minimum of two (2) meetings with the public The timelines have been modified to allow for the completion of an Accommodation Review within one (1) school year Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) members are no longer required to develop a recommendation(s), vote on an option or prepare a final report to the Board Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) must include at minimum a parent/guardian representative from each of the schools under review, chosen by their respective communities Boards must now also include a modified Pupil Accommodation Review process within the Pupil Accommodation Review Policy Boards are required to consult with the DPCDSB and local communities on the draft Policy prior to Board of Trustee approval of the Policy. The Board of Trustees must approve a Pupil Accommodation Review Policy prior to the commencement of any pupil accommodation reviews REVISED POLICY The Board’s current Policy 6.51 on Pupil Accommodation Reviews became effective on March 27, 2007. (Appendix 1). This policy was followed most recently in 2007 when the Board of Trustees approved the review of schools within the Central Erin Mills and Dixie Shorefront review areas in Mississauga, and the Bramalea North review area in Brampton. Prior to the commencement of any new pupil accommodation reviews the Ministry of Education requires that school boards update their existing policies to reflect the revised Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines. Board Planning Staff has been fortunate to work with the Catholic School Board Services Association (CSBSA) and CSBSA appointed legal counsel to develop a new PAR policy and process to ensure compliance with the Ministry of Education PARG. The CSBSA Planning group collaborated with each other and with legal counsel to develop a policy that each of the six CSBSA Boards could use as a standard template and adapt to each respective board’s practices. It is important to note that there is limited opportunity to deviate from the Ministry’s guideline. Using the CSBSA standard template will strengthen the policy against any potential appeals. Attached as Appendix 2 is a revised and updated version of Board Policy 6.51 which reflects the new Ministry guideline on pupil accommodation reviews and the standard template developed in cooperation with the CSBSA Planning group and legal counsel. Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 Pupil Accommodation Policy Review - 2015 G 2 Pg. 3 Modified Pupil Accommodation Review Process As noted in the highlights above, the Board now has an option to apply a modified pupil accommodation review process in certain circumstances. These circumstances are limited and need to meet a minimum number of requirements. The purpose of the modified process is to shorten the timeframe of a review to be completed within four (4) months. In situations where there is a very limited number of pupils in the review area, where programs require the relocation of greater than 50% of the student population, or where there would be no impact on a school boundary are a few of the circumstances to which the modified process could apply. It would be very rare that a modified pupil accommodation review process would be recommended. CONSULTATION Upon revising a pupil accommodation review policy all school boards are required to consult Board-wide and with the local communities to solicit feedback on the amended policy. On September 30, 2015 a survey will be posted on the Board’s website to solicit feedback on the proposed Pupil Accommodation Review Policy. Notice will be distributed to all students and staff at Dufferin-Peel schools. In addition, notice will be posted in local papers advising of the survey and where it can be found on the website. The survey will be available until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 16, 2015. Staff will prepare a subsequent report for the October 27, 2015 Board meeting recommending approval of the Policy including any suggested changes as a result of the public consultation. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT THE REPORT, PUPIL ACCOMMODATION POLICY REVIEW - 2015, BE RECEIVED. Prepared by: S. Cox, Manager of Planning Submitted by: S. Cox, Manager of Planning C. Blanchard, Superintendent of Strategic Planning, Policy and Special Projects D. Del Bianco, Superintendent of Planning & Operations Date: September 24, 2015 Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 Pupil Accommodation Policy Review - 2015 G. 2 Pg. 4 APPENDIX 1 DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BOARD POLICY Board Policy Number: 6.51 Subject: Pupil Accommodation Review Effective Date: (601) March 27, 2007. Revised/Amended: Draft September, 2015. Reference: GAP 718.00 Pupil Accommodation Review “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3 The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is committed to providing quality education to students through programs and facilities that support academic achievement and well-being and to ensuring effective stewardship of the resources of the Board. All facilities of the Board are part of an on-going review to identify the most effective pupil accommodation arrangements for the delivery of all elementary and secondary programs. Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s Pupil Accommodation Review Policy has been revised to outline the aspects of the facility review process in accordance with the Ministry of Education’s Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (March, 2015). The Pupil Accommodation Review Policy outlines the process undertaken to complete a regular pupil accommodation review process or a modified pupil accommodation review process and applies to schools of the Board offering elementary and/or secondary programs. Wherever possible, schools will be subject to a pupil accommodation review only once in a five-year period, unless there are circumstances that necessitate a review, as determined by the Board. A regular or modified pupil accommodation review of a school or schools will occur in the context of the Board’s long-term capital and accommodation planning process. Options for the school(s) involved, including closure, will be made in accordance with that process. The Board welcomes the opportunity for the public and affected school communities to be heard with respect to pupil accommodation reviews as outlined in the Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (2015). Accordingly, the Board will communicate relevant information with all stakeholders. The Board of Trustees will make the final decision regarding any outcome of a pupil accommodation review which could include school closure. As outlined in the Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (2015), there are two processes possible for a Pupil Accommodation Review: a regular pupil accommodation review or a modified pupil accommodation review excluding exemptions (Section 3). Section 1 – Regular Accommodation Review Process The stages of the regular pupil accommodation review process are as follows: G. 2 Pg. 5 APPENDIX 1 Preparation and submission of an Initial Staff Report and School Information Profile(s); Approval by the Board of Trustees to undertake a pupil accommodation review process; Establishment of the Accommodation Review Committee (including its Terms of Reference); Consultation with Local Municipal Governments/Community Partners; Accommodation Review Public Meetings; Preparation and submission of an Interim Staff Report, including a Community Consultation section; Public Delegations to the Board of Trustees; Preparation and submission of a Final Staff Report; Decision by the Board of Trustees; and, Establishment of a Transition Committee. Section 2 – Modified Accommodation Review Process A modified pupil accommodation review process may be initiated by the Board of Trustees when two or more of the following factors are considered: distance from the school under review to the nearest available accommodation; utilization rate of the facility; number of students enrolled at the school; when the Board is planning the relocation (in any school year or over a number of school years) of a program, in which the enrolment constitutes more than or equal to 50% of the school’s enrolment (this calculation is based on the enrolment at the time of the relocation, or the first phase of a relocation carried over a number of school years); there are no more than three (3) schools subject to the pupil accommodation review process; the entire student population of a school that is subject to a pupil accommodation review process can be accommodated in another school without a boundary change. The modified pupil accommodation review process consists of the following steps: Preparation and submission of an Initial Staff Report and School Information Profile(s); Approval by the Board of Trustees to undertake a modified pupil accommodation review process; Consultation with Local Municipal Governments/Community Partners; An Accommodation Review Public Meeting; Preparation and submission of an Interim Staff Report, including a Community Consultation Section; Public Delegations to the Board of Trustees; Preparation and submission of a Final Staff Report; Decision by the Board of Trustees; Establishment of a Transition Committee. Section 3 – Exemptions The Board of Trustees may decide that neither a regular pupil accommodation review nor a modified pupil accommodation review process is required and exempt a school or schools from the process in any of the following circumstances: where a replacement school is to be built by the Board on the existing site, or built or acquired within the existing school attendance boundary, as identified by the Board, including in its relevant policies; where a replacement school is to be built by the Board on the existing site, or built or acquired within the existing school attendance boundary and the school community must be temporarily G. 2 Pg. 6 APPENDIX 1 relocated to ensure the safety of students and staff during the reconstruction, as identified by the Board, including in its relevant policies; when a lease for the school is terminated; when the Board is planning the relocation (in any school year or over a number of school years) of grades or programs, in which the enrolment constitutes less than 50% of the school’s enrolment (this calculation is based on the enrolment at the time of the relocation, or the first phase of a relocation carried over a number of school years); when the Board is repairing or renovating a school, and the school community must be temporarily relocated to ensure the safety of students during the renovations; where a facility has been serving as a holding school for a school community whose permanent school is over-capacity and/or is under construction or repair; where there are no students enrolled at the school at any time throughout the school year. This policy is in alignment with the requirements as outlined in the Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (2015). Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board remains committed to an informed and consultative process with communities. RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER H 1 MINUTES OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING, SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 1. THAT THE MINUTES OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING, SEPTEMBER 14, 2015, BE RECEIVED. 2. THAT THE AUDIT SERVICE PLAN FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2015, AS PREPARED BY DELOITTE LLP, BE APPROVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 H 1 Pg. 1 Minutes of Audit Committee Meeting Monday September 14, 2015 - 6:00 p.m. Board Room, Catholic Education Centre Chair: Vice Chair: Board Member: Non-Board Members: Director of Education: Associate Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer: Associate Director of Instructional Services: Superintendents: J. Cherepacha S. Kendrick Staff: B. Hester Recorder: A E. O’Toole T. Thomas S. Hobin L. Prestia K. Travers J. B. Kostoff J. Hrajnik S. McWatters D. Del Bianco M. Mazzorato M. Vecchiarino E. Cyrus K. Sun L. Mackereth Routine Matters 1. Call to Order and Attendance Chair E. O’Toole called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Opening Prayer Chair E. O’Toole led the Opening Prayer. 3. Declaration of Interest i. Letter of Declaration – E. O’Toole ii. Letter of Declaration – S. Hobin iii. Letter of Declaration – T. Thomas iv. Letter of Declaration – L. Prestia v. Letter of Declaration – K. Travers J. Cherepacha, Superintendent of Financial Services confirmed receiving the signed Letters of Declaration from E. O’Toole, S. Hobin, T. Thomas, L. Prestia and K. Travers. 4. Approval of the Agenda Moved by L. Prestia THAT THE AGENDA BE APPROVED. CARRIED Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting – September 14, 2015 H 1 Pg. 2 i) Approval of Calendar Items Nil 5. Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting, March 2, 2015 Moved by T. Thomas THAT THE MINUTES OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 2, 2015, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED i) Business Arising from the Minutes Nil B Awards and Presentations Nil C Pastor’s Remarks Nil D Delegations Nil E Information/Reports from Trustees, for Receipt i) Regular Reports Nil ii) Good News Items Nil F Reports from Committees, for Receipt Nil G Information/Reports from Administration, for Receipt Nil H Trustee, Committee, Administration Reports, Requiring Action 1. Audit Service Plan for the Year Ended August 31, 2015—Deloitte J. Cherepacha, Superintendent of Financial Services, introduced the report and welcomed Steve Stewart, partner at Deloitte LLP, to present the Audit Service Plan for the year ended August 31, 2015. The Deloitte team will be on site in October to complete the field work for the audit. The Ministry requires the financial statements to be submitted by November 13, 2015. Steve Stewart reviewed the executive summary, the audit scope and the four areas of audit risk. Deloitte LLP will report back to the Audit Committee the audit results. Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting – September 14, 2015 H 1 Pg. 3 Steve Stewart asked the committee members if they had concerns or risk areas that they wanted to mention. No concerns were noted. In response to K. Travers’ inquiry regarding the change in materiality, S. Stewart advised materiality has increased a small amount over last year, from 1.65% to 2%. 2% is the industry norm. K. Travers, inquired if the audit risks have changed year over year or do they remain the same. S. Stewart advised they are consistent with the previous year. Moved by S. Hobin THAT THE AUDIT SERVICE PLAN FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2015, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED Moved by S. Hobin THAT THE AUDIT COMMITTEE RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD, APPROVAL OF THE AUDIT SERVICE PLAN FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2015, AS PREPARED BY DELOITTE LLP. CARRIED I Notices of Motion Nil J Additional Business Nil K Questions asked of, and by Board Members Nil L Declared Interest Items Nil M In Camera Session Moved by K. Travers THAT THE COMMITTEE RESOLVE INTO THE IN CAMERA SESSION. CARRIED N Rise and Report Moved by T. Thomas THAT THE REPORT OF THE IN CAMERA SESSION BE PRESENTED AND THAT THE COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATIONS, BE ADOPTED. CARRIED Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting – September 14, 2015 H 1 Pg. 4 O Future Meetings November 2, 2015 P February 1, 2016 June 6, 2016 Adjournment Moved by L. Prestia THAT THE MEETING OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE BE ADJOURNED. 6:30 pm CARRIED Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting – September 14, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER H 2 MINUTES OF THE ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING, SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 1. THAT THE MINUTES OF THE ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING, SEPTEMBER 14, 2015, BE RECEIVED Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 H 2 Pg. 1 Minutes of the Administration and Finance Committee Meeting Monday, September 14, 2015 - 7:00 p.m. Board Room, Catholic Education Centre Chair: Vice Chair: Trustees: A. da Silva E. O’Toole A. Abbruscato F. Di Cosola M. Pascucci J. Anderson D. D’Souza S. Hobin T. Thomas L. Hesketh Pavilons Student Trustees: Director of Education: Associate Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer: Associate Director of Instructional Services Superintendents: C. Blanchard J. Cherepacha S. Kendrick T. Lariviere L. Papaloni C. Pitoscia Assistant Superintendents D. Finegan-Downey General Managers: B. Campbell R. Eberhardt B. Hester R. Moriah Recorder: L. Mackereth A L. del Rosario B. Iannicca S. Xaviour J. B. Kostoff J. Hrajnik S. McWatters D. Del Bianco M. Mazzorato M. Vecchiarino E. Fischer T. Fioravanti Routine Matters 1. Call to Order and Attendance At 7:00 p.m. A. da Silva, Chair of the Administration and Finance Committee, called the meeting to order. 