Name: Period: Jots to Thoughts- Theme Checklist- Level 4



Jots to Thoughts- Theme Checklist- Level 4


Introduction: o Summarize the story (1-2 sentences; include title of book and author) o Identify the themes of the story (1 sentence) o Briefly introduce text evidence (1-2 sentences)

Body Paragraph #1 (first theme): o Topic sentence o Text Evidence #1 (direct quote or paraphrase) o Summarize what is happening at this point in the book o Explain how this evidence supports the theme o Text Evidence #2 (direct quote or paraphrase) o Summarize what is happening at this point in the book o Explain how this evidence supports the theme o Concluding Sentence

Body Paragraph #2 (second theme): o Topic sentence o Text Evidence #1 (direct quote or paraphrase) o Summarize what is happening at this point in the book o Explain how this evidence supports the theme o Text Evidence #2 (direct quote or paraphrase) o Summarize what is happening at this point in the book o Explain how this evidence supports the theme o Concluding Sentence

Body Paragraph #3 (Optional): o Topic sentence o Analyze how the author wrote the text to demonstrate theme o Concluding Sentence

Conclusion: o Restate themes (1 sentence) o Summarize character development and relate it to the theme (1-2 sentences) o Final Thought/Closing Statement (1 sentence)

 Use transition words

 Check Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling (CUPS)

 Use combination of direct quotes and paraphrases

 Include page numbers for all evidence