2. Opening Prayer Committee Chair A. da Silva led the Opening Prayer. 3. Declaration of Interest The following trustees declared an interest in agenda items: A5 Minutes of the Administration and Finance Committee Meeting, June 1, 2015 Items A3, L1 M1 Minutes of the In Camera Session of the Administration and Finance Committee Meeting, June 1, 2015, Item M1.2 Trustee M. Pascucci–family member belongs to OECTA Trustee A. Abbruscato–family members belong to OECTA Trustee S. Hobin–family members belong to OECTA Trustee D. D’Souza-family member works for the board Trustee B. Iannicca–family members belong to CUPE 2026 and OECTA OT Trustee A. da Silva–family member belongs to OECTA Minutes – Administration and Finance Committee Meeting September 14, 2015 H 2 Pg. 2 Moved by M. Pascucci THAT THE DECLARED INTEREST ITEMS BE MOVED TO AGENDA ITEM L. CARRIED 2. Approval of the Agenda i. Approval of Calendar Items a) Construction Progress Report as at September 2, 2015 Moved by T. Thomas THAT THE AGENDA BE APPROVED. CARRIED Moved by A. Abbruscato THAT THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT AS AT SEPTEMBER 2, 2015, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED 5. Minutes of the Administration and Finance Committee Meeting, June 1, 2015, excluding Item A3 Declared Interest and L1 Declared Interest Item-Proposed 2015-2016 Operating Budget i) Business Arising from the Minutes Nil Moved by S. Hobin THAT THE MINUTES OF THE ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 1, 2015, EXCLUDING ITEM A3 DECLARED INTEREST AND L1 DECLARED INTEREST ITEM-PROPOSED 2015-2016 OPERATING BUDGET, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED B Awards and Presentations Nil C Pastor’s Remarks Nil D Delegations Nil E Information/Reports from Trustees, for Receipt i) Regular Reports Minutes – Administration and Finance Committee Meeting – September 14, 2015 H 2 Pg. 3 a) Ontario Catholic Schools Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) Update - T. Thomas/A. da Silva Trustee T. Thomas reported that OCSTA is engaged in negotiations. Trustee A. da Silva reported that OCSTA’s legislation and finance committee is going to include Dufferin-Peel’s motion concerning the BAAG funds in the OCSTA white paper requesting that all funding should be administered equitably. Trustee E. O’Toole assumed the chair. Moved by S. Hobin THAT THE ONTARIO CATHOLIC SCHOOLS TRUSTEES’ ASSOCIATION UPDATE BE RECEIVED. CARRIED b) Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR) Update—A. da Silva Trustee A. da Silva provided the STOPR Update: The Committee received a report regarding accident occurrences for 2014-2015 Staff provided an overview of the Young Rider Orientation Program A brief report outlining the implementation of summer school transportation services was received Governance Committee received revised procedure STOPR011 – Primary Protocol Administration provided a report outlining start-up processes for the 2015-2016 school year: multiple communications to parents and school administrators regarding eligibility and information access; deployment of three temporary staff for the first month of school to assist with telephone response; and prioritized activities for the month of September—assignment of eligible students to buses; resolution of bus overloads; and route timing adjustments New phone recording system was implemented in September The next meeting of STOPR Governance Committee is scheduled for Friday, September 25 Trustee S. Hobin requested a copy of the report. Trustee A. da Silva resumed the chair. Trustee E. O’Toole, noted a situation with a student who was denied transportation by STOPR. Staff requested the details be sent for investigation. Moved by S. Hobin THAT THE STOPR UPDATE BE RECEIVED. CARRIED ii) Good News Items Nil Minutes – Administration and Finance Committee Meeting – September 14, 2015 H 2 Pg. 4 F Reports from Committees, for Receipt 1. STOPR Governance Committee Minutes-April 24, 2015 Trustee F. Di Cosola, referring to STOPR Minutes of April 24, 2015, requested a review of the minute recording practice to include the name of the Committee Member. Moved by F. Di Cosola THAT THE STOPR GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES, APRIL 24, 2015, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED G Information/Reports from Administration, for Receipt H Trustee, Committee, Administration Reports, Requiring Action 1. OCSTA Regional Meeting: Community Hubs—D. Del Bianco J. Hrajnik, Associate Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, advised of communications from OCSTA, requesting each board come forward with information on community hubs and the budget. Staff have provided trustees with speaking notes for the meeting, one for community hubs and one is for establishing the budget, and responses to the questions. Trustees thanked staff for the information. Moved by L. del Rosario THAT THE REPORT, OCSTA REGIONAL MEETING: COMMUNITY HUBS, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED I Notices of Motion Nil J Additional Business Nil K Questions asked of, and by Board Members 1. L J. Hrajnik, Associate Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer responded to Trustee F. Di Cosola’s inquiry from a previous meeting, related to a tender report, threshold for approving tenders and the lawyer’s response to BPS advising the information has been provided in the trustee weekly newsletter. Declared Interest Item Trustee E. O’Toole assumed the Chair. Minutes – Administration and Finance Committee Meeting – September 14, 2015 H 2 Pg. 5 The following trustees who had declared an interest left the meeting prior to discussion of agenda items: A 5 Minutes of the Administration and Finance committee Meeting, June 1, 2015 Items A3 and L1 Trustee M. Pascucci–family member belongs to OECTA Trustee A. Abbruscato–family members belong to OECTA Trustee S. Hobin–family members belong to OECTA Trustee D. D’Souza-family member works for the board Trustee B. Iannicca–family members belong to CUPE 2026 and OECTA OT Trustee A. da Silva–family member belongs to OECTA Moved by F. Di Cosola THAT THE MINUTES OF THE ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 1, 2015, ITEMS A3 DECLARED INTEREST AND L1 DECLARED INTEREST ITEMPROPOSED 2015-2016 OPERATING BUDGET, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED M In Camera Session Moved by T. Thomas THAT THE BOARD RESOLVE INTO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR THE IN CAMERA SESSION. CARRIED N Rise and Report Moved by T. Thomas THAT THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE IN CAMERA BE PRESENTED AND THAT THE COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATIONS BE ADOPTED. CARRIED O Future Meetings October 5, 2015 P Adjournment Moved by S. Xaviour THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. 7:30 CARRIED Minutes – Administration and Finance Committee Meeting – September 14, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER H 3 MINUTES OF THE FAITH AND PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING, SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 1. THAT THE MINUTES OF THE FAITH AND PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING, SEPTEMBER 21, 2015, BE RECEIVED Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 H 3 Pg. 1 Minutes of the Faith and Program Committee Meeting Monday, September 21, 2015 - 7:00 p.m. Board Room, Catholic Education Centre Chair: Vice Chair: Trustees: E. O’Toole L. del Rosario A. Abbruscato S. Hobin S. Xaviour Student Trustee: J. Anderson Associate Director of Instructional Services: Superintendents: D. Amaral S. Kendrick D. Oude-Reimerink L. Storey Assistant Superintendents: Recorder: L. Mackereth Regrets: Trustee D. D’Souza Trustee B. Iannicca A A. da Silva M. Pascucci F. Di Cosola T. Thomas L. Hesketh Pavilons C. Blanchard T. Lariviere L. Papaloni M. Vecchiarino D. Finegan-Downey S. McWatters T. Cruz M. Mazzorato S. Steer E. Fischer Routine Matters 1. Call to Order and Attendance At 7:09 p.m. E. O’Toole, Chair of the Faith and Program Committee, called the meeting to order. 2. Opening Prayer E. O’Toole, Chair of the Faith and Program Committee, led the Opening Prayer. 3. Declaration of Interest Nil 4. Approval of the Agenda i) Approval of Consent of Calendar Item Moved by S. Hobin THAT THE AGENDA BE APPROVED, AS AMENDED. CARRIED Minutes – Faith and Program Committee Meeting – September 21, 2015 H 3 Pg. 2 5. Minutes of the Faith and Program Committee Meeting, June 8, 2015 Moved by L. del Rosario THAT THE MINUTES OF THE FAITH AND PROGRAM MEETING, JUNE 8, 2015, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED Business Arising from the Minutes Nil B Awards and Presentations C Pastor’s Remarks Nil D Delegation 1. T. Whelan – Rugby and Football Injuries T. Whelan, delegated the board on his own behalf. He presented his delegation, which spoke to safety in sport and expressed concern, in particular, as relates to rugby and football injuries. Moved by S. Hobin THAT THE DELEGATION REGARDING FOOTBALL AND RUGBY INJURIES BE RECEIVED. CARRIED E Information/Reports from Trustees, for Receipt i) Regular Reports Nil ii) Student Voice Council Report Student Trustee L. Hesketh Pavilons advised that there is no update at this time. The first meeting of Student Voice Council is scheduled for September 23, 2015. iii) Good News Items Trustee M. Pascucci indicated that invitations to trustees for school activities were identified at the Director’s Meeting with Administrators. Minutes – Faith and Program Committee Meeting – September 21, 2015 H 3 Pg. 3 F Reports from Committees, for Receipt 1. Minutes of the Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting, June 10, 2015 -S. Kendrick Moved by S. Hobin THAT THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING, JUNE 10, 2015, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED G Information/Reports from Administration, for Receipt 1. The Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations: The Catholic Board Learning Plan, Year 3 S. McWatters, Associate Director of Instructional Services, reported on the Catholic Board Learning Plan (CBLP) and shared a review of previous years, the alignment to the Strategic System Plan 2014-2019 and the focus moving forward to year three of the plan. The Strategic System Plan, is lived out through the CBLP and the Catholic Board Corporate Plan (CBCP) with the view to support student success through the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations (OCSGE). Year one of the CBLP focused on the awareness and implementation of the plan and new directions in areas including: Creating Conditions for Well-Being, Leading and Learning, Collaborative Practices through Inquiry and Enhancing Transitional Practices. Year two of the plan continued to build on year one with a focus on the Ministry directions related to the math strategy, well-being and mental health strategies, technology-based learning and the impact on integrated and overall learning across the curriculum. Moving forward into year three, the Ministry direction in Achieving Excellence: A Renewed Vision for Education in Ontario will continue to inform practice. While maintaining our commitments to Catholicity, Kindergarten to 12 Mathematics, Digital Citizenship and well-being, the plan supports going deeper in the areas of Religious Education and Faith Formation, Healthy Living in a Positive School Climate, Promoting the well-being of all, Kindergarten to 12 Literacy and Transitional Practices, such as SHSM, Pathways, My BluePrint, Kindergarten to Vocation, and support for students with diverse learning needs. In response to Trustee S. Hobin’s inquiry regarding mathematics, staff advised the plan is to go deeper in content knowledge in mathematics, to continue to follow the lead of the Ministry in math processes and look at expanding parent engagement. A particular focus will be on refining mathematics resources and deepening confidence and understanding in mathematics. Trustee S. Hobin inquired about school councils’ ability to raise funds for technology. Purchase and the technical support of technology learning tools are part of a cyclical ordering process similar to the integration of the Smart Boards in past years. Minutes – Faith and Program Committee Meeting – September 21, 2015 H 3 Pg. 4 Trustee S. Hobin inquired if students are allowed to bring personal electronic devices (PED) to school and inquired about misuse. Staff responded, that based on a 2015 pilot in elementary and secondary schools, policies were updated in the spring and staff continue to monitor PED use. As part of the plan, all schools should have PED practices in place by the end of October. In response to Trustee A. da Silva, staff advised the PED policy was approved in the spring, allowing students to bring the PEDs to school under the guidance of staff. In response to a follow-up question from Trustee A. da Silva concerning technology for students with diverse learning needs, staff noted that technology tools have enabled the extensions of learning opportunities for students with diverse learning needs. The board continues to build capacity for teachers and training continues through Summer Institute, after school sessions, in-services through family of schools and the special education department. As well, student voice continues to build capacity with the support of personalized technology for diverse learners through the Special Equipment Amount (SEA) process, on a case by case basis. Moved by L. del Rosario THAT THE REPORT, THE ONTARIO CATHOLIC SCHOOL GRADUATE EXPECTATIONS: THE CATHOLIC BOARD LEARNING PLAN, YEAR 3, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED 2. Summer Learning— M. Vecchiarino / S. Kendrick S. McWatters, Associate Director of Instructional Services advised that Dufferin-Peel has had the opportunity to provide a variety of summer learning experiences to enhance student, staff and community learning overall. The report is an overview of context of some of the opportunities available locally and globally. M. Vecchiarino, Superintendent of Program and S. Kendrick, Superintendent of Special Education and Support Services provided details of some of the learning opportunities in 2015: Summer Literacy Camp (including Speech and Language Pathology connections), Mathematics Summer School Program with the Administrator Mathematics Learning Lab, Focus on Youth, Summer Institutes, the Pan Am Games, Canadian Wildlife Federation and support for a Students on Ice Expedition. M. Coutinho, Principal of Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Education and J. Boudreau, Principal, Secondary Program and Student Success, provided background on elements of the summer learning experiences including a powerful film produced by J. Flaherty, teacher, Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School. Principal Coutinho introduced L. Eaton, A. Gayle and B. Tate, student leaders who participated in the Focus on Youth Initiative. The students shared their impactful stories, leadership and learning opportunities. Trustee E. O’Toole thanked J. Flaherty for his exceptional production. Trustee S. Hobin noted a former student from Iona had communicated with the principal to express thanks for the Students on Ice experience. He communicated that Minutes – Faith and Program Committee Meeting – September 21, 2015 H 3 Pg. 5 the experience had changed his life. Trustee Hobin thanked J. Flaherty for the very impactful work. Moved by A. da Silva THAT THE REPORT, SUMMER LEARNING, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED H Trustee, Committee, Administration Reports, Requiring Action Nil I Notices of Motion Nil J Additional Business Nil K Questions asked of, and by Board Members Nil L Declared Interest Item Nil M In Camera Session Moved by A. Abbruscato N THAT THE BOARD RESOLVE INTO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR THE IN CAMERA SESSION. CARRIED Rise and Report Moved by T. Thomas THAT THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE IN CAMERA SESSION BE PRESENTED AND THAT THE COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATIONS BE ADOPTED. CARRIED O P Future Meetings October 19, 2015 January 11, 2016 April 11, 2016 November 09, 2015 February 08, 2016 May 16, 2016 December 14, 2015 March 07, 2016 June 13, 2016 Adjournment Moved by T. Thomas THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED Minutes – Faith and Program Committee Meeting – September 21, 2015 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER H 4 NAMING OF NEW SCHOOL – BRAM WEST #2 CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1. THAT THE REPORT, NAMING OF NEW SCHOOL – BRAM WEST #2 CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, BE RECEIVED 2. THAT THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD APPROVE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING NAMES FOR THE BRAM WEST #2 CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: ST. SAVIO CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ST. ALPHONSA CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ST. LUDOVICO CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 H 4 Pg. 1 Regular Board Meeting September 29, 2015 Naming of New School – Bram West #2 Catholic Elementary School Strategic Goal: Catholicity, Learning Environment, Community Engagement, Parish-HomeSchool Relationships, Physical Environment Policy/Governance BACKGROUND The new Bram West #2 Catholic elementary school is scheduled to open in September 2016. At the May 26, 2015 Board Meeting, the board approved the name of the school to be Pope Francis Catholic Elementary School. Through communication with the Cardinal’s office, the board has been advised that only Pope Francis could give permission to name a school after him. The Director of Education thus wrote to Pope Francis in June 2015 to request the honour of using his name for the school. His Holiness, Pope Francis, has recently replied acknowledging the honour and suggesting that the school be named after a saint whose life was dedicated to the education of youth, as part of their mission. COMMENTARY Staff has brought forward the names of three saints who were dedicated to the education of youth, as outlined in Appendix 1. The letter from the Vatican, dated August 24, 2015 is attached as Appendix 2. As per Board Policy 6.55, proposed school names of pioneers in Catholic education are subject to the approval of the Archdiocese of Toronto. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT THE REPORT, NAMING OF NEW SCHOOL – BRAM WEST #2 CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, BE RECEIVED. 2. THAT THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD APPROVE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING NAMES FOR THE BRAM WEST #2 CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: ST. SAVIO CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ST. ALPHONSA CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ST. LUDOVICO CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Prepared by: John B. Kostoff Director of Education Submitted by: John B. Kostoff Director of Education Date: September 29, 2015 H 4 Pg. 2 APPENDIX 1 St. Savio Also known as St. Dominic Savio Born April 2, 1842 near Turin in northern Italy and died a month before his fifteenth birthday From a young age he was a very devout Catholic and received his first Communion when he was 7 years old (at that time, first Communion was typically at 12 years old) At the age of 12 he became the student of John Bosco at the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales John Bosco wrote the first biography of St. Dominic Savio Described as a diligent student, humble, respectful towards all, a keen listener, friendly and cheerful Used his leadership to positively influence his friends and helped to foster a healthy school environment Active in community service helping the ill and elderly in the City and assisting in the school’s infirmary Was canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1954 and is the youngest non-martyred saint He is the patron saint of choir boys, juvenile delinquents and the falsely accused - “Like Saint Dominic Savio, be missionaries of good example, good words, good action at home, with neighbours and colleagues at work. At every age we can and we must bear witness to Christ! Commitment to bear witness is permanent and daily” (His Holiness Pope John Paul II, Homily, December 7, 1997) St. Alphonsa - - First woman of Indian origin canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church, and the first canonized saint of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. Born as Anna Mattathupadathu on August 19, 1910 in Arpookara, Kerala, India. Had a difficult childhood. She was raised by her maternal aunt after Alphonsa’s mother died. At the age of 13, she suffered burns to her feet which left her permanently disabled and disfigured. It was believed that the injury was self-inflicted to avoid arranged marriages so that she could pursue her vocation She wanted to become a nun and eventually joined the Franciscan Clarist Congregation, completing her education through them On August 2, 1928, she took the name Alphonsa in honour of St. Alphonsus of Liguria whose feast day fell on the date of her receiving the veil She began teaching in 1929 at Malayalam High School at Vazhappally. The following year, she continued her studies while worked as a temporary teacher In 1930 St. Alphonsa entered the novitiate of the congregation at Bharananganam and took her first vows on August 11, 1931. Taught at an all-girls secondary school. She suffered from ill health for many years. She died on July 28, 1946. Beautified by St. John Paul II in 1986 and canonized by Pope Benedict in 2008. H 4 Pg. 3 APPENDIX 1 St. Ludovico - - Born on March 11, 1814 in Casoria near Naples, Italy. His birth name was Arcangelo Palmentieri. Took the name Ludovico when he entered the novitiate of the Order of Friars Minor in 1832 Was appointed to teach philosophy and math to young members at the Franciscan priory of St. Peter in Naples. Dedicated himself to the poor and needy by establishing dispensaries for the sick, orphanages, schools, institutions for the deaf and worked to provide care for the older members of his order. In 1852 he opened a school to educate African boys and girls who were freed from slavery. In 1859 established the Gray Friars of Charity and three years later the Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth. The work of the friars spread to the United States where they served the Italian American community in New Jersey. The cause for his canonization was introduced shortly after his death in 1886. He was beatified by St. John Paul II in 1993 and canonized in 2014 by Pope Francis. Sources: “Saint Dominic Savio, So Young and Already So Holy, Pontificium Opus a Sancta Infantia” Bulletin 12, Accessed Sept 16, 2015 etin12p11_en.html “Saint Alphonsa,” Wikipedia, Accessed September 23, 2015, “Ludovico of Casoria.” Wikipedia, Accessed September 23, 2015, H 4 Pg. 4 APPENDIX 2 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER H 5 OCSTA MEMBERSHIP FEE 1. THAT THE REPORT, NEW MEMBERSHIP ON THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE: OCTOBER 2015 TO DECEMBER 2018, BE RECEIVED 2. THAT THE PAYMENT OF THE ONTARIO CATHOLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES’ ASSOCIATION (OCSTA) MEMBERSHIP FEES OF $191,395, BE APPROVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 H 5 Pg. 1 Regular Board Meeting September 29, 2015 OCSTA MEMBERSHIP FEE Strategic Goal: Catholicity, Catholic Community Engagement Policy/Governance BACKGROUND On an annual basis, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) submits an invoice to each Catholic school board for its annual membership fees. Board Policy 1.50 – Associations: Membership, requires board approval each year to pay the requested fees. This report requests approval by the Board to pay the 2015-2016 OCSTA Membership Fee in the amount of $191,395. DISCUSSION The formula for the OCSTA membership fee is based on enrolment of the board reported for the prior fiscal year end. The proposed 2015-2016 membership fee has increased slightly compared to the previous year. Membership Fee Proposed 2015-2016 $ 191,395 Prior Year 2014-2015 $ 190,902 Increase / (Decrease) $ 493 The 2015-2016 Budget approved by the board in June 2015, includes an allocation for these annual fees. RECOMMENDATION(S) 1. THAT THE REPORT ENTITLED “OCSTA MEMBERSHIP FEE” BE RECEIVED. 2. THAT THE BOARD APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE ONTARIO CATHOLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES’ ASSOCIATION (OCSTA) MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $191,395. Prepared by: J. Cherepacha, Superintendent of Financial Services Submitted by: J. Cherepacha, Superintendent of Financial Services Date: September 23, 2015 Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 OCSTA Membership Fee RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD REPORT NUMBER H 6 NEW MEMBERSHIP ON THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE: OCTOBER 2015 TO DECEMBER 2018 1. THAT THE REPORT, NEW MEMBERSHIP ON THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE: OCTOBER 2015 TO DECEMBER 2018, BE RECEIVED 2. THAT THE REPORT, NEW MEMBERSHIP ON THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE: OCTOBER 2015 TO DECEMBER 2018, BE APPROVED. Agenda –Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 H 6 Pg. 1 Regular Board Meeting September 29, 2015 NEW MEMBERSHIP on the SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE: OCTOBER 2015 TO DECEMBER 2018 Strategic Goal: Catholicity, Catholic Community Engagement, Catholic Learning Environment Type of Report: Policy/Governance BACKGROUND The Special Education Advisory Committee, as per Section 464/97 (2) of the Education Act consists of representatives of local associations, in the area of jurisdiction of the Board, as nominated by the local association and appointed by the Board. Sub-section 464/97 (8) of the Education Act specifies that appointees shall have the same qualifications as those required of members of the Board. This nominee meets the requirements as outlined in the Regulation 464/97. DISCUSSION The nominee from the local association is: Nisha Lewis, Representative, Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel RECOMMENDATION(S) 1. THAT THE REPORT, “NEW MEMBERSHIP ON THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE: OCTOBER 2015 TO DECEMBER 2018”, BE RECEIVED. 2. THAT THE REPORT, “NEW MEMBERSHIP ON THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE: OCTOBER 2015 TO DECEMBER 2018”, BE APPROVED. Prepared by: E. Fischer, Assistant Superintendent, Special Education and Support Services S. Kendrick, Superintendent, Special Education and Support Services Submitted by: S. Kendrick, Superintendent, Special Education and Support Services M. Vecchiarino, Superintendent, Program S. McWatters, Associate Director, Instructional Date: September 22, 2015 Regular Board Meeting – September 29, 2015 New Membership on the Special Education Advisory Committee: October 2015 to December 2018